Esempio n. 1
    def get_stat_data(
        """ Get a data dictionary for a place from this table.

        This fetches the values for each column in this table and returns a data
        dictionary for those values, with appropriate names and metadata.

        :param geo: the geography
        :param str or list fields: the columns to fetch stats for. By default, all columns except
                                   geo-related and the total column (if any) are used.
        :param str key_order: explicit ordering of (recoded) keys, or None for the default order.
                              Default order is the order in +fields+ if given, otherwise
                              it's the natural column order from the DB.
        :param bool percent: should we calculate percentages, or just include raw values?
        :param int total: the total value to use for percentages, name of a
                          field, or None to use the sum of all retrieved fields (default)
        :param dict recode: map from field names to strings to recode column names. Many fields
                            can be recoded to the same thing, their values will be summed.
        :param str year: release year to use. None will try to use the current dataset context, and 'latest'
                         will use the latest release.

        :return: (data-dictionary, total)
        db_table = self.get_db_table(year=year or current_context().get("year"))
        model = db_table.model
        columns = self.columns(db_table)

        session = get_session()
            if fields is not None and not isinstance(fields, list):
                fields = [fields]
            if fields:
                for f in fields:
                    if f not in columns:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Invalid field/column '%s' for table '%s'. Valid columns are: %s"
                            % (f,, ", ".join(columns.keys()))
                fields = columns.keys()
                if self.total_column:

            recode = recode or {}
            if recode:
                # change lambda to dicts
                if not isinstance(recode, dict):
                    recode = {f: recode(f) for f in fields}

            # is the total column valid?
            if isinstance(total, basestring) and total not in columns:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Total column '%s' isn't one of the columns for table '%s'. Valid columns are: %s"
                    % (total,, ", ".join(columns.keys()))

            # table columns to fetch
            cols = [model.__table__.columns[c] for c in fields]

            if (
                total is not None
                and isinstance(total, basestring)
                and total not in cols

            # do the query. If this returns no data, row is None
            row = (
                    model.geo_level == geo.geo_level,
                    model.geo_code == geo.geo_code,
                    model.geo_version == geo.version,

            if row is None:
                row = ZeroRow()

            # what's our denominator?
            if total is None:
                # sum of all columns
                total = sum(getattr(row, f) or 0 for f in fields)
            elif isinstance(total, basestring):
                total = getattr(row, total)

            # Now build a data dictionary based on the columns in +row+.
            # Multiple columns may be recoded into one, so we have to
            # accumulate values as we go.
            results = OrderedDict()

            key_order = (
                key_order or fields
            )  # default key order is just the list of fields

            for field in key_order:
                val = getattr(row, field) or 0

                # recode the key for this field, default is to keep it the same
                key = recode.get(field, field)

                # set the recoded field name, noting that the key may already
                # exist if another column recoded to it
                field_info = results.setdefault(
                    key, {"name": recode.get(field, columns[field]["name"])}

                if percent:
                    # sum up existing values, if any
                    val = val + field_info.get("numerators", {}).get("this", 0)
                    field_info["values"] = {"this": p(val, total)}
                    field_info["numerators"] = {"this": val}
                    # sum up existing values, if any
                    val = val + field_info.get("values", {}).get("this", 0)
                    field_info["values"] = {"this": val}

            add_metadata(results, self, db_table.active_release)
            return results, total
Esempio n. 2
    def get_stat_data(self, geo_level, geo_code, fields=None, key_order=None,
                      percent=True, total=None, recode=None):
        """ Get a data dictionary for a place from this table.

        This fetches the values for each column in this table and returns a data
        dictionary for those values, with appropriate names and metadata.

        :param str geo_level: the geographical level
        :param str geo_code: the geographical code
        :param str or list fields: the columns to fetch stats for. By default, all columns except
                                   geo-related and the total column (if any) are used.
        :param str key_order: explicit ordering of (recoded) keys, or None for the default order.
                              Default order is the order in +fields+ if given, otherwise
                              it's the natural column order from the DB.
        :param bool percent: should we calculate percentages, or just include raw values?
        :param int total: the total value to use for percentages, name of a
                          field, or None to use the sum of all retrieved fields (default)
        :param dict recode: map from field names to strings to recode column names. Many fields
                            can be recoded to the same thing, their values will be summed.

        :return: (data-dictionary, total)

        session = get_session()
            if fields is not None and not isinstance(fields, list):
                fields = [fields]
            if fields:
                for f in fields:
                    if f not in self.columns:
                        raise ValueError("Invalid field/column '%s' for table '%s'. Valid columns are: %s" % (
                            f,, ', '.join(self.columns.keys())))
                fields = self.columns.keys()
                if self.total_column:

            recode = recode or {}
            if recode:
                # change lambda to dicts
                if not isinstance(recode, dict):
                    recode = {f: recode(f) for f in fields}

            # is the total column valid?
            if isinstance(total, basestring) and total not in self.columns:
                raise ValueError("Total column '%s' isn't one of the columns for table '%s'. Valid columns are: %s" % (
                    total,, ', '.join(self.columns.keys())))

            # table columns to fetch
            cols = [self.model.columns[c] for c in fields]

            if total is not None and isinstance(total, basestring) and total not in cols:

            # do the query. If this returns no data, row is None
            row = session\
                .filter(self.model.c.geo_level == geo_level,
                        self.model.c.geo_code == geo_code)\

            if row is None:
                row = ZeroRow()

            # what's our denominator?
            if total is None:
                # sum of all columns
                total = sum(getattr(row, f) or 0 for f in fields)
            elif isinstance(total, basestring):
                total = getattr(row, total)

            # Now build a data dictionary based on the columns in +row+.
            # Multiple columns may be recoded into one, so we have to
            # accumulate values as we go.
            results = OrderedDict()

            key_order = key_order or fields  # default key order is just the list of fields

            for field in key_order:
                val = getattr(row, field) or 0

                # recode the key for this field, default is to keep it the same
                key = recode.get(field, field)

                # set the recoded field name, noting that the key may already
                # exist if another column recoded to it
                field_info = results.setdefault(key, {'name': recode.get(field, self.columns[field]['name'])})

                if percent:
                    # sum up existing values, if any
                    val = val + field_info.get('numerators', {}).get('this', 0)
                    field_info['values'] = {'this': p(val, total)}
                    field_info['numerators'] = {'this': val}
                    # sum up existing values, if any
                    val = val + field_info.get('values', {}).get('this', 0)
                    field_info['values'] = {'this': val}

            add_metadata(results, self)
            return results, total