Esempio n. 1
def parse_output_list(output_list=None, input_list=None):
    """ Return an :func:`~weaver.util.iterable` object of output files.

    If `output_list` is ``None``, then return ``[]``.  If `output_list` is a
    string template, then use it to generate a list of :class:`File`
    objects.  If `output_list` is already an :func:`~weaver.util.iterable`,
    then map :class:`File` to `output_list` and return it.

    This means that `output_list` must be one of the following:

    1. ``None`` to leave it to the caller to generate an output file object.
    2. A string object to be used as a template.
    3. An :func:`~weaver.util.iterable` object (ex. list, iterator, etc.).

    If `output_list` is a string template, then it may have the following

    - `{fullpath}`, `{FULL}`         -- Full input file path.
    - `{basename}`, `{BASE}`         -- Base input file name.
    - `{fullpath_woext}`, `{FULLWE}` -- Full input file path without extension
    - `{basename_woext}`, `{BASEWE}` -- Base input file name without extension

    debug(D_DATA, 'Parsing output list')
    if output_list is None:
        return []

    if isinstance(output_list, str) or isinstance(output_list, File):
        # If input list is empty or output list is not a format string, then
        # return list of single output file.
        # TODO: support single {stash}
        if not input_list or not '{' in str(output_list):
            return [MakeFile(output_list)]

        nest = CurrentNest()
        return [
                    stash=next(nest.stash) if '{stash}' in output_list else '',
            for i, input in enumerate(parse_string_list(input_list))

    if iterable(output_list):
        return [MakeFile(o) for o in parse_object_list(output_list)]

    raise WeaverError(
        D_DATA, 'Could not parse output argument: {0}'.format(output_list))
Esempio n. 2
def parse_output_list(output_list=None, input_list=None):
    """ Return an :func:`~weaver.util.iterable` object of output files.

    If `output_list` is ``None``, then return ``[]``.  If `output_list` is a
    string template, then use it to generate a list of :class:`File`
    objects.  If `output_list` is already an :func:`~weaver.util.iterable`,
    then map :class:`File` to `output_list` and return it.

    This means that `output_list` must be one of the following:

    1. ``None`` to leave it to the caller to generate an output file object.
    2. A string object to be used as a template.
    3. An :func:`~weaver.util.iterable` object (ex. list, iterator, etc.).

    If `output_list` is a string template, then it may have the following

    - `{fullpath}`, `{FULL}`         -- Full input file path.
    - `{basename}`, `{BASE}`         -- Base input file name.
    - `{fullpath_woext}`, `{FULLWE}` -- Full input file path without extension
    - `{basename_woext}`, `{BASEWE}` -- Base input file name without extension

    debug(D_DATA, 'Parsing output list')
    if output_list is None:
        return []

    if isinstance(output_list, str) or isinstance(output_list, File):
        # If input list is empty or output list is not a format string, then
        # return list of single output file.
        # TODO: support single {stash}
        if not input_list or not '{' in str(output_list):
            return [MakeFile(output_list)]

        nest = CurrentNest()
        return [MakeFile(str(output_list).format(
                    fullpath       = input,
                    FULL           = input,
                    i              = '{0:05X}'.format(i),
                    NUMBER         = '{0:05X}'.format(i),
                    stash          = next(nest.stash) if '{stash}' in output_list else '',
                    fullpath_woext = os.path.splitext(input)[0],
                    FULL_WOEXT     = os.path.splitext(input)[0],
                    basename       = os.path.basename(input),
                    BASE           = os.path.basename(input),
                    basename_woext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input))[0] if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input))[1] != ".gz" else os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input))[0])[0],
                    BASE_WOEXT     = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input))[0] if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input))[1] != ".gz" else os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input))[0])[0]))
                for i, input in enumerate(parse_string_list(input_list))]

    if iterable(output_list):
        return [MakeFile(o) for o in parse_object_list(output_list)]

    raise WeaverError(D_DATA,
        'Could not parse output argument: {0}'.format(output_list))

# vim: set sts=4 sw=4 ts=8 expandtab ft=python:
Esempio n. 3
    def _generate(self):
        with self:
            debug(D_ABSTRACTION, 'Generating Abstraction {0}'.format(self))

            function = parse_function(self.function)
            if iterable(self.inputs):
                inputs = self.inputs
                inputs = range(self.inputs)
            outputs  = parse_output_list(self.outputs, inputs)
            includes = parse_input_list(self.includes)

            for i, o in zip(inputs, outputs):
                with Options(local=self.options.local, collect=[i] if self.collect else None):
                    yield function(includes, o, i)
Esempio n. 4
    def _generate(self):
        with self:
            debug(D_ABSTRACTION, 'Generating Abstraction {0}'.format(self))

            function = parse_function(self.function)
            if iterable(self.inputs):
                inputs = self.inputs
                inputs = list(range(self.inputs))
            outputs  = parse_output_list(self.outputs, inputs)
            includes = parse_input_list(self.includes)

            for i, o in zip(inputs, outputs):
                with Options(local=self.options.local, collect=[i] if self.collect else None):
                    yield function(includes, o, i)