Esempio n. 1
"""A simple scatter plot"""
from vtkplotter import show
from vtkplotter.pyplot import plot
import numpy as np

x = np.random.randn(100)+10
y = np.random.randn(100)*20

plt = plot( x, y,         
            xtitle="variable x",
            ytitle="variable y",
            aspect=4/3,   # aspect ratio
            marker="*",   # marker style
            mc="dr",      # marker color

# show Assembly object and lock interaction to 2d:
# (can zoom in a region w/ mouse, press r to reset)
show(plt, __doc__, viewup='2d')
Esempio n. 2
from vtkplotter.pyplot import plot

# Make up same data
x = np.arange(0, 6, 0.1)
y = 2+2*np.sin(2*x)/(x+1)
ye= y**2 / 10
miny = np.min(y-ye)
idx = np.argmax(y)

# Plot the two variables, return a Plot(Assembly) object:
plt = plot(x,y,
           xtitle='time in seconds',
           ytitle='y oscillation [a.u.]',
           ylim=(0.5, 5),
           aspect=4/3,     # aspect ratio (any float = x_size/y_size)
           errorBand=True, # join errors on y into an error band
           lc="k",         # line color
           ec="r",         # error band color
           la=0.6,         # error and line alphas
           pad=0.0,        # tight margins, no padding

# Add a grey transparent rectangle to represent an exclusion region:
plt += Rectangle([1,0.5], [2.7,5], alpha=0.2, c='k')

# Add some text and latex formula
plt += Text("excluded", s=0.2, c='k').rotateZ(20).pos(1.3, 3.7)
plt += Latex(r"y(t)=2+2\cdot\frac{\sin(2t)}{(t+1)}", pos=(4.7, 4.7), s=.8, c='db')

# Add a star marker at maximum of function (at z=0.1, so it stays on top):
plt += Marker('*', pos=(x[idx], y[idx], 0.1), c='blue')
Esempio n. 3
n = 1000
x = np.random.randn(n)
y = np.random.randn(n)

# define what size must have each marker:
marker_sizes = np.sin(2*x)/8

# define a (r,g,b) list of colors for each marker:
marker_cols = np.c_[np.cos(2*x), np.zeros(n), np.zeros(n)]

txt0 = Text2D("A scatter plot of a\n 2D gaussian distribution")
plt0 = plot(x, y, ma=0.3, lw=0,        # ma = marker alpha
            marker="*",                # marker style
            xtitle="variable A",
            ytitle="variable B",

txt1 = Text2D(" marker size = sin(2x) ")
plt1 = plot(x, y, ma=0.3, lw=0,
            marker="*",                # marker style
            ms=marker_sizes,           # VARIABLE marker sizes
            mc='red',                  # same color for markers

txt2 = Text2D(" marker size = sin(2x)\n red level   = cos(2x)")
plt2 = plot(x, y, ma=0.3, lw=0,
            marker=">",                # marker style
            ms=marker_sizes,           # VARIABLE marker sizes
            mc=marker_cols,            # VARIABLE marker colors
Esempio n. 4
"""Probe a Volume with a line
and plot the intensity values"""
from vtkplotter import *
from vtkplotter.pyplot import plot

vol = load(datadir + 'vase.vti')
vol.addScalarBar3D(title='vase', c='k', italic=1)

p1, p2 = (10, 10, 10), (90, 90, 90)
pl = probeLine(vol, p1, p2, res=50).lineWidth(4)

xvals = pl.points()[:, 0]
yvals = pl.getPointArray()

plt = plot(
    lc="r",  # line color
    marker="*",  # marker style
    mc="dr",  # marker color
    ms=0.6,  # marker size

show([(vol, pl, __doc__), plt], N=2, sharecam=False)
Esempio n. 5
"""Surface plotting in spherical coordinates

spherical harmonic function is:
Y(l=2, m=0) = 3*cos(theta)**2 - 1
(red points are made NaN on purpose)
from vtkplotter import *
from vtkplotter.pyplot import plot
import numpy as np

def rhofunc(theta, phi):
    if theta < 0.2:
        return np.nan # make some points invalid
    #return cos(theta)**2                       # Y(l=1 m=0)
    return (3*cos(theta)**2 - 1)**2             # Y(l=2 m=0)
    #return (5*cos(theta)**3 - 3*cos(theta))**2 # Y(l=3 m=0)

# Build the plot,
#  return an Assembly of 3 meshes, the unit
#  grid sphere, the surface rho(theta, phi) and
#  the red Points where rho is a complex number:
spl = plot(rhofunc, mode='spheric', cmap='viridis')

show(spl, __doc__, axes=12, viewup='z')
Esempio n. 6
"""Use of plot() function analogous to matplotlib"""
import numpy as np, vtk
from vtkplotter import *
from vtkplotter.pyplot import plot

x = np.linspace(0, 5, 10)

plt1 = plot(x, x * x, 'sg-', title='Plot1: y=x*x')
plt2 = plot(x, cos(x), 'pr--', title='Plot2: y=cos(x)')
plt3 = plot(x, sqrt(x), 'Db-', title='Plot3: y=sqrt(x)')
plt4 = plot(x, sin(x), '*t--', title='Plot4: y=sin(x)')

# window shape can be expressed as "n/m" or "n|m"
show(plt1, plt2, plt3, plt4, shape="3|1", sharecam=False, size=(1300, 900))

printc('plt1 is vtkAssembly?', isinstance(plt1, vtk.vtkAssembly))
    z = (x - 1)**2 + (y - 1)**2 + 9 * sin(y - 1)**2 + 1
    return z / 12

def func(v):
    return f(v[0], v[1])

def callbk(optimizer, v, value):
    global minv
    if value < minv:
        pts.append([v.value[0], v.value[1], value])
        minv = value

optimizer = ng.optimizers.OnePlusOne(parametrization=2, budget=100)

pts, minv = [], 1e30
optimizer.register_callback("tell", callbk)

# define a constraint on first variable of x:
#optimizer.parametrization.register_cheap_constraint(lambda v: v[0]>-3)

res = optimizer.minimize(func)  # best value
printc('Minimum at:', res.value)

ln = Line(pts, lw=3)
fu = plot(f, xlim=[-3, 4], ylim=[-3, 4], alpha=0.5)

show(fu, ln, __doc__)
Esempio n. 8
from vtkplotter import *
from vtkplotter.pyplot import plot

########################################################### REAL
#Draw a surface representing a 2-var function specified
#as a string or as a reference to an external existing function.
#Red points indicate where the function does not exist.

# an existing function z(x,y) can be passed:
def my_z(x, y):
    return sin(2 * x * y) * cos(3 * y) / 2

f1 = plot(my_z)

# red dots are shown where the function does not exist (y>x):
f2 = plot("sin(3*x)*log(x-y)/3")

# specify x and y ranges and z vertical limits:
f3 = plot("log(x**2+y**2-1)", xlim=[-2, 2], ylim=[-1, 8], zlim=[-1, None])

show(f1, f2, f3, N=3, sharecam=False)

########################################################## COMPLEX
comment = """Vertical axis shows the real part of complex z:
    z = sin(log(x*y))
Color map the value of the imaginary part
(green=positive, purple=negative)"""

plt = plot(lambda x, y: sin(log(x * y)) / 25, mode='complex')
Esempio n. 9
from vtkplotter.pyplot import plot
import numpy as np

x = np.linspace(0, 10, num=21)
y = 3 * np.sin(x)
errs = np.ones_like(x) / 2

################# first plot
plt = plot(
    "*r-",  # markers: *,o,p,h,D,d,v,^,s,x,a
    xtitle="x variable (mm)",
    aspect=16 / 9,  # aspect ratio x/y of plot
    # xlim=(-1, 14), # specify x range
    # ylim=(-4, 5),  # specify y range

################# plot on top of plt
    x + 3,
    xerrors=errs,  # set error bars on x
    yerrors=errs,  # set error bars on y
    spline=True,  # continous line through points

################## plot again on top of plt