def change_password(username, pass1, pass2): encrypt_password1 = hashlib.sha224(pass1.encode()).hexdigest() encrypt_password2 = hashlib.sha224(pass2.encode()).hexdigest() authuser = WebData.web_auth(username, encrypt_password1) if not authuser is None: WebData.web_change_password(username, encrypt_password2) return True return False
def user_edit_role(self, id, role=None): user = self.get_auth() if role == None: roleid = WebData.web_code_select_user(id) print(roleid) html = WebViews.load_base( user, WebViews.load_bc_settings(), WebViews.load_basic_page( 'Users', WebViews.load_user_edit_role(roleid['role']))) return html else: WebData.web_code_edit_user_role(id, role) self.redirect('/users')
def index_block_3(): name = socket.gethostname().lower() uptime_check = 300 currenttime = time.time() agent_platform = "" agent_architecture = "" agent_timestamp = 0 agent_processors = 0 agent_memory = 0 cpu_perc = 0 mem_perc = 0 try: agentsystem = WebData.web_code_device_system(name) agent_platform = agentsystem['platform'] agent_architecture = agentsystem['architecture'] agent_timestamp = agentsystem['timestamp'] agent_processors = agentsystem['processors'] agent_memory = agentsystem['memory'] except: pass try: agent_perf = WebData.web_code_device_data_latest(name) cpu_perc = 0 mem_perc = 0 for i in agent_perf: if i['monitor'] == 'perf.processor.percent.used': cpu_perc = float(i['value']) if i['monitor'] == 'perf.memory.percent.used': mem_perc = float(i['value']) except: pass html = """<table style="width:100%;height:105px"><tr><td style="width:50%;padding-left:25px;vertical-align:top;padding-top:10px"> Name: """ + name + """<br /> Processors: """ + str(agent_processors) + """<br /> Memory: """ + str(agent_memory)[:-3] + """ MB <br /> Platform: """ + agent_platform + """ (""" + agent_architecture + """) <br /> </td><td style="width:50%;padding-left:10px;vertical-align:top;padding-top:10px">""" if (agent_timestamp + uptime_check) >= currenttime: cpu_color = "93C54B" mem_color = "93C54B" if cpu_perc >= 90: cpu_color = "D9534F" html = html + """<svg width="10" height="10"><rect width="10" height="10" style="fill:#""" + cpu_color + """" /></svg> """ + str( cpu_perc)[:-2] + """% CPU<br />""" if mem_perc >= 90: mem_color = "D9534F" html = html + """<svg width="10" height="10"><rect width="10" height="10" style="fill:#""" + mem_color + """" /></svg> """ + str( mem_perc)[:-3] + """% Memory<br />""" else: html = html + "Agent Not Reporting" html = html + "</td></tr></table>" return html
def user_edit_pass(self, id, pass1=None, pass2=None): user = self.get_auth() if pass1 is None and pass2 is None: html = WebViews.load_base( user, WebViews.load_bc_settings(), WebViews.load_basic_page('Users', WebViews.load_user_edit_password())) return html else: encryptpw = WebAuth.set_password(pass1, pass2) if not encryptpw is None: WebData.web_code_edit_user_password(str(id), encryptpw) self.redirect('/users') else: self.redirect('/error')
def index_block_4(page): page_start = (page * 100) - 100 page_end = page_start + 100 agentsystem = WebData.web_code_index_devices(page_start, page_end) uptime_check = 300 currenttime = time.time() os = "" html = "" icon = "" for i in agentsystem: dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(i['timestamp'])) date = """<span style="padding-right:10px">Last Reported: """ + str( dt) + "</span>" color = "93C54B" if (int(i['timestamp']) + uptime_check) < currenttime: color = "D9534F" icon = """<svg width="10" height="10"><rect width="10" height="10" style="fill:#""" + color + """" /></svg>""" html += "<tr><td style='padding-left:20px'>" + icon + " <a href='devices/" + str( i['name'] ) + "'>" + str(i['name']) + r"</a></td><td>IP Address: " + str( i['ipaddress']) + r"</td><td>Domain: " + str( i['domain']).lower() + r"</td><td>Platform: " + str( i['platform']) + r" (" + str( i['architecture'] ) + r")</td><td>" + date + r"</td></tr>" return html
def search_devices(device): results = WebData.web_code_device_system_search(device) html = "Host names containing: " + str(device) + "<br />" for i in results: html += """<a href="/devices/""" "" + str( i["name"]) + """/">""" + str(i["name"]) + "</a></br />" return html
def index_block_1(): ok = 0 down = 0 total = ok + down uptime_check = 300 currenttime = time.time() agentsystem = WebData.web_code_index_device_avail() for i in agentsystem: timestamp = int(i['timestamp']) if (timestamp + uptime_check) >= currenttime: ok += 1 else: down += 1 total = ok + down if total == 0: total = 1 ok_perc = (ok / total) * 100 down_perc = (down / total) * 100 total_perc = str(ok_perc) + ' ' + str(down_perc) html = """<table style="width:100%;height:105px"><tr><td style="width:50%;text-align:center;"> <svg width="95" height="95" viewBox="0 0 42 42" class="donut"> <circle class="donut-ring" cx="21" cy="21" r="15.91549430918954" fill="transparent" stroke="#d9534f" stroke-width="5"></circle> <circle class="donut-segment" cx="21" cy="21" r="15.91549430918954" fill="transparent" stroke="#93C54B" stroke-width="5" stroke-dasharray='""" + total_perc + """' stroke-dashoffset="25"></circle> </svg></td> <td style="width:50%;vertical-align:top;padding-top:34px"><svg width="10" height="10"><rect width="10" height="10" style="fill:#93C54B" /></svg> """ + str( ok) + """ Hosts Up<br /> <svg width="10" height="10"><rect width="10" height="10" style="fill:#d9534f" /></svg> """ + str( down) + """ Hosts Down</td></tr></table>""" return html
def notify_edit(id): rule = WebData.web_code_select_notifyrule(id) html = "" html = """<form action='' method='POST'><table><tr><td>Rule Name</td><td><input type='text' name='notify_name' value='""" + str( rule['notify_name']) + """' /></td></tr> <tr><td>Email Address</td><td><input type='text' name='notify_email' value='""" + str( rule['notify_email']) + """' /></td></tr>""" html += "<tr><td>Hostname</td><td><input type='text' name='agent_name' value='" + str( rule['agent_name']) + "' /></td></tr>" html += "<tr><td>Monitor</td><td><input type='text' name='agent_monitor' value='" + str( rule['agent_monitor']) + "' /></td></tr>" if int(rule['agent_status']) == 1: html += "<tr><td>Status</td><td><input type='radio' name='agent_status' value='1' checked='checked' /> Open <input type='radio' name='agent_status' value='0' /> Closed</td></tr>" else: html += "<tr><td>Status</td><td><input type='radio' name='agent_status' value='1' /> Open <input type='radio' name='agent_status' value='0' checked='checked' /> Closed</td></tr>" html += "<tr><td>Severity</td><td><select name='agent_severity'>" if int(rule['agent_severity']) == 4: html += "<option value='4' selected>Information</option><option value='3'>Warning</option><option value='2'>Major</option><option value='1'>Critical</option>" elif int(rule['agent_severity']) == 3: html += "<option value='4'>Information</option><option value='3' selected>Warning</option><option value='2'>Major</option><option value='1'>Critical</option>" elif int(rule['agent_severity']) == 2: html += "<option value='4'>Information</option><option value='3'>Warning</option><option value='2' selected>Major</option><option value='1'>Critical</option>" elif int(rule['agent_severity']) == 1: html += "<option value='4'>Information</option><option value='3'>Warning</option><option value='2'>Major</option><option value='1' selected>Critical</option>" if int(rule['notify_enabled']) == 1: html += "<tr><td>Enabled</td><td><input type='radio' name='notify_enabled' value='1' checked='checked' /> True <input type='radio' name='Notify_Enabled' value='0' /> False</td></tr>" else: html += "<tr><td>Enabled</td><td><input type='radio' name='notify_enabled' value='1' /> True <input type='radio' name='notify_enabled' value='0' checked='checked' /> False</td></tr>" html += "<tr><td></td><td style='text-align:right'><input type='submit' class='action-button' value='submit' /></td></tr></table>" return html
def verify_auth(username, password): encrypt_password = hashlib.sha224(password.encode()).hexdigest() authuser = WebData.web_auth(username, encrypt_password) if authuser is None: return None else: return authuser
def web_data(self): # Fetch HTML, CSS, JS and Images from the sources for link in self.primary_links: raw_html = self.simple_request(link) if raw_html: WebData(raw_html,, self.valid_url) else: pass
def device_graph(name, monitor): device_data = WebData.web_code_device_graph(name, monitor) data_list = [] max_value = 0 mid_value = 0 graph_time = - datetime.timedelta(minutes=60) for i in range(61): agent_data = WebDeviceGraph(time=graph_time.strftime('%H:%M'), dvalue=0) data_list.append(agent_data) graph_time = graph_time + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) for i in device_data: if float(i['value']) > max_value: max_value = float(i['value']) for i in device_data: device_value = float(i['value']) time_short = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int( i['timestamp'])).strftime('%H:%M') for i in data_list: if i.time == time_short: if device_value == 0: i.dvalue = 0 else: i.dvalue = (device_value / max_value) * 100 device_polyline = "" device_polyline_data = "" device_time = "" xvalue = 55 time_x = 0 for i in data_list: dvalue = str(round(110 - i.dvalue)) device_polyline_data += str(xvalue) + "," + dvalue + " " time_x += 1 if time_x == 1: device_time += """<text x='""" + str( xvalue ) + """' y="130" fill="#8E8C84" text-anchor="middle">""" + str( i.time) + """</text>""" if time_x == 5: time_x = 0 xvalue += 14 device_polyline = '<polyline points="' + device_polyline_data + '" style="fill:none;stroke:#29ABE0;stroke-width:1" />' html = """<svg xmlns="" style="color:#8E8C84;" height=150 width=990> <rect x=52 y=10 width=855 height=1 fill=#ddd /> <rect x=55 y=35 width=855 height=1 fill=#ddd /> <rect x=52 y=60 width=855 height=1 fill=#ddd /> <rect x=55 y=85 width=855 height=1 fill=#ddd /> <rect x=52 y=110 width=855 height=1 fill=#ddd /> <rect x=55 y=10 width=1 height=100 fill=#ddd /> <text x="47" y="15" fill="#8E8C84" text-anchor="end">""" + str( int(max_value)) + """</text> <text x="47" y="65" fill="#8E8C84" text-anchor="end">""" + str( int(max_value / 2)) + """</text> <text x="47" y="115" fill="#8E8C84" text-anchor="end">0</text> """ + device_polyline + device_time + """ </svg>""" return html
def notify_rules(): notifyrules = WebData.web_code_select_notifyrules() html = "<table style='width:100%'>" for i in notifyrules: html += "<tr><td>" + str( i["notify_name"] ) + """</td><td style='text-align:right;padding-right:10px'> <input type="button" onclick="window.location.href='/notify_edit/""" + str( i["id"]) + """'" class="action-button" value="Edit" /> <input type="button" onclick="window.location.href='/notify_delete/""" + str( i["id"] ) + """'" class="action-button" value="Delete" /></td></tr>""" html += """</table><br /><input type="button" onclick="window.location.href='/notify_add/'" class="action-button" value="Add Notification Rule" />""" return html
def notify_add(self, notify_name=None, notify_email=None, agent_name=None, agent_monitor=None, agent_status=None, agent_severity=None, notify_enabled=None): user = self.get_auth() html = '' if notify_name is None and notify_email is None and agent_name is None and agent_monitor is None and agent_status is None and agent_severity is None and notify_enabled is None: html = WebViews.load_base( user, WebViews.load_bc_settings(), WebViews.load_basic_page('Add Notification Rule', WebNotify.notify_add())) return html else: WebData.web_code_insert_notifyrules(notify_name, notify_email, agent_name, agent_monitor, agent_status, agent_severity, notify_enabled) self.redirect('/notify')
def device_content_system(name): agentsystem = WebData.web_code_device_system(name) html = """<table style="width:100%"><tr> <td><b>Name:</b> """ + agentsystem['name'] + """</td> <td><b>IP Address:</b> """ + agentsystem['ipaddress'] + """</td> <td><b>Domain:</b> """ + agentsystem['domain'].lower() + """</td> <td><b>Platform:</b> """ + agentsystem[ 'platform'] + " (" + agentsystem['architecture'] + """)</td> <td><b>Build:</b> """ + str(agentsystem['buildnumber']) + """</td> <td><b>Processors:</b> """ + str(agentsystem['processors']) + """</td> <td><b>Memory:</b> """ + str(agentsystem['memory'])[:-3] + """ MB</td> </tr></table>""" return html
def event_summary(status): total = 0 info = 0 warn = 0 majr = 0 crit = 0 agentevents = WebData.web_code_event_totals(status) for i in agentevents: sev = int(i['severity']) sev_tot = int(i['total']) if sev == 1: crit = sev_tot elif sev == 2: majr = sev_tot elif sev == 3: warn = sev_tot elif sev == 4: info = sev_tot total = info + warn + majr + crit status_text = "" change_status = abs(int(status) - 1) change_status_text = "" if change_status == 0: status_text = "Open Events" change_status_text = "Closed Events" else: status_text = "Closed Events" change_status_text = "Open Events" html = """<table style="width:100%;text-align:center"><tr> <td style="text-align:left; padding-left:10px">""" + status_text + """</td> <td><svg width="10" height="10"><rect width="10" height="10" style="fill:#CCCCCC" /></svg> """ + str( total ) + """ Total</td> <td><svg width="10" height="10"><rect width="10" height="10" style="fill:#29ABE0" /></svg> """ + str( info ) + """ Information</td> <td><svg width="10" height="10"><rect width="10" height="10" style="fill:#FFC107" /></svg> """ + str( warn ) + """ Warning</td> <td><svg width="10" height="10"><rect width="10" height="10" style="fill:#F47C3C" /></svg> """ + str( majr ) + """ Major</td> <td><svg width="10" height="10"><rect width="10" height="10" style="fill:#D9534F" /></svg> """ + str( crit ) + """ Critical</td> <td style="text-align:right;padding-right:12px"><input type="button" onclick="window.location.href='/events/?status=""" + str( change_status ) + """'" class="action-button" value='""" + change_status_text + """' /></td> </tr></table>""" return html
def index_block_2(): info = 0 warn = 0 majr = 0 crit = 0 agentevents = WebData.web_code_event_totals(1) for i in agentevents: sev = int(i['severity']) sev_tot = int(i['total']) if sev == 1: crit = sev_tot elif sev == 2: majr = sev_tot elif sev == 3: warn = sev_tot elif sev == 4: info = sev_tot total = info + warn + majr + crit if total == 0: total = 1 info_perc = (info / total) * 100 warn_perc = (warn / total) * 100 majr_perc = (majr / total) * 100 crit_perc = (crit / total) * 100 info_points = str(info_perc) + ' ' + str(100 - info_perc) warn_points = str(warn_perc) + ' ' + str(100 - warn_perc) majr_points = str(majr_perc) + ' ' + str(100 - majr_perc) crit_points = str(crit_perc) + ' ' + str(100 - crit_perc) html = """<table style="width:100%;height:105px"><tr><td style="width:50%;text-align:center"> <svg width="95" height="95" viewBox="0 0 42 42" class="donut"> <circle class="donut-ring" cx="21" cy="21" r="15.91549430918954" fill="transparent" stroke="#93C54B" stroke-width="5"></circle> <circle class="donut-segment" cx="21" cy="21" r="15.91549430918954" fill="transparent" stroke="#29ABE0" stroke-width="5" stroke-dasharray='""" + info_points + """' stroke-dashoffset="25"></circle> <circle class="donut-segment" cx="21" cy="21" r="15.91549430918954" fill="transparent" stroke="#ffc107" stroke-width="5" stroke-dasharray='""" + warn_points + """' stroke-dashoffset='""" + str( 100 - info_perc + 25) + """'></circle> <circle class="donut-segment" cx="21" cy="21" r="15.91549430918954" fill="transparent" stroke="#F47C3C" stroke-width="5" stroke-dasharray='""" + majr_points + """' stroke-dashoffset='""" + str( 100 - info_perc - warn_perc + 25) + """'></circle> <circle class="donut-segment" cx="21" cy="21" r="15.91549430918954" fill="transparent" stroke="#d9534f" stroke-width="5" stroke-dasharray='""" + crit_points + """' stroke-dashoffset='""" + str( 100 - info_perc - warn_perc - majr_perc + 25) + """'></circle> </svg></td><td style="width:50%;vertical-align:top;padding-top:16px"> <svg width="10" height="10"><rect width="10" height="10" style="fill:#29ABE0" /></svg> """ + str( info) + """ Information<br /> <svg width="10" height="10"><rect width="10" height="10" style="fill:#ffc107" /></svg> """ + str( warn) + """ Warning<br /> <svg width="10" height="10"><rect width="10" height="10" style="fill:#F47C3C" /></svg> """ + str( majr) + """ Major<br /> <svg width="10" height="10"><rect width="10" height="10" style="fill:#d9534f" /></svg> """ + str( crit) + """ Critical </td></tr></table>""" return html
def users_list(): users = WebData.web_code_select_users() html = "<table style='width:100%'>" for i in users: html += "<tr><td>" + str( i["username"] ) + """</td><td style='text-align:right'><input type="button" onclick="window.location.href='/user_edit_pass/""" + str( i["id"]) + """'" class="action-button" value="Password" /> <input type="button" onclick="window.location.href='/user_edit_role/""" + str( i["id"]) + """'" class="action-button" value="Roles" /> <input type="button" onclick="window.location.href='/user_delete/""" + str( i["id"] ) + """'" class="action-button" value="Delete" /> </td></tr>""" html += "</table>" html += """<input type="button" onclick="window.location.href='/user_add/'" class="action-button" value="Add User" />""" return html
def device_index(): agentsystem = WebData.web_code_device_all() uptime_check = 600 currenttime = time.time() html = "" icon = "" for i in agentsystem: if (i['timestamp'] + uptime_check) >= currenttime: icon = """<svg width="10" height="10"><rect width="10" height="10" style="fill:#93C54B" /></svg>""" else: icon = """<svg width="10" height="10"><rect width="10" height="10" style="fill:#d9534f" /></svg>""" html = html + """<tr><td style="padding-left:10px">""" + icon + "</td><td><a href='/devices/" + str( i['name']) + "'>" + str(i['name']) + "</td><td>" + str( i['domain']) + "</td><td>" + str( i['ipaddress']) + "</td><td>" + str( i['platform']) + "</td></tr>" return html
def notify_add(): html = """<form action='' method='POST'><table><tr><td>Rule Name</td><td><input type='text' name='notify_name' /></td></tr> <tr><td>Email Address</td><td><input type='text' name='notify_email' /></td></tr>""" dd_html = "<tr><td>Hostname</td><td><select name='agent_name'><option value='%_%'>All</option>" hostnames = WebData.web_code_device_system_names() for i in hostnames: dd_html += "<option value='" + str(i["name"]) + "'>" + str( i["name"]) + "</option>" dd_html += "</select></td></tr>" html += dd_html html += "<tr><td>Monitor</td><td><input type='text' name='agent_monitor' /></td></tr>" html += "<tr><td>Status</td><td><input type='radio' name='agent_status' value='1' /> Open <input type='radio' name='agent_status' value='0' /> Closed</td></tr>" html += "<tr><td>Severity</td><td><select name='agent_severity'><option value='4'>Information</option><option value='3'>Warning</option><option value='2'>Major</option><option value='1'>Critical</option>" html += "<tr><td>Enabled</td><td><input type='radio' name='notify_enabled' value='1' /> True <input type='radio' name='notify_enabled' value='0' /> False</td></tr>" html += "<tr><td></td><td style='text-align:right'><input type='submit' class='action-button' value='submit' /></td></tr></table>" return html
def event_list(status): agentevents = WebData.web_code_events(status) html = """<table style="width:100%">""" color = "#CCCCCC" change_status = abs(int(status) - 1) change_status_text = "" if change_status == 0: change_status_text = "Close Event" else: change_status_text = "Open Event" for i in agentevents: date = str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(i['timestamp']))) sev_text = "" if int(i['severity']) == 4: color = "#29ABE0" sev_text = "Information" elif int(i['severity']) == 3: color = "#FFC107" sev_text = "Warning" elif int(i['severity']) == 2: color = "#F47C3C" sev_text = "Major" elif int(i['severity']) == 1: color = "#D9534F" sev_text = "Critical" html = html + """<tr><td style="text-align:left;padding-left:10px">""" + date + """</td> <td style="text-align:left"><svg width="10" height="10"><rect width="10" height="10" style="fill:""" + color + """" /></svg> """ + sev_text + """</td> <td><a href="/device/""" + i['name'] + """">""" + i['name'] + """</a></td> <td>""" + i['message'] + """</td> <td style="text-align:right;padding-right:12px"><input type="button" onclick="window.location.href='/event_change/""" + str( i['id'] ) + """/""" + str( change_status ) + """'" class="action-button" value='""" + change_status_text + """' /></td> </tr>""" html = html + "</table>" return html
def index_block_pager(page): page_start = (page * 100) - 100 page_end = page_start + 100 agent_count = WebData.web_code_index_device_count() page_count = int(math.ceil(int(agent_count['total']) / 100)) uptime_check = 300 currenttime = time.time() html = "" icon = "" html = "" if page_count > 1: for i in range(1, page_count + 1): if i == page: html += """<td style="width:10px">""" + str(i) + "</td>" elif i == 1: html += """<td style="width:10px"><a href="/">""" + str( i) + """</a></td>""" else: html += """<td style="width:10px"><a href="/""" + str( i) + """">""" + str(i) + """</a></td>""" return html
def notify_delete(self, id): user = WebAuth.check_auth() WebData.web_code_delete_notify_rule(id) self.redirect('/notify')
def user_add(username, password, role): encrypt_password = hashlib.sha224(password.encode()).hexdigest() WebData.web_code_create_user(username, encrypt_password, role)
def event_change(self, id, status): user = self.get_auth() WebData.web_code_change_event_status(id, status) self.redirect('/events')
def device_content_data(name): agentsystem = WebData.web_code_device_system(name) agent_query = WebData.web_code_device_data_latest(name) cpu_perc = 0 mem_perc = 0 pagefile_perc = 0 uptime_days = 0 net_br = 0 net_bs = 0 fs_list = [] for i in agent_query: if i['monitor'] == 'perf.processor.percent.used': cpu_perc = round(float(i['value']), 0) if i['monitor'] == 'perf.memory.percent.used': mem_perc = round(float(i['value']), 0) if i['monitor'] == 'perf.pagefile.percent.used': pagefile_perc = round(float(i['value']), 0) if i['monitor'] == 'perf.system.uptime.seconds': uptime_days = round(float(i['value']) / 86400, 0) if i['monitor'] == '': net_br = round(float(i['value']), 0) if i['monitor'] == '': net_bs = round(float(i['value']), 0) if 'filesystem' in i['monitor'] and 'active' in i['monitor']: fs_name = i['monitor'].replace('perf.filesystem.', '').replace( '', '') fs_list.append(fs_name) html_fs = """<tr><td style="padding-bottom:4px;text-align:left"> <div class="card-div"> <div class="card-header">Filesystem Monitors</div> <div style="padding-left: 10px">""" for i in fs_list: try: fs_query_free = WebData.web_code_device_filesystem( name, 'perf.filesystem.' + i + '') fs_query_active = WebData.web_code_device_filesystem( name, 'perf.filesystem.' + i + '') fs_free = str(round(float(fs_query_free['value']), 0)) fs_active = str(round(float(fs_query_active['value']), 0)) fs_name = "" if agentsystem['platform'] == 'Windows': fs_name = "Windows " + i + " drive" elif agentsystem['platform'] == 'Linux': fs_name = "Linux Filesystem: " + i html_fs += """<table style="width:100%"><tr> <td style="width:33%">""" + fs_name + """ drive</td> <td style="width:33%"><a href="/devices/""" + name + """/perf.filesystem.""" + i + """">Free Space: """ + fs_free + """</a></td> <td style="width:33%"><a href="/devices/""" + name + """/perf.filesystem.""" + i + """">Filesystem Activity: """ + fs_active + """</a></td> </tr></table>""" except: pass html_fs += """</div></div></td></tr>""" html = """<tr><td style="padding-right:4px;text-align:center"> <div class="card-div" style="height:70px"> <div class="card-header">Processor (% used)</div> <div class="device-stats"><a class="device-stats" href="/devices/""" + name + """/perf.processor.percent.used">""" + str( cpu_perc) + """</a></div> </div></td> <td style="padding-left:4px;padding-right:4px;text-align:center"> <div class="card-div" style="height:70px"> <div class="card-header">Memory (% used)</div> <span class="device-stats"><a class="device-stats" href="/devices/""" + name + """/perf.memory.percent.used">""" + str( mem_perc) + """</a></span> </div></td> <td style="padding-left:4px;padding-right:4px;text-align:center"> <div class="card-div" style="height:70px"> <div class="card-header">Pagefile (% used)</div> <span class="device-stats"><a class="device-stats" href="/devices/""" + name + """/perf.pagefile.percent.used">""" + str( pagefile_perc) + """</a></span> </div></td> <td style="padding-left:4px;text-align:center"> <div class="card-div" style="height:70px"> <div class="card-header">Uptime (days)</div> <span class="device-stats"><a class="device-stats" href="/devices/""" + name + """/perf.system.uptime.seconds">""" + str( uptime_days) + """</a></span> </div></td></tr></table> <table style="width:100%"> <tr><td style="padding-bottom:4px;text-align:left"> <div class="card-div"> <div class="card-header">Network Monitors</div> <div style="padding-left: 10px"> <table style="width:100%"><tr> <td style="width:33%">Network Total Traffic</td> <td style="width:33%"><a href="/devices/""" + name + """/graph/">Bytes Sent: """ + str( net_bs) + """</a></td> <td style="width:33%"><a href="/devices/""" + name + """/graph/">Bytes Received: """ + str( net_br) + """</a></td> </tr></table></div></div></td></tr>""" html += html_fs return html