Esempio n. 1
top   = vector(0, 2, 0)   # where top of spring is held
precess = vector(0, 0, 0) # initial momentum of center of mass
Fgrav = vector(0, -M*9.81, 0)
gaxis = vector(0, 0, 1)   # initial orientation of gyroscope
gaxis = norm(gaxis)
I = 1/2*M*R**2            # moment of inertia of gyroscope
Lrot = I*omega*gaxis      # angular momentum
cm = gpos + 0.5*Ls*gaxis  # center of mass of shaft

# ############################################################ the scene
vp = Plotter(verbose=0, axes=3, interactive=0)

shaft = vp.cylinder([[0,0,0], Ls*gaxis], r=0.03, c='dg')
rotor = vp.cylinder([(Ls-0.55)*gaxis, (Ls-0.45)*gaxis], r=R, c='t')
bar   = vp.cylinder([Ls*gaxis/2-R*vector(0,1,0), Ls*gaxis/2+R*vector(0,1,0)], r=R/6, c='r')
gyro  = vp.makeAssembly([shaft, rotor, bar]) # group actors into a single one

spring= vp.helix(top, gpos, r=0.06, thickness=0.01, c='gray')
box   =, length=0.2, width=0.02, height=0.2, c='gray')

# ############################################################ the physics
pb = ProgressBar(0, 5, dt, c='b')
for t in pb.range():
    Fspring = -ks*norm(gpos-top)*(mag(gpos-top)-Lrest)
    torque  = cross(-1/2*Ls*norm(Lrot), Fspring) # torque about center of mass
    Lrot    += torque*dt
    precess += (Fgrav+Fspring)*dt  # momentum of center of mass
    cm      += (precess/M)*dt
    gpos    = cm - 1/2*Ls*norm(Lrot)

    # set orientation along gaxis and rotate it around its axis by omega*t degrees
Esempio n. 2
# ############################################################ 
g, r = 9.81, Lshaft/2      
I3 = 1/2*M*R**2      # moment of inertia, I, of gyroscope about its own axis
I1 = M*r**2 + 1/2*I3 # I about a line through the support, perpendicular to axis
phi = psi = thetadot = 0
x = vector(theta, phi, psi) # Lagrangian coordinates
v = vector(thetadot, phidot, psidot)

# ############################################################ the scene
vp = Plotter(verbose=0, axes=3, interactive=0)

shaft = vp.cylinder([[0,0,0],         [Lshaft,0,0]], r=.03, c='dg')
rotor = vp.cylinder([[Lshaft/2.2,0,0],[Lshaft/1.8,0,0]], r=R, texture='marble')
base  = vp.sphere([     0, 0, 0], c='dg', r=.03)
tip   = vp.sphere([Lshaft, 0, 0], c='dg', r=.03)
gyro  = vp.makeAssembly([shaft, rotor, base, tip]) # group relevant actors

pedestal =[0,-0.63,0], height=.1, length=.1, width=1, texture='wood5')
pedbase  =[0,-1.13,0], height=.5, length=.5, width=.05, texture='wood5')
pedpin   = vp.pyramid([0,-.08,0], axis=[0,1,0], s=.05, height=.12, texture='wood5')
formulas = vp.load('data/images/gyro_formulas.png', alpha=.9).scale(.003).pos([-1,-1,-1.1])

# ############################################################ the physics
pb = ProgressBar(0, 4, dt, c='b')
for i, t in enumerate(pb.range()):
    st, ct, sp, cp = sin(x[0]), cos(x[0]), sin(x[1]), cos(x[1])

    thetadot, phidot, psidot = v # unpack
    atheta = st*ct*phidot**2 + (M*g*r*st-I3*(psidot+phidot*ct)*phidot*st)/I1
    aphi = (I3/I1)*(psidot+phidot*ct)*thetadot/st - 2*ct*thetadot*phidot/st
    apsi = phidot*thetadot*st - aphi*ct
Esempio n. 3
# Make a icon actor to indicate orientation or for comparison
# and place it in one of the 4 corners within the same renderer
from vtkplotter import Plotter

vp = Plotter(axes=5)  # type 5 builds an annotated orientation cube

act = vp.load('data/270.vtk', c='blue', bc='v')


a1 = vp.load('data/250.vtk', c=2)
a2 = vp.load('data/290.vtk', alpha=.4)
icon = vp.makeAssembly([a1, a2])
vp.addIcon(icon, pos=4)  # 4=bottom-right

lg = vp.load('data/images/embl_logo.jpg')
vp.addIcon(lg, pos=1)