def launch_eclipse(self, workbench=".", argv=None, nonblock=True, verbose=False): """ Launch Eclipse. :param string workbench: Directory of workspace. :param list<string> argv: Command-line argument for eclipse. :param bool nonblock: If true, this function returns immediately, if false, this function blocks until ecilpse halts. :param bool verbose: message verbosity :rtype int: :return: Zero if success. Non-zero if failed. """ eclipse_dir = os.path.join(wasanbon.home_path, 'eclipse') if sys.platform == 'darwin': eclipse_dir = os.path.join(eclipse_dir, '') curdir = os.getcwd() if not os.path.isdir(eclipse_dir): sys.stdout.write('# Install ecipse by $ environment install eclipse\n') return -1 os.chdir(eclipse_dir) if sys.platform == 'win32': eclipse_cmd = 'eclipse.exe' else: eclipse_cmd = './eclipse' # Set Environmental Variable env = os.environ env['RTM_ROOT'] = wasanbon.get_rtm_root() if not os.path.isdir(workbench) or workbench == '.': if verbose: sys.stdout.write("## Starting eclipse in current directory.\n") cmd = [eclipse_cmd] else: if verbose: sys.stdout.write("## Starting eclipse in current package directory(%s).\n" % workbench) cmd = [eclipse_cmd, '-data', workbench] if argv != None: cmd = cmd + argv stdout = None if verbose else subprocess.PIPE stderr = None if verbose else subprocess.PIPE if sys.platform == 'win32': p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, creationflags=512, env=env, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) else: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=env, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) if not nonblock: p.wait() os.chdir(curdir) return 0
def forEachIDL(self, func, idls=[], idl_dirs=[], except_files=[]): """ Apply func function to each IDLs. """ default_idl_dirs = [ os.path.join(wasanbon.get_rtm_root(), "rtm", "idl"), os.path.join(wasanbon.home_path, "idl"), ] default_except_files = ["RTM.idl", "RTC.idl", "OpenRTM.idl", "DataPort.idl", "Manager.idl", "SDOPackage.idl"] if self._parser is None: self._parser = parser.IDLParser() except_files = except_files + default_except_files self._parser.forEachIDL(func, idl_dirs=idl_dirs + default_idl_dirs, except_files=except_files)
def forEachIDL(self, func, idls=[], idl_dirs=[], except_files=[]): """ Apply func function to each IDLs. """ default_idl_dirs = [ os.path.join(wasanbon.get_rtm_root(), 'rtm', 'idl'), os.path.join(wasanbon.home_path, 'idl') ] default_except_files = [ 'RTM.idl', 'RTC.idl', 'OpenRTM.idl', 'DataPort.idl', 'Manager.idl', 'SDOPackage.idl' ] if self._parser is None: self._parser = parser.IDLParser() except_files = except_files + default_except_files self._parser.forEachIDL(func, idl_dirs=idl_dirs + default_idl_dirs, except_files=except_files)
def generate(self, argv): """ Generate RTC skeleton code. # Usage: generate_rtc generate [RTC_NAME] """ self.parser.add_option('-f', '--force', help='Force option (default=False)', default=False, action='store_true', dest='force_flag') options, argv = self.parse_args(argv[:], self._print_alternatives) verbose = options.verbose_flag # This is default option force = options.force_flag wasanbon.arg_check(argv, 4) rtm_root_path = wasanbon.get_rtm_root() default_idl_path = os.path.join(rtm_root_path, 'rtm') except_files = [ 'SDOPackage.idl', 'Manager.idl', 'OpenRTM.idl', 'RTC.idl' ] idls, idl_dirs = self.search_idls(default_idl_path, except_files=except_files) idls = [ os.path.join(default_idl_path, 'idl', 'BasicDataType.idl'), os.path.join(default_idl_path, 'idl', 'ExtendedDataTypes.idl'), os.path.join(default_idl_path, 'idl', 'InterfaceDataTypes.idl') ] self._parser = parser.IDLParser(verbose=verbose) self._parser.parse(idls=idls, idl_dirs=idl_dirs, except_files=except_files) pack = admin.package.get_package_from_path(os.getcwd()) rtc = admin.rtc.get_rtc_from_package(pack, argv[3], verbose=verbose) self.generate_codes_from_profile(rtc)
def launch_eclipse(self, workbench=".", argv=None, nonblock=True, verbose=False): """ Launch Eclipse. :param string workbench: Directory of workspace. :param list<string> argv: Command-line argument for eclipse. :param bool nonblock: If true, this function returns immediately, if false, this function blocks until ecilpse halts. :param bool verbose: message verbosity :rtype int: :return: Zero if success. Non-zero if failed. """ eclipse_dir = os.path.join(wasanbon.home_path, 'eclipse') if sys.platform == 'darwin': eclipse_dir = os.path.join(eclipse_dir, '') curdir = os.getcwd() if not os.path.isdir(eclipse_dir): sys.stdout.write( '# Install ecipse by $ environment install eclipse\n' ) return -1 os.chdir(eclipse_dir) if sys.platform == 'win32': eclipse_cmd = 'eclipse.exe' else: eclipse_cmd = './eclipse' # Set Environmental Variable env = os.environ env['RTM_ROOT'] = wasanbon.get_rtm_root() if not os.path.isdir(workbench) or workbench == '.': if verbose: sys.stdout.write("## Starting eclipse in current directory.\n") cmd = [eclipse_cmd] else: if verbose: sys.stdout.write( "## Starting eclipse in current package directory(%s).\n" % workbench) cmd = [eclipse_cmd, '-data', workbench] if argv != None: cmd = cmd + argv stdout = None if verbose else subprocess.PIPE stderr = None if verbose else subprocess.PIPE if sys.platform == 'win32': p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, creationflags=512, env=env, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) else: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=env, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) if not nonblock: p.wait() os.chdir(curdir) return 0