Esempio n. 1
def LOAD(ptr: IRnode) -> IRnode:
    if ptr.location is None:
        raise CompilerPanic("cannot dereference non-pointer type")
    op = ptr.location.load_op
    if op is None:
        raise CompilerPanic(f"unreachable {ptr.location}")  # pragma: notest
    return IRnode.from_list([op, ptr])
Esempio n. 2
def calculate_largest_power(a: int, num_bits: int, is_signed: bool) -> int:
    For a given base `a`, compute the maximum power `b` that will not
    produce an overflow in the equation `a ** b`

    a : int
        Base value for the equation `a ** b`
    num_bits : int
        The maximum number of bits that the resulting value must fit in
    is_signed : bool
        Is the operation being performed on signed integers?

        Largest possible value for `b` where the result does not overflow
    if num_bits % 8:
        raise CompilerPanic("Type is not a modulo of 8")

    value_bits = num_bits - (1 if is_signed else 0)
    if a >= 2**value_bits:
        raise TypeCheckFailure("Value is too large and will always throw")
    elif a < -(2**value_bits):
        raise TypeCheckFailure("Value is too small and will always throw")

    a_is_negative = a < 0
    a = abs(a)  # No longer need to know if it's signed or not
    if a in (0, 1):
        raise CompilerPanic("Exponential operation is useless!")

    # NOTE: There is an edge case if `a` were left signed where the following
    #       operation would not work (`ln(a)` is undefined if `a <= 0`)
    b = int(
        decimal.Decimal(value_bits) /
        (decimal.Decimal(a).ln() / decimal.Decimal(2).ln()))
    if b <= 1:
        return 1  # Value is assumed to be in range, therefore power of 1 is max

    # Do a bit of iteration to ensure we have the exact number
    num_iterations = 0
    while a**(b + 1) < 2**value_bits:
        b += 1
        num_iterations += 1
        assert num_iterations < 10000
    while a**b >= 2**value_bits:
        b -= 1
        num_iterations += 1
        assert num_iterations < 10000

    # Edge case: If a is negative and the values of a and b are such that:
    #               (a) ** (b + 1) == -(2 ** value_bits)
    #            we can actually squeak one more out of it because it's on the edge
    if a_is_negative and (-a)**(b + 1) == -(2**value_bits):  # NOTE: a = abs(a)
        return b + 1
        return b  # Exact
Esempio n. 3
def clamp_basetype(lll_node):
    t = lll_node.typ
    if not isinstance(t, BaseType):
        raise CompilerPanic(f"{t} passed to clamp_basetype")  # pragma: notest

    # copy of the input
    lll_node = unwrap_location(lll_node)

    if t.typ in ("int128"):
        return int_clamp(lll_node, 128, signed=True)
    if t.typ == "uint8":
        return int_clamp(lll_node, 8)
    if t.typ in ("decimal"):
        return [
            ["mload", MemoryPositions.MINDECIMAL],
            ["mload", MemoryPositions.MAXDECIMAL],

    if t.typ in ("address", ):
        return int_clamp(lll_node, 160)
    if t.typ in ("bool", ):
        return int_clamp(lll_node, 1)
    if t.typ in ("int256", "uint256", "bytes32"):
        return lll_node  # special case, no clamp.

    raise CompilerPanic(f"{t} passed to clamp_basetype")  # pragma: notest
Esempio n. 4
def clamp_basetype(ir_node):
    t = ir_node.typ
    if not isinstance(t, BaseType):
        raise CompilerPanic(f"{t} passed to clamp_basetype")  # pragma: notest

    # copy of the input
    ir_node = unwrap_location(ir_node)

    if isinstance(t, EnumType):
        bits = len(t.members)
        # assert x >> bits == 0
        ret = int_clamp(ir_node, bits, signed=False)

    elif is_integer_type(t) or is_decimal_type(t):
        if t._num_info.bits == 256:
            ret = ir_node
            ret = int_clamp(ir_node,

    elif is_bytes_m_type(t):
        if t._bytes_info.m == 32:
            ret = ir_node  # special case, no clamp.
            ret = bytes_clamp(ir_node, t._bytes_info.m)

    elif t.typ in ("address", ):
        ret = int_clamp(ir_node, 160)
    elif t.typ in ("bool", ):
        ret = int_clamp(ir_node, 1)
    else:  # pragma: nocover
        raise CompilerPanic(f"{t} passed to clamp_basetype")

    return IRnode.from_list(ret, typ=ir_node.typ)
Esempio n. 5
def abi_type_of(lll_typ):
    if isinstance(lll_typ, BaseType):
        t = lll_typ.typ
        if "uint256" == t:
            return ABI_GIntM(256, False)
        elif "int128" == t:
            return ABI_GIntM(128, True)
        elif "address" == t:
            return ABI_Address()
        elif "bytes32" == t:
            return ABI_BytesM(32)
        elif "bool" == t:
            return ABI_Bool()
        elif "decimal" == t:
            return ABI_FixedMxN(168, 10, True)
            raise CompilerPanic(f"Unrecognized type {t}")
    elif isinstance(lll_typ, TupleLike):
        return ABI_Tuple([abi_type_of(t) for t in lll_typ.tuple_members()])
    elif isinstance(lll_typ, ListType):
        return ABI_StaticArray(abi_type_of(lll_typ.subtype), lll_typ.count)
    elif isinstance(lll_typ, ByteArrayType):
        return ABI_Bytes(lll_typ.maxlen)
    elif isinstance(lll_typ, StringType):
        return ABI_String(lll_typ.maxlen)
        raise CompilerPanic(f"Unrecognized type {lll_typ}")
Esempio n. 6
def clamp_basetype(ir_node):
    t = ir_node.typ
    if not isinstance(t, BaseType):
        raise CompilerPanic(f"{t} passed to clamp_basetype")  # pragma: notest

    # copy of the input
    ir_node = unwrap_location(ir_node)

    if is_integer_type(t) or is_decimal_type(t):
        if t._num_info.bits == 256:
            return ir_node
            return int_clamp(ir_node,

    if is_bytes_m_type(t):
        if t._bytes_info.m == 32:
            return ir_node  # special case, no clamp.
            return bytes_clamp(ir_node, t._bytes_info.m)

    if t.typ in ("address", ):
        return int_clamp(ir_node, 160)
    if t.typ in ("bool", ):
        return int_clamp(ir_node, 1)

    raise CompilerPanic(f"{t} passed to clamp_basetype")  # pragma: notest
Esempio n. 7
def _get_element_ptr_tuplelike(parent, key, pos):
    typ = parent.typ
    assert isinstance(typ, TupleLike)

    if isinstance(typ, StructType):
        assert isinstance(key, str)
        subtype = typ.members[key]
        attrs = list(typ.tuple_keys())
        index = attrs.index(key)
        annotation = key
        assert isinstance(key, int)
        subtype = typ.members[key]
        attrs = list(range(len(typ.members)))
        index = key
        annotation = None

    # generated by empty() + make_setter
    if parent.value == "~empty":
        return LLLnode.from_list("~empty", typ=subtype)

    if parent.value == "multi":
        assert parent.encoding != Encoding.ABI, "no abi-encoded literals"
        return parent.args[index]

    ofst = 0  # offset from parent start

    if parent.encoding in (Encoding.ABI, Encoding.JSON_ABI):
        if parent.location == "storage":
            raise CompilerPanic("storage variables should not be abi encoded"
                                )  # pragma: notest

        member_t = typ.members[attrs[index]]

        for i in range(index):
            member_abi_t = typ.members[attrs[i]].abi_type
            ofst += member_abi_t.embedded_static_size()

        return _getelemptr_abi_helper(parent, member_t, ofst, pos)

    if parent.location == "storage":
        for i in range(index):
            ofst += typ.members[attrs[i]].storage_size_in_words
    elif parent.location in ("calldata", "memory", "code"):
        for i in range(index):
            ofst += typ.members[attrs[i]].memory_bytes_required
        raise CompilerPanic(
            f"bad location {parent.location}")  # pragma: notest

    return LLLnode.from_list(
        add_ofst(parent, ofst),
Esempio n. 8
 def set_position(self, position: DataPosition) -> None:
     if hasattr(self, "position"):
         raise CompilerPanic("Position was already assigned")
     if self.location != position._location:
         if self.location == DataLocation.UNSET:
             self.location = position._location
             raise CompilerPanic("Incompatible locations")
     self.position = position
Esempio n. 9
    def __init__(self, m_bits, n_places, signed):
        if not (0 < m_bits <= 256 and 0 == m_bits % 8):
            raise CompilerPanic("Invalid M for FixedMxN")
        if not (0 < n_places and n_places <= 80):
            raise CompilerPanic("Invalid N for FixedMxN")

        self.m_bits = m_bits
        self.n_places = n_places
        self.signed = signed
Esempio n. 10
def STORE(ptr: IRnode, val: IRnode) -> IRnode:
    if ptr.location is None:
        raise CompilerPanic("cannot dereference non-pointer type")
    op = ptr.location.store_op
    if op is None:
        raise CompilerPanic(f"unreachable {ptr.location}")  # pragma: notest

    _check = _freshname(f"{op}_")
    return IRnode.from_list(["seq", eval_once_check(_check), [op, ptr, val]])
Esempio n. 11
 def set_reentrancy_key_position(self, position: StorageSlot) -> None:
     if hasattr(self, "reentrancy_key_position"):
         raise CompilerPanic("Position was already assigned")
     if self.nonreentrant is None:
         raise CompilerPanic(f"No reentrant key {self}")
     # sanity check even though implied by the type
     if position._location != DataLocation.STORAGE:
         raise CompilerPanic("Non-storage reentrant key")
     self.reentrancy_key_position = position
Esempio n. 12
    def set_min_length(self, min_length):
        Sets the minimum length of the type.

        May only be used to increase the minimum length. May not be called if
        an exact length has been set.
        if self._length:
            raise CompilerPanic("Type already has a fixed length")
        if self._min_length > min_length:
            raise CompilerPanic("Cannot reduce the min_length of ArrayValueType")
        self._min_length = min_length
Esempio n. 13
    def replace_in_tree(self, old_node: VyperNode,
                        new_node: VyperNode) -> None:
        Perform an in-place substitution of a node within the tree.

        old_node : VyperNode
            Node object to be replaced. If the node does not currently exist
            within the AST, a `CompilerPanic` is raised.
        new_node : VyperNode
            Node object to replace new_node.

        parent = old_node._parent
        if old_node not in self.get_descendants(type(old_node)):
            raise CompilerPanic(
                "Node to be replaced does not exist within the tree")

        if old_node not in parent._children:
            raise CompilerPanic(
                "Node to be replaced does not exist within parent children")

        is_replaced = False
        for key in parent.get_fields():
            obj = getattr(parent, key, None)
            if obj == old_node:
                if is_replaced:
                    raise CompilerPanic(
                        "Node to be replaced exists as multiple members in parent"
                setattr(parent, key, new_node)
                is_replaced = True
            elif isinstance(obj, list) and obj.count(old_node):
                if is_replaced or obj.count(old_node) > 1:
                    raise CompilerPanic(
                        "Node to be replaced exists as multiple members in parent"
                obj[obj.index(old_node)] = new_node
                is_replaced = True
        if not is_replaced:
            raise CompilerPanic(
                "Node to be replaced does not exist within parent members")


        new_node._parent = parent
        new_node._depth = old_node._depth
Esempio n. 14
def bytes_clamp(ir_node: IRnode, n_bytes: int) -> IRnode:
    if not (0 < n_bytes <= 32):
        raise CompilerPanic(f"bad type: bytes{n_bytes}")
    with ir_node.cache_when_complex("val") as (b, val):
        assertion = ["assert", ["iszero", shl(n_bytes * 8, val)]]
        ret = b.resolve(["seq", assertion, val])
    return IRnode.from_list(ret, annotation=f"bytes{n_bytes}_clamp")
Esempio n. 15
def int_clamp(ir_node, bits, signed=False):
    """Generalized clamper for integer types. Takes the number of bits,
    whether it's signed, and returns an IR node which checks it is
    in bounds. (Consumers should use clamp_basetype instead which uses
    type-based dispatch and is a little safer.)
    if bits >= 256:
        raise CompilerPanic(
            f"invalid clamp: {bits}>=256 ({ir_node})")  # pragma: notest
    with ir_node.cache_when_complex("val") as (b, val):
        if signed:
            # example for bits==128:
            # promote_signed_int(val, bits) is the "canonical" version of val
            # if val is in bounds, the bits above bit 128 should be equal.
            # (this works for both val >= 0 and val < 0. in the first case,
            # all upper bits should be 0 if val is a valid int128,
            # in the latter case, all upper bits should be 1.)
            assertion = ["assert", ["eq", val, promote_signed_int(val, bits)]]
            assertion = ["assert", ["iszero", shr(bits, val)]]

        ret = b.resolve(["seq", assertion, val])

    # TODO fix this annotation
    return IRnode.from_list(ret, annotation=f"int_clamp {ir_node.typ}")
Esempio n. 16
def STORE(ptr: IRnode, val: IRnode) -> IRnode:
    if ptr.location is None:
        raise CompilerPanic("cannot dereference non-pointer type")
    op = ptr.location.store_op
    if op is None:
        raise CompilerPanic(f"unreachable {ptr.location}")  # pragma: notest

    _check = _freshname(f"{op}_")

    store = [op, ptr, val]
    # don't use eval_once_check for memory, immutables because it interferes
    # with optimizer
    if ptr.location in (MEMORY, IMMUTABLES):
        return IRnode.from_list(store)

    return IRnode.from_list(["seq", eval_once_check(_check), store])
Esempio n. 17
 def increase_memory(self, size: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
     if size % 32 != 0:
         raise CompilerPanic(
             'Memory misaligment, only multiples of 32 supported.')
     before_value = self.next_mem
     self.next_mem += size
     return before_value, self.next_mem
Esempio n. 18
def _add_import(
    node: Union[vy_ast.Import, vy_ast.ImportFrom],
    module: str,
    name: str,
    alias: str,
    interface_codes: InterfaceDict,
    namespace: dict,
) -> None:
    if module == "vyper.interfaces":
        interface_codes = _get_builtin_interfaces()
    if name not in interface_codes:
        suggestions_str = get_levenshtein_error_suggestions(name, _get_builtin_interfaces(), 1.0)
        raise UndeclaredDefinition(f"Unknown interface: {name}. {suggestions_str}", node)

    if interface_codes[name]["type"] == "vyper":
        interface_ast = vy_ast.parse_to_ast(interface_codes[name]["code"], contract_name=name)
        type_ = namespace["interface"].build_primitive_from_node(interface_ast)
    elif interface_codes[name]["type"] == "json":
        type_ = namespace["interface"].build_primitive_from_abi(name, interface_codes[name]["code"])
        raise CompilerPanic(f"Unknown interface format: {interface_codes[name]['type']}")

        namespace[alias] = type_
    except VyperException as exc:
        raise exc.with_annotation(node) from None
Esempio n. 19
 def parse_Int(self):
     typ_ = self.expr._metadata.get("type")
     if typ_ is None:
         raise CompilerPanic("Type of integer literal is unknown")
     new_typ = new_type_to_old_type(typ_)
     new_typ.is_literal = True
     return IRnode.from_list(self.expr.n, typ=new_typ)
Esempio n. 20
    def allocate_memory(self, size: int) -> int:
        Allocate `size` bytes in memory.

        *** No guarantees are made that allocated memory is clean! ***

        If no memory was previously de-allocated, memory is expanded
        and the free memory pointer is increased.

        If sufficient space is available within de-allocated memory, the lowest
        available offset is returned and that memory is now marked as allocated.

        size : int
            The number of bytes to allocate. Must be divisible by 32.

            Start offset of the newly allocated memory.
        if size % 32 != 0:
            raise CompilerPanic("Memory misaligment, only multiples of 32 supported.")

        # check for deallocated memory prior to expanding
        for i, free_memory in enumerate(self.deallocated_mem):
            if free_memory.size == size:
                del self.deallocated_mem[i]
                return free_memory.position
            if free_memory.size > size:
                return free_memory.partially_allocate(size)

        # if no deallocated slots are available, expand memory
        return self.expand_memory(size)
Esempio n. 21
def _flip_comparison_op(opname):
    assert opname in COMPARISON_OPS
    if "g" in opname:
        return opname.replace("g", "l")
    if "l" in opname:
        return opname.replace("l", "g")
    raise CompilerPanic(f"bad comparison op {opname}")  # pragma: notest
Esempio n. 22
    def visit_Num(self, node):
        Adjust numeric node class based on the value type.

        Python uses `Num` to represent floats and integers. Integers may also
        be given in binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal format. This method
        modifies `ast_type` to seperate `Num` into more granular Vyper node
        # modify vyper AST type according to the format of the literal value
        value = node.node_source_code

        # deduce non base-10 types based on prefix
        literal_prefixes = {'0x': "Hex", '0b': "Binary", '0o': "Octal"}
        if value.lower()[:2] in literal_prefixes:
            node.ast_type = literal_prefixes[value.lower()[:2]]
            node.n = value
        elif isinstance(node.n, float):
            node.ast_type = "Decimal"
            node.n = Decimal(value)
        elif isinstance(node.n, int):
            node.ast_type = "Int"
            raise CompilerPanic(f"Unexpected type for Constant value: {type(node.n).__name__}")

        return node
Esempio n. 23
def lazy_abi_decode(typ, src, pos=None):
    if isinstance(typ, (ListType, TupleLike)):
        if isinstance(typ, TupleLike):
            ts = typ.tuple_members()
            ts = [typ.subtyp for _ in range(typ.count)]
        ofst = 0
        os = []
        for t in ts:
            child_abi_t = abi_type_of(t)
            loc = _add_ofst(src, ofst)
            if child_abi_t.is_dynamic():
                # load the offset word, which is the
                # (location-independent) offset from the start of the
                # src buffer.
                dyn_ofst = unwrap_location(ofst)
                loc = _add_ofst(src, dyn_ofst)
            os.append(lazy_abi_decode(t, loc, pos))
            ofst += child_abi_t.embedded_static_size()

        return LLLnode.from_list(["multi"] + os, typ=typ, pos=pos)

    elif isinstance(typ, (BaseType, ByteArrayLike)):
        return unwrap_location(src)
        raise CompilerPanic(f"unknown type for lazy_abi_decode {typ}")
Esempio n. 24
    def from_AnnAssign(cls, node: vy_ast.AnnAssign) -> "ContractFunction":
        Generate a `ContractFunction` object from an `AnnAssign` node.

        Used to create function definitions for public variables.

        node : AnnAssign
            Vyper ast node to generate the function definition from.

        if not isinstance(node.annotation, vy_ast.Call):
            raise CompilerPanic("Annotation must be a call to public()")
        type_ = get_type_from_annotation(node.annotation.args[0],
        arguments, return_type = type_.get_signature()
        args_dict: OrderedDict = OrderedDict()
        for item in arguments:
            args_dict[f"arg{len(args_dict)}"] = item
        return cls(
Esempio n. 25
def _add_import(
    node: Union[vy_ast.Import, vy_ast.ImportFrom],
    module: str,
    name: str,
    interface_codes: InterfaceDict,
    namespace: dict,
) -> None:
    if module == "vyper.interfaces":
        interface_codes = _get_builtin_interfaces()
    if name not in interface_codes:
        raise UndeclaredDefinition(f"Unknown interface: {name}", node)
        if interface_codes[name]["type"] == "vyper":
            interface_ast = vy_ast.parse_to_ast(interface_codes[name]["code"])
   = name
            type_ = namespace["interface"].build_primitive_from_node(interface_ast)
        elif interface_codes[name]["type"] == "json":
            type_ = namespace["interface"].build_primitive_from_abi(
                name, interface_codes[name]["code"]
            raise CompilerPanic(f"Unknown interface format: {interface_codes[name]['type']}")
        namespace[name] = type_
    except VyperException as exc:
        raise exc.with_annotation(node) from None
Esempio n. 26
def validate_call_args(node: vy_ast.Call,
                       arg_count: Union[int, tuple],
                       kwargs: Optional[list] = None) -> None:
    Validate positional and keyword arguments of a Call node.

    This function does not handle type checking of arguments, it only checks
    correctness of the number of arguments given and keyword names.

    node : Call
        Vyper ast Call node to be validated.
    arg_count : int | tuple
        The required number of positional arguments. When given as a tuple the
        value is interpreted as the minimum and maximum number of arguments.
    kwargs : list, optional
        A list of valid keyword arguments. When arg_count is a tuple and the
        number of positional arguments exceeds the minimum, the excess values are
        considered to fill the first values on this list.

        None. Raises an exception when the arguments are invalid.
    if kwargs is None:
        kwargs = []
    if not isinstance(node, vy_ast.Call):
        raise StructureException("Expected Call", node)
    if not isinstance(arg_count, (int, tuple)):
        raise CompilerPanic(
            f"Invalid type for arg_count: {type(arg_count).__name__}")

    if isinstance(arg_count, int) and len(node.args) != arg_count:
        raise ArgumentException(
            f"Invalid argument count: expected {arg_count}, got {len(node.args)}",
    elif (isinstance(arg_count, tuple)
          and not arg_count[0] <= len(node.args) <= arg_count[1]):
        raise ArgumentException(
            f"Invalid argument count: expected between "
            f"{arg_count[0]} and {arg_count[1]}, got {len(node.args)}",

    if not kwargs and node.keywords:
        raise ArgumentException("Keyword arguments are not accepted here",
    for key in node.keywords:
        if key.arg is None:
            raise StructureException("Use of **kwargs is not supported",
        if key.arg not in kwargs:
            raise ArgumentException(f"Invalid keyword argument '{key.arg}'",
        if (isinstance(arg_count, tuple)
                and kwargs.index(key.arg) < len(node.args) - arg_count[0]):
            raise ArgumentException(
                f"'{key.arg}' was given as a positional argument", key)
Esempio n. 27
 def __init__(
     self, typ, unit=False, positional=False, override_signature=False, is_literal=False
     self.typ = typ
     if unit or positional:
         raise CompilerPanic("Units are no longer supported")
     self.override_signature = override_signature
     self.is_literal = is_literal
Esempio n. 28
 def storage_size_in_words(self) -> int:
     Returns the number of words required to allocate in storage for this type
     r = self.memory_bytes_required
     if r % 32 != 0:
         raise CompilerPanic("Memory bytes must be multiple of 32")
     return r // 32
Esempio n. 29
def needs_clamp(t, encoding):
    if encoding == Encoding.VYPER:
        return False
    if encoding != Encoding.ABI:
        raise CompilerPanic("unreachable")  # pragma: notest
    if isinstance(t, (ByteArrayLike, DArrayType)):
        return True
    if isinstance(t, EnumType):
        return len(t.members) < 256
    if isinstance(t, BaseType):
        return t.typ not in ("int256", "uint256", "bytes32")
    if isinstance(t, SArrayType):
        return needs_clamp(t.subtype, encoding)
    if isinstance(t, TupleLike):
        return any(needs_clamp(m, encoding) for m in t.tuple_members())

    raise CompilerPanic("unreachable")  # pragma: notest
Esempio n. 30
 def pp_constancy(self):
     if self.in_assertion:
         return "an assertion"
     elif self.in_range_expr:
         return "a range expression"
     elif self.constancy == Constancy.Constant:
         return "a constant function"
     raise CompilerPanic(f"unknown constancy in pp_constancy: {self.constancy}")