Esempio n. 1
    def handle(self, cid, extra):
        Dispatch a request from /containers/x/... to its proper destination.
        For example:
            /containers/x/files --> x is a project ID --> /projects/x/files

        results = container_search({'_id': cid}, projection={'_id': 1})
        if not results:
            raise APINotFoundException('No container {} found'.format(cid))

        # Create new request instance using destination URI (eg. replace containers with cont_name)
        cont_name, _ = results[0]
        destination_environ = self.request.environ
        for key in 'PATH_INFO', 'REQUEST_URI':
            if key in destination_environ:
                destination_environ[key] = destination_environ[key].replace('containers', cont_name, 1)

        destination_environ['fw_container_type'] = singularize(cont_name)
        destination_request = Request(destination_environ)

        # Apply SciTranRequest attrs =
        destination_request.logger = self.request.logger

        # Dispatch the destination request, self.response)
Esempio n. 2
    def lookup(self):
        """Locate a node by path, and re-route to the endpoint for that node"""
        result = self._resolve_and_check_permissions(True)

        # If we resolved a file, we can just return that file node
        path = result.get('path', [])
        if not path:
            raise APINotFoundException('No node matched that path')

        # In the event that we resolved a file, just return the file node
        dest = path[-1]
        if dest.get('container_type') == 'file':
            return dest

        # Reroute to the actual path that will log access, resolve analyses, etc
        path = self._get_node_path(dest)

        # Create new request instance using destination URI (eg. replace containers with cont_name)
        destination_environ = self.request.environ
        for key in 'PATH_INFO', 'REQUEST_URI':
            if key in destination_environ:
                destination_environ[key] = destination_environ[key].replace('lookup', path, 1)
        # We also must update the method, and indicate that we want the container_type included
        # The client will depend on container_type being set so that it can map to the correct type
        destination_environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET'
        destination_environ['fw_container_type'] = dest['container_type']
        destination_request = Request(destination_environ)

        # Apply SciTranRequest attrs =
        destination_request.logger = self.request.logger

        # Dispatch the destination request, self.response)