def verify_settle(guid, transactions): settle_guid = decode_single( "uint256", w3.toBytes(hexstr=transactions[0]["data"][10:])) transaction_count = len(transactions) return transaction_count == 1 and check_int_uuid( settle_guid) and check_uuid(guid) and str( UUID(int=settle_guid, version=4)) == guid
def submit_request(account, sub=0, aud=0, exp=0, nbf=0, iat=0, wait=False): log.out.debug("submit_request: \"Using contract at {}\"".format( authority_contract.address)) # setting header alg = w3.toBytes(text="RS256") typ = w3.toBytes(text="JWT") aud = w3.toBytes(text=aud) # hashing request id try: request_id_bytes = w3.soliditySha3(['address', 'bytes32'], [account, aud]) except web3.exceptions.InvalidAddress as e: log.out.warning( "\033[91mPlease make sure your address has a valid EIP cheksum. Test on and correct in ressources/user_info.json\033[0m" ) exit() # casting those filthy bytes to an human-readable hexstr request_id = w3.toHex(request_id_bytes) request_id = request_id[0:20] # Proof that this works #log.out.debug(w3.toBytes(hexstr=request_id)) #log.out.debug(request_id_bytes) # submit to blockchain txn_hash = authority_contract.functions.addPermissionRequest( request_id, alg, typ, aud).transact({'from': account}) # wait for tx_receipt, could be disabled if (wait): timer = 50 tx_receipt = None "Transaction sent, waiting for mining: max. {} seconds".format( timer)) while (tx_receipt is None and timer > 0): tx_receipt = w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(txn_hash) time.sleep(1) timer -= 1 if tx_receipt is not None: "\033[92mTransaction with request id {} mined!\033[0m".format( request_id)) return request_id
def verify_stake(amount, transactions): transaction_count = len(transactions) # We should add in address validation later (address, approved) = decode_single("(address,uint256)", bytes.fromhex(transactions[0]["data"][10:])) stake = decode_single("uint256", w3.toBytes(hexstr=transactions[1]["data"][10:])) return transaction_count == 2 and check_address(address) and int( stake) == int(amount) and int(approved) == int(amount)
def verify_vote(guid, verdicts, transactions): (vote_guid, vote_verdicts, validBloom) = decode_single( "(uint256,uint256,bool)", w3.toBytes(hexstr=transactions[0]["data"][10:])) verdicts_int = sum([1 << n if b else 0 for n, b in enumerate(verdicts)]) transaction_count = len(transactions) return transaction_count == 1 and check_int_uuid(vote_guid) and check_uuid( guid) and str( UUID(int=vote_guid, version=4)) == guid and verdicts_int == vote_verdicts
def request_token(account, request_id): log.out.debug("submit_request: \"Using contract at {}\"".format( authority_contract.address)) log.out.debug("submit_request: \"Using request_id {}".format(request_id)) # watch submit request request_id_bytes = w3.toBytes(hexstr=request_id) # Call contract alg, typ, iss, sub, aud, iat, nbf, exp, jti, auth_token = authority_contract.functions.permissionList( request_id_bytes).call({'from': account}) # Sorry, web3 don't remove the padding so doing it manually typ = typ.split(b'\0', 1)[0] alg = alg.split(b'\0', 1)[0] aud = aud.split(b'\0', 1)[0] auth_token = auth_token.split(b'\0', 1)[0] #### Byte-String to text typ = w3.toText(typ) alg = w3.toText(alg) aud = w3.toText(aud) auth_token = w3.toText(auth_token) token_dict = { "header": { "typ": typ, "alg": alg }, "payload": { "iss": iss, "sub": sub, "aud": aud, "exp": exp, "nbf": nbf, "iat": iat, "jti": jti, }, "token": auth_token } #token_json = json.dumps(token_dict) log.out.debug("Token in dict-format: {}".format(token_dict)) return token_dict
def store_token(account, request_id, auth_token, exp, nbf, iat, wait=False): token_bytes = w3.toBytes(text=auth_token) exp = int(exp) nbf = int(nbf) iat = int(iat) txn_hash = authority_contract.functions.storeToken( request_id, token_bytes, exp, nbf, iat).transact({'from': account}) if (wait): timer = 50 tx_receipt = None "Transaction sent, waiting for mining: max. {} seconds".format( timer)) while (tx_receipt is None and timer > 0): tx_receipt = w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(txn_hash) time.sleep(1) timer -= 1 if tx_receipt is not None: "\033[92mToken with request id {} mined!\033[0m".format( request_id))
def to_32byte_hex(val): return web3.toHex(web3.toBytes(val).rjust(32, b'\0'))
def bytes32_to_ipfs(bytes_array): """Convert bytes_array into IPFS hash format.""" merge = w3.toBytes(hexstr='1220') + bytes_array return base58.b58encode(merge).decode("utf-8")
def ipfs_to_bytes32(ipfs_hash: str) -> str: """bytes32 is converted back into Ipfs hash format.""" ipfs_hash_bytes32 = _ipfs_to_bytes32(ipfs_hash) return w3.toBytes(hexstr=ipfs_hash_bytes32)