Esempio n. 1
    def do_test(self, test_input):
        """Check sizes and coverage for a list of test input."""
        for (samples, lines, xtile, ytile) in test_input:
            tiles_list = list(generate_tiles(samples, lines, xtile, ytile))

            self.check_sizes(xtile, ytile, tiles_list)
            self.check_tiling(samples, lines, tiles_list)
Esempio n. 2
def _convert_4d(rds, fid, dataset_name, compression, filter_opts):
    Private routine for converting the multiples of 37 layer
    atmospheric data in the GRIB file to HDF5.
    For a months worth of data, the dimensions become:
        * (day, atmospheric level, y, x)
    attrs = {
        "geotransform": rds.transform.to_gdal(),
        "history": "Converted to HDF5",

    # band groups of 37, nrows to process (ytile)
    band_groups = range(1, rds.count + 1, 37)
    ytile = filter_opts["chunks"][2]
    dims = (len(band_groups), 37, rds.height, rds.width)
    tiles = generate_tiles(rds.width, rds.height, rds.width, ytile)

    # dataset creation options
    kwargs = compression.config(**filter_opts).dataset_compression_kwargs()
    kwargs["shape"] = dims
    kwargs["dtype"] = rds.dtypes[0]

    dataset = fid.create_dataset(dataset_name, **kwargs)
    attach_image_attributes(dataset, attrs)

    # add dimension labels, but should we also include dimension scales?
    dataset.dims[0].label = "Day"
    dataset.dims[1].label = "Atmospheric Level"
    dataset.dims[2].label = "Y"
    dataset.dims[3].label = "X"

    # process by spatial tile containing 37 atmospheric layers for 1 day
    for i, bg in enumerate(band_groups):
        bands = list(range(bg, bg + 37))
        for tile in tiles:
            idx = (
                slice(i, bg),
                slice(tile[0][0], tile[0][1]),
                slice(tile[1][0], tile[1][1]),
            dataset[idx] =, window=tile)

    # metadata
    metadata = metadata_dataframe(rds)
    write_dataframe(metadata, "METADATA", fid, compression)
Esempio n. 3
def generate_windows(shape: Iterable[int],
                     compute_chunks: Iterable[int]) -> Iterable[Iterable[int]]:
    Generates a window of height and width equivalent to compute_chunk's shape.

    :param shape:
        Total size to iterate over

    :param compute_chunk:
        Size of shape subset at a time

        a subset window of ((y, x), (y, x))
    for x, y in generate_tiles(shape[0], shape[1], compute_chunks[0],
        yield (slice(*y), slice(*x))
Esempio n. 4
def _convert_3d(rds, fid, dataset_name, compression, filter_opts):
    Private routine for converting the 37 layer atmospheric data
    in the GRIB file to HDF5.
    # basic metadata to attach to the dataset
    attrs = {
        'geotransform': rds.transform.to_gdal(),
        'history': 'Converted to HDF5'

    # bands list, nrows to process (ytile)
    bands = list(range(1, rds.count + 1))
    ytile = filter_opts['chunks'][1]
    dims = (rds.count, rds.height, rds.width)

    # dataset creation options
    kwargs = compression.config(**filter_opts).dataset_compression_kwargs()
    kwargs['shape'] = dims
    kwargs['dtype'] = rds.dtypes[0]

    dataset = fid.create_dataset(dataset_name, **kwargs)
    attach_image_attributes(dataset, attrs)

    # add dimension labels, but should we also include dimension scales?
    dataset.dims[0].label = 'Atmospheric Level'
    dataset.dims[1].label = 'Y'
    dataset.dims[2].label = 'X'

    # process by tile
    for tile in generate_tiles(rds.width, rds.height, rds.width, ytile):
        idx = (
            slice(tile[0][0], tile[0][1]),
            slice(tile[1][0], tile[1][1])
        dataset[idx] =, window=tile)

    # metadata
    metadata = metadata_dataframe(rds)
    write_dataframe(metadata, 'METADATA', fid, compression)
Esempio n. 5
def convert_vrt(
    out_h5: h5py.Group,
    Convert the VRT mosaic to HDF5.
    with as rds:
        # set default chunks and set dimensions
        if rds.count == 3:
            chunks = (3, 256, 256)
            dims = (3, rds.height, rds.width)
            chunks = (256, 256)
            dims = (rds.height, rds.width)

        # create empty or copy the user supplied filter options
        if not filter_opts:
            filter_opts = dict()
            filter_opts["chunks"] = chunks
            filter_opts = filter_opts.copy()

        if "chunks" not in filter_opts:
            filter_opts["chunks"] = chunks

        # modify to have 3D chunks if we have a multiband vrt
        if rds.count == 3 and len(filter_opts["chunks"]) != 3:
            # copy the users original 2D chunk and insert the third
            chunks = list(filter_opts["chunks"])
            chunks.insert(0, 3)
            filter_opts["chunks"] = chunks

        # dataset attributes
        if attrs:
            attrs = attrs.copy()
            attrs = {}

        attrs["geotransform"] = rds.transform.to_gdal()
        attrs["crs_wkt"] =
        attrs["nodata"] = rds.nodata

        # dataset creation options
        kwargs = compression.config(**filter_opts).dataset_compression_kwargs()
        kwargs["shape"] = dims
        kwargs["dtype"] = rds.dtypes[0]

        dataset = out_h5.create_dataset(dataset_name, **kwargs)
        attach_image_attributes(dataset, attrs)

        # tiled processing (all cols by chunked rows)
        ytile = filter_opts["chunks"][1] if rds.count == 3 else filter_opts["chunks"][0]
        tiles = generate_tiles(rds.width, rds.height, rds.width, ytile)

        for tile in tiles:
            # numpy index
            if rds.count == 3:
                idx = (
                    slice(tile[0][0], tile[0][1]),
                    slice(tile[1][0], tile[1][1]),
                idx = (slice(tile[0][0], tile[0][1]), slice(tile[1][0], tile[1][1]))

            # ensure single band rds is read as 2D not 3D
            data = if rds.count == 3 else, window=tile)

            # write
            dataset[idx] = data
Esempio n. 6
def write_img(array, filename, driver='GTiff', geobox=None, nodata=None,
              tags=None, options=None, cogtif=False, levels=None,
    Writes a 2D/3D image to disk using rasterio.

    :param array:
        A 2D/3D NumPy array.

    :param filename:
        A string containing the output file name.

    :param driver:
        A string containing a GDAL compliant image driver. Default is

    :param geobox:
        An instance of a GriddedGeoBox object.

    :param nodata:
        A value representing the no data value for the array.

    :param tags:
        A dictionary of dataset-level metadata.

    :param options:
        A dictionary containing other dataset creation options.
        See creation options for the respective GDAL formats.

    :param cogtif:
        If set to True, override the `driver` keyword with `GTiff`
        and create a Cloud Optimised GeoTiff. Default is False.

    :param levels:
        If cogtif is set to True, build overviews/pyramids
        according to levels. Default levels are [2, 4, 8, 16, 32].

    :param resampling:
        If cogtif is set to True, build overviews/pyramids using
        a resampling method from `rasterio.enums.Resampling`.
        Default is `Resampling.nearest`.

        If array is an instance of a `h5py.Dataset`, then the output
        file will include blocksizes based on the `h5py.Dataset's`
        chunks. To override the blocksizes, specify them using the
        `options` keyword. Eg {'blockxsize': 512, 'blockysize': 512}.
        If `cogtif` is set to True, the default blocksizes will be
        256x256. To override this behaviour, specify them using the
        `options` keyword. Eg {'blockxsize': 512, 'blockysize': 512}.
    # Get the datatype of the array
    dtype =

    # Check for excluded datatypes
    excluded_dtypes = ['int64', 'int8', 'uint64']
    if dtype in excluded_dtypes:
        msg = "Datatype not supported: {dt}".format(dt=dtype)
        raise TypeError(msg)

    # convert any bools to uin8
    if dtype == 'bool':
        array = np.uint8(array)
        dtype = 'uint8'

    ndims = array.ndim
    dims = array.shape

    # Get the (z, y, x) dimensions (assuming BSQ interleave)
    if ndims == 2:
        samples = dims[1]
        lines = dims[0]
        bands = 1
    elif ndims == 3:
        samples = dims[2]
        lines = dims[1]
        bands = dims[0]
        logging.error('Input array is not of 2 or 3 dimensions!!!')
        err = 'Array dimensions: {dims}'.format(dims=ndims)
        raise IndexError(err)

    # If we have a geobox, then retrieve the geotransform and projection
    if geobox is not None:
        transform = geobox.transform
        projection =
        transform = None
        projection = None

    # override the driver if we are creating a cogtif
    if cogtif:
        driver = 'GTiff'

    # compression predictor choices
    predictor = {'int8': 2,
                 'uint8': 2,
                 'int16': 2,
                 'uint16': 2,
                 'int32': 2,
                 'uint32': 2,
                 'int64': 2,
                 'uint64': 2,
                 'float32': 3,
                 'float64': 3}

    kwargs = {'count': bands,
              'width': samples,
              'height': lines,
              'crs': projection,
              'transform': transform,
              'dtype': dtype,
              'driver': driver,
              'nodata': nodata,
              'predictor': predictor[dtype]}

    if isinstance(array, h5py.Dataset):
        # TODO: if array is 3D get x & y chunks
        if array.chunks[1] == array.shape[1]:
            # GDAL doesn't like tiled or blocksize options to be set
            # the same length as the columns (probably true for rows as well)
            array = array[:]
            y_tile, x_tile = array.chunks
            tiles = generate_tiles(samples, lines, x_tile, y_tile)

            # add blocksizes to the creation keywords
            kwargs['tiled'] = 'yes'
            kwargs['blockxsize'] = x_tile
            kwargs['blockysize'] = y_tile

    # the user can override any derived blocksizes by supplying `options`
    if options is not None:
        for key in options:
            kwargs[key] = options[key]

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        out_fname = pjoin(tmpdir, basename(filename)) if cogtif else filename

        with, 'w', **kwargs) as outds:
            if bands == 1:
                if isinstance(array, h5py.Dataset):
                    for tile in tiles:
                        idx = (slice(tile[0][0], tile[0][1]),
                               slice(tile[1][0], tile[1][1]))
                        outds.write(array[idx], 1, window=tile)
                    outds.write(array, 1)
                if isinstance(array, h5py.Dataset):
                    for tile in tiles:
                        idx = (slice(tile[0][0], tile[0][1]),
                               slice(tile[1][0], tile[1][1]))
                        subs = array[:, idx[0], idx[1]]
                        for i in range(bands):
                            outds.write(subs[i], i + 1, window=tile)
                    for i in range(bands):
                        outds.write(array[i], i + 1)
            if tags is not None:

            # overviews/pyramids
            if cogtif:
                if levels is None:
                    levels = [2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
                outds.build_overviews(levels, resampling)

        if cogtif:
            cmd = ['gdal_translate',
                   '{}={}'.format('PREDICTOR', predictor[dtype])]

            for key, value in options.items():
                cmd.extend(['-co', '{}={}'.format(key, value)])

            cmd.extend([out_fname, filename])

            subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=dirname(filename))
Esempio n. 7
def convert_file(fname,
    Convert generic single band image file to HDF5.
    Processes in a tiled fashion to minimise memory use.
    Will process all columns by n (default 256) rows at a time,
    where n can be specified via command line using:
    --filter-opts '{"chunks": (n, xsize)}'

    :param fname:
        A str containing the raster filename.

    :param out_fname:
        A str containing the output filename for the HDF5 file.

    :param dataset_name:
        A str containing the dataset name to use in the HDF5 file.

    :param compression:
        The compression filter to use.
        Default is H5CompressionFilter.LZF

    :param filter_opts:
        A dict of key value pairs available to the given configuration
        instance of H5CompressionFilter. For example
        H5CompressionFilter.LZF has the keywords *chunks* and *shuffle*
        Default is None, which will use the default settings for the
        chosen H5CompressionFilter instance.

    :param attrs:
        A dict containing any attribute information to be attached
        to the HDF5 Dataset.

        None. Content is written directly to disk.
    # opening as `append` mode allows us to add additional datasets
    with h5py.File(out_fname) as fid:
        with as ds:

            # create empty or copy the user supplied filter options
            if not filter_opts:
                filter_opts = dict()
                filter_opts = filter_opts.copy()

            # use sds native chunks if none are provided
            if 'chunks' not in filter_opts:
                filter_opts['chunks'] = (256, 256)

            # read all cols for n rows (ytile), as the GA's DEM is BSQ interleaved
            ytile = filter_opts['chunks'][0]

            # dataset attributes
            if attrs:
                attrs = attrs.copy()
                attrs = {}

            attrs['geotransform'] = ds.transform.to_gdal()
            attrs['crs_wkt'] =

            # dataset creation options
            kwargs = compression.config(
            kwargs['shape'] = (ds.height, ds.width)
            kwargs['dtype'] = ds.dtypes[0]

            dataset_name = ppjoin(group_name, dataset_name)
            dataset = fid.create_dataset(dataset_name, **kwargs)
            attach_image_attributes(dataset, attrs)

            # process each tile
            for tile in generate_tiles(ds.width, ds.height, ds.width, ytile):
                idx = (slice(tile[0][0],
                             tile[0][1]), slice(tile[1][0], tile[1][1]))
                data =, window=tile)
                dataset[idx] = data
Esempio n. 8
def convert_file(
    fname: Path,
    out_h5: h5py.Group,
    out_dataset_path: str = "SWFO-DSM",
    Convert generic single band image file to HDF5.
    Processes in a tiled fashion to minimise memory use.
    Will process all columns by n (default 256) rows at a time,
    where n can be specified via command line using:
    --filter-opts '{"chunks": (n, xsize)}'

    :param fname:
        A str containing the raster filename.

    :param out_fname:
        A str containing the output filename for the HDF5 file.

    :param dataset_name:
        A str containing the dataset name to use in the HDF5 file.

    :param compression:
        The compression filter to use.
        Default is H5CompressionFilter.LZF

    :param filter_opts:
        A dict of key value pairs available to the given configuration
        instance of H5CompressionFilter. For example
        H5CompressionFilter.LZF has the keywords *chunks* and *shuffle*
        Default is None, which will use the default settings for the
        chosen H5CompressionFilter instance.

    :param attrs:
        A dict containing any attribute information to be attached
        to the HDF5 Dataset.

        None. Content is written directly to disk.
    with, "r") as ds:

        # create empty or copy the user supplied filter options
        if not filter_opts:
            filter_opts = dict()
            filter_opts = filter_opts.copy()

        # use sds native chunks if none are provided
        if "chunks" not in filter_opts:
            filter_opts["chunks"] = (min(256, ds.height), min(256, ds.width))

        # read all cols for n rows (ytile), as the GA's DEM is BSQ interleaved
        ytile = filter_opts["chunks"][0]

        # dataset attributes
        if attrs:
            attrs = attrs.copy()
            attrs = {}
        attrs["geotransform"] = ds.transform.to_gdal()
        attrs["crs_wkt"] =

        # dataset creation options
        kwargs = compression.config(**filter_opts).dataset_compression_kwargs()
        kwargs["shape"] = (ds.height, ds.width)
        kwargs["dtype"] = ds.dtypes[0]

        dataset = out_h5.create_dataset(out_dataset_path, **kwargs)
        attach_image_attributes(dataset, attrs)

        # process each tile
        for tile in generate_tiles(ds.width, ds.height, ds.width, ytile):
            idx = (slice(tile[0][0],
                         tile[0][1]), slice(tile[1][0], tile[1][1]))
            data =, window=tile)
            dataset[idx] = data

        assert ds.count == 1  # checksum call assumes single band image
        metadata = {

    return [metadata], [out_dataset_path]
Esempio n. 9
def mndwi(wagl_h5_file, granule, out_fname):
    Computes the mndwi for a given granule in a wagl h5 file.

    wagl_h5_file : str
        wagl-water-atcor generated h5 file

    granule : str
        Group path of the granule within the h5 file

    out_fname : str
        Output filename of the h5 file

    # specify the reflectance products to use in generating mndwi
    products = ["LMBADJ"]

    # specify the resampling approach for the SWIR band
    resample_approach = Resampling.bilinear

    h5_fid = h5py.File(out_fname, "w")

    # find the granule index in the wagl_h5_file
    fid = h5py.File(wagl_h5_file, "r")
    granule_fid = fid[granule]
    paths = find(granule_fid, "IMAGE")

    # get platform name
    md = yaml.load(fid[granule + "/METADATA/CURRENT"][()],
    platform_id = md["source_datasets"]["platform_id"]

    # store mndwi-based products into a group
    mndwi_grp = h5_fid.create_group("mndwi")

    for i, prod in enumerate(products):

        # search the h5 groups & get paths to the green and swir bands
        green_path, swir_path = get_mndwi_bands(granule, platform_id, prod,

        green_ds = granule_fid[green_path]
        chunks = green_ds.chunks
        nRows, nCols = green_ds.shape
        geobox = GriddedGeoBox.from_dataset(green_ds)
        nodata = green_ds.attrs["no_data_value"]

        # create output h5 attributes
        desc = "MNDWI derived with {0} and {1} ({2} reflectances)".format(

        attrs = {
            "geotransform": geobox.transform.to_gdal(),
            "no_data_value": nodata,
            "granule": granule,
            "description": desc,
            "platform": platform_id,
            "spatial_resolution": abs(geobox.transform.a),

        if platform_id.startswith("SENTINEL_2"):
            # we need to upscale the swir band
            swir_ds = granule_fid[swir_path]
            swir_im = reproject_array_to_array(
            attrs["SWIR_resampling_method"] =

            swir_im = granule_fid[swir_path][:]

        # ------------------------- #
        #  Compute mndwi via tiles  #
        #   and save tiles to h5    #
        # ------------------------- #
        tiles = generate_tiles(samples=nRows,

        # create mndwi dataset
        mndwi_ds = mndwi_grp.create_dataset(
            shape=(nRows, nCols),

        for tile in tiles:
            green_tile = green_ds[tile]
            swir_tile = swir_im[tile]
            mndwi_tile = compute_mndwi(green_tile, swir_tile)

            # perform masking
            mask = ((green_tile == nodata)
                    | (swir_tile == nodata)
                    | (~np.isfinite(mndwi_tile)))
            mndwi_tile[mask] = nodata

            mndwi_ds[tile] = mndwi_tile

        # add attrs to dataset
        attach_image_attributes(mndwi_ds, attrs)

Esempio n. 10
def write_img(array, filename, driver='GTiff', geobox=None, nodata=None,
              tags=None, options=None, levels=None,
              resampling=Resampling.nearest, config_options=None):
    Writes a 2D/3D image to disk using rasterio.

    :param array:
        A 2D/3D NumPy array.

    :param filename:
        A string containing the output file name.

    :param driver:
        A string containing a GDAL compliant image driver. Default is

    :param geobox:
        An instance of a GriddedGeoBox object.

    :param nodata:
        A value representing the no data value for the array.

    :param tags:
        A dictionary of dataset-level metadata.

    :param options:
        A dictionary containing other dataset creation options.
        See creation options for the respective GDAL formats.

    :param levels:
        build overviews/pyramids according to levels

    :param resampling:
        If levels is set, build overviews using a resampling method
        from `rasterio.enums.Resampling`
        Default is `Resampling.nearest`.

    :param config_options:
        A dictionary containing the options to configure GDAL's
        environment's default configurations

        If array is an instance of a `h5py.Dataset`, then the output
        file will include blocksizes based on the `h5py.Dataset's`
        chunks. To override the blocksizes, specify them using the
        `options` keyword. Eg {'blockxsize': 512, 'blockysize': 512}.
    # Get the datatype of the array
    dtype =

    # Check for excluded datatypes
    excluded_dtypes = ['int64', 'int8', 'uint64']
    if dtype in excluded_dtypes:
        msg = "Datatype not supported: {dt}".format(dt=dtype)
        raise TypeError(msg)

    # convert any bools to uin8
    if dtype == 'bool':
        array = np.uint8(array)
        dtype = 'uint8'

    ndims = array.ndim
    dims = array.shape

    # Get the (z, y, x) dimensions (assuming BSQ interleave)
    if ndims == 2:
        samples = dims[1]
        lines = dims[0]
        bands = 1
    elif ndims == 3:
        samples = dims[2]
        lines = dims[1]
        bands = dims[0]
        _LOG.error('Input array is not of 2 or 3 dimensions!!!')
        err = 'Array dimensions: {dims}'.format(dims=ndims)
        raise IndexError(err)

    # If we have a geobox, then retrieve the geotransform and projection
    if geobox is not None:
        transform = geobox.transform
        projection =
        transform = None
        projection = None

    # compression predictor choices
    predictor = {'int8': 2,
                 'uint8': 2,
                 'int16': 2,
                 'uint16': 2,
                 'int32': 2,
                 'uint32': 2,
                 'int64': 2,
                 'uint64': 2,
                 'float32': 3,
                 'float64': 3}

    kwargs = {'count': bands,
              'width': samples,
              'height': lines,
              'crs': projection,
              'transform': transform,
              'dtype': dtype,
              'driver': driver,
              'nodata': nodata,
              'predictor': predictor[dtype]}

    if isinstance(array, h5py.Dataset):
        # TODO: if array is 3D get x & y chunks
        if array.chunks[1] == array.shape[1]:
            # GDAL doesn't like tiled or blocksize options to be set
            # the same length as the columns (probably true for rows as well)
            array = array[:]
            y_tile, x_tile = array.chunks
            tiles = generate_tiles(samples, lines, x_tile, y_tile)

            if 'tiled' in options:
                kwargs['blockxsize'] = options.pop('blockxsize', x_tile)
                kwargs['blockysize'] = options.pop('blockysize', y_tile)

    # the user can override any derived blocksizes by supplying `options`
    # handle case where no options are provided
    options = options or {}
    for key in options:
        kwargs[key] = options[key]

    def _rasterio_write_raster(filename):
        This is a wrapper around rasterio writing tiles to
        enable writing to a temporary location before rearranging
        the overviews within the file by gdal when required
        with, 'w', **kwargs) as outds:
            if bands == 1:
                if isinstance(array, h5py.Dataset):
                    for tile in tiles:
                        idx = (slice(tile[0][0], tile[0][1]),
                               slice(tile[1][0], tile[1][1]))
                        outds.write(array[idx], 1, window=tile)
                    outds.write(array, 1)
                if isinstance(array, h5py.Dataset):
                    for tile in tiles:
                        idx = (slice(tile[0][0], tile[0][1]),
                               slice(tile[1][0], tile[1][1]))
                        subs = array[:, idx[0], idx[1]]
                        for i in range(bands):
                            outds.write(subs[i], i + 1, window=tile)
                    for i in range(bands):
                        outds.write(array[i], i + 1)
            if tags is not None:

            # overviews/pyramids to disk
            if levels:
                outds.build_overviews(levels, resampling)

    if not levels:
        # write directly to disk without rewriting with gdal
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
            out_fname = pjoin(tmpdir, basename(filename))

            # first write to a temporary location
            # Creates the file at filename with the configured options
            # Will also move the overviews to the start of the file
            cmd = ['gdal_translate',
                   '{}={}'.format('PREDICTOR', predictor[dtype])]

            for key, value in options.items():
                cmd.extend(['-co', '{}={}'.format(key, value)])

            if config_options:
                for key, value in config_options.items():
                    cmd.extend(['--config', '{}'.format(key), '{}'.format(value)])

            cmd.extend([out_fname, filename])
            subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=dirname(filename))
Esempio n. 11
def exiting_angles(satellite_solar_group,
    Calculates the exiting angle and the azimuthal exiting angle.

    :param satellite_solar_group:
        The root HDF5 `Group` that contains the satellite view and
        satellite azimuth datasets specified by the pathnames given by:

        * DatasetName.SATELLITE_VIEW
        * DatasetName.SATELLITE_AZIMUTH
    :param slope_aspect_group:
        The root HDF5 `Group` that contains the slope and aspect
        datasets specified by the pathnames given by:

        * DatasetName.SLOPE
        * DatasetName.ASPECT

    :param out_group:
        If set to None (default) then the results will be returned
        as an in-memory hdf5 file, i.e. the `core` driver. Otherwise,
        a writeable HDF5 `Group` object.

        The dataset names will be as follows:

        * DatasetName.EXITING
        * DatasetName.AZIMUTHAL_EXITING

    :param compression:
        The compression filter to use.
        Default is H5CompressionFilter.LZF 

        A dict of key value pairs available to the given configuration
        instance of H5CompressionFilter. For example
        H5CompressionFilter.LZF has the keywords *chunks* and *shuffle*
        Default is None, which will use the default settings for the
        chosen H5CompressionFilter instance.

        An opened `h5py.File` object, that is either in-memory using the
        `core` driver, or on disk.
    # dataset arrays
    dname = DatasetName.SATELLITE_VIEW.value
    satellite_view_dataset = satellite_solar_group[dname]
    dname = DatasetName.SATELLITE_AZIMUTH.value
    satellite_azimuth_dataset = satellite_solar_group[dname]
    slope_dataset = slope_aspect_group[DatasetName.SLOPE.value]
    aspect_dataset = slope_aspect_group[DatasetName.ASPECT.value]

    geobox = GriddedGeoBox.from_dataset(satellite_view_dataset)
    shape = geobox.get_shape_yx()
    rows, cols = shape
    crs =

    # Initialise the output files
    if out_group is None:
        fid = h5py.File('exiting-angles.h5',
        fid = out_group

    if GroupName.EXITING_GROUP.value not in fid:

    if filter_opts is None:
        filter_opts = {}

    grp = fid[GroupName.EXITING_GROUP.value]
    tile_size = satellite_view_dataset.chunks
    filter_opts['chunks'] = tile_size
    kwargs = compression.config(**filter_opts).dataset_compression_kwargs()
    no_data = -999
    kwargs['shape'] = shape
    kwargs['fillvalue'] = no_data
    kwargs['dtype'] = 'float32'

    # output datasets
    dataset_name = DatasetName.EXITING.value
    exiting_dset = grp.create_dataset(dataset_name, **kwargs)
    dataset_name = DatasetName.AZIMUTHAL_EXITING.value
    azi_exit_dset = grp.create_dataset(dataset_name, **kwargs)

    # attach some attributes to the image datasets
    attrs = {
        'crs_wkt': crs,
        'geotransform': geobox.transform.to_gdal(),
        'no_data_value': no_data
    desc = "Contains the exiting angles in degrees."
    attrs['description'] = desc
    attrs['alias'] = 'exiting'
    attach_image_attributes(exiting_dset, attrs)

    desc = "Contains the azimuthal exiting angles in degrees."
    attrs['description'] = desc
    attrs['alias'] = 'azimuthal-exiting'
    attach_image_attributes(azi_exit_dset, attrs)

    # process by tile
    for tile in generate_tiles(cols, rows, tile_size[1], tile_size[0]):
        # Row and column start and end locations
        ystart = tile[0][0]
        xstart = tile[1][0]
        yend = tile[0][1]
        xend = tile[1][1]
        idx = (slice(ystart, yend), slice(xstart, xend))

        # Tile size
        ysize = yend - ystart
        xsize = xend - xstart

        # Read the data for the current tile
        # Convert to required datatype and transpose
        sat_view = as_array(satellite_view_dataset[idx],
        sat_azi = as_array(satellite_azimuth_dataset[idx],
        slope = as_array(slope_dataset[idx],
        aspect = as_array(aspect_dataset[idx],

        # Initialise the work arrays
        exiting = numpy.zeros((ysize, xsize), dtype='float32')
        azi_exiting = numpy.zeros((ysize, xsize), dtype='float32')

        # Process the current tile
        exiting_angle(xsize, ysize, sat_view, sat_azi, slope, aspect,
                      exiting.transpose(), azi_exiting.transpose())

        # Write the current to disk
        exiting_dset[idx] = exiting
        azi_exit_dset[idx] = azi_exiting

    if out_group is None:
        return fid
Esempio n. 12
def calc_contiguity_mask(acquisitions, platform_id):
    Determines locations of null values.

    Null values for every band are located in order to create band

    :param acquisitions:
        A `list` of `acquisition` objects.

    :param platform_id:
        A `str` containing the platform id as given by

        A single ndarray determining band/pixel contiguity. 1 for
        contiguous, 0 for non-contiguous.

        Attempts to flag thermal anomolies for Landsat 5TM as well.
    cols = acquisitions[0].samples
    rows = acquisitions[0].lines
    tiles = list(generate_tiles(cols, rows, cols))

    logging.debug('Determining pixel contiguity')
    # Create mask array with True for all pixels which are non-zero in all
    # bands
    mask = numpy.zeros((rows, cols), dtype='bool')

    for tile in tiles:
        idx = (slice(tile[0][0], tile[0][1]), slice(tile[1][0], tile[1][1]))
        stack, _ = stack_data(acquisitions, window=tile)
        mask[idx] = stack.all(0)

    # The following is only valid for Landsat 5 images
    logging.debug('calc_contiguity_mask: platform_id=%s', platform_id)
    if platform_id == 'LANDSAT_5':
        logging.debug('Finding thermal edge anomalies')
        # Apply thermal edge anomalies
        struct = numpy.ones((7, 7), dtype='bool')
        erode = ndimage.binary_erosion(mask, structure=struct)

        dims = mask.shape
        th_anom = numpy.zeros(dims, dtype='bool').flatten()

        pix_3buff_mask = mask - erode
        pix_3buff_mask[pix_3buff_mask > 0] = 1
        edge = pix_3buff_mask == 1

        low_sat = acquisitions[5].data() == 1
        low_sat_buff = ndimage.binary_dilation(low_sat, structure=struct)

        s = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]
        low_sat, _ = ndimage.label(low_sat_buff, structure=s)

        labels = low_sat[edge]
        ulabels = numpy.unique(labels[labels > 0])

        # Histogram method, a lot faster
        mx = numpy.max(ulabels)
        h = histogram(low_sat, minv=0, maxv=mx, reverse_indices='ri')
        hist = h['histogram']
        ri = h['ri']

        for i in numpy.arange(ulabels.shape[0]):
            if hist[ulabels[i]] == 0:
            th_anom[ri[ri[ulabels[i]]:ri[ulabels[i] + 1]]] = True

        th_anom = ~(th_anom.reshape(dims))
        mask &= th_anom

    return mask
Esempio n. 13
 def test_exception_1(self):
     """Test empty image:"""
     for (samples, lines, xtile, ytile) in self.exception_input1:
         tiles_list = list(generate_tiles(samples, lines, xtile, ytile))
         self.assertEqual(tiles_list, [], "Expected an empty tile list.")
Esempio n. 14
def incident_angles(
    Calculates the incident angle and the azimuthal incident angle.

    :param satellite_solar_group:
        The root HDF5 `Group` that contains the solar zenith and
        solar azimuth datasets specified by the pathnames given by:

        * DatasetName.SOLAR_ZENITH
        * DatasetName.SOLAR_AZIMUTH

    :param slope_aspect_group:
        The root HDF5 `Group` that contains the slope and aspect
        datasets specified by the pathnames given by:

        * DatasetName.SLOPE
        * DatasetName.ASPECT

    :param out_group:
        If set to None (default) then the results will be returned
        as an in-memory hdf5 file, i.e. the `core` driver. Otherwise,
        a writeable HDF5 `Group` object.

        The dataset names will be as follows:

        * DatasetName.INCIDENT
        * DatasetName.AZIMUTHAL_INCIDENT

    :param compression:
        The compression filter to use.
        Default is H5CompressionFilter.LZF

        A dict of key value pairs available to the given configuration
        instance of H5CompressionFilter. For example
        H5CompressionFilter.LZF has the keywords *chunks* and *shuffle*
        Default is None, which will use the default settings for the
        chosen H5CompressionFilter instance.

        An opened `h5py.File` object, that is either in-memory using the
        `core` driver, or on disk.
    # dataset arrays
    dname = DatasetName.SOLAR_ZENITH.value
    solar_zenith_dataset = satellite_solar_group[dname]
    dname = DatasetName.SOLAR_AZIMUTH.value
    solar_azimuth_dataset = satellite_solar_group[dname]
    slope_dataset = slope_aspect_group[DatasetName.SLOPE.value]
    aspect_dataset = slope_aspect_group[DatasetName.ASPECT.value]

    geobox = GriddedGeoBox.from_dataset(solar_zenith_dataset)
    shape = geobox.get_shape_yx()
    rows, cols = shape
    crs =

    # Initialise the output files
    if out_group is None:
        fid = h5py.File("incident-angles.h5",
        fid = out_group

    if GroupName.INCIDENT_GROUP.value not in fid:

    if filter_opts is None:
        filter_opts = {}

    grp = fid[GroupName.INCIDENT_GROUP.value]
    tile_size = solar_zenith_dataset.chunks
    filter_opts["chunks"] = tile_size
    kwargs = compression.config(**filter_opts).dataset_compression_kwargs()
    no_data = numpy.nan
    kwargs["shape"] = shape
    kwargs["fillvalue"] = no_data
    kwargs["dtype"] = "float32"

    # output datasets
    dataset_name = DatasetName.INCIDENT.value
    incident_dset = grp.create_dataset(dataset_name, **kwargs)
    dataset_name = DatasetName.AZIMUTHAL_INCIDENT.value
    azi_inc_dset = grp.create_dataset(dataset_name, **kwargs)

    # attach some attributes to the image datasets
    attrs = {
        "crs_wkt": crs,
        "geotransform": geobox.transform.to_gdal(),
        "no_data_value": no_data,
    desc = "Contains the incident angles in degrees."
    attrs["description"] = desc
    attrs["alias"] = "incident"
    attach_image_attributes(incident_dset, attrs)

    desc = "Contains the azimuthal incident angles in degrees."
    attrs["description"] = desc
    attrs["alias"] = "azimuthal-incident"
    attach_image_attributes(azi_inc_dset, attrs)

    # process by tile
    for tile in generate_tiles(cols, rows, tile_size[1], tile_size[0]):
        # Row and column start and end locations
        ystart = tile[0][0]
        xstart = tile[1][0]
        yend = tile[0][1]
        xend = tile[1][1]
        idx = (slice(ystart, yend), slice(xstart, xend))

        # Tile size
        ysize = yend - ystart
        xsize = xend - xstart

        # Read the data for the current tile
        # Convert to required datatype and transpose
        sol_zen = as_array(solar_zenith_dataset[idx],
        sol_azi = as_array(solar_azimuth_dataset[idx],
        slope = as_array(slope_dataset[idx],
        aspect = as_array(aspect_dataset[idx],

        # Initialise the work arrays
        incident = numpy.zeros((ysize, xsize), dtype="float32")
        azi_incident = numpy.zeros((ysize, xsize), dtype="float32")

        # Process the current tile

        # Write the current tile to disk
        incident_dset[idx] = incident
        azi_inc_dset[idx] = azi_incident

    if out_group is None:
        return fid
Esempio n. 15
def relative_azimuth_slope(
    Calculates the relative azimuth angle on the slope surface.

    :param incident_angles_group:
        The root HDF5 `Group` that contains the azimuthal incident
        angle dataset specified by the pathname given by:

        * DatasetName.AZIMUTHAL_INCIDENT

    :param exiting_angles_group:
        The root HDF5 `Group` that contains the azimuthal exiting
        angle dataset specified by the pathname given by:

        * DatasetName.AZIMUTHAL_EXITING

    :param out_group:
        If set to None (default) then the results will be returned
        as an in-memory hdf5 file, i.e. the `core` driver. Otherwise,
        a writeable HDF5 `Group` object.

        The dataset names will be as follows:

        * DatasetName.RELATIVE_SLOPE

    :param compression:
        The compression filter to use.
        Default is H5CompressionFilter.LZF

        A dict of key value pairs available to the given configuration
        instance of H5CompressionFilter. For example
        H5CompressionFilter.LZF has the keywords *chunks* and *shuffle*
        Default is None, which will use the default settings for the
        chosen H5CompressionFilter instance.

        An opened `h5py.File` object, that is either in-memory using the
        `core` driver, or on disk.
    # dataset arrays
    dname = DatasetName.AZIMUTHAL_INCIDENT.value
    azimuth_incident_dataset = incident_angles_group[dname]
    dname = DatasetName.AZIMUTHAL_EXITING.value
    azimuth_exiting_dataset = exiting_angles_group[dname]

    geobox = GriddedGeoBox.from_dataset(azimuth_incident_dataset)
    shape = geobox.get_shape_yx()
    rows, cols = shape
    crs =

    # Initialise the output files
    if out_group is None:
        fid = h5py.File("relative-azimuth-angles.h5",
        fid = out_group

    if GroupName.REL_SLP_GROUP.value not in fid:

    if filter_opts is None:
        filter_opts = {}

    grp = fid[GroupName.REL_SLP_GROUP.value]
    tile_size = azimuth_incident_dataset.chunks
    filter_opts["chunks"] = tile_size
    kwargs = compression.config(**filter_opts).dataset_compression_kwargs()
    no_data = numpy.nan
    kwargs["shape"] = shape
    kwargs["fillvalue"] = no_data
    kwargs["dtype"] = "float32"

    # output datasets
    out_dset = grp.create_dataset(DatasetName.RELATIVE_SLOPE.value, **kwargs)

    # attach some attributes to the image datasets
    attrs = {
        "crs_wkt": crs,
        "geotransform": geobox.transform.to_gdal(),
        "no_data_value": no_data,
    desc = "Contains the relative azimuth angles on the slope surface in " "degrees."
    attrs["description"] = desc
    attrs["alias"] = "relative-slope"
    attach_image_attributes(out_dset, attrs)

    # process by tile
    for tile in generate_tiles(cols, rows, tile_size[1], tile_size[0]):
        # Row and column start and end locations
        ystart, yend = tile[0]
        xstart, xend = tile[1]
        idx = (slice(ystart, yend), slice(xstart, xend))

        # Read the data for the current tile
        azi_inc = azimuth_incident_dataset[idx]
        azi_exi = azimuth_exiting_dataset[idx]

        # Process the tile
        rel_azi = azi_inc - azi_exi
        rel_azi[rel_azi <= -180.0] += 360.0
        rel_azi[rel_azi > 180.0] -= 360.0

        # Write the current tile to disk
        out_dset[idx] = rel_azi

    if out_group is None:
        return fid
Esempio n. 16
def combine_shadow_masks(self_shadow_group,
    A convienice function for combining the shadow masks into a single
    boolean array.

    :param self_shadow_group:
        The root HDF5 `Group` that contains the self shadow
        dataset specified by the pathname given by:

        * DatasetName.SELF_SHADOW

    :param cast_shadow_sun_group:
        The root HDF5 `Group` that contains the cast shadow
        (solar direction) dataset specified by the pathname
        given by:

        * DatasetName.CAST_SHADOW_FMT

    :param cast_shadow_sun_group:
        The root HDF5 `Group` that contains the cast shadow
        (satellite direction) dataset specified by the pathname
        given by:

        * DatasetName.CAST_SHDADOW_FMT

    :param out_group:
        If set to None (default) then the results will be returned
        as an in-memory hdf5 file, i.e. the `core` driver. Otherwise,
        a writeable HDF5 `Group` object.

        The dataset names will be given by the format string detailed

        * DatasetName.COMBINED_SHADOW

    :param compression:
        The compression filter to use.
        Default is H5CompressionFilter.LZF 

        A dict of key value pairs available to the given configuration
        instance of H5CompressionFilter. For example
        H5CompressionFilter.LZF has the keywords *chunks* and *shuffle*
        Default is None, which will use the default settings for the
        chosen H5CompressionFilter instance.

        An opened `h5py.File` object, that is either in-memory using the
        `core` driver, or on disk.
    # access the datasets
    dname_fmt = DatasetName.CAST_SHADOW_FMT.value
    self_shad = self_shadow_group[DatasetName.SELF_SHADOW.value]
    cast_sun = cast_shadow_sun_group[dname_fmt.format(source='SUN')]
    dname = dname_fmt.format(source='SATELLITE')
    cast_sat = cast_shadow_satellite_group[dname]
    geobox = GriddedGeoBox.from_dataset(self_shad)

    # Initialise the output files
    if out_group is None:
        fid = h5py.File('combined-shadow.h5',
        fid = out_group

    if GroupName.SHADOW_GROUP.value not in fid:

    if filter_opts is None:
        filter_opts = {}
        filter_opts = filter_opts.copy()

    grp = fid[GroupName.SHADOW_GROUP.value]
    tile_size = cast_sun.chunks
    filter_opts['chunks'] = tile_size
    kwargs = compression.config(**filter_opts).dataset_compression_kwargs()
    cols, rows = geobox.get_shape_xy()
    kwargs['shape'] = (rows, cols)
    kwargs['dtype'] = 'bool'

    # output dataset
    out_dset = grp.create_dataset(DatasetName.COMBINED_SHADOW.value, **kwargs)

    # attach some attributes to the image datasets
    attrs = {
        'geotransform': geobox.transform.to_gdal()
    desc = ("Combined shadow masks: 1. self shadow, "
            "2. cast shadow (solar direction), "
            "3. cast shadow (satellite direction).")
    attrs['description'] = desc
    attrs['mask_values'] = "False = Shadow; True = Non Shadow"
    attrs['alias'] = 'terrain-shadow'
    attach_image_attributes(out_dset, attrs)

    # process by tile
    for tile in generate_tiles(cols, rows, tile_size[1], tile_size[0]):
        # Row and column start locations
        ystart, yend = tile[0]
        xstart, xend = tile[1]
        idx = (slice(ystart, yend), slice(xstart, xend))

        out_dset[idx] = (self_shad[idx] & cast_sun[idx] & cast_sat[idx])

    if out_group is None:
        return fid
Esempio n. 17
def self_shadow(incident_angles_group,
    Computes the self shadow mask.

    :param incident_angles_group:
        The root HDF5 `Group` that contains the incident
        angle dataset specified by the pathname given by:

        * DatasetName.INCIDENT

    :param exiting_angles_group:
        The root HDF5 `Group` that contains the exiting
        angle dataset specified by the pathname given by:

        * DatasetName.EXITING

    :param out_group:
        If set to None (default) then the results will be returned
        as an in-memory hdf5 file, i.e. the `core` driver. Otherwise,
        a writeable HDF5 `Group` object.
        The dataset name will be given by:

        * DatasetName.SELF_SHADOW

    :param compression:
        The compression filter to use.
        Default is H5CompressionFilter.LZF 

        A dict of key value pairs available to the given configuration
        instance of H5CompressionFilter. For example
        H5CompressionFilter.LZF has the keywords *chunks* and *shuffle*
        Default is None, which will use the default settings for the
        chosen H5CompressionFilter instance.

        An opened `h5py.File` object, that is either in-memory using the
        `core` driver, or on disk.
    incident_angle = incident_angles_group[DatasetName.INCIDENT.value]
    exiting_angle = exiting_angles_group[DatasetName.EXITING.value]
    geobox = GriddedGeoBox.from_dataset(incident_angle)

    # Initialise the output file
    if out_group is None:
        fid = h5py.File('self-shadow.h5', driver='core', backing_store=False)
        fid = out_group

    if filter_opts is None:
        filter_opts = {}
        filter_opts = filter_opts.copy()

    if GroupName.SHADOW_GROUP.value not in fid:

    grp = fid[GroupName.SHADOW_GROUP.value]

    tile_size = exiting_angle.chunks
    filter_opts['chunks'] = tile_size
    kwargs = compression.config(**filter_opts).dataset_compression_kwargs()
    cols, rows = geobox.get_shape_xy()
    kwargs['shape'] = (rows, cols)
    kwargs['dtype'] = 'bool'

    # output dataset
    dataset_name = DatasetName.SELF_SHADOW.value
    out_dset = grp.create_dataset(dataset_name, **kwargs)

    # attach some attributes to the image datasets
    attrs = {
        'geotransform': geobox.transform.to_gdal()
    desc = "Self shadow mask derived using the incident and exiting angles."
    attrs['description'] = desc
    attrs['alias'] = 'self-shadow'
    attach_image_attributes(out_dset, attrs)

    # process by tile
    for tile in generate_tiles(cols, rows, tile_size[1], tile_size[0]):
        # Row and column start locations
        ystart, yend = tile[0]
        xstart, xend = tile[1]
        idx = (slice(ystart, yend), slice(xstart, xend))

        # Read the data for the current tile
        inc = numpy.radians(incident_angle[idx])
        exi = numpy.radians(exiting_angle[idx])

        # Process the tile
        mask = numpy.ones(inc.shape, dtype='uint8')
        mask[numpy.cos(inc) <= 0.0] = 0
        mask[numpy.cos(exi) <= 0.0] = 0

        # Write the current tile to disk
        out_dset[idx] = mask

    if out_group is None:
        return fid