Esempio n. 1
def token_asset(dbsession, eth_network_id, deposit_address,
                eth_service: EthereumService) -> UUID:
    """Database asset referring to the token contract.

    deposit_address will hold 10000 tokens

    :return: Asset id

    with transaction.manager:
        network = dbsession.query(AssetNetwork).get(eth_network_id)
        asset = network.create_asset(name="MyToken",
        address = CryptoAddress.get_network_address(
            network, eth_address_to_bin(deposit_address))
        op = address.create_token(asset)
        opid =
        aid =

    # This gives op a txid
    success, fails = eth_service.run_waiting_operations()
    assert success == 1

    wait_for_op_confirmations(eth_service, opid)

    with transaction.manager:
        network = dbsession.query(AssetNetwork).get(eth_network_id)
        asset = dbsession.query(Asset).get(aid)
        address = CryptoAddress.get_network_address(
            network, eth_address_to_bin(deposit_address))
        account = address.get_account(asset)
        assert account.account.get_balance() > 0
        return aid
Esempio n. 2
def token_asset(dbsession, eth_network_id, deposit_address, eth_service: EthereumService) -> UUID:
    """Database asset referring to the token contract.

    deposit_address will hold 10000 tokens

    :return: Asset id

    with transaction.manager:
        network = dbsession.query(AssetNetwork).get(eth_network_id)
        asset = network.create_asset(name="MyToken", symbol="MY", supply=Decimal(10000), asset_class=AssetClass.token)
        address = CryptoAddress.get_network_address(network, eth_address_to_bin(deposit_address))
        op = address.create_token(asset)
        opid =
        aid =

    # This gives op a txid
    success, fails = eth_service.run_waiting_operations()
    assert success == 1

    wait_for_op_confirmations(eth_service, opid)

    with transaction.manager:
        network = dbsession.query(AssetNetwork).get(eth_network_id)
        asset = dbsession.query(Asset).get(aid)
        address = CryptoAddress.get_network_address(network, eth_address_to_bin(deposit_address))
        account = address.get_account(asset)
        assert account.account.get_balance() > 0
        return aid
def test_create_token(dbsession, eth_network_id, eth_service, coinbase, deposit_address):
    """Test user initiated token creation."""

    # Initiate token creation operation
    with transaction.manager:
        network = dbsession.query(AssetNetwork).get(eth_network_id)
        asset = network.create_asset(name="MyToken", symbol="MY", supply=Decimal(10000), asset_class=AssetClass.token)
        address = CryptoAddress.get_network_address(network, eth_address_to_bin(deposit_address))
        op = address.create_token(asset)
        opid =
        aid =
        assert op.completed_at is None

        # Check asset is intact
        assert asset.symbol == "MY"
        assert == 10000
        assert == "MyToken"

    # This gives op a txid when smart contract creation tx is posted to geth
    success_count, failure_count = eth_service.run_waiting_operations()
    assert success_count == 1
    assert failure_count == 0

    # Check that initial asset data is in place
    with transaction.manager:
        op = dbsession.query(CryptoOperation).get(opid)
        network = dbsession.query(AssetNetwork).get(eth_network_id)
        address = CryptoAddress.get_network_address(network, eth_address_to_bin(deposit_address))
        asset = network.get_asset(aid)

        assert op.txid
        assert not op.block
        assert op.broadcasted_at is not None
        assert op.completed_at is None

        # Initial balance doesn't hit us until tx has been confirmed
        assert address.get_account(asset).account.get_balance() == 0

        # Asset has received its smart contract address
        assert asset.external_id

    # Wait that the smart contract creation is confirmed
    wait_for_op_confirmations(eth_service, opid)

    # Initial balance doesn't hit us until op has enough confirmations
    with transaction.manager:
        op = dbsession.query(CryptoOperation).get(opid)
        network = dbsession.query(AssetNetwork).get(eth_network_id)
        address = CryptoAddress.get_network_address(network, eth_address_to_bin(deposit_address))
        asset = network.get_asset(aid)

        assert op.broadcasted_at is not None
        assert op.completed_at is not None
        assert address.get_account(asset).account.get_balance() == 10000
def test_create_token(dbsession, eth_network_id, eth_service, coinbase, deposit_address):
    """Test user initiated token creation."""

    # Initiate token creation operation
    with transaction.manager:
        network = dbsession.query(AssetNetwork).get(eth_network_id)
        asset = network.create_asset(name="MyToken", symbol="MY", supply=Decimal(10000), asset_class=AssetClass.token)
        address = CryptoAddress.get_network_address(network, eth_address_to_bin(deposit_address))
        op = address.create_token(asset)
        opid =
        aid =
        assert op.completed_at is None

        # Check asset is intact
        assert asset.symbol == "MY"
        assert == 10000
        assert == "MyToken"

    # This gives op a txid when smart contract creation tx is posted to geth
    success_count, failure_count = eth_service.run_waiting_operations()
    assert success_count == 1
    assert failure_count == 0

    # Check that initial asset data is in place
    with transaction.manager:
        op = dbsession.query(CryptoOperation).get(opid)
        network = dbsession.query(AssetNetwork).get(eth_network_id)
        address = CryptoAddress.get_network_address(network, eth_address_to_bin(deposit_address))
        asset = network.get_asset(aid)

        assert op.txid
        assert not op.block
        assert op.broadcasted_at is not None
        assert op.completed_at is None

        # Initial balance doesn't hit us until tx has been confirmed
        assert address.get_account(asset).account.get_balance() == 0

        # Asset has received its smart contract address
        assert asset.external_id

    # Wait that the smart contract creation is confirmed
    wait_for_op_confirmations(eth_service, opid)

    # Initial balance doesn't hit us until op has enough confirmations
    with transaction.manager:
        op = dbsession.query(CryptoOperation).get(opid)
        network = dbsession.query(AssetNetwork).get(eth_network_id)
        address = CryptoAddress.get_network_address(network, eth_address_to_bin(deposit_address))
        asset = network.get_asset(aid)

        assert op.broadcasted_at is not None
        assert op.completed_at is not None
        assert address.get_account(asset).account.get_balance() == 10000
def test_import_token(dbsession, eth_network_id, web3: Web3, eth_service: EthereumService, coinbase: str, deposit_address: str, token: Token):
    """Import an existing smart contract token to system."""

    # Make sure we have an address that holds some of the tokens so it is cleared up during import
    txid = token.transfer(deposit_address, Decimal(4000))
    confirm_transaction(web3, txid)

    with transaction.manager:

        network = dbsession.query(AssetNetwork).get(eth_network_id)
        op = import_token(network, eth_address_to_bin(token.address))
        opid =

        # Let's create another address that doesn't hold tokens
        # and see that import doesn't fail for it
        addr = CryptoAddress(network=network, address=eth_address_to_bin("0x2f70d3d26829e412a602e83fe8eebf80255aeea5"))

    success_count, failure_count = eth_service.run_waiting_operations()
    assert success_count == 1
    assert failure_count == 0

    # Check that we created a new asset and its imports where fulfilled
    with transaction.manager:

        op = dbsession.query(CryptoOperation).get(opid)
        assert op.completed_at

        # We got account with tokens on it
        network = dbsession.query(AssetNetwork).get(eth_network_id)
        caddress = CryptoAddress.get_network_address(network, eth_address_to_bin(deposit_address))

        asset = network.assets.filter_by(external_id=eth_address_to_bin(token.address)).one()
        assert == "Mootoken"
        assert asset.symbol == "MOO"
        assert == 10000

        caccount = caddress.get_account_by_address(eth_address_to_bin(token.address))
        assert caccount.account.get_balance() == 4000
def test_import_token(dbsession, eth_network_id, web3: Web3, eth_service: EthereumService, coinbase: str, deposit_address: str, token: Token):
    """Import an existing smart contract token to system."""

    # Make sure we have an address that holds some of the tokens so it is cleared up during import
    txid = token.transfer(deposit_address, Decimal(4000))
    confirm_transaction(web3, txid)

    with transaction.manager:

        network = dbsession.query(AssetNetwork).get(eth_network_id)
        op = import_token(network, eth_address_to_bin(token.address))
        opid =

        # Let's create another address that doesn't hold tokens
        # and see that import doesn't fail for it
        addr = CryptoAddress(network=network, address=eth_address_to_bin("0x2f70d3d26829e412a602e83fe8eebf80255aeea5"))

    success_count, failure_count = eth_service.run_waiting_operations()
    assert success_count == 1
    assert failure_count == 0

    # Check that we created a new asset and its imports where fulfilled
    with transaction.manager:

        op = dbsession.query(CryptoOperation).get(opid)
        assert op.completed_at

        # We got account with tokens on it
        network = dbsession.query(AssetNetwork).get(eth_network_id)
        caddress = CryptoAddress.get_network_address(network, eth_address_to_bin(deposit_address))

        asset = network.assets.filter_by(external_id=eth_address_to_bin(token.address)).one()
        assert == "Mootoken"
        assert asset.symbol == "MOO"
        assert == 10000

        caccount = caddress.get_account_by_address(eth_address_to_bin(token.address))
        assert caccount.account.get_balance() == 4000