Esempio n. 1
 def test_init_themes_list(self):
     basepath = GIT_THEMING_PATH_HIST
     themeobj_1 = webobject.Theme(name='zombie',
                                  description='a theme description',
                                  parents='living corpse',
                                  meta=json.dumps({'source': './a/path'}))
     themeobj_2 = webobject.Theme(name='AI rights',
                                  description='another theme description',
                                  parents='human rights issue',
                                      {'source': './another/path'}))
     themeobj_3 = webobject.Theme(
         name='a common enemy unites',
         description='yet another theme description',
         parents='human nature',
         meta=json.dumps({'source': './yet/another/path'}))
     themeobjs_list = [themeobj_1, themeobj_2, themeobj_3]
     expected_theme_count = len(
     ) + 1  # the three test themes plus the 'literary thematic entity' root theme
     themes_list = webtask.cache_themes.init_themes_list(
         themeobjs_list, basepath)
     self.assertEqual(len(themes_list), expected_theme_count)
     # ' If the alphabetical sorting by name works, then the first and last themes in the list of
     # ' themes will be named as follows:
     first_theme_name = 'a common enemy unites'
     last_theme_name = 'zombie'
     self.assertEqual(themes_list[0]['name'], first_theme_name)
     self.assertEqual(themes_list[-1]['name'], last_theme_name)
Esempio n. 2
 def test_init_themes_od(self):
     basepath = GIT_THEMING_PATH_HIST
     theme_name = 'romantic love'
     theme_description = 'Featured is that peculiar sort of love between people so often associated with sexual attraction'
     theme_parents = 'love'
     theme_references = ''
     source_path = '/notes/themes/'
     raw_source_path = basepath + source_path
     theme_meta = json.dumps({'source': raw_source_path})
     test_themeobj = webobject.Theme(name=theme_name,
     theme_od = webtask.cache_themes.init_theme_od(test_themeobj, basepath)
     self.assertEqual(theme_od['name'], theme_name)
     self.assertEqual(type(theme_od['aliases']), list)
     self.assertEqual(theme_od['description'], theme_description)
     self.assertEqual(type(theme_od['notes']), list)
     self.assertEqual(theme_od['parents'][0], theme_parents)
     self.assertEqual(type(theme_od['references']), list)
     self.assertEqual(type(theme_od['examples']), list)
     self.assertEqual(type(theme_od['relatedthemes']), list)
     self.assertEqual(theme_od['source'], '.' + source_path)
Esempio n. 3
def read_themes_from_txt(filename, verbose=True, addextras=False, combinedescription=True, strict=True):
    Themes in our special text file format.
    themestuff, notices = parse(filename)
    out_themes = {}
    out_composites = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(str))
    field_map = {
        "parents": "parents",
        "description": "description",
    composite_fields = {
        "description": "description",
        "examples": "examples",
        "notes": "notes",
        "references": "references",
        "aliases": "aliases",
    unused_fieldnames = {
        "related themes",
        "other parents",
    meta = {
        "source": filename,

    for notice in notices:
        lib.log.warn("%s: %s", filename, notice)

    for theme, field, data in themestuff:
        if theme not in out_themes:
            out_themes[theme] = webobject.Theme(name=theme, meta=json.dumps(meta))

        themeobj = out_themes[theme]
        lfield = field.strip().lower()
        attr = field_map.get(lfield, "")

        if lfield in composite_fields:
            out_composites[theme][lfield] = '\n'.join(data)

        if attr in themeobj.fields:
            setattr(themeobj, attr, data[0])
        elif addextras:
            exattr = lfield.replace(" ", "")
            setattr(themeobj, exattr, '\n'.join(data))
            themeobj.extra_fields += (exattr,)
            if verbose:
                if lfield not in composite_fields and lfield not in unused_fieldnames:
                    lib.log.warn("""%s: "%s": unrecognized field name "%s" """, filename, theme, field)

    for key in sorted(out_themes):
        themeobj = out_themes[key]

        if combinedescription:
            description = getattr(themeobj, "description")
            examples = out_composites[key]["examples"].strip()
            aliases = out_composites[key]["aliases"].strip()
            notes = out_composites[key]["notes"].strip()
            references = out_composites[key]["references"].strip()
            if notes:
                description += "\n\nNotes:\n" + notes
            if examples:
                description += "\n\nExamples:\n" + examples
            if aliases:
                description += "\n\nAliases:\n" + aliases
            if references:
                description += "\n\nReferences:\n"
                for line in references.split("\n"):
                    line = line.strip()
                    if line:
                        description += line + "\n"
            themeobj.description = description

            if strict:
            yield themeobj
        except ValueError as e:
            if verbose:
                lib.log.warn("%s: %s.%s - %s", filename, theme, field, str(e))