Esempio n. 1

Script to see if model selection is the same on a subset of rows or elements. We 
use bounds on the rows of U and V. 

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    dataset = sys.argv[1]
    dataset = "synthetic"

saveResults = True
prefix = "Regularisation5"
outputFile = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "ranking/" + prefix + dataset.title() + "Results.npz" 
X = DatasetUtils.getDataset(dataset)

testSize = 5
trainTestXs = Sampling.shuffleSplitRows(X, 1, testSize)
trainX, testX = trainTestXs[0]

logging.debug("Number of non-zero elements: " + str((trainX.nnz, testX.nnz)))

u = 0.1
w = 1-u
k2 = 64
eps = 10**-6
maxLocalAuc = MaxLocalAUC(k2, w, eps=eps, stochastic=True)
maxLocalAuc.alpha = 0.1
maxLocalAuc.alphas = 2.0**-numpy.arange(0, 5, 1)
maxLocalAuc.folds = 1
Esempio n. 2

logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
numpy.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True, linewidth=150)

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    dataset = sys.argv[1]
    dataset = "synthetic"

saveResults = True
prefix = "LossROC"
outputFile = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "ranking/" + prefix + dataset.title() + "Results.npz" 
X = DatasetUtils.getDataset(dataset, nnz=20000)

m, n = X.shape
u = 0.1 
w = 1-u

testSize = 5
folds = 5
trainTestXs = Sampling.shuffleSplitRows(X, folds, testSize)

numRecordAucSamples = 200

k2 = 8
u2 = 0.5
w2 = 1-u2
eps = 10**-4
Esempio n. 3
from sandbox.util.Util import Util 

Script to see if there is an advantage of having independent learning rates alphaU and alphaV 

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    dataset = sys.argv[1]
    dataset = "movielens"

saveResults = False
prefix = "LearningRate2"
outputFile = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "ranking/" + prefix + dataset.title() + "Results.npz" 
X = DatasetUtils.getDataset(dataset)
m, n = X.shape

k2 = 64
u2 = 5/float(n)
w2 = 1-u2
eps = 10**-8
lmbda = 0.01
maxLocalAuc = MaxLocalAUC(k2, w2, eps=eps, lmbdaU=0.1, lmbdaV=0.1, stochastic=True)
maxLocalAuc.alpha = 0.5
maxLocalAuc.alphas = 2.0**-numpy.arange(2, 9, 2)
maxLocalAuc.beta = 2
maxLocalAuc.bound = False = 0.1
maxLocalAuc.eta = 20
maxLocalAuc.folds = 2