def create_genesis_block(self): bc = BlockChain() w = Wallet.generate_wallet() ws = Wallets() ws[w.address] = w tx = bc.coin_base_tx(w.address) bc.new_genesis_block(tx) return w.address
def __init__(self, user, conn=None): self.conn = user if conn: self.conn = os.path.join(conn, user) if not os.path.isdir(self.conn): msg = 'User {} does not exist'.format(user) raise Exception(msg) self.wallets = Wallets(self.conn) self.accounts = Accounts(self.conn) self.funding_templates = FundingTemplates(self.conn)
def register_user(cls, new_user: dict[str, str]) -> str: "register a user" if not new_user["user_name"] in cls._users: # generate really complicated unique user_id. # Using the existing user_name as the id for simplicity user_id = new_user["user_name"] cls._users[user_id] = new_user Reports.log_event(f"new user `{user_id}` created") # create a wallet for the new user Wallets().create_wallet(user_id) # give the user a sign up bonus Reports.log_event(f"Give new user `{user_id}` sign up bonus of 10") Wallets().adjust_balance(user_id, Decimal(10)) return user_id return ""
def add_block(self, transactions, fee=0): # change add "fee" 6.19 last_block = self.get_last_block() prev_hash = last_block.get_header_hash() height = last_block.block_header.height + 1 block_header = BlockHeader('', height, prev_hash) # reward to wallets[0] wallets = Wallets() keys = list(wallets.wallets.keys()) w = wallets[keys[0]] coin_base_tx = self.coin_base_tx(w.address, fee) # change 6.19 transactions.insert(0, coin_base_tx) utxo_set = UTXOSet() # txs = transactions # change 6.21 txs = utxo_set.clear_transactions( transactions) # change clear transactions(add sort) block = Block(block_header, txs) block.mine(self) block.set_header_hash() self.db.create(block.block_header.hash, block.serialize()) last_hash = block.block_header.hash self.set_last_hash(last_hash) utxo_set.update(block)
def new_transaction(self, from_addr, to_addr, amount, fee): inputs = [] outputs = [] ifname = 'ens33' # enp2s0 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) ip = socket.inet_ntoa( fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), 0x8915, struct.pack('256s', bytes(ifname[:15], 'utf-8')))[20:24]) wallets = Wallets() from_wallet = wallets[from_addr] pub_key = from_wallet.public_key acc, valid_outpus = self._find_spendable_outputs(from_addr, amount) # if acc < amount + fee: # change # raise NotEnoughAmountError(u'not enough coin') for fout in valid_outpus: index = fout.index txid = fout.txid input = TXInput(txid, index, pub_key) inputs.append(input) output = TXOutput(amount, to_addr) outputs.append(output) if acc > amount + fee: # change # a change outputs.append(TXOutput(acc - amount - fee, from_addr)) # change tx = Transaction(inputs, outputs, fee, ip) # change tx.set_id() self.sign_transaction(tx, from_wallet.private_key) return tx
def submit_entry(cls, user_id: str, entry: Decimal) -> bool: "Submit a new entry for the user in this game" now = int(time.time()) time_remaining = cls._start_time - now + cls._clock if time_remaining > 0: if Wallets.get_balance(user_id) > Decimal('1'): if Wallets.adjust_balance(user_id, Decimal('-1')): cls._entries.append((user_id, entry)) Reports.log_event( f"New entry `{entry}` submitted by `{user_id}`") return True Reports.log_event( f"Problem adjusting balance for `{user_id}`") return False Reports.log_event(f"User Balance for `{user_id}` to low") return False Reports.log_event("Game Closed") return False
def create_wallet(): wallets = Wallets() wallet = Wallet() address = wallet.address wallets.add_wallet(address, wallet) wallets.save_to_file() print("Your new address: {}".format(address))
def start( ): # wait : thread add_block(txs) txs = [] packing function >1MB or no tx verify if tx are valid couch = couchdb.Server("") try: couch.delete('block_chain') except: pass db = DB("") bc = BlockChain() # only one blockchain called bc utxo_set = UTXOSet() utxo_set.reindex(bc) tcpserver = TCPServer() tcpserver.listen() rpc = RPCServer(export_instance=Cli()) rpc.start(False) p2p = P2p() server = PeerServer() time.sleep(30) # automatically create a genesis block w1 = Wallet.generate_wallet() ws = Wallets() ws[w1.address] = w1 tx = bc.coin_base_tx(w1.address) bc.new_genesis_block(tx) fo = open("address.txt", "w") fo.truncate() fo.write(w1.address) # save the address of the genesis block fo.write("\n") w2 = Wallet.generate_wallet() # create another wallet to send transaction ws[w2.address] = w2 fo.write(w2.address) fo.close()
def get_balance(user_id: str) -> Decimal: "Get a players balance" return Wallets.get_balance(user_id)
def print_all_wallet(self): ws = Wallets() wallets = [] for k, _ in ws.items(): wallets.append(k) return wallets
def create_wallet(self): w = Wallet.generate_wallet() ws = Wallets() ws[w.address] = w return w.address
def listAddresses(): # return a list of wallet addresses wallets = Wallets() return wallets.get_addresses()
def isMineAddress(address): # check if address is in our wallet wallets = Wallets() return address in wallets.get_addresses()
def AddAddress(address, wallet): # Add address to wallet wallets = Wallets() wallets.add_wallet(address, wallet) return wallets.save_to_file()
class App(object): def __init__(self, user, conn=None): self.conn = user if conn: self.conn = os.path.join(conn, user) if not os.path.isdir(self.conn): msg = 'User {} does not exist'.format(user) raise Exception(msg) self.wallets = Wallets(self.conn) self.accounts = Accounts(self.conn) self.funding_templates = FundingTemplates(self.conn) #TODO(steve): make this more pythonic # by removing them from the class @staticmethod def create_user(user, conn=None): data = user if conn: data = os.path.join(conn, user) if os.path.isdir(data): raise Exception('User already exists: {}'.format(user)) os.mkdir(data) files = ['accounts.csv', 'wallets.csv', 'funding.csv'] for f in files: f = os.path.join(data, f) open(f, 'wb').close() @staticmethod def remove_user(user, conn=None): data = user if conn: data = os.path.join(conn, user) if not os.path.isdir(data): msg = 'User does not exist: {}'.format(user) raise Exception(msg) shutil.rmtree(data) # TODO(steve): should we check that wallet is of # type string?? Could have unwanted behaviour # if not. def create_wallet(self, wallet, opening_balance): try: valid_balance = float(opening_balance) except ValueError as e: raise e self.wallets.create_item(wallet, Wallet(valid_balance)) def create_account(self, account, opening_balance): try: valid_balance = float(opening_balance) except ValueError as e: raise e self.accounts.create_item(account, Wallet(valid_balance)) def create_funding_template(self, template, amount, account, frequency, allocation): if template in self.funding_templates: msg = 'Funding template {} already exists'.format(template) raise Exception(msg) funding_template = self._create_funding_template( template, amount, account, frequency, allocation) self.funding_templates.create_item(template, funding_template) def _create_funding_template(self, template, amount, account, frequency, allocation): if account not in self.accounts: msg = 'Account {} does not exist'.format(account) raise Exception(msg) try: funding_template = FundingTemplate(template, amount, account, frequency) except Exception as e: raise e for (k, v) in allocation.iteritems(): if k not in self.wallets: msg = 'Wallet {} does not exist'.format(k) raise Exception(msg) funding_template.add_wallet_to_allocation(k, v) if not funding_template.valid(): msg = 'Allocation amount != funding amount' raise Exception(msg) return funding_template def remove_wallet(self, wallet, transfer): if wallet not in self.wallets: msg = 'Wallet does not exist. {}'.format(wallet) raise Exception(msg) if transfer not in self.wallets: msg = 'Transfer wallet does not exist. {}'.format(transfer) raise Exception(msg) bal = self.wallets[wallet].balance() self.wallets[transfer].add(bal) del self.wallets[wallet] for f in self.funding_templates: self.funding_templates[f].remove_wallet_from_allocation( wallet, transfer=transfer) def remove_account(self, account, transfer): if account not in self.accounts: msg = 'Account does not exist. {}'.format(account) raise Exception(msg) if transfer not in self.accounts: msg = 'Transfer account does not exist. {}'.format(transfer) raise Exception(msg) bal = self.accounts[account].balance() self.accounts[transfer].add(bal) del self.accounts[account] for f in self.funding_templates: if self.funding_templates[f].account() == account: self.funding_templates[f].update_account(transfer) def remove_funding_template(self, template): if template not in self.funding_templates: msg = 'Funding template does not exist. {}'.format(template) raise Exception(msg) del self.funding_templates[template] def update_funding_template(self, template, amount, account, frequency, allocation): if template not in self.funding_templates: msg = 'Funding template does not exist: {}'.format(template) raise Exception(msg) try: funding_template = self._create_funding_template( template, amount, account, frequency, allocation) except Exception as e: raise e self.funding_templates[template] = funding_template def add_expense(self, wallet, account, amount): if wallet not in self.wallets: msg = 'Wallet does not exist. {}'.format(wallet) raise Exception(msg) if account not in self.accounts: msg = 'Account does not exist. {}'.format(account) raise Exception(msg) try: valid_amount = float(amount) except ValueError as e: raise e self.wallets[wallet].add(-valid_amount) self.accounts[account].add(-valid_amount) def transfer_funds(self, amount, from_acct, to_acct, transfer_type): try: valid_amount = float(amount) except ValueError as e: raise e collection = None if transfer_type == 'account': collection = self.accounts elif transfer_type == 'wallet': collection = self.wallets else: msg = 'Invalid transfer type: {}'.format(transfer_type) raise Exception(msg) if from_acct not in collection: msg = 'From {} does not exist: {}'.format(transfer_type, from_acct) raise Exception(msg) if to_acct not in collection: msg = 'To {} does not exist: {}'.format(transfer_type, to_acct) raise Exception(msg) if collection[from_acct].balance() < valid_amount: msg = '{} has insufficient funds to transfer {}'.format( from_acct, amount) raise Exception(msg) collection[from_acct].add(-valid_amount) collection[to_acct].add(valid_amount) def fund_wallets(self, template): if template not in self.funding_templates: msg = 'Funding does not contain template {}.'.format(template) raise Exception(msg) funding = self.funding_templates[template] self.accounts[funding.account()].add(funding.amount()) for (k, v) in funding.allocation().iteritems(): self.wallets[k].add(v)