def closest_pairs(spots_r, spots_c):
    """Calculate the closest neighbours of given reference spots.

    spots_r, spots_c : coordinate lists
        The coordinates (lists of 3-tuples of floats) of objects.

    edm : euclidean distance matrix
    pairs : list((int, int))
        The list of pairs of closest neighbours (index numbers).
    pairs = []
    edm = dist_matrix(np.vstack([spots_r, spots_c]))
    # create a mask to ignore the reference spots
    ref_mask = [1] * len(spots_r) + [0] * len(spots_c)
    for refid in range(len(spots_r)):
        # the result of find_neighbor() must be adjusted by the length of the
        # spots_r list to retrieve the index number for the spots_c list:
        nearest = find_neighbor(refid, edm, ref_mask) - len(spots_r)
        pair = (refid, nearest)
        print_summary(edm, spots_c, spots_r, pair)
    return (edm, pairs)
Esempio n. 2

'''Test script for the "volpy" module.'''

from volpy import dist_matrix
from numpy import loadtxt, array_str, set_printoptions

basedir = 'TESTDATA/filaments/'
infile = basedir + 'testdata-filaments.csv'
outfile = basedir + 'result_volpy_fil_detailed.txt'

data = loadtxt(open(infile, 'r'), delimiter=',')
dist_mat = dist_matrix(data)

outstr = array_str(dist_mat, max_line_width=999999)
output = open(outfile, 'w')

print 'Parsed %i points from "%s"' % \
    (len(data), infile)
print('Written distance matrix to "%s"' % outfile)