Esempio n. 1
    def sign_tx(self, pw):
        if not self.is_wallet_loaded:
            raise Exception('Tried to spend when wallet not loaded.')

        if not self.is_dest_addr_set:
            raise Exception('Tried to spend when destination address not set.')

        if not self.is_send_amount_set:
            raise Exception('Tried to spend when amount not set.')
        if self.send_amount + self.txfee > self.balance:
            raise LowBalanceError("Insufficient funds to send {0} + {1} BTC.".format(core.satoshi_to_btc(self.send_amount), core.satoshi_to_btc(self.txfee)))
            prv = wallet.decrypt_privkey(self.encr_privkey, pw)
            addr = bc.privtoaddr(prv, self.magic_byte)
            raise PasswordError("Wrong password!")
        if addr != self.addr:
            raise Exception('Address from wallet does not match address from private key!')

        tx_ins, tx_outs = core.simple_tx_inputs_outputs(self.addr, self.unspent, self.dest_addr, self.send_amount, self.txfee)
        # Make transaction
        tx = bc.mktx(tx_ins, tx_outs)
        # Sign transaction
        for i in range(len(tx_ins)):
            tx = bc.sign(tx,i,prv)
        return tx_ins, tx_outs, tx, bc.deserialize(tx)
Esempio n. 2
    def create_wallet(self, method, input, aes_pw):
        privkey = ''
        if method == 'wif':
            fmt = bc.get_privkey_format(input)
            if fmt == 'wif':
                privkey = bc.encode_privkey(input, 'hex')
            elif fmt == 'wif_compressed':
                privkey = bc.encode_privkey(input, 'hex_compressed')
                raise Exception('Unrecoginized format for private key.')
        elif method == 'random':
            privkey = bc.random_key()
            raise Exception('Unsupported method: {0}.'.format(method))
        wal_addr = bc.privtoaddr(privkey, self.magic_byte)
        encr_privkey = wallet.encrypt_privkey(privkey, aes_pw)
        wallet.create_wallet_file(self.wallet_filename, encr_privkey, wal_addr)
        # Read back from wallet to ensure consistency
        encr_privkey2, wal_addr2 = wallet.read_from_wallet_file(self.wallet_filename)
        privkey2 = wallet.decrypt_privkey(encr_privkey2, aes_pw)
        if encr_privkey2 != encr_privkey or wal_addr2 != wal_addr:
            raise Exception('Inconsistency in reading from/writing to wallet!')

        if privkey2 != privkey:
            raise Exception('Inconsistency in encrypting/decrypting private key!')
Esempio n. 3
    def get_wif_privkey(self, pw):
        if not self.is_wallet_loaded:
            raise Exception('Tried getting private key when wallet not loaded.')
        prv = ''
            prv = wallet.decrypt_privkey(self.encr_privkey, pw)
            raise PasswordError("Wrong password!")

        frm = bc.get_privkey_format(prv)
        if frm == 'hex':
            wif_privkey = bc.encode_privkey(prv, 'wif', self.magic_byte)
        elif frm == 'hex_compressed':
            wif_privkey = bc.encode_privkey(prv, 'wif_compressed', self.magic_byte)
            raise Exception('Unrecognized private key format: ' + frm)
        return wif_privkey