def run(): for event in longpoll.listen(): if event.type == VkEventType.MESSAGE_NEW: print('\n' + get_name(event.user_id) + ' (id: ' + str(event.user_id) + ')') print('Сообщение пришло в: ' + str(datetime.strftime(, "%H:%M:%S"))) print('Текст сообщения: ' + str(event.text)) print("---------------------------------\n") response = event.text.lower() keyboard = Keyboard() if event.from_user and event.to_me: if found_user(event.user_id) == False: print(event.user_id) print(type(event.user_id)) send = { 'lang': '', 'level': '', 'format': '', 'discus': '' } steps = { '1': False, '2': False, '3': False, '4': False, '5': False } bot = VkBot(event.user_id, send, steps) add_into_user_bot(event.user_id, send, steps, bot) else: if 'vkbot' not in users_bot[event.user_id].keys(): user = users_bot[event.user_id] bot = VkBot(event.user_id, user['send'], user['steps']) add_into_user_bot(event.user_id, user['send'], user['steps'], bot) bot_Object = users_bot[event.user_id]['vkbot'] keyboard = keyboard.create_keyboard(response, bot_Object.get_step()) bb = bot_Object.message(response, keyboard) add_into_user_bot(event.user_id, bot_Object.send, bot_Object.STEPS, bot_Object) print(bb) print(users_bot) print(bot_Object.send) print(bot_Object.STEPS) add_data_in_json(event.user_id) if bb == None: continue elif len(bb) == 4: send_message(vk, bb[0], bb[1], message=bb[2], keyboard=bb[3]) elif len(bb) == 3: send_message(vk, bb[0], bb[1], message=bb[2])
def test_on_event(self): send_mock = Mock() api_mock = Mock() api_mock.messages.send = send_mock events = [] for input_text in self.INPUTS: event = deepcopy(self.RAW_EVENT) event['object']['message']['text'] = input_text events.append(VkBotMessageEvent(event)) long_poller_mock = Mock() long_poller_mock.listen = Mock(return_value=events) with patch('vk_bot.VkBotLongPoll', return_value=long_poller_mock): bot = VkBot('', '') bot.api = api_mock bot.send_image = Mock() assert send_mock.call_count == len(self.INPUTS) real_outputs = [] for call in send_mock.call_args_list: args, kwargs = call real_outputs.append(kwargs['message']) assert real_outputs == self.EXPECTED_OUTPUTS
def run(): try: for event in longpoll.listen(): if event.type == VkEventType.MESSAGE_NEW: print('\n' + get_name(event.user_id) + ' (id: ' + str(event.user_id) + ')') print('Сообщение пришло в: ' + str(datetime.strftime(, "%H:%M:%S"))) print('Текст сообщения: ' + str(event.text)) print("---------------------------------\n") response = event.text.lower() keyboard = Keyboard.create_keyboard(response) if event.from_user and event.to_me: if event.user_id not in users_bot: users_bot[event.user_id] = VkBot(event.user_id) bb = users_bot[event.user_id].message(response, keyboard) print(users_bot[event.user_id].send) print(users_bot[event.user_id].steps) if bb == None: continue if len(bb) == 4: send_message(vk, bb[0], bb[1], message=bb[2], keyboard=bb[3]) elif len(bb) == 3: send_message(vk, bb[0], bb[1], message=bb[2]) except Exception as E: time.sleep(3)
def main(): def write_msg(user_id, message, random_id): vk.method('messages.send', { 'user_id': user_id, 'message': message, "random_id": random_id }) vk = vk_api.VkApi(token=VK_TOKEN) longpoll = VkLongPoll(vk) for event in longpoll.listen(): if event.type == VkEventType.MESSAGE_NEW: if event.to_me: print('New message:') print(f'For me by: {event.user_id}', end='') bot = VkBot(event.user_id) write_msg(event.user_id, bot.new_message(event.text), random_id=event.random_id) print('Text: ', event.text)
def mailing(): while (1): t1 = time.time() conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname='vkBotDataBase', user='******', password='******', host='localhost') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM students WHERE time='" + time.strftime("%H.%M", time.localtime()) + "'") result = cursor.fetchall() if result != []: bot = VkBot(result[0][0], conn) message = '' now = next_day = calendar.weekday(now.year, now.month, + 1 cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM day WHERE id=" + str(result[0][0] * 10 + next_day)) result = cursor.fetchall() print(result) if result != []: message += "Расписание на завтра: \n" for i in result: message += i[1] + ' ' + i[0] + '\n' bot.send_message(message=message) conn.close() t2 = time.time() t = t2 - t1 time.sleep(60 - t)
def run_vk_bot(): """ Run vk bot """'Attempt to start vk bot.') vk_bot = VkBot() vk_bot.start()
def waiting(): longpoll = VkLongPoll(vk_session) for event in longpoll.listen(): if event.type == VkEventType.MESSAGE_NEW: if event.to_me: request = event.text bot = VkBot(event.user_id, conn) bot.request_handler(request)
def main(): for event in longpoll.listen(): if event.type == VkEventType.MESSAGE_NEW and event.to_me: print('Новое сообщение:') print(f'От пользователя: {event.user_id} ', end='') bot = VkBot(event.user_id) write_msg(event.user_id, bot.new_message(event.text)) print(' Сообщение:', event.text)
def start(self): print('Server Started!') for event in self.long_poll.listen(): # Пришло новое сообщение if event.type == VkBotEventType.MESSAGE_NEW: if event.object.message['from_id'] == event.object.message[ 'peer_id']: bot = VkBot(event.from_user) keyboard = create_keyboard() print(event.object.message['from_id'], ':', event.object.message['text']) bot.send_msg(send_id=event.object.message['from_id'], message=bot.new_message( event.object.message['text']), vk_api=self.vk_api, keyboard=keyboard) elif event.object.message['from_id'] != event.object.message[ 'peer_id']: bot = VkBot(event.from_user) keyboard = create_empty_keyboard() user = self.vk.method( "users.get", {"user_ids": event.object.message['from_id']}) name = user[0]['first_name'] try: bot.send_msg( send_id=event.object.message['peer_id'], message=bot.chat_new_message( text=event.object.message['text'], peer_id=event.object.message['peer_id'], from_id=event.object.message['from_id'], name=name, vk_api=self.vk_api), keyboard=keyboard, vk_api=self.vk_api) except: pass
def bot_launch(longpoll, vk_comunity, keyboard): print('Бот запущен \U0001F916') for event in longpoll.listen(): if event.type == VkEventType.MESSAGE_NEW: if event.to_me: # Объект бота bot = VkBot(event.user_id) print('\nНовое сообщение \U0001F4EC') print(f'ID: {event.user_id} \U0001F194') print(f'Имя: {bot._get_user_name(event.user_id)} \U0001F974') print(f'Текст: {event.text} \U0001F4DD') # Бот отвечает bot_message(event.user_id, bot.new_message(event.text), vk_comunity, keyboard)
def test_run(self): count = 5 events = [{}] * count long_poller_mock = Mock(return_value=events) long_poller_listen_mock = Mock() long_poller_listen_mock.listen = long_poller_mock with patch('vk_bot.vk_api.VkApi'): with patch('vk_bot.VkBotLongPoll', return_value=long_poller_listen_mock): bot = VkBot('', '') bot.on_event = Mock() bot.send_image = Mock() bot.on_event.assert_called() bot.on_event.assert_any_call({}) assert bot.on_event.call_count == count
def __init__(self, data): log = logging.getLogger('bot') log_level = getattr(logging, data['log'].upper(), 50) log.setLevel(log_level) fmt = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(name)s: %(message)s') fh = logging.FileHandler('bot.log', 'w') fh.setFormatter(fmt) log.addHandler(fh) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setFormatter(fmt) ch.setLevel(logging.WARNING) log.addHandler(ch) self.group_id = data['group_id'] self.log = log'Initializing VkBot class...') = VkBot(data['user_token'], data['group_token'], data['group_id'])'Running!')
def run(): print("Server started") for event in longpoll.listen(): if event.type == VkEventType.MESSAGE_NEW: if event.to_me: print('New message:') print('For me by: ', end='') print(event.user_id) user_id = event.user_id if user_id not in users_bot_class_dict: users_bot_class_dict[user_id] = VkBot(event.user_id) write_msg(event.user_id, bot.new_message(event.text)) # # Checking to welcome message send # if users_bot_class_dict[user_id].WELCOME_MSG_SEND: # write_msg(event.user_id, users_bot_class_dict[user_id].update_screen(event.text)) # else: # write_msg(event.user_id, users_bot_class_dict[user_id].get_welcome_msg(event.user_id)) print('Text: ', event.text)
import vk_api from vk_api import VkUpload import requests from vk_api.bot_longpoll import VkBotLongPoll, VkBotEventType from vk_bot import VkBot token = "5b121f534ed551acff6595ad366534d14a6aa9097556c6c11beb6ab9ad5ac1b43c3189fcf875b74eee580" bot_session = vk_api.VkApi(token=token) vk = bot_session.get_api() longpoll = VkBotLongPoll(bot_session, 177063309) session = requests.Session() upload = VkUpload(vk) for event in longpoll.listen(): if event.type == VkBotEventType.MESSAGE_NEW and event.message: bot = VkBot(event, vk, upload, session) bot.console_log() if 'треды' in bot.TEXT: bot.threads_from_board() if 'тред номер' in bot.TEXT: bot.single_thread() if 'расписание' in bot.TEXT: bot.send_schedule(single=True) if 'пара' in bot.TEXT: bot.send_schedule(specific=True) if 'документация' in bot.TEXT: bot.send_doc()
import time import logging from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from models import engine, VkUser, Keyword from vk_bot import VkBot db_session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)() vk_bot = VkBot() vk_bot.gen_api() log = logging.getLogger("botlog") def run_mailing(): while True: try: keywords = [ for interest in db_session.query(Keyword).all() ] if keywords: for keyword in keywords: users_with_that_keyword = db_session.query( VkUser.vk_user_id).filter( VkUser.keyword.any(name=keyword)).all() vk_bot.send_news_for_many_users( [_.vk_user_id for _ in users_with_that_keyword], keyword) time.sleep(5) time.sleep(5) except Exception as ex:
def run(self): for event in long_poll.listen(): if event.type == VkEventType.MESSAGE_NEW: if event.to_me: bot = VkBot(event.user_id, vk) bot.new_message(event.text)
def main(): vk = Vk(VK_TOKEN, '5.130') vk_bot = VkBot(VK_BOT_TOKEN) start_key = vk_bot.get_keyboard(start_button) continue_key = vk_bot.get_keyboard(continue_button) change_criteria_key = vk_bot.get_keyboard(change_criteria_button) database_users = crud.load_users() users = [] city_dict = {} criteria = {} long_poll = VkLongPoll(vk_bot.session) for event in long_poll.listen(): if event.type == VkEventType.MESSAGE_NEW: if event.to_me: request = event.text.lower() if request == "привет": flag = 0 for user_id in database_users: if user_id == event.user_id: criteria = crud.load_criteria(event.user_id) flag = 1 break if flag == 0: info = vk.get_user_info(event.user_id) user = User(event.user_id, vk.get_criteria(info)) users.append(user) crud.insert_user(user) user.count_to_load, target_users = vk.search_users( user.criteria, user.viewed_list, user.black_list) vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"привет {user.first_name}, " f"нашел для тебя {user.count_to_load} пользователей\n " ) vk_bot.send_message(event.user_id, user.display_criteria()) vk_bot.send_message(event.user_id, "сделай выбор:", start_key) elif flag == 1: user = User(event.user_id, criteria) user.viewed_list = crud.load_viewed_list(event.user_id) user.loaded_list = user.viewed_list.copy() user.black_list = crud.load_black_list(event.user_id) user.favorite_list = crud.load_favorite_list( event.user_id) user.count_to_load, target_users = vk.search_users( user.criteria, [], user.black_list) user.count_loaded = len( user.viewed_list) if user.viewed_list else 0 users.append(user) if user.count_not_viewed( ) > 0 and user.count_loaded > 0: vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"привет {user.first_name}, продолжим?\n" f"осталось {user.count_not_viewed()} пользователей\n" f"\n{user.display_criteria()}\n", continue_key) else: clear_current_search_data(user) vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"привет {user.first_name}, искать снова?\n" f"нашел {user.count_to_load} пользователей\n" f"\n{user.display_criteria()}\n", start_key) else: for user in users: if request in ('начать поиск', 'продолжить поиск'): if == event.user_id: count, target_users = vk.search_users( user.criteria, user.viewed_list, user.black_list) if request == 'начать поиск': user.count_to_load = count vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"нашел {user.count_to_load} пользователей" ) else: vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"осталось {count} пользователей") vk_bot.send_message(event.user_id, "загружаю...") for i, target_user in enumerate(target_users): photos = vk.get_photos(target_user) top_3_photos = vk.get_top_photos(photos, 3) attachments = vk_bot.get_attachments( top_3_photos) vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"{str(target_user)}", None, attachments) user.viewed_list.append(target_user) if i == user.max_number - 1: break crud.insert_users_search(user) user.count_loaded = len(user.loaded_list) if user.count_not_viewed() > 0: vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"осталось {user.count_not_viewed()} пользователей" f"\nсделай выбор:", continue_key) else: clear_current_search_data(user, 1) vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, "сделай выбор:", start_key) elif request == 'изменить параметры': if == event.user_id: vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"{user.display_criteria()}\n" "сделай выбор:", change_criteria_key) elif request == 'пол': if == event.user_id: user.change_sex() crud.update_sex(user) clear_current_search_data(user, 1) vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"пол изменен\n" f"{user.display_criteria()}", start_key) count, target_users = vk.search_users( user.criteria, user.viewed_list, user.black_list) vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"нашел {count} пользователей") elif request == 'возраст': if == event.user_id: vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, "введите возраст в формате '30-35'") elif re.match(re.compile(age_pattern), request): if == event.user_id: age_from, age_to = re.match( re.compile(age_pattern), request).groups() user.change_age(age_from, age_to) crud.update_age(user) clear_current_search_data(user, 1) count, target_users = vk.search_users( user.criteria, user.viewed_list, user.black_list) vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"возраст изменен\n{user.display_criteria()}", start_key) vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"нашел {count} пользователей") elif request == 'город': if == event.user_id: vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, "введите город в формате 'г Москва'") elif re.match(re.compile(city_pattern), request): if == event.user_id: city_query = re.match(re.compile(city_pattern), request).groups()[0] city_dict, city_key = vk.get_cities( city_query, user.criteria['country_id']) if len(city_key) > 0: city_key = vk_bot.get_keyboard( {'buttons': city_key}) vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, "подтвердите выбор:", city_key) else: vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, "город не найден", change_criteria_key) elif re.match(re.compile(id_city_pattern), request): if == event.user_id: city_id = re.match(re.compile(id_city_pattern), request).groups()[0] user.change_city(city_id, city_dict[city_id]) crud.update_city(user) clear_current_search_data(user, 1) user.count_to_load, target_users = vk.search_users( user.criteria, user.viewed_list, user.black_list) vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"город изменен\n{user.display_criteria()}", start_key) vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"нашел {user.count_to_load} пользователей" ) elif request == 'статус': if == event.user_id: vk_bot.send_message(event.user_id, user.STATUS_LABEL) elif re.match(re.compile(status_pattern), request): if == event.user_id: status = int( re.match(re.compile(status_pattern), request).groups()[0]) user.change_status(status) crud.update_status(user) clear_current_search_data(user, 1) count, target_users = vk.search_users( user.criteria, user.viewed_list, user.black_list) vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"статус изменен\n{user.display_criteria()}", start_key) vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"нашел {count} пользователей") elif request == '+': if == event.user_id: reply_message = vk_bot.get_reply_message( event.peer_id, event.user_id) if re.match(re.compile(id_reply_pattern), reply_message): favorite_user_id = int( re.match(re.compile(id_reply_pattern), reply_message).groups()[0]) if favorite_user_id not in user.favorite_list: crud.insert_favorite( user, favorite_user_id) user.favorite_list.append( favorite_user_id) vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"пользователь добавлен в избранное", continue_key) else: vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, 'пользователь уже в списке', continue_key) else: vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, "чтобы добавить в избранное, отправь '+' " "\nв ответе на сообщение со ссылкой " "на пользователя") elif request == '-': if == event.user_id: reply_message = vk_bot.get_reply_message( event.peer_id, event.user_id) if re.match(re.compile(id_reply_pattern), reply_message): black_list_user_id = int( re.match(re.compile(id_reply_pattern), reply_message).groups()[0]) if black_list_user_id not in user.black_list: crud.insert_black_user( user, black_list_user_id) user.black_list.append( black_list_user_id) user.clear_black_list_info( black_list_user_id) user.count_to_load, target_users = vk.search_users( user.criteria, [], user.black_list) vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"пользователь добавлен в черный список", continue_key) else: vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, 'пользователь уже в списке', continue_key) else: vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, "чтобы добавить в черный список, отправь '-' " "\nв ответе на сообщение со ссылкой " "на пользователя") elif request == 'черный список': if == event.user_id: if user.black_list: for black_user in user.black_list: vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"{str(black_user)}" ) vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, 'сделай выбор', continue_key) else: vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, 'список пуст', continue_key) elif request == 'избранное': if == event.user_id: if user.favorite_list: for favorite_user in user.favorite_list: vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, f"{str(favorite_user)}" ) vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, 'сделай выбор', continue_key) else: vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, 'список пуст', continue_key) else: if == event.user_id: vk_bot.send_message( event.user_id, "не понял вашего ответа...")
'user_id': user_id, 'message': message, 'random_id': random.randint(1, 2000) }) # API-ключ созданный ранее token = "7464579169b4bee1f62854d7fd8644c0ce385989d24dd07858ac5fea75fc0e27c8a5e17515851ef141440" # Авторизуемся как сообщество vk = vk_api.VkApi(token=token) # Работа с сообщениями longpoll = VkLongPoll(vk) print("Server started") autorized = set() for event in longpoll.listen(): print(event) if event.type == VkEventType.MESSAGE_NEW: if event.to_me: print('New message:') print(f'For me by: {event.user_id}', end='') bot = VkBot(event.user_id, autorized) write_msg(event.user_id, bot.new_message(event.text)) print('Text: ', event.text)
import vk_api from vk_api.longpoll import VkLongPoll, VkEventType from vk_bot import VkBot token = "/your vk group token/" bot = VkBot(token) bot.start_bot()
def setUp(cls): cls.vk_bot = VkBot()
import vk_api from random import randrange from vk_bot import VkBot from vk_DB import DbWorker, DB_path from vk_api.keyboard import VkKeyboard, VkKeyboardColor from vk_api.longpoll import VkLongPoll, VkEventType # Токен Вк-группы, от лица которой будет писать бот. group_token = input('Group token: ') # Токен любого пользователя Вк, он нужен для поиска людей, так как по токену группы этого сделать нельзя. bot_token = input('Bot token: ') vk_session = vk_api.VkApi(token=group_token) longpoll = VkLongPoll(vk_session) vk_bot = VkBot(bot_token) db_worker = DbWorker(DB_path) def write_message(user_id, message, attachment=None, keyboard=None): vk_session.method( 'messages.send', { 'user_id': user_id, 'message': message, 'random_id': randrange(10 ** 7), 'attachment': attachment, 'keyboard': keyboard } )
import sys import os.path sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) DEBUG = False if __name__ == '__main__': from vk_bot import VkBot import subprocess bot = VkBot() migrations = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, ""]) sender = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, ""]) sender.kill()
]) model = DogNet(out_classes=120) load_weights(model, './weights/DogNet_epoch7.pth', DEVICE) model.eval() for event in longpoll.listen(): if event.type == VkEventType.MESSAGE_NEW: if event.to_me: print(f'New message from {event.user_id}') if len(event.attachments ) != 0 and event.attachments['attach1_type'] == 'photo': bot = VkBot(event.user_id, model) items = vk_sess.messages.getById(message_ids=event.message_id) item_url = items["items"][0]["attachments"][0]["photo"][ "sizes"][4]["url"] response = requests.get(item_url, stream=True) local_file = open('./local.jpg', 'wb') response.raw.decode_content = True shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, local_file) image ='./local.jpg') image.load() output = model(torch.Tensor(transform(image)).unsqueeze_(0)) label = encoder.inverse_transform( [torch.argmax(torch.softmax(output[0], dim=-1)).item()]).item() write_msg(event.user_id, f'{label}') else:
def main(): bot = VkBot(config.token, config.group_id) bot.start()
# API-ключ созданный ранее token = "5d1d08c4b4b739b6718b5a9a09aa71332ba4f687aa58321344f706b4351c2a470d3a9011ad64e312dad30" # Авторизуемся как сообщество vk = vk_api.VkApi(token=token) # Работа с сообщениями longpoll = VkLongPoll(vk) commander = Commander() print("Server started") for event in longpoll.listen(): if event.type == VkEventType.MESSAGE_NEW: if event.to_me: print('New message:') print(f'For me by: {event.user_id}', end='') bot = VkBot(event.user_id) if event.text[0] == "/": write_msg(event.user_id,[1::])) else: write_msg(event.user_id, bot.new_message(event.text)) print('Text: ', event.text)
def get_bot(user_id): if user_id not in active_bots: active_bots[user_id] = VkBot(user_id, vk, db_session) return active_bots[user_id]