def test_replacementListValue(self, replacement):
     ''' Tests if value of targetKey is replaced by different object, list '''
     sourceJsonList = list(self.sourceJsonList)
     rJson, rReplacementNumber = wawCommons.replaceValue(
         sourceJsonList, 'targetKey', replacement, False)
     assert rReplacementNumber == 7
     assert sourceJsonList == self.sourceJsonList
     assert rJson == [
         None, replacement, 'notTargetKeyC', {
             'notTargetKeyDA': None,
             'notTargetKeyDB': 'notToBeReplacedValue',
             'notTargetKeyDC': replacement,
             'notTargetKeyDD': {
                 'notTargetKeyDDA': None,
                 'notTargetKeyDDB': 'notToBeReplacedValue',
                 'notTargetKeyDDC': replacement,
                 'targetKey': {},
                 'notTargetKeyDDE': []
             [None, replacement, 'notTargetKeyDEC', {}, []]
             None, replacement, 'notTargetKeyEC', {
                 'notTargetKeyEDA': None,
                 'notTargetKeyEDB': 'notToBeReplacedValue',
                 'notTargetKeyEDC': replacement,
                 'targetKey': {},
                 'notTargetKeyEDE': []
             }, [None, replacement, 'notTargetKeyEEC', {}, []]
 def test_replacementDict(self, replacement):
     ''' Tests if value of targetKey is replaced by different object, dict '''
     sourceJsonDict = dict(self.sourceJsonDict)
     rJson, rReplacementNumber = wawCommons.replaceValue(
         sourceJsonDict, 'targetKey', replacement)
     assert rReplacementNumber == 2
     assert sourceJsonDict == self.sourceJsonDict
     assert rJson == {
         'notTargetKeyA': None,
         'notTargetKeyB': 'notToBeReplacedValue',
         'notTargetKeyC': 'targetKey',
         'notTargetKeyD': {
             'notTargetKeyDA': None,
             'notTargetKeyDB': 'notToBeReplacedValue',
             'notTargetKeyDC': 'targetKey',
             'notTargetKeyDD': {
                 'notTargetKeyDDA': None,
                 'notTargetKeyDDB': 'notToBeReplacedValue',
                 'notTargetKeyDDC': 'targetKey',
                 'targetKey': replacement,
                 'notTargetKeyDDE': []
             [None, 'targetKey', 'notTargetKeyDEC', {}, []]
         'targetKey': replacement
 def test_keyNull(self):
     ''' Tests if targetKey is Null '''
     sourceJsonDict = dict(self.sourceJsonDict)
     rJson, rReplacementNumber = wawCommons.replaceValue(
         sourceJsonDict, None, 'replacementJson')
     assert rReplacementNumber == 0
     assert rJson == self.sourceJsonDict
     assert sourceJsonDict == self.sourceJsonDict
 def test_noReplacementList(self):
     ''' Tests if targetKey is not in sourceJson, list'''
     sourceJsonList = list(self.sourceJsonList)
     rJson, rReplacementNumber = wawCommons.replaceValue(
         sourceJsonList, 'randomKey', 'replacementJson')
     assert rReplacementNumber == 0
     assert rJson == self.sourceJsonList
     assert sourceJsonList == self.sourceJsonList
def main(argv):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This script takes a workspace JSON as one parameter and another JSON (i.e., piece of context data structure) and put the second one into desired place in the first one. This happens inplace.', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
    # arguments
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--common_configFilePaths', help='configuaration file', action='append')
    parser.add_argument('-w','--common_outputs_workspace', required=False, help='filename of the original workspace JSON')
    parser.add_argument('-d','--common_outputs_directory', required=False, help='directory, where the workspace is located')
    parser.add_argument('-j','--includejsondata_jsonfile', required=False, help='file with JSON you want to include')
    parser.add_argument('-t','--includejsondata_targetkey', required=False, help='the key, where you want to add your JSON, i.e., "data_structure" : null; where you want to replace null, you would put "data_strucute" as this parameter')
    # optional arguments
    parser.add_argument('-v','--verbose', required=False, help='verbosity', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--log', type=str.upper, default=None, choices=list(logging._levelToName.values()))
    #init the parameters
    args = parser.parse_args(argv)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        setLoggerConfig(args.log, args.verbose)

    config = Cfg(args)'STARTING: ' + os.path.basename(__file__))

    # get required parameters
    # workspace
    with, 'common_outputs_directory'), getRequiredParameter(config, 'common_outputs_workspace')), 'r', encoding='utf8') as inputpath:
            workspaceInput = json.load(inputpath)
            logger.error('Workspace JSON is not valid JSON: %s', os.path.join(getRequiredParameter(config, 'common_outputs_directory'), getRequiredParameter(config, 'common_outputs_workspace')))
    # json to add
    with, 'includejsondata_jsonfile')), 'r', encoding='utf8') as jsonincludepath:
            jsonInclude = json.load(jsonincludepath)
            logger.error('JSON to include is not valid JSON: %s', os.path.join(getRequiredParameter(config, 'includejsondata_jsonfile')))
    # target element
    targetKey = getRequiredParameter(config, 'includejsondata_targetkey')

    # find the target key and add the json
    replacedValuesNumber = 0
    if 'dialog_nodes' in workspaceInput:
        workspaceInput['dialog_nodes'], replacedValuesNumber = replaceValue(workspaceInput['dialog_nodes'], targetKey, jsonInclude)
        logger.warning('Workspace does not contain \'dialog_nodes\'')

    # writing the file
    with, 'common_outputs_directory'), getattr(config, 'common_outputs_workspace')), 'w', encoding='utf8')  as outfile:
        json.dump(workspaceInput, outfile, indent=4)

    if replacedValuesNumber == 0:
        logger.warning('Target key not found.')
    else:'Writing workspaces with added JSON successfull.')'FINISHING: ' + os.path.basename(__file__))
def main(argv):
    Scripts takes input json file that represents test that should be run against
    Cloud Functions and produce output that extends input json file by results
    from CFs and evaluation.

    Inputs and expected outputs can contain string values that starts with '::'
    (e.g. "key": "::valueToBeReplaced1") which will be replaced by matching 
    configuration parameters or by values specified by parameter 'replace'
    (format \'valueToBeReplaced1:replacement1,valueToBeReplaced2:replacement2\')).

    Input json file example:
            "name": "test example 1", # OPTIONAL
            "cf_package": "<CLOUD FUNCTIONS PACKAGE NAME>", # OPTIONAL (could be provided directly to script, at least one has to be specified, test level overrides global script one)
            "cf_function": "<CLOUD FUNCTIONS SPECIFIC FUNCTION TO BE TESTED>", # --||--
            "input": <OBJECT> | <@PATH/TO/FILE>, # payload to be send to CF (could be specified as a relative or absolute path to the file that contains json file, e.g. "input": "@inputs/test_example_1.json")
            "outputExpected": <OBJECT> | <@PATH/TO/FILE>, # expected payload to be return from CF (--||--)
            "name": "test example 2",
              rest of the test definition

    Output json file example:
            "name": "test example 1",
              rest of the input test definition
            "outputReturned": <OBJECT>, # returned payload from CF
            "result": <0 - test passed, 1 - test failed>
            "diff": <OBJECT> # if test passed then "diff" is Null, else contains object that represents differences
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Tests all tests specified in given file against Cloud Functions and save test outputs to output file', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
    # positional arguments
    parser.add_argument('inputFileName', help='File with json array containing tests.')
    parser.add_argument('outputFileName', help='File where to store test outputs.')
    # optional arguments
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--common_configFilePaths', help='configuaration file', action='append')
    parser.add_argument('--cloudfunctions_url', required=False, help='url of cloud functions API')
    parser.add_argument('--cloudfunctions_namespace', required=False, help='cloud functions namespace')
    parser.add_argument('--cloudfunctions_package', required=False, help='cloud functions package name')
    parser.add_argument('--cloudfunctions_function', required=False, help='cloud functions specific function to be tested')
    parser.add_argument('--cloudfunctions_apikey', required=False, help="cloud functions apikey")
    parser.add_argument('--cloudfunctions_username', required=False, help='cloud functions user name')
    parser.add_argument('--cloudfunctions_password', required=False, help='cloud functions password')
    parser.add_argument('-v','--verbose', required=False, help='verbosity', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--log', type=str.upper, default=None, choices=list(logging._levelToName.values()))
    parser.add_argument('--replace', required=False, help='string values to be replaced in input and expected output json (format \'valueToBeReplaced1:replacement1,valueToBeReplaced2:replacement2\')')
    args = parser.parse_args(argv)

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        setLoggerConfig(args.log, args.verbose)

    config = Cfg(args)'STARTING: '+ os.path.basename(__file__))

    url = getRequiredParameter(config, 'cloudfunctions_url')
    namespace = getRequiredParameter(config, 'cloudfunctions_namespace')
    auth = getParametersCombination(config, 'cloudfunctions_apikey', ['cloudfunctions_password', 'cloudfunctions_username'])
    package = getOptionalParameter(config, 'cloudfunctions_package')
    function = getOptionalParameter(config, 'cloudfunctions_function')

    if 'cloudfunctions_apikey' in auth:
        username, password = convertApikeyToUsernameAndPassword(auth['cloudfunctions_apikey'])
        username = auth['cloudfunctions_username']
        password = auth['cloudfunctions_password']

        inputFile = open(args.inputFileName, 'r')
    except IOError:
        logger.critical('Cannot open test input file %s', args.inputFileName)

        outputFile = open(args.outputFileName, 'w')
    except IOError:
        logger.critical('Cannot open test output file %s', args.outputFileName)

        inputJson = json.load(inputFile)
    except ValueError as e:
        logger.critical('Cannot decode json from test input file %s, error: %s', args.inputFileName, str(e))

    if not isinstance(inputJson, list):
        logger.critical('Input test json is not array!')

    replaceDict = {}
    for attr in dir(config):
        if not attr.startswith("__"):
            if attr == 'replace':
                # format \'valueToBeReplaced1:replacement1,valueToBeReplaced2:replacement2\'
                replacementsString = getattr(config, attr)
                for replacementString in replacementsString.split(','):
                    replacementStringSplit = replacementString.split(':')
                    if len(replacementStringSplit) != 2 or not replacementStringSplit[0] or not replacementStringSplit[1]:
                        logger.critical('Invalid format of \'replace\' parameter, valid format is \'valueToBeReplaced1:replacement1,valueToBeReplaced2:replacement2\'')
                    replaceDict[replacementStringSplit[0]] = replacementStringSplit[1]
                replaceDict[attr] = getattr(config, attr)

    # run tests
    testCounter = 0
    for test in inputJson:
        if not isinstance(test, dict):
            logger.error('Input test array element %d is not dictionary. Each test has to be dictionary, please see doc!', testCounter)
            continue'Test number: %d, name: %s', testCounter, (test['name'] if 'name' in test else '-'))
        testUrl = \
            url + ('' if url.endswith('/') else '/') + \
            namespace + '/actions/' + (test['cf_package'] if 'cf_package' in test else package) + '/' + \
            (test['cf_function'] if 'cf_function' in test else function) + \
            '?blocking=true&result=true''Tested function url: %s', testUrl)

        # load test input payload json
        testInputJson = test['input']
        testInputPath = None
            if testInputJson.startswith('@'): 
                testInputPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(args.inputFileName), testInputJson[1:])
                logger.debug('Loading input payload from file: %s', testInputPath)
                    inputFile = open(testInputPath, 'r')
                except IOError:
                    logger.error('Cannot open input payload from file: %s', testInputPath)
                    testInputJson = json.load(inputFile)
                except ValueError as e:
                    logger.error('Cannot decode json from input payload from file %s, error: %s', testInputPath, str(e))

        if not testInputPath:
            logger.debug('Input payload provided inside the test')

        # load test expected output payload json
        testOutputExpectedJson = test['outputExpected']
        testOutputExpectedPath = None
            if testOutputExpectedJson.startswith('@'):
                testOutputExpectedPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(args.inputFileName), testOutputExpectedJson[1:])
                logger.debug('Loading expected output payload from file: %s', testOutputExpectedPath)
                    outputExpectedFile = open(testOutputExpectedPath, 'r')
                except IOError:
                    logger.error('Cannot open expected output payload from file: %s', testOutputExpectedPath)
                    testOutputExpectedJson = json.load(outputExpectedFile)
                except ValueError as e:
                    logger.error('Cannot decode json from expected output payload from file %s, error: %s', testOutputExpectedPath, str(e))

        if not testOutputExpectedPath:
            logger.debug('Expected output payload provided inside the test')

        logger.debug('Replacing values in input and expected output jsons by configuration parameters.')

        for target, value in replaceDict.items():
            testInputJson, replacementNumber = replaceValue(testInputJson, '::' + target, value, False)
            if replacementNumber > 0:
                logger.debug('Replaced configuration parameter \'%s\' in input json, number of occurences: %d.', target, replacementNumber)
            testOutputExpectedJson, replacementNumber = replaceValue(testOutputExpectedJson, '::' + target, value, False)
            if replacementNumber > 0:
                logger.debug('Replaced configuration parameter \'%s\' in expected output json, number of occurences: %d.', target, replacementNumber)

        # call CF
        logger.debug('Sending input json: %s', json.dumps(testInputJson, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf8'))
        response =
            auth=(username, password), 
            headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, 
            data=json.dumps(testInputJson, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf8'))

        responseContentType = response.headers.get('content-type')
        if responseContentType != 'application/json':
            logger.error('Response content type is not json, content type: %s, response:\n%s', responseContentType, response.text)

        # check status
        if response.status_code == 200:
            testOutputReturnedJson = response.json()
            logger.debug('Received output json: %s', json.dumps(testOutputReturnedJson, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf8'))
            test['outputReturned'] = testOutputReturnedJson

            # evaluate test
            if 'type' not in test or test['type'] == 'EXACT_MATCH':
                testResultString = DeepDiff(testOutputExpectedJson, testOutputReturnedJson, ignore_order=True).json
                testResultJson = json.loads(testResultString)
                if testResultJson == {}:
                    test['result'] = 0
                    test['result'] = 1
                    test['diff'] = testResultJson
                logger.error('Unknown test type: %s', test['type'])
        elif response.status_code in [202, 403, 404, 408]:
            # 202 Accepted activation request (should not happen while sending 'blocking=true&result=true')
            # 403 Forbidden (could be just for specific package or function)
            # 404 Not Found (action or package could be incorrectly specified for given test)
            # 408 Request Timeout (could happen e.g. for CF that calls some REST APIs, e.g. Discovery service)
            # 502 Bad Gateway (when the CF raises exception, e.g. bad params where provided)
            # => Could be issue just for given test, so we don't want to stop whole testing.
            logger.error('Unexpected response status: %d, response: %s', response.status_code, json.dumps(response.json(), ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf8'))
            # 401 Unauthorized (while we use same credentials for all tests then we want to end after the first test returns bad authentification)
            # 500 Internal Server Error (could happen that IBM Cloud has several issue and is not able to handle incoming requests, then it would be probably same for all tests)
            # => We don't want to continue with testing.
            logger.critical('Unexpected response status (cannot continue with testing): %d, response: %s', response.status_code, json.dumps(response.json(), ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf8'))

        testCounter += 1

    outputFile.write(json.dumps(inputJson, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) + '\n')'FINISHING: '+ os.path.basename(__file__))
 def test_sourceString(self):
     ''' Tests if sourceJson is String '''
     rJson, rReplacementNumber = wawCommons.replaceValue(
         'sourceJson', 'targetKey', 'replacementJson')
     assert rJson == 'sourceJson'
     assert rReplacementNumber == 0
 def test_sourceNull(self):
     ''' Tests if sourceJson is Null '''
     rJson, rReplacementNumber = wawCommons.replaceValue(
         None, 'targetKey', 'replacementJson')
     assert rReplacementNumber == 0
     assert rJson == None