def check_buffer_type(window, data, value): bufpointer = weechat.window_get_pointer(window,"buffer") if bufpointer == "": return "" value = value.split(' ', 1) if len(value) <= 1: return "" # format is : buffer_type (channel,server,private,all) | signal (e.g: buffer_switch) channel_type_and_signal = value[0] if channel_type_and_signal.find('|') >= 0: channel_type = channel_type_and_signal[0:channel_type_and_signal.find("|")] signal_type = channel_type_and_signal[channel_type_and_signal.find("|")+1:] unhook(data) add_hook(signal_type, data) else: channel_type = value[0] value = value[1] if channel_type == 'all' or weechat.buffer_get_string(bufpointer,'localvar_type') == channel_type: return value if channel_type == '!all': a = ["channel","server","private"] if weechat.buffer_get_string(bufpointer,'localvar_type') in a: return value return ""
def names_for_buffer(buffer): """Returns a list of all names for the given buffer.""" # The 'buffer' parameter passed to our callback is actually the buffer's ID # (e.g. '0x2719cf0'). We have to check its name (e.g. 'freenode.#weechat') # and short name (e.g. '#weechat') because these are what users specify in # their configs. buffer_names = [] full_name = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'name') if full_name: buffer_names.append(full_name) short_name = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'short_name') if short_name: buffer_names.append(short_name) # Consider >channel and #channel to be equal buffer names. The reason # is that the plugin replaces # '#' with '>' to indicate that someone in the buffer is typing. This # fixes the behavior of several configuration options (e.g. # 'tts_on_all_messages_in_buffers') when weechat_notify_send is used # together with the wee_slack plugin. # # Note that this is only needed to be done for the short name. Indeed, # the full name always stays unchanged. if short_name.startswith('>'): buffer_names.append('#' + short_name[1:]) return buffer_names
def get_buffer_info(buf): server = weechat.buffer_get_string(buf, b'localvar_server').decode( 'utf-8', 'replace') channel = weechat.buffer_get_string(buf, b'localvar_channel').decode( 'utf-8', 'replace') return server, channel
def close_time_cb(buffer, args): """ Callback for check for inactivity and close """ for buffer in get_all_buffers(): name = w.buffer_get_string(buffer, "name") date = get_last_line_date(buffer) date = time.mktime(time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) now = time.time() seconds_old = now - date if seconds_old > int(w.config_get_plugin("age_limit")) * 60: if is_in_hotlist(buffer): # w.prnt('', '%s: Not closing buffer: %s: it is in hotlist' %(SCRIPT_NAME, name)) continue if name in w.config_get_plugin("ignore").split(","): # w.prnt('', '%s: Not closing buffer: %s: it is in ignore list' %(SCRIPT_NAME, name)) continue if buffer == w.current_buffer(): # Never close current buffer # w.prnt('', '%s: Not closing buffer: %s: it is in currently active' %(SCRIPT_NAME, name)) continue if len(w.buffer_get_string(buffer, "input")): # Don't close buffers with text on input line # w.prnt('', '%s: Not closing buffer: %s: it has input' %(SCRIPT_NAME, name)) continue w.prnt("", "%s: Closing buffer: %s" % (SCRIPT_NAME, name)) w.command(buffer, "/buffer close") # else: # w.prnt('', '%s: Not closing buffer: %s: it is too new: %s' %(SCRIPT_NAME, name, seconds_old)) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def check_buffer_timer_cb(data, remaining_calls): global WEECHAT_VERSION,whitelist # search for buffers in hotlist ptr_infolist = weechat.infolist_get("hotlist", "", "") while weechat.infolist_next(ptr_infolist): ptr_buffer = weechat.infolist_pointer(ptr_infolist, "buffer_pointer") localvar_name = weechat.buffer_get_string(ptr_buffer, 'localvar_name') # buffer in whitelist? go to next buffer buf_type = weechat.buffer_get_string(ptr_buffer,'localvar_type') # buffer is a query buffer? if OPTIONS['ignore_query'].lower() == 'on' and buf_type == 'private': continue # buffer in whitelist? if localvar_name in whitelist: continue if ptr_buffer: if get_time_from_line(ptr_buffer): if OPTIONS['clear'].lower() == 'hotlist' or OPTIONS['clear'].lower() == 'all': weechat.buffer_set(ptr_buffer, "hotlist", '-1') if OPTIONS['clear'].lower() == 'unread' or OPTIONS['clear'].lower() == 'all': weechat.command(ptr_buffer,"/input set_unread_current_buffer") weechat.infolist_free(ptr_infolist) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def word_magic(data, buffer, command): # get the input string uinput = w.buffer_get_string(buffer, "input") # if the buffer is blacklisted, do nothing if w.buffer_get_string(buffer, "short_name") in w.config_get_plugin( "blacklist_buffers").split(","): return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK if command == "/input return": # in case the line's empty, do nothing if uinput == "": return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK # bypass this using a backslash as the first character elif uinput.startswith("\\"): uinput = uinput.replace("\\", "", 1) # we don't want to capitalize basic URLs elif uinput[:4] == "http": # I'M TOO LAZY FOR REGEX MATCHING return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK # if we point to a user, don't capitalise this elif isnick(buffer, uinput.split()[0][:-1]): return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK # if everything else is fine, replace the first char with its capital else: uinput = uinput.replace(uinput[0], uinput[0].upper(), 1) # set the new string into the input w.buffer_set(buffer, "input", uinput) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def notify(data, buffer, timestamp, tags, displayed, highlighted, prefix, message): buffer_name = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'name') buffer_type = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_type') server = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_server') message = None if buffer_type not in ['private', 'channel']: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if buffer_type == 'channel' and highlighted == 0: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if buffer_type == 'private': message = '{nick} sent you a private message on {server}'.format(nick=prefix, server=server) elif buffer_type == 'channel': channel = buffer_name.split('.', 1)[1] message = '{nick} mentioned you in {channel}'.format(nick=prefix, channel=channel) if message == None: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK process_endpoint = 'url:' post_data = urllib.urlencode({ 'token': OPTIONS['apptoken'], 'user': OPTIONS['userkey'], 'sound': OPTIONS['sound'], 'message': message, }) weechat.hook_process_hashtable(process_endpoint, { 'post': '1', 'postfields': post_data }, OPTIONS['timeout'], 'message_sent', '') return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def twitch_buffer_switch(data, signal, signal_data): server = weechat.buffer_get_string(signal_data, 'localvar_server') type = weechat.buffer_get_string(signal_data, 'localvar_type') if not (server in OPTIONS['servers'].split() and type == 'channel'): return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK twitch_main('', signal_data, 'bs') return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def notify(data, buffer, date, tags, displayed, highlight, prefix, message): # ignore if it's yourself own_nick = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_nick') if prefix == own_nick or prefix == ('@%s' % own_nick): return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK # ignore messages older than the configured theshold (such as ZNC logs) if enabled if weechat.config_get_plugin('ignore_old_messages') == 'on': message_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(date)) now_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # ignore if the message is greater than 5 seconds old if (now_time - message_time).seconds > 5: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK # passing `None` or `''` still plays the default sound so we pass a lambda instead sound = weechat.config_get_plugin('sound_name') if weechat.config_get_plugin('sound') == 'on' else lambda:_ activate_bundle_id = weechat.config_get_plugin('activate_bundle_id') if weechat.config_get_plugin('show_highlights') == 'on' and int(highlight): channel = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_channel') if weechat.config_get_plugin('show_message_text') == 'on': Notifier.notify(message, title='%s %s' % (prefix, channel), sound=sound, appIcon=WEECHAT_ICON, activate=activate_bundle_id) else: Notifier.notify('In %s by %s' % (channel, prefix), title='Highlighted Message', sound=sound, appIcon=WEECHAT_ICON, activate=activate_bundle_id) elif weechat.config_get_plugin('show_private_message') == 'on' and 'notify_private' in tags: if weechat.config_get_plugin('show_message_text') == 'on': Notifier.notify(message, title='%s [private]' % prefix, sound=sound, appIcon=WEECHAT_ICON, activate=activate_bundle_id) else: Notifier.notify('From %s' % prefix, title='Private Message', sound=sound, appIcon=WEECHAT_ICON, activate=activate_bundle_id) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def notify_show(data, bufferp, uber_empty, tagsn, isdisplayed, ishilight, prefix, message): """Sends highlighted message to be printed on notification""" # string for show_notification return snreturn = None # smart_notification if (weechat.config_get_plugin('smart_notification') == "on" and bufferp == weechat.current_buffer()): pass # are we away and want highlights? check: w.infolist_integer(infolist, 'is_away') elif (weechat.config_get_plugin('notify_when_away') == "off" and weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, 'localvar_away')): pass elif (weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "localvar_type") == "private" and weechat.config_get_plugin('show_priv_msg') == "on"): # should we ignore messages from something like ZNC with * prefix? ignprefix = weechat.config_get_plugin('ignore_nicks_startwith') if ignprefix != '' and prefix.startswith(ignprefix): # if not empty.. pass # if im sending a message to someone, don't pop up a notification. elif weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "localvar_nick") != prefix: snreturn = show_notification(prefix, message) elif (ishilight == "1" and weechat.config_get_plugin('show_hilights') == "on"): buffer = (weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "short_name") or weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "name")) snreturn = show_notification(buffer, prefix + weechat.config_get_plugin('nick_separator') + message) # check to see if we had an error showing notification and return to user if snreturn: weechat.prnt(bufferp, snreturn) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def update_title(data, signal, signal_data): ''' The callback that adds title. ''' if w.config_get_plugin('short_name') == 'on': title = w.buffer_get_string(w.current_buffer(), 'short_name') else: title = w.buffer_get_string(w.current_buffer(), 'name') hotlist = w.infolist_get('hotlist', '', '') hot_text = '' while w.infolist_next(hotlist): priority = w.infolist_integer(hotlist, 'priority') if priority >= int(w.config_get_plugin('title_priority')): number = w.infolist_integer(hotlist, 'buffer_number') thebuffer = w.infolist_pointer(hotlist, 'buffer_pointer') name = w.buffer_get_string(thebuffer, 'short_name') hot_text += ' %s' % number if hot_text: title += ' [A:%s]' % hot_text w.infolist_free(hotlist) w.window_set_title(title) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def fn_privmsg(data, bufferp, time, tags, display, is_hilight, prefix, msg): global bfList global settings servername = (w.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "name").split("."))[0] ownNick = w.info_get("irc_nick", servername) mySound = "" if not muted and prefix != ownNick: if settings["player"] == "": errMsg("'Player' isn't set!") else: for lEntry in bfList: if lEntry["buffer"] == w.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "name"): # we found a buffer of that name if lEntry["status"] == "on": if lEntry["sound"] == "": if settings["psound"] == "": errMsg("No sound defined! Please set either the " + "regular 'psound'-option or the 'sound'-" + "option for this buffer.") else: mySound = settings["psound"] else: mySound = lEntry["sound"] s.Popen([settings["player"], expanduser(mySound)], stderr=s.STDOUT, stdout=s.PIPE) break return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def allquery_command_cb(data, buffer, args): """ Callback for /allquery command """ args = args.strip() if args == "": weechat.command("", "/help %s" % SCRIPT_COMMAND) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK argv = args.split(" ") exclude_nick = None if argv[0].startswith("-exclude="): exclude_nick = make_list(argv[0]) command = " ".join(argv[1::]) else: command = args if not command.startswith("/"): weechat.command("", "/help %s" % SCRIPT_COMMAND) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK infolist = weechat.infolist_get("buffer", "", "") while weechat.infolist_next(infolist): if weechat.infolist_string(infolist, "plugin_name") == "irc": ptr = weechat.infolist_pointer(infolist, "pointer") server = weechat.buffer_get_string(ptr, "localvar_server") query = weechat.buffer_get_string(ptr, "localvar_channel") execute_command = re.sub(r'\b\$nick\b', query, command) if weechat.buffer_get_string(ptr, "localvar_type") == "private": if exclude_nick is not None: if not query in exclude_nick: weechat.command(ptr, execute_command) else: weechat.command(ptr, execute_command) weechat.infolist_free(infolist) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def notification_callback(data, bufferp, uber_empty, tagsn, isdisplayed, ishilight, prefix, message): is_away = weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, 'localvar_away') is_focused = bufferp == weechat.current_buffer() do_prowl = True # If set to False depending on state and settings, no Prowl notification will be sent if (is_away): if (is_focused and weechat.config_get_plugin('notify_focused_away') != 'on'): do_prowl = False elif (not is_focused and weechat.config_get_plugin('notify_unfocused_away') != 'on'): do_prowl = False else: if (is_focused and weechat.config_get_plugin('notify_focused_active') != 'on'): do_prowl = False elif (not is_focused and weechat.config_get_plugin('notify_unfocused_active') != 'on'): do_prowl = False if (do_prowl): if (weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, 'localvar_type') == 'private' and weechat.config_get_plugin('show_priv_msg') == 'on' and prefix != weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, 'localvar_nick')): send_prowl_notification(prefix, message, True) elif (ishilight == '1' and weechat.config_get_plugin('show_hilights') == 'on'): buffer = (weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, 'short_name') or weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, 'name')) send_prowl_notification(buffer, prefix + weechat.config_get_plugin('nick_separator') + message, False) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def notify_msg(data, bufferp, time, tags, display, is_hilight, prefix, msg): """Sends highlighted message to be printed on notification""" if ('notify_private' in tags and weechat.config_get_plugin('show_priv_msg') == "on") \ or (int(is_hilight) and \ weechat.config_get_plugin('show_hilights') == "on"): # grab the fully qualified buffer name so we can jump to it later buffer = weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "name") # choose an appropriate brief name to display in the indicator applet if 'notify_private' in tags: brief = "private" else: # prefer short_name brief = weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "short_name") if not brief: # fall back to full name brief = buffer if weechat.config_get_plugin('debug') == "on": print "buffer: " + buffer print "brief: " + brief print "prefix: " + prefix print "msg: " + msg # Create an object that will proxy for a particular remote object. bus = dbus.SessionBus() remote_object = bus.get_object(DBUS_CONNECTION, DBUS_OBJ_PATH) remote_object.add_message(buffer, brief, prefix, msg) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def buffer_opened_cb(data, signal, signal_data): ptr_buffer = signal_data plugin = weechat.buffer_get_string(ptr_buffer, 'localvar_plugin') name = weechat.buffer_get_string(ptr_buffer, 'localvar_name') filename = get_filename_with_path('%s.%s' % (plugin,name)) read_history(filename,ptr_buffer) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def opall(data, buffer, args): channel = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_channel') server = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_server') if not weechat.info_get('irc_is_channel', channel): weechat.prnt(buffer, '%sopall: Not an IRC channel' % weechat.prefix('error')) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK toOp = withoutOp(server, channel) if len(toOp) == 0: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK # how many people can we op at once modes = int(weechat.info_get('irc_server_isupport_value', '%s,MODES' % server)) or 0 if modes == 0: weechat.prnt(buffer, '%sopall: failed to determine MODES' % weechat.prefix('error')) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR frm = 0 to = modes while len(toOp) > frm: weechat.command(buffer, '/OP %s' % ' '.join(toOp[frm:to])) frm = to to += modes return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def handle_msg(data, pbuffer, date, tags, displayed, highlight, prefix, message): highlight = bool(highlight) and cfg["highlight"] query = true[cfg["query"]] notify_away = true[cfg["notify_away"]] buffer_type = weechat.buffer_get_string(pbuffer, "localvar_type") away = weechat.buffer_get_string(pbuffer, "localvar_away") x_focus = False window_name = "" # Check to make sure we're in X and xdotool exists. # This is kinda crude, but I'm no X master. if (environ.get('DISPLAY') != None) and path.isfile("/bin/xdotool"): window_name = subprocess.check_output(["xdotool", "getwindowfocus", "getwindowname"]) if "WeeChat" in window_name: x_focus = True if pbuffer == weechat.current_buffer() and x_focus: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if away and not notify_away: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK buffer_name = weechat.buffer_get_string(pbuffer, "short_name") if buffer_type == "private" and query: notify_user(buffer_name, message) elif buffer_type == "channel" and highlight: notify_user("{} @ {}".format(prefix, buffer_name), message) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def notify_show(data, bufferp, uber_empty, tagsn, isdisplayed, ishilight, prefix, message): #are we away? away = weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp,"localvar_away") if (away == "" and weechat.config_get_plugin("only_away") == "on"): return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK #get local nick for buffer mynick = weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp,"localvar_nick") # get name of buffer name = weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp,"name") # ignore buffers on ignorelist if not name in weechat.config_get_plugin("ignore").split(","): # only notify if the message was not sent by myself if (weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "localvar_type") == "private") and (prefix!=mynick): show_notification(prefix, prefix, message) elif ishilight == "1": buffer = (weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "short_name") or name) show_notification(buffer, prefix, message) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def at_completion(data, buffer, command): if not config['enable']: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK input = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'input') if input[0] != '/': buffer_name = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer,'name') plugin_name = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer,'plugin') # don't nick complete in core if plugin_name == 'core': return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK server_name = buffer_name.split('.')[0] if (server_name not in config['servers'] or not check_buffers(buffer_name) ): return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK pos = weechat.buffer_get_integer(buffer, 'input_pos') if pos > 0 and (pos == len(input) or input[pos] == ' '): n = input.rfind(' ', 0, pos) e = input.find(' ',n) at = 0 word = input[n+1:pos] if e != n : word = word[:e] if word[0] == '@': word = word[1:] at = 1 nicklist = weechat.infolist_get('nicklist', buffer, '') if nicklist: nick = walk_nicklist(nicklist,word) if nick != "": complete = '%s@%s %s' %(input[:pos-len(word)-at],nick,input[pos:]) weechat.buffer_set(buffer, 'input', complete) weechat.buffer_set(buffer, 'input_pos', str(pos - len(word) + len(nick)+2)) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def unread_cb(data, buffer, command): global all_channels channels = [] if command.find("set_unread_current_buffer") >= 0: if w.buffer_get_string(buffer, "localvar_server") == "slack" and \ w.buffer_get_string(buffer, "localvar_type") in ["channel", "private"]: channels.append(w.buffer_get_string(buffer, "localvar_channel")) else: channels = _channels() for c in channels: cs = c.lstrip("#") if cs in all_channels: try: if c.startswith("#"): if cs in private_groups: r = slack.groups.mark(all_channels[cs], time.time()) else: r = slack.channels.mark(all_channels[cs], time.time()) else: r =[cs], time.time()) #w.prnt("", "%s: %s" % (c, r.body["ok"] and "ok" or "not ok")) except: w.prnt("", "Error while setting unread marker on %s" % c) w.prnt("", "%d channels marked as read" % len(channels)) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def show_item(data, item, window): bufpointer = weechat.window_get_pointer(window, "buffer") if bufpointer == "": return "" if weechat.buffer_get_string(bufpointer, "name") != "weechat": # not weechat core buffer if weechat.buffer_get_string(bufpointer, "localvar_type") == "": # buffer with free content? return "" lines_after, lines_count, percent, current_line = count_lines(window, bufpointer) if lines_count == 0: # buffer empty? return "" tags = {"%C": str(current_line), "%A": str(lines_after), "%L": str(lines_count), "%P": str(percent) + "%"} bufsize_item = substitute_colors(OPTIONS["format"]) # replace mandatory tags for tag in list(tags.keys()): # for tag in tags.keys(): bufsize_item = bufsize_item.replace(tag, tags[tag]) # replace optional tags # %{…} only if lines after (e.g. %A > 0) if lines_after > 0: for regex_tag in regex_optional_tags.findall(bufsize_item): bufsize_item = bufsize_item.replace(regex_tag, regex_tag.lstrip("%{").rstrip("}")) else: bufsize_item = regex_optional_tags.sub("", bufsize_item) return bufsize_item
def prepare_notification(buffer, is_highlight, nick, message): """Prepares a notification from the given data.""" if is_highlight: source = (weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'short_name') or weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'name')) message = nick + nick_separator() + message else: # A private message. source = nick max_length = int(weechat.config_get_plugin('max_length')) if max_length > 0: ellipsis = weechat.config_get_plugin('ellipsis') message = shorten_message(message, max_length, ellipsis) if weechat.config_get_plugin('escape_html') == 'on': message = escape_html(message) message = escape_slashes(message) icon = weechat.config_get_plugin('icon') timeout = weechat.config_get_plugin('timeout') urgency = weechat.config_get_plugin('urgency') return Notification(source, message, icon, timeout, urgency)
def nicklist_cmd_cb(data, buffer, args): ''' Command /nicklist ''' if args == '': display_action() display_buffers() else: current_buffer_name = w.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'plugin') + '.' + w.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'name') if args == 'show': w.config_set_plugin('action', 'show') #display_action() w.command('', '/window refresh') elif args == 'hide': w.config_set_plugin('action', 'hide') #display_action() w.command('', '/window refresh') elif args == 'add': list = get_buffers_list() if current_buffer_name not in list: list.append(current_buffer_name) w.config_set_plugin('buffers', ','.join(list)) #display_buffers() w.command('', '/window refresh') else: w.prnt('', '%s: buffer "%s" is already in list' % (SCRIPT_NAME, current_buffer_name)) elif args == 'remove': list = get_buffers_list() if current_buffer_name in list: list.remove(current_buffer_name) w.config_set_plugin('buffers', ','.join(list)) #display_buffers() w.command('', '/window refresh') else: w.prnt('', '%s: buffer "%s" is not in list' % (SCRIPT_NAME, current_buffer_name)) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def get_notified(data, bufferp, uber_empty, tagsn, isdisplayed, ishilight, prefix, message): if (weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "localvar_type") == "private" and weechat.config_get_plugin('show_priv_msg') == "on"): buffer = (weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "short_name") or weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "name")) if buffer == prefix: n = pynotify.Notification("WeeChat", "%s said: %s" % (prefix, message),weechat.config_get_plugin('show_icon')) Popen("/usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/share/weetray/", shell=True) if not print "Failed to send notification" elif (ishilight == "1" and weechat.config_get_plugin('show_highlight') == "on"): buffer = (weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "short_name") or weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "name")) n = pynotify.Notification("WeeChat", "In %s, %s said: %s" % (buffer, prefix, message),weechat.config_get_plugin('show_icon')) Popen("/usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/share/weetray/", shell=True) if not print "Failed to send notification" return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def notify_show(data, bufferp, uber_empty, tagsn, isdisplayed, ishighlight, prefix, message): if weechat.config_get_plugin("enabled") == "off": return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK # get local nick for buffer mynick = weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "localvar_nick") # strip channel op prefix stripped_prefix = prefix.replace("@", "") # check if we should not notify on this channel/nick priv_msg channel = weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "localvar_channel") exclude_channels = weechat.config_get_plugin("exclude_channels").split(',') if channel in exclude_channels: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK always_notify_channels = weechat.config_get_plugin("always_notify_channels").split(',') # only notify if the message was not sent by myself if (weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "localvar_type") == "private" and stripped_prefix != mynick and weechat.config_get_plugin("show_priv_msg") == "on"): show_notification(prefix, prefix, message) # notify on hilight or in always notifying channel and not sent by myself elif (ishighlight == "1" and weechat.config_get_plugin("show_highlight") == "on") or \ (channel in always_notify_channels and stripped_prefix != mynick): buf = (weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "short_name") or weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "name")) show_notification(buf, prefix, message) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def save_history(): global history_list # get buffers ptr_infolist_buffer = weechat.infolist_get('buffer','','') while weechat.infolist_next(ptr_infolist_buffer): ptr_buffer = weechat.infolist_pointer(ptr_infolist_buffer,'pointer') # check for localvar_save_history if not weechat.buffer_get_string(ptr_buffer, 'localvar_save_history') and OPTIONS['save_buffer'].lower() == 'off': continue plugin = weechat.buffer_get_string(ptr_buffer, 'localvar_plugin') name = weechat.buffer_get_string(ptr_buffer, 'localvar_name') filename = get_filename_with_path('%s.%s' % (plugin,name)) get_buffer_history(ptr_buffer) if len(history_list): write_history(filename) weechat.infolist_free(ptr_infolist_buffer) if OPTIONS['save_global'].lower() != 'off': get_buffer_history('') # buffer pointer (if not set, return global history) if len(history_list): write_history(filename_global_history)
def priv_msg_cb(data, bufferp, uber_empty, tagsn, isdisplayed, ishilight, prefix, message): """Sends highlighted message to be printed on notification""" am_away = w.buffer_get_string(bufferp, 'localvar_away') if not am_away: w.prnt("", "[weebullet] Not away, skipping notification") return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK notif_body = u"<%s> %s" % ( prefix.decode('utf-8'), message.decode('utf-8') ) # Check that it's in a "/q" buffer and that I'm not the one writing the msg is_pm = w.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "localvar_type") == "private" is_notify_private ='(^|,)notify_private(,|$)', tagsn) is not None # PM (query) if (is_pm and is_notify_private): send_push( title="Privmsg from %s" % prefix.decode('utf-8'), body=notif_body ) # Highlight (your nick is quoted) elif (ishilight == "1"): bufname = (w.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "short_name") or w.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "name")) send_push( title="Highlight in %s" % bufname.decode('utf-8'), body=notif_body ) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def handle_msg(data, pbuffer, date, tags, displayed, highlight, prefix, message): highlight = bool(highlight) and cfg["highlight"] query = true[cfg["query"]] notify_away = true[cfg["notify_away"]] buffer_type = weechat.buffer_get_string(pbuffer, "localvar_type") away = weechat.buffer_get_string(pbuffer, "localvar_away") if pbuffer == weechat.current_buffer() and buffer_type == "private": return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if away and not notify_away: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK buffer_name = weechat.buffer_get_string(pbuffer, "short_name") if "is back on server" in message: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK elif "has quit" in message: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if buffer_type == "private" and query: notify_user(buffer_name, message) elif buffer_type == "channel" and highlight: notify_user("{} @ {}".format(prefix, buffer_name), message) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def show_spell_suggestion_item_cb (data, item, window): buffer = weechat.window_get_pointer(window,"buffer") if buffer == '': return '' if OPTIONS['replace_mode'].lower() == "on": if not weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer,'localvar_inline_suggestions'): return '' tab_complete,position,aspell_suggest_items = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer,'localvar_inline_suggestions').split(':',2) return aspell_suggest_items tab_complete,position,aspell_suggest_item = get_position_and_suggest_item(buffer) localvar_aspell_suggest = get_localvar_aspell_suggest(buffer) # localvar_aspell_suggest = word,word2/wort,wort2 if localvar_aspell_suggest: misspelled_word,aspell_suggestions = localvar_aspell_suggest.split(':') aspell_suggestions_orig = aspell_suggestions aspell_suggestions = aspell_suggestions.replace('/',',') aspell_suggestion_list = aspell_suggestions.split(',') if not position: return '' if int(position) < len(aspell_suggestion_list): reset_color = weechat.color('reset') color = weechat.color("red") new_word = aspell_suggestion_list[int(position)].replace(aspell_suggestion_list[int(position)],'%s%s%s' % (color, aspell_suggestion_list[int(position)], reset_color)) else: return '' return aspell_suggestions_orig
def get_userhost_from_nick(buffer, nick): """Return host of a given nick in buffer.""" channel = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_channel') server = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_server') if channel and server: infolist = weechat.infolist_get('irc_nick', '', '%s,%s' % (server, channel)) if infolist: try: while weechat.infolist_next(infolist): name = weechat.infolist_string(infolist, 'name') if nick == name: return weechat.infolist_string(infolist, 'host') finally: weechat.infolist_free(infolist) return ''
def hook_message_send(data, buffer, command): text = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'input').decode("utf-8") if text.startswith('/') and not text.startswith('//'): return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK for original in replacements: text = text.replace(original, replacements[original]) if text.startswith(">"): text = u"3" + text if weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, "name").startswith("bitlbee"): text = stripFormatting.sub("", text) weechat.buffer_set(buffer, 'input', text.encode("utf-8")) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def cb_process_message(data, wbuffer, date, tags, displayed, highlight, prefix, message): '''Delegates incoming messages to appropriate handlers.''' tags = set(tags.split(',')) functions = globals() is_public_message = tags.issuperset( TAGGED_MESSAGES['public message or action']) buffer_name = weechat.buffer_get_string(wbuffer, 'name') dcc_buffer_regex = re.compile(r'^irc_dcc\.', re.UNICODE) dcc_buffer_match = dcc_buffer_regex.match(buffer_name) highlighted = False if int(highlight): highlighted = True # Private DCC message identifies itself as public. if is_public_message and dcc_buffer_match: notify_private_message_or_action(buffer_name, prefix, message, highlighted) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK # Pass identified, untagged message to its designated function. for key, value in UNTAGGED_MESSAGES.items(): match = value.match(message) if match: functions[DISPATCH_TABLE[key]](match) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK # Pass identified, tagged message to its designated function. for key, value in TAGGED_MESSAGES.items(): if tags.issuperset(value): functions[DISPATCH_TABLE[key]](buffer_name, prefix, message, highlighted) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def aspell_suggest_cb(data, signal, signal_data): buffer = signal_data if OPTIONS['replace_mode'].lower() == 'on': localvar_aspell_suggest = get_localvar_aspell_suggest(buffer) if localvar_aspell_suggest: # aspell says, suggested word is also misspelled. check out if we already have a suggestion list and don't use the new misspelled word! if weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_inline_suggestions'): return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if not ":" in localvar_aspell_suggest: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK misspelled_word, aspell_suggestions = localvar_aspell_suggest.split( ':') aspell_suggestions = aspell_suggestions.replace('/', ',') weechat.buffer_set(buffer, 'localvar_set_inline_suggestions', '%s:%s:%s' % ('2', '0', aspell_suggestions)) weechat.bar_item_update('spell_suggestion') return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if OPTIONS['auto_pop_up_item'].lower() == 'on': auto_suggest_cmd_cb('', buffer, '') weechat.buffer_set(buffer, 'localvar_del_spell_correction_suggest_input_line', '') weechat.bar_item_update('spell_suggestion') return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def command_run_input(data, buffer, command): """ Function called when a command "/input xxxx" is run """ if command == "/input return": # As in enter was pressed. # Get input contents input_s = w.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'input') # Skip modification of settings if input_s.startswith('/set '): return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK # Iterate transformation pairs for replace_item in w.config_get_plugin('replacement_pairs').split( ','): if replace_item: orig, replaced = replace_item.split('=') input_s = input_s.replace(orig, replaced) # Iterate words for replace_item in w.config_get_plugin('replacement_words').split( ','): if replace_item: orig, replaced = replace_item.split('=') # Search for whitespace+word+whitespace and replace the word input_s = re.sub('(\s+|^)%s(\s+|$)' % orig, '\\1%s\\2' % replaced, input_s) # Spit it out w.buffer_set(buffer, 'input', input_s) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def autojoinem_completion_cb(data, completion_item, buffer, completion): # server = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_server') # current buffer input_line = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'input') # get information out of the input_line argv = input_line.strip().split(" ", 3) if (len(argv) >= 3 and argv[1] == 'del'): server = argv[2] list_of_channels, list_of_keys = get_autojoin_list(buffer, server) if list_of_channels == 1: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if (len(argv) >= 4 and argv[1] == 'del'): list_of_current_channels = argv[3].split(' ') missing_channels = get_difference(list_of_channels, list_of_current_channels) if not missing_channels: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK list_of_channels = missing_channels for i, elem in enumerate(list_of_channels): weechat.hook_completion_list_add(completion, list_of_channels[i], 0, weechat.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_END) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def spotify_print_cb(data, buffer, time, tags, displayed, highlight, prefix, message): notice = w.config_get_plugin('emit_notice') buffer_name = w.buffer_get_string(buffer, "name") server, channel = buffer_name.split('.') buffers_to_check = w.config_get_plugin('buffers').split(',') client_credentials_manager = SpotifyClientCredentials(w.config_get_plugin('client_id'), w.config_get_plugin('client_secret')) spotify = spotipy.Spotify(client_credentials_manager=client_credentials_manager) command = "msg" if notice == "on": command = "notice" if buffer_name.lower() not in [buffer.lower() for buffer in buffers_to_check]: return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK for type, id in get_spotify_ids(message): if type == 'album': results = spotify.album(id) elif type == 'track': results = spotify.track(id) elif type == 'artist': results = spotify.artist(id) reply = parse_response(results, type) w.command('', "/%s -server %s %s %s" % (command, server, channel, reply)) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def lb_create_buffer(): global lb_buffer, lb_curline if not lb_buffer: lb_buffer = weechat.buffer_new("listbuffer", "lb_input_cb", \ "", "lb_close_cb", "") lb_set_buffer_title() # Sets notify to 0 as this buffer does not need to be in hotlist. weechat.buffer_set(lb_buffer, "notify", "0") weechat.buffer_set(lb_buffer, "nicklist", "0") weechat.buffer_set(lb_buffer, "type", "free") weechat.buffer_set(lb_buffer, "key_bind_ctrl-L", "/listbuffer **refresh") weechat.buffer_set(lb_buffer, "key_bind_meta2-A", "/listbuffer **up") weechat.buffer_set(lb_buffer, "key_bind_meta2-B", "/listbuffer **down") weechat.buffer_set(lb_buffer, "key_bind_meta2-1~", "/listbuffer **scroll_top") weechat.buffer_set(lb_buffer, "key_bind_meta2-4~", "/listbuffer **scroll_bottom") weechat.buffer_set(lb_buffer, "key_bind_meta-ctrl-J", "/listbuffer **enter") weechat.buffer_set(lb_buffer, "key_bind_meta-ctrl-M", "/listbuffer **enter") weechat.buffer_set(lb_buffer, "key_bind_meta->", "/listbuffer **sort_next") weechat.buffer_set(lb_buffer, "key_bind_meta-<", "/listbuffer **sort_previous") weechat.buffer_set(lb_buffer, "key_bind_meta-/", "/listbuffer **sort_invert") lb_curline = 0 if weechat.config_get_plugin("autofocus") == "on": if not weechat.window_search_with_buffer(lb_buffer): weechat.command("", "/buffer " + weechat.buffer_get_string(lb_buffer,"name"))
def buffer_switch_cb(data, buffer, command): if command == '': return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK args = command.strip().split(' ',)[1:] if len(args) != 1: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK ptr_buffer = '' # check if argument is a buffer "number" destination_buffer = get_destination_buffer_number(args[0]) if destination_buffer: if destination_buffer < 1: destination_buffer = 1 buffer_name, ptr_buffer = infolist_get_buffer_name_and_ptr_by_number(destination_buffer) else: # search for buffer name buffer_name, ptr_buffer = infolist_get_buffer_name_and_ptr_by_name(args[0]) if not ptr_buffer: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if ptr_buffer == weechat.window_get_pointer(weechat.current_window(), 'buffer'): return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK window_number = weechat.buffer_get_string(ptr_buffer, 'localvar_stick_buffer_to_window') if not window_number: window_number = get_default_stick_window_number() if window_number: weechat.command('', '/window %s' % window_number) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def on_msg(*a): if len(a) == 8: data, buffer, timestamp, tags, displayed, highlight, sender, message = a #return when sender is weechat.look.prefix_network option = w.config_get("weechat.look.prefix_network") if sender == w.config_string(option): return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK if data == "private" or highlight == "1": #set buffer buffer = "me" if data == "private" else w.buffer_get_string( buffer, "short_name") #set time - displays message forever on highlight if highlight == "1" and data == "private": mtype = "private_highlight" icon = w.config_get_plugin('pm-icon') time = w.config_get_plugin('display_time_private_highlight') elif highlight == "1": mtype = "highlight" icon = w.config_get_plugin('icon') time = w.config_get_plugin('display_time_highlight') else: mtype = "private" icon = w.config_get_plugin('pm-icon') time = w.config_get_plugin('display_time_default') urgency = w.config_get_plugin('urgency_default') #sent run_notify(mtype, urgency, icon, time, sender, buffer, message) #w.prnt("", str(a)) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def decrypt(message, buf): username = weechat.buffer_get_string(buf, 'name') if os.path.exists(weechat_dir + key_dir + "/cryptkey." + username): p = subprocess.Popen([ "openssl", "enc", "-d", "-a", "-" + weechat.config_get_plugin("cipher"), "-pass", "file:" + weechat_dir + key_dir + "/cryptkey." + username ], bufsize=4096, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True) p.stdin.write("U2FsdGVkX1" + message.replace("|", "\n")) p.stdin.close() decrypted = p.stdout.close() if decrypted == "": return message decrypted = ''.join(c for c in decrypted if ord(c) > 31 or ord(c) == 9 or ord(c) == 2 or ord(c) == 3 or ord(c) == 15) return '\x19' + weechat.color('lightred') + weechat.config_get_plugin( "message_indicator") + '\x1C' + decrypted else: return message
def my_modifier_cb(data, modifier, modifier_data, string): if w.buffer_get_string(w.buffer_search('irc',modifier_data.split(";")[1]),"localvar_noirccolors") == "true": try: nick, message = string.split("\t") except ValueError, e: return string return "%s\t%s" % (nick, w.string_remove_color(message,""))
def game_api(data, command, rc, stdout, stderr): try: jsonDict = json.loads(stdout.strip()) except Exception as e: weechat.prnt( data, ' error communicating with twitch api' % weechat.prefix('error')) if OPTIONS['debug']: weechat.prnt( data, ' return code: %s' % (weechat.prefix('error'), rc)) weechat.prnt( data, ' stdout: %s' % (weechat.prefix('error'), stdout)) weechat.prnt( data, ' stderr: %s' % (weechat.prefix('error'), stderr)) weechat.prnt( data, ' exception: %s' % (weechat.prefix('error'), e)) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if 'data' in jsonDict.keys(): if not jsonDict['data']: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if len(jsonDict['data']) == 1: jsonDict['data'] = jsonDict['data'][0] old_title = weechat.buffer_get_string(data, "title") id = jsonDict['data']['id'] name = makeutf8(jsonDict['data']['name']) new_title = old_title.replace('<{}>'.format(id), '<{}>'.format(name)) weechat.buffer_set(data, "title", new_title) gameid_cache[id] = name return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def infolist_relay(): infolist_relay = weechat.infolist_get('relay', '', '') if infolist_relay: while weechat.infolist_next(infolist_relay): status = weechat.infolist_integer(infolist_relay, 'status') status_string = weechat.infolist_string(infolist_relay, 'status_string') # weechat.prnt('', '%d %s' % (status, status_string)) weechat.infolist_free( infolist_relay) # don't forget to free() infolist! return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK # # =============================[ localvars() ]============================ weechat.buffer_set(buffer, 'localvar_set_<name_of_localvar>', '%s' % value) weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_<name_of_localvar>')
def buffer_filtering(buffer): """ Check whether "buffer" should be filtered. """ local = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, "localvar_%s" % SCRIPT_LOCALVAR) return {"": None, "0": False, "1": True}[local]
def prepare_and_send_signal(buffer, nick, action): global PENDING_ACTIONS # needed to get the server buffer (irc.server.#somechannel) buffer_info = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, "full_name").split(".") if buffer_info.pop(0) != "irc": log_warning("aban can only be used in irc channel buffers") return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR server, channel = buffer_info if not channel.startswith("#"): log_warning("aban can only be used in irc channel buffers") return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR if weechat.info_get('irc_nick', server) == nick: log_warning(f"You probably do not want to {action} yourself.") return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR # see known issues section in the README PENDING_ACTIONS[nick] = { "server": server, "channel": channel, "action": action } weechat.hook_hsignal_send("irc_redirect_command", { "server": server, "pattern": "who", "signal": "action" }) weechat.hook_signal_send('irc_input_send', weechat.WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, f"{server};;2;;/who {nick} %a") # to please pylint return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def message_hook(data, bufferp, uber_empty, tagsn, is_displayed, is_highlighted, prefix, message): is_pm = w.buffer_get_string(bufferp, 'localvar_type') == 'private' regular_channel = not is_subscribed(bufferp) and not is_pm if is_ignored(bufferp) and regular_channel: log('ignored regular channel skipping') return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK if not is_displayed: log('not a displayed message skipping') return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK if not is_highlighted and regular_channel: return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK log('passed all checks') if is_pm: title = 'Private message from {}'.format(prefix.decode('utf-8')) else: title = 'Message on {} from {}'.format(get_buf_name(bufferp), prefix.decode('utf-8')) send_push(title=title, message=message.decode('utf-8')) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def show_item(data, item, window): bufpointer = weechat.window_get_pointer(window, "buffer") if bufpointer == "": return "" if weechat.buffer_get_string( bufpointer, 'name') != 'weechat': # not weechat core buffer if weechat.buffer_get_string( bufpointer, 'localvar_type') == '': # buffer with free content? return "" lines_after, lines_count, percent, current_line = count_lines( window, bufpointer) if lines_count == 0: # buffer empty? return "" tags = { '%C': str(current_line), '%A': str(lines_after), '%L': str(lines_count), '%P': str(percent) + "%" } bufsize_item = OPTIONS['format'] # substitute colors in output for color_tag in regex_color.findall(bufsize_item): bufsize_item = bufsize_item.replace( color_tag, weechat.color(color_tag.lstrip('${').rstrip('}'))) # replace mandatory tags for tag in tags.keys(): bufsize_item = bufsize_item.replace(tag, tags[tag]) # replace optional tags # %{…} only if lines after (e.g. %A > 0) if lines_after > 0: for regex_tag in regex_optional_tags.findall(bufsize_item): bufsize_item = bufsize_item.replace( regex_tag, regex_tag.lstrip('%{').rstrip('}')) else: bufsize_item = regex_optional_tags.sub('', bufsize_item) return bufsize_item
def priv_msg_cb(data, bufferp, uber_empty, tagsn, isdisplayed, ishilight, prefix, message): """Sends highlighted message to be printed on notification""" if w.config_get_plugin("away_only") == "1": am_away = w.buffer_get_string(bufferp, 'localvar_away') else: am_away = True if not am_away: # TODO: make debug a configurable debug("Not away, skipping notification") return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK # If 'inactive_only' is enabled, we need to check if the notification is # coming from the active buffer. if w.config_get_plugin("inactive_only") == "1": if w.current_buffer() == bufferp: # The notification came from the current buffer - don't notify debug("Notification came from the active buffer, " "skipping notification") return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK notif_body = u"<%s> %s" % (prefix, message) # Check that it's in a "/q" buffer and that I'm not the one writing the msg is_pm = w.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "localvar_type") == "private" is_notify_private ='(^|,)notify_private(,|$)', tagsn) is not None # PM (query) if (is_pm and is_notify_private): send_push(title="Privmsg from %s" % prefix, body=notif_body) # Highlight (your nick is quoted) elif (str(ishilight) == "1"): bufname = (w.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "short_name") or w.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "name")) ignored_channels = get_ignored_channels() if bufname not in ignored_channels: send_push(title="Highlight in %s" % bufname, body=notif_body) else: debug("[weejoin] Ignored channel, skipping notification in %s" % bufname) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def command_main(data, buffer, args): infolist = w.infolist_get("buffer", "", "") buffer_groups = {} results = [] buffer_count = 0 merge_count = 0 numbers = set() while w.infolist_next(infolist): bplugin = w.infolist_string(infolist, "plugin_name") bname = w.infolist_string(infolist, "name") bpointer = w.infolist_pointer(infolist, "pointer") bnumber = w.infolist_integer(infolist, "number") btype = w.buffer_get_string(bpointer, 'localvar_type') if not bnumber in numbers: numbers.add(bnumber) else: merge_count += 1 if btype == 'server': bdesc = 'servers' elif btype == 'channel': bdesc = 'channels' elif btype == 'private': bdesc = 'queries' else: bdesc = bplugin buffer_groups.setdefault(bdesc,[]).append({'name': bname, 'pointer': bpointer}) w.infolist_free(infolist) infolist = w.infolist_get("window", "", "") windows_v = set() windows_h = set() windows = set() while w.infolist_next(infolist): window = w.infolist_pointer(infolist, "pointer") window_w = w.infolist_integer(infolist, "width_pct") window_h = w.infolist_integer(infolist, "height_pct") windows.add(window) if window_h == 100 and window_w != 100: windows_v.add(window) elif window_w == 100 and window_h != 100: windows_h.add(window) #else: #both 100%, thus no splits w.infolist_free(infolist) window_count = len(windows) for desc, buffers in buffer_groups.iteritems(): buffer_count += len(buffers) results.append('%i %s' % (len(buffers), desc)) buffer_stats = ', '.join(sorted(results, key = lambda item: (int(item.partition(' ')[0]) if item[0].isdigit() else float('inf'), item),reverse=True)) # descending numerical sort of strings stats_string = '%i buffers (%i merged): %s; %i windows' % (buffer_count, merge_count, buffer_stats, window_count) if '-split' in args: stats_string += ": %i vertically / %i horizontally split" % (len(windows_v), len(windows_h)) w.command("", "/input insert %s" % stats_string) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def ircrypt_command(data, buffer, args): '''Hook to handle the /ircrypt weechat command. ''' argv = args.split() # list if not argv or argv == ['list']: return ircrypt_command_list() # Check if a server was set if (len(argv) > 2 and argv[1] == '-server'): server = argv[2] del argv[1:3] args = (args.split(' ', 2) + [''])[2] else: # Try to determine the server automatically server = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_server') # All remaining commands need a server name if not server: ircrypt_error('Unknown Server. Please use -server to specify server', buffer) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR if argv[:1] == ['plain']: return ircrypt_command_plain(buffer, server, args, argv) try: target = '%s/%s' % (server, argv[1]) except: ircrypt_error('Unknown command. Try /help ircrypt', buffer) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK # Set keys if argv[:1] == ['set-key']: if len(argv) < 3: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR return ircrypt_command_set_keys(target, ' '.join(argv[2:])) # Remove keys if argv[:1] == ['remove-key']: if len(argv) != 2: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR return ircrypt_command_remove_keys(target) # Set special cipher for channel if argv[:1] == ['set-cipher']: if len(argv) < 3: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR return ircrypt_command_set_cip(target, ' '.join(argv[2:])) # Remove secial cipher for channel if argv[:1] == ['remove-cipher']: if len(argv) != 2: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR return ircrypt_command_remove_cip(target) ircrypt_error('Unknown command. Try /help ircrypt', buffer) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def buffer_get_float(buffer, property): """A variant of weechat.buffer_get_x() for floats. This variant is needed because WeeChat supports only buffer_get_string() and buffer_get_int(). """ value = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, property) return float(value) if value else 0.0
def print_cb(data, buf, date, tags, displayed, highlight, prefix, message): if highlight != 1 and weechat.buffer_get_string( buf, "localvar_type") != "private": return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if ONLY_AWAY == True and len( weechat.buffer_get_string(buf, "localvar_away")) == 0: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if RATE_LIMITED == True: #weechat.prnt("", "I've been rate limited") return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if PRIVATE_MESSAGE_CONTENT: message = "Message privacy option is enabled." bufname = weechat.buffer_get_string(buf, "short_name") msg = "[%s] <%s> %s" % (bufname, prefix, message) send_notif(msg) #weechat.prnt("", msg ) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def go_start(buffer): """ Start go on buffer """ global saved_input, old_input, buffers_pos hook_all() saved_input = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, "input") weechat.buffer_set(buffer, "input", "") old_input = None buffers_pos = 0
def weechat_on_msg_cb(*a): keys = [ 'data', 'buffer', 'timestamp', 'tags', 'displayed', 'highlight', 'sender', 'message' ] msg = dict(zip(keys, a)) msg['buffer_long'] = weechat.buffer_get_string(msg['buffer'], 'name') msg['buffer_full'] = weechat.buffer_get_string(msg['buffer'], 'full_name') msg['buffer'] = weechat.buffer_get_string(msg['buffer'], 'short_name') mqttclient.publish(weechat.config_get_plugin('mqtt_channel'), json.dumps(msg), retain=True) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def histsearch_start(buffer): """ Start histsearch on buffer """ global saved_input, old_input, commands_pos hook_all() saved_input = w.buffer_get_string(buffer, "input") w.buffer_set(buffer, "input", "") old_input = None commands_pos = 0
def get_current_query_buffers(): stored_query_buffers_per_server = {} ptr_infolist_buffer = weechat.infolist_get('buffer', '', '') while weechat.infolist_next(ptr_infolist_buffer): ptr_buffer = weechat.infolist_pointer(ptr_infolist_buffer,'pointer') buf_type = weechat.buffer_get_string(ptr_buffer, 'localvar_type') if buf_type == 'private': server_name = weechat.buffer_get_string(ptr_buffer, 'localvar_server') channel_name = weechat.buffer_get_string(ptr_buffer, 'localvar_channel') stored_query_buffers_per_server.setdefault(server_name, set([])) stored_query_buffers_per_server[server_name].add(channel_name) weechat.infolist_free(ptr_infolist_buffer) return stored_query_buffers_per_server
def airgram_show(data, bufferp, uber_empty, tagsn, isdisplayed, ishilight, prefix, message): if (bufferp == weechat.current_buffer()): pass elif weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "localvar_type") == "private": buffer = (weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "short_name") or weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "name")) show_notification("PM", prefix + ": " + message) elif ishilight == "1": buffer = (weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "short_name") or weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "name")) show_notification(buffer, prefix + ": " + message) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def completer(data, completion_item, buffer, completion): channel = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_channel') if not weechat.info_get('irc_is_channel', channel): return WEECHAT_RC_OK server = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_server') input = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'input') type = input.split()[2] patterns = get_patterns_in_config('%s.%s.%s' %(server, channel, type)) if not patterns: return WEECHAT_RC_OK for mask in patterns[(server, channel)][type]: weechat.hook_completion_list_add(completion, mask, 0, weechat.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_END) return WEECHAT_RC_OK
def my_completer(data, buffer, command): global latest_speaker str_input = weechat.buffer_get_string(weechat.current_buffer(), "input") if command == "/input complete_next" and str_input == '': nick = latest_speaker.get(buffer, "") if nick != "": weechat.command(buffer, '/input insert ' + nick + ':\\x20') return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK