def check_signature(data, debug=False): '''Check address and signature''' _from = data.get('from') _to = data.get('to') # Check addresses if they are Eth compatible if not w3.isAddress(_from) or not w3.isAddress(_to): return False msg = '{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}-{5}'.format(data.get('from'), data.get('to'), data.get('amount'), data.get('timestamp'), data.get('fees'), data.get('data')) msg_hash = defunct_hash_message(text=msg) pub_key = w3.eth.account.recoverHash( # pylint: disable=no-member msg_hash, signature=data.get('signature')) if debug: print('POST: {0} | Check: {1}'.format(data.get('from'), pub_key), pub_key == data.get('from')) if data.get('from') == pub_key: return True return False
def verify(tx_hash, recipient_id): w3 = Web3( HTTPProvider( '')) # check the Addresses and the Amount of the Sender if w3.isAddress(recipient_id) == False or w3.isAddress(Stamp_id) == False: return None # wait until the Transaction is finished # w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash) # not working unvalid Transactions brings TimeOut # get the Transaction trans = w3.eth.getTransaction(tx_hash) # check the existing of the Transaction if trans == None: return None # remove the 0x from the recipient-Address and lowerCase the recipient-Address rec_id = recipient_id[2:] rec_id = rec_id.lower() # check the correct recipient of the transaction rec_result = False if rec_id in trans['input']: rec_result = True # check the correct contract of the transaction contr_result = False if Stamp_id.lower() == trans['to'].lower(): contr_result = True # recipient and contract correct ? result = rec_result and contr_result return result
def list(self, request, address, *args, **kwargs): '''GET addresses informations''' if not w3.isAddress(address): return Response({ 'status': status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'msg': 'Address not valid' }) query = models.Address.objects.filter(address=address.lower()).first() if not query: return Response({ 'status': status.HTTP_200_OK, 'data': { 'address': address.lower(), 'balance': 0, 'transactions': [] } }) serialized = self.serializer_class(query) return Response({ 'status': status.HTTP_200_OK, 'data': })
def amountStamps(sender_id): w3 = Web3( HTTPProvider( '')) # check the Addresses and the Amount of the Sender if w3.isAddress(sender_id) == False or w3.isAddress(Stamp_id) == False: return None # load the contract for the Stamp address_contract = w3.toChecksumAddress(Stamp_id) contract = w3.eth.contract(address=address_contract, abi=EIP20_ABI) # load the amount of Stamps for the sender address_sender = w3.toChecksumAddress(sender_id) stamp_amount = return (stamp_amount)
def send(sender_id, sender_key, recipient_id): w3 = Web3( HTTPProvider( '')) # check the Addresses and the Amount of the Sender if w3.isAddress(sender_id) == False or w3.isAddress( recipient_id) == False or w3.isAddress(Stamp_id) == False: return None if amountStamps(sender_id) < 1: return None # load the contract for the Stamp address_contract = w3.toChecksumAddress(Stamp_id) contract = w3.eth.contract(address=address_contract, abi=EIP20_ABI) # get the nonce for the sender nonce = w3.eth.getTransactionCount(sender_id) # build the Transaction stamp_txn = contract.functions.transfer( w3.toChecksumAddress(recipient_id), 1, ).buildTransaction({ 'chainId': 4, 'gas': 70000, 'gasPrice': w3.toWei('1', 'gwei'), 'nonce': nonce, }) # sign the Transaction signed_txn = w3.eth.account.signTransaction(stamp_txn, private_key=sender_key) #send the Transaction result = w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_txn.rawTransaction) result = w3.toHex(result) return result
def pre_fund(pre_funded_accounts): alloc = {} for account in pre_funded_accounts: if w3.isAddress(account['address']) and int(account['balance']) > 0: address = account['address'][2:] balance_wei = w3.toWei(account['balance'], 'ether') alloc[address] = { "balance": w3.toHex(balance_wei) } return alloc
def Ethertxn(): if not path.exists('/home/pi/EthereumWallet_local_API/wallet/keystore'): return make_response(jsonify({'response': "Address not exists"})) data = request.values['data'].split(',') print(data) nonce = int(data[3].split("\b")[0]) password = data[0] mk = makeTxn(password) print('mktxn: ', mk.password) if not w3.isAddress(data[1]): return make_response(jsonify({'response': "Address Error"})) try: tmp = mk.EtherTxn(data[1], float(data[2]), nonce, int(data[4]), int(data[5])) #tmp = hex(int.from_bytes(tmp,byteorder='big')) except: return make_response(jsonify({'response': "Value Error"})) return make_response(jsonify({'response': str(tmp)}), 200)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): '''POST method redirects to valid URL''' search = request.POST.get('search-input') if not search: raise Http404('Invalid search argument') if w3.isAddress(search): return redirect(reverse('address_info', args=[search])) if all(k.isdigit() for k in search): return redirect(reverse('block_info', args=[search])) if search.isalnum(): if models.BlockStructureDB.objects.filter( block_hash=search).exists(): return redirect(reverse('block_info', args=[search])) elif models.TransactionDB.objects.filter(tx_hash=search).exists(): return redirect(reverse('transaction_info', args=[search])) else: raise Http404('Invalid search argument')
def check_address(address): return w3.isAddress(address)
def convert(self, value, param, ctx): if w3.isAddress(value): return value else:'Wrong Ethereum address provided: {value}', param, ctx)
localPassword = "******" ownerAddress = "" localAccount = "" if (os.path.exists('auth-a.json') == False): authenticationSet = {} #generate keys localAccount = w3.eth.account.create('seed') accountDump = w3.eth.account.encrypt(localAccount.privateKey, localPassword) authenticationSet['keystore'] = accountDump ownerAddress = input("Insert the owner address\r\n") while (w3.isAddress(ownerAddress) == False): ownerAddress = input("Address not valid. Insert the owner address\r\n") authenticationSet['ownerAddress'] = ownerAddress with open('auth-a.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(authenticationSet, f) else: with open('auth-a.json', 'r') as f: datastore = json.load(f) privateKey = w3.eth.account.decrypt(datastore['keystore'], localPassword) localAccount = w3.eth.account.privateKeyToAccount(privateKey) ownerAddress = datastore['ownerAddress'] print(localAccount.address) rules = load_rules(ownerAddress) while (True): try:
### DEBUG # enclave private = "0x564a9db84969c8159f7aa3d5393c5ecd014fce6a375842a45b12af6677b12407" # enclave address = 0x3cB738D98D7A70e81e81B0811Fae2452BcA049Bc # digest = w3.soliditySha3([ 'string' ], [ 'iExec the wanderer' ]).hex() if __name__ == '__main__': taskid = os.environ.get( 'TASKID' ) # or '0x8b43265c231bd32d1b249c1ce58bf0c77a9ebc6a30da37e961063a073a921e06' worker = os.environ.get( 'WORKER') # or '0x748e091bf16048cb5103E0E10F9D5a8b7fBDd860' keyfile = os.environ.get('KEYFILE') or '/app/priv_key' if not taskid: raise ValueError('Missing TASKID') if not w3.isAddress(worker): raise ValueError('Invalid worker address') worker = w3.toChecksumAddress(worker) print("Genrating result and consensus.iexec in /iexec ...") shutil.copy("/app/result.txt", "/iexec/result.txt") shutil.copy("/app/result.txt", "/iexec/consensus.iexec") with open(keyfile) as f: private =[0] digest = "0x" + fileChecksum("/iexec/consensus.iexec", "sha256") # hexstring hash = w3.soliditySha3(['bytes32', 'bytes32'], [taskid, digest]) seal = w3.soliditySha3(['address', 'bytes32', 'bytes32'], [worker, taskid, digest])
def clean_address(self): '''Validate an address before saving''' if not w3.isAddress(self.address): raise ValidationError( '{} is not a valid Ethereum address'.format(self.address) )
def validate_address(addr): '''Validate Ethereum address''' if not w3.isAddress(addr): raise ValidationError( '{} is not a valid Ethereum address'.format(addr) )
decimals = underlying.decimals() reserve = swap.balances(i) / 1e18 * coin.exchangeRateCurrent() / 10 ** decimals return cls(coin=coin, underlying=underlying, decimals=decimals, reserve=reserve) coins = [Coin.from_index(i) for i in range(2)] print('Currency reserves:') for coin in coins: print(f'{coin.underlying.symbol()}: {coin.reserve:,.2f}') fee = swap.fee() / 1e10 admin_fee = swap.admin_fee() / 1e10 print(f'Fee: {fee:.3%}') print(f'Admin fee: {admin_fee:.3%}') print(f'Virtual price: {swap.get_virtual_price() / 1e18}') # show LP stats if address is provided if len(sys.argv) > 1: me = sys.argv[1] me = w3.toChecksumAddress(me) if w3.isAddress(me) else me print('\nMy share:') token_balance = token.balanceOf(me) / 1e18 token_supply = token.totalSupply() / 1e18 share = token_balance / token_supply print(f'{token.symbol()}: {token_balance:,.2f}') for coin in coins: print(f'{coin.underlying.symbol()}: {coin.reserve * share:,.2f}')