Esempio n. 1
    def testGetWaveletFeaturesTest(self):
        #See if we can reproduce the data from the wavelet 

        X, X2, Xs, Xopls, YList, df = MetabolomicsUtils.loadData()

        waveletStr = 'db4'
        mode = "zpd"
        level = 10
        C = pywt.wavedec(X[0, :], waveletStr, level=level, mode=mode)
        X0 = pywt.waverec(C, waveletStr, mode)
        tol = 10**-6
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(X0 - X[0, :]) < tol)

        def reconstructSignal(X, Xw, waveletStr, level, mode, C):
            Xrecstr = numpy.zeros(X.shape)
            for i in range(Xw.shape[0]):
                C2 = []

                colIndex = 0
                for j in range(len(list(C))):
                    C2.append(Xw[i, colIndex:colIndex+len(C[j])])
                    colIndex += len(C[j])

                Xrecstr[i, :] = pywt.waverec(tuple(C2), waveletStr, mode)

            return Xrecstr

        #Now do the same for the whole X
        C = pywt.wavedec(X[0, :], waveletStr, level=level, mode=mode)
        Xw = MetabolomicsUtils.getWaveletFeatures(X, waveletStr, level, mode)
        Xrecstr = reconstructSignal(X, Xw, waveletStr, level, mode, C)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(X - Xrecstr) < tol)

        waveletStr = 'db8'
        C = pywt.wavedec(X[0, :], waveletStr, level=level, mode=mode)
        Xw = MetabolomicsUtils.getWaveletFeatures(X, waveletStr, level, mode)
        Xrecstr = reconstructSignal(X, Xw, waveletStr, level, mode, C)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(X - Xrecstr) < tol)

        waveletStr = 'haar'
        C = pywt.wavedec(X[0, :], waveletStr, level=level, mode=mode)
        Xw = MetabolomicsUtils.getWaveletFeatures(X, waveletStr, level, mode)
        Xrecstr = reconstructSignal(X, Xw, waveletStr, level, mode, C)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(X - Xrecstr) < tol)
Esempio n. 2
    def testCreateIndicatorLabels(self):
        metaUtils = MetabolomicsUtils()
        X, XStd, X2, (XoplsCortisol, XoplsTesto, XoplsIgf1), YCortisol, YTesto, YIgf1, ages = metaUtils.loadData()
        YCortisol = YCortisol[numpy.logical_not(numpy.isnan(YCortisol))]
        YCortisolIndicators = metaUtils.createIndicatorLabel(YCortisol, metaUtils.boundsDict["Cortisol"])
        YTesto = YTesto[numpy.logical_not(numpy.isnan(YTesto))]
        YTestoIndicators = metaUtils.createIndicatorLabel(YTesto, metaUtils.boundsDict["Testosterone"])
        YIgf1 = YIgf1[numpy.logical_not(numpy.isnan(YIgf1))]
        YIgf1Indicators = metaUtils.createIndicatorLabel(YIgf1, metaUtils.boundsDict["IGF1"])

        s = numpy.sum(YCortisolIndicators, 1)
        nptst.assert_array_equal(s, numpy.ones(s.shape[0]))

        s = numpy.sum(YTestoIndicators, 1)
        nptst.assert_array_equal(s, numpy.ones(s.shape[0]))

        s = numpy.sum(YIgf1Indicators, 1)
        nptst.assert_array_equal(s, numpy.ones(s.shape[0]))

        #Now compare to those labels in the file
        X, X2, (XoplsCortisol, XoplsTesto, XoplsIgf1), YCortisol, YTesto, YIgf1, ages = metaUtils.loadData()
        dataDir = PathDefaults.getDataDir() +  "metabolomic/"
        fileName = dataDir + ""
        data = pandas.read_csv(fileName, delimiter=",") 

        YCortisolIndicators = metaUtils.createIndicatorLabel(YCortisol, metaUtils.boundsDict["Cortisol"])
        YCortisolIndicators2 = numpy.array(data[["Ind.Cortisol.1", "Ind.Cortisol.2", "Ind.Cortisol.3"]])
        for i in range(YCortisolIndicators.shape[0]): 
            if not numpy.isnan(YCortisol[i]) and not numpy.isnan(YCortisolIndicators2[i, :]).any(): 
                #nptst.assert_almost_equal(YCortisolIndicators2[i, :], YCortisolIndicators[i, :])
        YTestoIndicators = metaUtils.createIndicatorLabel(YTesto, metaUtils.boundsDict["Testosterone"])
        YTestoIndicators2 = numpy.array(data[["Ind.Testo.1", "Ind.Testo.2", "Ind.Testo.3"]])
        for i in range(YTestoIndicators.shape[0]): 
            if not numpy.isnan(YTesto[i]) and not numpy.isnan(YTestoIndicators2[i, :]).any(): 
                #print(i, YTesto[i])
                nptst.assert_almost_equal(YTestoIndicators2[i, :], YTestoIndicators[i, :])
        YIgf1Indicators = metaUtils.createIndicatorLabel(YIgf1, metaUtils.boundsDict["IGF1"])
        YIgf1Indicators2 = numpy.array(data[["Ind.IGF1.1", "Ind.IGF1.2", "Ind.IGF1.3"]])
        for i in range(YIgf1Indicators.shape[0]): 
            if not numpy.isnan(YIgf1[i]) and not numpy.isnan(YIgf1Indicators2[i, :]).any(): 
                #print(i, YIgf1[i])
                #nptst.assert_almost_equal(YIgf1Indicators2[i, :], YIgf1Indicators[i, :])
Esempio n. 3
from socket import gethostname
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

Run a variety of bipartite ranking on the metabolomics data 

logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
logging.debug("Running from machine " + str(gethostname()))

os.system('taskset -p 0xffffffff %d' % os.getpid())

dataDir = PathDefaults.getDataDir() +  "metabolomic/"
metaUtils = MetabolomicsUtils() 
X, XStd, X2, (XoplsCortisol, XoplsTesto, XoplsIgf1), YCortisol, YTesto, YIgf1, ages = metaUtils.loadData()

#We model 99.1% of the spectrum with 100 eigenvectors 
pca = PCA(n_components=100)
XPca = pca.fit_transform(X)

mode = "cpd"
level = 10
XwDb4 = MetabolomicsUtils.getWaveletFeatures(X, 'db4', level, mode)
XwDb8 = MetabolomicsUtils.getWaveletFeatures(X, 'db8', level, mode)
XwHaar = MetabolomicsUtils.getWaveletFeatures(X, 'haar', level, mode)

dataDict = {}
dataDict["raw"] = X
dataDict["pca"] = XPca
#dataDict["log"] = X2
Esempio n. 4
 def testLoadData(self): 
     metaUtils = MetabolomicsUtils() 
     X, XStd, X2, (XoplsCortisol, XoplsTesto, XoplsIgf1), YCortisol, YTesto, YIgf1, ages = metaUtils.loadData()
Esempio n. 5
import numpy
from wallhack.metabolomics.MetabolomicsUtils import MetabolomicsUtils

X, X2, df = MetabolomicsUtils.loadData()

#Just figure out the boundaries of the levels 
labelNames = ["IGF1.val", "Cortisol.val", "Testosterone.val"]
labelNames2 = ["Ind.IGF1.1", "Ind.IGF1.2", "Ind.IGF1.3"]
YList = MetabolomicsUtils.createLabelList(df, labelNames)
YList2 = MetabolomicsUtils.createLabelList(df, labelNames2)

Y, inds = YList[0]
Y1 = numpy.array(df.rx(labelNames2[0])).ravel()[inds]
Y2 = numpy.array(df.rx(labelNames2[1])).ravel()[inds]
Y3 = numpy.array(df.rx(labelNames2[2])).ravel()[inds]

inds = numpy.argsort(Y)
YY = numpy.c_[Y[inds], Y1[inds]]
YY = numpy.c_[YY, Y2[inds]]
YY = numpy.c_[YY, Y3[inds]]

labelNames2 = ["Ind.Cortisol.1", "Ind.Cortisol.2", "Ind.Cortisol.3"]
YList2 = MetabolomicsUtils.createLabelList(df, labelNames2)

Y, inds = YList[1]
Y1 = numpy.array(df.rx(labelNames2[0])).ravel()[inds]
Y2 = numpy.array(df.rx(labelNames2[1])).ravel()[inds]
Y3 = numpy.array(df.rx(labelNames2[2])).ravel()[inds]