def draw(self): """Draw data.""" if len(self.fitResults) == 0: return # Make sure our figure is the active one vv.figure( if not hasattr(self, 'subplot1'): self.subplot1 = vv.subplot(211) #self.subplot1.position = (30, 2, -32, -32) self.subplot2 = vv.subplot(212) #self.subplot1.position = (30, 2, -32, -32) a, ed = numpy.histogram(self.fitResults['tIndex'], self.Size[0] / 6) print((float(numpy.diff(ed[:2])))) self.subplot1.MakeCurrent() vv.cla() vv.plot(ed[:-1], a / float(numpy.diff(ed[:2])), lc='b', lw=2) #self.subplot1.set_xticks([0, ed.max()]) #self.subplot1.set_yticks([0, numpy.floor(a.max()/float(numpy.diff(ed[:2])))]) self.subplot2.MakeCurrent() vv.cla() #cs = csa = numpy.cumsum(a) vv.plot(ed[:-1], csa / float(csa[-1]), lc='g', lw=2) #self.subplot2.set_xticks([0, ed.max()]) #self.subplot2.set_yticks([0, a.sum()]) self.fig.DrawNow() self.subplot1.position = (20, 2, -22, -32) self.subplot2.position = (20, 2, -22, -32)
def draw( self ): """Draw data.""" if len(self.fitResults) == 0: return # Make sure our figure is the active one vv.figure( if not hasattr( self, 'subplot1' ): self.subplot1 = vv.subplot(211) #self.subplot1.position = (30, 2, -32, -32) self.subplot2 = vv.subplot(212) #self.subplot1.position = (30, 2, -32, -32) a, ed = numpy.histogram(self.fitResults['tIndex'], self.Size[0]/6) print((float(numpy.diff(ed[:2])))) self.subplot1.MakeCurrent() vv.cla() vv.plot(ed[:-1], a/float(numpy.diff(ed[:2])), lc='b', lw=2) #self.subplot1.set_xticks([0, ed.max()]) #self.subplot1.set_yticks([0, numpy.floor(a.max()/float(numpy.diff(ed[:2])))]) self.subplot2.MakeCurrent() vv.cla() #cs = csa = numpy.cumsum(a) vv.plot(ed[:-1], csa/float(csa[-1]), lc='g', lw=2) #self.subplot2.set_xticks([0, ed.max()]) #self.subplot2.set_yticks([0, a.sum()]) self.fig.DrawNow() self.subplot1.position = (20, 2, -22, -32) self.subplot2.position = (20, 2, -22, -32)
def PlotReferencePhase(self, event): """ Plot reference phase """ visvis.cla() visvis.clf() # get actual amplitude and phased phase = self.GetReferencePhase()[0] ampl = np.ones(phase.size) ampl, phase = self.DevPulseShaper.GetUnwrappedAmplPhase(ampl, phase) # Wrap the phase in radians phase %= (2 * np.pi) # Get the phase in unites of 2*pi phase /= (2 * np.pi) visvis.subplot(211) visvis.plot(phase) visvis.ylabel('Reference phase') visvis.xlabel('puls shaper pixel number') visvis.title('Current reference phase (in unites of 2*pi)') visvis.subplot(212) visvis.plot(self.corrections, lc='r', ms='*', mc='r') visvis.ylabel('Value of coefficients') visvis.xlabel('coefficient number') visvis.title('Value of corrections')
def DisplayOptimization (self) : """ Display the progress of optimization """ wx.Yield() # abort, if requested if self.need_abort : return def GetValueColourIter (d) : return izip_longest( d.itervalues(), ['r', 'g', 'b', 'k'], fillvalue='y' ) visvis.cla(); visvis.clf() visvis.subplot(211) # Plot optimization statistics for values, colour in GetValueColourIter(self.optimization_log) : try : visvis.plot ( values, lc=colour ) except Exception : pass visvis.xlabel ('iteration') visvis.ylabel ('Objective function') visvis.legend( self.optimization_log.keys() ) # Display reference signal visvis.subplot(212) # Plot reference signal for values, colour in GetValueColourIter(self.log_reference_signal) : try : visvis.plot ( values, lc=colour ) except Exception : pass visvis.xlabel ('iteration') visvis.ylabel ("Signal from reference pulse") visvis.legend( ["channel %d" % x for x in self.log_reference_signal.keys()] )
def ShowImg (self) : """ Draw image """ if self._abort_img : # Exit return # Get image img = # Display image try : if img <> RETURN_FAIL : self._img_plot.SetData(img) except AttributeError : visvis.cla() visvis.clf() self._img_plot = visvis.imshow(img) visvis.title ('Camera view') ax = visvis.gca() ax.axis.xTicks = [] ax.axis.yTicks = [] # Start acquisition of histogram wx.CallAfter(self.ShowImg)
def PlotReferencePhase (self, event) : """ Plot reference phase """ visvis.cla(); visvis.clf(); # get actual amplitude and phased phase = self.GetReferencePhase()[0] ampl = np.ones(phase.size) ampl, phase = self.DevPulseShaper.GetUnwrappedAmplPhase(ampl, phase) # Wrap the phase in radians phase %= (2*np.pi) # Get the phase in unites of 2*pi phase /= (2*np.pi) visvis.subplot(211) visvis.plot(phase) visvis.ylabel ('Reference phase') visvis.xlabel ('puls shaper pixel number') visvis.title ('Current reference phase (in unites of 2*pi)') visvis.subplot(212) visvis.plot( self.corrections, lc='r',ms='*', mc='r' ) visvis.ylabel ('Value of coefficients') visvis.xlabel ('coefficient number') visvis.title ('Value of corrections')
def update_plot(self): vv.cla() =, self.y, self.z, axesAdjust=False, axes=self.axes) = self.clim = vv.CM_JET
def StartInteractivelyMeasureSpectrum (self, event) : """ This method display spectrum """ button = self.show_spectrum_button if button.GetLabel() == button.__start_label__ : self.StopAllJobs() # get spectrometer's settings spect_settings = self.SettingsNotebook.Spectrometer.GetSettings() # Initiate spectrometer if self.Spectrometer.SetSettings(spect_settings) == RETURN_FAIL : return try : self.wavelengths = self.Spectrometer.GetWavelengths() except AttributeError : self.wavelengths = None # Clearing the figure visvis.cla(); visvis.clf(); # Set up timer to draw spectrum TIMER_ID = wx.NewId() self.spectrum_timer = wx.Timer (self, TIMER_ID) self.spectrum_timer.Start (spect_settings["exposure_time"]) wx.EVT_TIMER (self, TIMER_ID, self.DrawSpectrum) # Chose plotting options try : self.is_autoscaled_spectrum = not(spect_settings["fix_vertical_axis"]) except KeyError : self.is_autoscaled_spectrum = True if not self.is_autoscaled_spectrum : self.spectrum_plot_limits = ( spect_settings["vertical_axis_min_val"], spect_settings["vertical_axis_max_val"] ) # Change button's label button.SetLabel (button.__stop_label__) elif button.GetLabel() == button.__stop_label__ : # Stopping timer self.spectrum_timer.Stop() del self.spectrum_timer # Delete the parameter for auto-scaling del self.spectrum_plot_limits, self.is_autoscaled_spectrum # Delate visvis objects try : del self.__interact_2d_spectrum__ except AttributeError : pass try : del self.__interact_1d_spectrum__ except AttributeError : pass # Change button's label button.SetLabel (button.__start_label__) else : raise ValueError("Label is not recognized")
def DrawSpectrum(self, event): """ Draw spectrum interactively """ spectrum = self.Spectrometer.AcquiredData() if spectrum == RETURN_FAIL: return # Display the spectrum if len(spectrum.shape) > 1: try: self.__interact_2d_spectrum__.SetData(spectrum) except AttributeError: visvis.cla() visvis.clf() # Spectrum is a 2D image visvis.subplot(211) self.__interact_2d_spectrum__ = visvis.imshow(spectrum, cm=visvis.CM_JET) visvis.subplot(212) # Plot a vertical binning spectrum = spectrum.sum(axis=0) # Linear spectrum try: self.__interact_1d_spectrum__.SetYdata(spectrum) except AttributeError: if self.wavelengths is None: self.__interact_1d_spectrum__ = visvis.plot(spectrum, lw=3) visvis.xlabel("pixels") else: self.__interact_1d_spectrum__ = visvis.plot(self.wavelengths, spectrum, lw=3) visvis.xlabel("wavelength (nm)") visvis.ylabel("counts") if self.is_autoscaled_spectrum: # Smart auto-scale linear plot try: self.spectrum_plot_limits = GetSmartAutoScaleRange( spectrum, self.spectrum_plot_limits) except AttributeError: self.spectrum_plot_limits = GetSmartAutoScaleRange(spectrum) visvis.gca().SetLimits(rangeY=self.spectrum_plot_limits) # Display the current temperature try: visvis.title("Temperature %d (C)" % self.Spectrometer.GetTemperature()) except AttributeError: pass
def AnalyzeTotalFluorescence (self, event=None) : """ `analyse_button` was clicked """ # Get current settings settings = self.GetSettings() # Apply peak finding filter signal = self.peak_finders[ settings["peak_finder"] ](self.total_fluorescence) # Scale to (0,1) signal -= signal.min() signal = signal / signal.max() ########################################################################## # Partition signal into segments that are above the background noise #signal = gaussian_filter(total_fluorescence, sigma=0.5) background_cutoff = settings["background_cutoff"] segments = [ [] ] for num, is_segment in enumerate( signal > background_cutoff ) : if is_segment : # this index is in the segment segments[-1].append( num ) elif len(segments[-1]) : # this condition is not to add empty segments # Start new segments segments.append( [] ) # Find peaks as weighted average of the segment peaks = [ np.average(self.positions[S], weights=self.total_fluorescence[S]) for S in segments if len(S) ] ########################################################################## # Saving the positions self.chanel_positions_ctrl.SetValue( ", ".join( "%2.4f" % p for p in peaks ) ) ########################################################################## # Plot acquired data visvis.cla(); visvis.clf() visvis.plot( self.positions, signal ) visvis.plot( peaks, background_cutoff*np.ones(len(peaks)), ls=None, ms='+', mc='r', mw=20) visvis.plot( [self.positions.min(), self.positions.max()], [background_cutoff, background_cutoff], lc='r', ls='--', ms=None) visvis.legend( ["measured signal", "peaks found", "background cut-off"] ) visvis.ylabel( "total fluorescence") visvis.xlabel( 'position (mm)')
def _Plot2(self): vv.figure( vv.clf() ax1f2 = vv.cla() ax1f2.daspect = 1,-1,1 vv.axis('off') ax1f1 = self.fig2.add_subplot(221) ax1f1.imshow(self.Nx) ax1f1.axis('off') ax2f1 = self.fig2.add_subplot(222) ax2f1.imshow(self.Ny) ax2f1.axis('off') ax3f1 = self.fig2.add_subplot(223) ax3f1.imshow(self.Nz) ax3f1.axis('off') ax4f1 = self.fig2.add_subplot(224) ax4f1.imshow(self.A, cmap='gray') ax4f1.axis('off') self.canvas.draw() if not hasattr(self, 'toolbar'): self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self.mplwindow3, coordinates=True) self.mplvl3.addWidget(self.toolbar) self.setWindowTitle('PS Acquisition Tool - %s' % self.currentArchive)
def DrawSpectrum (self, event) : """ Draw spectrum interactively """ spectrum = self.Spectrometer.AcquiredData() if spectrum == RETURN_FAIL : return # Display the spectrum if len(spectrum.shape) > 1: try : self.__interact_2d_spectrum__.SetData(spectrum) except AttributeError : visvis.cla(); visvis.clf(); # Spectrum is a 2D image visvis.subplot(211) self.__interact_2d_spectrum__ = visvis.imshow(spectrum, cm=visvis.CM_JET) visvis.subplot(212) # Plot a vertical binning spectrum = spectrum.sum(axis=0) # Linear spectrum try : self.__interact_1d_spectrum__.SetYdata(spectrum) except AttributeError : if self.wavelengths is None : self.__interact_1d_spectrum__ = visvis.plot (spectrum, lw=3) visvis.xlabel ("pixels") else : self.__interact_1d_spectrum__ = visvis.plot (self.wavelengths, spectrum, lw=3) visvis.xlabel("wavelength (nm)") visvis.ylabel("counts") if self.is_autoscaled_spectrum : # Smart auto-scale linear plot try : self.spectrum_plot_limits = GetSmartAutoScaleRange(spectrum, self.spectrum_plot_limits) except AttributeError : self.spectrum_plot_limits = GetSmartAutoScaleRange(spectrum) visvis.gca().SetLimits ( rangeY=self.spectrum_plot_limits ) # Display the current temperature try : visvis.title ("Temperature %d (C)" % self.Spectrometer.GetTemperature() ) except AttributeError : pass
def DisplayOptimization(self): """ Display the progress of optimization """ wx.Yield() # abort, if requested if self.need_abort: return def GetValueColourIter(d): return izip_longest(d.itervalues(), ['r', 'g', 'b', 'k'], fillvalue='y') visvis.cla() visvis.clf() visvis.subplot(211) # Plot optimization statistics for values, colour in GetValueColourIter(self.optimization_log): try: visvis.plot(values, lc=colour) except Exception: pass visvis.xlabel('iteration') visvis.ylabel('Objective function') visvis.legend(self.optimization_log.keys()) # Display reference signal visvis.subplot(212) # Plot reference signal try: visvis.plot(self.log_reference_signal) except Exception: pass visvis.xlabel('iteration') visvis.ylabel("Signal from reference pulse")
def DoScannning (self, event) : """ Perform scanning of different phase mask """ # Create pseudonyms of necessary devices self.DevSpectrometer = self.DevPulseShaper = self.DevSampleSwitcher = self.DevFilterWheel = # Save global settings and get the name of log file self.log_filename = SaveSettings(SettingsNotebook=self.parent, title="Select file to save phase mask scanning", filename="scanning_phase_mask.hdf5") if self.log_filename is None : return ####################### Initiate devices ############################# # Initiate spectrometer settings = self.parent.Spectrometer.GetSettings() if self.DevSpectrometer.SetSettings(settings) == RETURN_FAIL : return # Initiate pulse shaper settings = self.parent.PulseShaper.GetSettings() if self.DevPulseShaper.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL : return # Get number of optimization variables self.num_pixels = self.DevPulseShaper.GetParamNumber() if self.num_pixels == RETURN_FAIL : raise RuntimeError ("Optimization cannot be started since calibration file was not loaded") # Initiate sample switcher settings = self.parent.SampleSwitcher.GetSettings() if self.DevSampleSwitcher.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL : return # Initialize the filter wheel settings = self.parent.FilterWheel.GetSettings() if self.DevFilterWheel.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL : return # Saving the name of channels settings = self.GetSettings() self.channels = sorted( eval( "(%s,)" % settings["channels"] ) ) if self.DevSampleSwitcher.GetChannelNum()-1 < max(self.channels) : raise ValueError ("Error: Some channels specified are not accessible by sample switcher.") # Saving the name of filter self.filters = sorted( eval( "(%s,)" % settings["filters"] ) ) if self.DevFilterWheel.GetNumFilters() < max(self.filters) : raise ValueError ("Error: Some filters specified are not accessible by filter wheel.") # Check whether the background signal array is present self.CheckBackground() ##################################################################### # Get range of coefficient coeff_range = np.linspace( settings["coeff_min"], settings["coeff_max"], settings["coeff_num"] ) min_N = settings["min_polynomial_order"] max_N = settings["max_polynomial_order"] # Create all polynomial coefficients for scanning coeff_iter = product( *chain(repeat([0], min_N), repeat(coeff_range, max_N+1-min_N)) ) poly_coeffs = np.array( list(coeff_iter) ) # Chose max amplitude max_ampl = settings["max_ampl"]*np.ones(self.num_pixels) # Arguments of the basis X = np.linspace(-1., 1., self.num_pixels) # Retrieve the basis type polynomial_basis = self.polynomial_bases[ settings["polynomial_basis"] ] # Adjusting button's settings button = event.GetEventObject() button.SetLabel (button._stop_label) button.SetBackgroundColour('red') button.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, button._stop_method) self.need_abort = False ##################################################################### # Start scanning with h5py.File (self.log_filename, 'a') as log_file : # Allocate memory for fluorescence signal of all proteins fluorescences = dict( (key, np.zeros(len(poly_coeffs), for key in product(self.channels, self.filters) ) # Allocate memory for reference fluoresence ref_fluorescences = dict( (C, []) for C in self.channels ) # Iterator for polynomial coefficients poly_coeffs_iter = enumerate(poly_coeffs) while True : # Chunk up the data chunk_poly_coeffs = list( islice(poly_coeffs_iter, len(coeff_range)) ) # about, if there is nothing to iterate over if len(chunk_poly_coeffs) == 0 : break # abort, if requested if self.need_abort : break for channel in self.channels : # Move to a selected channel self.DevSampleSwitcher.MoveToChannel(channel) # abort, if requested if self.need_abort : break # Looping over pulse shapes for scan_num, coeff in chunk_poly_coeffs : # Calculate new phase phase = polynomial_basis(coeff)(X) # Set the pulse shape self.DevPulseShaper.SetAmplPhase(max_ampl, phase) # abort, if requested if self.need_abort : break # Looping over filters in filter wheels for filter in self.filters : self.DevFilterWheel.SetFilter(filter) # abort, if requested wx.Yield() if self.need_abort : break # Get spectrum sum, i.e., fluorescence spectrum_sum = self.GetSampleSpectrum(channel).sum() # Save the spectrum fluorescences[ (channel, filter) ][scan_num] = spectrum_sum # Record reference fluorescence self.DevPulseShaper.SetAmplPhase(max_ampl, np.zeros_like(max_ampl)) # Go to filters with max transmission (ASSUMING that it has lowest number) self.DevFilterWheel.SetFilter( min(self.filters) ) spectrum_sum = self.GetSampleSpectrum(channel).sum() ref_fluorescences[channel].append( spectrum_sum ) # Display the currently acquired data try : for key, img in fluorescence_imgs.items() : img.SetYdata( fluorescences[key] ) except NameError : visvis.cla(); visvis.clf() # Iterator of colours colour_iter = cycle(['r', 'g', 'b', 'k', 'y']) fluorescence_imgs = dict( (K, visvis.plot( F, lw=1, ) ) for K, F in fluorescences.items() ) visvis.xlabel("phase masks") visvis.ylabel("Integrated fluorescence") visvis.title("Measured fluorescence") ################ Scanning is over, save the data ######################## # Delete and create groups corresponding to channel for channel in self.channels : try : del log_file[ "channel_%d" % channel ] except KeyError : pass gchannel_grp = log_file.create_group( "channel_%d" % channel ) gchannel_grp["ref_fluorescence"] = ref_fluorescences[channel] gchannel_grp["poly_coeffs"] = poly_coeffs for channel_filter, fluorescence in fluorescences.items() : log_file["channel_%d/filter_%d_fluorescence" % channel_filter ] = fluorescence # Readjust buttons settings self.StopScannning(event)
def StartInteractivelyMeasureSpectrum(self, event): """ This method display spectrum """ button = self.show_spectrum_button if button.GetLabel() == button.__start_label__: self.StopAllJobs() # get spectrometer's settings spect_settings = self.SettingsNotebook.Spectrometer.GetSettings() # Initiate spectrometer if self.Spectrometer.SetSettings(spect_settings) == RETURN_FAIL: return try: self.wavelengths = self.Spectrometer.GetWavelengths() except AttributeError: self.wavelengths = None # Clearing the figure visvis.cla() visvis.clf() # Set up timer to draw spectrum TIMER_ID = wx.NewId() self.spectrum_timer = wx.Timer(self, TIMER_ID) self.spectrum_timer.Start(spect_settings["exposure_time"]) wx.EVT_TIMER(self, TIMER_ID, self.DrawSpectrum) # Chose plotting options try: self.is_autoscaled_spectrum = not ( spect_settings["fix_vertical_axis"]) except KeyError: self.is_autoscaled_spectrum = True if not self.is_autoscaled_spectrum: self.spectrum_plot_limits = ( spect_settings["vertical_axis_min_val"], spect_settings["vertical_axis_max_val"]) # Change button's label button.SetLabel(button.__stop_label__) elif button.GetLabel() == button.__stop_label__: # Stopping timer self.spectrum_timer.Stop() del self.spectrum_timer # Delete the parameter for auto-scaling del self.spectrum_plot_limits, self.is_autoscaled_spectrum # Delate visvis objects try: del self.__interact_2d_spectrum__ except AttributeError: pass try: del self.__interact_1d_spectrum__ except AttributeError: pass # Change button's label button.SetLabel(button.__start_label__) else: raise ValueError("Label is not recognized")
genres=pandas.DataFrame(all_by_week['BoxOffice'].mean()/norm1) genres.columns=['All Genres'] genres=genres.join(fantasy_by_week['BoxOffice'].mean()/norm2) genres.columns=['All Genres','Fantasy'] genres=genres.join(animation_by_week['BoxOffice'].mean()/norm3) genres.columns=['All Genres','Fantasy','Animation'] genres=genres.join(romance_by_week['BoxOffice'].mean()/norm4) genres.columns=['All Genres','Fantasy','Animation','Romance'] genres=genres.fillna(0) columns_name = ['All Genres','Fantasy','Animation','Romance'] genres.columns = [ 0, 4, 8, 12] x, y, z = genres.stack().reset_index().values.T #print genres.stack().reset_index().values.T #debug #print genres#debug app = vv.use() f = vv.clf() a = vv.cla() plot =vv.bar3(x, y, z) plot.colors = ["b","g","y","r"] * 53 a.axis.xLabel = 'Week #' a.axis.yTicks = dict(zip(genres.columns, columns_name)) a.axis.zLabel = 'Avg BoxOffice (Aribitrary Units)' app.Run()
def DoScannning(self, event): """ Perform scanning of different phase mask """ # Create pseudonyms of necessary devices self.DevSpectrometer = self.DevPulseShaper = self.DevSampleSwitcher = self.DevFilterWheel = # Save global settings and get the name of log file self.log_filename = SaveSettings( SettingsNotebook=self.parent, title="Select file to save phase mask scanning", filename="scanning_phase_mask.hdf5") if self.log_filename is None: return ####################### Initiate devices ############################# # Initiate spectrometer settings = self.parent.Spectrometer.GetSettings() if self.DevSpectrometer.SetSettings(settings) == RETURN_FAIL: return # Initiate pulse shaper settings = self.parent.PulseShaper.GetSettings() if self.DevPulseShaper.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL: return # Get number of optimization variables self.num_pixels = self.DevPulseShaper.GetParamNumber() if self.num_pixels == RETURN_FAIL: raise RuntimeError( "Optimization cannot be started since calibration file was not loaded" ) # Initiate sample switcher settings = self.parent.SampleSwitcher.GetSettings() if self.DevSampleSwitcher.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL: return # Initialize the filter wheel settings = self.parent.FilterWheel.GetSettings() if self.DevFilterWheel.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL: return # Saving the name of channels settings = self.GetSettings() self.channels = sorted(eval("(%s,)" % settings["channels"])) if self.DevSampleSwitcher.GetChannelNum() - 1 < max(self.channels): raise ValueError( "Error: Some channels specified are not accessible by sample switcher." ) # Saving the name of filter self.filters = sorted(eval("(%s,)" % settings["filters"])) if self.DevFilterWheel.GetNumFilters() < max(self.filters): raise ValueError( "Error: Some filters specified are not accessible by filter wheel." ) # Check whether the background signal array is present self.CheckBackground() ##################################################################### # Get range of coefficient coeff_range = np.linspace(settings["coeff_min"], settings["coeff_max"], settings["coeff_num"]) min_N = settings["min_polynomial_order"] max_N = settings["max_polynomial_order"] # Create all polynomial coefficients for scanning coeff_iter = product( *chain(repeat([0], min_N), repeat(coeff_range, max_N + 1 - min_N))) poly_coeffs = np.array(list(coeff_iter)) # Chose max amplitude max_ampl = settings["max_ampl"] * np.ones(self.num_pixels) # Arguments of the basis X = np.linspace(-1., 1., self.num_pixels) # Retrieve the basis type polynomial_basis = self.polynomial_bases[settings["polynomial_basis"]] # Adjusting button's settings button = event.GetEventObject() button.SetLabel(button._stop_label) button.SetBackgroundColour('red') button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, button._stop_method) self.need_abort = False ##################################################################### # Start scanning with h5py.File(self.log_filename, 'a') as log_file: # Allocate memory for fluorescence signal of all proteins fluorescences = dict( (key, np.zeros(len(poly_coeffs), for key in product(self.channels, self.filters)) # Allocate memory for reference fluoresence ref_fluorescences = dict((C, []) for C in self.channels) # Iterator for polynomial coefficients poly_coeffs_iter = enumerate(poly_coeffs) while True: # Chunk up the data chunk_poly_coeffs = list( islice(poly_coeffs_iter, len(coeff_range))) # about, if there is nothing to iterate over if len(chunk_poly_coeffs) == 0: break # abort, if requested if self.need_abort: break for channel in self.channels: # Move to a selected channel self.DevSampleSwitcher.MoveToChannel(channel) # abort, if requested if self.need_abort: break # Looping over pulse shapes for scan_num, coeff in chunk_poly_coeffs: # Calculate new phase phase = polynomial_basis(coeff)(X) # Set the pulse shape self.DevPulseShaper.SetAmplPhase(max_ampl, phase) # abort, if requested if self.need_abort: break # Looping over filters in filter wheels for filter in self.filters: self.DevFilterWheel.SetFilter(filter) # abort, if requested wx.Yield() if self.need_abort: break # Get spectrum sum, i.e., fluorescence spectrum_sum = self.GetSampleSpectrum( channel).sum() # Save the spectrum fluorescences[(channel, filter)][scan_num] = spectrum_sum # Record reference fluorescence self.DevPulseShaper.SetAmplPhase(max_ampl, np.zeros_like(max_ampl)) # Go to filters with max transmission (ASSUMING that it has lowest number) self.DevFilterWheel.SetFilter(min(self.filters)) spectrum_sum = self.GetSampleSpectrum(channel).sum() ref_fluorescences[channel].append(spectrum_sum) # Display the currently acquired data try: for key, img in fluorescence_imgs.items(): img.SetYdata(fluorescences[key]) except NameError: visvis.cla() visvis.clf() # Iterator of colours colour_iter = cycle(['r', 'g', 'b', 'k', 'y']) fluorescence_imgs = dict( (K, visvis.plot(F, lw=1, for K, F in fluorescences.items()) visvis.xlabel("phase masks") visvis.ylabel("Integrated fluorescence") visvis.title("Measured fluorescence") ################ Scanning is over, save the data ######################## # Delete and create groups corresponding to channel for channel in self.channels: try: del log_file["channel_%d" % channel] except KeyError: pass gchannel_grp = log_file.create_group("channel_%d" % channel) gchannel_grp["ref_fluorescence"] = ref_fluorescences[channel] gchannel_grp["poly_coeffs"] = poly_coeffs for channel_filter, fluorescence in fluorescences.items(): log_file["channel_%d/filter_%d_fluorescence" % channel_filter] = fluorescence # Readjust buttons settings self.StopScannning(event)
def GetDeltaScan(self, event): """ Measure spectra by varying parameter delta in reference phase mask """ # Create pseudonyms of necessary devices self.DevSpectrometer = self.DevPulseShaper = ####################### Initiate devices ############################# # Initiate spectrometer settings = self.parent.Spectrometer.GetSettings() if self.DevSpectrometer.SetSettings(settings) == RETURN_FAIL: return # Initiate pulse shaper settings = self.parent.PulseShaper.GetSettings() if self.DevPulseShaper.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL: return # Get number of optimization variables self.num_pixels = self.DevPulseShaper.GetParamNumber() if self.num_pixels == RETURN_FAIL: raise RuntimeError( "Optimization cannot be started since calibration file was not loaded" ) miips_settings = self.GetSettings() ##################################################################### # Get range of coefficient coeff_range = np.linspace(miips_settings["coeff_min"], miips_settings["coeff_max"], miips_settings["coeff_num"]) # Get reference phase based on the corrections already obtained reference_phase, X, polynomial_basis = self.GetReferencePhase( miips_settings) # Get new polynomial new_coeffs = np.zeros(miips_settings["polynomial_order"] + 1) new_coeffs[-1] = 1 current_polynomial = polynomial_basis(new_coeffs)(X) # Chose max amplitude max_ampl = miips_settings["max_ampl"] * np.ones(self.num_pixels) # Adjusting button's settings button = event.GetEventObject() button.SetLabel(button._stop_label) button.SetBackgroundColour('red') button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, button._stop_method) self.need_abort = False for scan_num, coeff in enumerate(coeff_range): # Get current phase mask current_phase = coeff * current_polynomial current_phase += reference_phase # Check for consistency current_phase %= 1 # Set the pulse shape self.DevPulseShaper.SetAmplPhase(max_ampl, current_phase) wx.Yield() # abort, if requested if self.need_abort: break # Get spectrum spectrum = self.DevSpectrometer.AcquiredData() # Vertical binning spectrum = (spectrum.sum( axis=0) if len(spectrum.shape) == 2 else spectrum) try: spectral_scans except NameError: # Allocate space for spectral scans spectral_scans = np.zeros((coeff_range.size, spectrum.size), dtype=spectrum.dtype) # Save spectrum spectral_scans[scan_num] = spectrum # Display the currently acquired data try: spectral_scan_2d_img.SetData(spectral_scans) except NameError: visvis.cla() visvis.clf() spectral_scan_2d_img = visvis.imshow(spectral_scans, cm=visvis.CM_JET) visvis.ylabel('coefficeints') visvis.xlabel('wavelegth') ####################################################### # Get current wavelength wavelength = self.DevSpectrometer.GetWavelengths() # Adding the scan to log self.scan_log.append({ "spectral_scans": spectral_scans, "reference_phase": reference_phase, "current_polynomial": current_polynomial, "coeff_range": coeff_range, "wavelength": wavelength }) # Plotting fit visvis.cla() visvis.clf() ################ Find the value of coeff such that it maximizes the total intensity of SHG # Method 1: use polynomial filter # Ignored not scanned parameter spectral_sum = spectral_scans.sum(axis=1) indx = np.nonzero(spectral_sum > 0) # Fit the total spectral intensity with chosen polynomials spectral_sum_fit =[indx], spectral_sum[indx], 10) # Find extrema of the polynomial fit opt_coeff = spectral_sum_fit.deriv().roots() # Find maximum fit_max_sum_val = opt_coeff[np.argmax( spectral_sum_fit(opt_coeff))].real print "\n\nOptimal value of the coefficient (using the polynomial fit) is ", fit_max_sum_val # Method 2: Use Gaussian filter # Smoothing spectral scans filtered_spectral_scans = gaussian_filter(spectral_scans, (2, 0.5)) gauss_max_sum_val = coeff_range[np.argmax( filtered_spectral_scans.sum(axis=1))] print "\nOptimal value of the coefficient (using the Gaussian filter) is ", gauss_max_sum_val # If the difference between methods is great then use the Gaussian filter if abs(gauss_max_sum_val - fit_max_sum_val) / np.abs( [gauss_max_sum_val, fit_max_sum_val]).max() > 0.3: max_sum_val = gauss_max_sum_val else: max_sum_val = fit_max_sum_val self.current_coeff_val.SetValue(max_sum_val) filtered_spectral_scans[np.searchsorted( coeff_range, max_sum_val)][0:-1:2] = spectral_scans.min() ################ Plotting results #################### #spectral_scan_2d_img.SetData(spectral_scans) #spectral_scan_2d_img.SetClim( spectral_scans.min(), spectral_scans.max() ) visvis.subplot(121) visvis.title("Raw spectral scans") visvis.imshow(spectral_scans, cm=visvis.CM_JET) visvis.ylabel('coefficeints') visvis.xlabel('wavelegth') visvis.subplot(122) visvis.title("Finding maximum") visvis.imshow(filtered_spectral_scans, cm=visvis.CM_JET) visvis.ylabel('coefficeints') visvis.xlabel('wavelegth') # Readjust buttons settings self.StopScannning(event)
def DoScannning(self, event): """ Perform scanning of different phase mask """ # Create pseudonyms of necessary devices self.DevSpectrometer = self.DevPulseShaper = self.DevSampleSwitcher = # Save global settings and get the name of log file self.log_filename = SaveSettings( SettingsNotebook=self.parent, title="Select file to save phase mask scanning", filename="scanning_phase_mask.hdf5") if self.log_filename is None: return ####################### Initiate devices ############################# # Initiate spectrometer settings = self.parent.Spectrometer.GetSettings() if self.DevSpectrometer.SetSettings(settings) == RETURN_FAIL: return # Initiate pulse shaper settings = self.parent.PulseShaper.GetSettings() if self.DevPulseShaper.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL: return # Get number of optimization variables self.num_pixels = self.DevPulseShaper.GetParamNumber() if self.num_pixels == RETURN_FAIL: raise RuntimeError( "Optimization cannot be started since calibration file was not loaded" ) # Initiate sample switcher settings = self.parent.SampleSwitcher.GetSettings() if self.DevSampleSwitcher.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL: return # Saving the name of channels odd_settings = self.GetSettings() self.channels = sorted(eval("(%s,)" % odd_settings["channels"])) if self.DevSampleSwitcher.GetChannelNum() - 1 < max(self.channels): raise ValueError( "Error: Some channels specified are not accessible by sample switcher." ) # Check whether the background signal array is present self.CheckBackground() ##################################################################### # Get range of coefficient coeff_range = np.linspace(odd_settings["coeff_min"], odd_settings["coeff_max"], odd_settings["coeff_num"]) # List all polynomial coefficients N = odd_settings["polynomial_order"] poly_coeffs = np.zeros((coeff_range.size * N, N + 1)) for n in range(1, N + 1): poly_coeffs[(n - 1) * coeff_range.size:n * coeff_range.size, n] = coeff_range # Chose max amplitude max_ampl = odd_settings["max_ampl"] * np.ones(self.num_pixels) # Arguments of the basis X = np.linspace(-1., 1., self.num_pixels) # Retrieve the basis type polynomial_basis = self.polynomial_bases[ odd_settings["polynomial_basis"]] # Adjusting button's settings button = event.GetEventObject() button.SetLabel(button._stop_label) button.SetBackgroundColour('red') button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, button._stop_method) self.need_abort = False ##################################################################### # Start scanning with h5py.File(self.log_filename, 'a') as log_file: for channel in self.channels: # Move to a selected channel self.DevSampleSwitcher.MoveToChannel(channel) # abort, if requested wx.Yield() if self.need_abort: break # Looping over pulse shapes for scan_num, coeff in enumerate(poly_coeffs): # Calculate new phase phase = polynomial_basis(coeff)(X) # Set the pulse shape self.DevPulseShaper.SetAmplPhase(max_ampl, phase) # Save phase in radians ampl, phase = self.DevPulseShaper.GetUnwrappedAmplPhase( max_ampl, phase) if scan_num == 0: # Initialize the array phases_rad = np.zeros((len(poly_coeffs), phase.size), dtype=phase.dtype) amplitudes = np.zeros_like(phases_rad) amplitudes[:] = ampl.min() # Save phase phases_rad[scan_num] = phase amplitudes[scan_num] = ampl # abort, if requested wx.Yield() if self.need_abort: break # Get spectrum spectrum = self.GetSampleSpectrum(channel) # Vertical binning spectrum = (spectrum.sum( axis=0) if len(spectrum.shape) == 2 else spectrum) if scan_num == 0: # Initialize the array spectra = np.zeros((len(poly_coeffs), spectrum.size), dtype=spectrum.dtype) spectra[:] = spectrum.min() # Save the spectrum spectra[scan_num] = spectrum # Display the currently acquired data try: spectra_2d_img.SetData(spectra) phases_rad_2d_img.SetData(phases_rad % (2 * np.pi)) #amplitudes_2d_img.SetData( amplitudes ) except NameError: visvis.cla() visvis.clf() visvis.subplot(121) spectra_2d_img = visvis.imshow(spectra, cm=visvis.CM_JET) visvis.ylabel('scans') visvis.xlabel('wavelegth') visvis.title("spectral scan") visvis.subplot(122) phases_rad_2d_img = visvis.imshow(phases_rad % (2 * np.pi), cm=visvis.CM_JET) visvis.title("phase shapes") #visvis.subplot(133) #amplitudes_2d_img = visvis.imshow(amplitudes, cm=visvis.CM_JET) #visvis.title("amplitudes") # Save the data for the given channel try: del log_file[str(channel)] except KeyError: pass channel_grp = log_file.create_group(str(channel)) channel_grp["spectra"] = spectra channel_grp["phases_rad"] = phases_rad channel_grp["amplitudes"] = amplitudes channel_grp["poly_coeffs"] = poly_coeffs # Readjust buttons settings self.StopScannning(event)
#!/usr/bin/env python """ This example illustrate using text and formatting for text world objects and labels. """ import visvis as vv # Create figure and figure fig = vv.figure() a = vv.cla() a.cameraType = '2d' a.daspectAuto = True a.SetLimits((0, 8), (-1, 10)) # Create text inside the axes vv.Text(a, 'These are texts living in the scene:', 1, 3) vv.Text(a, 'Text can be made \b{bold} easil\by!', 1, 2) vv.Text(a, 'Text can be made \i{italic} easil\iy!', 1, 1) # Create text labels label0 = vv.Label(a, 'These are texts in widget coordinates:') label0.position = 10, 20 label1 = vv.Label(a, 'Sub_{script} and super^{script} are easy as pi^2.') label1.position = 10, 40 label2 = vv.Label(a, u'You can use many Unicode characters: \\u0183 = \u0183') label2.position = 10, 60 label3 = vv.Label( a, 'And can use many Latex like commands: \\alpha \\Alpha' + '\\approx, \sigma, \pi, ') label3.position = 10, 80
def ExtractPhaseFunc(self, event=None, filename=None): """ This function is the last stage of calibration, when measured data is mathematically processed to obtain the calibration curves. """ # If filename is not specified, open the file dialogue if filename is None: filename = self.LoadSettings(title="Load calibration file...") # Update the name of pulse shaper calibration file import os self.SettingsNotebook.PulseShaper.SetSettings( {"calibration_file_name": os.path.abspath(filename)}) visvis.clf() # Loading the file calibration file with h5py.File(filename, 'a') as calibration_file: ############### Loading data #################### wavelengths = calibration_file["calibration_settings/wavelengths"][ ...] fixed_voltage = calibration_file[ "calibration_settings/fixed_voltage"][...] pulse_shaper_pixel_num = calibration_file[ "calibration_settings/pulse_shaper_pixel_num"][...] initial_pixel = calibration_file[ "settings/CalibrateShaper/initial_pixel"][...] final_pixel = calibration_file[ "settings/CalibrateShaper/final_pixel"][...] pixel_bundle_width = calibration_file[ "settings/CalibrateShaper/pixel_bundle_width"][...] pixel_to_lamba = str( calibration_file["settings/CalibrateShaper/pixel_to_lamba"][ ...]) # Convert to dict pixel_to_lamba = eval("{%s}" % pixel_to_lamba) # Loading scans of slave and masker masks master_mask_scans = [] slave_mask_scans = [] for key, spectrum in calibration_file[ "spectra_from_uniform_masks"].items(): master_volt, slave_volt = map(int, key.split('_')[-2:]) if master_volt == fixed_voltage: slave_mask_scans.append((slave_volt, spectrum[...])) if slave_volt == fixed_voltage: master_mask_scans.append((master_volt, spectrum[...])) # Sort by voltage master_mask_scans.sort() slave_mask_scans.sort() # Extract spectral scans and voltages for each mask master_mask_voltage, master_mask_scans = zip(*master_mask_scans) master_mask_voltage = np.array(master_mask_voltage) master_mask_scans = np.array(master_mask_scans) slave_mask_voltage, slave_mask_scans = zip(*slave_mask_scans) slave_mask_voltage = np.array(slave_mask_voltage) slave_mask_scans = np.array(slave_mask_scans) ################### Find the edges of pixels ################# # function that converts pixel number to pulse shaper # `pixel_to_lamba` is a dictionary with key = pixel, value = lambda deg = 1 #min(1,len(pixel_to_lamba)-1) print np.polyfit(pixel_to_lamba.keys(), pixel_to_lamba.values(), 1) pixel2lambda_func = np.poly1d( np.polyfit(pixel_to_lamba.keys(), pixel_to_lamba.values(), deg=deg)) #lambda2pixel_func = np.poly1d( np.polyfit(pixel_to_lamba.values(), pixel_to_lamba.keys(), deg=deg ) ) # Get pixels_edges in shaper pixels pixels_edges_num = np.arange(initial_pixel, final_pixel, pixel_bundle_width) if pixels_edges_num[-1] < final_pixel: pixels_edges_num = np.append(pixels_edges_num, [final_pixel]) # Get pixels_edges in logical_pixel_lambda pixels_edges = pixel2lambda_func(pixels_edges_num) # Get pixels_edges in positions of the spectrometer spectra pixels_edges = np.abs(wavelengths - pixels_edges[:, np.newaxis]).argmin(axis=1) # Sorting indx = np.argsort(pixels_edges) pixels_edges = pixels_edges[indx] pixels_edges_num = pixels_edges_num[indx] # Plot visvis.cla() visvis.clf() visvis.plot(pixel_to_lamba.values(), pixel_to_lamba.keys(), ls=None, ms='*', mc='g', mw=15) visvis.plot(wavelengths[pixels_edges], pixels_edges_num, ls='-', lc='r') visvis.xlabel('wavelength (nm)') visvis.ylabel('pulse shaper pixel') visvis.legend(['measured', 'interpolated']) self.fig.DrawNow() ################ Perform fitting of the phase masks ################# master_mask_fits = self.FitSpectralScans(master_mask_scans, master_mask_voltage, pixels_edges) slave_mask_fits = self.FitSpectralScans(slave_mask_scans, slave_mask_voltage, pixels_edges) ################# Perform fitting of dispersion and phase functions ################# master_mask_TC_fitted, master_mask_scans, master_mask_disp_ph_curves = \ self.GetDispersionPhaseCurves (wavelengths, master_mask_scans, master_mask_voltage, pixels_edges, master_mask_fits, pixel2lambda_func, pulse_shaper_pixel_num ) slave_mask_TC_fitted, slave_mask_scans, slave_mask_disp_ph_curves = \ self.GetDispersionPhaseCurves (wavelengths, slave_mask_scans, slave_mask_voltage, pixels_edges, slave_mask_fits, pixel2lambda_func, pulse_shaper_pixel_num ) ################ Saving fitting parameters #################### ################################################################# # Save surface calibration try: del calibration_file["calibrated_surface"] except KeyError: pass CalibratedSurfaceGroupe = calibration_file.create_group( "calibrated_surface") master_mask_calibrated_surface = CalibratedSurfaceGroupe.create_group( "master_mask") for key, value in master_mask_disp_ph_curves.items(): master_mask_calibrated_surface[key] = value slave_mask_calibrated_surface = CalibratedSurfaceGroupe.create_group( "slave_mask") for key, value in slave_mask_disp_ph_curves.items(): slave_mask_calibrated_surface[key] = value ################################################################# # Clear the group, if it exits try: del calibration_file["calibrated_pixels"] except KeyError: pass # This group is self consistent, thus the redundancy in saved data (with respect to other group in the file) CalibratedPixelsGroupe = calibration_file.create_group( "calibrated_pixels") CalibratedPixelsGroupe["pixels_edges"] = pixels_edges # Finding spectral bounds for each pixel pixels_spectral_bounds = zip(wavelengths[pixels_edges[:-1]], wavelengths[pixels_edges[1:]]) # Pulse shaper pixel bounds pixels_bounds = zip(pixels_edges_num[:-1], pixels_edges_num[1:]) PixelsGroup = CalibratedPixelsGroupe.create_group("pixels") for pixel_num, master_mask_calibration, slave_mask_calibration, \ spectral_bound, pixel_bound in zip( range(len(master_mask_fits)), \ master_mask_fits, slave_mask_fits, pixels_spectral_bounds, pixels_bounds ) : pixel = PixelsGroup.create_group("pixel_%d" % pixel_num) pixel["spectral_bound"] = spectral_bound pixel["pixel_bound"] = pixel_bound # Saving fitted calibration data in the tabular form pixel["voltage_master_mask"] = master_mask_calibration[0] pixel["phase_master_mask"] = master_mask_calibration[1] pixel["voltage_slave_mask"] = slave_mask_calibration[0] pixel["phase_slave_mask"] = slave_mask_calibration[1] ################ Plotting results of calibration #################### visvis.cla() visvis.clf() visvis.subplot(2, 2, 1) visvis.imshow(master_mask_scans, cm=visvis.CM_JET) visvis.title("Master mask (measured data)") visvis.ylabel('voltage') visvis.xlabel('wavelength (nm)') visvis.subplot(2, 2, 3) visvis.imshow(master_mask_TC_fitted, cm=visvis.CM_JET) visvis.title("Master mask (fitted data)") visvis.ylabel('voltage') visvis.xlabel('wavelength (nm)') visvis.subplot(2, 2, 2) visvis.imshow(slave_mask_scans, cm=visvis.CM_JET) visvis.title("Slave mask (measured data)") visvis.ylabel('voltage') visvis.xlabel('wavelength (nm)') visvis.subplot(2, 2, 4) visvis.imshow(slave_mask_TC_fitted, cm=visvis.CM_JET) visvis.title("Slave mask (fitted data)") visvis.ylabel('voltage') visvis.xlabel('wavelength (nm)')
# Get axes if not axes: axes = vv.gca() # Get figure fig = axes.GetFigure() if not fig: return # Init pointset, helper, and line object line = vv.plot(Pointset(2), axes=axes, ms=ms, **kwargs) pp = line._points ginputHelper.Start(axes, pp, N) # Enter a loop while ginputHelper.axes: fig._ProcessGuiEvents() time.sleep(0.1) # Remove line object and return points pp = Pointset(pp[:, :2]) line.Destroy() return pp if __name__ == '__main__': vv.cla() vv.title('Selec three points.') print(vv.ginput(3))
# Get axes if not axes: axes = vv.gca() # Get figure fig = axes.GetFigure() if not fig: return # Init pointset, helper, and line object line = vv.plot(Pointset(2), axes=axes, ms=ms, **kwargs) pp = line._points ginputHelper.Start(axes, pp, N) # Enter a loop while ginputHelper.axes: fig._ProcessGuiEvents() time.sleep(0.1) # Remove line object and return points pp = Pointset(pp[:,:2]) line.Destroy() return pp if __name__ == '__main__': vv.cla() vv.title('Selec three points.') print(vv.ginput(3))
allcenterlinesv = AC.s_vessel.ppallCenterlines # get seedpoints segmentations s_modelvessel = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, 'prox', modelname='modelvesselavgreg') ppmodelvessel = points_from_nodes_in_graph(s_modelvessel.model) s_model = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, 'prox', modelname='modelavgreg') ppmodel = points_from_nodes_in_graph(s_model.model) # Visualize AC.a.MakeCurrent() vv.cla() # clear vol otherwise plots not visible somehow # seedpoints segmentations vv.plot(ppmodelvessel, ms='.', ls='', alpha=0.6, mw=2) vv.plot(ppmodel, ms='.', ls='', alpha=0.6, mw=2) # stents for j in range(len(stentsStartPoints)): vv.plot(PointSet(list(stentsStartPoints[j])), ms='.', ls='', mc='g', mw=20) # startpoint green vv.plot(PointSet(list(stentsEndPoints[j])), ms='.', ls='', mc='r', mw=20) # endpoint red for j in range(len(allcenterlines)): vv.plot(allcenterlines[j], ms='.', ls='', mw=10, mc='y') # vessels for j in range(len(vesselStartPoints)):
def AnalyzeTotalFluorescence(self, event=None): """ `analyse_button` was clicked """ # Get current settings settings = self.GetSettings() # Apply peak finding filter signal = self.peak_finders[settings["peak_finder"]]( self.total_fluorescence) # Scale to (0,1) signal -= signal.min() signal = signal / signal.max() ########################################################################## # Partition signal into segments that are above the background noise #signal = gaussian_filter(total_fluorescence, sigma=0.5) background_cutoff = settings["background_cutoff"] segments = [[]] for num, is_segment in enumerate(signal > background_cutoff): if is_segment: # this index is in the segment segments[-1].append(num) elif len(segments[-1] ): # this condition is not to add empty segments # Start new segments segments.append([]) # Find peaks as weighted average of the segment peaks = [ np.average(self.positions[S], weights=self.total_fluorescence[S]) for S in segments if len(S) ] ########################################################################## # Saving the positions self.chanel_positions_ctrl.SetValue(", ".join("%2.4f" % p for p in peaks)) ########################################################################## # Plot acquired data visvis.cla() visvis.clf() visvis.plot(self.positions, signal) visvis.plot(peaks, background_cutoff * np.ones(len(peaks)), ls=None, ms='+', mc='r', mw=20) visvis.plot( [self.positions.min(), self.positions.max()], [background_cutoff, background_cutoff], lc='r', ls='--', ms=None) visvis.legend(["measured signal", "peaks found", "background cut-off"]) visvis.ylabel("total fluorescence") visvis.xlabel('position (mm)')
def DoScannning (self, event) : """ Perform scanning of different phase mask """ # Create pseudonyms of necessary devices self.DevSpectrometer = self.DevPulseShaper = self.DevSampleSwitcher = # Save global settings and get the name of log file self.log_filename = SaveSettings(SettingsNotebook=self.parent, title="Select file to save phase mask scanning", filename="scanning_phase_mask.hdf5") if self.log_filename is None : return ####################### Initiate devices ############################# # Initiate spectrometer settings = self.parent.Spectrometer.GetSettings() if self.DevSpectrometer.SetSettings(settings) == RETURN_FAIL : return # Initiate pulse shaper settings = self.parent.PulseShaper.GetSettings() if self.DevPulseShaper.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL : return # Get number of optimization variables self.num_pixels = self.DevPulseShaper.GetParamNumber() if self.num_pixels == RETURN_FAIL : raise RuntimeError ("Optimization cannot be started since calibration file was not loaded") # Initiate sample switcher settings = self.parent.SampleSwitcher.GetSettings() if self.DevSampleSwitcher.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL : return # Saving the name of channels odd_settings = self.GetSettings() self.channels = sorted(eval( "(%s,)" % odd_settings["channels"] )) if self.DevSampleSwitcher.GetChannelNum()-1 < max(self.channels) : raise ValueError ("Error: Some channels specified are not accessible by sample switcher.") # Check whether the background signal array is present self.CheckBackground() ##################################################################### # Get range of coefficient coeff_range = np.linspace( odd_settings["coeff_min"], odd_settings["coeff_max"], odd_settings["coeff_num"] ) # List all polynomial coefficients N = odd_settings["polynomial_order"] poly_coeffs = np.zeros( (coeff_range.size*N, N+1) ) for n in range(1,N+1) : poly_coeffs[(n-1)*coeff_range.size:n*coeff_range.size, n ] = coeff_range # Chose max amplitude max_ampl = odd_settings["max_ampl"]*np.ones(self.num_pixels) # Arguments of the basis X = np.linspace(-1., 1., self.num_pixels) # Retrieve the basis type polynomial_basis = self.polynomial_bases[ odd_settings["polynomial_basis"] ] # Adjusting button's settings button = event.GetEventObject() button.SetLabel (button._stop_label) button.SetBackgroundColour('red') button.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, button._stop_method) self.need_abort = False ##################################################################### # Start scanning with h5py.File (self.log_filename, 'a') as log_file : for channel in self.channels : # Move to a selected channel self.DevSampleSwitcher.MoveToChannel(channel) # abort, if requested wx.Yield() if self.need_abort : break # Looping over pulse shapes for scan_num, coeff in enumerate(poly_coeffs) : # Calculate new phase phase = polynomial_basis(coeff)(X) # Set the pulse shape self.DevPulseShaper.SetAmplPhase(max_ampl, phase) # Save phase in radians ampl, phase = self.DevPulseShaper.GetUnwrappedAmplPhase(max_ampl, phase) if scan_num == 0 : # Initialize the array phases_rad = np.zeros( (len(poly_coeffs), phase.size), dtype=phase.dtype ) amplitudes = np.zeros_like(phases_rad) amplitudes[:] = ampl.min() # Save phase phases_rad[scan_num] = phase amplitudes[scan_num] = ampl # abort, if requested wx.Yield() if self.need_abort : break # Get spectrum spectrum = self.GetSampleSpectrum(channel) # Vertical binning spectrum = ( spectrum.sum(axis=0) if len(spectrum.shape) == 2 else spectrum ) if scan_num == 0 : # Initialize the array spectra = np.zeros( (len(poly_coeffs), spectrum.size), dtype=spectrum.dtype ) spectra[:] = spectrum.min() # Save the spectrum spectra[scan_num] = spectrum # Display the currently acquired data try : spectra_2d_img.SetData(spectra) phases_rad_2d_img.SetData( phases_rad%(2*np.pi) ) #amplitudes_2d_img.SetData( amplitudes ) except NameError : visvis.cla(); visvis.clf() visvis.subplot(121) spectra_2d_img = visvis.imshow(spectra, cm=visvis.CM_JET) visvis.ylabel ('scans'); visvis.xlabel ('wavelegth') visvis.title("spectral scan") visvis.subplot(122) phases_rad_2d_img = visvis.imshow( phases_rad%(2*np.pi), cm=visvis.CM_JET) visvis.title("phase shapes") #visvis.subplot(133) #amplitudes_2d_img = visvis.imshow(amplitudes, cm=visvis.CM_JET) #visvis.title("amplitudes") # Save the data for the given channel try : del log_file[ str(channel) ] except KeyError : pass channel_grp = log_file.create_group( str(channel) ) channel_grp["spectra"] = spectra channel_grp["phases_rad"] = phases_rad channel_grp["amplitudes"] = amplitudes channel_grp["poly_coeffs"] = poly_coeffs # Readjust buttons settings self.StopScannning(event)
def GetDeltaScan (self, event) : """ Measure spectra by varying parameter delta in reference phase mask """ # Create pseudonyms of necessary devices self.DevSpectrometer = self.DevPulseShaper = ####################### Initiate devices ############################# # Initiate spectrometer settings = self.parent.Spectrometer.GetSettings() if self.DevSpectrometer.SetSettings(settings) == RETURN_FAIL : return # Initiate pulse shaper settings = self.parent.PulseShaper.GetSettings() if self.DevPulseShaper.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL : return # Get number of optimization variables self.num_pixels = self.DevPulseShaper.GetParamNumber() if self.num_pixels == RETURN_FAIL : raise RuntimeError ("Optimization cannot be started since calibration file was not loaded") miips_settings = self.GetSettings() ##################################################################### # Get range of coefficient coeff_range = np.linspace( miips_settings["coeff_min"], miips_settings["coeff_max"], miips_settings["coeff_num"] ) # Get reference phase based on the corrections already obtained reference_phase, X, polynomial_basis = self.GetReferencePhase(miips_settings) # Get new polynomial new_coeffs = np.zeros(miips_settings["polynomial_order"] + 1) new_coeffs[-1] = 1 current_polynomial = polynomial_basis(new_coeffs)(X) # Chose max amplitude max_ampl = miips_settings["max_ampl"]*np.ones(self.num_pixels) # Adjusting button's settings button = event.GetEventObject() button.SetLabel (button._stop_label) button.SetBackgroundColour('red') button.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, button._stop_method) self.need_abort = False for scan_num, coeff in enumerate(coeff_range) : # Get current phase mask current_phase = coeff*current_polynomial current_phase += reference_phase # Check for consistency current_phase %= 1 # Set the pulse shape self.DevPulseShaper.SetAmplPhase(max_ampl, current_phase) wx.Yield() # abort, if requested if self.need_abort : break # Get spectrum spectrum = self.DevSpectrometer.AcquiredData() # Vertical binning spectrum = ( spectrum.sum(axis=0) if len(spectrum.shape) == 2 else spectrum ) try : spectral_scans except NameError : # Allocate space for spectral scans spectral_scans = np.zeros( (coeff_range.size, spectrum.size), dtype=spectrum.dtype ) # Save spectrum spectral_scans[ scan_num ] = spectrum # Display the currently acquired data try : spectral_scan_2d_img.SetData(spectral_scans) except NameError : visvis.cla(); visvis.clf(); spectral_scan_2d_img = visvis.imshow(spectral_scans, cm=visvis.CM_JET) visvis.ylabel ('coefficeints') visvis.xlabel ('wavelegth') ####################################################### # Get current wavelength wavelength = self.DevSpectrometer.GetWavelengths() # Adding the scan to log self.scan_log.append( { "spectral_scans" : spectral_scans, "reference_phase" : reference_phase, "current_polynomial": current_polynomial, "coeff_range" : coeff_range, "wavelength" : wavelength } ) # Plotting fit visvis.cla(); visvis.clf(); ################ Find the value of coeff such that it maximizes the total intensity of SHG # Method 1: use polynomial filter # Ignored not scanned parameter spectral_sum = spectral_scans.sum(axis=1) indx = np.nonzero(spectral_sum > 0) # Fit the total spectral intensity with chosen polynomials spectral_sum_fit =[indx], spectral_sum[indx] , 10) # Find extrema of the polynomial fit opt_coeff = spectral_sum_fit.deriv().roots() # Find maximum fit_max_sum_val = opt_coeff[ np.argmax(spectral_sum_fit(opt_coeff)) ].real print "\n\nOptimal value of the coefficient (using the polynomial fit) is ", fit_max_sum_val # Method 2: Use Gaussian filter # Smoothing spectral scans filtered_spectral_scans = gaussian_filter(spectral_scans, (2, 0.5) ) gauss_max_sum_val = coeff_range[ np.argmax(filtered_spectral_scans.sum(axis=1)) ] print "\nOptimal value of the coefficient (using the Gaussian filter) is ", gauss_max_sum_val # If the difference between methods is great then use the Gaussian filter if abs(gauss_max_sum_val - fit_max_sum_val)/np.abs([gauss_max_sum_val, fit_max_sum_val]).max() > 0.3 : max_sum_val = gauss_max_sum_val else : max_sum_val = fit_max_sum_val self.current_coeff_val.SetValue( max_sum_val ) filtered_spectral_scans[ np.searchsorted(coeff_range, max_sum_val) ][0:-1:2] = spectral_scans.min() ################ Plotting results #################### #spectral_scan_2d_img.SetData(spectral_scans) #spectral_scan_2d_img.SetClim( spectral_scans.min(), spectral_scans.max() ) visvis.subplot(121) visvis.title("Raw spectral scans") visvis.imshow(spectral_scans, cm=visvis.CM_JET) visvis.ylabel ('coefficeints'); visvis.xlabel ('wavelegth') visvis.subplot(122) visvis.title("Finding maximum") visvis.imshow(filtered_spectral_scans, cm=visvis.CM_JET) visvis.ylabel ('coefficeints'); visvis.xlabel ('wavelegth') # Readjust buttons settings self.StopScannning(event)
def plot(self, engine='pyplot', iterations=None): """Plots the system using a specified render engine. Needs compute_3d_vectrices() to be called before. - engine: String for the render engine. Can be 'pyplot', 'plotly' or 'visvis'. pyplot is the nicest because it supports antialiasing on translucent objects. plotly is a way faster alternative that uses your web browser's render engine. visvis is faster but a bit rough. - iterations: Limits the plotting to this number of iterations. If None, the whole system states will be plotted.""" engine = engine.lower() if iterations is None: iterations = self.iterations elif iterations > self.iterations: raise ValueError("Unable to plot %s out of %s iterations" % (iterations, self.iterations)) if engine == 'visvis': try: import visvis as vv except ImportError: raise ImportError("visvis must be installed in order to use it." "Try to 'pip install visvis' in a command line.") app = vv.use() fig = vv.clf() ax = vv.cla() elif engine == 'pyplot': try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D except ImportError: raise ImportError("pyplot must be installed in order to use it." "Try to 'pip install matplotlib' in a command line.") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(32, 18), dpi=100) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.set_axis_off() elif engine == 'plotly': try: import plotly as pl from plotly.graph_objs import Scatter3d, Layout, Scene, Figure except ImportError: raise ImportError("plotly must be installed in order to use it." "Try to 'pip install plotly' in a command line.") data = [] layout = Layout( scene = Scene( xaxis=dict( visible = False, autorange = True, ), yaxis=dict( visible = False, autorange = True, ), zaxis=dict( visible = False, autorange = True, ) ), margin=dict( r=0, l=0, b=0, t=0 ), showlegend = False, hovermode = False ) else: raise ValueError("%s is not a supported render engine." % engine) rings = self.rings[:iterations] for i, ring in enumerate(rings): color = self.cmap(i, 0, len(self.rings) / 2, 1) if engine == 'visvis': vv.plot(*ring, lc=color, mw=0, alpha=.2) elif engine == 'pyplot': ax.plot(*ring, c=color+(.4,)) # Adding alpha as (r, g, b, a) else: data.append(Scatter3d( x = ring[0], y = ring[1], z = ring[2], mode = 'lines', opacity = .3, line = dict( color = ("rgb(%s,%s,%s)" % tuple([int(x*255) for x in color])), width = 3) )) curves = [curve[:iterations] for curve in self.curves] for curve in curves: if engine == 'visvis': vv.plot(*curve, lc='k', mw=0, lw=2) elif engine == 'pyplot': ax.plot(*curve, c=(0, 0, 0, .8)) else: data.append(Scatter3d( x = curve[0], y = curve[1], z = curve[2], mode = 'lines', line = dict( color = ("rgb(0, 0, 0)"), width = 4) )) if engine == 'visvis': ax = vv.gca() app.Run() elif engine == 'pyplot': fig.tight_layout() # plt.draw() mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager() mng.full_screen_toggle() else: fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) # pl.plot(fig, filename='3d-scatter-with-axes-titles') pl.offline.plot(fig) return
def ExtractPhaseFunc (self, event=None, filename=None) : """ This function is the last stage of calibration, when measured data is mathematically processed to obtain the calibration curves. """ # If filename is not specified, open the file dialogue if filename is None : filename = self.LoadSettings (title="Load calibration file...") # Update the name of pulse shaper calibration file import os self.SettingsNotebook.PulseShaper.SetSettings({"calibration_file_name" : os.path.abspath(filename)}) visvis.clf() # Loading the file calibration file with h5py.File(filename, 'a') as calibration_file : ############### Loading data #################### wavelengths = calibration_file["calibration_settings/wavelengths"][...] fixed_voltage = calibration_file["calibration_settings/fixed_voltage"][...] pulse_shaper_pixel_num = calibration_file["calibration_settings/pulse_shaper_pixel_num"][...] initial_pixel = calibration_file["settings/CalibrateShaper/initial_pixel"][...] final_pixel = calibration_file["settings/CalibrateShaper/final_pixel"][...] pixel_bundle_width = calibration_file["settings/CalibrateShaper/pixel_bundle_width"][...] pixel_to_lamba = str(calibration_file["settings/CalibrateShaper/pixel_to_lamba"][...]) # Convert to dict pixel_to_lamba = eval( "{%s}" % pixel_to_lamba ) # Loading scans of slave and masker masks master_mask_scans = []; slave_mask_scans = [] for key, spectrum in calibration_file["spectra_from_uniform_masks"].items() : master_volt, slave_volt = map(int, key.split('_')[-2:]) if master_volt == fixed_voltage : slave_mask_scans.append( (slave_volt, spectrum[...]) ) if slave_volt == fixed_voltage : master_mask_scans.append( (master_volt, spectrum[...]) ) # Sort by voltage master_mask_scans.sort(); slave_mask_scans.sort() # Extract spectral scans and voltages for each mask master_mask_voltage, master_mask_scans = zip(*master_mask_scans) master_mask_voltage = np.array(master_mask_voltage); master_mask_scans = np.array(master_mask_scans) slave_mask_voltage, slave_mask_scans = zip(*slave_mask_scans) slave_mask_voltage = np.array(slave_mask_voltage); slave_mask_scans = np.array(slave_mask_scans) ################### Find the edges of pixels ################# # function that converts pixel number to pulse shaper # `pixel_to_lamba` is a dictionary with key = pixel, value = lambda deg = 1 #min(1,len(pixel_to_lamba)-1) print np.polyfit(pixel_to_lamba.keys(), pixel_to_lamba.values(), 1 ) pixel2lambda_func = np.poly1d( np.polyfit(pixel_to_lamba.keys(), pixel_to_lamba.values(), deg=deg ) ) #lambda2pixel_func = np.poly1d( np.polyfit(pixel_to_lamba.values(), pixel_to_lamba.keys(), deg=deg ) ) # Get pixels_edges in shaper pixels pixels_edges_num = np.arange(initial_pixel, final_pixel, pixel_bundle_width) if pixels_edges_num[-1] < final_pixel : pixels_edges_num = np.append( pixels_edges_num, [final_pixel]) # Get pixels_edges in logical_pixel_lambda pixels_edges = pixel2lambda_func(pixels_edges_num) # Get pixels_edges in positions of the spectrometer spectra pixels_edges = np.abs(wavelengths - pixels_edges[:,np.newaxis]).argmin(axis=1) # Sorting indx = np.argsort(pixels_edges) pixels_edges = pixels_edges[indx] pixels_edges_num = pixels_edges_num[indx] # Plot visvis.cla(); visvis.clf() visvis.plot( pixel_to_lamba.values(), pixel_to_lamba.keys(), ls=None, ms='*', mc='g', mw=15) visvis.plot ( wavelengths[pixels_edges], pixels_edges_num, ls='-',lc='r') visvis.xlabel('wavelength (nm)') visvis.ylabel ('pulse shaper pixel') visvis.legend( ['measured', 'interpolated']) self.fig.DrawNow() ################ Perform fitting of the phase masks ################# master_mask_fits = self.FitSpectralScans( master_mask_scans, master_mask_voltage, pixels_edges ) slave_mask_fits = self.FitSpectralScans( slave_mask_scans, slave_mask_voltage, pixels_edges ) ################# Perform fitting of dispersion and phase functions ################# master_mask_TC_fitted, master_mask_scans, master_mask_disp_ph_curves = \ self.GetDispersionPhaseCurves (wavelengths, master_mask_scans, master_mask_voltage, pixels_edges, master_mask_fits, pixel2lambda_func, pulse_shaper_pixel_num ) slave_mask_TC_fitted, slave_mask_scans, slave_mask_disp_ph_curves = \ self.GetDispersionPhaseCurves (wavelengths, slave_mask_scans, slave_mask_voltage, pixels_edges, slave_mask_fits, pixel2lambda_func, pulse_shaper_pixel_num ) ################ Saving fitting parameters #################### ################################################################# # Save surface calibration try : del calibration_file["calibrated_surface"] except KeyError : pass CalibratedSurfaceGroupe = calibration_file.create_group("calibrated_surface") master_mask_calibrated_surface = CalibratedSurfaceGroupe.create_group("master_mask") for key, value in master_mask_disp_ph_curves.items() : master_mask_calibrated_surface[key] = value slave_mask_calibrated_surface = CalibratedSurfaceGroupe.create_group("slave_mask") for key, value in slave_mask_disp_ph_curves.items() : slave_mask_calibrated_surface[key] = value ################################################################# # Clear the group, if it exits try : del calibration_file["calibrated_pixels"] except KeyError : pass # This group is self consistent, thus the redundancy in saved data (with respect to other group in the file) CalibratedPixelsGroupe = calibration_file.create_group ("calibrated_pixels") CalibratedPixelsGroupe["pixels_edges"] = pixels_edges # Finding spectral bounds for each pixel pixels_spectral_bounds = zip( wavelengths[pixels_edges[:-1]], wavelengths[pixels_edges[1:]] ) # Pulse shaper pixel bounds pixels_bounds = zip(pixels_edges_num[:-1], pixels_edges_num[1:]) PixelsGroup = CalibratedPixelsGroupe.create_group("pixels") for pixel_num, master_mask_calibration, slave_mask_calibration, \ spectral_bound, pixel_bound in zip( range(len(master_mask_fits)), \ master_mask_fits, slave_mask_fits, pixels_spectral_bounds, pixels_bounds ) : pixel = PixelsGroup.create_group("pixel_%d" % pixel_num) pixel["spectral_bound"] = spectral_bound pixel["pixel_bound"] = pixel_bound # Saving fitted calibration data in the tabular form pixel["voltage_master_mask"] = master_mask_calibration[0] pixel["phase_master_mask"] = master_mask_calibration[1] pixel["voltage_slave_mask"] = slave_mask_calibration[0] pixel["phase_slave_mask"] = slave_mask_calibration[1] ################ Plotting results of calibration #################### visvis.cla(); visvis.clf(); visvis.subplot(2,2,1) visvis.imshow( master_mask_scans, cm=visvis.CM_JET ) visvis.title ("Master mask (measured data)") visvis.ylabel ('voltage'); visvis.xlabel ('wavelength (nm)') visvis.subplot(2,2,3) visvis.imshow( master_mask_TC_fitted, cm=visvis.CM_JET ) visvis.title ("Master mask (fitted data)") visvis.ylabel ('voltage'); visvis.xlabel ('wavelength (nm)') visvis.subplot(2,2,2) visvis.imshow( slave_mask_scans, cm=visvis.CM_JET ) visvis.title ("Slave mask (measured data)") visvis.ylabel ('voltage'); visvis.xlabel ('wavelength (nm)') visvis.subplot(2,2,4) visvis.imshow( slave_mask_TC_fitted, cm=visvis.CM_JET ) visvis.title ("Slave mask (fitted data)") visvis.ylabel ('voltage'); visvis.xlabel ('wavelength (nm)')