Esempio n. 1
    def resolve_source_to_url(self, filepath, item):
        request = get_current_request()
        env = self.env

        # Copied from webassets 0.8. Reproduced here for backwards
        # compatibility with the previous webassets release.
        # This ensures files which do not require building are still served
        # with proper versioning of URLs.
        # This can likely be removed once miracle2k/webassets#117 is fixed.

        # Only query the version if we need to for performance
        version = None
        if has_placeholder(filepath) or env.url_expire is not False:
            # If auto-build is enabled, we must not use a cached version
            # value, or we might serve old versions.
            bundle = Bundle(item, output=filepath)
            version = bundle.get_version(env, refresh=env.auto_build)

        url = filepath
        if has_placeholder(url):
            url = url % {'version': version}

        # This part is different from webassets. Try to resolve with an asset
        # spec first, then try the base class source URL resolver.

        resolved = False
        if request is not None:
            # Attempt to resolve the filepath as passed (but after versioning).
            # If this fails, it may be because the static route was registered
            # with an asset spec. In this case, the original item may also be
            # an asset spec contained therein, so try to resolve that.
            for attempt in (url, item):
                    url = request.static_url(attempt)
                except ValueError:
                    resolved = True

        if not resolved:
            url = super(PyramidResolver, self).resolve_source_to_url(

        if env.url_expire or (
                env.url_expire is None and not has_placeholder(filepath)):
            url = "%s?%s" % (url, version)
        return url