Esempio n. 1
    def _parse(cls, filename, startfun="mainQ", traceindicator="//%%%traces:"):
        inpdecls = {'x':'int', 'y':'double', ..}
        invdecls = {'lineno' : {'x':'int'; 'y':'double'}}
        def mkVarsDict(s):
            #%%%indicator double x , double y .. ->  {x: int, y: double}
            #where x and y are SAGE's symbolic variables
            contents = (x.split() for x in s.split(','))
                return OrderedDict((k.strip(), t.strip()) for t, k in contents)
            except ValueError:
                return None

        inpdecls, invdecls = OrderedDict(), OrderedDict()
        for i, l in enumerate(CM.iread(filename)):
            i = i + 1
            l = l.strip()
            if not l: continue

            if startfun in l and l.endswith(
                    ' {'):  #void startfun(int x, double y) {
                l = l.split('(')[1].split(')')[0]  #int x, double y
                inpdecls = mkVarsDict(l)

            elif l.startswith(traceindicator):
                invdecls[i] = mkVarsDict(Miscs.stripTo(l, ':'))

        assert invdecls
        assert (inpdecls is None
                or (isinstance(inpdecls, OrderedDict) and inpdecls)), inpdecls

        return inpdecls, invdecls
Esempio n. 2
    def mkProgStmts(cls, filename, locs_d, mk_f):
        stmts = []
        for i, l in enumerate(CM.iread(filename)):
            i = i + 1
            l = l.strip()
            if not l: continue

            lineno = i
            if lineno in locs_d and locs_d[lineno]:
                stmts_ = mk_f(locs_d[lineno], lineno)

        return stmts
Esempio n. 3
def doit(logfile):

    lines = [l for l in CM.iread(logfile) if "Info:***" in l]

    rs = OrderedDict()
    for l in lines:
        name, nlocs, ninvs, ninps, ntime, nrand = l.split(',')
        name = name.split()[1].strip()
        nlocs = float(nlocs.split()[0].strip())
        ninvs = float(ninvs.split()[1].strip())
        ninps = float(ninps.split()[1].strip())
        ntime = float(ntime.split()[1].strip())

        print name, nlocs, ninvs, ninps, ntime
        if name not in rs:
            rs[name] = {'nlocs': [], 'ninvs': [], 'ninps': [], 'ntime': []}


    nruns = max(len(rs[name]['nlocs']) for name in rs)

    stats = {}
    for name in rs:
        stats[name] = {}
        for key in rs[name]:
            contents = rs[name][key]
            if len(contents) < nruns:
                maxv = max(contents)
                maxv = maxv * 100
                contents.extend([maxv] * (nruns - len(contents)))

            medianc = median(contents)
            meanc = mean(contents)
            lenc = len(contents)
            stats[name][key] = (medianc, meanc, lenc)

            print('{} {} median {} mean {} len {}'.format(
                name, key, medianc, meanc, lenc))

    for name in sorted(stats):
        invsd = stats[name]["ninvs"]
        timesd = stats[name]["ntime"]
        print name, invsd[0], timesd[0]

    return stats
Esempio n. 4
    def mkProgStmts(cls, filename, invdecls, lineno, mk_f):
        assert lineno > 0

        stmts = []
        for i, l in enumerate(CM.iread(filename)):
            i = i + 1
            l = l.strip()
            if not l: continue

            if i == lineno:
                assert invdecls
                stmts_ = mk_f(invdecls, lineno)

        return stmts