Esempio n. 1
def weather_string():
    city = request.args.get('city')
    state = request.args.get('state')
    if city is None or state is None:
        # abort(400, description='City and state must be provided')
        return 'City and state must be provided', 400

    conditions = get_conditions(city, state)

    if conditions is None:
        return 'Place not found', 404

    return f'{city.title()}, {state.upper()}. {conditions}'
Esempio n. 2
def weather_photo():
    city = request.args.get('city')
    state = request.args.get('state')
    if city is None or state is None:
        # abort(400, description='City and state must be provided')
        return 'City and state must be provided', 400

    conditions = get_conditions(city, state)

    if conditions is None:
        return 'Place not found', 404

    photo = photo_path(conditions) 
    if photo:
        return send_file(photo)
        print('conditions', conditions)
        return 'No photo!' 
Esempio n. 3
def update_row(index, input_row, column_settings, output_worksheet, styles):
    row_values = list(input_cell.value for input_cell in input_row)
    if index > 0:
        formatting.standardize(index, row_values, column_settings)
        date, lat, lon = (
        snow = row_values[column_settings['snow']['index']]
        if type(snow) is str and 'NO' in snow.upper():
            row_values[column_settings['snow']['index']] = 0.0
        rain = row_values[column_settings['rain']['index']]
        if type(rain) is str and 'NO' in rain.upper():
            row_values[column_settings['rain']['index']] = 0.0
        if type(date) is datetime.datetime and \
                type(lat) is float and type(lon):
            coordinates = geopy.Point(lat, lon)
            conditions = weather.get_conditions(date, coordinates)
            if type(conditions['TMAX']) is float:
                temp_max = round(conditions['TMAX']/10, 3)
                row_values[column_settings['temp_max']['index']] = temp_max
                util.log('Case {}: Temp/H -> {} deg. C'.format(index, temp_max))
            if type(conditions['TMIN']) is float:
                temp_min = round(conditions['TMIN']/10, 3)
                row_values[column_settings['temp_min']['index']] = temp_min
                util.log('Case {}: Temp/L -> {} deg C'.format(index, temp_min))
            if type(conditions['AWND']) is float:
                # 1 m/s = 3.6 km/h
                wind_speed = round(conditions['AWND']/1000*60*60, 3)
                row_values[column_settings['wind_speed']['index']] = wind_speed
                util.log('Case {}: Wind Speed -> {} km/h'.format(
                    index, wind_speed))
            if type(conditions['SNOW']) is float:
                snow = round(conditions['SNOW'], 3)
                row_values[column_settings['snow']['index']] = snow
                util.log('Case {}: Snowfall -> {} mm'.format(index, snow))
            if type(conditions['PRCP']) is float:
                prcp = round(conditions['PRCP'], 3)
                snow = row_values[column_settings['snow']['index']]
                if type(snow) is float:
                    rain = round(max(prcp - snow, 0.0), 3)
                elif type(snow) is float and 'YES' in snow.upper():
                    rain = 0.0
                    rain = round(prcp, 3)
                row_values[column_settings['rain']['index']] = rain
                util.log('Case {}: Rainfall -> {} mm'.format(index, rain))
    for value in row_values:
        output_cell = openpyxl.writer.dump_worksheet.WriteOnlyCell(
            output_worksheet, value)
        for attribute, style in styles.items():
            setattr(output_cell, attribute, style)
            yield output_cell
Esempio n. 4
        worksheet_out.append([openpyxl.writer.dump_worksheet.WriteOnlyCell(worksheet_out, value) for value in values])
    date, ipp = values[4], values[113]
    if type(date) is str:
            date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        except ValueError:
            date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d')
        values[4] = date
    if ipp:
        lat, lon = ipp.split(', ')
        lat, lon = float(lat), float(lon)
        point = geopy.Point(lat, lon)
        conditions = weather.get_conditions(date, point)
        values[122] = round(conditions['TMAX']/10, 3) if conditions['TMAX'] is not None else None
        values[123] = round(conditions['TMIN']/10, 3) if conditions['TMIN'] is not None else None
        values[124] = round(conditions['AWND']*3.6, 3) if conditions['AWND'] is not None else None
        values[126] = round(conditions['SNOW'], 3) if conditions['SNOW'] is not None else None
        if conditions['PRCP'] is not None:
            if conditions['SNOW'] is not None:
                values[127] = round(max(conditions['PRCP'] - conditions['SNOW'], 0.0), 3)
                values[127] = round(conditions['PRCP'], 3)
        print(values[122:128], conditions, index)
    worksheet_out.append([openpyxl.writer.dump_worksheet.WriteOnlyCell(worksheet_out, value) for value in values])'ISRID-2015-NY-updated.xlsx')
Esempio n. 5
 if type(ipp) is str:
     lat, lon = ipp.split(', ')
     lat, lon = float(lat), float(lon)
 if type(incident_datetime) is not datetime.datetime:
     if ':' not in incident_datetime:
         incident_datetime += ' 00:00:00'
     incident_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(
         incident_datetime, datefmt)
 assert type(incident_datetime) is datetime.datetime
 conditions = None
 if lat and lon and incident_datetime:
     point = geopy.Point(lat, lon)
     conditions = weather.get_conditions(incident_datetime, point)
     print('({}, {}) @ "{}" -> {}'.format(lat, lon, 
         incident_datetime.isoformat(), conditions))
 key = str(key)
 if not status or 'N/A' in status.upper().strip():
 elif status.upper().strip() in ('SUSPENDED', 'DOA'):
     status = 'DEAD'
 elif 'N/A' not in status.upper().strip():
     status = 'ALIVE'
 age = str(age) if age else ''
 if sex is None:
     sex = ''