def serialWrite(*sendData): webiopi.setDebug() webiopi.debug("####################") #ttyACM0 com = Serial(port="/dev/ttyACM0", baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=1, xonxoff=0, rtscts=0, writeTimeout=1000, dsrdtr=None) #print(com.portstr) webiopi.debug(sendData) webiopi.debug(com.portstr) time.sleep(2) for bt in sendData: #com.write(str(bt).encode()) com.write(bytes(chr(int(bt)).encode())) #com.write(bytes(sendData)) #com.write(sendData) #com.write(b"\x04") #com.write("asdfghj") #com.write(b"\x05") readData = #print(len(readData)) webiopi.debug(len(readData)) com.close() #f = open("data.txt", "w") #for var in readData: # print("%s" % str(var)) # f.write("var=" + str(var)) #f.close() webiopi.debug(sendData) #return [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] #return readData return ','.join(str(n) for n in readData) #return np.array(readData) #return 123 #abc = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] #serialWrite(abc)
import webiopi from rrb2 import * GPIO = webiopi.GPIO webiopi.setDebug() robot = RRB2() def setup(): webiopi.debug("Setup") # GPIO.setFunction(4, GPIO.OUT) # GPIO.setFunction(25, GPIO.OUT) flash_lights() flash_lights() def destroy(): webiopi.debug("Destroy") flash_lights() flash_lights() #flash_lights() flash_lights() @webiopi.macro def forward(): robot.reverse() @webiopi.macro def reverse(): robot.forward() @webiopi.macro def stop():
import webiopi webiopi.setDebug() GPIO = webiopi.GPIO class DCMotor: _pin1 = 0 _pin2 = 0 def __init__(self, pin1, pin2): self._pin1 = pin1 self._pin2 = pin2 GPIO.setFunction(self._pin1, GPIO.PWM) GPIO.setFunction(self._pin2, GPIO.PWM) def __del__(self): self.write(0.0) # stop def write(self, ratio): if 1.0 < ratio: # saturation ratio = 1.0 if -1.0 > ratio: # saturation ratio = -1.0 if 0.01 > ratio and -0.01 < ratio: # stop GPIO.pwmWrite(self._pin1, 0.0) GPIO.pwmWrite(self._pin2, 0.0) elif 0 < ratio: # Normal rotation GPIO.pwmWrite(self._pin1, ratio) GPIO.pwmWrite(self._pin2, 0.0)
def __init__(self): self.__setProperties() self.__configurePins() # Enable debug output webiopi.setDebug()
# # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Imports import webiopi from webiopi.utils.types import str2bool BLINKPERIOD = 0.5 BLINKING = False # ----- Enable debug output ----- webiopi.setDebug() #optional, can be omitted # ----- WebIOPi predefined functions ----- # Called by WebIOPi at script loading def setup(): webiopi.debug("Looptest script - Setup") #optional, can be omitted # Looped by WebIOPi def loop(): webiopi.debug("Looptest script - Loop") #optional, can be omitted if BLINKING: print("B-L-I-N-K") webiopi.sleep(BLINKPERIOD) print("---------") webiopi.sleep(BLINKPERIOD)
def __init__(self): webiopi.setDebug() webiopi.debug('The test robot has been activated')