file_parser = token_parser.copy() file_parser.add_argument('xml_file', required=True, help=upload_file_help, type=werkzeug.datastructures.FileStorage, location='files') page_parser = token_parser.copy() page_parser.add_argument('limit', help=limit_help, type=int, location='args') page_parser.add_argument('offset', help=offset_help, type=int, location='args') date_parser = token_parser.copy() date_parser.add_argument('from_date', type=str, help=date_help, location='args') date_parser.add_argument('to_date', type=str, help=date_help, location='args') e401 = BadRequest('Unauthorized') e401.code = 401 = { 'message': 'Autentication token is not authorized to do this action' } e404 = BadRequest('Not Found') e404.code = 404 e500 = BadRequest('Internal Server Error') e500.code = 500
def getLastLocation(token_auth, visitor_id): try: config = { 'user': app.config.MATOMO_DATABASE_USER, 'password': app.config.MATOMO_DATABASE_PASS, 'host': app.config.MATOMO_DATABASE_HOST, 'port': app.config.MATOMO_DATABASE_PORT, 'database': app.config.MATOMO_DATABASE_NAME, 'connection_timeout': 5, } query = 'SELECT ' \ 'lv.visit_last_action_time, ' \ 'lv.idsite, inet_ntoa(conv(hex(location_ip), 16, 10)) AS location_ip, ' \ 'lv.location_browser_lang, lv.location_country, lv.location_region, lv.location_city, ' \ 'lv.location_latitude, lv.location_longitude ' \ 'FROM `' + app.config.MATOMO_DATABASE_NAME + '`.`log_visit` lv ' \ 'WHERE lv.idvisitor = UNHEX(\''+visitor_id+'\') ' \ 'AND idsite IN (SELECT idsite FROM ' \ '`' + app.config.MATOMO_DATABASE_NAME + '`.`access` da, ' \ '`' + app.config.MATOMO_DATABASE_NAME + '`.`user` du ' \ ' WHERE da.login = du.login ' \ 'AND du.superuser_access = 0 AND du.token_auth=\''+token_auth+'\') ' \ 'ORDER BY lv.idvisit' cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config) cur = cnx.cursor(buffered=True) cur.execute(query) # fetch all of the rows from the query data = cur.fetchall() value = { 'visitor_id': visitor_id, 'site_id': None, 'location_ip': None, 'location_browser_lang': None, 'location_country': None, 'location_region': None, 'location_city': None, 'location_latitude': None, 'location_longitude': None, 'visit_last_action_time': None } if len(data) > 0: for row in data: value = { 'visitor_id': visitor_id, 'site_id': str(row[1]), 'location_ip': str(row[2]), 'location_browser_lang': str(row[3]), 'location_country': str(row[4]), 'location_region': str(row[5]), 'location_city': str(row[6]), 'location_latitude': str(row[7]), 'location_longitude': str(row[8]), 'visit_last_action_time': str(row[0]) } cur.close() cnx.close() rtrn = json.dumps(value) return json.loads(rtrn) except mysql.connector.Error: e = BadRequest('Connection Error') e.code = 503 = {'visitorid': visitor_id, 'value': 'Connection Error'} raise e except: e = BadRequest('Service Unavailable') e.code = 503 = {'id': visitor_id, 'value': 'Error'} raise e