def get(path, root, type): public_api = PublicApi() entity, project, artifact_name = public_api._parse_artifact_path(path) if project is None: project = click.prompt("Enter the name of the project you want to use") try: artifact_parts = artifact_name.split(":") if len(artifact_parts) > 1: version = artifact_parts[1] artifact_name = artifact_parts[0] else: version = "latest" full_path = "{entity}/{project}/{artifact}:{version}".format( entity=entity, project=project, artifact=artifact_name, version=version ) wandb.termlog( "Downloading {type} artifact {full_path}".format( type=type or "dataset", full_path=full_path ) ) artifact = public_api.artifact(full_path, type=type) path = wandb.termlog("Artifact downloaded to %s" % path) except ValueError: raise ClickException("Unable to download artifact")
def use_artifact(self, artifact, type=None, aliases=None): """ Declare an artifact as an input to a run, call `download` or `file` on \ the returned object to get the contents locally. Args: artifact_or_name (str or Artifact): An artifact name. May be prefixed with entity/project. Valid names can be in the following forms: name:version name:alias digest You can also pass an Artifact object created by calling `wandb.Artifact` type (str, optional): The type of artifact to use. aliases (list, optional): Aliases to apply to this artifact Returns: A :obj:`Artifact` object. """ if self.mode == "dryrun": wandb.termwarn("Using artifacts in dryrun mode is currently unsupported.") return artifact self.history.ensure_jupyter_started() if isinstance(artifact, six.string_types): # Ensure we have an entity (_load_entity puts the result into api.settings()) # then initialize PublicApi with it. self._load_entity(self.api, True) public_api = PublicApi(self.api.settings()) artifact = public_api.artifact(name=artifact) if type is not None and type != artifact.type: raise ValueError('Supplied type {} does not match type {} of artifact {}'.format( type, artifact.type, self.api.use_artifact( return artifact else: if isinstance(aliases, six.string_types): aliases = [aliases] if isinstance(artifact, wandb.Artifact): artifact.finalize() self.send_message({ 'use_artifact': { 'type': artifact.type, 'name':, 'server_manifest_entries': artifact.server_manifest.entries, 'manifest': artifact.manifest.to_manifest_json(include_local=True), 'digest': artifact.digest, 'metadata': artifact.metadata, 'aliases': aliases } }) return artifact elif isinstance(artifact, ApiArtifact): self.api.use_artifact( return artifact else: raise ValueError('You must pass an artifact name (e.g. "pedestrian-dataset:v1"), an instance of wandb.Artifact, or wandb.Api().artifact() to use_artifact')
def test_run_in_launch_context_with_artifacts_api(runner, live_mock_server, test_settings, capsys): live_mock_server.set_ctx({"swappable_artifacts": True}) arti = { "name": "test:v0", "project": "test", "entity": "test", "_version": "v0", "_type": "artifactVersion", "id": "QXJ0aWZhY3Q6NTI1MDk4", } overrides = { "overrides": { "run_config": { "epochs": 10 }, "artifacts": { "old_name:v0": arti }, }, } with runner.isolated_filesystem(): path = _project_spec.DEFAULT_LAUNCH_METADATA_PATH with open(path, "w") as fp: json.dump(overrides, fp) test_settings.update(launch=True, source=wandb.sdk.wandb_settings.Source.INIT) test_settings.update(launch_config_path=path, source=wandb.sdk.wandb_settings.Source.INIT) run = wandb.init(settings=test_settings, config={ "epochs": 2, "lr": 0.004 }) public_api = PublicApi() art = public_api.artifact("old_name:v0") arti_inst = run.use_artifact(art) assert run.config.epochs == 10 assert == 0.004 run.finish() assert == "old_name:v0" arti_info = live_mock_server.get_ctx()["used_artifact_info"] assert arti_info["used_name"] == "old_name:v0" _, err = capsys.readouterr() assert ( "Swapping artifacts does not support swapping artifacts used as an instance of" in err)
def use_artifact(self, artifact, type=None, aliases=None): if self.mode == "dryrun": wandb.termwarn( "Using artifacts in dryrun mode is currently unsupported.") return artifact self.history.ensure_jupyter_started() if isinstance(artifact, str): if type is None: raise ValueError('type required') public_api = PublicApi() artifact = public_api.artifact(type=type, name=artifact) self.api.use_artifact( return artifact else: if type is not None: raise ValueError( 'cannot specify type when passing Artifact object') if isinstance(aliases, str): aliases = [aliases] if isinstance(artifact, wandb.Artifact): artifact.finalize() self.send_message({ 'use_artifact': { 'type': artifact.type, 'name':, 'server_manifest_entries': artifact.server_manifest.entries, 'manifest': artifact.manifest.to_manifest_json(include_local=True), 'digest': artifact.digest, 'metadata': artifact.metadata, 'aliases': aliases } }) elif isinstance(artifact, ApiArtifact): self.api.use_artifact( return artifact else: raise ValueError( 'You must pass an artifact name (e.g. "pedestrian-dataset:v1"), an instance of wandb.Artifact, or wandb.Api().artifact() to use_artifact' )
def use_artifact(self, artifact, type=None, aliases=None): if self.mode == "dryrun": wandb.termwarn("Using artifacts in dryrun mode is currently unsupported.") return artifact self.history.ensure_jupyter_started() if isinstance(artifact, str): # Ensure we have an entity (_load_entity puts the result into api.settings()) # then initialize PublicApi with it. self._load_entity(self.api, True) public_api = PublicApi(self.api.settings()) artifact = public_api.artifact(name=artifact) if type is not None and type != artifact.type: raise ValueError('Supplied type {} does not match type {} of artifact {}'.format( type, artifact.type, self.api.use_artifact( return artifact else: if isinstance(aliases, str): aliases = [aliases] if isinstance(artifact, wandb.Artifact): artifact.finalize() self.send_message({ 'use_artifact': { 'type': artifact.type, 'name':, 'server_manifest_entries': artifact.server_manifest.entries, 'manifest': artifact.manifest.to_manifest_json(include_local=True), 'digest': artifact.digest, 'metadata': artifact.metadata, 'aliases': aliases } }) elif isinstance(artifact, ApiArtifact): self.api.use_artifact( return artifact else: raise ValueError('You must pass an artifact name (e.g. "pedestrian-dataset:v1"), an instance of wandb.Artifact, or wandb.Api().artifact() to use_artifact')