Esempio n. 1
    def assert_node_features(self, feature_names, node_names, mod_op='replace'):
        for feat in feature_names:
            if not feat in self.feat_names:
                emsg = "Feature %s not in config store" % (feat)
                raise Exception(emsg)

        # apply feature list to nodes
        for name in node_names:
            node_obj = WallabyHelpers.get_node(self.session, self.config_store, name)
            group_name = WallabyHelpers.get_id_group_name(node_obj, self.session)
            group_obj = WallabyHelpers.get_group(self.session, self.config_store, group_name)
            if mod_op == 'insert':
                result = group_obj.modifyFeatures('replace', feature_names + group_obj.features, {})
                result = group_obj.modifyFeatures(mod_op, feature_names, {})
            if result.status != 0:
                sys.stderr.write("Failed to set features for %s: (%d, %s)\n" % (name, result.status, result.text))
                raise WallabyStoreError(result.text)
Esempio n. 2
    def clear_nodes(self, node_names):
        for name in node_names:
            node_obj = WallabyHelpers.get_node(self.session, self.config_store, name)
            result = node_obj.modifyMemberships('replace', [], {})
            if result.status != 0:
                sys.stderr.write("Failed to clear groups from %s: (%d, %s)\n" % (name, result.status, result.text))
                raise WallabyStoreError("Failed to clear groups")

            group_name = WallabyHelpers.get_id_group_name(node_obj, self.session)
            group_obj = WallabyHelpers.get_group(self.session, self.config_store, group_name)
            result = group_obj.modifyFeatures('replace', [], {})
            if result.status != 0:
                sys.stderr.write("Failed to clear features from %s: (%d, %s)\n" % (name, result.status, result.text))
                raise WallabyStoreError("Failed to clear features")

            result = group_obj.modifyParams('replace', {}, {})
            if result.status != 0:
                sys.stderr.write("Failed to clear params from %s: (%d, %s)\n" % (name, result.status, result.text))
                raise WallabyStoreError("Failed to clear params")
Esempio n. 3
    def list_nodes(self, with_all_feats=None, without_any_feats=None, with_all_groups=None, without_any_groups=None, checkin_since=None):
        r = []
        for node in self.node_names:
            node_obj = WallabyHelpers.get_node(self.session, self.config_store, node)

            sys.stdout.write("    list_nodes: node=%s   checkin= %s\n" % (node, node_obj.last_checkin))

            if (checkin_since != None) and ((node_obj.last_checkin / 1000000) < checkin_since): continue

            nodefeats = []
            if (with_all_feats != None) or (without_any_feats != None):
                nodefeats = WallabyHelpers.get_node_features(node_obj, self.session, self.config_store)
            if (with_all_feats != None) and (False in [x in nodefeats for x in with_all_feats]): continue
            if (without_any_feats != None) and (True in [x in nodefeats for x in without_any_feats]): continue

            nodegroups = []
            if (with_all_groups != None) or (without_any_groups != None):
                nodegroups = [WallabyHelpers.get_id_group_name(node_obj, self.session)] + node_obj.memberships + ['+++DEFAULT']
            if (with_all_groups != None) and (False in [x in nodegroups for x in with_all_groups]): continue
            if (without_any_groups != None) and (True in [x in nodegroups for x in without_any_groups]): continue

            r += [node]
        return r
      env['_CONDOR_QMF_BROKER_HOST'] = ''
      env['_CONDOR_QMF_BROKER_PORT'] = '5672'
      env['_CONDOR_CONFIGD_OVERRIDE_DIR'] = override_dir
      env['_CONDOR_LOG'] = '.'
      env['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH']
      cmd = shlex.split('../condor_configd -d -l %s -m %s -h %s' % (log_file, config_file, nodename))
      os.execve(cmd[0], cmd, env)

   # The configd performs a checkin within 10 seconds on startup

   # Add features and groups to the node
   WallabyHelpers.add_group(session, store, 'TestGroup')
   grp_name = WallabyHelpers.get_id_group_name(node, session)
   node_grp = WallabyHelpers.get_group(session, store, grp_name)
   node.modifyMemberships('add', ['TestGroup'], {})
   node_grp.modifyFeatures('add', ['TestFeature'], {})

   # Verify older config version causes config retrieval
   print 'Testing older version causes config retrieval: \t\t\t',
   old_version = version
      version = int(read_condor_config('WALLABY', ['CONFIG_VERSION'], environ={'CONDOR_CONFIG':config_file}, permit_param_only = False)['config_version'])