Esempio n. 1
 def test_create_corner(self):
     scale = 0.00025
     shape = (3, 2)
     origin = (150.0, -34.0)
     corner = (shape[1] * scale + origin[0], origin[1] - shape[0] * scale)
     ggb = GriddedGeoBox(shape, origin)
     self.assertEqual(corner, ggb.corner)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_utm_to_lonlat(self):
        Test that coordinates in one CRS are correctly transformed
        from utm into lonlat
        This came about with GDAL3 and Proj6, where the native axis
        mapping of a CRS is respected, meaning that an x,y input and
        output is dependent on the CRS axis.
        We'll instead enforce the x,y axis mapping strategy.
        shape = (3, 2)
        origin = (669700, 6111700)
        ggb = GriddedGeoBox(shape, origin, crs="EPSG:32755")

        lon = 148.862561
        lat = -35.123064
        easting = 669717.105361586
        northing = 6111722.038508673

        to_crs = osr.SpatialReference()

        lon, lat = ggb.transform_coordinates((easting, northing), to_crs)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(lon, 148.862561)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(lat, -35.123064)
Esempio n. 3
 def test_y_size(self):
     scale = 0.00025
     shape = (3, 2)
     origin = (150.0, -34.0)
     corner = (shape[1] * scale + origin[0], origin[1] - shape[0] * scale)
     ggb = GriddedGeoBox(shape, origin)
     self.assertEqual(shape[0], ggb.y_size())
Esempio n. 4
 def test_get_shape_xy(self):
     scale = 0.00025
     shape = (3, 2)
     shape_xy = (2, 3)
     origin = (150.0, -34.0)
     corner = (shape[1] * scale + origin[0], origin[1] - shape[0] * scale)
     ggb = GriddedGeoBox(shape, origin)
     self.assertEqual(shape_xy, ggb.get_shape_xy())
Esempio n. 5
    def convert_format(self,
        Convert the HDF file to a HDF5 dataset.
        if attrs is None:
            attrs = {}

        # Get the UL corner of the UL pixel co-ordinate
        ul_lon = self.ul[0]
        ul_lat = self.ul[1]

        # pixel size x & y
        pixsz_x = self.delta_lon
        pixsz_y = self.delta_lat

        # Setup the projection; assuming Geographics WGS84
        # (Tests have shown that this appears to be the case)
        # (unfortunately it is not expicitly defined in the HDF file)
        sr = osr.SpatialReference()
        prj = sr.ExportToWkt()

        # Setup the geobox
        dims =[0].shape
        res = (abs(pixsz_x), abs(pixsz_y))
        geobox = GriddedGeoBox(shape=dims,
                               origin=(ul_lon, ul_lat),

        # Write the dataset
        attrs['description'] = 'Converted BRDF data from H4 to H5.'
        attrs['crs_wkt'] = prj
        attrs['geotransform'] = geobox.transform.to_gdal()
        write_h5_image([0], dataset_name, group, compression, attrs,
    def __init__(self, band_data):

        self.no_data = 0

        self.acquisition_datetime = dateutil.parser.parse(
            '2018-05-20 02:16:38')
        self.brdf_datasets = band_data['brdf_datasets']

        bbox = geopandas.GeoDataFrame({
            [box(115.155105, -30.585143333333335, 115.15636, -30.58394)]
        }) = {'init': 'EPSG:4326'}
        albers = bbox.to_crs(epsg=3577)
        buff = albers.buffer(1000)
        lonlat = buff.to_crs(epsg=4326)

        minx, miny, maxx, maxy = lonlat.total_bounds

        self.geobox = GriddedGeoBox(shape=(1, 1),
                                    origin=(minx, miny),
                                    pixelsize=(maxx - minx, maxy - miny),
Esempio n. 7
    def test_lonlat_to_utm(self):
        Test that coordinates in one CRS are correctly transformed
        from lonlat into utm
        This came about with GDAL3 and Proj6, where the native axis
        mapping of a CRS is respected, meaning that an x,y input and
        output is dependent on the CRS axis.
        We'll instead enforce the x,y axis mapping strategy.
        shape = (3, 2)
        origin = (150.0, -34.0)
        ggb = GriddedGeoBox(shape, origin)

        lon = 148.862561
        lat = -35.123064

        to_crs = osr.SpatialReference()

        easting, northing = ggb.transform_coordinates((lon, lat), to_crs)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(easting, 669717.105361586)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(northing, 6111722.038508673)
Esempio n. 8
def read_subset(fname, ul_xy, ur_xy, lr_xy, ll_xy, bands=1):
    Return a 2D or 3D NumPy array subsetted to the given bounding

    :param fname:
        A string containing the full file pathname to an image on

    :param ul_xy:
        A tuple containing the Upper Left (x,y) co-ordinate pair
        in real world (map) co-ordinates.  Co-ordinate pairs can be
        (longitude, latitude) or (eastings, northings), but they must
        be of the same reference as the image of interest.

    :param ur_xy:
        A tuple containing the Upper Right (x,y) co-ordinate pair
        in real world (map) co-ordinates.  Co-ordinate pairs can be
        (longitude, latitude) or (eastings, northings), but they must
        be of the same reference as the image of interest.

    :param lr_xy:
        A tuple containing the Lower Right (x,y) co-ordinate pair
        in real world (map) co-ordinates.  Co-ordinate pairs can be
        (longitude, latitude) or (eastings, northings), but they must
        be of the same reference as the image of interest.

    :param ll_xy:
        A tuple containing the Lower Left (x,y) co-ordinate pair
        in real world (map) co-ordinates.  Co-ordinate pairs can be
        (longitude, latitude) or (eastings, northings), but they must
        be of the same reference as the image of interest.

    :param bands:
        Can be an integer of list of integers representing the band(s)
        to be read from disk.  If bands is a list, then the returned
        subset will be 3D, otherwise the subset will be strictly 2D.

        A tuple of 3 elements:

            * 1. 2D or 3D NumPy array containing the image subset.
            * 2. A list of length 6 containing the GDAL geotransform.
            * 3. A WKT formatted string representing the co-ordinate
                 reference system (projection).

    :additional notes:
        The ending array co-ordinates are increased by +1,
        i.e. xend = 270 + 1
        to account for Python's [inclusive, exclusive) index notation.
    if isinstance(fname, h5py.Dataset):
        geobox = GriddedGeoBox.from_dataset(fname)
        prj = fname.attrs['crs_wkt']
        # Open the file
        with as src:

            # Get the inverse transform of the affine co-ordinate reference
            geobox = GriddedGeoBox.from_dataset(src)
            prj =  # rasterio returns a unicode

    inv = ~geobox.transform
    rows, cols = geobox.shape

    # Convert each map co-ordinate to image/array co-ordinates
    img_ul_x, img_ul_y = [int(v) for v in inv * ul_xy]
    img_ur_x, img_ur_y = [int(v) for v in inv * ur_xy]
    img_lr_x, img_lr_y = [int(v) for v in inv * lr_xy]
    img_ll_x, img_ll_y = [int(v) for v in inv * ll_xy]

    # Calculate the min and max array extents
    # The ending array extents have +1 to account for Python's
    # [inclusive, exclusive) index notation.
    xstart = min(img_ul_x, img_ll_x)
    ystart = min(img_ul_y, img_ur_y)
    xend = max(img_ur_x, img_lr_x) + 1
    yend = max(img_ll_y, img_lr_y) + 1

    # Check for out of bounds
    if (((xstart < 0) or (ystart < 0)) or
            ((xend -1 > cols) or (yend -1 > rows))):

        msg = ("Error! Attempt to read a subset that is outside of the"
               "image domain. Index: ({ys}, {ye}), ({xs}, {xe}))")
        msg = msg.format(ys=ystart, ye=yend, xs=xstart, xe=xend)
        raise IndexError(msg)

    if isinstance(fname, h5py.Dataset):
        subs = fname[ystart:yend, xstart:xend]
        with as src:
            subs =, window=((ystart, yend), (xstart, xend)))

    # Get the new UL co-ordinates of the array
    ul_x, ul_y = geobox.transform * (xstart, ystart)

    geobox_subs = GriddedGeoBox(shape=subs.shape, origin=(ul_x, ul_y),
                                pixelsize=geobox.pixelsize, crs=prj)

    return (subs, geobox_subs)
Esempio n. 9
def get_dsm(
    Given an acquisition and a national Digitial Surface Model,
    extract a subset from the DSM based on the acquisition extents
    plus an x & y margins. The subset is then smoothed with a 3x3
    gaussian filter.
    A square margins is applied to the extents.

    :param acquisition:
        An instance of an acquisition object.

    :param pathname:
        A string pathname of the DSM with a ':' to seperate the
        filename from the import HDF5 dataset name.

    :param buffer_distance:
        A number representing the desired distance (in the same
        units as the acquisition) in which to calculate the extra
        number of pixels required to buffer an image.
        Default is 8000.

    :param out_group:
        If set to None (default) then the results will be returned
        as an in-memory hdf5 file, i.e. the `core` driver. Otherwise,
        a writeable HDF5 `Group` object.

        The dataset name will be as follows:

        * DatasetName.DSM_SMOOTHED

    :param compression:
        The compression filter to use.
        Default is H5CompressionFilter.LZF

        A dict of key value pairs available to the given configuration
        instance of H5CompressionFilter. For example
        H5CompressionFilter.LZF has the keywords *chunks* and *shuffle*
        Default is None, which will use the default settings for the
        chosen H5CompressionFilter instance.

        An opened `h5py.File` object, that is either in-memory using the
        `core` driver, or on disk.
    # Use the 1st acquisition to setup the geobox
    geobox = acquisition.gridded_geo_box()
    shape = geobox.get_shape_yx()

    # buffered image extents/margins
    margins = pixel_buffer(acquisition, buffer_distance)

    # Get the dimensions and geobox of the new image
    dem_cols = shape[1] + margins.left + margins.right
    dem_rows = shape[0] + + margins.bottom
    dem_shape = (dem_rows, dem_cols)
    dem_origin = geobox.convert_coordinates(
        (0 - margins.left, 0 -
    dem_geobox = GriddedGeoBox(

    # split the DSM filename, dataset name, and load
    fname, dname = pathname.split(":")
    with h5py.File(fname, "r") as dsm_fid:
        dsm_ds = dsm_fid[dname]
        dsm_geobox = GriddedGeoBox.from_dataset(dsm_ds)

        # calculate full border extents into CRS of DSM
        extents = dem_geobox.project_extents(
        ul_xy = (extents[0], extents[3])
        ur_xy = (extents[2], extents[3])
        lr_xy = (extents[2], extents[1])
        ll_xy = (extents[0], extents[1])

        # load the subset and corresponding geobox
        subs, subs_geobox = read_subset(dsm_ds,

        # ancillary metadata tracking
        metadata = current_h5_metadata(dsm_fid, dataset_path=dname)

    # Retrive the DSM data
    dsm_data = reproject_array_to_array(subs,

    # free memory
    subs = None

    # Output the reprojected result
    # Initialise the output files
    if out_group is None:
        fid = h5py.File("dsm-subset.h5",
        fid = out_group

    if filter_opts is None:
        filter_opts = {}
        filter_opts = filter_opts.copy()

    if acquisition.tile_size[0] == 1:
        filter_opts["chunks"] = (1, dem_cols)
        # TODO: rework the tiling regime for larger dsm
        # for non single row based tiles, we won't have ideal
        # matching reads for tiled processing between the acquisition
        # and the DEM
        filter_opts["chunks"] = acquisition.tile_size
    kwargs = compression.config(**filter_opts).dataset_compression_kwargs()

    group = fid.create_group(GroupName.ELEVATION_GROUP.value)

    param_grp = group.create_group("PARAMETERS")
    param_grp.attrs["left_buffer"] = margins.left
    param_grp.attrs["right_buffer"] = margins.right
    param_grp.attrs["top_buffer"] =
    param_grp.attrs["bottom_buffer"] = margins.bottom

    # dataset attributes
    attrs = {
        "geotransform": dem_geobox.transform.to_gdal(),

    # Smooth the DSM
    dsm_data = filter_dsm(dsm_data)
    dname = DatasetName.DSM_SMOOTHED.value
    out_sm_dset = group.create_dataset(dname, data=dsm_data, **kwargs)
    desc = "A subset of a Digital Surface Model smoothed with a gaussian " "kernel."
    attrs["description"] = desc
    attrs["id"] = numpy.array([metadata["id"]], VLEN_STRING)
    attach_image_attributes(out_sm_dset, attrs)

    if out_group is None:
        return fid
Esempio n. 10
def read_subset(fname, ul_xy, ur_xy, lr_xy, ll_xy, edge_buffer=0, bands=1):
    Return a 2D or 3D NumPy array subsetted to the given bounding
    The function will allow a user to ask for a region outside of the
    requested domain. Those elements that fall outside of the
    requested domain will be populated with the datasets' fillvalue
    or 0 if the fillvalue is None.

    :param fname:
        A string containing the full file pathname to an image on
        disk. OR an HDF5 Dataset (h5py.Dataset).

    :param ul_xy:
        A tuple containing the Upper Left (x,y) co-ordinate pair
        in real world (map) co-ordinates.  Co-ordinate pairs can be
        (longitude, latitude) or (eastings, northings), but they must
        be of the same reference as the image of interest.

    :param ur_xy:
        A tuple containing the Upper Right (x,y) co-ordinate pair
        in real world (map) co-ordinates.  Co-ordinate pairs can be
        (longitude, latitude) or (eastings, northings), but they must
        be of the same reference as the image of interest.

    :param lr_xy:
        A tuple containing the Lower Right (x,y) co-ordinate pair
        in real world (map) co-ordinates.  Co-ordinate pairs can be
        (longitude, latitude) or (eastings, northings), but they must
        be of the same reference as the image of interest.

    :param ll_xy:
        A tuple containing the Lower Left (x,y) co-ordinate pair
        in real world (map) co-ordinates.  Co-ordinate pairs can be
        (longitude, latitude) or (eastings, northings), but they must
        be of the same reference as the image of interest.

    :param edge_buffer:
        An integer indicating the additional number of pixels to read
        along each edge of the subset. Useful for when additional data
        might be required, such as for reprojection.
        Default is 0 pixels on each edge.

    :param bands:
        Can be an integer of list of integers representing the band(s)
        to be read from disk.  If bands is a list, then the returned
        subset will be 3D, otherwise the subset will be strictly 2D.

        A tuple of 2 elements:

            * 1. 2D or 3D NumPy array containing the requested region
            * 2. An instance of a GriddedGeoBox covering the requested region

    :additional notes:
        The array dimensions are determined via the supplied ROI. As such,
        the returned array will use a fill value for the pixels falling
        outside of the dataset we're reading from.
    if isinstance(fname, h5py.Dataset):
        geobox = GriddedGeoBox.from_dataset(fname)
        prj = fname.attrs['crs_wkt']
        dtype = fname.dtype
        fillv = fname.attrs.get('fillvalue')

    elif isinstance(fname,
        # Get the inverse transform of the affine co-ordinate reference
        geobox = GriddedGeoBox.from_dataset(fname)
        prj =  # rasterio returns a unicode
        dtype = fname.dtypes[0]
        fillv = fname.nodata

    elif isinstance(fname, str):
        # Open the file
        with as src:
            # Get the inverse transform of the affine co-ordinate reference
            geobox = GriddedGeoBox.from_dataset(src)
            prj =  # rasterio returns a unicode
            dtype = src.dtypes[0]
            fillv = src.nodata

        raise ValueError('Unexpected file description of type {}'.format(type(fname)))

    inv = ~geobox.transform
    rows, cols = geobox.shape

    # fillvalue will default to zero if None
    fillv = 0 if fillv is None else fillv

    # Convert each map co-ordinate to image/array co-ordinates
    img_ul_x, img_ul_y = [int(round(v)) for v in inv * ul_xy]
    img_ur_x, img_ur_y = [int(round(v)) for v in inv * ur_xy]
    img_lr_x, img_lr_y = [int(round(v)) for v in inv * lr_xy]
    img_ll_x, img_ll_y = [int(round(v)) for v in inv * ll_xy]

    # Calculate the min and max array extents including edge_buffer
    xstart = min(img_ul_x, img_ll_x) - edge_buffer
    ystart = min(img_ul_y, img_ur_y) - edge_buffer
    xend = max(img_ur_x, img_lr_x) + edge_buffer
    yend = max(img_ll_y, img_lr_y) + edge_buffer

    # intialise the output array
    dims = (yend - ystart, xend - xstart)
    subs = np.full(dims, fillv, dtype=dtype)

    # Get the new UL co-ordinates of the array
    ul_x, ul_y = geobox.transform * (xstart, ystart)

    geobox_subs = GriddedGeoBox(shape=subs.shape, origin=(ul_x, ul_y),
                                pixelsize=geobox.pixelsize, crs=prj)

    # test for intersection
    if not geobox_subs.intersects(geobox):
        raise IndexError("Requested Subset Does Not Intersect With Array")

    # intersected region (source index xy start and end coords)
    source_xs = max(0, xstart)
    source_ys = max(0, ystart)
    source_xe = min(cols, xend)
    source_ye = min(rows, yend)

    # source indices/slice
    source_idx = np.s_[source_ys:source_ye, source_xs:source_xe]

    # destination origin/start index (UL) coords -> abs(min(0, ul))
    dest_xs = abs(min(0, xstart))
    dest_ys = abs(min(0, ystart))

    # destination end (LR) -> (source_end - source_start) + dest_start
    dest_xe = (source_xe - source_xs) + dest_xs
    dest_ye = (source_ye - source_ys) + dest_ys

    # destination indices/slice
    dest_idx = np.s_[dest_ys:dest_ye, dest_xs:dest_xe]

    if isinstance(fname, h5py.Dataset):
        fname.read_direct(subs, source_idx, dest_idx)

    elif isinstance(fname,
        window = ((source_ys, source_ye), (source_xs, source_xe)), window=window, out=subs[dest_idx])

    elif isinstance(fname, str):
        with as src:
            window = ((source_ys, source_ye), (source_xs, source_xe))
  , window=window, out=subs[dest_idx])

        raise ValueError('Unexpected file description of type {}'.format(type(fname)))

    return (subs, geobox_subs)
Esempio n. 11
def create_test_image(
        dimensions=(1000, 1000),
        resolution=(25.0, 25.0),
    Creates an image with geo-location information.

    :param dimensions:
        A tuple containing the (y, x) dimensions of the 2D image to
        be generated.

    :param geotransform:
        A list or tuple containing the upper left co-ordinate of the image.
        This info can be retrieved from gdal. Otherwise create your own using
        the following as a guide. Must have 6 elements.
        geoT = (635000.0, 25.0, 0.0, 6277000.0, 0.0, 25.0)
        geoT[0] is top left x co-ordinate.
        geoT[1] is west to east pixel size.
        geoT[2] is image rotation (0 if image is north up).
        geoT[3] is to left y co-ordinate.
        geoT[4] is image rotation (0 if image is north up).
        geoT[5] is north to south pixel size.

        If either the geotransform or projection keywords are None,
        then geotransform will be set to:
        (635000.0, 25.0, 0.0, 6277000.0, 0.0, 25.0)
        and the projection will be set to EPSG:28355.

    :param projection:
        An osr compliant projection input such as WKT.
        If either the projection or geotransform keywords are None,
        then the projection will be set to EPSG:28355 and the
        geotransform will be set to:
        (635000.0, 25.0, 0.0, 6277000.0, 0.0, 25.0)

    :param resolution:
        A tuple containing the (x, y) pixel resolution/size. Default
        is (25.0, 25.0).

        A tuple of two elements.
        The 1st element contains a random 8bit Unsigned Integer of
        dimensions (y, x), containing values in the range [0,256).
        The 2nd element contains an instance of a GriddedGeoBox.
    img = numpy.random.randint(0, 256, dimensions).astype(dtype)

    if (geotransform is None) or (projection is None):
        geotransform = (635000.0, 25.0, 0.0, 6277000.0, 0.0, 25.0)

        sr = osr.SpatialReference()
        # GDA94/ MGA Zone 55
        projection = sr.ExportToWkt()
        resolution = (geotransform[1], geotransform[5])

    UL = (geotransform[0], geotransform[3])

    geobox = GriddedGeoBox(shape=dimensions,

    return (img, geobox)
Esempio n. 12
    flindersCorner = (150.931697, -34.457915)

    flindersGGB = GriddedGeoBox.from_corners(flindersOrigin, flindersCorner)
    mask = get_land_sea_mask(flindersGGB)
    print("geobox_shape=%s" % str(flindersGGB.shape))
    print("mask_shape=%s" % str(mask.shape))

    # same test for AGDC cell around  Darwin area

    scale = 0.00025
    shape = (4000, 4000)
    origin = (130.0, -12.0)

    corner = (shape[1] * scale + origin[0], origin[1] - shape[0] * scale)
    ggb = GriddedGeoBox(shape, origin, pixelsize=(scale, scale))

    # now get UTM equilavent

    geo_box = ggb.copy(crs="EPSG:32752")

    # and get the mask

    mask = get_land_sea_mask(geo_box)

    total_pixels = geo_box.shape[1] * geo_box.shape[0]
    land_pixels = sum(sum(mask.astype('uint32')))
    sea_pixels = total_pixels - land_pixels
    sea_pct = 100.0 * sea_pixels / total_pixels
Esempio n. 13
def get_dsm(acquisition, national_dsm, buffer_distance=8000, out_group=None,
            compression=H5CompressionFilter.LZF, filter_opts=None):
    Given an acquisition and a national Digitial Surface Model,
    extract a subset from the DSM based on the acquisition extents
    plus an x & y margins. The subset is then smoothed with a 3x3
    gaussian filter.
    A square margins is applied to the extents.

    :param acquisition:
        An instance of an acquisition object.

    :param national_dsm:
        A string containing the full filepath name to an image on
        disk containing national digital surface model.

    :param buffer_distance:
        A number representing the desired distance (in the same
        units as the acquisition) in which to calculate the extra
        number of pixels required to buffer an image.
        Default is 8000.

    :param out_group:
        If set to None (default) then the results will be returned
        as an in-memory hdf5 file, i.e. the `core` driver. Otherwise,
        a writeable HDF5 `Group` object.

        The dataset name will be as follows:

        * DatasetName.DSM_SMOOTHED

    :param compression:
        The compression filter to use.
        Default is H5CompressionFilter.LZF 

        A dict of key value pairs available to the given configuration
        instance of H5CompressionFilter. For example
        H5CompressionFilter.LZF has the keywords *chunks* and *shuffle*
        Default is None, which will use the default settings for the
        chosen H5CompressionFilter instance.

        An opened `h5py.File` object, that is either in-memory using the
        `core` driver, or on disk.
    # Use the 1st acquisition to setup the geobox
    geobox = acquisition.gridded_geo_box()
    shape = geobox.get_shape_yx()

    # buffered image extents/margins
    margins = pixel_buffer(acquisition, buffer_distance)

    # Get the dimensions and geobox of the new image
    dem_cols = shape[1] + margins.left + margins.right
    dem_rows = shape[0] + + margins.bottom
    dem_shape = (dem_rows, dem_cols)
    dem_origin = geobox.convert_coordinates((0 - margins.left,
                                             0 -
    dem_geobox = GriddedGeoBox(dem_shape, origin=dem_origin,

    # Retrive the DSM data
    dsm_data = reproject_file_to_array(national_dsm, dst_geobox=dem_geobox,

    # Output the reprojected result
    # Initialise the output files
    if out_group is None:
        fid = h5py.File('dsm-subset.h5', driver='core', backing_store=False)
        fid = out_group

    if filter_opts is None:
        filter_opts = {}
        filter_opts = filter_opts.copy()

    if acquisition.tile_size[0] == 1:
        filter_opts['chunks'] = (1, dem_cols)
        # TODO: rework the tiling regime for larger dsm
        # for non single row based tiles, we won't have ideal
        # matching reads for tiled processing between the acquisition
        # and the DEM
        filter_opts['chunks'] = acquisition.tile_size
    kwargs = compression.config(**filter_opts).dataset_compression_kwargs()

    group = fid.create_group(GroupName.ELEVATION_GROUP.value)

    param_grp = group.create_group('PARAMETERS')
    param_grp.attrs['left_buffer'] = margins.left
    param_grp.attrs['right_buffer'] = margins.right
    param_grp.attrs['top_buffer'] =
    param_grp.attrs['bottom_buffer'] = margins.bottom

    # dataset attributes
    attrs = {'crs_wkt':,
             'geotransform': dem_geobox.transform.to_gdal()}

    # Smooth the DSM
    dsm_data = filter_dsm(dsm_data)
    dname = DatasetName.DSM_SMOOTHED.value
    out_sm_dset = group.create_dataset(dname, data=dsm_data, **kwargs)
    desc = ("A subset of a Digital Surface Model smoothed with a gaussian "
    attrs['description'] = desc
    attach_image_attributes(out_sm_dset, attrs)

    if out_group is None:
        return fid
Esempio n. 14
 def test_create_origin(self):
     shape = (3, 2)
     origin = (150.0, -34.0)
     ggb = GriddedGeoBox(shape, origin)
     self.assertEqual(origin, ggb.origin)
Esempio n. 15
 def test_y_size(self):
     shape = (3, 2)
     origin = (150.0, -34.0)
     ggb = GriddedGeoBox(shape, origin)
     self.assertEqual(shape[0], ggb.y_size())
Esempio n. 16
 def test_get_shape_yx(self):
     shape = (3, 2)
     origin = (150.0, -34.0)
     ggb = GriddedGeoBox(shape, origin)
     self.assertEqual(shape, ggb.get_shape_yx())