def main(): ''' main routine ''' comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rk = comm.Get_rank() nProc = comm.Get_size() if len(sys.argv) <= 2: ''' complain ''' print 'need arguments: plain or fft?' return 0 else: if sys.argv[1] == 'plain': plain = True elif sys.argv[1] == 'fft': plain = False else: plain = True if len(sys.argv) >= 3: dts = sys.argv[2] else: dts = 'plmr' ''' set the parameters for how big of a problem to grab''' m = 50000 # size of data p = 25 # number of filters q = 300 # length of filters if dts == 'plmr': rho = 1 # l1 internal parameter lmb = 0.005 # l1 weighting xi = 0.2 # weights update parameter ch = 1 # number of channels elif dts == 'mpk': rho = 0.1 lmb = 4e-6 xi = 0.2 ch = 3 ''' load data, given rank ''' y = getData(m,dts,ch,rank=rk) ''' initialize weights ''' wt = [weightInit(p,q,comm) for ix in xrange(ch)] A = [dtm(m,p,q,fourier=not plain) for ix in xrange(ch)] for Q in A: print Q.n optl1 = lasso(m,A[0].n,rho,lmb,ch) newWW = [weightsUpdate.weightsUpdate(m,p,q,xi) for ix in xrange(ch)] print newWW[0].m for WWl,wl in zip(newWW,wt): WWl.wp = wl rrz = list() gap = list() ''' begin loop ''' for itz in range(1000): ws = [WWl.wp for WWl in newWW] for Q,w in zip(A,wt) : Q.changeWeights(w) tm = time() z = optl1.solveL1(y, A) rrz = optl1.rrz # .append(optl1.rrz.pop()) gap = #.append( print 'rank ' + repr(rk) + ' of ' + repr(nProc) + ' solved l1 itr: ' + repr(itz) + ' time: ' + repr(time()-tm) tm = time() if plain: wmx = [WL.updatePlain(yl, wtl, zl) for WL,yl,wtl,zl in zip(newWW,y,wt,z)] else: wmx = [WL.updateFourier(yl, wtl, zl) for WL,yl,wtl,zl in zip(newWW,y,wt,z)] print 'rank ' + repr(rk) + ' of ' + repr(nProc) + ' solved w update itr: ' + repr(itz) + ' time: ' + repr(time()-tm) tm = time() wt = [weightAgg(wmxl,p,q,comm) for wmxl in wmx] wp = [WL.wp for WL in newWW] print 'rank ' + repr(rk) + ' of ' + repr(nProc) + ' have new weights itr: ' + repr(itz) + ' time: ' + repr(time()-tm) outd = {'itr':itz, 'y':y, 'z':z, 'wt':wt,'wp':wp,'m':m,'p':p,'q':q, 'rho':rho,'lmb':lmb, 'xi':xi, 'rrz':rrz,'gap':gap, 'ws':ws } if plain & (dts == 'plmr'): spio.savemat('miniOut_' + repr(p) + '_' + repr(nProc) + '_' + repr(rk), outd) elif plain & (dts == 'mpk'): spio.savemat('miniOutMPK_' + repr(nProc) + '_' + repr(rk), outd) else: spio.savemat('plainOut_' + repr(nProc) + '_' + repr(rk), outd) ''' return these values if I chance to run this in an interactive Python shell''' return y,z,optl1,A,wt ''' for n iterations ''' ''' calculate local weights ''' ''' all reduce '''
def main(): ''' main routine ''' comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rk = comm.Get_rank() nProc = comm.Get_size() plain = True if len(sys.argv) >= 2: if sys.argv[1] == 'plain': plain = False if len(sys.argv) >= 3: dts = sys.argv[2] else: dts = 'plmr' m = 50000 # size of data p = 25 # number of filters q = 300 # length of filters if dts == 'plmr': rho = 1 lmb = 0.5 xi = 0.2 elif dts == 'mpk': rho = 0.1 lmb = 1e-6 xi = 0.2 fac = 1.0; # np.sqrt((m/q)/2.0) ''' initialize MPI routine ''' ''' load data, given rank ''' y = getData(m,dts,rank=rk) ''' initialize weights ''' # D = spio.loadmat('fakew.mat') # wt = D['wini'] # wt = np.random.randn(q,p)/np.sqrt(q) #D['w'] wt = weightInit(p,q,comm) if plain: A = convFFT(m,p,q,fct=fac) optl1 = lasso(m,m*(p+1),rho,lmb) else: print 'Doing plain!' A = convOperator(m,p,q) optl1 = lasso(m,m*(p),rho,lmb) newWW = weightsUpdate.weightsUpdate(m,p,q,xi,fct=fac) newWW.wp = wt rrz = list() gap = list() ''' begin loop ''' for itz in range(1000): ws = newWW.wp A.changeWeights(newWW.wp) tm = time() z = optl1.solveL1(y, A) rrz = optl1.rrz # .append(optl1.rrz.pop()) gap = #.append( print 'rank ' + repr(rk) + ' of ' + repr(nProc) + ' solved l1 itr: ' + repr(itz) + ' time: ' + repr(time()-tm) tm = time() if plain: wmx = newWW.updateFourier(y, wt, z) else: wmx = newWW.updatePlain(y, wt, z) print 'rank ' + repr(rk) + ' of ' + repr(nProc) + ' solved w update itr: ' + repr(itz) + ' time: ' + repr(time()-tm) tm = time() wt = weightAgg(wmx,p,q,comm) wp = newWW.wp print 'rank ' + repr(rk) + ' of ' + repr(nProc) + ' have new weights itr: ' + repr(itz) + ' time: ' + repr(time()-tm) outd = {'y':y, 'z':z, 'wt':wt,'wp':wp,'m':m,'p':p,'q':q, 'rho':rho,'lmb':lmb, 'xi':xi, 'rrz':rrz,'gap':gap, 'ws':ws } if plain & (dts == 'plmr'): spio.savemat('miniOut_' + repr(p) + '_' + repr(nProc) + '_' + repr(rk), outd) elif plain & (dts == 'mpk'): spio.savemat('miniOutMPK_' + repr(nProc) + '_' + repr(rk), outd) else: spio.savemat('plainOut_' + repr(nProc) + '_' + repr(rk), outd) return y,z,optl1,A,wt ''' for n iterations ''' ''' calculate local weights ''' ''' all reduce '''
def main(): ''' main routine ''' comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rk = comm.Get_rank() nProc = comm.Get_size() plain = True if len(sys.argv) >= 2: if sys.argv[1] == 'plain': plain = False if len(sys.argv) >= 3: dts = sys.argv[2] else: dts = 'plmr' m = 50000 # size of data p = 25 # number of filters q = 300 # length of filters if dts == 'plmr': rho = 1 lmb = 0.5 xi = 0.2 elif dts == 'mpk': rho = 0.1 lmb = 1e-6 xi = 0.2 fac = 1.0 # np.sqrt((m/q)/2.0) ''' initialize MPI routine ''' ''' load data, given rank ''' y = getData(m, dts, rank=rk) ''' initialize weights ''' # D = spio.loadmat('fakew.mat') # wt = D['wini'] # wt = np.random.randn(q,p)/np.sqrt(q) #D['w'] wt = weightInit(p, q, comm) if plain: A = convFFT(m, p, q, fct=fac) optl1 = lasso(m, m * (p + 1), rho, lmb) else: print 'Doing plain!' A = convOperator(m, p, q) optl1 = lasso(m, m * (p), rho, lmb) newWW = weightsUpdate.weightsUpdate(m, p, q, xi, fct=fac) newWW.wp = wt rrz = list() gap = list() ''' begin loop ''' for itz in range(1000): ws = newWW.wp A.changeWeights(newWW.wp) tm = time() z = optl1.solveL1(y, A) rrz = optl1.rrz # .append(optl1.rrz.pop()) gap = #.append( print 'rank ' + repr(rk) + ' of ' + repr( nProc) + ' solved l1 itr: ' + repr(itz) + ' time: ' + repr(time() - tm) tm = time() if plain: wmx = newWW.updateFourier(y, wt, z) else: wmx = newWW.updatePlain(y, wt, z) print 'rank ' + repr(rk) + ' of ' + repr( nProc) + ' solved w update itr: ' + repr(itz) + ' time: ' + repr( time() - tm) tm = time() wt = weightAgg(wmx, p, q, comm) wp = newWW.wp print 'rank ' + repr(rk) + ' of ' + repr( nProc) + ' have new weights itr: ' + repr(itz) + ' time: ' + repr( time() - tm) outd = { 'y': y, 'z': z, 'wt': wt, 'wp': wp, 'm': m, 'p': p, 'q': q, 'rho': rho, 'lmb': lmb, 'xi': xi, 'rrz': rrz, 'gap': gap, 'ws': ws } if plain & (dts == 'plmr'): spio.savemat( 'miniOut_' + repr(p) + '_' + repr(nProc) + '_' + repr(rk), outd) elif plain & (dts == 'mpk'): spio.savemat('miniOutMPK_' + repr(nProc) + '_' + repr(rk), outd) else: spio.savemat('plainOut_' + repr(nProc) + '_' + repr(rk), outd) return y, z, optl1, A, wt ''' for n iterations ''' ''' calculate local weights ''' ''' all reduce '''
def main(): ''' main routine ''' comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rk = comm.Get_rank() nProc = comm.Get_size() if len(sys.argv) <= 2: ''' complain ''' print 'need arguments: plain or fft?' return 0 else: if sys.argv[1] == 'plain': plain = True elif sys.argv[1] == 'fft': plain = False else: plain = True if len(sys.argv) >= 3: dts = sys.argv[2] else: dts = 'plmr' ''' set the parameters for how big of a problem to grab''' m = 50000 # size of data p = 25 # number of filters q = 300 # length of filters if dts == 'plmr': rho = 1 # l1 internal parameter lmb = 0.005 # l1 weighting xi = 0.2 # weights update parameter ch = 1 # number of channels elif dts == 'mpk': rho = 0.1 lmb = 4e-6 xi = 0.2 ch = 3 ''' load data, given rank ''' y = getData(m, dts, ch, rank=rk) ''' initialize weights ''' wt = [weightInit(p, q, comm) for ix in xrange(ch)] A = [dtm(m, p, q, fourier=not plain) for ix in xrange(ch)] for Q in A: print Q.n optl1 = lasso(m, A[0].n, rho, lmb, ch) newWW = [weightsUpdate.weightsUpdate(m, p, q, xi) for ix in xrange(ch)] print newWW[0].m for WWl, wl in zip(newWW, wt): WWl.wp = wl rrz = list() gap = list() ''' begin loop ''' for itz in range(1000): ws = [WWl.wp for WWl in newWW] for Q, w in zip(A, wt): Q.changeWeights(w) tm = time() z = optl1.solveL1(y, A) rrz = optl1.rrz # .append(optl1.rrz.pop()) gap = #.append( print 'rank ' + repr(rk) + ' of ' + repr( nProc) + ' solved l1 itr: ' + repr(itz) + ' time: ' + repr(time() - tm) tm = time() if plain: wmx = [ WL.updatePlain(yl, wtl, zl) for WL, yl, wtl, zl in zip(newWW, y, wt, z) ] else: wmx = [ WL.updateFourier(yl, wtl, zl) for WL, yl, wtl, zl in zip(newWW, y, wt, z) ] print 'rank ' + repr(rk) + ' of ' + repr( nProc) + ' solved w update itr: ' + repr(itz) + ' time: ' + repr( time() - tm) tm = time() wt = [weightAgg(wmxl, p, q, comm) for wmxl in wmx] wp = [WL.wp for WL in newWW] print 'rank ' + repr(rk) + ' of ' + repr( nProc) + ' have new weights itr: ' + repr(itz) + ' time: ' + repr( time() - tm) outd = { 'itr': itz, 'y': y, 'z': z, 'wt': wt, 'wp': wp, 'm': m, 'p': p, 'q': q, 'rho': rho, 'lmb': lmb, 'xi': xi, 'rrz': rrz, 'gap': gap, 'ws': ws } if plain & (dts == 'plmr'): spio.savemat( 'miniOut_' + repr(p) + '_' + repr(nProc) + '_' + repr(rk), outd) elif plain & (dts == 'mpk'): spio.savemat('miniOutMPK_' + repr(nProc) + '_' + repr(rk), outd) else: spio.savemat('plainOut_' + repr(nProc) + '_' + repr(rk), outd) ''' return these values if I chance to run this in an interactive Python shell''' return y, z, optl1, A, wt ''' for n iterations ''' ''' calculate local weights ''' ''' all reduce '''