def box_with_connectable(text,
    # def box_with_connectable(text, box_size, box_loc, node_spacing, hidden_layer_node_num, box_colour='#55CC77'):
    # the box
    nb = NodeBrush('box', size=size)
    nb.size = box_size
    nb.color = box_colour
    nodes3 = viznet.node_sequence(nb, 1, box_loc, space=node_spacing)
    text_colour = box_colour
    if box_colour == 'lime':
        text_colour = 'green'
    if box_colour == 'grey':
        text_colour = 'black'
    nodes3[0].text(text, text_pos, fontsize=font_size_small, color=text_colour)
    # the connectable-invisible nodes
    nb = NodeBrush('invisible',
                   size=box_size[1])  # box_size[1] is the height of box
    # nb = NodeBrush([
    #         None,
    #         "rectangle",
    #         "none"
    #     ], size=box_size[1])  # box_size[1] is the height of box
    invis = viznet.node_sequence(nb,

    return nodes3, invis
def box_with_connectable(text,
    # the box
    nb = NodeBrush('box', size=size)
    nb.size = box_size
    nb.color = box_colour
    nodes3 = viznet.node_sequence(nb, 1, box_loc, space=node_spacing)
    nodes3[0].text(text, 'right', fontsize=font_size_small)
    # the connectable-invisible nodes
    nb = NodeBrush('invisible',
                   size=box_size[1])  # box_size[1] is the height of box
    # nb = NodeBrush([
    #         None,
    #         "rectangle",
    #         "none"
    #     ], size=box_size[1])  # box_size[1] is the height of box
    invis = viznet.node_sequence(nb,

    return nodes3, invis
Esempio n. 3
def tebd():
    # define a grid with grid space dx = 1, and dy = 1.
    grid = Grid((1, 1))

    # define a set of brushes.
    # NodeBrush can place a node at some location, like `node_brush >> (x, y)`,
    # and it will return a Node instance.
    # EdgeBrush can connect two Nodes (or Pin as a special Node),
    # like `edge_brush >> node_a, node_b`, and will return an Edge instance.
    size = 'normal'
    mps = NodeBrush('tn.mps', size=size)
    # invisible node can be used as a placeholder
    invisible_mps = NodeBrush('invisible', size=size)
    # define a two site mpo, which will occupy 1 column, 0 rows.
    mpo21 = NodeBrush('tn.mpo', size=size)
    edge = EdgeBrush('-', lw=2.)

    with DynamicShow((6, 4), filename='_tebd.png') as ds:
        # add a sequence of mps nodes, a store them in a list for future use.
        mps_list = []
        for i in range(8):
            mps_list.append(mps >> grid[i, 0])
            mps_list[-1].text(r'$\sigma_%d$' % i, position='bottom')
        mps_list.append(invisible_mps >> grid[i + 1, 0])

        # add mpo and connect nodes
        for layer in range(4):
            # set brush color, it will overide theme color!
            # You can set brush color to None to restore theme color.
            mpo21.color = theme.RED if layer % 2 == 0 else theme.GREEN
            mpo_list = []
            start = layer % 2
            for i, (mps_l, mps_r) in enumerate(
                    zip(mps_list[start::2], mps_list[start + 1::2])):
                # place an two site mpo slightly above the center of two mps nodes
                y = mps_l.position[1] + layer + 1
                    mpo21 >> grid[mps_l.position[0]:mps_r.position[0], y:y])
                if layer == 0:
                    # if this is the first mpo layer, connect mps and newly added mpo.
                    pin_l = mps_l
                    pin_r = mps_r
                    # otherwise, place a pin at the top surface of previous mpo,
                    # we also require it horizontally aligned to some `mps_l` object.
                    # pin is a special node, which is zero sized,
                    # we can use it to connect nodes, add texts.
                    # if you're about to place some pin at `left` or
                    # `right` surface of a node,
                    # align is then intepreted as vertial align.
                    pin_l = mpo_list_pre[i].pin('top', align=mps_l)
                    pin_r = mpo_list_pre[i].pin('top', align=mps_r)
                if layer < 2:
                    edge >> (mps_l, mps_r)
                edge >> (pin_l, mpo_list[-1].pin('bottom', align=mps_l))
                edge >> (pin_r, mpo_list[-1].pin('bottom', align=mps_r))
            mpo_list_pre = mpo_list