def _parse_pairs(self, txtfile): pairs = [] for x in readcsv(os.path.join(self.lfwdir, txtfile), separator='\t'): if len(x) == 3: pairs.append( (ImageCategory(category=x[0], filename=os.path.join( self.lfwdir, x[0], '%s_%04d.jpg' % (x[0], int(x[1])))), ImageCategory(category=x[0], filename=os.path.join( self.lfwdir, x[0], '%s_%04d.jpg' % (x[0], int(x[2])))))) elif len(x) == 4: pairs.append( (ImageCategory(category=x[0], filename=os.path.join( self.lfwdir, x[0], '%s_%04d.jpg' % (x[0], int(x[1])))), ImageCategory(category=x[2], filename=os.path.join( self.lfwdir, x[2], '%s_%04d.jpg' % (x[2], int(x[3])))))) else: pass return pairs
def _parse_cls(self, imageset='train'): """ImageNet Classification, imageset = {train, val}""" import xmltodict if imageset == 'train': imagesetfile = 'train_cls.txt' elif imageset == 'val': imagesetfile = 'val.txt' else: raise ValueError('unsupported imageset') csv = readcsv(os.path.join(self.datadir, 'ImageSets', 'CLS-LOC', imagesetfile), separator=' ') for (subpath, k) in csv: xmlfile = '%s.xml' % os.path.join(self.datadir, 'Annotations', 'CLS-LOC', imageset, subpath) imfile = '%s.JPEG' % os.path.join(self.datadir, 'Data', 'CLS-LOC', imageset, subpath) if os.path.exists(xmlfile): d = xmltodict.parse(open(xmlfile, 'r').read()) objlist = d['annotation']['object'] if islist( d['annotation']['object']) else [ d['annotation']['object'] ] yield ImageCategory(filename=imfile, category=objlist[0]['name']) else: yield ImageCategory(filename=imfile, category=filepath(subpath))
def videos(self, subject): videos = {} for d in dirlist(os.path.join(self.ytfdir, 'frame_images_DB', subject)): k_videoindex = filetail(d) videos[k_videoindex] = [] for f in imlist(d): videos[k_videoindex].append( ImageCategory(filename=f, category=subject)) videos[k_videoindex] = sorted(videos[k_videoindex], key=lambda im: im.filename()) return videos
def dataset(self): # Return json or CSV file containing dataset description categorydir = os.path.join(self.datadir, '256_ObjectCategories') imlist = [] for (idx_category, category) in enumerate(os.listdir(categorydir)): imdir = os.path.join(categorydir, category) for im in os.listdir(imdir): imlist.append( ImageCategory(filename=os.path.join( categorydir, category, im), category=category)) return imlist
def dataset(self): return [ ImageCategory(category=s, filename=f) for s in self.subjects() for f in imlist(os.path.join(self.lfwdir, s)) ]
def subject_images(self, subject): """List of Images of a subject""" fnames = imlist(os.path.join(self.lfwdir, subject)) return [ImageCategory(category=subject, filename=f) for f in fnames]
def _test_image_fileformat(imgfile): # Filename object im = ImageDetection(filename=imgfile, xmin=100, ymin=100, bbwidth=700, height=1000, category='face') print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: Image __desc__: %s' % (im, imgfile)) im.crop() print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: Image __desc__: %s' % (im, imgfile)) print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: Filename: PASSED' % imgfile) # Clone im = Image(filename=imgfile).load() imb = im im._array = im._array + 1 # modify array np.testing.assert_array_equal(imb.numpy(), im.numpy()) # share buffer imc = im.clone() np.testing.assert_array_equal(imc.numpy(), imb.numpy()) # share buffer imc._array = imc._array + 2 # modify array assert np.any(imc.numpy() != imb.numpy()) imc = im.clone(flushforward=True) assert(imc._array is None and im._array is not None) imc = im.clone(flushbackward=True) assert(im._array is None and imc._array is not None) imc = im.clone(flush=True) assert(im._array is None and imc._array is None) print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: Image.clone: PASSED' % imgfile) # Downgrade im = ImageDetection(filename=imgfile, xmin=100, ymin=100, bbwidth=700, height=1000, category='face') imd = im.detection() assert imd.xywh() == im.boundingbox().xywh() imd = im.image() assert imd.shape() == im.shape() print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: ImageDetection downgrade PASSED' % imgfile) # Saveas im = Image(filename=imgfile).load() f = temppng() assert im.saveas(f) == f and os.path.exists(f) print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: Image.saveas: PASSED' % imgfile) # Stats im = Image(filename=imgfile).load().stats() print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: Image.stats: PASSED' % imgfile) # Resize f = temppng() im = Image(filename=imgfile).load().resize(cols=16,rows=8).saveas(f) assert Image(filename=f).shape() == (8,16) assert Image(filename=f).width() == 16 assert Image(filename=f).height() == 8 im = Image(filename=imgfile).load().resize(16,8).saveas(f) assert Image(filename=f).shape() == (8,16) assert Image(filename=f).width() == 16 assert Image(filename=f).height() == 8 im = Image(filename=imgfile).load() (h,w) = im.shape() im = im.resize(rows=16) assert im.shape() == (16,int((w / float(h)) * 16.0)) print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: Image.resize: PASSED' % imgfile) # Rescale f = temppng() im = Image(filename=imgfile).load().resize(rows=8).saveas(f) assert Image(filename=f).height() == 8 im = Image(filename=imgfile).load().resize(cols=8).saveas(f) assert Image(filename=f).width() == 8 im = Image(filename=imgfile).load().maxdim(256).saveas(f) assert np.max(Image(filename=f).shape()) == 256 print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: Image.rescale: PASSED' % imgfile) # GIF im = Image(url=gifurl) assert im.shape() == (200,200) print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: GIF: PASSED' % imgfile) # Transparent PNG im = Image(url=pngurl) im.load(verbose=True) assert im.colorspace() == 'rgba' print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: PNG: PASSED' % imgfile) # Image colorspace conversion im = Image(filename=imgfile).resize(200,200) print(im.rgb()) assert im.colorspace() == 'rgb' assert(im.shape() == (200,200) and im.channels() == 3) assert im.array().dtype == np.uint8 print(im.luminance()) assert im.colorspace() == 'lum' assert(im.shape() == (200,200) and im.channels() == 1) assert im.array().dtype == np.uint8 print(im.bgr()) assert im.colorspace() == 'bgr' assert(im.shape() == (200,200) and im.channels() == 3) assert im.array().dtype == np.uint8 print(im.rgba()) assert im.colorspace() == 'rgba' assert(im.shape() == (200,200) and im.channels() == 4) assert im.array().dtype == np.uint8 print(im.hsv()) assert im.colorspace() == 'hsv' assert(im.shape() == (200,200) and im.channels() == 3) assert im.array().dtype == np.uint8 print(im.bgra()) assert im.colorspace() == 'bgra' assert(im.shape() == (200,200) and im.channels() == 4) assert im.array().dtype == np.uint8 print(im.gray()) assert im.colorspace() in ['grey', 'gray'] assert(im.shape() == (200,200) and im.channels() == 1) assert im.array().dtype == np.float32 print(im.float()) assert im.colorspace() == 'float' assert(im.shape() == (200,200) and im.channels() == 1) assert im.array().dtype == np.float32 print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: Image conversion: PASSED' % imgfile) im = Image(filename=imgfile).load().grey() assert im.colorspace() == 'grey' assert im.max() == 1.0 print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: Greyscale image conversion: PASSED' % imgfile) # Crops imorig = Image(filename=imgfile).load().lum() (H,W) = imorig.shape() im = imorig.clone().maxsquare() assert im.shape() == (np.maximum(W,H), np.maximum(W,H)) and imorig.array()[0,0] == im.array()[0,0] im = imorig.clone().minsquare() assert im.shape() == (np.minimum(W,H), np.minimum(W,H)) and imorig.array()[0,0] == im.array()[0,0] im = imorig.clone().centersquare() (xo,yo) = imorig.centerpixel() (x,y) = im.centerpixel() assert im.shape() == (np.minimum(W,H), np.minimum(W,H)) and imorig.array()[yo,xo] == im.array()[y,x] print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: crops PASSED' % imgfile) # Pixel operations im = Image(filename=imgfile).load() im.min() im.max() im.mean() im.intensity() im.saturate(0, 0.5) im.mat2gray() im.gain(1) im.bias(2) print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: greylevel transformations PASSED' % imgfile) # Image conversion im = Image(filename=imgfile).load() im.pil() im.numpy() im.html() im.torch() print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: image conversions PASSED' % imgfile) # Image colormaps im = ImageDetection(filename=imgfile, xmin=100, ymin=100, bbwidth=200, bbheight=200, category='face').crop() im.rgb().jet().bone().hot().rainbow() print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: Image colormaps: PASSED' % imgfile) # Image exporter im.dict() print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: dictionary: PASSED' % imgfile) # Image category im = ImageCategory(filename=imgfile, category='face') assert im.load().category() == 'face' print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: ImageCategory constructor PASSED' % imgfile) assert ImageCategory(category='1') == ImageCategory(category='1') assert ImageCategory(category='1') != ImageCategory(category='2') print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: ImageCategory equivalence PASSED' % imgfile) assert ImageCategory(category='1').category() == '1' assert ImageCategory(label='1').label() == '1' assert not ImageCategory(category='1').category == '2' assert ImageCategory(category='1').category('2').label() == '2' im.score(1.0) im.probability(1.0) try: ImageCategory(category='1', label='2') Failed() except Failed: raise except: pass print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: ImageCategory category conversion PASSED' % imgfile) # Random images im = vipy.image.RandomImage(128,256) assert im.shape() == (128, 256) print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: RandomImage PASSED' % imgfile) im = vipy.image.RandomImageDetection(128,256) assert im.clone().crop().width() == im.bbox.imclipshape(W=256,H=128).width() print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: RandomImageDetection PASSED' % imgfile) d = vipy.image.RandomImageDetection(128,256).dict() assert isinstance(d, dict) print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: dict PASSED' % imgfile) # Map im = vipy.image.RandomImage(128,256) im2 = im.clone().map(lambda img: np.float32(img)+1.0) assert np.allclose(np.float32(im.array())+1.0, im2.array()) print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: map PASSED' % imgfile) # interpolation im = vipy.image.RandomImage(128,256) im.resize(256,256, interp='bilinear') im.resize(256,256, interp='bicubic') im.resize(256,256, interp='nearest') try: im.resize(256,256, interp='somethingelse') Failed() except Failed: raise except: pass print('[test_image.image]["%s"]: interpolation PASSED' % imgfile)