Esempio n. 1
def ITE(Dir_Basin, Name_NC_ET, Name_NC_LAI, Name_NC_P, Name_NC_RD, Name_NC_NDM,
        Name_NC_LU, Startdate, Enddate, Simulation):
    This functions split the evapotranspiration into interception, transpiration, and evaporation.

    Dir_Basin : str
        Path to all the output data of the Basin
    Name_NC_ET : str
        Path to the .nc file containing ET data
    Name_NC_LAI : str
        Path to the .nc file containing LAI data
    Name_NC_P : str
        Path to the .nc file containing P data
    Name_NC_RD : str
        Path to the .nc file containing Rainy Days data
    Name_NC_NDM : str
        Path to the .nc file containing Normalized Dry Matter data
    Name_NC_LU : str
        Path to the .nc file containing Landuse data
    Startdate : str
        Contains the start date of the model 'yyyy-mm-dd'    
    Enddate : str
        Contains the end date of the model 'yyyy-mm-dd' 
    Simulation : int
        Defines the simulation    
    I : array
        Array[time, lat, lon] contains the interception data
    T : array
        Array[time, lat, lon] contains the transpiration data
    E : array
        Array[time, lat, lon] contains the evaporation data


    # import WA modules
    import wa.General.raster_conversions as RC
    import wa.Functions.Start.Get_Dictionaries as GD

    # Define monthly dates
    Dates = pd.date_range(Startdate, Enddate, freq="MS")

    # Extract LU data from NetCDF file
    LU = RC.Open_nc_array(Name_NC_LU, Var='LU')

    # Create a mask to ignore non relevant pixels.
    lulc_dict = GD.get_lulcs().keys()
    mask = np.logical_or.reduce([LU == value for value in lulc_dict[:-1]])
    mask3d = mask * np.ones(len(Dates))[:, None, None]
    mask3d_neg = (mask3d - 1) * 9999

    # Extract Evapotranspiration data from NetCDF file
    ET = RC.Open_nc_array(Name_NC_ET, Var='ET')[-len(Dates):, :, :]
    # Extract Leaf Area Index data from NetCDF file
    LAI = RC.Open_nc_array(Name_NC_LAI, Var='LAI')[-len(Dates):, :, :]
    # Extract Precipitation data from NetCDF file
    P = RC.Open_nc_array(Name_NC_P, Var='Prec')[-len(Dates):, :, :]
    # Extract Rainy Days data from NetCDF file
    RD = RC.Open_nc_array(Name_NC_RD, Var='RD')[-len(Dates):, :, :]
    # Extract Normalized Dry Matter data and time from NetCDF file
    NDM = RC.Open_nc_array(Name_NC_NDM, Var='NDM')[-len(Dates):, :, :]
    timeNDM = RC.Open_nc_array(Name_NC_NDM, Var='time')

    # Create dictory to get every month and year for each timestep
    datesNDMmonth = dict()
    datesNDMyear = dict()
    # Loop over all timestep
    for i in range(0, len(timeNDM)):
        # change toordinal to month and year
        datesNDMmonth[i] =[i]).month
        datesNDMyear[i] =[i]).year

    # Calculate the max monthly NDM over the whole period
    NDMmax = dict()

    # loop over the months
    for month in range(1, 13):
        dimensions = []
        # Define which dimension must be opened to get the same month
        for dimension, monthdict in datesNDMmonth.items():
            if monthdict == month:
                dimensions = np.append(dimensions, dimension)
        # Open those time dimension
        NDMmonth = np.zeros([
        dimensions = np.int_(dimensions)
        NDMmonth[:, :, :] = NDM[dimensions, :, :]
        # Calculate the maximum over the month
        NDMmax[month] = np.nanmax(NDMmonth, 0)

    NDMmax_months = np.zeros(

    # Create 3D array with NDMmax
    for i in range(0, len(timeNDM)):
        NDMmax_months[i, :, :] = np.nanmax(NDMmax[datesNDMmonth[i]])

    # Create some variables needed to plot graphs.
    et = np.array([])
    i = np.array([])
    t = np.array([])

    # Change zero values in RD so we do not get errors
    RD[RD == 0] = 0.001
    LAI[LAI == 0] = 0.001
    LAI[np.isnan(LAI)] = 0.1

    # Calculate I
    I = LAI * (1 -
               np.power(1 + (P / RD) * (1 - np.exp(-0.5 * LAI)) *
                        (1 / LAI), -1)) * RD

    # Set boundary
    I[np.isnan(LAI)] = np.nan

    # Calculate T
    T = np.minimum(
        (NDM / NDMmax_months), np.ones(np.shape(NDM))) * 0.95 * (ET - I)

    # Mask Data
    ET = ET * mask3d
    T = T * mask3d
    I = I * mask3d
    ET[mask3d_neg < -1] = np.nan
    T[mask3d_neg < -1] = np.nan
    I[mask3d_neg < -1] = np.nan

    # Calculate E
    E = ET - T - I

    # Calculate monthly averages
    et = np.nanmean(ET.reshape(ET.shape[0], -1), 1)
    i = np.nanmean(I.reshape(I.shape[0], -1), 1)
    t = np.nanmean(T.reshape(T.shape[0], -1), 1)

    # Plot graph of ET and E, T and I fractions.
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    plt.grid(b=True, which='Major', color='0.65', linestyle='--', zorder=0)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.plot(Dates, et, color='k')
    ax.set_title('Average ET and E, T and I fractions')
    ax.set_ylabel('ET [mm/month]')
    ax.fill_between(Dates, et, color='#a3db76', label='Evapotranspiration')
    ax.fill_between(Dates, i + t, color='#6bb8cc', label='Transpiration')
    ax.fill_between(Dates, i, color='#497e7c', label='Interception')
    ax.scatter(Dates, et, color='k')
    ax.legend(loc='upper left', fancybox=True, shadow=True)
    ax.set_xlim([Dates[0], Dates[-1]])
    ax.set_ylim([0, max(et) * 1.2])
    [r.set_zorder(10) for r in ax.spines.itervalues()]

    # Define output folder and name for image
    NamePic = "Sim%s_Mean_ET_E_T_I.jpg" % Simulation
    Dir_Basin_Image = os.path.join(Dir_Basin, "Simulations", "Images")
    if not os.path.exists(Dir_Basin_Image):

    # Save Images
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(Dir_Basin_Image, NamePic))

    return (I, T, E)
Esempio n. 2
def ITE(Dir_Basin, nc_outname, Startdate, Enddate, Simulation):
    This functions split the evapotranspiration into interception, transpiration, and evaporation.

    Dir_Basin : str
        Path to all the output data of the Basin
    nc_outname : str
        Path to the .nc file containing all data
    Startdate : str
        Contains the start date of the model 'yyyy-mm-dd'
    Enddate : str
        Contains the end date of the model 'yyyy-mm-dd'
    Simulation : int
        Defines the simulation

    I : array
        Array[time, lat, lon] contains the interception data
    T : array
        Array[time, lat, lon] contains the transpiration data
    E : array
        Array[time, lat, lon] contains the evaporation data


    # import WA modules
    import wa.General.raster_conversions as RC
    import wa.Functions.Start.Get_Dictionaries as GD

    # Define monthly dates
    Dates = pd.date_range(Startdate, Enddate, freq = "MS")

    # Extract LU data from NetCDF file
    LU = RC.Open_nc_array(nc_outname, Var = 'Landuse')

    # Create a mask to ignore non relevant pixels.
    lulc_dict = GD.get_lulcs().keys()
    mask=np.logical_or.reduce([LU == value for value in lulc_dict[:-1]])
    mask3d = mask * np.ones(len(Dates))[:,None,None]
    mask3d_neg = (mask3d-1) * 9999

    # Extract Evapotranspiration data from NetCDF file
    ET = RC.Open_nc_array(nc_outname, 'Actual_Evapotranspiration', Startdate, Enddate)
    # Extract Leaf Area Index data from NetCDF file
    LAI = RC.Open_nc_array(nc_outname, 'LAI', Startdate, Enddate)
    # Extract Precipitation data from NetCDF file
    P = RC.Open_nc_array(nc_outname, 'Precipitation', Startdate, Enddate)
    # Extract Rainy Days data from NetCDF file
    RD = RC.Open_nc_array(nc_outname, 'Rainy_Days', Startdate, Enddate)
    # Extract Normalized Dry Matter data and time from NetCDF file
    NDM = RC.Open_nc_array(nc_outname, 'Normalized_Dry_Matter', Startdate, Enddate)
    timeNDM = RC.Open_nc_array(nc_outname, 'time')

    # Create dictory to get every month and year for each timestep
    datesNDMmonth = dict()
    datesNDMyear = dict()
    # Loop over all timestep
    for i in range(0,len(timeNDM)):
        # change toordinal to month and year
        datesNDMmonth[i] =[i]).month
        datesNDMyear[i] =[i]).year

    # Calculate the max monthly NDM over the whole period
    NDMmax = dict()

    # loop over the months
    for month in range(1,13):
        dimensions = []
        # Define which dimension must be opened to get the same month
        for dimension, monthdict in datesNDMmonth.items():
            if monthdict == month:
                dimensions = np.append(dimensions,dimension)
        # Open those time dimension
        NDMmonth = np.zeros([np.size(dimensions), int(np.shape(NDM)[1]), int(np.shape(NDM)[2])])
        dimensions = np.int_(dimensions)
        NDMmonth[:,:,:] = NDM[dimensions, :,:]
        # Calculate the maximum over the month
        NDMmax[month] = np.nanmax(NDMmonth,0)

    NDMmax_months = np.zeros([len(timeNDM), int(np.shape(NDM)[1]), int(np.shape(NDM)[2])])

    # Create 3D array with NDMmax
    for i in range(0,len(timeNDM)):
        NDMmax_months[i,:,:] = np.nanmax(NDMmax[datesNDMmonth[i]])

    # Create some variables needed to plot graphs.
    et = np.array([])
    i = np.array([])
    t = np.array([])

    # Change zero values in RD so we do not get errors
    RD[RD==0] = 0.001
    LAI[LAI==0] = 0.001
    LAI[np.isnan(LAI)] = 0.1

    # Calculate I
    I = LAI * (1 - np.power(1 + (P/RD) * (1 - np.exp(-0.5 * LAI)) * (1/LAI),-1)) * RD

    # Set boundary
    I[np.isnan(LAI)] = np.nan

    # Calculate T
    T = np.minimum((NDM/NDMmax_months),np.ones(np.shape(NDM))) * 0.95 * (ET - I)

    # Mask Data
    ET = ET * mask3d
    T = T * mask3d
    I = I * mask3d
    ET[mask3d_neg<-1] = np.nan
    T[mask3d_neg<-1] = np.nan
    I[mask3d_neg<-1] = np.nan

    # Calculate E
    E = ET - T - I

    # Calculate monthly averages
    et = np.nanmean(ET.reshape(ET.shape[0], -1),1)
    i = np.nanmean(I.reshape(I.shape[0], -1),1)
    t = np.nanmean(T.reshape(T.shape[0], -1),1)

    # Plot graph of ET and E, T and I fractions.
    fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10,10))
    plt.grid(b=True, which='Major', color='0.65',linestyle='--', zorder = 0)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.plot(Dates, et, color = 'k')
    ax.set_title('Average ET and E, T and I fractions')
    ax.set_ylabel('ET [mm/month]')
    ax.fill_between(Dates, et, color = '#a3db76', label = 'Evapotranspiration')
    ax.fill_between(Dates, i + t , color = '#6bb8cc', label = 'Transpiration')
    ax.fill_between(Dates, i , color = '#497e7c', label = 'Interception')
    ax.scatter(Dates, et, color = 'k')
    ax.legend(loc = 'upper left',fancybox=True, shadow=True)
    ax.set_xlim([Dates[0], Dates[-1]])
    ax.set_ylim([0, max(et) * 1.2])
    [r.set_zorder(10) for r in ax.spines.itervalues()]

    # Define output folder and name for image
    NamePic = "Sim%s_Mean_ET_E_T_I.jpg" %Simulation
    Dir_Basin_Image = os.path.join(Dir_Basin, "Simulations", "Simulation_%d" % Simulation, "Images")
    if not os.path.exists(Dir_Basin_Image):

    # Save Images

    return(I, T, E)
Esempio n. 3
def Create(Dir_Basin, Simulation, Basin, Startdate, Enddate, Name_NC_LU,
           DataCube_I, DataCube_T, DataCube_E, Example_dataset):
    This functions create the CSV files for the sheets

    Dir_Basin : str
        Path to all the output data of the Basin
    Simulation : int
        Defines the simulation            
    Basin : str
        Name of the basin
    Startdate : str
        Contains the start date of the model 'yyyy-mm-dd'    
    Enddate : str
        Contains the end date of the model 'yyyy-mm-dd' 
    Name_NC_LU : str
        Path to the .nc file containing the LU data
    DataCube_I : array
         3D array [time, lat, lon] containing the interception data   
    DataCube_T : array
         3D array [time, lat, lon] containing the transpiration data         
    DataCube_E : array
         3D array [time, lat, lon] containing the evaporation data         
    Example_dataset : str
         Data path to the example tiff file containing the right amount of pixels and projection     

    Data_Path_CSV : str
        Data path pointing to the CSV output files

    # import WA modules
    import wa.Functions.Start.Get_Dictionaries as GD
    import wa.General.raster_conversions as RC
    from wa.Functions import Start

    # Create output folder for CSV files
    Data_Path_CSV = os.path.join(Dir_Basin, "Simulations",
                                 "Simulation_%d" % Simulation, "Sheet_2",
    if not os.path.exists(Data_Path_CSV):

    # Open LULC map
    LULC = RC.Open_nc_array(Name_NC_LU, 'LU')

    # Set the months
    Dates = pd.date_range(Startdate, Enddate, freq="MS")

    # Define whole years
    YearsStart = pd.date_range(Startdate, Enddate, freq="AS")
    YearsEnd = pd.date_range(Startdate, Enddate, freq="A")
    if len(YearsStart) > 0 and len(YearsEnd) > 0:
        Years = range(int(YearsStart[0].year), int(YearsEnd[-1].year + 1))
        Start_Year = np.argwhere(str(YearsStart[0])[0:10] == Dates)[0][0]
        Years = []

    # Calculate the area for each pixel in square meters
    area_in_m2 = Start.Area_converter.Degrees_to_m2(Example_dataset)

    # Create Beneficial Maps
    lulc_dict = GD.get_lulcs()

    # Get all the LULC values
    Values_LULC = np.unique(LULC)

    # Create new Benefial arrays
    T_ben_array = np.zeros(np.shape(LULC))
    E_ben_array = np.zeros(np.shape(LULC))
    I_ben_array = np.zeros(np.shape(LULC))
    agriculture_array = np.zeros(np.shape(LULC))
    environment_array = np.zeros(np.shape(LULC))
    economic_array = np.zeros(np.shape(LULC))
    energy_array = np.zeros(np.shape(LULC))
    leisure_array = np.zeros(np.shape(LULC))

    # Loop over LULC values and set benefial fractions
    for Value_LULC in Values_LULC:
        if Value_LULC in lulc_dict.keys():
            T_ben = lulc_dict[Value_LULC][3]
            E_ben = lulc_dict[Value_LULC][4]
            I_ben = lulc_dict[Value_LULC][5]
            agriculture = lulc_dict[Value_LULC][6]
            environment = lulc_dict[Value_LULC][7]
            economic = lulc_dict[Value_LULC][8]
            energy = lulc_dict[Value_LULC][9]
            leisure = lulc_dict[Value_LULC][10]

            T_ben_array[LULC == Value_LULC] = T_ben / 100.
            E_ben_array[LULC == Value_LULC] = E_ben / 100.
            I_ben_array[LULC == Value_LULC] = I_ben / 100.
            agriculture_array[LULC == Value_LULC] = agriculture / 100.
            environment_array[LULC == Value_LULC] = environment / 100.
            economic_array[LULC == Value_LULC] = economic / 100.
            energy_array[LULC == Value_LULC] = energy / 100.
            leisure_array[LULC == Value_LULC] = leisure / 100.

    # Open sheet 2 dict
    sheet2_classes_dict = GD.get_sheet2_classes()

    # Convert data from mm/month to km3/month
    I_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', area_in_m2, DataCube_I) / 1e12
    E_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', area_in_m2, DataCube_E) / 1e12
    T_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', area_in_m2, DataCube_T) / 1e12

    # Calculate beneficial I, E, and T
    Iben_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', I_ben_array, I_km3)
    Eben_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', E_ben_array, E_km3)
    Tben_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', T_ben_array, T_km3)
    ETben_tot_km3 = Iben_km3 + Eben_km3 + Tben_km3

    # Determine service contribution
    agriculture_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', agriculture_array,
    environment_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', environment_array,
    economic_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', economic_array, ETben_tot_km3)
    energy_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', energy_array, ETben_tot_km3)
    leisure_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', leisure_array, ETben_tot_km3)

    # Create empty arrays
    DataT = np.zeros([29, len(Dates)])
    DataI = np.zeros([29, len(Dates)])
    DataE = np.zeros([29, len(Dates)])
    DataBT = np.zeros([29, len(Dates)])
    DataBI = np.zeros([29, len(Dates)])
    DataBE = np.zeros([29, len(Dates)])
    DataAgriculture = np.zeros([29, len(Dates)])
    DataEnvironment = np.zeros([29, len(Dates)])
    DataEconomic = np.zeros([29, len(Dates)])
    DataEnergy = np.zeros([29, len(Dates)])
    DataLeisure = np.zeros([29, len(Dates)])
    i = 0

    # Loop over the LULC by using the Sheet 2 dictionary
    for LAND_USE in sheet2_classes_dict.keys():
        for CLASS in sheet2_classes_dict[LAND_USE].keys():
            lulcs = sheet2_classes_dict[LAND_USE][CLASS]

            # Create a mask to ignore non relevant pixels.
            mask = np.logical_or.reduce([LULC == value for value in lulcs])
            mask3d = mask * np.ones(len(Dates))[:, None, None]

            # Calculate the spatial sum of the different parameters.
            T_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((T_km3 * mask3d), 1), 1)
            I_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((I_km3 * mask3d), 1), 1)
            E_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((E_km3 * mask3d), 1), 1)
            BT_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((Tben_km3 * mask3d), 1), 1)
            BI_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((Iben_km3 * mask3d), 1), 1)
            BE_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((Eben_km3 * mask3d), 1), 1)
            Agriculture_LU_tot = np.nansum(
                np.nansum((agriculture_km3 * mask3d), 1), 1)
            Environment_LU_tot = np.nansum(
                np.nansum((environment_km3 * mask3d), 1), 1)
            Economic_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((economic_km3 * mask3d), 1),
            Energy_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((energy_km3 * mask3d), 1), 1)
            Leisure_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((leisure_km3 * mask3d), 1), 1)

            DataT[i, :] = T_LU_tot
            DataBT[i, :] = BT_LU_tot
            DataI[i, :] = I_LU_tot
            DataBI[i, :] = BI_LU_tot
            DataE[i, :] = E_LU_tot
            DataBE[i, :] = BE_LU_tot
            DataAgriculture[i, :] = Agriculture_LU_tot
            DataEnvironment[i, :] = Environment_LU_tot
            DataEconomic[i, :] = Economic_LU_tot
            DataEnergy[i, :] = Energy_LU_tot
            DataLeisure[i, :] = Leisure_LU_tot
            i += 1

    # Calculate non benefial components
    DataNBT = DataT - DataBT
    DataNBI = DataI - DataBI
    DataNBE = DataE - DataBE
    DataNB_tot = DataNBT + DataNBI + DataNBE

    # Create CSV
    first_row = [
    i = 0

    # Create monthly CSV
    for Date in Dates:

        # Create csv-file.
        csv_filename = os.path.join(
            Data_Path_CSV, 'Sheet2_Sim%d_%s_%d_%02d.csv' %
            (Simulation, Basin, Date.year, Date.month))
        csv_file = open(csv_filename, 'wb')
        writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=';')

        j = 0

        # Loop over landuse and class
        for LAND_USE in sheet2_classes_dict.keys():
            for CLASS in sheet2_classes_dict[LAND_USE].keys():

                # Get the value of the current class and landuse
                Transpiration = DataT[j, i]
                Evaporation = DataE[j, i]
                Interception = DataI[j, i]
                Agriculture = DataAgriculture[j, i]
                Environment = DataEnvironment[j, i]
                Economic = DataEconomic[j, i]
                Energy = DataEnergy[j, i]
                Leisure = DataLeisure[j, i]
                Non_beneficial = DataNB_tot[j, i]

                # Set special cases.
                if np.any([
                        CLASS == 'Natural water bodies',
                        CLASS == 'Managed water bodies'
                    Soil_evaporation = 0
                    Water_evaporation = Evaporation
                    Soil_evaporation = Evaporation
                    Water_evaporation = 0

                # Create the row to be written
                row = [
                    LAND_USE, CLASS,
                    "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Transpiration])),
                    "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Water_evaporation])),
                    "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Soil_evaporation])),
                    "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Interception])),
                    "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Agriculture])),
                    "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Environment])),
                    "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Economic])),
                    "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Energy])), "{0:.2f}".format(
                        np.nansum([0, Leisure])),
                    "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Non_beneficial]))

                # Write the row.

                j += 1

        # Close the csv-file.
        i += 1

    # Create yearly CSV
    i = 0
    for Year in Years:

        # Create csv-file.
        csv_filename = os.path.join(
            'Sheet2_Sim%d_%s_%d.csv' % (Simulation, Basin, Year))
        csv_file = open(csv_filename, 'wb')
        writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=';')

        j = 0

        # Loop over landuse and class
        for LAND_USE in sheet2_classes_dict.keys():
            for CLASS in sheet2_classes_dict[LAND_USE].keys():

                # Get the yearly value of the current class and landuse
                Transpiration = np.sum(DataT[j, Start_Year:Start_Year + 12])
                Evaporation = np.sum(DataE[j, Start_Year:Start_Year + 12])
                Interception = np.sum(DataI[j, Start_Year:Start_Year + 12])
                Agriculture = np.sum(DataAgriculture[j, Start_Year:Start_Year +
                Environment = np.sum(DataEnvironment[j, Start_Year:Start_Year +
                Economic = np.sum(DataEconomic[j, Start_Year:Start_Year + 12])
                Energy = np.sum(DataEnergy[j, Start_Year:Start_Year + 12])
                Leisure = np.sum(DataLeisure[j, Start_Year:Start_Year + 12])
                Non_beneficial = np.sum(DataNB_tot[j,
                                                   Start_Year:Start_Year + 12])

                # Set special cases.
                if np.any([
                        CLASS == 'Natural water bodies',
                        CLASS == 'Managed water bodies'
                    Soil_evaporation = 0
                    Water_evaporation = Evaporation
                    Soil_evaporation = Evaporation
                    Water_evaporation = 0

                # Create the row to be written
                row = [
                    LAND_USE, CLASS,
                    "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Transpiration])),
                    "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Water_evaporation])),
                    "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Soil_evaporation])),
                    "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Interception])),
                    "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Agriculture])),
                    "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Environment])),
                    "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Economic])),
                    "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Energy])), "{0:.2f}".format(
                        np.nansum([0, Leisure])),
                    "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Non_beneficial]))

                # Write the row.

                j += 1

        # Close the csv-file.
        i += 1
        Start_Year += 12

    return (Data_Path_CSV)
Esempio n. 4
def Create(Dir_Basin, Simulation, Basin, Startdate, Enddate, nc_outname, Example_dataset):
    This functions create the CSV files for the sheets

    Dir_Basin : str
        Path to all the output data of the Basin
    Simulation : int
        Defines the simulation
    Basin : str
        Name of the basin
    Startdate : str
        Contains the start date of the model 'yyyy-mm-dd'
    Enddate : str
        Contains the end date of the model 'yyyy-mm-dd'
    nc_outname : str
        Path to the .nc file containing the  data
    Example_dataset : str
         Data path to the example tiff file containing the right amount of pixels and projection

    Data_Path_CSV : str
        Data path pointing to the CSV output files

    # import WA modules
    import wa.Functions.Start.Get_Dictionaries as GD
    import wa.General.raster_conversions as RC
    from wa.Functions import Start

    # Create output folder for CSV files
    Data_Path_CSV = os.path.join(Dir_Basin, "Simulations", "Simulation_%d" %Simulation, "CSV")
    if not os.path.exists(Data_Path_CSV):

    # Open LULC map
    LULC = RC.Open_nc_array(nc_outname, 'Landuse')

    # Open I, T, E
    DataCube_I = RC.Open_nc_array(nc_outname, 'Interception', Startdate, Enddate)
    DataCube_T = RC.Open_nc_array(nc_outname, 'Transpiration', Startdate, Enddate)
    DataCube_E = RC.Open_nc_array(nc_outname, 'Evaporation', Startdate, Enddate)

    # Set the months
    Dates = pd.date_range(Startdate, Enddate, freq = "MS")

    # Define whole years
    YearsStart = pd.date_range(Startdate, Enddate, freq = "AS")
    YearsEnd = pd.date_range(Startdate, Enddate, freq = "A")
    if len(YearsStart) > 0 and len(YearsEnd) > 0:
        Years = range(int(YearsStart[0].year), int(YearsEnd[-1].year + 1))
        Start_Year = np.argwhere(str(YearsStart[0])[0:10]==Dates)[0][0]
        Years = []

    # Calculate the area for each pixel in square meters
    area_in_m2 = Start.Area_converter.Degrees_to_m2(Example_dataset)

    # Create Beneficial Maps
    lulc_dict = GD.get_lulcs()

    # Get all the LULC values
    Values_LULC = np.unique(LULC)

    # Create new Benefial arrays
    T_ben_array = np.zeros(np.shape(LULC))
    E_ben_array = np.zeros(np.shape(LULC))
    I_ben_array = np.zeros(np.shape(LULC))
    agriculture_array = np.zeros(np.shape(LULC))
    environment_array= np.zeros(np.shape(LULC))
    economic_array = np.zeros(np.shape(LULC))
    energy_array = np.zeros(np.shape(LULC))
    leisure_array = np.zeros(np.shape(LULC))

    # Loop over LULC values and set benefial fractions
    for Value_LULC in Values_LULC:
        if Value_LULC in lulc_dict.keys():
            T_ben = lulc_dict[Value_LULC][3]
            E_ben = lulc_dict[Value_LULC][4]
            I_ben = lulc_dict[Value_LULC][5]
            agriculture = lulc_dict[Value_LULC][6]
            environment = lulc_dict[Value_LULC][7]
            economic = lulc_dict[Value_LULC][8]
            energy = lulc_dict[Value_LULC][9]
            leisure = lulc_dict[Value_LULC][10]

            T_ben_array[LULC == Value_LULC] = T_ben/100.
            E_ben_array[LULC == Value_LULC] = E_ben/100.
            I_ben_array[LULC == Value_LULC] = I_ben/100.
            agriculture_array[LULC == Value_LULC] = agriculture/100.
            environment_array[LULC == Value_LULC] = environment/100.
            economic_array[LULC == Value_LULC] = economic /100.
            energy_array[LULC == Value_LULC] = energy/100.
            leisure_array[LULC == Value_LULC] = leisure /100.

    # Open sheet 2 dict
    sheet2_classes_dict = GD.get_sheet2_classes()

    # Convert data from mm/month to km3/month
    I_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', area_in_m2, DataCube_I)/ 1e12
    E_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', area_in_m2, DataCube_E)/ 1e12
    T_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', area_in_m2, DataCube_T)/ 1e12

    # Calculate beneficial I, E, and T
    Iben_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', I_ben_array, I_km3)
    Eben_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', E_ben_array, E_km3)
    Tben_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', T_ben_array, T_km3)
    ETben_tot_km3 = Iben_km3 + Eben_km3 + Tben_km3

    # Determine service contribution
    agriculture_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', agriculture_array, ETben_tot_km3)
    environment_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', environment_array, ETben_tot_km3)
    economic_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', economic_array, ETben_tot_km3)
    energy_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', energy_array, ETben_tot_km3)
    leisure_km3 = np.einsum('ij,kij->kij', leisure_array, ETben_tot_km3)

    # Create empty arrays
    DataT = np.zeros([29,len(Dates)])
    DataI = np.zeros([29,len(Dates)])
    DataE = np.zeros([29,len(Dates)])
    DataBT = np.zeros([29,len(Dates)])
    DataBI = np.zeros([29,len(Dates)])
    DataBE = np.zeros([29,len(Dates)])
    DataAgriculture = np.zeros([29,len(Dates)])
    DataEnvironment = np.zeros([29,len(Dates)])
    DataEconomic = np.zeros([29,len(Dates)])
    DataEnergy = np.zeros([29,len(Dates)])
    DataLeisure = np.zeros([29,len(Dates)])
    i = 0

    # Loop over the LULC by using the Sheet 2 dictionary
    for LAND_USE in sheet2_classes_dict.keys():
        for CLASS in sheet2_classes_dict[LAND_USE].keys():
            lulcs = sheet2_classes_dict[LAND_USE][CLASS]

            # Create a mask to ignore non relevant pixels.
            mask=np.logical_or.reduce([LULC == value for value in lulcs])
            mask3d = mask * np.ones(len(Dates))[:,None,None]

            # Calculate the spatial sum of the different parameters.
            T_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((T_km3 * mask3d),1),1)
            I_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((I_km3 * mask3d),1),1)
            E_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((E_km3 * mask3d),1),1)
            BT_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((Tben_km3 * mask3d),1),1)
            BI_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((Iben_km3 * mask3d),1),1)
            BE_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((Eben_km3 * mask3d),1),1)
            Agriculture_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((agriculture_km3 * mask3d),1),1)
            Environment_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((environment_km3 * mask3d),1),1)
            Economic_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((economic_km3 * mask3d),1),1)
            Energy_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((energy_km3 * mask3d),1),1)
            Leisure_LU_tot = np.nansum(np.nansum((leisure_km3 * mask3d),1),1)

            DataT[i,:] = T_LU_tot
            DataBT[i,:] = BT_LU_tot
            DataI[i,:] = I_LU_tot
            DataBI[i,:] = BI_LU_tot
            DataE[i,:] = E_LU_tot
            DataBE[i,:] = BE_LU_tot
            DataAgriculture[i,:] = Agriculture_LU_tot
            DataEnvironment[i,:] = Environment_LU_tot
            DataEconomic[i,:] = Economic_LU_tot
            DataEnergy[i,:] = Energy_LU_tot
            DataLeisure[i,:] = Leisure_LU_tot
            i += 1

    # Calculate non benefial components
    DataNBT = DataT - DataBT
    DataNBI = DataI - DataBI
    DataNBE = DataE - DataBE
    DataNB_tot = DataNBT + DataNBI + DataNBE

    # Create CSV
    i = 0

    # Create monthly CSV
    for Date in Dates:

        # Create csv-file.
        csv_filename = os.path.join(Data_Path_CSV, 'Sheet2_Sim%d_%s_%d_%02d.csv' %(Simulation, Basin, Date.year, Date.month))
        csv_file = open(csv_filename, 'wb')
        writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=';')

        j = 0

        # Loop over landuse and class
        for LAND_USE in sheet2_classes_dict.keys():
             for CLASS in sheet2_classes_dict[LAND_USE].keys():

                # Get the value of the current class and landuse
                Transpiration = DataT[j,i]
                Evaporation = DataE[j,i]
                Interception = DataI[j,i]
                Agriculture = DataAgriculture[j,i]
                Environment = DataEnvironment[j,i]
                Economic = DataEconomic[j,i]
                Energy = DataEnergy[j,i]
                Leisure = DataLeisure[j,i]
                Non_beneficial = DataNB_tot[j,i]

                # Set special cases.
                if np.any([CLASS == 'Natural water bodies', CLASS == 'Managed water bodies']):
                    Soil_evaporation = 0
                    Water_evaporation = Evaporation
                    Soil_evaporation = Evaporation
                    Water_evaporation = 0

                # Create the row to be written
                row = [LAND_USE, CLASS, "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Transpiration])), "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Water_evaporation])), "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Soil_evaporation])), "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Interception])), "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Agriculture])), "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Environment])), "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Economic])), "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Energy])), "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Leisure])), "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Non_beneficial]))]

                # Write the row.

                j += 1

        # Close the csv-file.
        i += 1

    # Create yearly CSV
    i = 0
    for Year in Years:

        # Create csv-file.
        csv_filename = os.path.join(Data_Path_CSV, 'Sheet2_Sim%d_%s_%d.csv' %(Simulation, Basin, Year))
        csv_file = open(csv_filename, 'wb')
        writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=';')

        j = 0

        # Loop over landuse and class
        for LAND_USE in sheet2_classes_dict.keys():
             for CLASS in sheet2_classes_dict[LAND_USE].keys():

                # Get the yearly value of the current class and landuse
                Transpiration = np.sum(DataT[j,Start_Year:Start_Year+12])
                Evaporation = np.sum(DataE[j,Start_Year:Start_Year+12])
                Interception = np.sum(DataI[j,Start_Year:Start_Year+12])
                Agriculture = np.sum(DataAgriculture[j,Start_Year:Start_Year+12])
                Environment = np.sum(DataEnvironment[j,Start_Year:Start_Year+12])
                Economic = np.sum(DataEconomic[j,Start_Year:Start_Year+12])
                Energy = np.sum(DataEnergy[j,Start_Year:Start_Year+12])
                Leisure = np.sum(DataLeisure[j,Start_Year:Start_Year+12])
                Non_beneficial = np.sum(DataNB_tot[j,Start_Year:Start_Year+12])

                # Set special cases.
                if np.any([CLASS == 'Natural water bodies', CLASS == 'Managed water bodies']):
                    Soil_evaporation = 0
                    Water_evaporation = Evaporation
                    Soil_evaporation = Evaporation
                    Water_evaporation = 0

                # Create the row to be written
                row = [LAND_USE, CLASS, "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Transpiration])), "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Water_evaporation])), "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Soil_evaporation])), "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Interception])), "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Agriculture])), "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Environment])), "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Economic])), "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Energy])), "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Leisure])), "{0:.2f}".format(np.nansum([0, Non_beneficial]))]

                # Write the row.

                j += 1

        # Close the csv-file.
        i += 1
        Start_Year += 12
