Esempio n. 1
def heaps(vdb, line):
    Show Win32 Heap Information.

    Usage: heaps [-F <heapaddr>] [-C <address>] [-L <segmentaddr>]
    -F <heapaddr> print the freelist for the heap
    -C <address>  Find and print the heap chunk containing <address>
    -S <segmentaddr> Print the chunks for the given heap segment
    -L <heapaddr> Print the look aside list for the given heap
    -V Validate the heaps (check next/prev sizes and free list)
    -l <heapaddr> Leak detection (list probable leaked chunks)
    -U <heapaddr> Show un-commited ranges for the specified heap
    -b <heapaddr|all> Print LFH information for given heap or all
    (no options lists heaps and segments)
    t = vdb.getTrace()

    if t.getMeta('Architecture') == 'amd64':
        vdb.vprint("WARNING: not all 64bit heap stuff works quite right yet!")

    argv = e_cli.splitargs(line)
    freelist_heap = None
    chunkfind_addr = None
    chunklist_seg = None
    lookaside_heap = None
    leakfind_heap = None
    uncommit_heap = None
    buckets_heap = None

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "F:C:S:L:l:U:V:b:")
    except Exception:
        return vdb.do_help('heaps')

    for opt, optarg in opts:
        if opt == "-F":
            freelist_heap = t.parseExpression(optarg)
        elif opt == "-C":
            chunkfind_addr = t.parseExpression(optarg)
        elif opt == "-L":
            lookaside_heap = t.parseExpression(optarg)
        elif opt == "-S":
            chunklist_seg = t.parseExpression(optarg)
        elif opt == "-V":
            return validate_heaps(vdb)
        elif opt == "-l":
            leakfind_heap = t.parseExpression(optarg)
        elif opt == '-U':
            uncommit_heap = t.parseExpression(optarg)
        elif opt == '-b':
            if optarg == 'all':
                buckets_heap = 'all'
                buckets_heap = t.parseExpression(optarg)

    if lookaside_heap is not None:
        haddrs = [h.address for h in win32heap.getHeaps(t)]
        if lookaside_heap not in haddrs:
            vdb.vprint("0x%.8x is NOT a valid heap!" % lookaside_heap)

        heap = win32heap.Win32Heap(t, lookaside_heap)
        vdb.vprint('[Index] [Chunks]')
        for i, l in enumerate(heap.getLookAsideLists()):
            vdb.vprint("[%d]" % i)
            for c in l:
                vdb.vprint("    %s" % (repr(c)))

    elif uncommit_heap is not None:

        haddrs = [h.address for h in win32heap.getHeaps(t)]
        if uncommit_heap not in haddrs:
            vdb.vprint("0x%.8x is NOT a valid heap!" % uncommit_heap)

        heap = win32heap.Win32Heap(t, uncommit_heap)
        ucrdict = heap.getUCRDict()
        addrs = list(ucrdict.keys())
        if len(addrs) == 0:
            vdb.vprint('Heap 0x%.8x has 0 uncommited-ranges!' % uncommit_heap)

        vdb.vprint('Uncommited ranges for heap: 0x%.8x' % uncommit_heap)
        for ucraddr in addrs:
            size = ucrdict.get(ucraddr)
            vdb.vprint('0x%.8x (%d)' % (ucraddr, size))


    elif freelist_heap is not None:
        haddrs = [h.address for h in win32heap.getHeaps(t)]
        if freelist_heap not in haddrs:
            vdb.vprint("0x%.8x is NOT a valid heap!" % freelist_heap)

        heap = win32heap.Win32Heap(t, freelist_heap)
        for i, l in enumerate(heap.getFreeLists()):
            if len(l):
                vdb.vprint("Freelist Index: %d" % i)
                for c in l:
                    vdb.vprint("   %s" % repr(c))

    elif chunkfind_addr is not None:
        heap, seg, chunk = win32heap.getHeapSegChunk(t, chunkfind_addr)
        vdb.vprint("Address  0x%.8x found in:" % (chunkfind_addr, ))
        vdb.vprint("Heap:    0x%.8x" % (heap.address))
        vdb.vprint("Segment: 0x%.8x" % (seg.address))
        vdb.vprint("Chunk:   0x%.8x (%d) FLAGS: %s" %
                   (chunk.address, len(chunk), chunk.reprFlags()))

    elif chunklist_seg is not None:

        for heap in win32heap.getHeaps(t):
            for seg in heap.getSegments():
                if chunklist_seg == seg.address:
                    vdb.vprint("Chunks for segment at 0x%.8x (X == in use)" %
                    for chunk in seg.getChunks():
                        c = " "
                        if chunk.isBusy():
                            c = "X"
                        vdb.vprint("0x%.8x %s (%d)" %
                                   (chunk.address, c, len(chunk)))

        vdb.vprint("Segment 0x%.8x not found!" % chunklist_seg)

    elif leakfind_heap is not None:
        # FIXME do this the slow way for now...
        haddrs = [h.address for h in win32heap.getHeaps(t)]
        if leakfind_heap not in haddrs:
            vdb.vprint("0x%.8x is NOT a valid heap!" % leakfind_heap)

        h = win32heap.Win32Heap(t, leakfind_heap)
        for seg in h.getSegments():
            for chunk in seg.getChunks():
                if chunk.address == seg.address:
                # Obviously, only check for leaks if they are in use...
                # FIXME we will need to check the lookaside also...
                if not chunk.isBusy():
                addr = chunk.getDataAddress()
                # FIXME get size and endian from trace
                pat = e_bits.buildbytes(addr, 4)
                l = t.searchMemory(pat)
                if len(l) == 0:
                    vdb.vprint("0x%.8x may be leaked!" % addr)

    elif buckets_heap is not None:
        headers = '{0:10} {1:10} {2:10} {3:>8} {4:>8} {5:>8} {6:>8}'.format(
            'Heap', 'SubSeg', 'UserData', 'Index', 'Size', 'Total', 'Free')

        for heap in win32heap.getHeaps(t):
            if buckets_heap != heap.address and buckets_heap != 'all':

            if heap.isLFH():
                lfh = heap.getLFH()
                for s in lfh.getSubsegments():
                    row = '{0:<#10x} {1:<#10x} {2:<#10x} {3:>#8x} {4:>#8x} {5:>#8x} {6:>#8x}'.format(
                        heap.address, s.address, s.getUserBlocks(),
                        s.getSizeIndex(), s.getBucketSize(), s.getBlockCount(),
                row = '{0:<#10x} {1:<10} {2:^10} {3:>8} {4:>8} {5:>8} {5:>8}'.format(
                    heap.address, 'No LFH', '-', '-', '-', '-')

        for heap in win32heap.getHeaps(t):
            lfh = ''
            flags = " ".join(heap.getFlagNames())
            if heap.isLFH():
                lfh = 'LFH'
            for s in heap.getSegments():
                vdb.vprint("0x%.8x\t0x%.8x\t%s\t%s" %
                           (heap.address, s.address, flags, lfh))
Esempio n. 2
        elif opt == "-L":
            lookaside_heap = t.parseExpression(optarg)
        elif opt == "-S":
            chunklist_seg = t.parseExpression(optarg)
        elif opt == "-V":
            return validate_heaps(vdb)
        elif opt == "-l":
            leakfind_heap = t.parseExpression(optarg)

    if lookaside_heap != None:
        haddrs = [h.address for h in win32heap.getHeaps(t)]
        if lookaside_heap not in haddrs:
            vdb.vprint("0x%.8x is NOT a valid heap!" % lookaside_heap)

        heap = win32heap.Win32Heap(t, lookaside_heap)
        for i, l in enumerate(heap.getLookAsideLists()):
            if len(l):
                vdb.vprint("Lookaside Index: %d" % i)
                for c in l:
                    vdb.vprint("    %s" % (repr(c)))

    elif freelist_heap != None:
        haddrs = [h.address for h in win32heap.getHeaps(t)]
        if freelist_heap not in haddrs:
            vdb.vprint("0x%.8x is NOT a valid heap!" % freelist_heap)

        heap = win32heap.Win32Heap(t, freelist_heap)
        for i, l in enumerate(heap.getFreeLists()):
            if len(l):