Esempio n. 1
 def readSimulationHIVGraph(self): 
     We want to read the HIV network into a HIVGraph object. 
     hivReader = HIVGraphReader()
     graph = hivReader.readHIVGraph()        
     edgeTypeIndex1 = 0
     edgeTypeIndex2 = 1
     sGraphContact = graph.getSparseGraph(edgeTypeIndex1)
     sGraphInfect = graph.getSparseGraph(edgeTypeIndex2)
     sGraphContact = sGraphContact.union(sGraphInfect)
     sGraph = sGraphContact
     fInds = hivReader.getIndicatorFeatureIndices()
     hivGraph = HIVGraph(graph.getNumVertices())
     vertices = hivGraph.getVertexList()
     for i in range(sGraph.getNumVertices()): 
         vertices.V[i, vertices.dobIndex] = sGraph.getVertex(i)[fInds["birthDate"]]
         vertices.V[i, vertices.genderIndex] = sGraph.getVertex(i)[fInds["gender"]]
         vertices.V[i, vertices.orientationIndex] = sGraph.getVertex(i)[fInds["orient"]]
         vertices.V[i, vertices.stateIndex] = vertices.removed
         #vertices.V[i, self.infectionTimeIndex]
         vertices.V[i, vertices.detectionTimeIndex] = sGraph.getVertex(i)[fInds["detectDate"]]
         if sGraph.getVertex(i)[fInds["contactTrace"]]: 
             vertices.V[i, vertices.detectionTypeIndex] = vertices.contactTrace
             vertices.V[i, vertices.detectionTypeIndex] = vertices.randomDetect
         #Not sure about this since the number of contacts changes over time 
         #Possibly ignore when we compare graphs 
         vertices.V[i, vertices.hiddenDegreeIndex] = sGraph.getVertex(i)[fInds["numContacts"]]
     return hivGraph 
class  HIVEpidemicModelTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4)
        logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)

        M = 100
        undirected = True
        self.graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
        s = 3
        self.gen = scipy.stats.zipf(s)
        hiddenDegSeq = self.gen.rvs(size=self.graph.getNumVertices())
        rates = HIVRates(self.graph, hiddenDegSeq)
        self.model = HIVEpidemicModel(self.graph, rates)
    def testSimulate(self):
        T = 1.0

        self.graph.getVertexList().setInfected(0, 0.0)

        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph = self.model.simulate(verboseOut=True)

        numInfects = 0
        for i in range(graph.getNumVertices()):
            if graph.getVertex(i)[HIVVertices.stateIndex] == HIVVertices==infected:
                numInfects += 1

        self.assertTrue(numInfects == 0 or times[len(times)-1] >= T)

        #Test with a larger population as there seems to be an error when the
        #number of infectives becomes zero.
        M = 100
        undirected = True
        graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)


        T = 21.0
        hiddenDegSeq = self.gen.rvs(size=self.graph.getNumVertices())
        rates = HIVRates(self.graph, hiddenDegSeq)
        model = HIVEpidemicModel(self.graph, rates)

        #Test detection rates
        print("Starting test")

        T = 1000.0
        graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
        rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)
        rates.contactRate = 0
        rates.randDetectRate = 0.1
        model = HIVEpidemicModel(graph, rates)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph = model.simulate(verboseOut=True)
        self.assertEquals(len(infectedIndices[0]), 10)
        self.assertEquals(len(removedIndices[0]), 0)
        T = 10.0
        graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
        rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)  
        rates.randDetectRate = 0.0
        model = HIVEpidemicModel(graph, rates)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph = model.simulate(verboseOut=True)
        self.assertEquals(len(removedIndices[-1]), 0)
        T = 100.0
        graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
        rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)  
        rates.randDetectRate = 10.0
        model = HIVEpidemicModel(graph, rates)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph = model.simulate(verboseOut=True)
        self.assertEquals(len(removedIndices[-1]), 10)
        #Test contact tracing 
        T = 1000.0
        graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
        rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)  
        rates.randDetectRate = 0.01
        rates.ctRatePerPerson = 0.5 
        model = HIVEpidemicModel(graph, rates)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph = model.simulate(verboseOut=True)
        self.assertTrue((graph.vlist.V[:, HIVVertices.detectionTypeIndex] == HIVVertices.contactTrace).sum() > 0) 
        #Test contact rate 
        print("Testing contact rate")
        contactRates = [0.5, 1, 2, 4]     
        numContacts = numpy.zeros(len(contactRates))
        for i, contactRate in enumerate(contactRates): 
            T = 100.0
            graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
            print(i, graph.vlist.V[graph.getInfectedSet().pop(), :]) 
            rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)  
            rates.contactRate = contactRate 
            rates.infectProb = 0.0
            model = HIVEpidemicModel(graph, rates)
            times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph = model.simulate(verboseOut=True)
            numContacts[i] = model.numContacts

        lastN = -1
        for i, n in enumerate(numContacts):
            #This is an odd case in which we have a bisexual woman, there are no contacts 
            #since they are not modelled 
            if n != 0: 
                self.assertTrue(n > lastN)    
        #Test infection rate 
        print("Testing infection probability")
        infectProbs = [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5]     
        numInfects = numpy.zeros(len(contactRates))
        for i, infectProb in enumerate(infectProbs): 
            T = 100.0
            graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
            rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)  
            rates.contactRate = 0.5
            rates.infectProb = infectProb 
            model = HIVEpidemicModel(graph, rates)
            times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph = model.simulate(verboseOut=True)
            numInfects[i] = len(graph.getInfectedSet())
        for n in numInfects:
            self.assertTrue(n > lastN)   
        print("Testing contact paramters")
        alphas = 1-numpy.array([0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.99])     
        edges = numpy.zeros(len(alphas))
        for i, alpha in enumerate(alphas): 
            T = 100.0
            graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
            rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)  
            rates.infectProb = 0 
            model = HIVEpidemicModel(graph, rates)
            times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph = model.simulate(verboseOut=True)
            edges[i] = graph.getNumEdges()

        self.assertEquals(edges[0], 1)        
        self.assertTrue((numpy.diff(edges) > 0).all())

    def testSimulate2(self):    
        alpha = 2
        zeroVal = 0.9
        startDate = 0.0 
        endDate = 200.0
        M = 1000 
        undirected = True
        theta, sigmaTheta, pertTheta = HIVModelUtils.toyTheta()        
        graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
        p = Util.powerLawProbs(alpha, zeroVal)
        hiddenDegSeq = Util.randomChoice(p, graph.getNumVertices())
        rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)
        model = HIVEpidemicModel(graph, rates, endDate, startDate, metrics=None)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph =  model.simulate(True)
        numVertices = graph.size
        numEdges = graph.getNumEdges()
        #Try again 
        graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
        p = Util.powerLawProbs(alpha, zeroVal)
        hiddenDegSeq = Util.randomChoice(p, graph.getNumVertices())
        rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)
        model = HIVEpidemicModel(graph, rates, endDate, startDate, metrics=None)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph =  model.simulate(True)
        numVertices2 = graph.size
        numEdges2 = graph.getNumEdges()

        self.assertEquals(numVertices2, numVertices)
        self.assertEquals(numEdges2, numEdges)



    def testSimulateInfects(self): 
        #Test varying infection probabilities 
        heteroContactRate = 0.1
        manWomanInfectProb = 1.0 
        meanTheta = numpy.array([100, 1, 1, 0, 0, heteroContactRate, manWomanInfectProb], numpy.float)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph, model = runModel(meanTheta)
        newInfects = numpy.setdiff1d(graph.getInfectedSet(), numpy.array(infectedIndices[0]))
        self.assertTrue((graph.vlist.V[newInfects, HIVVertices.genderIndex] == HIVVertices.female).all())
        manWomanInfectProb = 0.1
        meanTheta = numpy.array([100, 0.95, 1, 1, 0, 0, heteroContactRate, 0, 0, manWomanInfectProb, 0], numpy.float)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph, model = runModel(meanTheta)
        newInfects2 = numpy.setdiff1d(graph.getInfectedSet(), numpy.array(infectedIndices[0]))
        self.assertTrue((graph.vlist.V[newInfects2, HIVVertices.genderIndex] == HIVVertices.female).all())
        self.assertTrue(newInfects.shape[0] > newInfects2.shape[0])
        #Now only women infect 
        heteroContactRate = 0.1
        womanManInfectProb = 1.0 
        meanTheta = numpy.array([100, 0.95, 1, 1, 0, 0, heteroContactRate, 0, womanManInfectProb, 0, 0], numpy.float)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph, model = runModel(meanTheta)
        newInfects = numpy.setdiff1d(graph.getInfectedSet(), numpy.array(infectedIndices[0]))
        self.assertTrue((graph.vlist.V[newInfects, HIVVertices.genderIndex] == HIVVertices.male).all())
        womanManInfectProb = 0.1
        meanTheta = numpy.array([100, 0.95, 1, 1, 0, 0, heteroContactRate, 0, womanManInfectProb, 0, 0], numpy.float)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph, model = runModel(meanTheta)
        newInfects2 = numpy.setdiff1d(graph.getInfectedSet(), numpy.array(infectedIndices[0]))
        self.assertTrue((graph.vlist.V[newInfects2, HIVVertices.genderIndex] == HIVVertices.male).all())
        self.assertTrue(newInfects.shape[0] > newInfects2.shape[0])
    def testSimulateDetects(self): 
        heteroContactRate = 0.05
        endDate = 100
        randDetectRate = 0
        meanTheta = numpy.array([100, 0.95, 1, 1, randDetectRate, 0, heteroContactRate, 0, 0, 0, 0], numpy.float)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph, model = runModel(meanTheta)
        detectedSet = graph.getRemovedSet()    
        self.assertEquals(len(detectedSet), 0)
        heteroContactRate = 0.0
        randDetectRate = 0.01
        meanTheta = numpy.array([100, 0.95, 1, 1, randDetectRate, 0, heteroContactRate, 0, 0, 0, 0], numpy.float)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph, model = runModel(meanTheta)
        detectedSet = graph.getRemovedSet()
        self.assertTrue(len(detectedSet) < 100*randDetectRate*endDate)
        randDetectRate = 0.005
        meanTheta = numpy.array([100, 0.95, 1, 1, randDetectRate, 0, heteroContactRate, 0, 0, 0, 0], numpy.float)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph, model = runModel(meanTheta)
        detectedSet2 = graph.getRemovedSet()
        print(len(detectedSet), len(detectedSet2))
        self.assertTrue(abs(len(detectedSet)*2 - len(detectedSet2))<15)   
        removedGraph = graph.subgraph(list(graph.getRemovedSet())) 
        edges = removedGraph.getAllEdges()        
        for edge in edges: 
            i, j = edge
            self.assertEquals(removedGraph.vlist.V[i, HIVVertices.detectionTimeIndex]. HIVVertices.randomDetect)
            self.assertEquals(removedGraph.vlist.V[j, HIVVertices.detectionTimeIndex]. HIVVertices.randomDetect)
        #Test contact tracing 
        randDetectRate = 0
        setCtRatePerPerson = 0.1
        meanTheta = numpy.array([100, 0.95, 1, 1, randDetectRate, setCtRatePerPerson, heteroContactRate, 0, 0, 0, 0], numpy.float)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph, model = runModel(meanTheta)
        detectedSet = graph.getRemovedSet()   
        self.assertEquals(len(detectedSet), 0)
        randDetectRate = 0.001
        setCtRatePerPerson = 0.1
        meanTheta = numpy.array([100, 0.95, 1, 1, randDetectRate, setCtRatePerPerson, heteroContactRate, 0, 0, 0, 0], numpy.float)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph, model = runModel(meanTheta, endDate=500.0)
        detectedSet = graph.getRemovedSet()   
        removedGraph = graph.subgraph(list(graph.getRemovedSet())) 
        edges = removedGraph.getAllEdges()
        for i in removedGraph.getAllVertexIds(): 
            if removedGraph.vlist.V[i, HIVVertices.detectionTypeIndex] == HIVVertices.contactTrace: 
                self.assertTrue(removedGraph.vlist.V[i, HIVVertices.detectionTimeIndex] >= 180)

    def testFindStandardResults(self):
        times = [3, 12, 22, 25, 40, 50]
        infectedIndices = [[1], [1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2]]
        removedIndices = [[1], [1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2]]


        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices = self.model.findStandardResults(times, infectedIndices, removedIndices)

        self.assertTrue((numpy.array(times)==numpy.arange(0, 60, 10)).all())

        #Now try case where simulation is slightly longer than T and infections = 0
        times = [3, 12, 22, 25, 40, 50]
        infectedIndices = [[1], [1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2]]
        removedIndices = [[1], [1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2]]


        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices = self.model.findStandardResults(times, infectedIndices, removedIndices)