Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' Create LANDSAT VRT '''
        # try to open .tar or .tar.gz or .tgz file with tar
        tarFile =

        tarNames = tarFile.getnames()
        #print tarNames
        metaDict = []
        for tarName in tarNames:
            if ((tarName[0] == 'L' or tarName[0] == 'M')
                    and (tarName[-4:] == '.TIF' or tarName[-4:] == '.tif')):
                #print tarName
                bandNo = tarName[-6:-4]
                    'src': {
                        '/vsitar/%s/%s' % (fileName, tarName),
                        'SourceBand': 1
                    'dst': {
                        'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                        'suffix': bandNo
        #print metaDict
        sizeDiffBands = []
        for iFile in range(len(metaDict)):
            tmpName = metaDict[iFile]['src']['SourceFilename']
            gdalDatasetTmp = gdal.Open(tmpName)
            if iFile == 0:
                gdalDatasetTmp0 = gdalDatasetTmp
                xSize = gdalDatasetTmp.RasterXSize
                ySize = gdalDatasetTmp.RasterYSize
            elif xSize != gdalDatasetTmp.RasterXSize or ySize != gdalDatasetTmp.RasterYSize:

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        VRT.__init__(self, gdalDatasetTmp0, **kwargs)

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        # 8th band of LANDSAT8 is a double size band. Reduce the size to same as the 1st band.
        if len(sizeDiffBands) != 0:
            vrtXML = self.read_xml()
            node0 = Node.create(vrtXML)
            for iBand in sizeDiffBands:
                iNodeDstRect = node0.nodeList('VRTRasterBand')[iBand].node(
                iNodeDstRect.replaceAttribute('xSize', str(xSize))
                iNodeDstRect.replaceAttribute('ySize', str(ySize))

Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' Create NCEP VRT '''

        if gdalDataset.GetGeoTransform() != (-0.25, 0.5, 0.0, 90.25, 0.0, -0.5) or gdalDataset.RasterCount != 9: # Not water proof
            raise AttributeError("NCEP BAD MAPPER")

        metaDict = [
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName,
                             'SourceBand': 8},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'eastward_wind',
                             'name': 'east_wind',
                             'height': '10 m'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName,
                             'SourceBand': 9},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'northward_wind',
                             'name': 'north_wind',
                             'height': '10 m'}},
                    {'src': [{'SourceFilename': fileName,
                              'SourceBand': 8},
                             {'SourceFilename': fileName,
                              'SourceBand': 9}],
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'wind_speed',
                             'PixelFunctionType': 'UVToMagnitude',
                             'name': 'windspeed',
                             'height': '2 m'}},
                    {'src': [{'SourceFilename': fileName,
                              'SourceBand': 8},
                             {'SourceFilename': fileName,
                              'SourceBand': 9}],
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'wind_from_direction',
                             'PixelFunctionType': 'UVToDirectionFrom',
                             'name': 'winddirection',
                             'height': '2 m'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName,
                             'SourceBand': 6},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'air_temperature',
                             'name': 'air_t',
                             'height': '2 m'}}

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        VRT.__init__(self, gdalDataset, **kwargs)

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        # Adding valid time from the GRIB file to dataset
        validTime = gdalDataset.GetRasterBand(8).GetMetadata()['GRIB_VALID_TIME']
                                int(validTime.strip().split(' ')[0])))

Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' Create LANDSAT VRT '''
        # try to open .tar or .tar.gz or .tgz file with tar
        tarFile =

        tarNames = tarFile.getnames()
        #print tarNames
        metaDict = []
        for tarName in tarNames:
            if ((tarName[0] == 'L' or tarName[0] == 'M') and
               (tarName[-4:] == '.TIF' or tarName[-4:] == '.tif')):
                #print tarName
                bandNo = tarName[-6:-4]
                    'src': {'SourceFilename': '/vsitar/%s/%s' % (fileName,
                            'SourceBand':  1},
                    'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                            'suffix': bandNo}})
        #print metaDict
        sizeDiffBands = []
        for iFile in range(len(metaDict)):
            tmpName = metaDict[iFile]['src']['SourceFilename']
            gdalDatasetTmp = gdal.Open(tmpName)
            if iFile == 0:
                gdalDatasetTmp0 = gdalDatasetTmp
                xSize = gdalDatasetTmp.RasterXSize
                ySize = gdalDatasetTmp.RasterYSize
            elif (xSize != gdalDatasetTmp.RasterXSize or
                    ySize != gdalDatasetTmp.RasterYSize):

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        VRT.__init__(self, gdalDatasetTmp0)

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        # 8th band of LANDSAT8 is a double size band.
        # Reduce the size to same as the 1st band.
        if len(sizeDiffBands) != 0:
            vrtXML = self.read_xml()
            node0 = Node.create(vrtXML)
            for iBand in sizeDiffBands:
                iBandNode = node0.nodeList('VRTRasterBand')[iBand]
                iNodeDstRect = iBandNode.node('DstRect')
                iNodeDstRect.replaceAttribute('xSize', str(xSize))
                iNodeDstRect.replaceAttribute('ySize', str(ySize))

Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' Create MODIS_L1 VRT '''

        # raise error in case of not GOCI L1B
        title = gdalMetadata['HDFEOS_POINTS_Scene_Header_Scene_Title']
        assert title == 'GOCI Level-1B Data'

        # set GOCI projection parameters
        lat_0 = gdalMetadata['HDFEOS_POINTS_Map_Projection_Central_Latitude_(parallel)']
        lon_0 = gdalMetadata['HDFEOS_POINTS_Map_Projection_Central_Longitude_(meridian)']
        rasterXSize = int(gdalMetadata['HDFEOS_POINTS_Scene_Header_number_of_columns'].split(' ')[0])
        rasterYSize = int(gdalMetadata['HDFEOS_POINTS_Scene_Header_number_of_rows'].split(' ')[0])
        proj4 = '+proj=ortho +lat_0=%s +lon_0=%s units=m +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs' % (lat_0, lon_0)
        srs = osr.SpatialReference()
        projection = srs.ExportToWkt()
        geoTransform = (-1391500.0, 500.0, 0.0, 1349500.0, 0.0, -500.0)

        # create empty VRT dataset with georeference only
        VRT.__init__(self, srcGeoTransform=geoTransform,

        # add bands from subdatasets
        subDatasets = gdalDataset.GetSubDatasets()
        metaDict = []
        wavelengths = ['412', '443', '490', '555', '660', '680', '745', '865']
        for subDSI in range(8):
            metaEntry = {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDatasets[subDSI][0],
                                 'SourceBand': 1,
                                 'ScaleRatio': 1e-6},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': wavelengths[subDSI],
                                 'suffix': wavelengths[subDSI]}}

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' Create SMOS VRT '''
        # check extension
        fName = os.path.split(fileName)[1]
        fExt = os.path.splitext(fileName)[1]
        if fExt == '.MAT' or fExt == '.mat' and 'OSUDP2' in fName:
            # load file
            matFile = loadmat(fileName)
            AttributeError("SMOS BAD MAPPER")

        # get geolocation
        geolocArray = matFile['geolocation'][0]
        srcProj4 = '+proj=stere +lon_0=%f +lat_0=%f +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +units=km +no_defs' % (geolocArray[0], geolocArray[1])
        srcProjection = osr.SpatialReference()
        srcProjection = srcProjection.ExportToWkt()
        srcGeotransform = (geolocArray[2], geolocArray[4], 0,
                           geolocArray[3], 0, geolocArray[5])
        lon = matFile['longitude']
        #lat = matFile['latitude']
        srcRasterYSize, srcRasterXSize = lon.shape
        # create VRT from lat/lon
        # VRT.__init__(self, lon=lon, lat=lat)

        # add the following variables
        varNames = ['SSS1', 'SSS2', 'SSS3', 'SST',
                    'Sigma_SSS1', 'Sigma_SSS2', 'Sigma_SSS3',
                    'Control_Flags_1', 'Control_Flags_2',
                    'Control_Flags_3', 'Control_Flags_4',
                    'Science_Flags_1', 'Science_Flags_2',
                    'Science_Flags_3', 'Science_Flags_4']
        self.varVRTs = {}
        metaDict = []
        for varName in varNames:
            var = matFile[varName]
            self.varVRTs[varName] = VRT(array=var)
            metaDict.append({'src': {'SourceFilename':
                                     'sourceBand': 1},
                            'dst': {'name': varName}})

        # create mask
        cloudBits = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
        maxSigma = 3.0
        mask = np.zeros(lon.shape, 'uint16')
        mask[:] = 128
        mask[np.isnan(matFile['SSS1'])] = 0
        mask[matFile['Sigma_SSS1'] > maxSigma] = 1
        mask[matFile['Sigma_SSS2'] > maxSigma] = 1
        mask[matFile['Sigma_SSS3'] > maxSigma] = 1
        for cloudBit in cloudBits:
            for cfi in range(1, 5):
                bitMap = np.bitwise_and(matFile['Control_Flags_%d' % cfi],
                                        np.power(2, cloudBit))
                mask[bitMap > 0] = 1

        self.varVRTs['mask'] = VRT(array=mask)
        metaDict.append({'src': {'SourceFilename':
                                 'sourceBand': 1},
                        'dst': {'name': 'mask'}})

        self.logger.debug('metaDict: %s' % metaDict)

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' Create MER1 VRT '''
        product = gdalMetadata.get("MPH_PRODUCT")

        if product[0:9] != "MER_FRS_1" and product[0:9] != "MER_RR__1":
            raise AttributeError("MERIS_L1 BAD MAPPER")

        kwDict = {'geolocation' : True}
        # choose kwargs for envisat and asar and change keyname
        for key in kwargs:
            if key.startswith('envisat') or key.startswith('meris'):
                keyName = key.replace('envisat_', '').replace('meris_', '')
                kwDict[keyName] = kwargs[key]
                kwDict[key] = kwargs[key]

        # init ADS parameters
        Envisat.__init__(self, fileName, product[0:4], **kwDict)

        metaDict = [
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  1}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance', 'wavelength': '413'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  2}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance', 'wavelength': '443'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  3}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance', 'wavelength': '490'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  4}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance', 'wavelength': '510'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  5}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance', 'wavelength': '560'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  6}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance', 'wavelength': '620'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  7}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance', 'wavelength': '665'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  8}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance', 'wavelength': '681'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  9}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance', 'wavelength': '709'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 10}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance', 'wavelength': '753'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 11}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance', 'wavelength': '761'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 12}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance', 'wavelength': '778'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 13}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance', 'wavelength': '864'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 14}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance', 'wavelength': '849'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 15}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance', 'wavelength': '900'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 16, 'DataType': 1}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'quality_flags', 'suffix': 'l1'}}

        # add DataType into 'src' and suffix into 'dst'
        for bandDict in metaDict:
            if 'DataType' not in bandDict['src']:
                bandDict['src']['DataType'] = 2  # default for meris L1 DataType UInt16
            if bandDict['dst'].has_key('wavelength'):
                bandDict['dst']['suffix'] = bandDict['dst']['wavelength']

        # get scaling GADS from header
        scales = self.read_scaling_gads(range(7, 22))
        # set scale factor to the band metadata (only radiances)
        for i, bandDict in enumerate(metaDict[:-1]):
            bandDict['src']['ScaleRatio'] = str(scales[i])

        # get list with resized VRTs from ADS
        self.adsVRTs = self.get_ads_vrts(gdalDataset, ['sun zenith angles', 'sun azimuth angles', 'zonal winds', 'meridional winds'])
        # add bands from the ADS VRTs
        for adsVRT in self.adsVRTs:
            metaDict.append({'src': {'SourceFilename': adsVRT.fileName,
                                     'SourceBand': 1},
                             'dst': {'name':  adsVRT.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadataItem('name'),
                                     'units': adsVRT.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadataItem('units')}

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        VRT.__init__(self, gdalDataset, **kwDict)

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        # set time

        # add geolocation arrays
        if self.d['geolocation']:
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' Create CSKS VRT '''

        if fileName[0:4] != "CSKS":
            raise AttributeError("COSMO-SKYMED BAD MAPPER")

        # Get coordinates
        bottom_left_lon = float(
                ' ')[1])
        bottom_left_lat = float(
                ' ')[0])
        bottom_right_lon = float(
                ' ')[1])
        bottom_right_lat = float(
                ' ')[0])
        top_left_lon = float(
                ' ')[1])
        top_left_lat = float(
                ' ')[0])
        top_right_lon = float(
                ' ')[1])
        top_right_lat = float(
                ' ')[0])
        center_lon = float(
            gdalMetadata['Scene_Centre_Geodetic_Coordinates'].split(' ')[1])
        center_lat = float(
            gdalMetadata['Scene_Centre_Geodetic_Coordinates'].split(' ')[0])

        # Get sub-datasets
        subDatasets = gdalDataset.GetSubDatasets()

        # Get file names from dataset or subdataset
        if subDatasets.__len__() == 1:
            fileNames = [fileName]
            fileNames = [f[0] for f in subDatasets]

        for i, elem in enumerate(fileNames):
            if fileNames[i][-3:] == 'QLK':

        #print fileNames

        subDataset = gdal.Open(fileNames[0])

        # generate list of GCPs
        gcps = []
        # create GCP with X,Y,Z(?),pixel,line from lat/lon matrices
        gcp = gdal.GCP(float(bottom_left_lon), float(bottom_left_lat), 0, 0, 0)
        #self.logger.debug('%d %d %d %f %f', 0, gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine, gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY)
        gcp = gdal.GCP(float(bottom_right_lon), float(bottom_right_lat), 0,
                       subDataset.RasterXSize, 0)
        #self.logger.debug('%d %d %d %f %f', 1, gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine, gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY)
        gcp = gdal.GCP(float(top_left_lon), float(top_left_lat), 0, 0,
        #self.logger.debug('%d %d %d %f %f', 2, gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine, gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY)
        gcp = gdal.GCP(float(top_right_lon), float(top_right_lat), 0,
                       subDataset.RasterXSize, subDataset.RasterYSize)
        #self.logger.debug('%d %d %d %f %f', 3, gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine, gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY)
        gcp = gdal.GCP(float(center_lon), float(center_lat), 0,
                       int(np.round(subDataset.RasterXSize / 2.)),
                       int(round(subDataset.RasterYSize / 2.)))
        #self.logger.debug('%d %d %d %f %f', 4, gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine, gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY)

        # append GCPs and lat/lon projection to the vsiDataset
        latlongSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
            "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")
        latlongSRSWKT = latlongSRS.ExportToWkt()

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only

        #print self.fileName

        # Read all bands later

        # Use only full size "original" datasets
        for i, elem in enumerate(fileNames):
            band_number = i
            if fileNames[i][-3:] == 'SBI':
                # Add real and imaginary raw counts as bands
                src = {
                    'SourceFilename': fileNames[i],
                    'SourceBand': 1,
                    'DataType': gdal.GDT_Int16
                dst = {
                    'RawCounts_%s_real' %
                    gdalMetadata[fileNames[i][-7:-4] + '_Polarisation']
                self._create_band(src, dst)

                src = {
                    'SourceFilename': fileNames[i],
                    'SourceBand': 2,
                    'DataType': gdal.GDT_Int16
                dst = {
                    'RawCounts_%s_imaginary' %
                    gdalMetadata[fileNames[i][-7:-4] + '_Polarisation']
                self._create_band(src, dst)


        for i, elem in enumerate(fileNames):
            band_number = i
            if fileNames[i][-3:] == 'SBI':
                # Calculate sigma0 scaling factor
                Rref = float(gdalMetadata['Reference_Slant_Range'])
                Rexp = float(gdalMetadata['Reference_Slant_Range_Exponent'])
                alphaRef = float(gdalMetadata['Reference_Incidence_Angle'])
                F = float(gdalMetadata['Rescaling_Factor'])
                K = float(gdalMetadata[fileNames[i][-7:-4] +
                Ftot = Rref**(2. * Rexp)
                Ftot *= np.sin(alphaRef * np.pi / 180.0)
                Ftot /= F**2.
                Ftot /= K

                #print Ftot

                src = [{
                    'SourceFilename': self.fileName,
                    'DataType': gdal.GDT_Float32,
                    'SourceBand': 2 * i + 1,
                    'ScaleRatio': np.sqrt(Ftot)
                }, {
                    'SourceFilename': self.fileName,
                    'DataType': gdal.GDT_Float32,
                    'SourceBand': 2 * i + 2,
                    'ScaleRatio': np.sqrt(Ftot)
                dst = {
                    gdalMetadata[fileNames[i][-7:-4] + '_Polarisation'],
                    'sigma0_%s' %
                    gdalMetadata[fileNames[i][-7:-4] + '_Polarisation'],
                #'pass': gdalMetadata[''] - I can't find this in the metadata...

                self._create_band(src, dst)

Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata,
                 GCP_COUNT0=5, GCP_COUNT1=20, pixelStep=1,
                 lineStep=1, **kwargs):
        ''' Create VIIRS VRT '''

        assert 'GMTCO_npp_' in fileName, 'viirs_l1 BAD MAPPER'
        ifiledir = os.path.split(fileName)[0]
        ifiles = glob.glob(ifiledir + 'SVM??_npp_d*_obpg_ops.h5')

        viirsWavelengths = [None, 412, 445, 488, 555, 672, 746, 865, 1240,
                            1378, 1610, 2250, 3700, 4050, 8550, 10736, 12013]

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        xDatasetSource = 'HDF5:"%s"://All_Data/VIIRS-MOD-GEO-TC_All/Longitude' % fileName
        xDatasetBand = 1
        xDataset = gdal.Open(xDatasetSource)
        VRT.__init__(self, xDataset)

        metaDict = []
        for ifile in ifiles:
            ifilename = os.path.split(ifile)[1]
            print ifilename
            bNumber = int(ifilename[3:5])
            print bNumber
            bWavelength = viirsWavelengths[bNumber]
            print bWavelength
            SourceFilename = 'HDF5:"%s"://All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/Radiance' % (ifile, bNumber)
            print SourceFilename
            metaEntry = {'src': {'SourceFilename': SourceFilename,
                         'SourceBand': 1},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': str(bWavelength),
                                 'suffix': str(bWavelength)}

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        xVRTArray = xDataset.ReadAsArray()
        xVRTArray = gaussian_filter(xVRTArray, 5).astype('float32')
        xVRT = VRT(array=xVRTArray)

        yDatasetSource = 'HDF5:"%s"://All_Data/VIIRS-MOD-GEO-TC_All/Latitude' % fileName
        yDatasetBand = 1
        yDataset = gdal.Open(yDatasetSource)
        yVRTArray = yDataset.ReadAsArray()
        yVRTArray = gaussian_filter(yVRTArray, 5).astype('float32')
        yVRT = VRT(array=yVRTArray)

        #self.add_geolocationArray(GeolocationArray(xDatasetSource, yDatasetSource))
        # estimate pixel/line step
        self.logger.debug('pixel/lineStep %f %f' % (pixelStep, lineStep))

        # ==== ADD GCPs and Pojection ====
        # get lat/lon matrices
        longitude = xVRT.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
        latitude = yVRT.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()

        # estimate step of GCPs
        step0 = max(1, int(float(latitude.shape[0]) / GCP_COUNT0))
        step1 = max(1, int(float(latitude.shape[1]) / GCP_COUNT1))
        self.logger.debug('gcpCount: %d %d %d %d, %d %d',
                          latitude.shape[0], latitude.shape[1],
                          GCP_COUNT0, GCP_COUNT1, step0, step1)

        # generate list of GCPs
        gcps = []
        k = 0
        for i0 in range(0, latitude.shape[0], step0):
            for i1 in range(0, latitude.shape[1], step1):
                # create GCP with X,Y,pixel,line from lat/lon matrices
                lon = float(longitude[i0, i1])
                lat = float(latitude[i0, i1])
                if (lon >= -180 and lon <= 180 and lat >= -90 and lat <= 90):
                    gcp = gdal.GCP(lon, lat, 0,
                                   i1 * pixelStep, i0 * lineStep)
                    self.logger.debug('%d %d %d %f %f',
                                      k, gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine,
                                      gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY)
                    k += 1

        # append GCPs and lat/lon projection to the vsiDataset
        self.dataset.SetGCPs(gcps, latlongSRS.ExportToWkt())

        # remove geolocation array
Esempio n. 9
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata,
                 geolocation=False, zoomSize=500, step=1, **kwargs):

        ''' Create MER1 VRT

        fileName : string

        gdalDataset : gdal dataset

        gdalMetadata : gdal metadata

        geolocation : bool (default is False)
            if True, add gdal geolocation

        zoomSize: int (used in
            size, to which the ADS array will be zoomed using scipy
            array of this size will be stored in memory

        step: int (used in
            step of pixel and line in GeolocationArrays. lat/lon grids are
            generated at that step

        product = gdalMetadata.get("MPH_PRODUCT")

        if product[0:9] != "MER_FRS_1" and product[0:9] != "MER_RR__1":
            raise AttributeError("MERIS_L1 BAD MAPPER")

        # init ADS parameters
        Envisat.__init__(self, fileName, product[0:4])

        metaDict = [{'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 1},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                             'wavelength': '413'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 2},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                             'wavelength': '443'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 3},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                             'wavelength': '490'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 4},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                             'wavelength': '510'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 5},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                             'wavelength': '560'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 6},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                             'wavelength': '620'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 7},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                             'wavelength': '665'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 8},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                             'wavelength': '681'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 9},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                             'wavelength': '709'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 10},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                             'wavelength': '753'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 11},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                             'wavelength': '761'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 12},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                             'wavelength': '778'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 13},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                             'wavelength': '864'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 14},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                             'wavelength': '849'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 15},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                             'wavelength': '900'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 16,
                             'DataType': 1},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'quality_flags', 'suffix': 'l1'}}

        # add DataType into 'src' and suffix into 'dst'
        for bandDict in metaDict:
            if 'DataType' not in bandDict['src']:
                bandDict['src']['DataType'] = 2  # default for meris L1 DataType UInt16
            if 'wavelength' in bandDict['dst']:
                bandDict['dst']['suffix'] = bandDict['dst']['wavelength']

        # get scaling GADS from header
        scales = self.read_scaling_gads(range(7, 22))
        # set scale factor to the band metadata (only radiances)
        for i, bandDict in enumerate(metaDict[:-1]):
            bandDict['src']['ScaleRatio'] = str(scales[i])

        # get list with resized VRTs from ADS
        self.adsVRTs = self.get_ads_vrts(gdalDataset,
                                         ['sun zenith angles',
                                          'sun azimuth angles',
                                          'zonal winds',
                                          'meridional winds'],
        # add bands from the ADS VRTs
        for adsVRT in self.adsVRTs:
            metaDict.append({'src': {'SourceFilename': adsVRT.fileName,
                                     'SourceBand': 1},
                             'dst': {'name': (adsVRT.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).
                                     'units': (adsVRT.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        VRT.__init__(self, gdalDataset)

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        # set time

        # add geolocation arrays
        if geolocation:
                                          zoomSize=zoomSize, step=step)
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' Create MER1 VRT '''
        product = gdalMetadata.get("MPH_PRODUCT")

        if product[0:9] != "MER_FRS_1" and product[0:9] != "MER_RR__1":
            raise AttributeError("MERIS_L1 BAD MAPPER")

        kwDict = {'geolocation': True}
        # choose kwargs for envisat and asar and change keyname
        for key in kwargs:
            if key.startswith('envisat') or key.startswith('meris'):
                keyName = key.replace('envisat_', '').replace('meris_', '')
                kwDict[keyName] = kwargs[key]
                kwDict[key] = kwargs[key]

        # init ADS parameters
        Envisat.__init__(self, fileName, product[0:4], **kwDict)

        metaDict = [{
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 1
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '413'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 2
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '443'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 3
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '490'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 4
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '510'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 5
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '560'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 6
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '620'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 7
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '665'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 8
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '681'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 9
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '709'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 10
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '753'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 11
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '761'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 12
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '778'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 13
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '864'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 14
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '849'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 15
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '900'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 16,
                'DataType': 1
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'quality_flags',
                'suffix': 'l1'

        # add DataType into 'src' and suffix into 'dst'
        for bandDict in metaDict:
            if 'DataType' not in bandDict['src']:
                    'DataType'] = 2  # default for meris L1 DataType UInt16
            if bandDict['dst'].has_key('wavelength'):
                bandDict['dst']['suffix'] = bandDict['dst']['wavelength']

        # get scaling GADS from header
        scales = self.read_scaling_gads(range(7, 22))
        # set scale factor to the band metadata (only radiances)
        for i, bandDict in enumerate(metaDict[:-1]):
            bandDict['src']['ScaleRatio'] = str(scales[i])

        # get list with resized VRTs from ADS
        self.adsVRTs = self.get_ads_vrts(gdalDataset, [
            'sun zenith angles', 'sun azimuth angles', 'zonal winds',
            'meridional winds'
        # add bands from the ADS VRTs
        for adsVRT in self.adsVRTs:
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': adsVRT.fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 1
                'dst': {

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        VRT.__init__(self, gdalDataset, **kwDict)

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        # set time

        # add geolocation arrays
        if self.d['geolocation']:
Esempio n. 11
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata,
                 geolocation=False, zoomSize=500, step=1, **kwargs):

        ''' Create MER2 VRT

        fileName : string
        gdalDataset : gdal dataset
        gdalMetadata : gdal metadata
        geolocation : bool (default is False)
            if True, add gdal geolocation
        zoomSize: int (used in
            size, to which the ADS array will be zoomed using scipy
            array of this size will be stored in memory
        step: int (used in
            step of pixel and line in GeolocationArrays. lat/lon grids are
            generated at that step

        product = gdalMetadata["MPH_PRODUCT"]

        if product[0:9] != "MER_FRS_2" and product[0:9] != "MER_RR__2":
            raise AttributeError("MERIS_L2 BAD MAPPER")

        Envisat.__init__(self, fileName, product[0:4])

        metaDict = [{'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 1},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air',
                             'wavelength': '412'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 2},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air',
                             'wavelength': '443'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  3},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air',
                             'wavelength': '490'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 4},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air',
                             'wavelength': '510'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 5},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air',
                             'wavelength': '560'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  6},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air',
                             'wavelength': '620'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  7},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air',
                             'wavelength': '665'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  8},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air',
                             'wavelength': '680'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  9},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air',
                             'wavelength': '708'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 10},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air',
                             'wavelength': '753'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 11},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air',
                             'wavelength': '761'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 12},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air',
                             'wavelength': '778'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 13},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air',
                             'wavelength': '864'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 15},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water',
                             'suffix': '1_log', 'case': 'I'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 16},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'volume_absorption_coefficient_of_radiative_flux_in_sea_water_due_to_dissolved_organic_matter',
                             'suffix': '2_log', 'case': 'II'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 17},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'mass_concentration_of_suspended_matter_in_sea_water',
                             'suffix': '2_log', 'case': 'II'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 18},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water',
                             'suffix': '2_log', 'case': 'II'}},
                    {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 22},
                     'dst': {'wkv': 'quality_flags', 'suffix': 'l2'}}

        # add 'name' to 'parameters'
        for bandDict in metaDict:
            if 'wavelength' in bandDict['dst']:
                bandDict['dst']['suffix'] = bandDict['dst']['wavelength']

        #get GADS from header
        scales = self.read_scaling_gads(range(7, 20) + [20, 21, 22, 20])
        offsets = self.read_scaling_gads(range(33, 46) + [46, 47, 48, 46])
        # set scale/offset to the band metadata (only reflectance)
        for i, bandDict in enumerate(metaDict[:-1]):
            bandDict['src']['ScaleRatio'] = str(scales[i])
            bandDict['src']['ScaleOffset'] = str(offsets[i])

        # add log10-scaled variables
        metaDict += [{'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 1},
                      'dst': {'wkv': 'mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water',
                              'suffix': '1', 'case': 'I',
                              'expression': 'np.power(10., self["chlor_a_1_log"])'}},
                     {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 1},
                      'dst': {'wkv': 'mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water',
                              'suffix': '2', 'case': 'II',
                              'expression': 'np.power(10., self["chlor_a_2_log"])'}},
                     {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 1},
                      'dst': {'wkv': 'volume_absorption_coefficient_of_radiative_flux_in_sea_water_due_to_dissolved_organic_matter',
                              'suffix': '2', 'case': 'II',
                              'expression': 'np.power(10., self["cdom_a_2_log"])'}},
                     {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 1},
                      'dst': {'wkv': 'mass_concentration_of_suspended_matter_in_sea_water',
                              'suffix': '2', 'case': 'II',
                              'expression': 'np.power(10., self["tsm_2_log"])'}}

        # get list with resized VRTs from ADS
        self.adsVRTs = []
        self.adsVRTs = self.get_ads_vrts(gdalDataset,
                                         ['sun zenith angles',
                                          'sun azimuth angles',
                                          'zonal winds',
                                          'meridional winds'],
        # add bands from the ADS VRTs
        for adsVRT in self.adsVRTs:
            metaDict.append({'src': {'SourceFilename': adsVRT.fileName,
                                     'SourceBand': 1},
                             'dst': {'name': (adsVRT.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).
                                     'units': (adsVRT.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        VRT.__init__(self, gdalDataset)

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        # set time

        # add geolocation arrays
        if geolocation:
                                          zoomSize=zoomSize, step=step)
Esempio n. 12
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' Create SMOS VRT '''
        # check extension
        fName = os.path.split(fileName)[1]
        fExt = os.path.splitext(fileName)[1]
        if fExt == '.MAT' or fExt == '.mat' and 'OSUDP2' in fName:
            # load file
            matFile = loadmat(fileName)
            AttributeError("SMOS BAD MAPPER")

        # get geolocation
        geolocArray = matFile['geolocation'][0]
        srcProj4 = '+proj=stere +lon_0=%f +lat_0=%f +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +units=km +no_defs' % (
            geolocArray[0], geolocArray[1])
        srcProjection = osr.SpatialReference()
        srcProjection = srcProjection.ExportToWkt()
        srcGeotransform = (geolocArray[2], geolocArray[4], 0, geolocArray[3],
                           0, geolocArray[5])
        lon = matFile['longitude']
        #lat = matFile['latitude']
        srcRasterYSize, srcRasterXSize = lon.shape
        # create VRT from lat/lon
        #VRT.__init__(self, lon=lon, lat=lat)

        # add the following variables
        varNames = [
            'SSS1', 'SSS2', 'SSS3', 'SST', 'Sigma_SSS1', 'Sigma_SSS2',
            'Sigma_SSS3', 'Control_Flags_1', 'Control_Flags_2',
            'Control_Flags_3', 'Control_Flags_4', 'Science_Flags_1',
            'Science_Flags_2', 'Science_Flags_3', 'Science_Flags_4'
        self.varVRTs = {}
        metaDict = []
        for varName in varNames:
            var = matFile[varName]
            self.varVRTs[varName] = VRT(array=var)
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': self.varVRTs[varName].fileName,
                    'sourceBand': 1
                'dst': {
                    'name': varName

        # create mask
        cloudBits = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
        maxSigma = 3.0
        mask = np.zeros(lon.shape, 'uint16')
        mask[:] = 128
        mask[np.isnan(matFile['SSS1'])] = 0
        mask[matFile['Sigma_SSS1'] > maxSigma] = 1
        mask[matFile['Sigma_SSS2'] > maxSigma] = 1
        mask[matFile['Sigma_SSS3'] > maxSigma] = 1
        for cloudBit in cloudBits:
            for cfi in range(1, 5):
                bitMap = np.bitwise_and(matFile['Control_Flags_%d' % cfi],
                                        np.power(2, cloudBit))
                mask[bitMap > 0] = 1

        self.varVRTs['mask'] = VRT(array=mask)
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': self.varVRTs['mask'].fileName,
                'sourceBand': 1
            'dst': {
                'name': 'mask'

        self.logger.debug('metaDict: %s' % metaDict)

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT
Esempio n. 13
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' Create VRT '''
        # number of GCPs along each dimention
        kwDict = {'GCP_COUNT' : 10}

        # init ADS parameters
        obpgL2Kwargs = {}
        for key in kwargs:
            if key.startswith('obpg_l2_'):
                keyName = key.replace('obpg_l2_', '')
                obpgL2Kwargs[keyName] = kwargs[key]

        # modify the default values using input values
        kwDict = set_defaults(kwDict, obpgL2Kwargs)

        Title=HMODISA Level-2 Data
        Title=MERIS Level-2 Data

        titles = ['HMODISA Level-2 Data', 'MODISA Level-2 Data', 'MERIS Level-2 Data']
        # should raise error in case of not obpg_l2 file
        title = gdalMetadata["Title"]
        assert title in titles, 'obpg_l2 BAD MAPPER'

        # get subdataset and parse to VRT.__init__() for retrieving geo-metadata
        # but NOT from longitude or latitude because it can be smaller!
        subDatasets = gdalDataset.GetSubDatasets()
        for subDataset in subDatasets:
            if 'longitude' not in subDataset[1] and 'latitude' not in subDataset[1]:
                gdalSubDataset = gdal.Open(subDataset[0])
        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        VRT.__init__(self, gdalSubDataset, **kwargs)

        # parts of dictionary for all Reflectances
        #dictRrs = {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air', 'wavelength': '412'} }
        # dictionary for all possible bands
        allBandsDict = {
        'Rrs':        {'src': {}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air'}},
        'Kd':         {'src': {}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'volume_attenuation_coefficient_of_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_sea_water'}},
        'chlor_a':    {'src': {}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water', 'case': 'I'}},
        'cdom_index': {'src': {}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'volume_absorption_coefficient_of_radiative_flux_in_sea_water_due_to_dissolved_organic_matter', 'case': 'II'}},
        'sst':        {'src': {}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'sea_surface_temperature'}},
        'l2_flags':   {'src': {'SourceType': 'SimpleSource', 'DataType': 4},
                       'dst': {'wkv': 'quality_flags', 'dataType': 4}},
        'qual_sst':   {'src': {'SourceType': 'SimpleSource', 'DataType': 4},
                       'dst': {'wkv': 'quality_flags', 'name': 'qual_sst', 'dataType': 4}},
        'latitude':   {'src': {}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'latitude'}},
        'longitude':  {'src': {}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'longitude'}},

        # loop through available bands and generate metaDict (non fixed)
        metaDict = []
        bandNo = 0
        for subDataset in subDatasets:
            # get sub dataset name
            subDatasetName = subDataset[1].split(' ')[1]
            self.logger.debug('Subdataset: %s' % subDataset[1])
            self.logger.debug('Subdataset name: "%s"' % subDatasetName)
            # get wavelength if applicable, get dataset name without wavelength
                wavelength = int(subDatasetName.split('_')[-1])
                wavelength = None
                subBandName = subDatasetName
                subBandName = subDatasetName.split('_')[0]

            self.logger.debug('subBandName, wavelength: %s %s' % (subBandName, str(wavelength)))

            if subBandName in allBandsDict:
                # get name, slope, intercept
                self.logger.debug('name: %s' % subBandName)
                tmpSubDataset = gdal.Open(subDataset[0])
                tmpSubMetadata = tmpSubDataset.GetMetadata()
                slope = tmpSubMetadata.get('slope', '1')
                intercept = tmpSubMetadata.get('intercept', '0')
                self.logger.debug('slope, intercept: %s %s ' % (slope, intercept))
                # create meta entry
                metaEntry = {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDataset[0],
                                     'sourceBand':  1,
                                     'ScaleRatio': slope,
                                     'ScaleOffset': intercept},
                              'dst': {}}
                # add more to src
                for srcKey in allBandsDict[subBandName]['src']:
                    metaEntry['src'][srcKey] = allBandsDict[subBandName]['src'][srcKey]
                # add dst from allBandsDict
                for dstKey in allBandsDict[subBandName]['dst']:
                    metaEntry['dst'][dstKey] = allBandsDict[subBandName]['dst'][dstKey]

                # add wavelength, band name to dst
                if wavelength is not None:
                    metaEntry['dst']['suffix'] = str(wavelength)
                    metaEntry['dst']['wavelength'] = str(wavelength)

                # append band metadata to metaDict
                self.logger.debug('metaEntry: %d => %s' % (bandNo, str(metaEntry)))
                bandNo += 1

                if subBandName == 'Rrs':
                    metaEntryRrsw = {
                        'src': [{
                            'SourceFilename': subDataset[0],
                            'SourceBand':  1,
                            'ScaleRatio': slope,
                            'ScaleOffset': intercept,
                            'DataType': 6}],
                        'dst': {
                            'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_water',
                            'suffix': str(wavelength),
                            'wavelength': str(wavelength),
                            'PixelFunctionType': 'NormReflectanceToRemSensReflectance',

                    # append band metadata to metaDict
                    self.logger.debug('metaEntry: %d => %s' % (bandNo, str(metaEntryRrsw)))
                    bandNo += 1

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        geolocationMetadata = gdalSubDataset.GetMetadata('GEOLOCATION')
        xDatasetSource = geolocationMetadata['X_DATASET']
        xDatasetBand = geolocationMetadata['X_BAND']
        xDataset = gdal.Open(xDatasetSource)
        xVRT = VRT(vrtDataset=xDataset)

        yDatasetSource = geolocationMetadata['Y_DATASET']
        yDatasetBand = geolocationMetadata['Y_BAND']
        yDataset = gdal.Open(yDatasetSource)
        yVRT = VRT(vrtDataset=yDataset)

        # estimate pixel/line step
        pixelStep = int(ceil(float(gdalSubDataset.RasterXSize) / float(xDataset.RasterXSize)))
        lineStep = int(ceil(float(gdalSubDataset.RasterYSize) / float(xDataset.RasterYSize)))
        self.logger.debug('pixel/lineStep %f %f' % (pixelStep, lineStep))

        # ==== ADD GCPs and Pojection ====
        # get lat/lon matrices
        longitude = xVRT.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
        latitude = yVRT.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()

        # add geolocation array
        if (    longitude.min() >= -180 and longitude.max() <= 180 and
                latitude.min() >= -90 and latitude.max() <= 90):

        # estimate step of GCPs
        step0 = max(1, int(float(latitude.shape[0]) / kwDict['GCP_COUNT']))
        step1 = max(1, int(float(latitude.shape[1]) / kwDict['GCP_COUNT']))
        self.logger.debug('gcpCount: %d %d %f %d %d',
                          latitude.shape[0], latitude.shape[1],
                          kwDict['GCP_COUNT'], step0, step1)

        # generate list of GCPs
        gcps = []
        k = 0
        for i0 in range(0, latitude.shape[0], step0):
            for i1 in range(0, latitude.shape[1], step1):
                # create GCP with X,Y,pixel,line from lat/lon matrices
                lon = float(longitude[i0, i1])
                lat = float(latitude[i0, i1])
                if (lon >= -180 and lon <= 180 and lat >= -90 and lat <= 90):
                    gcp = gdal.GCP(lon, lat, 0, i1 * pixelStep, i0 * lineStep)
                    self.logger.debug('%d %d %d %f %f',
                                      k, gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine,
                                      gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY)
                    k += 1

        # append GCPs and lat/lon projection to the vsiDataset
        self.dataset.SetGCPs(gcps, latlongSRS.ExportToWkt())

        # set TIME
        startYear = int(gdalMetadata['Start Year'])
        startDay =  int(gdalMetadata['Start Day'])
        startMillisec =  int(gdalMetadata['Start Millisec'])
        startDate = datetime(startYear, 1, 1) + timedelta(startDay, 0, 0, startMillisec)
Esempio n. 14
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, latlonGrid=None,
                 mask='', **kwargs):

        ''' Create MER2 VRT

        fileName : string
        gdalDataset : gdal dataset
        gdalMetadata : gdal metadata
        latlonGrid : numpy 2 layered 2D array with lat/lons of desired grid
        #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
        # test if input files is GLOBCOLOUR L3B
        iDir, iFile = os.path.split(fileName)
        iFileName, iFileExt = os.path.splitext(iFile)
        #print 'idir:', iDir, iFile, iFileName[0:5], iFileExt[0:8]
        assert iFileName[0:4] == 'L3b_' and iFileExt == '.nc'

        # define shape of GLOBCOLOUR grid
        GLOBCOLOR_ROWS = 180 * 24
        GLOBCOLOR_COLS = 360 * 24

        # define lon/lat grids for projected var
        if latlonGrid is None:
            latlonGrid = np.mgrid[90:-90:4320j,
            #latlonGrid = np.mgrid[80:50:900j, -10:30:1200j].astype('float16')
            #latlonGrid = np.mgrid[47:39:300j, 25:45:500j].astype('float32')

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        VRT.__init__(self, lon=latlonGrid[1], lat=latlonGrid[0])

        # get list of similar (same date) files in the directory
        simFilesMask = os.path.join(iDir, iFileName[0:30] + '*' + mask)
        simFiles = glob.glob(simFilesMask)

        metaDict = []
        self.varVRTs = []
        mask = None
        for simFile in simFiles:
            print 'sim: ', simFile
            f = netcdf_file(simFile)

            # get iBinned, index for converting from binned into GLOBCOLOR-grid
            colBinned = f.variables['col'][:]
            rowBinned = f.variables['row'][:]
            iBinned = (colBinned.astype('uint32') +
                      (rowBinned.astype('uint32') - 1) * GLOBCOLOR_COLS)
            colBinned = None
            rowBinned = None

            # get iRawPro, index for converting from GLOBCOLOR-grid to latlonGrid
            yRawPro = np.rint(1 + (GLOBCOLOR_ROWS - 1) *
                              (latlonGrid[0] + 90) / 180)
            lon_step_Mat = 1 / np.cos(np.pi * latlonGrid[0] / 180.) / 24.
            xRawPro = np.rint(1 + (latlonGrid[1] + 180) / lon_step_Mat)
            iRawPro = xRawPro + (yRawPro - 1) * GLOBCOLOR_COLS
            iRawPro[iRawPro < 0] = 0
            iRawPro = np.rint(iRawPro).astype('uint32')
            yRawPro = None
            xRawPro = None

            for varName in f.variables:
                # find variable with _mean, eg CHL1_mean
                if '_mean' in varName:
                    var = f.variables[varName]

            # skip variable if no WKV is give in Globcolour
            if varName not in self.varname2wkv:

            # get WKV
            varWKV = self.varname2wkv[varName]

            # read binned data
            varBinned = var[:]

            # convert to GLOBCOLOR grid
            varRawPro = np.zeros([GLOBCOLOR_ROWS, GLOBCOLOR_COLS], 'float32')
            varRawPro.flat[iBinned] = varBinned

            # convert to latlonGrid
            varPro = varRawPro.flat[iRawPro.flat[:]].reshape(iRawPro.shape)

            # add mask band
            if mask is None:
                mask = np.zeros(varPro.shape, 'uint8')
                mask[:] = 1
                mask[varPro > 0] = 64

                # add VRT with array with data from projected variable

                # add metadata to the dictionary
                    'src': {'SourceFilename': self.varVRTs[-1].fileName,
                            'SourceBand':  1},
                    'dst': {'name': 'mask'}})

            # add VRT with array with data from projected variable

            # add metadata to the dictionary
            metaEntry = {
                'src': {'SourceFilename': self.varVRTs[-1].fileName,
                        'SourceBand':  1},
                'dst': {'wkv': varWKV, 'original_name': varName}}

            # add wavelength for nLw
            longName = 'Fully normalised water leaving radiance'
            if longName in f.variables[varName].long_name:
                simWavelength = varName.split('L')[1].split('_mean')[0]
                metaEntry['dst']['suffix'] = simWavelength
                metaEntry['dst']['wavelength'] = simWavelength

            # add all metadata from NC-file
            for attr in var._attributes:
                metaEntry['dst'][attr] = var._attributes[attr]


            # add Rrsw band
            metaEntry2 = self.make_rrsw_meta_entry(metaEntry)
            if metaEntry2 is not None:

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        # add time
        startDate = datetime.datetime(int(iFileName[4:8]),
Esempio n. 15
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' Create MODIS_L1 VRT '''
        #get 1st subdataset and parse to VRT.__init__() for retrieving geo-metadata
        gdalSubDataset = gdal.Open(gdalDataset.GetSubDatasets()[0][0])

        #list of available modis names:resolutions
        modisResolutions = {
            'MYD02QKM': 250,
            'MOD02QKM': 250,
            'MYD02HKM': 500,
            'MOD02HKM': 500,
            'MYD021KM': 1000,
            'MOD021KM': 1000

        #should raise error in case of not MODIS_L1
        mResolution = modisResolutions[gdalMetadata["SHORTNAME"]]

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        VRT.__init__(self, gdalSubDataset, **kwargs)

        subDsString = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_SWATH:"%s":MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B:%s'

        #provide all mappings
        metaDict250SF = ['EV_250_RefSB']
        metaDict250 = [{
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_250_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 1
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '645'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_250_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 2
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '858'

        metaDict500SF = ['EV_250_Aggr500_RefSB', 'EV_500_RefSB']
        metaDict500 = [{
            'src': {
                subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_250_Aggr500_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 1
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '645'
        }, {
            'src': {
                subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_250_Aggr500_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 2
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '858'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_500_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 1
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '469'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_500_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 2
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '555'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_500_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 3
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '1240'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_500_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 4
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '1640'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_500_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 5
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '2130'

        metaDict1000SF = [
            'EV_250_Aggr1km_RefSB', 'EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB', 'EV_1KM_RefSB',
        metaDict1000 = [{
            'src': {
                subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_250_Aggr1km_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 1
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '645'
        }, {
            'src': {
                subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_250_Aggr1km_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 2
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '858'
        }, {
            'src': {
                subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 1
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '469'
        }, {
            'src': {
                subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 2
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '555'
        }, {
            'src': {
                subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 3
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '1240'
        }, {
            'src': {
                subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 4
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '1640'
        }, {
            'src': {
                subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 5
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '2130'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 1
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '412'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 2
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '443'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 3
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '488'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 4
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '531'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 5
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '551'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 6
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '667'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 7
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '667'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 8
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '678'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 9
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '678'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 10
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '748'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 11
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '869'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 12
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '905'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 13
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '936'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 14
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '940'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                'SourceBand': 15
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '1375'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                'SourceBand': 1
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '3750'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                'SourceBand': 2
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '3959'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                'SourceBand': 3
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '3959'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                'SourceBand': 4
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '4050'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                'SourceBand': 5
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '4465'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                'SourceBand': 6
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '4515'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                'SourceBand': 7
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '6715'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                'SourceBand': 8
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '7325'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                'SourceBand': 9
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '8550'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                'SourceBand': 10
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '9730'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                'SourceBand': 11
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '11030'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                'SourceBand': 12
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '12020'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                'SourceBand': 13
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '13335'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                'SourceBand': 14
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '13635'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                'SourceBand': 15
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '13935'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': subDsString % (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                'SourceBand': 16
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                'wavelength': '14235'

        # get proper mapping depending on resolution
        metaDict = {
            250: metaDict250,
            500: metaDict500,
            1000: metaDict1000,
        # get proper mapping depending on resolution
        metaDictSF = {
            250: metaDict250SF,
            500: metaDict500SF,
            1000: metaDict1000SF,

        # read all scales/offsets
        rScales = {}
        rOffsets = {}
        for sf in metaDictSF:
            dsName = subDsString % (fileName, sf)
            ds = gdal.Open(dsName)
            rScales[dsName] = map(
            rOffsets[dsName] = map(
            self.logger.debug('radiance_scales: %s' % str(rScales))

        # add 'band_name' to 'parameters'
        for bandDict in metaDict:
            SourceFilename = bandDict['src']['SourceFilename']
            SourceBand = bandDict['src']['SourceBand']
            bandDict['dst']['suffix'] = bandDict['dst']['wavelength']
            scale = rScales[SourceFilename][SourceBand - 1]
            offset = rOffsets[SourceFilename][SourceBand - 1]
            self.logger.debug('band, scale, offset: %s_%d %s %s' %
                              (SourceFilename, SourceBand, scale, offset))
            bandDict['src']['ScaleRatio'] = scale
            bandDict['src']['ScaleOffset'] = offset

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        productDate = gdalMetadata["RANGEBEGINNINGDATE"]
        productTime = gdalMetadata["RANGEENDINGTIME"]
        self._set_time(parse(productDate + ' ' + productTime))
Esempio n. 16
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' GLOBCOLOR L3M VRT '''

        print "=>%s<=" % gdalMetadata['NC_GLOBAL#title']

        if 'GlobColour' not in gdalMetadata['NC_GLOBAL#title']:
            raise AttributeError("GlobColour BAD MAPPER")

        # get list of similar (same date) files in the directory
        iDir, iFile = os.path.split(fileName)
        iFileName, iFileExt = os.path.splitext(iFile)
        print 'idir:', iDir, iFile, iFileName[0:30], iFileExt[0:8]

        simFilesMask = os.path.join(iDir, iFileName[0:30] + '*')
        simFiles = glob.glob(simFilesMask)
        print 'simFilesMask, simFiles', simFilesMask, simFiles

        metaDict = []
        for simFile in simFiles:
            print 'simFile', simFile
            # open file, get metadata and get parameter name
            simSupDataset = gdal.Open(simFile)
            simSubDatasets = simSupDataset.GetSubDatasets()
            simWKV = None
            for simSubDataset in simSubDatasets:
                if '_mean' in simSubDataset[0]:
                    simValidSupDataset = simSupDataset
                    simGdalDataset = gdal.Open(simSubDataset[0])
                    simBandMetadata = simGdalDataset.GetRasterBand(
                    simVarname = simBandMetadata['NETCDF_VARNAME']
                    # get WKV
                    print '    simVarname', simVarname
                    if simVarname in self.varname2wkv:
                        simWKV = self.varname2wkv[simVarname]

            # skipp adding this similar file if it is not valid
            if simWKV is None:

            metaEntry = {
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': simSubDataset[0],
                    'SourceBand': 1
                'dst': {
                    'wkv': simWKV,
                    'original_name': simVarname

            # add wavelength and name
            longName = simBandMetadata['long_name']
            if 'Fully normalised water leaving radiance' in longName:
                simWavelength = simVarname.split('L')[1].split('_mean')[0]
                metaEntry['dst']['suffix'] = simWavelength
                metaEntry['dst']['wavelength'] = simWavelength

            # add band with rrsw
            metaEntry2 = None
            if simWKV == 'surface_upwelling_spectral_radiance_in_air_emerging_from_sea_water':
                solarIrradiance = simBandMetadata['solar_irradiance']
                metaEntry2 = {'src': metaEntry['src']}
                metaEntry2['dst'] = {
                    #'expression': 'self["nLw_%s"] / %s / (0.52 + 1.7 * self["nLw_%s"] / %s)' % (simWavelength, solarIrradiance, simWavelength, solarIrradiance),
                    'self["nLw_%s"] / %s' % (simWavelength, solarIrradiance),

            print '        metaEntry', metaEntry
            if metaEntry2 is not None:
                print '        metaEntry2', metaEntry2

        print 'simSubDatasets', simValidSupDataset.GetSubDatasets()
        for simSubDataset in simValidSupDataset.GetSubDatasets():
            print 'simSubDataset', simSubDataset
            if '_flags ' in simSubDataset[1]:
                print '    mask simSubDataset', simSubDataset[1]
                flags = gdal.Open(simSubDataset[0]).ReadAsArray()
                mask = np.ones(flags.shape) * 64
                mask[np.bitwise_and(flags, np.power(2, 0)) > 0] = 1
                mask[np.bitwise_and(flags, np.power(2, 3)) > 0] = 2

        self.maskVRT = VRT(array=mask)

            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': self.maskVRT.fileName,
                'SourceBand': 1
            'dst': {
                'name': 'mask'

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
            'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]'
        VRT.__init__(self, simGdalDataset, **kwargs)

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT
Esempio n. 17
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' GLOBCOLOR L3M VRT '''

        print "=>%s<=" % gdalMetadata['NC_GLOBAL#title']

        if 'GlobColour' not in gdalMetadata['NC_GLOBAL#title']:
            raise AttributeError("GlobColour BAD MAPPER")

        # get list of similar (same date) files in the directory
        iDir, iFile = os.path.split(fileName)
        iFileName, iFileExt = os.path.splitext(iFile)
        print 'idir:', iDir, iFile, iFileName[0:30], iFileExt[0:8]

        simFilesMask = os.path.join(iDir, iFileName[0:30]+'*')
        simFiles = glob.glob(simFilesMask)
        print 'simFilesMask, simFiles', simFilesMask, simFiles

        metaDict = []
        for simFile in simFiles:
            print 'simFile', simFile
            # open file, get metadata and get parameter name
            simSupDataset = gdal.Open(simFile)
            simSubDatasets = simSupDataset.GetSubDatasets()
            simWKV = None
            for simSubDataset in simSubDatasets:
                if '_mean'  in simSubDataset[0]:
                    simValidSupDataset = simSupDataset
                    simGdalDataset = gdal.Open(simSubDataset[0])
                    simBandMetadata = simGdalDataset.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadata()
                    simVarname = simBandMetadata['NETCDF_VARNAME']
                    # get WKV
                    print '    simVarname', simVarname
                    if simVarname in self.varname2wkv:
                        simWKV = self.varname2wkv[simVarname]

            # skipp adding this similar file if it is not valid
            if simWKV is None:

            metaEntry = {
                'src': {'SourceFilename': simSubDataset[0],
                        'SourceBand':  1},
                'dst': {'wkv': simWKV, 'original_name': simVarname}}

            # add wavelength and name
            longName = simBandMetadata['long_name']
            if 'Fully normalised water leaving radiance' in longName:
                simWavelength = simVarname.split('L')[1].split('_mean')[0]
                metaEntry['dst']['suffix'] = simWavelength
                metaEntry['dst']['wavelength'] = simWavelength

            # add band with rrsw
            metaEntry2 = None
            if simWKV == 'surface_upwelling_spectral_radiance_in_air_emerging_from_sea_water':
                solarIrradiance = simBandMetadata['solar_irradiance']
                metaEntry2 = {'src': metaEntry['src']}
                metaEntry2['dst'] ={
                    'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_water',
                    'suffix': simWavelength,
                    'wavelength': simWavelength,
                    #'expression': 'self["nLw_%s"] / %s / (0.52 + 1.7 * self["nLw_%s"] / %s)' % (simWavelength, solarIrradiance, simWavelength, solarIrradiance),
                    'expression': 'self["nLw_%s"] / %s' % (simWavelength, solarIrradiance),

            print '        metaEntry', metaEntry
            if metaEntry2 is not None:
                print '        metaEntry2', metaEntry2

        print 'simSubDatasets', simValidSupDataset.GetSubDatasets()
        for simSubDataset in simValidSupDataset.GetSubDatasets():
            print 'simSubDataset', simSubDataset
            if '_flags ' in simSubDataset[1]:
                print '    mask simSubDataset', simSubDataset[1]
                flags = gdal.Open(simSubDataset[0]).ReadAsArray()
                mask = np.ones(flags.shape) * 64
                mask[np.bitwise_and(flags, np.power(2, 0)) > 0] = 1
                mask[np.bitwise_and(flags, np.power(2, 3)) > 0] = 2

        self.maskVRT = VRT(array=mask)

            {'src': {'SourceFilename': self.maskVRT.fileName, 'SourceBand':  1},
             'dst': {'name': 'mask'}})

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        simGdalDataset.SetProjection('GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]')
        VRT.__init__(self, simGdalDataset, **kwargs)

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT
Esempio n. 18
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' Create NCEP VRT '''

        if gdalDataset.GetGeoTransform() != (
                -0.25, 0.5, 0.0, 90.25, 0.0,
                -0.5) or gdalDataset.RasterCount != 9:  # Not water proof
            raise AttributeError("NCEP BAD MAPPER")

        metaDict = [{
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 8
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'eastward_wind',
                'name': 'east_wind',
                'height': '10 m'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 9
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'northward_wind',
                'name': 'north_wind',
                'height': '10 m'
        }, {
            'src': [{
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 8
            }, {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 9
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'wind_speed',
                'PixelFunctionType': 'UVToMagnitude',
                'name': 'windspeed',
                'height': '2 m'
        }, {
            'src': [{
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 8
            }, {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 9
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'wind_from_direction',
                'PixelFunctionType': 'UVToDirectionFrom',
                'name': 'winddirection',
                'height': '2 m'
        }, {
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 6
            'dst': {
                'wkv': 'air_temperature',
                'name': 'air_t',
                'height': '2 m'

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        VRT.__init__(self, gdalDataset, **kwargs)

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        # Adding valid time from the GRIB file to dataset
        validTime = gdalDataset.GetRasterBand(
                int(validTime.strip().split(' ')[0])))

Esempio n. 19
    def __init__(self,
        '''Create Domain from GDALDataset or string options or lat/lon grids

        d = Domain(srs, ext)
            Size, extent and spatial reference is given by strings
        d = Domain(ds=GDALDataset):
            Size, extent and spatial reference is copied from input
            GDAL dataset
        d = Domain(srs, ds=GDALDataset):
            Spatial reference is given by srs, but size and extent is
            from input GDAL dataset
        d = Domain(lon=lonGrid, lat=latGrid)
            Size, extent and spatial reference is given by two grids

        srs : PROJ4 or EPSG or WKT
            Specifies spatial reference system (SRS)
            string with proj4 options [] e.g.:
            '+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +no_defs'
            '+proj=stere +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +lat_0=75 +lon_0=10
            integer with EPSG number, [],
            e.g. 4326
            string with Well Know Text of SRS. E.g.:
            'GEOGCS["WGS 84",
                    SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
        ext : string
            some gdalwarp options + additional options
            Specifies extent, resolution / size
            Available options: (('-te' or '-lle') and ('-tr' or '-ts'))
            (e.g. '-lle -10 30 55 60 -ts 1000 1000' or
            '-te 100 2000 300 10000 -tr 300 200')
            -tr resolutionx resolutiony
            -ts sizex sizey
            -te xmin ymin xmax ymax
            -lle lonmin latmin lonmax latmax
        ds : GDAL dataset
        lat : Numpy array
            Grid with latitudes
        lon : Numpy array
            Grid with longitudes
        name : string, optional
            Name to be added to the Domain object
        logLevel : int, optional, default=30
            level of logging

        ProjectionError : occurs when Projection() is empty
            despite it is required for creating extentDic.
        OptionError : occures when the arguments are not proper.

        self.vrt.datasetset : dataset in memory
            dataset is created based on the input arguments

        See Also

        # set default attributes
        self.logger = add_logger('Nansat', logLevel) = name

        self.logger.debug('ds: %s' % str(ds))
        self.logger.debug('srs: %s' % srs)
        self.logger.debug('ext: %s' % ext)

        # If too much information is given raise error
        if ds is not None and srs is not None and ext is not None:
            raise OptionError('Ambiguous specification of both '
                              'dataset, srs- and ext-strings.')

        # if srs is given, convert it to WKT
        if srs is not None:
            # if XML-file and domain name is given - read that file
            if isinstance(srs, str) and os.path.isfile(srs):
                srs, ext, = self._from_xml(srs, ext)
            # import srs from srsString and get the projection
            sr = osr.SpatialReference()
            # try to use different import methods
            # import from proj4 string
                status = sr.ImportFromProj4(srs)
                status = 1
            # import from EPSG number
            if status > 0:
                    status = sr.ImportFromEPSG(srs)
                    status = 1
            # import from WKT text
            if status > 0:
                    status = sr.ImportFromWkt(srs)
                    status = 1
            # create WKT
            dstWKT = sr.ExportToWkt()
            # test success of WKT
            if status > 0 or dstWKT == '':
                raise ProjectionError('srs (%s) is wrong' % (srs))

        # choose between input opitons:
        # ds
        # ds and srs
        # srs and ext
        # lon and lat

        # if only a dataset is given:
        #     copy geo-reference from the dataset
        if ds is not None and srs is None:
            self.vrt = VRT(gdalDataset=ds)

        # If dataset and srs are given (but not ext):
        #   use AutoCreateWarpedVRT to determine bounds and resolution
        elif ds is not None and srs is not None:
            tmpVRT = gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT(ds, None, dstWKT)
            if tmpVRT is None:
                raise ProjectionError('Could not warp the given dataset'
                                      'to the given SRS.')
                self.vrt = VRT(gdalDataset=tmpVRT)

        # If proj4 and extent string are given (but not dataset)
        elif srs is not None and ext is not None:
            # create full dictionary of parameters
            extentDic = self._create_extentDic(ext)

            # convert -lle to -te
            if 'lle' in extentDic.keys():
                extentDic = self._convert_extentDic(dstWKT, extentDic)

            # get size/extent from the created extet dictionary
            [geoTransform, rasterXSize,
             rasterYSize] = self._get_geotransform(extentDic)
            # create VRT object with given geo-reference parameters
            self.vrt = VRT(srcGeoTransform=geoTransform,
            self.extentDic = extentDic
        elif lat is not None and lon is not None:
            # create self.vrt from given lat/lon
            self.vrt = VRT(lat=lat, lon=lon)
            raise OptionError('"dataset" or "srsString and extentString" '
                              'or "dataset and srsString" are required')

        self.logger.debug('vrt.dataset: %s' % str(self.vrt.dataset))
Esempio n. 20
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        product = gdalMetadata["MPH_PRODUCT"]

        if product[0:9] != "MER_FRS_2" and product[0:9] != "MER_RR__2":
            raise AttributeError("MERIS_L2 BAD MAPPER")

        kwDict = {'geolocation' : True}
        # choose kwargs for envisat and asar and change keyname
        for key in kwargs:
            if key.startswith('envisat') or key.startswith('meris'):
                keyName = key.replace('envisat_', '').replace('meris_', '')
                kwDict[keyName] = kwargs[key]
                kwDict[key] = kwargs[key]

        Envisat.__init__(self, fileName, product[0:4], **kwDict)

        metaDict = [
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  1}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air', 'wavelength': '412'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  2}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air', 'wavelength': '443'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  3}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air', 'wavelength': '490'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  4}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air', 'wavelength': '510'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  5}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air', 'wavelength': '560'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  6}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air', 'wavelength': '620'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  7}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air', 'wavelength': '665'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  8}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air', 'wavelength': '680'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand':  9}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air', 'wavelength': '708'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 10}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air', 'wavelength': '753'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 11}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air', 'wavelength': '761'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 12}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air', 'wavelength': '778'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 13}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air', 'wavelength': '864'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 15}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water', 'suffix': '1_log', 'case': 'I'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 16}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'volume_absorption_coefficient_of_radiative_flux_in_sea_water_due_to_dissolved_organic_matter', 'suffix': '2_log', 'case': 'II'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 17}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'mass_concentration_of_suspended_matter_in_sea_water', 'suffix': '2_log', 'case': 'II'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 18}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water', 'suffix': '2_log', 'case': 'II'}},
        {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 22}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'quality_flags', 'suffix': 'l2'}},

        # add 'name' to 'parameters'
        for bandDict in metaDict:
            if 'wavelength' in bandDict['dst']:
                bandDict['dst']['suffix'] = bandDict['dst']['wavelength']

        #get GADS from header
        scales = self.read_scaling_gads(range(7, 20) + [20, 21, 22, 20])
        offsets = self.read_scaling_gads(range(33, 46) + [46, 47, 48, 46])
        # set scale/offset to the band metadata (only reflectance)
        for i, bandDict in enumerate(metaDict[:-1]):
            bandDict['src']['ScaleRatio'] = str(scales[i])
            bandDict['src']['ScaleOffset'] = str(offsets[i])

        # add log10-scaled variables
        metaDict += [
            {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 1}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water', 'suffix': '1', 'case': 'I', 'expression': 'np.power(10., self["chlor_a_1_log"])'}},
            {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 1}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water', 'suffix': '2', 'case': 'II', 'expression': 'np.power(10., self["chlor_a_2_log"])'}},
            {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 1}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'volume_absorption_coefficient_of_radiative_flux_in_sea_water_due_to_dissolved_organic_matter', 'suffix': '2', 'case': 'II', 'expression': 'np.power(10., self["cdom_a_2_log"])'}},
            {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 1}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'mass_concentration_of_suspended_matter_in_sea_water', 'suffix': '2', 'case': 'II', 'expression': 'np.power(10., self["tsm_2_log"])'}},

        # get list with resized VRTs from ADS
        self.adsVRTs = []
        self.adsVRTs = self.get_ads_vrts(gdalDataset, ['sun zenith angles', "sun azimuth angles", "zonal winds", "meridional winds"])
        # add bands from the ADS VRTs
        for adsVRT in self.adsVRTs:
            metaDict.append({'src': {'SourceFilename': adsVRT.fileName,
                                     'SourceBand': 1},
                             'dst': {'name':  adsVRT.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadataItem('name'),
                                     'units': adsVRT.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadataItem('units')}

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        VRT.__init__(self, gdalDataset, **kwDict)

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        # set time

        # add geolocation arrays
        if self.d['geolocation']:
Esempio n. 21
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' Create VIIRS VRT '''

        assert 'GMTCO_npp_' in fileName, 'viirs_l1 BAD MAPPER'
        ifiledir = os.path.split(fileName)[0]
        ifiles = glob.glob(ifiledir + 'SVM??_npp_d*_obpg_ops.h5')

        viirsWavelengths = [None, 412, 445, 488, 555, 672, 746, 865, 1240, 1378, 1610, 2250, 3700, 4050, 8550, 10736, 12013]

        # create dictionary of viirsL1 parameters
        kwDict = { 'GCP_COUNT0' : 5,
                   'GCP_COUNT1' : 20,
                   'pixelStep' : 1,
                   'lineStep' : 1}

        # set kwargs
        viirsL1Kwargs = {}
        for key in kwargs:
            if key.startswith('viirs_l1'):
                keyName = key.replace('viirs_l1_', '')
                viirsL1Kwargs[keyName] = kwargs[key]

        # modify the default values using input values
        kwDict = set_defaults(kwDict, viirsL1Kwargs)

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        xDatasetSource = 'HDF5:"%s"://All_Data/VIIRS-MOD-GEO-TC_All/Longitude' % fileName
        xDatasetBand = 1
        xDataset = gdal.Open(xDatasetSource)
        VRT.__init__(self, xDataset, **kwargs)

        metaDict = []
        for ifile in ifiles:
            ifilename = os.path.split(ifile)[1]
            print ifilename
            bNumber = int(ifilename[3:5])
            print bNumber
            bWavelength = viirsWavelengths[bNumber]
            print bWavelength
            SourceFilename = 'HDF5:"%s"://All_Data/VIIRS-M%d-SDR_All/Radiance' % (ifile, bNumber)
            print SourceFilename
            metaEntry = {
                'src': {'SourceFilename': SourceFilename, 'SourceBand': 1},
                'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance', 'wavelength': str(bWavelength),
                        'suffix': str(bWavelength)},

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        xVRTArray = xDataset.ReadAsArray()
        xVRTArray = gaussian_filter(xVRTArray, 5).astype('float32')
        xVRT = VRT(array=xVRTArray)

        yDatasetSource = 'HDF5:"%s"://All_Data/VIIRS-MOD-GEO-TC_All/Latitude' % fileName
        yDatasetBand = 1
        yDataset = gdal.Open(yDatasetSource)
        yVRTArray = yDataset.ReadAsArray()
        yVRTArray = gaussian_filter(yVRTArray, 5).astype('float32')
        yVRT = VRT(array=yVRTArray)

        #self.add_geolocationArray(GeolocationArray(xDatasetSource, yDatasetSource))
        # estimate pixel/line step
        self.logger.debug('pixel/lineStep %f %f' % (kwDict['pixelStep'], kwDict['lineStep']))

        # ==== ADD GCPs and Pojection ====
        # get lat/lon matrices
        longitude = xVRT.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
        latitude = yVRT.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()

        # estimate step of GCPs
        step0 = max(1, int(float(latitude.shape[0]) / kwDict['GCP_COUNT0']))
        step1 = max(1, int(float(latitude.shape[1]) / kwDict['GCP_COUNT1']))
        self.logger.debug('gcpCount: %d %d %d %d, %d %d',
                          latitude.shape[0], latitude.shape[1],
                          kwDict['GCP_COUNT0'], kwDict['GCP_COUNT1'],
                          step0, step1)

        # generate list of GCPs
        gcps = []
        k = 0
        for i0 in range(0, latitude.shape[0], step0):
            for i1 in range(0, latitude.shape[1], step1):
                # create GCP with X,Y,pixel,line from lat/lon matrices
                lon = float(longitude[i0, i1])
                lat = float(latitude[i0, i1])
                if (lon >= -180 and lon <= 180 and lat >= -90 and lat <= 90):
                    gcp = gdal.GCP(lon, lat, 0,
                                   i1 * kwDict['pixelStep'],
                                   i0 * kwDict['lineStep'])
                    self.logger.debug('%d %d %d %f %f',
                                      k, gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine,
                                      gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY)
                    k += 1

        # append GCPs and lat/lon projection to the vsiDataset
        self.dataset.SetGCPs(gcps, latlongSRS.ExportToWkt())

        # remove geolocation array
Esempio n. 22
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata , **kwargs):
        ''' Create CSKS VRT '''

        if fileName[0:4] != "CSKS":
            raise AttributeError("COSMO-SKYMED BAD MAPPER")

        # Get coordinates
        bottom_left_lon = float(gdalMetadata['Estimated_Bottom_Left_Geodetic_Coordinates'].split(' ')[1])
        bottom_left_lat = float(gdalMetadata['Estimated_Bottom_Left_Geodetic_Coordinates'].split(' ')[0])
        bottom_right_lon = float(gdalMetadata['Estimated_Bottom_Right_Geodetic_Coordinates'].split(' ')[1])
        bottom_right_lat = float(gdalMetadata['Estimated_Bottom_Right_Geodetic_Coordinates'].split(' ')[0])
        top_left_lon = float(gdalMetadata['Estimated_Top_Left_Geodetic_Coordinates'].split(' ')[1])
        top_left_lat = float(gdalMetadata['Estimated_Top_Left_Geodetic_Coordinates'].split(' ')[0])
        top_right_lon = float(gdalMetadata['Estimated_Top_Right_Geodetic_Coordinates'].split(' ')[1])
        top_right_lat = float(gdalMetadata['Estimated_Top_Right_Geodetic_Coordinates'].split(' ')[0])
        center_lon = float(gdalMetadata['Scene_Centre_Geodetic_Coordinates'].split(' ')[1])
        center_lat = float(gdalMetadata['Scene_Centre_Geodetic_Coordinates'].split(' ')[0])

        # Get sub-datasets
        subDatasets = gdalDataset.GetSubDatasets()

        # Get file names from dataset or subdataset
        if subDatasets.__len__()==1:
            fileNames = [fileName]
            fileNames = [f[0] for f in subDatasets]

        for i,elem in enumerate(fileNames):
            if fileNames[i][-3:]=='QLK':

        #print fileNames

        subDataset = gdal.Open(fileNames[0])

        # generate list of GCPs
        gcps = []
        # create GCP with X,Y,Z(?),pixel,line from lat/lon matrices
        gcp = gdal.GCP(float(bottom_left_lon), float(bottom_left_lat), 0, 0, 0)
        gcps.append( gcp )
        #self.logger.debug('%d %d %d %f %f', 0, gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine, gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY)
        gcp = gdal.GCP(float(bottom_right_lon), float(bottom_right_lat), 0, subDataset.RasterXSize, 0)
        gcps.append( gcp )
        #self.logger.debug('%d %d %d %f %f', 1, gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine, gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY)
        gcp = gdal.GCP(float(top_left_lon), float(top_left_lat), 0, 0, subDataset.RasterYSize)
        gcps.append( gcp )
        #self.logger.debug('%d %d %d %f %f', 2, gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine, gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY)
        gcp = gdal.GCP(float(top_right_lon), float(top_right_lat),
                0, subDataset.RasterXSize, subDataset.RasterYSize)
        gcps.append( gcp )
        #self.logger.debug('%d %d %d %f %f', 3, gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine, gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY)
        gcp = gdal.GCP(float(center_lon), float(center_lat),
                0, int(np.round(subDataset.RasterXSize/2.)),
        gcps.append( gcp )
        #self.logger.debug('%d %d %d %f %f', 4, gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine, gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY)

        # append GCPs and lat/lon projection to the vsiDataset
        latlongSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
        latlongSRS.ImportFromProj4("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")
        latlongSRSWKT = latlongSRS.ExportToWkt()

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        VRT.__init__(self, srcRasterXSize=subDataset.RasterXSize,

        #print self.fileName

        # Read all bands later

        # Use only full size "original" datasets
        for i,elem in enumerate(fileNames):
            band_number = i
            if fileNames[i][-3:]=='SBI':
                # Add real and imaginary raw counts as bands
                src = {'SourceFilename': fileNames[i], 'SourceBand': 1, 'DataType': gdal.GDT_Int16}
                dst = {'dataType': gdal.GDT_Float32, 'name': 'RawCounts_%s_real' %

                src = {'SourceFilename': fileNames[i], 'SourceBand': 2, 'DataType': gdal.GDT_Int16}
                dst = {'dataType': gdal.GDT_Float32, 'name': 'RawCounts_%s_imaginary' %
                                gdalMetadata[fileNames[i][-7:-4]+'_Polarisation'] }


        for i,elem in enumerate(fileNames):
            band_number = i
            if fileNames[i][-3:]=='SBI':
                # Calculate sigma0 scaling factor
                Rref = float(gdalMetadata['Reference_Slant_Range'])
                Rexp = float(gdalMetadata['Reference_Slant_Range_Exponent'])
                alphaRef = float(gdalMetadata['Reference_Incidence_Angle'])
                Ftot = Rref**(2.*Rexp)
                Ftot *=np.sin(alphaRef*np.pi/180.0)
                Ftot /=F**2.
                Ftot /=K

                #print Ftot

                src = [{'SourceFilename': self.fileName,
                            'DataType': gdal.GDT_Float32,
                            'SourceBand': 2*i+1, 'ScaleRatio': np.sqrt(Ftot)},
                                { 'SourceFilename': self.fileName,
                                    'DataType': gdal.GDT_Float32,
                                    'SourceBand': 2*i+2, 'ScaleRatio': np.sqrt(Ftot)}]
                dst = {'wkv':
                        'PixelFunctionType': 'RawcountsToSigma0_CosmoSkymed_SBI',
                        'polarisation': gdalMetadata[fileNames[i][-7:-4]+'_Polarisation'],
                        'name': 'sigma0_%s' % gdalMetadata[fileNames[i][-7:-4]+'_Polarisation'],
                        'SatelliteID': gdalMetadata['Satellite_ID'],
                        'dataType': gdal.GDT_Float32}
                        #'pass': gdalMetadata[''] - I can't find this in the metadata...


Esempio n. 23
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' Create MODIS_L1 VRT '''
        #get 1st subdataset and parse to VRT.__init__() for retrieving geo-metadata
        gdalSubDataset = gdal.Open(gdalDataset.GetSubDatasets()[0][0])

        #list of available modis names:resolutions
        modisResolutions = {'MYD02QKM': 250, 'MOD02QKM': 250,
                            'MYD02HKM': 500, 'MOD02HKM': 500,
                            'MYD021KM': 1000, 'MOD021KM': 1000}

        #should raise error in case of not MODIS_L1
        mResolution = modisResolutions[gdalMetadata["SHORTNAME"]]

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        VRT.__init__(self, gdalSubDataset)

        subDsString = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_SWATH:"%s":MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B:%s'

        #provide all mappings
        metaDict250SF = ['EV_250_RefSB']

        metaDict250 = [{'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                (fileName, 'EV_250_RefSB'),
                                'SourceBand': 1},
                        'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                'wavelength': '645'}},
                       {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                (fileName, 'EV_250_RefSB'),
                                'SourceBand': 2},
                        'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                'wavelength': '858'}}]

        metaDict500SF = ['EV_250_Aggr500_RefSB', 'EV_500_RefSB']

        metaDict500 = [{'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                (fileName, 'EV_250_Aggr500_RefSB'),
                                'SourceBand': 1},
                        'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                'wavelength': '645'}},
                       {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                (fileName, 'EV_250_Aggr500_RefSB'),
                                'SourceBand': 2},
                        'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                'wavelength': '858'}},

                       {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                (fileName, 'EV_500_RefSB'),
                                'SourceBand': 1},
                        'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                'wavelength': '469'}},
                       {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                (fileName, 'EV_500_RefSB'),
                                'SourceBand': 2},
                        'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                'wavelength': '555'}},
                       {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                (fileName, 'EV_500_RefSB'),
                                'SourceBand': 3},
                        'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                'wavelength': '1240'}},
                       {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                (fileName, 'EV_500_RefSB'),
                                'SourceBand': 4},
                        'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                'wavelength': '1640'}},
                       {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                (fileName, 'EV_500_RefSB'),
                                'SourceBand': 5},
                        'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                'wavelength': '2130'}}]

        metaDict1000SF = ['EV_250_Aggr1km_RefSB', 'EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB',
                          'EV_1KM_RefSB', 'EV_1KM_Emissive']

        metaDict1000 = [{'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_250_Aggr1km_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 1},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '645'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_250_Aggr1km_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 2},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '858'}},

                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 1},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '469'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 2},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '555'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 3},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '1240'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 4},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '1640'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 5},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '2130'}},

                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 1},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '412'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 2},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '443'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 3},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '488'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 4},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '531'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 5},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '551'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 6},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '667'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 7},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '667'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 8},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '678'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 9},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '678'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 10},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '748'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 11},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '869'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 12},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '905'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 13},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '936'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 14},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '940'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_RefSB'),
                                 'SourceBand': 15},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '1375'}},

                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                                 'SourceBand': 1},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '3750'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                                 'SourceBand': 2},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '3959'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                                 'SourceBand': 3},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '3959'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                                 'SourceBand': 4},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '4050'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                                 'SourceBand': 5},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '4465'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                                 'SourceBand': 6},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '4515'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                                 'SourceBand': 7},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '6715'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                                 'SourceBand': 8},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '7325'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                                 'SourceBand': 9},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '8550'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                                 'SourceBand': 10},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '9730'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                                 'SourceBand': 11},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '11030'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                                 'SourceBand': 12},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '12020'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                                 'SourceBand': 13},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '13335'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                                 'SourceBand': 14},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '13635'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                                 'SourceBand': 15},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '13935'}},
                        {'src': {'SourceFilename': subDsString %
                                 (fileName, 'EV_1KM_Emissive'),
                                 'SourceBand': 16},
                         'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                                 'wavelength': '14235'}}]

        # get proper mapping depending on resolution
        metaDict = {250: metaDict250,
                    500: metaDict500,
                    1000: metaDict1000,
        # get proper mapping depending on resolution
        metaDictSF = {250: metaDict250SF,
                      500: metaDict500SF,
                      1000: metaDict1000SF,

        # read all scales/offsets
        rScales = {}
        rOffsets = {}
        for sf in metaDictSF:
            dsName = subDsString % (fileName, sf)
            ds = gdal.Open(dsName)
            rScales[dsName] = map(float,
            rOffsets[dsName] = map(float,
            self.logger.debug('radiance_scales: %s' % str(rScales))

        # add 'band_name' to 'parameters'
        for bandDict in metaDict:
            SourceFilename = bandDict['src']['SourceFilename']
            SourceBand = bandDict['src']['SourceBand']
            bandDict['dst']['suffix'] = bandDict['dst']['wavelength']
            scale = rScales[SourceFilename][SourceBand-1]
            offset = rOffsets[SourceFilename][SourceBand-1]
            self.logger.debug('band, scale, offset: %s_%d %s %s' %
                              (SourceFilename, SourceBand, scale, offset))
            bandDict['src']['ScaleRatio'] = scale
            bandDict['src']['ScaleOffset'] = offset

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        productDate = gdalMetadata["RANGEBEGINNINGDATE"]
        productTime = gdalMetadata["RANGEENDINGTIME"]
        self._set_time(parse(productDate+' '+productTime))
Esempio n. 24
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        Parameters (**kwargs)
        ASA_full_incAng : bool (default False)
            if True, use full-size incidence angle band.
            if False, use one-line incidence angle band.
        product = gdalMetadata.get("MPH_PRODUCT")
        if product[0:4] != "ASA_":
            raise AttributeError("ASAR_L1 BAD MAPPER")

        kwDict = {'geolocation': False}
        # choose kwargs for envisat and asar and change keyname
        for key in kwargs:
            if key.startswith('envisat') or key.startswith('asar'):
                keyName = key.replace('envisat_', '').replace('asar_', '')
                kwDict[keyName] = kwargs[key]
                kwDict[key] = kwargs[key]

        Envisat.__init__(self, fileName, product[0:4], **kwDict)
        # get polarization string (remove '/', since NetCDF doesnt support that in metadata)
        polarization = gdalMetadata['SPH_MDS1_TX_RX_POLAR'].replace("/", "")

        # Create VRTdataset with small VRTRawRasterbands
        self.adsVRTs = self.get_ads_vrts(gdalDataset,

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        VRT.__init__(self, gdalDataset, **kwDict)

        # get calibration constant
        gotCalibration = True
            calibrationConst = float(
            self.logger.warning('Cannot get calibrationConst')
            gotCalibration = False

        # add dictionary for raw counts
        metaDict = [{
            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': fileName,
                'SourceBand': 1
            'dst': {
                'name': 'RawCounts_%s' % polarization

        if gotCalibration:
            # add dicrtionary for sigma0, ice and water
            names = [
                'sigma0', 'sigma0_normalized_ice', 'sigma0_normalized_water'
            wkt = [
            sphPass = [gdalMetadata['SPH_PASS'], '', '']

            sourceFileNames = [fileName, self.adsVRTs[0].fileName]

            pixelFunctionTypes = [
                'RawcountsIncidenceToSigma0', 'Sigma0NormalizedIce'
            if polarization == 'HH':
            elif polarization == 'VV':

            # add pixelfunction bands to metaDict
            for iPixFunc in range(len(pixelFunctionTypes)):
                srcFiles = []
                for iFileName in sourceFileNames:
                    sourceFile = {'SourceFilename': iFileName, 'SourceBand': 1}
                    # if ASA_full_incAng, set 'ScaleRatio' into source file dict
                    if iFileName == fileName:
                        sourceFile['ScaleRatio'] = np.sqrt(1.0 /

                    'src': srcFiles,
                    'dst': {
                        'name': names[iPixFunc],
                        'wkv': wkt[iPixFunc],
                        'PixelFunctionType': pixelFunctionTypes[iPixFunc],
                        'polarization': polarization,
                        'suffix': polarization,
                        'pass': sphPass[iPixFunc],
                        'dataType': 6

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        # set time

        # add geolocation arrays
        if self.d['geolocation']:
Esempio n. 25
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        product = gdalMetadata["MPH_PRODUCT"]

        if product[0:9] != "MER_FRS_2" and product[0:9] != "MER_RR__2":
            raise AttributeError("MERIS_L2 BAD MAPPER")

        kwDict = {'geolocation': True}
        # choose kwargs for envisat and asar and change keyname
        for key in kwargs:
            if key.startswith('envisat') or key.startswith('meris'):
                keyName = key.replace('envisat_', '').replace('meris_', '')
                kwDict[keyName] = kwargs[key]
                kwDict[key] = kwargs[key]

        Envisat.__init__(self, fileName, product[0:4], **kwDict)

        metaDict = [
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 1
                'dst': {
                    'wavelength': '412'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 2
                'dst': {
                    'wavelength': '443'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 3
                'dst': {
                    'wavelength': '490'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 4
                'dst': {
                    'wavelength': '510'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 5
                'dst': {
                    'wavelength': '560'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 6
                'dst': {
                    'wavelength': '620'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 7
                'dst': {
                    'wavelength': '665'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 8
                'dst': {
                    'wavelength': '680'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 9
                'dst': {
                    'wavelength': '708'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 10
                'dst': {
                    'wavelength': '753'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 11
                'dst': {
                    'wavelength': '761'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 12
                'dst': {
                    'wavelength': '778'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 13
                'dst': {
                    'wavelength': '864'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 15
                'dst': {
                    'wkv': 'mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water',
                    'suffix': '1_log',
                    'case': 'I'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 16
                'dst': {
                    'suffix': '2_log',
                    'case': 'II'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 17
                'dst': {
                    'suffix': '2_log',
                    'case': 'II'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 18
                'dst': {
                    'wkv': 'mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water',
                    'suffix': '2_log',
                    'case': 'II'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 22
                'dst': {
                    'wkv': 'quality_flags',
                    'suffix': 'l2'

        # add 'name' to 'parameters'
        for bandDict in metaDict:
            if 'wavelength' in bandDict['dst']:
                bandDict['dst']['suffix'] = bandDict['dst']['wavelength']

        #get GADS from header
        scales = self.read_scaling_gads(range(7, 20) + [20, 21, 22, 20])
        offsets = self.read_scaling_gads(range(33, 46) + [46, 47, 48, 46])
        # set scale/offset to the band metadata (only reflectance)
        for i, bandDict in enumerate(metaDict[:-1]):
            bandDict['src']['ScaleRatio'] = str(scales[i])
            bandDict['src']['ScaleOffset'] = str(offsets[i])

        # add log10-scaled variables
        metaDict += [
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 1
                'dst': {
                    'wkv': 'mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water',
                    'suffix': '1',
                    'case': 'I',
                    'expression': 'np.power(10., self["chlor_a_1_log"])'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 1
                'dst': {
                    'wkv': 'mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water',
                    'suffix': '2',
                    'case': 'II',
                    'expression': 'np.power(10., self["chlor_a_2_log"])'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 1
                'dst': {
                    'suffix': '2',
                    'case': 'II',
                    'expression': 'np.power(10., self["cdom_a_2_log"])'
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 1
                'dst': {
                    'suffix': '2',
                    'case': 'II',
                    'expression': 'np.power(10., self["tsm_2_log"])'

        # get list with resized VRTs from ADS
        self.adsVRTs = []
        self.adsVRTs = self.get_ads_vrts(gdalDataset, [
            'sun zenith angles', "sun azimuth angles", "zonal winds",
            "meridional winds"
        # add bands from the ADS VRTs
        for adsVRT in self.adsVRTs:
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': adsVRT.fileName,
                    'SourceBand': 1
                'dst': {

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        VRT.__init__(self, gdalDataset, **kwDict)

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        # set time

        # add geolocation arrays
        if self.d['geolocation']:
Esempio n. 26
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' Ocean Productivity website VRT '''

        if ('IDL' not in gdalMetadata['Projection Category'] and 'Source' not in gdalMetadata and '-9999' not in gdalMetadata['Hole Value']):
                raise AttributeError("BAD MAPPER")
        print 'Ocean Productivity website data'
        # get list of similar (same date) files in the directory
        iDir, iFile = os.path.split(fileName)
        iFileName, iFileExt = os.path.splitext(iFile)
        simFilesMask = os.path.join(iDir, '*' + iFileName[4:11] + iFileExt)
        #print 'simFilesMask', simFilesMask
        simFiles = glob.glob(simFilesMask)
        #print 'simFiles', simFiles

        metaDict = []
        for simFile in simFiles:
            #print 'simFile',simFile
            # open subdataset with GDAL
            tmpSourceFilename = simFile
            tmpGdalDataset = gdal.Open(tmpSourceFilename)

            # get metadata, get 'Parameter'
            tmpGdalMetadata = tmpGdalDataset.GetMetadata()
            iDir, ifileName = os.path.split(tmpSourceFilename)
            #print 'ifileName',ifileName
            simParameter = ifileName[0:3]

            # set params of the similar file
            simSourceFilename = tmpSourceFilename
            simGdalDataset = tmpGdalDataset
            simGdalMetadata = tmpGdalMetadata

            # get WKV from the similar file
            for param in self.param2wkv:
                #print 'param', param
                if param in simParameter:
                    simWKV = self.param2wkv[param]
            #print 'simWKV', simWKV
            # generate entry to metaDict
            metaEntry = {
                'src': {'SourceFilename': simSourceFilename,
                        'SourceBand':  1,
                        'ScaleRatio': float(simGdalMetadata['Slope']),
                        'ScaleOffset': float(simGdalMetadata['Intercept'])},
                'dst': {'wkv': simWKV,
                        'name': self.bandNames[simWKV],
                        'Parameter': simParameter}}
            #print 'metaEntry', metaEntry
            # append entry to metaDict

        #get array with data and make 'mask'
        a = simGdalDataset.ReadAsArray()
        mask = np.zeros(a.shape, 'uint8') + 128
        mask[a < -9990] = 1
        self.maskVRT = VRT(array=mask)

            {'src': {'SourceFilename': self.maskVRT.fileName, 'SourceBand':  1},
             'dst': {'name': 'mask'}})

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        # print 'simGdalMetadata', simGdalMetadata
        latitudeStep = 0.08333334
        longitudeStep = 0.08333334
        numberOfColumns = 4320
        numberOfLines = 2160
        #longitudeStep = float(simGdalMetadata['Longitude Step'])
        VRT.__init__(self, srcGeoTransform=(-180.0, longitudeStep, 0.0, 90.0, 0.0, -longitudeStep),
                           srcProjection='GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]',

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        # Add valid time
        startYear = int(iFile[4:8])
        startDay = int(iFile[8:11])
        self._set_time(datetime.datetime(startYear, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(startDay))
Esempio n. 27
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata,
                 full_incAng=True, geolocation=False, zoomSize=500,
                 step=1, **kwargs):
        fileName : string

        gdalDataset : gdal dataset

        gdalMetadata : gdal metadata

        full_incAng : bool (default is True)
            if True, add full size incedence angle

        geolocation : bool (default is False)
            if True, add gdal geolocation

        zoomSize: int (used in
            size, to which the ADS array will be zoomed using scipy
            array of this size will be stored in memory

        step: int (used in
            step of pixel and line in GeolocationArrays. lat/lon grids are
            generated at that step

        product = gdalMetadata.get("MPH_PRODUCT")
        if product[0:4] != "ASA_":
            raise AttributeError("ASAR_L1 BAD MAPPER")

        Envisat.__init__(self, fileName, product[0:4])

        # get polarization string (remove '/', since NetCDF doesnt support that in metadata)
        polarization = gdalMetadata['SPH_MDS1_TX_RX_POLAR'].replace("/", "")

        # Create VRTdataset with small VRTRawRasterbands
        self.adsVRTs = self.get_ads_vrts(gdalDataset,
                                         zoomSize=zoomSize, step=step, **kwargs)

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        VRT.__init__(self, gdalDataset)

        # get calibration constant
        gotCalibration = True
            calibrationConst = float(gdalDataset.GetMetadataItem(
                # Apparently some ASAR files have calibration constant stored in another place
                calibrationConst = float(gdalDataset.GetMetadataItem(
                self.logger.warning('Cannot get calibrationConst')
                gotCalibration = False

        # add dictionary for raw counts
        metaDict = [{'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 1},
                     'dst': {'short_name': 'RawCounts'}}]

        if full_incAng:
            for adsVRT in self.adsVRTs:
                metaDict.append({'src': {'SourceFilename': adsVRT.fileName,
                                         'SourceBand': 1},
                                 'dst': {'name': adsVRT.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadataItem('name').replace('last_line_', ''),
                                         'units': adsVRT.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadataItem('units')}})
        if gotCalibration:
            # add dicrtionary for sigma0, ice and water
            short_names = ['sigma0', 'sigma0_normalized_ice',
            wkt = ['surface_backwards_scattering_coefficient_of_radar_wave',
            sphPass = [gdalMetadata['SPH_PASS'], '', '']

            sourceFileNames = [fileName,

            pixelFunctionTypes = ['RawcountsIncidenceToSigma0',
            if polarization == 'HH':
            elif polarization == 'VV':

            # add pixelfunction bands to metaDict
            for iPixFunc in range(len(pixelFunctionTypes)):
                srcFiles = []
                for iFileName in sourceFileNames:
                    sourceFile = {'SourceFilename': iFileName,
                                  'SourceBand': 1}
                    # if ASA_full_incAng, set 'ScaleRatio' into source file dict
                    if iFileName == fileName:
                        sourceFile['ScaleRatio'] = np.sqrt(1.0/calibrationConst)

                metaDict.append({'src': srcFiles,
                                 'dst': {'short_name': short_names[iPixFunc],
                                         'wkv': wkt[iPixFunc],
                                         'PixelFunctionType': pixelFunctionTypes[iPixFunc],
                                         'polarization': polarization,
                                         'suffix': polarization,
                                         'pass': sphPass[iPixFunc],
                                         'dataType': 6}})

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        # set time

        # add geolocation arrays

        if geolocation:
                                          zoomSize=zoomSize, step=step)

        # Add SAR look direction to metadata domain
        # Note that this is the look direction in the center of the domain. For
        # longer domains, especially at high latitudes, the azimuth direction
        # may vary a lot over the domain, and using the center angle will be a
        # coarse approximation.
                                         upwards_azimuth_direction() + 90,
Esempio n. 28
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' OBPG L3 VRT '''

        if 'Level-3 Standard Mapped Image' not in gdalMetadata['Title']:
            raise AttributeError("OBPG L3 Standard Mapped Image BAD MAPPER")

        # get list of similar (same date) files in the directory
        iDir, iFile = os.path.split(fileName)
        iFileName, iFileExt = os.path.splitext(iFile)
        simFilesMask = os.path.join(iDir, iFileName)
        simFiles = glob.glob(simFilesMask + iFileExt[0:6] + '*')
        #print 'simFilesMask, simFiles', simFilesMask, simFiles

        metaDict = []
        for simFile in simFiles:
            #print 'simFile', simFile
            # open file, get metadata and get parameter name
            simSupDataset = gdal.Open(simFile)
            if simSupDataset is None:
                # skip this similar file
                #print 'No dataset: %s not a supported SMI file' % simFile
            # get subdatasets from the similar file
            simSubDatasets = simSupDataset.GetSubDatasets()
            if len(simSubDatasets) > 0:
                for simSubDataset in simSubDatasets:
                    #print 'simSubDataset', simSubDataset
                    if 'l3m_data' in simSubDataset[1]:
                        # get SourceFilename from subdataset
                        tmpSourceFilename = simSubDataset[0]
                # get SourceFilename from dataset
                tmpSourceFilename = simFile

            # open subdataset with GDAL
            #print 'tmpSourceFilename', tmpSourceFilename
            tmpGdalDataset = gdal.Open(tmpSourceFilename)

                # get metadata, get 'Parameter'
                tmpGdalMetadata = tmpGdalDataset.GetMetadata()
                simParameter = tmpGdalMetadata['Parameter']
                print 'No parameter: %s not a supported SMI file' % simFile
                # set params of the similar file
                simSourceFilename = tmpSourceFilename
                simGdalDataset = tmpGdalDataset
                simGdalMetadata = tmpGdalMetadata

            # get WKV from the similar file
            #print 'simParameter', simParameter
            for param in self.param2wkv:
                #print 'param', param
                if param in simParameter:
                    simWKV = self.param2wkv[param]

            # generate entry to metaDict
            metaEntry = {
                'src': {'SourceFilename': simSourceFilename,
                        'SourceBand':  1,
                        'ScaleRatio': float(simGdalMetadata['Slope']),
                        'ScaleOffset': float(simGdalMetadata['Intercept'])},
                'dst': {'wkv': simWKV}}

            # add wavelength and BandName
            if ' at ' in simParameter and ' nm' in simParameter:
                simWavelength = simParameter.split(' at ')[1].split(' nm')[0]
                metaEntry['dst']['suffix'] = simWavelength
                metaEntry['dst']['wavelength'] = simWavelength

            # add band with Rrsw
            metaEntry2 = None
            if simWKV == 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air':
                metaEntry2 = {'src': [metaEntry['src']]}
                metaEntry2['dst'] ={
                    'wkv': 'surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_water',
                    'suffix': simWavelength,
                    'wavelength': simWavelength,
                    'PixelFunctionType': 'NormReflectanceToRemSensReflectance',

            # append entry to metaDict
            if metaEntry2 is not None:

        #get array with data and make 'mask'
        a = simGdalDataset.ReadAsArray()
        mask = np.zeros(a.shape, 'uint8') + 64
        mask[a < -32000] = 1
        self.maskVRT = VRT(array=mask)

            {'src': {'SourceFilename': self.maskVRT.fileName, 'SourceBand':  1},
             'dst': {'name': 'mask'}})

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        # print 'simGdalMetadata', simGdalMetadata
        latitudeStep = float(simGdalMetadata.get('Latitude Step', simGdalMetadata.get('Latitude_Step', 1)))
        longitudeStep = float(simGdalMetadata.get('Longitude Step', simGdalMetadata.get('Longitude_Step', 1)))
        numberOfColumns = int(simGdalMetadata.get('Number of Columns', simGdalMetadata.get('Number_of_Columns', 1)))
        numberOfLines = int(simGdalMetadata.get('Number of Lines', simGdalMetadata.get('Number_of_Lines', 1)))
        #longitudeStep = float(simGdalMetadata['Longitude Step'])
        VRT.__init__(self, srcGeoTransform=(-180.0, longitudeStep, 0.0, 90.0, 0.0, -longitudeStep),

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        # Add valid time
        startYear = int(simGdalMetadata.get('Start Year', simGdalMetadata.get('Start_Year', 1)))
        startDay = int(simGdalMetadata.get('Start Day', simGdalMetadata.get('Start)Day', 1)))
        self._set_time(datetime.datetime(startYear, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(startDay))
Esempio n. 29
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' Create VRT '''
        # check if it is ASTER L1A
        assert 'AST_L1A_' in fileName
        shortName = gdalMetadata['INSTRUMENTSHORTNAME']
        assert shortName == 'ASTER'

        subDatasets = gdalDataset.GetSubDatasets()

        kwDict = {'GCP_COUNT' : 10,         # number of GCPs along each dimention
                  'bandNames' : ['VNIR_Band1', 'VNIR_Band2', 'VNIR_Band3N'],
                  'bandWaves' : [560, 660, 820]}
        'VNIR_Band3B' : 820, 'SWIR_Band4' : 1650, 'SWIR_Band5' : 2165,
        'SWIR_Band6' : 2205, 'SWIR_Band7' : 2260, 'SWIR_Band8' : 2330,
        'SWIR_Band9' : 2395, 'TIR_Band10' : 8300, 'TIR_Band11' : 8650,
        'TIR_Band12' : 9100, 'TIR_Band13' : 10600, 'TIR_Band14' : 11300

        # set kwargs
        asterL1aKwargs = {}
        for key in kwargs:
            if key.startswith('aster_l1a'):
                keyName = key.replace('aster_l1a_', '')
                asterL1aKwargs[keyName] = kwargs[key]

        # modify the default values using input values
        kwDict = set_defaults(kwDict, asterL1aKwargs)

        # find datasets for each band and generate metaDict
        metaDict = []
        bandDatasetMask = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_SWATH:"%s":%s:ImageData'
        for bandName, bandWave in zip(kwDict['bandNames'],
            metaEntry = {
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': bandDatasetMask % (fileName, bandName),
                    'SourceBand': 1,
                    'DataType': 6,
                'dst':  {
                    'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance',
                    'wavelength': str(bandWave),
                    'suffix': str(bandWave),

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        gdalSubDataset = gdal.Open(metaDict[0]['src']['SourceFilename'])
        VRT.__init__(self, gdalSubDataset, **kwargs)

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        # find largest lon/lat subdatasets
        latShape0 = 0
        for subDataset in subDatasets:
            if 'Latitude' in subDataset[1]:
                ls = int(subDataset[1].strip().split('[')[1].split('x')[0])
                if ls >= latShape0:
                    latShape0 = ls
                    latSubDS = subDataset[0]
            if 'Longitude' in subDataset[1]:
                ls = int(subDataset[1].strip().split('[')[1].split('x')[0])
                if ls >= latShape0:
                    latShape0 = ls
                    lonSubDS = subDataset[0]

        # get lat/lon matrices
        xDataset = gdal.Open(lonSubDS)
        yDataset = gdal.Open(latSubDS)

        longitude = xDataset.ReadAsArray()
        latitude = yDataset.ReadAsArray()

        step0 = longitude.shape[0] / kwDict['GCP_COUNT']
        step1 = longitude.shape[1] / kwDict['GCP_COUNT']

        # estimate pixel/line step
        pixelStep = int(ceil(float(gdalSubDataset.RasterXSize) / float(xDataset.RasterXSize)))
        lineStep = int(ceil(float(gdalSubDataset.RasterYSize) / float(xDataset.RasterYSize)))
        self.logger.debug('steps: %d %d %d %d' % (step0, step1, pixelStep, lineStep))

        # generate list of GCPs
        gcps = []
        k = 0
        for i0 in range(0, latitude.shape[0], step0):
            for i1 in range(0, latitude.shape[1], step1):
                # create GCP with X,Y,pixel,line from lat/lon matrices
                lon = float(longitude[i0, i1])
                lat = float(latitude[i0, i1])
                if (lon >= -180 and lon <= 180 and lat >= -90 and lat <= 90):
                    gcp = gdal.GCP(lon, lat, 0, i1 * pixelStep, i0 * lineStep)
                    self.logger.debug('%d %d %d %f %f' % (k, gcp.GCPPixel, gcp.GCPLine, gcp.GCPX, gcp.GCPY))
                    k += 1
        # append GCPs and lat/lon projection to the vsiDataset
        self.dataset.SetGCPs(gcps, latlongSRS.ExportToWkt())

Esempio n. 30
    def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs):
        ''' Ocean Productivity website VRT '''

        if ('IDL' not in gdalMetadata['Projection Category']
                and 'Source' not in gdalMetadata
                and '-9999' not in gdalMetadata['Hole Value']):
            raise AttributeError("BAD MAPPER")
        print 'Ocean Productivity website data'
        # get list of similar (same date) files in the directory
        iDir, iFile = os.path.split(fileName)
        iFileName, iFileExt = os.path.splitext(iFile)
        simFilesMask = os.path.join(iDir, '*' + iFileName[4:11] + iFileExt)
        #print 'simFilesMask', simFilesMask
        simFiles = glob.glob(simFilesMask)
        #print 'simFiles', simFiles

        metaDict = []
        for simFile in simFiles:
            #print 'simFile',simFile
            # open subdataset with GDAL
            tmpSourceFilename = simFile
            tmpGdalDataset = gdal.Open(tmpSourceFilename)

            # get metadata, get 'Parameter'
            tmpGdalMetadata = tmpGdalDataset.GetMetadata()
            iDir, ifileName = os.path.split(tmpSourceFilename)
            #print 'ifileName',ifileName
            simParameter = ifileName[0:3]

            # set params of the similar file
            simSourceFilename = tmpSourceFilename
            simGdalDataset = tmpGdalDataset
            simGdalMetadata = tmpGdalMetadata

            # get WKV from the similar file
            for param in self.param2wkv:
                #print 'param', param
                if param in simParameter:
                    simWKV = self.param2wkv[param]
            #print 'simWKV', simWKV
            # generate entry to metaDict
            metaEntry = {
                'src': {
                    'SourceFilename': simSourceFilename,
                    'SourceBand': 1,
                    'ScaleRatio': float(simGdalMetadata['Slope']),
                    'ScaleOffset': float(simGdalMetadata['Intercept'])
                'dst': {
                    'wkv': simWKV,
                    'name': self.bandNames[simWKV],
                    'Parameter': simParameter
            #print 'metaEntry', metaEntry
            # append entry to metaDict

        #get array with data and make 'mask'
        a = simGdalDataset.ReadAsArray()
        mask = np.zeros(a.shape, 'uint8') + 128
        mask[a < -9990] = 1
        self.maskVRT = VRT(array=mask)

            'src': {
                'SourceFilename': self.maskVRT.fileName,
                'SourceBand': 1
            'dst': {
                'name': 'mask'

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        # print 'simGdalMetadata', simGdalMetadata
        latitudeStep = 0.08333334
        longitudeStep = 0.08333334
        numberOfColumns = 4320
        numberOfLines = 2160
        #longitudeStep = float(simGdalMetadata['Longitude Step'])
            srcGeoTransform=(-180.0, longitudeStep, 0.0, 90.0, 0.0,
            'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]',

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        # Add valid time
        startYear = int(iFile[4:8])
        startDay = int(iFile[8:11])
            datetime.datetime(startYear, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(startDay))