def __init__( self ):
        # Set up the UI
        super( LoudnessGui, self ).__init__( None )
        self.audioRunning = False
        self.setGeometry( 0, 0, 800, 600 )

        self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout( self )

        self.startButton = QtGui.QPushButton( "Start Audio" ) # , self.centralWidget )
        #self.startButton.setMinimumSize( 200, 60 )
        self.stopButton = QtGui.QPushButton( "Stop Audio" ) # , self.centralWidget )
        #self.stopButton.setMinimumSize( 200, 60 )
        self.layout.addWidget( self.startButton, 0, 0 ) # , QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter )
        self.layout.addWidget( self.stopButton, 0, 1 ) # , QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter )

        self.loudnessLabel = QtGui.QLabel( '--- dB' ) # , self.centralWidget )
        #self.loudnessLabel.setMinimumSize( 200, 60 )

        self.layout.addWidget( self.loudnessLabel, 0, 2 ) # , QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter )

        self.startButton.clicked.connect( self.startAudio )
        self.stopButton.clicked.connect( self.stopAudio )

        self.plotWidget = pg.PlotWidget()
        self.plotWidget.setRange( xRange = (0,numPlotPoints-1), yRange = (-130.0,6.0))
        self.layout.addWidget( self.plotWidget, 1, 0, 1, 4 )
        self.loudnessPlot = pg.PlotCurveItem()
        self.plotWidget.addItem( self.loudnessPlot )

        self.loudnessHist = -120.0 * np.ones( numPlotPoints, dtype=np.float32 )
        self.loudnessPlot.setData( self.loudnessHist )

        # %% Setup the DSP part

        self.context = visr.SignalFlowContext( period = blockSize,
                                               samplingFrequency = samplingFrequency )
        self.meter = LoudnessMeter( self.context, 'meter', None, numChannels,
                                   measurePeriod = 0.4, audioOut = True )

        audioOptions = ai.AudioInterface.Configuration( numChannels,
                                                       blockSize )
        self.audioInterface = ai.AudioInterfaceFactory.create( audioInterfaceName,
                                                              audioBackendOptions )
        self.flow = rrl.AudioSignalFlow( self.meter )

        self.loudnessPort = self.flow.parameterSendPort( 'loudnessOut' )

        self.readTimer = QtCore.QTimer( self )
        self.readTimer.timeout.connect( self.getMeterValues )
        self.readTimer.setSingleShot( False )
        self.readTimer.setInterval( 100 ) # ms
    if not os.path.exists(sofaDir):

# If the ITDs are to be applied separately, we create a version of the SOFA file
# that conains the delays separately in the Data.Delay dataset.
# Note: This mechanism fails if the original SOFA file already cantains the delay data
# (it would be discarded).
if useDynamicITD:
    sofaFileTD = os.path.splitext(sofaFile)[0] + '_modelled_onsets.sofa'
    if not os.path.exists(sofaFileTD):
        sofaExtractDelay(sofaFile, sofaFileTD)
    sofaFile = sofaFileTD

context = visr.SignalFlowContext(period=blockSize, samplingFrequency=fs)

renderer = DynamicHrirRenderer(

result, messages = rrl.checkConnectionIntegrity(renderer)
Esempio n. 3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Feb 24 07:25:02 2018

@author: andi

import visr
import rcl

import numpy as np

ctxt = visr.SignalFlowContext( 64, 48000 )

numInputs = 3
numOutputs = 7

gains = np.array( np.random.rand( numOutputs, numInputs ), dtype=np.float32 )

mtx = rcl.GainMatrix( ctxt, "Matrix", None, numberOfInputs=numInputs, numberOfOutputs=numOutputs,
                     interpolationSteps=0, initialGains=gains )

dv = rcl.DelayVector( ctxt, "DL", None, numberOfChannels=2, maxDelay=1.0, initialDelay = [0.0, 0.1], initialGain=[1.0,0.5])

iDelay = np.asarray([0.0, 0.1], dtype=np.float64)

dv = rcl.DelayVector( ctxt, "DL", None, numberOfChannels=2, maxDelay=1.0, initialDelay = iDelay, initialGain=iGain )
    z = r * np.sin(el)
    return x, y, z

hfLfPanning = False

blockSize = 128
samplingFrequency = 48000

azGrid = np.arange(-45, 45, 1) * np.pi / 180.0
gridSize = len(azGrid)

numSamples = 1024
numObjectChannels = 1

ctxt = visr.SignalFlowContext(blockSize, samplingFrequency)

# lc = panning.LoudspeakerArray( '/home/andi/dev/visr/config/isvr/audiolab_39speakers_1subwoofer.xml' )
# lc = panning.LoudspeakerArray( '/home/andi/dev/visr/config/generic/bs2051-9+10+3_linear.xml' )
# lc = panning.LoudspeakerArray( 'c:/local/visr/config/isvr/audiolab_39speakers_1subwoofer.xml' )
# lc = panning.LoudspeakerArray( 'c:/local/visr/config/generic/bs2051-9+10+3.xml' )
lc = panning.LoudspeakerArray(

numSpeakers = lc.numberOfRegularLoudspeakers

if False:
    calc = PythonPanner(ctxt,
from realtime_multi_renderer_trajectory import RealTimeMultiRendererTrajectory

import visr
#import panning
import rrl
import audiointerfaces as ai

import os.path
import sys
import time
import numpy as np

fs = 48000
blockSize = 1024

context = visr.SignalFlowContext(blockSize, fs)

# configBasePath = '/usr/share/visr/config/'
configBasePath = '/home/andi/dev/visr/config/'

renderConfigNames = [
    'bbc-listening-room-full.xml', 'bs2051-0+2+0.xml', 'bs2051-0+5+0.xml',
    'bs2051-2+5+0.xml', 'bs2051-4+5+0.xml', 'bs2051-4+9+0.xml',

numberOfOutputs = 34  # Maximum channel number

# Create filtes with full paths
configPaths = [
    os.path.join(configBasePath, 'bbc', cfg) for cfg in renderConfigNames
Esempio n. 6
Example script to run a realtime VBAP renderer from Python.

import visr
import panning
import rrl
import audiointerfaces as ai

from vbap_renderer import RealtimeVbapRenderer

bs = 512  # Define the period / buffer size
fs = 48000  # Define the sampling rate in Hz

# Define a SignalFlowContext object that is used to pass the sampling frequency
# and period parameter to a component's constructor.
context = visr.SignalFlowContext(bs, fs)

# Define a loudspeaker configuration file incl. VBAP triangulation
# Stereo runs on most (including internal) soundcards.
configFile = '../data/stereo.xml'

# Multichannel Loudspeaker configurations as defined by ITU-R BS.2051.
# Note that the speaker channels are consectutive, i.e., they differ from
# the ITU standard as they omit the channels for the subwoofers (channel 4 and 10
# for 9+10+3)
# Note: The sudio interface used must support the number of output channels.
#configFile = '../data/bs2051-0+5+0.xml'
#configFile = '../data/bs2051-4+5+0.xml'
#configFile = '../data/bs2051-9+10+3.xml'

# Number of objects rendered.
Esempio n. 7
from vbap_l2_renderer import VbapL2Renderer
from vbap_renderer import VbapRenderer

from helper.baseTrigFunctions import sph2cart

bs = 128
samplingFrequency = 48000

numBlocks = 128

numObjects = 1

signalLength = bs * numBlocks
t = 1.0 / samplingFrequency * np.arange(0, signalLength)

ctxt = visr.SignalFlowContext(bs, samplingFrequency)

lc = panning.LoudspeakerArray('../data/bs2051-4+5+0.xml')

numOutputChannels = lc.numberOfRegularLoudspeakers

rendererVbap = VbapRenderer(ctxt, 'renderer', None, numObjects, lspConfig=lc)
rendererL2 = VbapL2Renderer(ctxt, 'renderer', None, numObjects, lspArray=lc)

flowVbap = rrl.AudioSignalFlow(rendererVbap)
flow = rrl.AudioSignalFlow(rendererL2)

paramInput = flow.parameterReceivePort('objects')

paramInputVbap = flowVbap.parameterReceivePort('objects')