def loadUIFiles(self): self._sheetPrototypes = {} prefs = [] import wallaby.frontends as frontends from twisted.plugin import getCache for p in FX.packagePath(FX.appModule + ".prefs"): prefs.append(p) for frontend in getCache(frontends): for p in FX.packagePath("wallaby.frontends." + frontend + ".prefs"): prefs.append(p) import os for path in prefs: root = re.sub(r'[/\\]','.', path).replace('..', '') root = re.sub(r'^.*wallaby\.', 'wallaby.', root) files = os.listdir(path) for file in files: if '.py' in file and '.pyc' not in file and 'UI_' in file: basename, ext = os.path.splitext(file) if ext == '.py': mod = FX.imp(root + '.' + basename) print "Loading prefs sheet", root + '.' + basename, mod if mod == None: continue import string cls = basename[0] + string.lower(basename[1]) + basename[2] + string.upper(basename[3]) + basename[4:] sheetName = unicode(basename.replace('UI_', '')) if not cls in mod.__dict__: continue self._sheetPrototypes[sheetName] = mod.__dict__[cls]
def get(room): if room in (None, ""): room = "None" if not room in House.rooms: if FX.appModule: app = FX.appModule if room in ("__CONFIG__", "__WIDGETQUERY__"): app = "wallaby.apps.inspector" try: from twisted.plugin import getCache pkg = __import__(app + '.rooms', globals(), locals(), ["*"], 0) modules = getCache(pkg) if room.lower() in modules: mod = FX.imp(app + '.rooms.' + room.lower()) if mod: cls = room.capitalize() if cls in mod.__dict__: ctx = House.rooms[room] = mod.__dict__[cls](room) return ctx except: pass # No room template found. Create generic room House.rooms[room] = Room(room) return House.rooms[room]
def scan(self, peers=None): fqPeers = [] if peers is None: import as peers from twisted.plugin import getCache peers = getCache(peers) root = "" for peer in peers: fqPeers.append(root + "." + peer) else: fqPeers = peers for fqPeer in fqPeers: mod = FX.imp(fqPeer) root, basename = fqPeer.rsplit('.', 1) if mod == None: continue cls = string.upper(basename[0]) + basename[1:] if not cls in mod.__dict__: continue fqn = root + '.' + basename + '.' + cls self._fqn[cls] = fqn if"\.room", root) != None: self._rooms[cls] = mod.__dict__[cls] else: self._peers[cls] = mod.__dict__[cls] self._objectTypes[fqn] = mod.__dict__[cls].ObjectType for base in mod.__dict__[cls].__bases__: fqBase = base.__module__ + '.' + base.__name__ if not fqBase in self._extendedBy: self._extendedBy[fqBase] = set() self._extendedBy[fqBase].add(fqn) if not fqn in self._bases: self._bases[fqn] = set() self._bases[fqn].add(fqBase) if 'Receiving' in mod.__dict__[cls].__dict__: for fqa in mod.__dict__[cls].Receiving: pillow = None try: pillow = fqa.split('.')[2] except: print "Split error:", fqa pillow = pillow.replace('!', '') fqa = fqa.replace('!', '') if not pillow in self._inBoundPillows: self._inBoundPillows[pillow] = [] if not fqa in self._inBoundPillowsFQ: self._inBoundPillowsFQ[fqa] = [] if not fqn in self._inBoundPillowsPerPeer: self._inBoundPillowsPerPeer[fqn] = [] self._inBoundPillows[pillow].append(fqn) self._inBoundPillowsFQ[fqa].append(fqn) self._inBoundPillowsPerPeer[fqn].append(fqa) for pillow in mod.__dict__[cls].InPillows: pillow = pillow.replace('!', '') fqa = cls + '.In.' + pillow fqa = fqa.replace('!', '') if not pillow in self._inBoundPillows: self._inBoundPillows[pillow] = [] if not fqa in self._inBoundPillowsFQ: self._inBoundPillowsFQ[fqa] = [] if not fqn in self._inBoundPillowsPerPeer: self._inBoundPillowsPerPeer[fqn] = [] self._inBoundPillows[pillow].append(fqn) self._inBoundPillowsFQ[fqa].append(fqn) self._inBoundPillowsPerPeer[fqn].append(fqa) if 'Sending' in mod.__dict__[cls].__dict__: for fqa in mod.__dict__[cls].Sending: pillow = None try: pillow = fqa.split('.')[2] except: print "Split error:", fqa fqa = fqa.replace('!', '') pillow = pillow.replace('!', '') if not pillow in self._outBoundPillows: self._outBoundPillows[pillow] = [] if not fqa in self._outBoundPillowsFQ: self._outBoundPillowsFQ[fqa] = [] if not fqn in self._outBoundPillowsPerPeer: self._outBoundPillowsPerPeer[fqn] = [] self._outBoundPillows[pillow].append(fqn) self._outBoundPillowsFQ[fqa].append(fqn) self._outBoundPillowsPerPeer[fqn].append(fqa) for pillow in mod.__dict__[cls].OutPillows: pillow = pillow.replace('!', '') fqa = cls + '.Out.' + pillow fqa = fqa.replace('!', '') if not pillow in self._outBoundPillows: self._outBoundPillows[pillow] = [] if not fqa in self._outBoundPillowsFQ: self._outBoundPillowsFQ[fqa] = [] if not fqn in self._outBoundPillowsPerPeer: self._outBoundPillowsPerPeer[fqn] = [] self._outBoundPillows[pillow].append(fqn) self._outBoundPillowsFQ[fqa].append(fqn) self._outBoundPillowsPerPeer[fqn].append(fqa)
def __init__(self, appName = 'example', checkRoom = None, suggest = False, options=None): splash = None = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)"wallaby - " + appName) for s in ['16', '32', '64', '128', '256']:':/icons/images/wallaby_logo_' + s + '.png'))) pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(":/images/images/wallaby_splash.png") splash = QtGui.QSplashScreen(pixmap) splash.raise_() if USES_PYSIDE or FXUI.qt4reactor: print "Install qt4reactor. USES_PYSIDE =", USES_PYSIDE import wallaby.frontends.qt.reactor.qt4reactor as qtreactor qtreactor.install() else: threadedselect.install() from twisted.internet import reactor ii = Interleaver() reactor.interleave(ii.toInterleave) reactor.suggestThreadPoolSize(50) FXUI.mineIcon = QtGui.QIcon(':/icons/images/mine.png') FXUI.theirsIcon = QtGui.QIcon(':/icons/images/theirs.png') tapp = twisted.application.service.Application("gui") service = FXLogger('wallaby.log') service.setServiceParent(tapp) service.startService() FX.appModule = 'wallaby.apps.' + appName try: from twisted.plugin import getCache pkg = __import__(FX.appModule, globals(), locals(), ["*"], 0) if pkg is not None and len(pkg.__path__) > 0 and os.path.exists(pkg.__path__[0]): FX.appPath = pkg.__path__[0] else: FX.appPath = os.path.join(".", "wallaby", "apps", appName) except: FX.appPath = os.path.join(".", "wallaby", "apps", appName) FXUI.css = None try: print "importing", options.module, "from", FX.appModule if options.module == "WallabyApp2" and os.path.exists(os.path.join(FX.appPath, "")): mod = FX.imp(FX.appModule + '.mainWindow', False) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(FX.appPath, "mainWindow.css")): FXUI.css = open(os.path.join(FX.appPath, "mainWindow.css")).read() else: module = options.module module = module[0].lower() + module[1:] mod = FX.imp(FX.appModule + '.' + module, False) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(FX.appPath, module + ".css")): FXUI.css = open(os.path.join(FX.appPath, module + ".css")).read() except: mod = None if mod == None: FX.crit('Module', FX.appModule, 'not found') reactor.callWhenRunning(self.myQuit) if USES_PYSIDE or FXUI.qt4reactor: reactor.runReturn() return try: FXUI.mainWindow = mod.MainWindow(self.myQuit, options) if FXUI.css is not None:"plastique") FXUI.mainWindow.setStyleSheet(FXUI.css) except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) from twisted.internet import reactor reactor.callWhenRunning(self.myQuit) if USES_PYSIDE or FXUI.qt4reactor: reactor.runReturn() return FXUI.mainWindow.setSplash(splash) from twisted.internet import reactor reactor.callWhenRunning(, mod, options, checkRoom) FXUI.mainWindow.enabled = False FXUI.mainWindow.configure() FXUI.mainWindow.raise_() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigint_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigint_handler) # self.gc = GarbageCollector(FXUI.mainWindow, True) if USES_PYSIDE or FXUI.qt4reactor: reactor.runReturn()
def loadUIFiles(self): # Do not reload widgets if not changed if self.sheets is None or self.sheets == self._lastSheets: return self._lastSheets = self.sheets self.clear() isheets = [] self._sheetPrototypes = {} import wallaby.frontends as frontends from twisted.plugin import getCache for p in FX.packagePath(FX.appModule + ".isheet"): isheets.append(p) for frontend in getCache(frontends): for p in FX.packagePath("wallaby.frontends." + frontend + ".isheet"): isheets.append(p) import os for path in isheets: root = re.sub(r'[/\\]','.', path).replace('..', '') root = re.sub(r'^.*wallaby\.', 'wallaby.', root) files = os.listdir(path) for file in files: if '.py' in file and '.pyc' not in file and 'UI_' in file: basename, ext = os.path.splitext(file) if ext != '.py': continue mod = FX.imp(root + '.' + basename) if mod == None: continue cls = basename[0] + string.lower(basename[1]) + basename[2] + string.upper(basename[3]) + basename[4:] sheetName = unicode(basename.replace('UI_', '')) sheetCache = None if sheetName in self._sheetPrototypes: continue if re.match(self.sheets, sheetName) is None: continue if not self.isMultiPage(): p = self.parent() while p != None and (not isinstance(p, Container) or not p.isMultiPage()): p = p.parent() if p is not None: sheetCache = p.sheetCache if sheetName in sheetCache: self._sheet = sheetCache[sheetName] return if not cls in mod.__dict__: for key, val in mod.__dict__.items(): if key.startswith("Ui_"): cls = key break if not cls in mod.__dict__: continue self._sheetPrototypes[sheetName] = mod.__dict__[cls] sheet = QtGui.QWidget(self) sheet.ui = self._sheetPrototypes[sheetName]() sheet.ui.setupUi(sheet) sheet.setObjectName(sheetName + "Sheet") if sheetCache is not None: self._sheet = sheet sheetCache[sheetName] = sheet # also add the cached sheet to the current widget # to allow nested widgets to also be loaded self.addChildWidget(sheet)