def env_init(self): print('VREP Environmental Program Started') vrep.simxFinish(-1) # just in case, close all opened connections self.clientID = vrep.simxStart('', 19999, True, True, 5000, 5) # Connect to V-REP if self.clientID != -1: print('Connected to remote API server') self.fmu = FMU() self.start_simulation() else: print('Connection Failure') sys.exit('Abort Connection') return self.makeTaskSpec()
def env_init(self): print ('VREP Environmental Program Started') vrep.simxFinish(-1) # just in case, close all opened connections self.clientID=vrep.simxStart('',19999,True,True,5000,5) # Connect to V-REP if self.clientID!=-1: print ('Connected to remote API server') self.fmu = FMU() self.start_simulation() else: print('Connection Failure') sys.exit('Abort Connection') return self.makeTaskSpec()
class vrep_environment(Environment): # range of state space observations MAX_POS_XY = 0.5 # [m] maximum deviation in position in each dimension MAX_LIN_RATE = 1.0 # [m/s] maximum velocity in each dimension MAX_ANG_RATE = 4 * np.pi # [rad/s] maximum angular velocity MAX_ANG = np.pi * 30./180. # [rad] maximum angular state_goal = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]).astype(np.float32) state_ranges = np.array([[-MAX_POS_XY, MAX_POS_XY]] * 2 + [[0.0, 1.0]] * 1 + [[-MAX_LIN_RATE, MAX_LIN_RATE]] * 3 + [[-MAX_ANG_RATE, MAX_ANG_RATE]] * 3 + [[-MAX_ANG, MAX_ANG]] * 3) action_ranges = np.array([[-1., 1.]] * 2) discount_factor=.99 num_sim_steps = 0 def env_init(self): print ('VREP Environmental Program Started') vrep.simxFinish(-1) # just in case, close all opened connections self.clientID=vrep.simxStart('',19999,True,True,5000,5) # Connect to V-REP if self.clientID!=-1: print ('Connected to remote API server') self.fmu = FMU() self.start_simulation() else: print('Connection Failure') sys.exit('Abort Connection') return self.makeTaskSpec() def env_start(self): self.restart_simulation() returnObs=Observation() returnObs.doubleArray=self.getState().tolist() return returnObs def env_step(self,thisAction): # validate the action assert len(thisAction.doubleArray)==2,"Expected 4 double actions." self.takeAction(thisAction.doubleArray) theObs = Observation() theObs.doubleArray = self.getState().tolist() theReward,terminate = self.getReward() returnRO = Reward_observation_terminal() returnRO.r = theReward returnRO.o = theObs returnRO.terminal = int(terminate) return returnRO def env_cleanup(self): pass def env_message(self,inMessage): return "I got nothing to say about your message" def makeTaskSpec(self): ts = taskspec.TaskSpec(discount_factor=self.discount_factor, reward_range=('UNSPEC','UNSPEC')) ts.setDiscountFactor(self.discount_factor) for minValue, maxValue in self.action_ranges: ts.addContinuousAction((minValue, maxValue)) for minValue, maxValue in self.state_ranges: ts.addContinuousObservation((minValue, maxValue)) ts.setEpisodic() ts.setExtra("name: VREP quadcopter environment.") return ts.toTaskSpec() def start_simulation(self): mode = vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait assert vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.clientID, mode) == 0,"StartSim Error" assert vrep.simxSynchronous(self.clientID, True) == 0,"Sync Error" self.config_handles() def restart_simulation(self): mode = vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait assert vrep.simxStopSimulation(self.clientID, mode) == 0, \ "StopSim Error" time.sleep(0.1) self.start_simulation() self.num_sim_steps = 0 def proceed_simulation(self, sim_steps=1): for t in range(sim_steps): vrep.simxSynchronousTrigger(self.clientID) def config_handles(self): # Object-handle-configuration errorFlag, self.Quadbase = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.clientID, 'Quadricopter_base', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) errorFlag, self.Quadobj = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.clientID, 'Quadricopter', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) self.getState(initial=True) time.sleep(0.05) def getState(self, initial=False): if initial: mode = vrep.simx_opmode_streaming else: mode = vrep.simx_opmode_buffer # Retrieve IMU data errorSignal, self.stepSeconds = vrep.simxGetFloatSignal(self.clientID, 'stepSeconds', mode) errorOrien, baseEuler = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(self.clientID, self.Quadbase, -1, mode) errorPos, basePos = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.clientID, self.Quadbase,-1, mode) errorVel, linVel, angVel = vrep.simxGetObjectVelocity(self.clientID, self.Quadbase, mode) if initial: if (errorSignal or errorOrien or errorPos or errorVel != vrep.simx_return_ok): time.sleep(0.05) pass else: # Convert Euler angles to pitch, roll, yaw rollRad, pitchRad = rotate((baseEuler[0], baseEuler[1]), baseEuler[2]) pitchRad = -pitchRad yawRad = -baseEuler[2] baseRad = np.array([yawRad,rollRad,pitchRad])+0.0 self.state = np.asarray(np.concatenate((basePos,linVel,angVel,baseRad)),dtype=np.float32) #print("data_core: " + str(self.state)) return self.state def takeAction(self,doubleAction): """ state = (basePos[0], basePos[1], basePos[2], linVel[3], linVel[4], linVel[5], angVel[6], angVel[7], angVel[8], baseYaw[9], baseRoll[10], basePitch[11]) """ # self.prevState = self.state #print("oldState: "+str(self.state)) self.num_sim_steps += 1 action = np.asarray(doubleAction,dtype=np.float32) #print("takeAction: "+str(doubleAction)) # Get altitude directly from position Z altiMeters = self.state[2] # Get motor thrusts from FMU model thrusts = self.fmu.getMotors((self.state[11],self.state[10],self.state[9]),altiMeters, action, self.stepSeconds) # print("thrusts: " + str(thrusts[0]) + " " + str(thrusts[1]) + " " + \ # str(thrusts[2]) + " " + str(thrusts[3])) #vrep.simxPauseCommunication(self.clientID,True) for t in range(4): errorFlag = vrep.simxSetFloatSignal(self.clientID,'thrusts'+str(t+1), thrusts[t], vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot) #vrep.simxPauseCommunication(self.clientID,False) self.proceed_simulation() def getReward(self): #print("newState: "+str(self.state)) r = 0.0 if np.any(self.state_ranges[:,0] > self.state[:]) or \ np.any(self.state_ranges[:,1] < self.state[:]): # r = -1 r = -np.sum(3.0 * self.state_ranges[:,1]**2) r *= 6000-self.num_sim_steps terminate = True else: # perr = np.linalg.norm(self.prevState[:2] - self.state_goal[:2]) # nerr = np.linalg.norm(self.state[:2] - self.state_goal[:2]) # r = math.exp(-np.sum(abs(self.state[:2]-self.state_goal[:2])/(.1*(self.state_ranges[:2,1]-self.state_ranges[:2,0]))))* \ # math.exp(-np.sum(abs(self.state[3:5]-self.state_goal[3:5])/(.1*(self.state_ranges[3:5,1]-self.state_ranges[3:5,0]))))* \ # math.exp(-np.sum(abs(self.state[6:8]-self.state_goal[6:8])/(.1*(self.state_ranges[6:8,1]-self.state_ranges[6:8,0])))) # r = math.exp(-np.sum(abs(self.state[:2]-self.state_goal[:2])/(.1*(self.state_ranges[:2,1]-self.state_ranges[:2,0]))))* \ # math.exp(-np.sum(abs(self.state[3:5]-self.state_goal[3:5])/(.1*(self.state_ranges[3:5,1]-self.state_ranges[3:5,0])))) # r -= (np.sum(((self.state[:2]-self.state_goal[:2])/(self.state_ranges[:2,1]-self.state_ranges[:2,0]))**2)+ \ # np.sum(((self.state[3:5]-self.state_goal[3:5])/(self.state_ranges[3:5,1]-self.state_ranges[3:5,0]))**2)) r -= (self.state[0]-self.state_goal[0])**2 r -= (self.state[1]-self.state_goal[1])**2 r -= self.state[3]**2 r -= self.state[4]**2 terminate = False print("reward "+str(r)) return r,terminate
class vrep_environment(Environment): # range of state space observations MAX_POS_XY = 0.5 # [m] maximum deviation in position in each dimension MAX_LIN_RATE = 1.0 # [m/s] maximum velocity in each dimension MAX_ANG_RATE = 4 * np.pi # [rad/s] maximum angular velocity MAX_ANG = np.pi * 30. / 180. # [rad] maximum angular state_goal = np.array( [0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]).astype(np.float32) state_ranges = np.array([[-MAX_POS_XY, MAX_POS_XY]] * 2 + [[0.0, 1.0]] * 1 + [[-MAX_LIN_RATE, MAX_LIN_RATE]] * 3 + [[-MAX_ANG_RATE, MAX_ANG_RATE]] * 3 + [[-MAX_ANG, MAX_ANG]] * 3) action_ranges = np.array([[-1., 1.]] * 2) discount_factor = .99 num_sim_steps = 0 def env_init(self): print('VREP Environmental Program Started') vrep.simxFinish(-1) # just in case, close all opened connections self.clientID = vrep.simxStart('', 19999, True, True, 5000, 5) # Connect to V-REP if self.clientID != -1: print('Connected to remote API server') self.fmu = FMU() self.start_simulation() else: print('Connection Failure') sys.exit('Abort Connection') return self.makeTaskSpec() def env_start(self): self.restart_simulation() returnObs = Observation() returnObs.doubleArray = self.getState().tolist() return returnObs def env_step(self, thisAction): # validate the action assert len(thisAction.doubleArray) == 2, "Expected 4 double actions." self.takeAction(thisAction.doubleArray) theObs = Observation() theObs.doubleArray = self.getState().tolist() theReward, terminate = self.getReward() returnRO = Reward_observation_terminal() returnRO.r = theReward returnRO.o = theObs returnRO.terminal = int(terminate) return returnRO def env_cleanup(self): pass def env_message(self, inMessage): return "I got nothing to say about your message" def makeTaskSpec(self): ts = taskspec.TaskSpec(discount_factor=self.discount_factor, reward_range=('UNSPEC', 'UNSPEC')) ts.setDiscountFactor(self.discount_factor) for minValue, maxValue in self.action_ranges: ts.addContinuousAction((minValue, maxValue)) for minValue, maxValue in self.state_ranges: ts.addContinuousObservation((minValue, maxValue)) ts.setEpisodic() ts.setExtra("name: VREP quadcopter environment.") return ts.toTaskSpec() def start_simulation(self): mode = vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait assert vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.clientID, mode) == 0, "StartSim Error" assert vrep.simxSynchronous(self.clientID, True) == 0, "Sync Error" self.config_handles() def restart_simulation(self): mode = vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait assert vrep.simxStopSimulation(self.clientID, mode) == 0, \ "StopSim Error" time.sleep(0.1) self.start_simulation() self.num_sim_steps = 0 def proceed_simulation(self, sim_steps=1): for t in range(sim_steps): vrep.simxSynchronousTrigger(self.clientID) def config_handles(self): # Object-handle-configuration errorFlag, self.Quadbase = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, 'Quadricopter_base', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) errorFlag, self.Quadobj = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, 'Quadricopter', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) self.getState(initial=True) time.sleep(0.05) def getState(self, initial=False): if initial: mode = vrep.simx_opmode_streaming else: mode = vrep.simx_opmode_buffer # Retrieve IMU data errorSignal, self.stepSeconds = vrep.simxGetFloatSignal( self.clientID, 'stepSeconds', mode) errorOrien, baseEuler = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, self.Quadbase, -1, mode) errorPos, basePos = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.clientID, self.Quadbase, -1, mode) errorVel, linVel, angVel = vrep.simxGetObjectVelocity( self.clientID, self.Quadbase, mode) if initial: if (errorSignal or errorOrien or errorPos or errorVel != vrep.simx_return_ok): time.sleep(0.05) pass else: # Convert Euler angles to pitch, roll, yaw rollRad, pitchRad = rotate((baseEuler[0], baseEuler[1]), baseEuler[2]) pitchRad = -pitchRad yawRad = -baseEuler[2] baseRad = np.array([yawRad, rollRad, pitchRad]) + 0.0 self.state = np.asarray(np.concatenate( (basePos, linVel, angVel, baseRad)), dtype=np.float32) #print("data_core: " + str(self.state)) return self.state def takeAction(self, doubleAction): """ state = (basePos[0], basePos[1], basePos[2], linVel[3], linVel[4], linVel[5], angVel[6], angVel[7], angVel[8], baseYaw[9], baseRoll[10], basePitch[11]) """ # self.prevState = self.state #print("oldState: "+str(self.state)) self.num_sim_steps += 1 action = np.asarray(doubleAction, dtype=np.float32) #print("takeAction: "+str(doubleAction)) # Get altitude directly from position Z altiMeters = self.state[2] # Get motor thrusts from FMU model thrusts = self.fmu.getMotors( (self.state[11], self.state[10], self.state[9]), altiMeters, action, self.stepSeconds) # print("thrusts: " + str(thrusts[0]) + " " + str(thrusts[1]) + " " + \ # str(thrusts[2]) + " " + str(thrusts[3])) #vrep.simxPauseCommunication(self.clientID,True) for t in range(4): errorFlag = vrep.simxSetFloatSignal(self.clientID, 'thrusts' + str(t + 1), thrusts[t], vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot) #vrep.simxPauseCommunication(self.clientID,False) self.proceed_simulation() def getReward(self): #print("newState: "+str(self.state)) r = 0.0 if np.any(self.state_ranges[:,0] > self.state[:]) or \ np.any(self.state_ranges[:,1] < self.state[:]): # r = -1 r = -np.sum(3.0 * self.state_ranges[:, 1]**2) r *= 6000 - self.num_sim_steps terminate = True else: # perr = np.linalg.norm(self.prevState[:2] - self.state_goal[:2]) # nerr = np.linalg.norm(self.state[:2] - self.state_goal[:2]) # r = math.exp(-np.sum(abs(self.state[:2]-self.state_goal[:2])/(.1*(self.state_ranges[:2,1]-self.state_ranges[:2,0]))))* \ # math.exp(-np.sum(abs(self.state[3:5]-self.state_goal[3:5])/(.1*(self.state_ranges[3:5,1]-self.state_ranges[3:5,0]))))* \ # math.exp(-np.sum(abs(self.state[6:8]-self.state_goal[6:8])/(.1*(self.state_ranges[6:8,1]-self.state_ranges[6:8,0])))) # r = math.exp(-np.sum(abs(self.state[:2]-self.state_goal[:2])/(.1*(self.state_ranges[:2,1]-self.state_ranges[:2,0]))))* \ # math.exp(-np.sum(abs(self.state[3:5]-self.state_goal[3:5])/(.1*(self.state_ranges[3:5,1]-self.state_ranges[3:5,0])))) # r -= (np.sum(((self.state[:2]-self.state_goal[:2])/(self.state_ranges[:2,1]-self.state_ranges[:2,0]))**2)+ \ # np.sum(((self.state[3:5]-self.state_goal[3:5])/(self.state_ranges[3:5,1]-self.state_ranges[3:5,0]))**2)) r -= (self.state[0] - self.state_goal[0])**2 r -= (self.state[1] - self.state_goal[1])**2 r -= self.state[3]**2 r -= self.state[4]**2 terminate = False print("reward " + str(r)) return r, terminate