Esempio n. 1
def space_increase_nfs(stdurl, tsmID):
    startTime = ctime()
    volList = listVolumeWithTSMId_new(stdurl, tsmID)
    endTime = ctime()
    if volList[0] == 'FAILED':
        logAndresult(tcName, 'BLOCKED', volList[1], startTime, endTime)
    get_volInfo = get_volume_info(volList[1], volname)
    vol_quota = get_volInfo[6]
    logging.debug('volume size is: %s', vol_quota)'Increasing space of NFS volume')
    vol_quota1 = vol_quota.strip('G')
    quota = int(vol_quota1) + 2
    quota = '%sG' % quota
    quota1 = quota.rstrip('G')
    edit_quota = edit_vol_quota(volid, quota, stdurl)
    if edit_quota[0] == 'FAILED':
        logAndresult(tcName, 'FAILED', edit_quota[1], startTime, endTime)
    logging.debug('Successfully updated quota of volume "%s" from %s to %s'\
                    ,volname, vol_quota, quota)
    time.sleep(5)'verifying quota update of client side')
    mountDetails1 = mountPointDetails('-h', mount_point)
    size = mountDetails1[1].strip('G')
    if float(size) == float(quota1):
        logging.debug('Quota on client after size update is : %sG', size)
        logging.debug('Quota of Nfs share has been updated on client side')
        endTime = ctime()
        msg = 'Size is not updated on client side, current size is : %s' % size
        logAndresult(tcName, 'FAILED', msg, startTime, endTime)
Esempio n. 2
def addVol_client_Mount(vol, stdurl, tsmID, tsmName, ClientIP):
    startTime = ctime()
    result = create_volume(vol, stdurl)
    if result[0] == 'FAILED':
        endTime = ctime()
        print result[1]
        logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', result[1], startTime, endTime)
        print "Volume '%s' created successfully" % (vol['name'])

    startTime = ctime()'Listing volumes in the TSM "%s" w.r.t its TSM ID', tsmName)
    volList = listVolumeWithTSMId_new(stdurl, tsmID)
    if volList[0] == 'PASSED':'Volumes present in the TSM "%s"', tsmName)
        endTime = ctime()
        print 'Not able to list Volumes in TSM "%s" due to: ' \
                %(tsmName) + volList[1]
        logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', volList[1], startTime, endTime)

    volume_name = vol['name']
    get_volInfo = get_volume_info(volList[1], volume_name)
    volname, volid, vol_mntPoint = get_volInfo[1], get_volInfo[2], get_volInfo[
    logging.debug('volname: %s, volid: %s, vol_mntPoint: %s',\
            volname, volid, vol_mntPoint)

    startTime = ctime()
    addClient = addNFSclient(stdurl, volid, ClientIP)
    if addClient[0] == 'PASSED':
        print 'Added NFS client "%s" to volume "%s"' % (ClientIP, volname)'Added NFS client "%s" to volume "%s"', \
                        ClientIP, volname)
        endTime = ctime()
        logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', addClient[1], startTime, endTime)

    volume = {'TSMIPAddress' : tsmIP, 'mountPoint': vol_mntPoint,\
                'name' : volname}

    startTime = ctime()"Mounting NFS Share '%s'", volname)
    nfsMount = mountNFS(volume)
    if nfsMount == 'PASSED':'Mounted Nfs Share "%s" successfully', volume['name'])
        endTime = ctime()
        msg = 'failed to mount NFS share "%s"' % volume['name']
        logAndresult(testcase, 'FAILED', msg, startTime, endTime)

    return [volume, volid]
def space_increase_iscsi(stdurl, tsmID, tsmIP, volname, volid, vol_iqn,
    startTime = ctime()
    logout_result = iscsi_login_logout(vol_iqn, tsmIP, 'logout')
    if logout_result[0] == 'FAILED':
        logging.error('%s', logout_result[1])
    logging.debug('%s', logout_result[1])
    volList = listVolumeWithTSMId_new(stdurl, tsmID)
    endTime = ctime()
    if volList[0] == 'FAILED':
        logAndresult(tcName, 'BLOCKED', volList[1], startTime, endTime)
    get_volInfo = get_volume_info(volList[1], volname)
    vol_quota = get_volInfo[6]
    logging.debug('volume size is: %s', vol_quota)'Increasing space of Iscsi volume')
    vol_quota1 = vol_quota.strip('G')
    quota = int(vol_quota1) + 2
    quota = '%sG' % quota
    quota1 = quota.rstrip('G')
    edit_quota = edit_vol_quota(volid, quota, stdurl)
    if edit_quota[0] == 'FAILED':
        logAndresult(tcName, 'FAILED', edit_quota[1], startTime, endTime)
    logging.debug('Successfully updated quota of volume "%s" from %s to %s'\
   ,volname, vol_quota, quota)
    get_quota = iscsi_get_quota(tsmIP, vol_iqn, vol_mntPoint)
    endTime = ctime()
    if get_quota[0] == 'FAILED':
        logginig.error('After editting quota: %s', get_quota[1])
        logAndresult(tcName, 'BLOCKED', volList[1], startTime, endTime)
    quota2 = get_quota[1]
    quota3 = '%sG' % quota2
    logging.debug('Size of lun after quota update on client : %s', quota3)
    if float(quota2) == float(quota1):
        logging.debug('Quota of iSCSI has been updated on client side ')
        msg = 'Size is not updated on client side, current size is : %s' % size
        logAndresult(tcName, 'FAILED', msg, startTime, endTime)
Esempio n. 4
    print "Volume '%s' created successfully" % (vol['name'])

startTime = ctime()'Listing volumes in the TSM "%s" w.r.t its TSM ID', tsmName)
volList = listVolumeWithTSMId_new(stdurl, tsmID)
if volList[0] == 'PASSED':'Volumes present in the TSM "%s"', tsmName)
    endTime = ctime()
    print 'Not able to list Volumes in TSM "%s" due to: ' \
            %(tsmName) + volList[1]
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', volList[1], startTime, endTime)

volume_name = vol['name']
get_volInfo = get_volume_info(volList[1], volume_name)
volname, volid, vol_mntPoint = get_volInfo[1], get_volInfo[2], get_volInfo[3]
logging.debug('volname: %s, volid: %s, vol_mntPoint: %s',\
                volname, volid, vol_mntPoint)

startTime = ctime()
addClient = addNFSclient(stdurl, volid, 'all')
if addClient[0] == 'PASSED':
    print 'Added NFS client "all" to volume "%s"' % volname'Added NFS client "all" to volume "%s"', volname)
    endTime = ctime()
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', addClient[1], startTime, endTime)

volume = {'TSMIPAddress' : tsmIP, 'mountPoint': vol_mntPoint,\
                'name' : volname}
Esempio n. 5
volumes = listVolumeWithTSMId_new(STDURL, vsm_id)
if volumes[0] == 'FAILED':
    logging.error('Testcase %s is blocked due to' \
            ': %s', tcName,volumes[1])
    is_blocked(startTime, FOOTER_MSG, BLOCKED_MSG)
volumes = volumes[1]

# Extract the vol_id & vol_mnt_pt for both volumes from info obtained above
for vol in volumes:
    vol_id = vol.get('id')
    vol_mnt_pt = vol.get('mountpoint')

vol1_info = get_volume_info(volumes, VOL1_NAME)
vol1_id, vol1_mnt_pt = vol1_info[2], vol1_info[3]
print vol1_id, vol1_mnt_pt

vol2_info = get_volume_info(volumes, VOL2_NAME)
vol2_id, vol2_mnt_pt = vol2_info[2], vol2_info[3]
print vol2_id, vol2_mnt_pt

# Updating nfs client access property for both volume

result = addNFSclient(STDURL, vol1_id, 'ALL')
if result[0] == 'FAILED':
    logging.error('Testcase %s is blocked due to' \
            ': %s', tcName,result[1])
    is_blocked(startTime, FOOTER_MSG, BLOCKED_MSG)
result = create_volume(vol_dict, STDURL)

# Get the info for the Volume created above (this list method response
#contains id, etc.., not create, so needed)

volumes = listVolumeWithTSMId_new(STDURL, vsmId)
if volumes[0] == 'FAILED':
    logging.error('Testcase AMSx-WLAx-NSWx-ISCSI-IORx-TC_CONTINUOUS_ISTGTCONTROL_REFRESH is blocked due to' \
            ': %s', volumes[1])
    is_blocked(startTime, FOOTER_MSG, BLOCKED_MSG)
volumes = volumes[1]

# Extract the iSCSI LUN properties from info obtained above

vol_info = get_volume_info(volumes, VOL_NAME)
if vol_info[0] == 'FAILED':
    print 'Not able to get volume properties...'
            'blocked due to %s', vol_info[1])
    is_blocked(startTime, FOOTER_MSG, BLOCKED_MSG)

# Assigning vol properties to variables
volId = vol_info[2]
volMntPoint = vol_info[3]
volIqn = vol_info[4]
volGrpID = vol_info[5]

# Updating iSCSI auth group to ALL, So client can access the iSCSI LUN
addAuthGroupResult = assign_iniator_gp_to_LUN(STDURL, volId, account_id, 'ALL')
if addAuthGroupResult[0] == 'FAILED':