Esempio n. 1
	def validate_for_items(self, obj):
		check_list, chk_dupl_itm=[],[]
		for d in getlist( obj.doclist, obj.fname):
			# validation for valid qty	
			if flt(d.qty) < 0 or (d.parenttype != 'Purchase Receipt' and not flt(d.qty)):
				webnotes.throw("Please enter valid qty for item %s" % cstr(d.item_code))
			# udpate with latest quantities
			bin = webnotes.conn.sql("""select projected_qty from `tabBin` where 
				item_code = %s and warehouse = %s""", (d.item_code, d.warehouse), as_dict=1)
			f_lst ={'projected_qty': bin and flt(bin[0]['projected_qty']) or 0, 'ordered_qty': 0, 'received_qty' : 0}
			if d.doctype == 'Purchase Receipt Item':
			for x in f_lst :
				if d.fields.has_key(x):
					d.fields[x] = f_lst[x]
			item = webnotes.conn.sql("""select is_stock_item, is_purchase_item, 
				is_sub_contracted_item, end_of_life from `tabItem` where name=%s""", d.item_code)
			if not item:
				webnotes.throw("Item %s does not exist in Item Master." % cstr(d.item_code))
			from stock.utils import validate_end_of_life
			validate_end_of_life(d.item_code, item[0][3])
			# validate stock item
			if item[0][0]=='Yes' and d.qty and not d.warehouse:
				webnotes.throw("Warehouse is mandatory for %s, since it is a stock item" % d.item_code)
			# validate purchase item
			if item[0][1] != 'Yes' and item[0][2] != 'Yes':
				webnotes.throw("Item %s is not a purchase item or sub-contracted item. Please check" % (d.item_code))
			# list criteria that should not repeat if item is stock item
			e = [d.schedule_date, d.item_code, d.description, d.warehouse, d.uom, 
				d.fields.has_key('prevdoc_docname') and d.prevdoc_docname or d.fields.has_key('sales_order_no') and d.sales_order_no or '', 
				d.fields.has_key('prevdoc_detail_docname') and d.prevdoc_detail_docname or '', 
				d.fields.has_key('batch_no') and d.batch_no or '']
			# if is not stock item
			f = [d.schedule_date, d.item_code, d.description]
			ch = webnotes.conn.sql("""select is_stock_item from `tabItem` where name = %s""", d.item_code)
			if ch and ch[0][0] == 'Yes':	
				# check for same items
				if e in check_list:
					webnotes.throw("""Item %s has been entered more than once with same description, schedule date, warehouse and uom.\n 
						Please change any of the field value to enter the item twice""" % d.item_code)
			elif ch and ch[0][0] == 'No':
				# check for same items
				if f in chk_dupl_itm:
					webnotes.throw("""Item %s has been entered more than once with same description, schedule date.\n 
						Please change any of the field value to enter the item twice.""" % d.item_code)
Esempio n. 2
    def check_duplicate(self, finder=0):
        il = getlist(self.doclist, "sales_bom_items")
        if not il:
            webnotes.msgprint("Add atleast one item")

        # get all Sales BOM that have the first item
        sbl = webnotes.conn.sql(
            """select distinct parent from `tabSales BOM Item` where item_code=%s 
			and parent != %s and docstatus != 2""", (il[0].item_code,

        # check all siblings
        sub_items = [[d.item_code, flt(d.qty)] for d in il]

        for s in sbl:
            t = webnotes.conn.sql(
                """select item_code, qty from `tabSales BOM Item` where parent=%s and 
				docstatus != 2""", s[0])
            t = [[d[0], flt(d[1])] for d in t]

            if self.has_same_items(sub_items, t):
                webnotes.msgprint("%s has the same Sales BOM details" % s[0])
                raise Exception
        if finder:
                "There is no Sales BOM present with the following Combination."
Esempio n. 3
    def validate_qty_against_so(self):
        so_items = {
        }  # Format --> {'SO/00001': {'Item/001': 120, 'Item/002': 24}}
        for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'indent_details'):
            if d.sales_order_no:
                if not so_items.has_key(d.sales_order_no):
                    so_items[d.sales_order_no] = {d.item_code: flt(d.qty)}
                    if not so_items[d.sales_order_no].has_key(d.item_code):
                        so_items[d.sales_order_no][d.item_code] = flt(d.qty)
                        so_items[d.sales_order_no][d.item_code] += flt(d.qty)

        for so_no in so_items.keys():
            for item in so_items[so_no].keys():
                already_indented = webnotes.conn.sql(
                    "select sum(qty) from `tabMaterial Request Item` where item_code = '%s' and sales_order_no = '%s' and docstatus = 1 and parent != '%s'"
                    % (item, so_no,
                already_indented = already_indented and flt(
                    already_indented[0][0]) or 0

                actual_so_qty = webnotes.conn.sql(
                    "select sum(qty) from `tabSales Order Item` where parent = '%s' and item_code = '%s' and docstatus = 1 group by parent"
                    % (so_no, item))
                actual_so_qty = actual_so_qty and flt(actual_so_qty[0][0]) or 0

                if flt(so_items[so_no]
                       [item]) + already_indented > actual_so_qty:
                        "You can raise indent of maximum qty: %s for item: %s against sales order: %s\n Anyway, you can add more qty in new row for the same item."
                        % (actual_so_qty - already_indented, item, so_no),
Esempio n. 4
    def clear_table(self, doclist, tablefield, save=0):
		Clears the child records from the given `doclist` for a particular `tablefield`
        from webnotes.model.utils import getlist

        table_list = getlist(doclist, tablefield)
        delete_list = [ for d in table_list]

        if delete_list:
            # filter doclist
            doclist = filter(lambda d: not in delete_list, doclist)

            # delete from db
				delete from `tab%s`
				where parent=%s and parenttype=%s"""
                % (table_list[0].doctype, "%s", "%s"),
                (, self.doctype),

            self.fields["__unsaved"] = 1

        return doclist
Esempio n. 5
	def validate_qty_against_so(self):
		so_items = {} # Format --> {'SO/00001': {'Item/001': 120, 'Item/002': 24}}
		for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'indent_details'):
			if d.sales_order_no:
				if not so_items.has_key(d.sales_order_no):
					so_items[d.sales_order_no] = {d.item_code: flt(d.qty)}
					if not so_items[d.sales_order_no].has_key(d.item_code):
						so_items[d.sales_order_no][d.item_code] = flt(d.qty)
						so_items[d.sales_order_no][d.item_code] += flt(d.qty)
		for so_no in so_items.keys():
			for item in so_items[so_no].keys():
				already_indented = webnotes.conn.sql("""select sum(qty) from `tabMaterial Request Item` 
					where item_code = %s and sales_order_no = %s and 
					docstatus = 1 and parent != %s""", (item, so_no,
				already_indented = already_indented and flt(already_indented[0][0]) or 0
				actual_so_qty = webnotes.conn.sql("""select sum(qty) from `tabSales Order Item` 
					where parent = %s and item_code = %s and docstatus = 1 
					group by parent""", (so_no, item))
				actual_so_qty = actual_so_qty and flt(actual_so_qty[0][0]) or 0

				if actual_so_qty and (flt(so_items[so_no][item]) + already_indented > actual_so_qty):
					webnotes.throw("You can raise indent of maximum qty: %s for item: %s against sales order: %s\
						\n Anyway, you can add more qty in new row for the same item."
						% (actual_so_qty - already_indented, item, so_no))
Esempio n. 6
    def get_last_purchase_rate(self, obj):
        """get last purchase rates for all items"""
        doc_name =
        conversion_rate = flt(obj.doc.fields.get('conversion_rate')) or 1.0

        for d in getlist(obj.doclist, obj.fname):
            if d.item_code:
                last_purchase_details = get_last_purchase_details(
                    d.item_code, doc_name)

                if last_purchase_details:
                    d.purchase_ref_rate = last_purchase_details[
                        'purchase_ref_rate'] * (flt(d.conversion_factor)
                                                or 1.0)
                    d.discount_rate = last_purchase_details['discount_rate']
                    d.purchase_rate = last_purchase_details[
                        'purchase_rate'] * (flt(d.conversion_factor) or 1.0)
                    d.import_ref_rate = d.purchase_ref_rate / conversion_rate
                    d.import_rate = d.purchase_rate / conversion_rate
                    # if no last purchase found, reset all values to 0
                    d.purchase_ref_rate = d.purchase_rate = d.import_ref_rate = d.import_rate = d.discount_rate = 0

                    item_last_purchase_rate = webnotes.conn.get_value(
                        "Item", d.item_code, "last_purchase_rate")
                    if item_last_purchase_rate:
                        d.purchase_ref_rate = d.purchase_rate = d.import_ref_rate \
                         = d.import_rate = item_last_purchase_rate
Esempio n. 7
	def update_last_purchase_rate(self, obj, is_submit):
		"""updates last_purchase_rate in item table for each item"""
		import webnotes.utils
		this_purchase_date = webnotes.utils.getdate(obj.doc.fields.get('posting_date') or obj.doc.fields.get('transaction_date'))
		for d in getlist(obj.doclist,obj.fname):
			# get last purchase details
			last_purchase_details = get_last_purchase_details(d.item_code,

			# compare last purchase date and this transaction's date
			last_purchase_rate = None
			if last_purchase_details and \
					(last_purchase_details.purchase_date > this_purchase_date):
				last_purchase_rate = last_purchase_details['purchase_rate']
			elif is_submit == 1:
				# even if this transaction is the latest one, it should be submitted
				# for it to be considered for latest purchase rate
				if flt(d.conversion_factor):
					last_purchase_rate = flt(d.purchase_rate) / flt(d.conversion_factor)
					msgprint(_("Row ") + cstr(d.idx) + ": " + 
						_("UOM Conversion Factor is mandatory"), raise_exception=1)

			# update last purchsae rate
			if last_purchase_rate:
				webnotes.conn.sql("update `tabItem` set last_purchase_rate = %s where name = %s",
Esempio n. 8
	def update_last_purchase_rate(self, obj, is_submit):
		"""updates last_purchase_rate in item table for each item"""
		import webnotes.utils
		this_purchase_date = webnotes.utils.getdate(obj.doc.fields.get('posting_date') or obj.doc.fields.get('transaction_date'))
		for d in getlist(obj.doclist,obj.fname):
			# get last purchase details
			last_purchase_details = get_last_purchase_details(d.item_code,

			# compare last purchase date and this transaction's date
			last_purchase_rate = None
			if last_purchase_details and \
					(last_purchase_details.purchase_date > this_purchase_date):
				last_purchase_rate = last_purchase_details['purchase_rate']
			elif is_submit == 1:
				# even if this transaction is the latest one, it should be submitted
				# for it to be considered for latest purchase rate
				if flt(d.conversion_factor):
					last_purchase_rate = flt(d.purchase_rate) / flt(d.conversion_factor)
					msgprint(_("Row ") + cstr(d.idx) + ": " + 
						_("UOM Conversion Factor is mandatory"), raise_exception=1)

			# update last purchsae rate
			if last_purchase_rate:
				webnotes.conn.sql("update `tabItem` set last_purchase_rate = %s where name = %s",
Esempio n. 9
    def update_bin(self, is_submit, is_stopped):
        """ Update Quantity Requested for Purchase in Bin for Material Request of type 'Purchase'"""

        from stock.utils import update_bin
        for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'indent_details'):
            if webnotes.conn.get_value("Item", d.item_code,
                                       "is_stock_item") == "Yes":
                if not d.warehouse:
                        "Please Enter Warehouse for Item %s as it is stock item"
                        % cstr(d.item_code),

                qty = flt(d.qty)
                if is_stopped:
                    qty = (d.qty > d.ordered_qty
                           ) and flt(flt(d.qty) - flt(d.ordered_qty)) or 0

                args = {
                    "item_code": d.item_code,
                    "warehouse": d.warehouse,
                    "indented_qty": (is_submit and 1 or -1) * flt(qty),
                    "posting_date": self.doc.transaction_date
Esempio n. 10
	def validate_for_items(self, obj):
		check_list, chk_dupl_itm=[],[]
		for d in getlist( obj.doclist, obj.fname):
			# validation for valid qty	
			if flt(d.qty) < 0 or (d.parenttype != 'Purchase Receipt' and not flt(d.qty)):
				msgprint("Please enter valid qty for item %s" % cstr(d.item_code))
				raise Exception
			# udpate with latest quantities
			bin = webnotes.conn.sql("select projected_qty from `tabBin` where item_code = %s and warehouse = %s", (d.item_code, d.warehouse), as_dict = 1)
			f_lst ={'projected_qty': bin and flt(bin[0]['projected_qty']) or 0, 'ordered_qty': 0, 'received_qty' : 0}
			if d.doctype == 'Purchase Receipt Item':
			for x in f_lst :
				if d.fields.has_key(x):
					d.fields[x] = f_lst[x]
			item = webnotes.conn.sql("select is_stock_item, is_purchase_item, is_sub_contracted_item, end_of_life from tabItem where name=%s", 
			if not item:
				msgprint("Item %s does not exist in Item Master." % cstr(d.item_code), raise_exception=True)
			from stock.utils import validate_end_of_life
			validate_end_of_life(d.item_code, item[0][3])
			# validate stock item
			if item[0][0]=='Yes' and d.qty and not d.warehouse:
				msgprint("Warehouse is mandatory for %s, since it is a stock item" %
				 	d.item_code, raise_exception=1)
			# validate purchase item
			if item[0][1] != 'Yes' and item[0][2] != 'Yes':
				msgprint("Item %s is not a purchase item or sub-contracted item. Please check" % (d.item_code), raise_exception=True)
			# list criteria that should not repeat if item is stock item
			e = [d.schedule_date, d.item_code, d.description, d.warehouse, d.uom, d.fields.has_key('prevdoc_docname') and d.prevdoc_docname or '', d.fields.has_key('prevdoc_detail_docname') and d.prevdoc_detail_docname or '', d.fields.has_key('batch_no') and d.batch_no or '']
			# if is not stock item
			f = [d.schedule_date, d.item_code, d.description]
			ch = webnotes.conn.sql("select is_stock_item from `tabItem` where name = '%s'"%d.item_code)
			if ch and ch[0][0] == 'Yes':	
				# check for same items
				if e in check_list:
					msgprint("""Item %s has been entered more than once with same description, schedule date, warehouse and uom.\n 
						Please change any of the field value to enter the item twice""" % d.item_code, raise_exception = 1)
			elif ch and ch[0][0] == 'No':
				# check for same items
				if f in chk_dupl_itm:
					msgprint("""Item %s has been entered more than once with same description, schedule date.\n 
						Please change any of the field value to enter the item twice.""" % d.item_code, raise_exception = 1)
Esempio n. 11
    def clear_table(self, doclist, tablefield, save=0):
		Clears the child records from the given `doclist` for a particular `tablefield`
        from webnotes.model.utils import getlist

        for d in getlist(doclist, tablefield):
            d.fields['__oldparent'] = d.parent
            d.parent = 'old_parent:' + d.parent  # for client to send it back while saving
            d.docstatus = 2
            if save and not d.fields.get('__islocal'):
        self.fields['__unsaved'] = 1
Esempio n. 12
	def clear_table(self, doclist, tablefield, save=0):
		Clears the child records from the given `doclist` for a particular `tablefield`
		from webnotes.model.utils import getlist
		for d in getlist(doclist, tablefield):
			d.fields['__oldparent'] = d.parent
			d.parent = 'old_parent:' + d.parent # for client to send it back while saving
			d.docstatus = 2
			if save and not d.fields.get('__islocal'):
		self.fields['__unsaved'] = 1
Esempio n. 13
	def update_bin(self, is_submit, is_stopped):
		""" Update Quantity Requested for Purchase in Bin for Material Request of type 'Purchase'"""
		from stock.utils import update_bin
		for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'indent_details'):
			if webnotes.conn.get_value("Item", d.item_code, "is_stock_item") == "Yes":
				if not d.warehouse:
					msgprint("Please Enter Warehouse for Item %s as it is stock item" 
						% cstr(d.item_code), raise_exception=1)
				qty =flt(d.qty)
				if is_stopped:
					qty = (d.qty > d.ordered_qty) and flt(flt(d.qty) - flt(d.ordered_qty)) or 0
				args = {
					"item_code": d.item_code,
					"warehouse": d.warehouse,
					"indented_qty": (is_submit and 1 or -1) * flt(qty),
					"posting_date": self.doc.transaction_date
Esempio n. 14
	def check_duplicate(self, finder=0):
		il = getlist(self.doclist, "sales_bom_items")
		if not il:
			webnotes.msgprint("Add atleast one item")
		# get all Sales BOM that have the first item	
		sbl = webnotes.conn.sql("""select distinct parent from `tabSales BOM Item` where item_code=%s 
			and parent != %s and docstatus != 2""", (il[0].item_code,
		# check all siblings
		sub_items = [[d.item_code, flt(d.qty)] for d in il]
		for s in sbl:
			t = webnotes.conn.sql("""select item_code, qty from `tabSales BOM Item` where parent=%s and 
				docstatus != 2""", s[0])
			t = [[d[0], flt(d[1])] for d in t]
			if self.has_same_items(sub_items, t):
				webnotes.msgprint("%s has the same Sales BOM details" % s[0])
				raise Exception
		if finder:
			webnotes.msgprint("There is no Sales BOM present with the following Combination.")
Esempio n. 15
    def clear_table(self, doclist, tablefield, save=0):
		Clears the child records from the given `doclist` for a particular `tablefield`
        from webnotes.model.utils import getlist

        table_list = getlist(doclist, tablefield)
        delete_list = [ for d in table_list]

        if delete_list:
            #filter doclist
            doclist = filter(lambda d: not in delete_list, doclist)

            # delete from db
				delete from `tab%s`
				where parent=%s and parenttype=%s""" % (table_list[0].doctype, '%s', '%s'),
                (, self.doctype))

            self.fields['__unsaved'] = 1

        return doclist
Esempio n. 16
	def get_last_purchase_rate(self, obj):
		"""get last purchase rates for all items"""
		doc_name =
		conversion_rate = flt(obj.doc.fields.get('conversion_rate')) or 1.0
		for d in getlist(obj.doclist, obj.fname):
			if d.item_code:
				last_purchase_details = get_last_purchase_details(d.item_code, doc_name)

				if last_purchase_details:
					d.purchase_ref_rate = last_purchase_details['purchase_ref_rate'] * (flt(d.conversion_factor) or 1.0)
					d.discount_rate = last_purchase_details['discount_rate']
					d.purchase_rate = last_purchase_details['purchase_rate'] * (flt(d.conversion_factor) or 1.0)
					d.import_ref_rate = d.purchase_ref_rate / conversion_rate
					d.import_rate = d.purchase_rate / conversion_rate
					# if no last purchase found, reset all values to 0
					d.purchase_ref_rate = d.purchase_rate = d.import_ref_rate = d.import_rate = d.discount_rate = 0
					item_last_purchase_rate = webnotes.conn.get_value("Item",
						d.item_code, "last_purchase_rate")
					if item_last_purchase_rate:
						d.purchase_ref_rate = d.purchase_rate = d.import_ref_rate \
							= d.import_rate = item_last_purchase_rate
	def validate_for_items(self, obj):
		check_list, chk_dupl_itm=[],[]
		for d in getlist( obj.doclist, obj.fname):
			# validation for valid qty	
			if flt(d.qty) < 0 or (d.parenttype != 'Purchase Receipt' and not flt(d.qty)):
				msgprint("Please enter valid qty for item %s" % cstr(d.item_code))
				raise Exception
			# udpate with latest quantities
			bin = webnotes.conn.sql("select projected_qty from `tabBin` where item_code = %s and warehouse = %s", (d.item_code, d.warehouse), as_dict = 1)
			f_lst ={'projected_qty': bin and flt(bin[0]['projected_qty']) or 0, 'ordered_qty': 0, 'received_qty' : 0}
			if d.doctype == 'Purchase Receipt Item':
			for x in f_lst :
				if d.fields.has_key(x):
					d.fields[x] = f_lst[x]
			item = webnotes.conn.sql("select is_stock_item, is_purchase_item, is_sub_contracted_item, end_of_life from tabItem where name=%s", 
			if not item:
				msgprint("Item %s does not exist in Item Master." % cstr(d.item_code), raise_exception=True)
			from stock.utils import validate_end_of_life
			validate_end_of_life(d.item_code, item[0][3])
			# validate stock item
			if item[0][0]=='Yes' and d.qty and not d.warehouse:
				msgprint("Warehouse is mandatory for %s, since it is a stock item" %
				 	d.item_code, raise_exception=1)
			# validate purchase item
			if item[0][1] != 'Yes' and item[0][2] != 'Yes':
				msgprint("Item %s is not a purchase item or sub-contracted item. Please check" % (d.item_code), raise_exception=True)
			if d.fields.has_key('prevdoc_docname') and d.prevdoc_docname:
				# check warehouse, uom	in previous doc and in current doc are same.
				data = sql("select item_code, warehouse, uom from `tab%s` where name = '%s'" % ( self.doctype_dict[d.prevdoc_doctype], d.prevdoc_detail_docname), as_dict = 1)
				if not data:
					msgprint("Please fetch data in Row " + cstr(d.idx) + " once again or please contact Administrator.")
					raise Exception
				# Check if Item Code has been modified.
				if not cstr(data[0]['item_code']) == cstr(d.item_code):
					msgprint("Please check Item %s is not present in %s %s ." % (d.item_code, d.prevdoc_doctype, d.prevdoc_docname))
					raise Exception
				if cstr(data[0]['warehouse']) and \
						not cstr(data[0]['warehouse']) == cstr(d.warehouse):
					msgprint("""Please check warehouse %s of Item %s 
						which is not present in %s %s""" % (d.warehouse, d.item_code, 
						d.prevdoc_doctype, d.prevdoc_docname), raise_exception=1)
				#	Check if UOM has been modified.
				if not cstr(data[0]['uom']) == cstr(d.uom) and not cstr(d.prevdoc_doctype) == 'Material Request':
					msgprint("Please check UOM %s of Item %s which is not present in %s %s ." % \
						(d.uom, d.item_code, d.prevdoc_doctype, d.prevdoc_docname), raise_exception=True)
			# list criteria that should not repeat if item is stock item
			e = [d.schedule_date, d.item_code, d.description, d.warehouse, d.uom, d.fields.has_key('prevdoc_docname') and d.prevdoc_docname or '', d.fields.has_key('prevdoc_detail_docname') and d.prevdoc_detail_docname or '', d.fields.has_key('batch_no') and d.batch_no or '']
			# if is not stock item
			f = [d.schedule_date, d.item_code, d.description]
			ch = webnotes.conn.sql("select is_stock_item from `tabItem` where name = '%s'"%d.item_code)
			if ch and ch[0][0] == 'Yes':	
				# check for same items
				if e in check_list:
					msgprint("""Item %s has been entered more than once with same description, schedule date, warehouse and uom.\n 
						Please change any of the field value to enter the item twice""" % d.item_code, raise_exception = 1)
			elif ch and ch[0][0] == 'No':
				# check for same items
				if f in chk_dupl_itm:
					msgprint("""Item %s has been entered more than once with same description, schedule date.\n 
						Please change any of the field value to enter the item twice.""" % d.item_code, raise_exception = 1)
Esempio n. 18
	def validate_schedule_date(self):
		for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'indent_details'):
			if d.schedule_date < self.doc.transaction_date:
				webnotes.throw(_("Expected Date cannot be before Material Request Date"))
Esempio n. 19
 def validate_schedule_date(self):
     for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'indent_details'):
         if d.schedule_date < self.doc.transaction_date:
                 "Expected Date cannot be before Material Request Date")
             raise Exception
Esempio n. 20
	def validate_schedule_date(self):
		for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'indent_details'):
			if d.schedule_date < self.doc.transaction_date:
				msgprint("Expected Date cannot be before Material Request Date")
				raise Exception
Esempio n. 21
	def validate_schedule_date(self):
		for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'indent_details'):
			if d.schedule_date < self.doc.transaction_date:
				webnotes.throw(_("Expected Date cannot be before Material Request Date"))