def constructLoadRamps(): global report # Initialize channels to ZSLOAD values and with cncstepsize ss = f('CNC', 'cncstepsize') motpow = wfm.wave(cnv('motpow', f('ZSLOAD', 'motpow')), ss) repdet = wfm.wave(cnv('repdet', f('ZSLOAD', 'repdet')), ss) trapdet = wfm.wave(cnv('trapdet', f('ZSLOAD', 'trapdet')), ss) reppow = wfm.wave(cnv('reppow', f('ZSLOAD', 'reppow')), ss) trappow = wfm.wave(cnv('trappow', f('ZSLOAD', 'trappow')), ss) #Insert AOM imaging values in one analogstepsize motpow.linear(cnv('motpow', f('ZSLOAD', 'imgpow')), 0.0) repdet.linear(cnv('repdet', f('ZSLOAD', 'imgdetrep')), 0.0) trapdet.linear(cnv('trapdet', f('ZSLOAD', 'imgdettrap')), 0.0) reppow.linear(cnv('reppow', f('ZSLOAD', 'imgpowrep')), 0.0) trappow.linear(cnv('trappow', f('ZSLOAD', 'imgpowtrap')), 0.0) maxDT = max(motpow.dt(), repdet.dt(), trapdet.dt(), reppow.dt(), trappow.dt()) motpow.extend(maxDT) repdet.extend(maxDT) trapdet.extend(maxDT) reppow.extend(maxDT) trappow.extend(maxDT) motpow.fileoutput('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/motpow.txt') repdet.fileoutput('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/repdet.txt') trapdet.fileoutput('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/trapdet.txt') reppow.fileoutput('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/reppow.txt') trappow.fileoutput('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/trappow.txt') return max(motpow.dt(), repdet.dt(), trapdet.dt(), reppow.dt(), trappow.dt())
def uvRamps(motpow, bfield, ENDCNC): ss=f('CNC','cncstepsize') uvdt = f('UV','dt') #---Ramp down red power motpow.linear( 0.002, uvdt) #0.002 is max attenuation before RF switch #---Bfield ramp dtload = f('UV','dtload_bfield') dtcnc = f('UV','dtcnc_bfield') uvhold = f('UV','uvhold') #OBSOLETE #bfield.linear( f('UV','uvbfield'), uvdt) #bfield.appendhold(dtload) #bfield.linear( f('UV','uvbfieldf'), dtcnc) bfield.linear( uvsec.uvbfield, uvsec.dt) bfield.appendhold( uvsec.dtload_bfield) bfield.linear( uvsec.uvbfieldf, uvsec.dtcnc_bfield) #OBSOLETE #bfield.appendhold(uvhold) ENDUVMOT = max( motpow.dt(), bfield.dt() ) #---UVPOW ramps #OBSOLETE #dtload_uvpow = f('UV','dtload_uvpow') #dtcnc_uvpow = f('UV','dtcnc_uvpow') # uvpow= wfm.wave('uvpow', f('UV','uvpow'),ss) uvpow2= wfm.wave('uvpow2',f('UV','uvpow2'),ss) # uvpow.extend( ENDCNC + uvsec.dt + uvsec.dtload_uvpow) uvpow2.extend(ENDCNC + uvsec.dt + uvsec.dtload_uvpow) # uvpow.linear( f('UV','uvpowf'), uvsec.dtcnc_uvpow) uvpow2.linear( f('UV','uvpow2f') , uvsec.dtcnc_uvpow) #---ENDUVMOT is defined as the point where the longest of bfield #---or uvpow ramps ends maxramp = max( motpow.dt(), bfield.dt(), uvpow.dt(), uvpow2.dt() ) ENDUVMOT = maxramp + uvhold bfield.extend(ENDUVMOT) uvpow.extend(ENDUVMOT) uvpow2.extend(ENDUVMOT) motpow.extend(ENDUVMOT) bfield.extend(ENDUVMOT) uvpow.extend(ENDUVMOT) uvpow2.extend(ENDUVMOT) return uvpow2, uvpow, motpow, bfield, ENDUVMOT
def uvRamps(motpow, bfield, ENDCNC): ss=f('CNC','cncstepsize') #---Put pulse on uvfppiezo uvfppiezo= wfm.wave('uvfppiezo',0.0,ss) uvfppiezo.extend( ENDCNC) uvfppiezo.linear( f('UV','pulsedet'), 0.0) uvfppiezo.appendhold( f('UV','dtpulse')) uvfppiezo.linear( 0.0, f('UV','dtpulseramp')) #uvfppiezo.dither( f('UV','dtpulse'), 3) #uvfppiezo.lineardither( 0.0, f('UV','dtpulseramp'),3) uvdt = f('UV','dt') #---Ramp down red power motpow.linear( 0.002, uvdt) #0.002 is max attenuation before RF switch #---Bfield ramp dtload = f('UV','dtload_bfield') dtcnc = f('UV','dtcnc_bfield') uvhold = f('UV','uvhold') bfield.linear( f('UV','uvbfield'), uvdt) bfield.appendhold(dtload) bfield.linear( f('UV','uvbfieldf'), dtcnc) #bfield.appendhold(uvhold) ENDUVMOT = max( motpow.dt(), bfield.dt() ) #---UVPOW ramps dtload_uvpow = f('UV','dtload_uvpow') dtcnc_uvpow = f('UV','dtcnc_uvpow') # uvpow= wfm.wave('uvpow', f('UV','uvpow'),ss) uvpow2= wfm.wave('uvpow2',f('UV','uvpow2'),ss) # uvpow.extend(ENDCNC+uvdt+dtload) uvpow2.extend(ENDCNC+uvdt+dtload) # uvpow.linear( f('UV','uvpowf'), dtcnc_uvpow) uvpow2.linear( f('UV','uvpow2f') , dtcnc_uvpow) #---ENDUVMOT is defined as the point where the longest of bfield #---or uvpow ramps ends maxramp = max( motpow.dt(), bfield.dt(), uvpow.dt(), uvpow2.dt() ) ENDUVMOT = maxramp + uvhold bfield.extend(ENDUVMOT) uvpow.extend(ENDUVMOT) uvpow2.extend(ENDUVMOT) uvfppiezo.extend(ENDUVMOT) motpow.extend(ENDUVMOT) bfield.extend(ENDUVMOT) uvpow.extend(ENDUVMOT) uvpow2.extend(ENDUVMOT) return uvfppiezo, uvpow2, uvpow, motpow, bfield, ENDUVMOT
def odt_dbz(odtpow0): dbz_ss = f('DBZ', 'dbz_ss') odtpow = odt_wave('odtpow', None, dbz_ss, volt=odtpow0) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', f('FESHBACH', 'bias'), dbz_ss) odtpow.linear(f('DBZ', 'cpow'), f('DBZ', 'cdt')) odtpow.appendhold(f('DBZ', 'waitdt')) bfield.extend(odtpow.dt()) #Field goes to zero bfield.linear(0.0, f('DBZ', 'bdt')) bfield.appendhold(f('DBZ', 'waitdt2')) #Field TTL goes off here OFFDT1 = bfield.dt() bfield.appendhold(f('DBZ', 'switchdt')) #Field switches from feshbach to gradient here bfield.appendhold(f('DBZ', 'switchdt')) #Field TTL goes back on here bfield.appendhold(f('DBZ', 'switchdt')) bfield.linear(f('DBZ', 'dbz'), f('DBZ', 'rampdt')) bfield.appendhold(f('DBZ', 'holddt')) #Field goes off here (atoms should be oscillating in the trap) bfield.linear(0.0, f('DBZ', 'dbz_ss')) odtpow.extend(bfield.dt()) return odtpow, bfield, OFFDT1
def odt_lightshift_evap(image): evap_ss = f('EVAP', 'evapss') p0 = f('ODT', 'odtpow') p1 = f('EVAP', 'p1') t1 = f('EVAP', 't1') tau = f('EVAP', 'tau') beta = f('EVAP', 'beta') offset = f('EVAP', 'offset') t2 = f('EVAP', 't2') tau2 = f('EVAP', 'tau2') odtpow2 = odt_wave('odtpow', p0, evap_ss) #odtpow.Evap(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, image) #odtpow.Evap2(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, offset, t2, tau2, image) ficpow = odtpow2.Evap3(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, offset, t2, tau2, image) uvdet = wfm.wave('uvdet', None, evap_ss, volt=3.744) uvdet.linear(f('UVLS', 'uvdet'), 100) maxDT = odtpow2.dt() uvdet.extend(maxDT) return odtpow2, uvdet, maxDT
def odt_dbz(odtpow0): dbz_ss = f('DBZ','dbz_ss') odtpow = odt_wave('odtpow', None, dbz_ss, volt=odtpow0) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', f('FESHBACH','bias'), dbz_ss) odtpow.linear( f('DBZ','cpow'), f('DBZ','cdt') ) odtpow.appendhold( f('DBZ','waitdt')) bfield.extend(odtpow.dt()) #Field goes to zero bfield.linear( 0.0, f('DBZ','bdt') ) bfield.appendhold( f('DBZ','waitdt2')) #Field TTL goes off here OFFDT1 = bfield.dt() bfield.appendhold( f('DBZ','switchdt')) #Field switches from feshbach to gradient here bfield.appendhold( f('DBZ','switchdt')) #Field TTL goes back on here bfield.appendhold( f('DBZ','switchdt')) bfield.linear( f('DBZ', 'dbz'), f('DBZ','rampdt')) bfield.appendhold( f('DBZ','holddt')) #Field goes off here (atoms should be oscillating in the trap) bfield.linear( 0.0, f('DBZ','dbz_ss')) odtpow.extend( bfield.dt() ) return odtpow, bfield, OFFDT1
def odt_lightshift_evap(image): evap_ss = f('EVAP','evapss') p0 = f('ODT','odtpow') p1 = f('EVAP','p1') t1 = f('EVAP','t1') tau = f('EVAP','tau') beta = f('EVAP','beta') offset = f('EVAP','offset') t2 = f('EVAP','t2') tau2 = f('EVAP','tau2') odtpow2 = odt_wave('odtpow', p0, evap_ss) #odtpow.Evap(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, image) #odtpow.Evap2(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, offset, t2, tau2, image) ficpow = odtpow2.Evap3(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, offset, t2, tau2, image) uvdet = wfm.wave('uvdet', None , evap_ss, volt=3.744) uvdet.linear( f('UVLS','uvdet'), 100 ) maxDT = odtpow2.dt() uvdet.extend(maxDT) return odtpow2, uvdet, maxDT
def odt_adiabaticDown(ss, STARTDELAY): maxpow = f('ODT', 'odtpow') tau = f('ODT', 'tau') dt = 2 * tau odtpow = wfm.wave('odtpow', cnv('odtpow', maxpow), ss) odtpow.extend(STARTDELAY + f('ODT', 'intrap')) odtpow.AdiabaticRampDown(dt, tau, 'odtpow') return odtpow
def odt_adiabaticDown(ss, STARTDELAY): maxpow = f("ODT", "odtpow") tau = f("ODT", "tau") dt = 2 * tau odtpow = wfm.wave("odtpow", cnv("odtpow", maxpow), ss) odtpow.extend(STARTDELAY + f("ODT", "intrap")) odtpow.AdiabaticRampDown(dt, tau, "odtpow") return odtpow
def odt_lightshift(odtpow0): ls_ss = f('UVLS','ls_ss') odtpow = odt_wave('odtpow', None, ls_ss, volt=odtpow0) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', f('FESHBACH','bias'), ls_ss) uv1freq = wfm.wave('uv1freq', None , ls_ss, volt=7.600) uvpow2 = wfm.wave('uvpow2', f('UV','uvpow2'), ls_ss) uv1freq.linear( None, 10.0, volt=f('UVLS','uvfreq')) uvpow2.linear( f('UVLS','lspow2'), 10.0) odtpow.linear( f('UVLS','cpow'), f('UVLS','cdt') ) odtpow.appendhold( f('UVLS','waitdt')) bfield.extend(odtpow.dt()) bfield.linear( f('UVLS','bpulse'), f('UVLS','bdt') ) bfield.appendhold( f('UVLS','waitdt2')) bfield.appendhold( f('UVLS','waitdt3')) ENDC=bfield.dt() #~ bfield.linear( f('UVLS','bpulse') , f('UVLS','bdt') ) #~ bfield.appendhold(f('UVLS','waitdt')) #~ odtpow.extend(bfield.dt()) #~ odtpow.linear( f('UVLS','cpow'), f('UVLS','cdt') ) #~ odtpow.appendhold( f('UVLS', 'waitdt2')) #~ ENDC = odtpow.dt() #~ bfield.extend( odtpow.dt() ) odtpow.extend( bfield.dt() ) bfield.appendhold( f('UVLS','dtpulse')) bfield.linear( f('ZEROCROSS','zcbias') , f('UVLS','hframpdt')) #Change f('FESHBACH','bias') -> f('ZEROCROSS','zcbias') 110911 by Ernie #bfield.linear( 0.0, f('UVLS','hframpdt')) totalDT = bfield.dt() odtpow.extend(totalDT) uv1freq.extend(totalDT) uvpow2.extend(totalDT) return odtpow, bfield, uv1freq, uvpow2, ENDC
def odt_lightshift(odtpow0): ls_ss = f('UVLS', 'ls_ss') odtpow = odt_wave('odtpow', None, ls_ss, volt=odtpow0) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', f('FESHBACH', 'bias'), ls_ss) uv1freq = wfm.wave('uv1freq', None, ls_ss, volt=7.600) uvpow2 = wfm.wave('uvpow2', f('UV', 'uvpow2'), ls_ss) uv1freq.linear(None, 10.0, volt=f('UVLS', 'uvfreq')) uvpow2.linear(f('UVLS', 'lspow2'), 10.0) odtpow.linear(f('UVLS', 'cpow'), f('UVLS', 'cdt')) odtpow.appendhold(f('UVLS', 'waitdt')) bfield.extend(odtpow.dt()) bfield.linear(f('UVLS', 'bpulse'), f('UVLS', 'bdt')) bfield.appendhold(f('UVLS', 'waitdt2')) bfield.appendhold(f('UVLS', 'waitdt3')) ENDC = bfield.dt() #~ bfield.linear( f('UVLS','bpulse') , f('UVLS','bdt') ) #~ bfield.appendhold(f('UVLS','waitdt')) #~ odtpow.extend(bfield.dt()) #~ odtpow.linear( f('UVLS','cpow'), f('UVLS','cdt') ) #~ odtpow.appendhold( f('UVLS', 'waitdt2')) #~ ENDC = odtpow.dt() #~ bfield.extend( odtpow.dt() ) odtpow.extend(bfield.dt()) bfield.appendhold(f('UVLS', 'dtpulse')) bfield.linear(f('ZEROCROSS', 'zcbias'), f('UVLS', 'hframpdt')) #Change f('FESHBACH','bias') -> f('ZEROCROSS','zcbias') 110911 by Ernie #bfield.linear( 0.0, f('UVLS','hframpdt')) totalDT = bfield.dt() odtpow.extend(totalDT) uv1freq.extend(totalDT) uvpow2.extend(totalDT) return odtpow, bfield, uv1freq, uvpow2, ENDC
def odt_evap_field_free(toENDBFIELD, scale =1.0): odtfree = - EVAP.buffer - toENDBFIELD #---Setup ODT ramp odtpow = odt_wave('odtpow', ODT.odtpow, EVAP.evapss) odtpow.appendhold( odtfree ) #image = DIMPLE.image if DIMPLE.image <= EVAP.image else EVAP.image image = DIMPLE.image ### SELECT EVAP TRAJECTORY HERE### finalcpow = odtpow.Evap8(\ ODT.odtpow, \ EVAP.p1, \ EVAP.t1, EVAP.tau, \ EVAP.beta, \ EVAP.offset, \ EVAP.t2, \ EVAP.tau2, \ EVAP.smoothdt, \ image, \ EVAP.scale \ ) #Here, go ahead and save the finalcpow to the report gen.save_to_report('EVAP','finalcpow', finalcpow) #---Setup field ramp and shunt ramp field_ramp_time = EVAP.fieldrampt0*scale field_ramp_dt = EVAP.fieldrampdt*scale print '\t...Making new Evap_field' bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', FB.bias, EVAP.evapss) bfield.extend(field_ramp_time + odtfree) bfield.linear(EVAP.fieldrampfinal,field_ramp_dt) if((field_ramp_time+field_ramp_dt)<image*scale): bfield.extend(image*scale) else: bfield.chop(image*scale) #---Setup ipganalog ramp ipganalog = ipg_wave('ipganalog', 10., EVAP.evapss) if ODT.use_servo == 0: ipganalog.extend( odtpow.dt() ) elif ODT.use_servo == 1: if ODT.ipgfollow == 1: ipganalog.follow( odtpow ,ODT.ipgmin) else: ipganalog.extend( odtpow.dt() ) maxDT = odtpow.dt() return bfield, odtpow, maxDT, finalcpow, ipganalog
def odt_modulationRamps(ss, STARTDELAY): maxpow = f('ODT', 'odtpow') moddt = f('TRAPFREQ', 'moddt') modfreq = f('TRAPFREQ', 'modfreq') moddepth = f('TRAPFREQ', 'moddepth') odtpow = wfm.wave('odtpow', cnv('odtpow', maxpow), ss) odtpow.extend(STARTDELAY + f('TRAPFREQ', 'intrapdt')) odtpow.SineMod(maxpow, moddepth, moddt, modfreq, 'odtpow') odtpow.linear(cnv('odtpow', maxpow), ss) return odtpow
def odt_modulationRamps(ss, STARTDELAY): maxpow = f("ODT", "odtpow") moddt = f("TRAPFREQ", "moddt") modfreq = f("TRAPFREQ", "modfreq") moddepth = f("TRAPFREQ", "moddepth") odtpow = wfm.wave("odtpow", cnv("odtpow", maxpow), ss) odtpow.extend(STARTDELAY + f("TRAPFREQ", "intrapdt")) odtpow.SineMod(maxpow, moddepth, moddt, modfreq, "odtpow") odtpow.linear(cnv("odtpow", maxpow), ss) return odtpow
def odt_flicker(odtpow0): flicker_ss = f('FLICKER', 'flicker_ss') odtpow = odt_wave('odtpow', None, flicker_ss, volt=odtpow0) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', f('FESHBACH', 'bias'), flicker_ss) odtpow.linear(f('FLICKER', 'cpow'), f('FLICKER', 'cdt')) odtpow.appendhold(f('FLICKER', 'waitdt')) bfield.extend(odtpow.dt()) bfield.linear(f('FLICKER', 'bflick'), f('FLICKER', 'bdt')) bfield.appendhold(f('FLICKER', 'waitdt2')) odtpow.extend(bfield.dt()) return odtpow, bfield, odtpow.dt()
def odt_flicker(odtpow0): flicker_ss = f('FLICKER','flicker_ss') odtpow = odt_wave('odtpow', None, flicker_ss, volt=odtpow0) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', f('FESHBACH','bias'), flicker_ss) odtpow.linear( f('FLICKER','cpow'), f('FLICKER','cdt') ) odtpow.appendhold( f('FLICKER','waitdt')) bfield.extend(odtpow.dt()) bfield.linear( f('FLICKER','bflick'), f('FLICKER','bdt') ) bfield.appendhold( f('FLICKER','waitdt2')) odtpow.extend( bfield.dt() ) return odtpow, bfield, odtpow.dt()
def odt_trapfreq(odtpow0): mod_ss = f('TRAPFREQ','mod_ss') odtpow = odt_wave('odtpow', None, mod_ss, volt=odtpow0) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', f('FESHBACH','bias'), mod_ss) odtpow.linear( f('TRAPFREQ','cpow'), f('TRAPFREQ','cdt') ) odtpow.appendhold( f('TRAPFREQ','waitdt')) bfield.extend(odtpow.dt()) bfield.linear( f('TRAPFREQ','bmod'), f('TRAPFREQ','bdt') ) bfield.appendhold( f('TRAPFREQ','waitdt2')) odtpow.extend( bfield.dt() ) #odtpow.SineMod( f('TRAPFREQ','cpow'), f('TRAPFREQ','moddt'), f('TRAPFREQ','modfreq'), f('TRAPFREQ','moddepth')) #odtpow.SineMod2( f('TRAPFREQ','cpow'), f('TRAPFREQ','moddt'), f('TRAPFREQ','modfreq'), f('TRAPFREQ','moddepth')) odtpow.SineMod3( f('TRAPFREQ','cpow'), f('TRAPFREQ','moddt'), f('TRAPFREQ','modfreq'), f('TRAPFREQ','moddepth')) return odtpow, bfield, odtpow.dt()
def odt_evap(image): evap_ss = f("EVAP", "evapss") p0 = f("ODT", "odtpow") p1 = f("EVAP", "p1") t1 = f("EVAP", "t1") tau = f("EVAP", "tau") beta = f("EVAP", "beta") odtpow = wfm.wave("odtpow", cnv("odtpow", p0), evap_ss) odtpow.Evap(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, image) # ~ odtpow.Exponential(pow0,powf,evap_dt,tau) # ~ odtpow.linear( cnv('odtpow',powf), evap_ss) # ~ odtpow.appendhold( evap_dt) maxDT = odtpow.dt() return odtpow, maxDT
def odt_evap(image): evap_ss = f('EVAP', 'evapss') p0 = f('ODT', 'odtpow') p1 = f('EVAP', 'p1') t1 = f('EVAP', 't1') tau = f('EVAP', 'tau') beta = f('EVAP', 'beta') odtpow = wfm.wave('odtpow', cnv('odtpow', p0), evap_ss) odtpow.Evap(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, image) #~ odtpow.Exponential(pow0,powf,evap_dt,tau) #~ odtpow.linear( cnv('odtpow',powf), evap_ss) #~ odtpow.appendhold( evap_dt) maxDT = odtpow.dt() return odtpow, maxDT
def odt_trapfreq(odtpow0): mod_ss = f('TRAPFREQ', 'mod_ss') odtpow = odt_wave('odtpow', None, mod_ss, volt=odtpow0) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', f('FESHBACH', 'bias'), mod_ss) odtpow.linear(f('TRAPFREQ', 'cpow'), f('TRAPFREQ', 'cdt')) odtpow.appendhold(f('TRAPFREQ', 'waitdt')) bfield.extend(odtpow.dt()) bfield.linear(f('TRAPFREQ', 'bmod'), f('TRAPFREQ', 'bdt')) bfield.appendhold(f('TRAPFREQ', 'waitdt2')) odtpow.extend(bfield.dt()) #odtpow.SineMod( f('TRAPFREQ','cpow'), f('TRAPFREQ','moddt'), f('TRAPFREQ','modfreq'), f('TRAPFREQ','moddepth')) #odtpow.SineMod2( f('TRAPFREQ','cpow'), f('TRAPFREQ','moddt'), f('TRAPFREQ','modfreq'), f('TRAPFREQ','moddepth')) #odtpow.SineMod3( f('TRAPFREQ','cpow'), f('TRAPFREQ','moddt'), f('TRAPFREQ','modfreq'), f('TRAPFREQ','moddepth')) odtpow.SineMod4(f('TRAPFREQ', 'cpow'), f('TRAPFREQ', 'moddt'), f('TRAPFREQ', 'modfreq'), f('TRAPFREQ', 'moddepth')) return odtpow, bfield, odtpow.dt()
def uvzsload_imaging(): # Initialize channels to MOT SS values and with cncstepsize ss=f('CNC','cncstepsize') motpow = wfm.wave('motpow', f('MOT','motpow') ,ss) repdet = wfm.wave('repdet', f('MOT','repdetSS') ,ss) trapdet = wfm.wave('trapdet',f('MOT','trapdetSS'),ss) reppow = wfm.wave('reppow', f('MOT','reppowSS') ,ss) trappow = wfm.wave('trappow',f('MOT','trappowSS'),ss) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', f('MOT','bfield') ,ss) sec='ZSLOAD' #Insert bfield imaging value at release bfdt = 0.0 bfield.linear(f(sec,'imgbfield'),bfdt) #Insert AOM imaging values 30us after release imgdt=0.03 motpow.appendhold(imgdt) repdet.appendhold(imgdt) trapdet.appendhold(imgdt) reppow.appendhold(imgdt) trappow.appendhold(imgdt) motpow.linear( f(sec,'imgpow'), 0.0) #repdet.linear( f(sec,'imgdetrep'), 0.0) repdet.linear( f(sec,'imgdettrap'), 0.0) trapdet.linear(f(sec,'imgdettrap'),0.0) reppow.linear( f(sec,'imgpowrep'), 0.0) trappow.linear(f(sec,'imgpowtrap'),0.0) maxDT = max( motpow.dt(), repdet.dt(), trapdet.dt(), bfield.dt(), reppow.dt(), trappow.dt()) motpow.extend(maxDT) repdet.extend(maxDT) trapdet.extend(maxDT) bfield.extend(maxDT) reppow.extend(maxDT) trappow.extend(maxDT) return motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, bfield
def go_to_highfield(s): #---Keep ODT on odton = gen.bstr('ODT',report) if odton == True: s.digichg('odtttl',1) s.wait(20.0) ss = SEQ.analogstepsize #---Cool and Compress MOT #---ENDCNC is defined as the time up to release from the MOT motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, bfield, ENDCNC = cnc.cncRamps() #---Load UVMOT from CNCMOT uvpow2, uvpow, motpow, bfield, ENDUVMOT = uvmot.uvRamps(motpow, bfield, ENDCNC) repdet.extend(ENDUVMOT) trapdet.extend(ENDUVMOT) reppow.extend(ENDUVMOT) trappow.extend(ENDUVMOT) #---Make sure everything has the same length before setting imaging values #--- Set imaging values camera = 'ANDOR' motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, maxDT = cnc.imagingRamps_nobfield(motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, camera) #---Switch bfield to FESHBACH bfield.appendhold(FB.rampdelay) bfield.linear(, FB.rampbf) bfield.appendhold( FB.feshbachdt) bfield.linear(0.0, 0.0) bfield.appendhold( FB.switchondt + FB.switchdelay + UV.extradt) bfield.linear(FB.bias,FB.rampdt) #---Set the starting voltage for the ODT odtpow0 = odt.odt_wave('odtpow', ODT.odtpow0, ss) odtpow0.extend(ENDUVMOT) #---Change shunt value from motV to hfV before going to highfield shunt = wfm.wave('gradientfield', SHUNT.motV, ss, volt = SHUNT.motV) shunt.extend(ENDUVMOT + FB.rampdelay + FB.rampbf + FB.feshbachdt + UV.extradt) #shunt.linear(SHUNT.hfV, 0.0,volt =SHUNT.hfV) shunt.linear(SHUNT.hfV, 0.0,volt =0.0) wfms = [ motpow, repdet, trapdet, bfield, reppow, trappow, uvpow, uvpow2,odtpow0, shunt] #---Add waveforms to sequence s.analogwfm_add(ss,wfms) #wait normally rounds down using floor, here the duration is changed before so that #the wait is rounded up ENDUVMOT = ss*math.ceil(ENDUVMOT/ss) #---Insert QUICK pulse for fast ramping of the field gradient during CNC s.wait(-10.0) quickval = 1 if gen.bstr('CNC',report) == True else 0 s.digichg('quick',quickval) s.wait(10.0) s.wait(ENDCNC) s.digichg('quick',0) #---Go back in time, shut down the UVAOM's and open the shutter #---UVAOM's were on to keep them warm s.wait(-50.0) s.digichg('uvaom1',0) s.digichg('uvaom2',0) s.digichg('uvshutter',1) s.wait(50.0) #---Insert ODT overlap s.wait(-ODT.overlapdt-ODT.servodt) s.digichg('odt7595',1) s.wait(ODT.servodt) s.digichg('odtttl',1) s.wait(ODT.overlapdt) #---Turn OFF red light s.wait(UV.delay_red) s.digichg('motswitch',0) s.digichg('motshutter',1) s.wait(-UV.delay_red) #---Turn ON UVAOM's s.wait(UV.delay_uv) s.digichg('uvaom1',1) s.digichg('uvaom2',1) s.wait(-UV.delay_uv) #---Go to MOT release time s.wait(-ENDCNC) s.wait(ENDUVMOT) #---Go to end of field rampdown and set QUICK back to low s.wait(FB.rampdelay+FB.rampbf) s.digichg('quick',0) #---Wait in the UVMOT and then do optical pumping s.wait(UV.extradt) s.wait(-UV.pumptime) s.digichg('uvaom2',0) s.wait(UV.pumptime) #---Turn OFF UVAOM s.digichg('uvaom1',0) #---Close UV shutter waitshutter=5.0 s.wait(waitshutter) s.digichg('uvshutter',0) s.wait(-waitshutter) #---Turn OFF MOT magnetic field and switch it to FESHBACH s.digichg('field',0) s.wait( FB.feshbachdt ) s.digichg('feshbach',1) s.wait(FB.switchondt) do_quick=1 s.digichg('field',1) s.digichg('hfquick',do_quick) s.digichg('quick',do_quick) #Can't leave quick ON for more than quickmax quickmax=100. s.wait(quickmax) s.digichg('hfquick',0) s.digichg('quick',0) s.wait(-quickmax) # s.wait(FB.switchdelay+FB.rampdt) s.digichg('quick',0) s.wait(-FB.rampdt) s.wait(-FB.switchdelay - FB.switchondt - FB.feshbachdt - ss) #---At this point the time sequence is at ENDUVMOT #---Leave the sequence at the end of the UVMOT, but provide the amount #---of time that it needs to wait to go to ENDBFIELD toENDBFIELD = FB.rampdt + FB.switchdelay + FB.switchondt + FB.feshbachdt return s, toENDBFIELD
def go_to_highfield(s): #Keep ODT on ODT = gen.bstr('ODT',report) if ODT == True: s.digichg('odtttl',1) s.wait(20.0) ss = float(report['SEQ']['analogstepsize']) # Cool and Compress MOT # ENDCNC is defined as the time up to release from the MOT motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, bfield, ENDCNC = cnc.cncRamps() # Load UVMOT from CNCMOT uvfppiezo, uvpow, motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, bfield, ENDUVMOT = uvcooling.uvcoolRamps(motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, bfield, ENDCNC) # Set imaging values camera = 'ANDOR' motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, maxDT = cnc.imagingRamps_nobfield(motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, camera) # Switch bfield to FESHBACH overlapdt = float(report['ODT']['overlapdt']) rampdelay = float(report['ODT']['rampdelay']) rampbf = float(report['ODT']['rampbf']) bf = float(report['ODT']['bf']) feshbachdt = float(report['ODT']['feshbachdt']) switchondt = float(report['FESHBACH']['switchondt']) switchdelay = float(report['FESHBACH']['switchdelay']) bias = float(report['FESHBACH']['bias']) biasrampdt = float(report['FESHBACH']['rampdt']) bfield.chop(ENDUVMOT-overlapdt) bfield.appendhold(rampdelay) bfield.linear( bf, rampbf) bfield.extend(ENDUVMOT+feshbachdt) bfield.linear(0.0, 0.0) ENDBFIELD = feshbachdt bfield.appendhold( switchondt + switchdelay) bfield.linear(bias,biasrampdt) rampupdt = float(report['ODT']['rampupdt']) updt = float(report['ODT']['updt']) overshootdt = float(report['ODT']['overshootdt']) #~ odtpow0 = wfm.wave('odtpow', 0.0, ss) #~ odtpow0.extend(ENDUVMOT-overlapdt-updt-rampupdt) #~ odtpow0.odt_linear( 0.0 , f('ODT','odtpow0'), rampupdt) #~ odtpow0.appendhold( updt) #~ odtpow0.odt_linear(f('ODT','odtpow0'), f('ODT','odtpow'), overshootdt) odtpow0 = wfm.wave('odtpow', f('ODT','odtpow0'), ss) odtpow0.extend(ENDUVMOT-overlapdt) odtpow0.odt_linear(f('ODT','odtpow0'), f('ODT','odtpow'), overshootdt) EXTRA = max( overshootdt - (bfield.dt() - (ENDUVMOT-overlapdt-updt-rampupdt)) , 0.0) print "...EXTRA time to allow for ODT overshoot = %f" % EXTRA #Add waveforms to sequence s.analogwfm_add(ss,[ motpow, repdet, trapdet, bfield, reppow, trappow, uvfppiezo, uvpow, odtpow0]) #wait normally rounds down using floor, here the duration is changed before so that #the wait is rounded up ENDUVMOT = ss*math.ceil(ENDUVMOT/ss) #insert QUICK pulse for fast ramping of the field gradient s.wait(-10.0) quickval = 1 if gen.bstr('CNC',report) == True else 0 s.digichg('quick',quickval) s.wait(10.0) #insert UV pulse uvtime = float(report['UV']['uvtime']) s.wait(ENDCNC) s.digichg('quick',0) s.wait(uvtime) #Shut down the UVAOM's and open the shutter s.wait(-50.0) s.digichg('uvaom1',0) s.digichg('uvaom2',0) s.digichg('uvshutter',1) s.wait(50.0) #Turn on UVAOM s.digichg('uvaom1',1) s.wait(-uvtime - ENDCNC) #Go to MOT release time and set QUICK back to low s.wait(ENDUVMOT) s.digichg('quick',0) #Leave UVMOT on for state transfer fstatedt = float(report['ODT']['fstatedt']) s.wait(fstatedt) s.digichg('uvaom1',0) s.wait(-fstatedt) #RELEASE FROM MOT waitshutter=5.0 s.wait(waitshutter) s.digichg('uvshutter',0) #~ s.wait(20.0) #~ s.digichg('uvaom1',0) #~ s.digichg('uvaom2',0) #~ s.wait(-20.0) s.wait(-waitshutter) s.digichg('motswitch',0) s.digichg('motshutter',1) s.digichg('field',0) #Insert ODT overlap with UVMOT and switch field to FESHBACH overlapdt = float(report['ODT']['overlapdt']) servodt = float(report['ODT']['servodt']) s.wait(-overlapdt-servodt) s.digichg('odt7595',1) s.wait(servodt) s.digichg('odtttl',1) #feshbachdt = rampdelay + rampbf + holdbf s.wait(overlapdt) s.wait( feshbachdt ) s.digichg('feshbach',1) #s.wait(overlapdt - feshbachdt) #s.wait( -feshbachdt) #s.wait(offdelay) #s.wait(2*switchdt) #s.wait(quickdelay) s.wait(switchondt) do_quick=1 s.digichg('field',1) s.digichg('hfquick',do_quick) s.digichg('quick',do_quick) #Can't leave quick ON for more than quickmax quickmax=100. s.wait(quickmax) s.digichg('hfquick',0) s.digichg('quick',0) s.wait(-quickmax) s.wait(switchdelay+biasrampdt) s.digichg('quick',0) s.wait(-biasrampdt) #s.wait(-switchdelay-quickdelay-2*switchdt-offdelay) s.wait(-switchdelay - switchondt - feshbachdt - ss) #At this point the time sequence is at ENDUVMOT #This is the time until the end of the bfield ramp #toENDBFIELD = biasrampdt + switchdelay + quickdelay + 2*switchdt + offdelay toENDBFIELD = biasrampdt + switchdelay + switchondt + feshbachdt return s, toENDBFIELD + EXTRA
def dimple_to_lattice(s, cpowend): print "----- LATTICE LOADING RAMPS -----" dt = DL.dt N0 = 0 N = int(math.floor(dt / x = numpy.arange(dt / N, dt, dt / N) print "%d samples" % N print x.shape # Define how we want to ramp up the lattice depth v0_ramp, xy_v0, v0set = interpolate_ramp(DL.latticeV0) v0 = v0_ramp(x) NH = int(math.floor(DL.dthold / v0 = numpy.concatenate((numpy.zeros(N0), v0, numpy.array(NH * [v0[-1]]))) x_v0 = numpy.arange(v0.size) x_v0 = x_v0 * # Number of samples to keep NS = int(math.floor(DL.image / if NS > v0.size and DL.image < 2500.: x_v0 = numpy.append(x_v0, (NS - v0.size) * [x_v0[-1]]) v0 = numpy.append(v0, (NS - v0.size) * [v0[-1]]) else: x_v0 = x_v0[:NS] v0 = v0[:NS] ########################################### #### AXIS DEFINITIONS FOR PLOTS ### ########################################### fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.5 * 1.05, 8. * 1.1)) ax0 = fig.add_axes([0.18, 0.76, 0.76, 0.20]) ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.18, 0.645, 0.76, 0.11]) ax3 = fig.add_axes([0.18, 0.53, 0.76, 0.11]) ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.18, 0.415, 0.76, 0.11]) ax5 = fig.add_axes([0.18, 0.30, 0.76, 0.11]) ax4 = fig.add_axes([0.18, 0.185, 0.76, 0.11]) ax6 = fig.add_axes([0.18, 0.07, 0.76, 0.11]) lw = 1.5 labelx = -0.12 legsz = 8. xymew = 0.5 xyms = 9 ax0.plot(x_v0, v0, 'b', lw=2.5, label='Lattice depth') ax0.plot(xy_v0[:, 0], xy_v0[:, 1], 'x', color='blue', ms=5.) ax0.plot(v0set[:, 0], v0set[:, 1], '.', mew=xymew, ms=xyms, color='blue') ########################################### #### USER DEFINED RAMPS: IR, GR, and U ### ########################################### # Define how we want to ramp up the IR power if DIMPLE.allirpow > 0.: ir_offset = DIMPLE.allirpow else: ir_offset = DIMPLE.ir1pow2 ir_ramp, xy_ir, ir = interpolate_ramp(DL.irpow, yoffset=ir_offset) dt_ir = numpy.amax(ir[:, 0]) - numpy.amin(ir[:, 0]) N_ir = int(math.floor(dt_ir / x_ir = numpy.arange(dt_ir / N_ir, dt_ir, dt_ir / N_ir) #y_ir = ir_spline(x_ir) y_ir = ir_ramp(x_ir) if v0.size > y_ir.size: y_ir = numpy.append(y_ir, (v0.size - y_ir.size) * [y_ir[-1]]) elif v0.size < y_ir.size: y_ir = y_ir[0:v0.size] if v0.size != y_ir.size: msg = "IRPOW ERROR: number of samples in IR ramp and V0 ramp does not match!"'LATTICE LOADING ERROR', msg) exit(1) alpha_clip_range = 0.1 if (v0 > y_ir + alpha_clip_range).any(): msg = "IRPOW ERROR: not enough power to get desired lattice depth" print msg bad = numpy.where(v0 > y_ir + alpha_clip_range) timefail = int(bad[0][0]) * float( msg = msg + "\nFirst bad sample = %d out of %d" % (bad[0][0], v0.size) msg = msg + "\n t = %f " % timefail msg = msg + "\n v0 = %f " % v0[bad[0][0]] msg = msg + "\n ir = %f " % y_ir[bad[0][0]] print v0[bad[0][0]] print y_ir[bad[0][0]]'LATTICE LOADING ERROR', msg) exit(1) ax0.plot(xy_ir[:, 0], xy_ir[:, 1], 'x', color='darkorange', ms=5.) ax0.plot(ir[:, 0], ir[:, 1], '.', mew=xymew, ms=xyms, color='darkorange') ax0.plot(x_v0, y_ir, lw=lw, color='darkorange', label='irpow') # Define how we want to ramp up the GR power grwfms = {} splmrkr = ['x', '+', 'd'] ptsmrkr = ['^', 's', 'p'] for i, grramp in enumerate([(DL.grpow1, DIMPLE.gr1pow2), (DL.grpow2, DIMPLE.gr2pow2), (DL.grpow3, DIMPLE.gr3pow2)]): ramppts = grramp[0] ramp0 = grramp[1] print 'gr' + '%d' % i + ' offset = %f' % ramp0 gr_ramp, xy_gr, gr = interpolate_ramp(ramppts, yoffset=ramp0) dt_gr = numpy.amax(gr[:, 0]) - numpy.amin(gr[:, 0]) N_gr = int(math.floor(dt_gr / x_gr = numpy.arange(dt_gr / N_gr, dt_gr, dt_gr / N_gr) y_gr = gr_ramp(x_gr) if v0.size > y_gr.size: y_gr = numpy.append(y_gr, (v0.size - y_gr.size) * [y_gr[-1]]) elif v0.size < y_gr.size: y_gr = y_gr[0:v0.size] if v0.size != y_gr.size: msg = "GRPOW ERROR: number of samples in GR ramp and V0 ramp does not match!"'LATTICE LOADING ERROR', msg) exit(1) grwfms['greenpow' + '%1d' % (i + 1)] = y_gr ax0.plot(xy_gr[:, 0], xy_gr[:, 1], marker=splmrkr[i], mec='green', mfc='None', ms=3.) ax0.plot(gr[:, 0], gr[:, 1], marker=ptsmrkr[i], mew=xymew, ms=xyms / 2., mfc='None', mec='green') #, label='grpow dat') ax0.plot(x_v0, y_gr, lw=lw, color='green', label='grpow') for grch in grwfms.keys(): print grch, " = ", grwfms[grch].shape ax0.set_xlim(left=-10., right=ax0.get_xlim()[1] * 1.1) plt.setp(ax0.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ylim = ax0.get_ylim() extra = (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) * 0.1 ax0.set_ylim(ylim[0] - extra, ylim[1] + extra) ax0.grid(True) ax0.set_ylabel('$E_{r}$', size=16, labelpad=0) ax0.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelx, 0.5) ax0.set_title('Lattice Loading') ax0.legend(loc='best', numpoints=1, prop={'size': legsz * 0.8}) # Define how we want to ramp up the scattering length (control our losses) a_s_ramp, xy_a_s, a_s = interpolate_ramp(DL.a_s) dt_a_s = numpy.amax(a_s[:, 0]) - numpy.amin(a_s[:, 0]) N_a_s = int(math.floor(dt_a_s / x_a_s = numpy.arange(dt_a_s / N_a_s, dt_a_s, dt_a_s / N_a_s) y_a_s = a_s_ramp(x_a_s) if v0.size > y_a_s.size: y_a_s = numpy.append(y_a_s, (v0.size - y_a_s.size) * [y_a_s[-1]]) elif v0.size < y_a_s.size: y_a_s = y_a_s[0:v0.size] if v0.size != y_a_s.size: msg = "a_s ERROR: number of samples in a_s ramp and V0 ramp does not match!"'LATTICE LOADING ERROR', msg) exit(1) ax1.plot(xy_a_s[:, 0], xy_a_s[:, 1] / 100., 'x', color='#C10087', ms=5.) ax1.plot(a_s[:, 0], a_s[:, 1] / 100., '.', mew=xymew, ms=xyms, color='#C10087') ax1.plot(x_v0, y_a_s / 100., lw=lw, color='#C10087', label=r'$a_s\mathrm{(100 a_{0})}$') ax1.set_ylabel(r'$a_s\mathrm{(100 a_{0})}$', size=16, labelpad=0) ax1.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelx, 0.5) ax1.set_xlim(ax0.get_xlim()) ylim = ax1.get_ylim() extra = (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) * 0.1 ax1.set_ylim(ylim[0] - extra, ylim[1] + extra) plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax1.grid(True) ax1.legend(loc='best', numpoints=1, prop={'size': legsz}) ####################################################################### #### CALCULATED RAMPS: ALPHA, TUNNELING, SCATTERING LENGTH, BFIELD ### ####################################################################### alpha = (v0 / y_ir)**2. alpha_advance = 100. N_adv = int(math.floor(alpha_advance / alpha = alpha.clip(0., 1.) alpha_desired = numpy.copy(alpha) if N_adv < v0.size: alpha = alpha[N_adv:] alpha = numpy.append(alpha, (v0.size - alpha.size) * [alpha[-1]]) else: alpha = numpy.array(v0.size * [alpha[-1]]) #alpha = alpha.clip(0., 1.) ax2.plot(x_v0, alpha, lw=lw, color='saddlebrown', label='alpha adv') ax2.plot(x_v0, alpha_desired, ':', lw=lw, color='saddlebrown', label='alpha') ax2.set_xlim(ax0.get_xlim()) ax2.set_ylim(-0.05, 1.05) plt.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax2.grid() ax2.set_ylabel('$\\alpha$', size=16, labelpad=0) ax2.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelx, 0.5) ax2.legend(loc='best', numpoints=1, prop={'size': legsz}) tunneling_Er = physics.inv('t_to_V0', v0) tunneling_kHz = tunneling_Er * 29.2 ax3.plot(x_v0, tunneling_kHz, lw=lw, color='red', label='$t$ (kHz)') ax3.set_xlim(ax0.get_xlim()) ylim = ax3.get_ylim() extra = (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) * 0.1 ax3.set_ylim(ylim[0] - extra, ylim[1] + extra) plt.setp(ax3.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax3.grid(True) ax3.set_ylabel(r'$t\,\mathrm{(kHz)}$', size=16, labelpad=0) ax3.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelx, 0.5) ax3.legend(loc='best', numpoints=1, prop={'size': legsz}) wannierF = physics.inv('wF_to_V0', v0) bohrRadius = 5.29e-11 #meters lattice_spacing = 1.064e-6 / 2. #meters bfieldG = physics.cnv('as_to_B', y_a_s) U_over_t = y_a_s * bohrRadius / lattice_spacing * wannierF / tunneling_Er ax4.plot(x_v0, U_over_t, lw=lw, color='k', label=r'$U/t$') ax4.set_xlim(ax0.get_xlim()) ylim = ax4.get_ylim() extra = (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) * 0.1 ax4.set_ylim(ylim[0] - extra, ylim[1] + extra) plt.setp(ax4.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax4.grid(True) ax4.set_ylabel(r'$U/t$', size=16, labelpad=0) ax4.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelx, 0.5) ax4.legend(loc='best', numpoints=1, prop={'size': legsz}) ax5.plot(x_v0, bfieldG, lw=lw, color='purple', label='$B$ (G)') ax5.set_xlim(ax0.get_xlim()) ylim = ax5.get_ylim() extra = (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) * 0.1 ax5.set_ylim(ylim[0] - extra, ylim[1] + extra) ax5.grid(True) plt.setp(ax5.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax5.set_ylabel(r'$B\,\mathrm{(G)}$', size=16, labelpad=0) ax5.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelx, 0.5) ax5.legend(loc='best', numpoints=1, prop={'size': legsz}) ax6.plot(x_v0, (tunneling_Er / U_over_t), lw=lw, color='#25D500', label=r'$t^{2}/U\,(E_{r)}$') #ax6.set_yscale('log') ax6.set_xlim(ax0.get_xlim()) ylim = ax6.get_ylim() extra = (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) * 0.1 ax6.set_ylim(ylim[0] * 0.5, ylim[1]) ax6.grid(True) ax6.set_ylabel(r'$t^{2}/U\,(E_{r)}$', size=16, labelpad=0) ax6.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelx, 0.5) ax6.legend(loc='best', numpoints=1, prop={'size': legsz}) ax6.set_xlabel('time (ms)') figfile = seqconf.seqtxtout().split('.')[0] + '_latticeRamp.png' plt.savefig(figfile, dpi=120) #Save all ramps to a txt file for later plotting. datfile = seqconf.seqtxtout().split('.')[0] + '_latticeRamp.dat' allRamps = numpy.transpose(numpy.vstack((x_v0, v0, y_ir, grwfms['greenpow1'], y_a_s, alpha, alpha_desired, \ tunneling_kHz, U_over_t, bfieldG))) header = '# Column index' header = header + '\n#\t0\t' + 'time(ms)' header = header + '\n#\t1\t' + 'Lattice Depth (Er)' header = header + '\n#\t2\t' + 'Ir power (Er)' header = header + '\n#\t3\t' + 'GR power (Er)' header = header + '\n#\t4\t' + 'a_s (a0)' header = header + '\n#\t5\t' + 'alpha - advance' header = header + '\n#\t6\t' + 'alpha - desired' header = header + '\n#\t7\t' + 'tunneling (kHz)' header = header + '\n#\t8\t' + 'U/t' header = header + '\n#\t9\t' + 'bfield (Gauss)' header = header + '\n' numpy.savetxt(datfile, allRamps) with open(datfile, 'w') as f: X = numpy.asarray(allRamps) f.write(bytes(header)) format = '%.6e' ncol = X.shape[1] format = [ format, ] * ncol format = ' '.join(format) newline = '\n' for row in X: f.write(numpy.compat.asbytes(format % tuple(row) + newline)) shutil.copyfile( figfile, seqconf.savedir() + 'expseq' + seqconf.runnumber() + '_latticeRamp.png') shutil.copyfile( datfile, seqconf.savedir() + 'expseq' + seqconf.runnumber() + '_latticeRamp.dat') #plt.savefig( seqconf.savedir() + 'expseq' + seqconf.runnumber() + '_latticeRamp.png', dpi=120) ################################# #### APPEND RAMPS TO SEQUENCE ### ################################# wfms = [] for ch in ['ir1pow', 'ir2pow', 'ir3pow']: n = filter(str.isdigit, ch)[0] w = wfm.wave(ch, 0.0, #Start value will be overrriden w.y = physics.cnv(ch, y_ir) wfms.append(w) for ch in ['greenpow1', 'greenpow2', 'greenpow3']: n = filter(str.isdigit, ch)[0] w = wfm.wave(ch, 0.0, #Start value will be overrriden correction = DIMPLE.__dict__['gr' + n + 'correct'] w.y = physics.cnv(ch, correction * grwfms[ch]) wfms.append(w) for ch in ['lcr1', 'lcr2', 'lcr3']: n = filter(str.isdigit, ch)[0] w = wfm.wave(ch, 0.0, #Start value will be overrriden force = DL.__dict__['force_' + ch] if force >= 0 and force <= 1: print "...Forcing LCR%s = %f during lattice ramp" % (n, force) w.y = physics.cnv(ch, numpy.array(alpha.size * [force])) else: w.y = physics.cnv(ch, alpha) wfms.append(w) bfieldA = bfieldG / 6.8 ##ADD field bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', 0.0, bfield.y = physics.cnv('bfield', bfieldA) wfms.append(bfield) ##ADD gradient field gradient = gradient_wave('gradientfield', 0.0,, volt=0.0) gradient.follow(bfield) wfms.append(gradient) # RF sweep if DL.rf == 1: rfmod = wfm.wave('rfmod', 0., rfmod.appendhold(bfield.dt() + DL.rftime) rfmod.linear(DL.rfvoltf, DL.rfpulsedt) wfms.append(rfmod) #Take care of imaging frequencies, including various kill experiments bfieldG = physics.inv('bfield', bfield.y[-1]) * 6.8 hfimg0 = -1. * (100.0 + 163.7 - 1.414 * bfieldG) print "...ANDOR:hfimg and hfimg0 will be modified in report\n" print "\tNEW ANDOR:hfimg = %.2f MHz" % (hfimg0 - DL.imgdet) print "\tNEW ANDOR:hfimg0 = %.2f MHz\n" % hfimg0 gen.save_to_report('ANDOR', 'hfimg', hfimg0 - DL.imgdet) gen.save_to_report('ANDOR', 'hfimg0', hfimg0) newANDORhfimg = hfimg0 - DL.imgdet # Kill hfimg if DL.probekill == 1 or DL.braggkill == 1 or DL.lightassist or DL.lightassist_lock: hfimgdelay = 50. #ms analogimg = wfm.wave('analogimg', newANDORhfimg, if DL.probekill == 1: if (-DL.probekilltime + hfimgdelay) < DL.image: analogimg.appendhold(bfield.dt() + DL.probekilltime - hfimgdelay) analogimg.linear(DL.probekill_hfimg, 0.0) analogimg.appendhold(hfimgdelay + DL.probekilldt + 3 * elif DL.braggkill == 1: if (-DL.braggkilltime + hfimgdelay) < DL.image: analogimg.appendhold(bfield.dt() + DL.braggkilltime - hfimgdelay) analogimg.linear(DL.braggkill_hfimg, 0.0) analogimg.appendhold(hfimgdelay + DL.braggkilldt + 3 * #elif DL.lightassist == 1 or DL.lightassist_lock: # analogimg.appendhold( bfield.dt() - hfimgdelay) # analogimg.linear( DL.lightassist_hfimg , 0.0) # duration = DL.lightassist_lockdtUP + DL.lightassist_t0 + DL.lightassistdt + DL.lightassist_lockdtDOWN # analogimg.appendhold( hfimgdelay + duration + 3* analogimg.linear(newANDORhfimg, 0.) analogimg.extend(10) wfms.append(analogimg) #analogimg = bfieldwfm.hfimg_wave('analogimg', ANDOR.hfimg, #andorhfimg0 = analogimg.follow(bfield, DL.imgdet) #wfms.append(analogimg) # If we are doing round trip END, then mirror all the ramps # before adding them to the sequence if DL.round_trip == 1: if DL.round_trip_type == 1: maxdt = 0. maxi = -1 for i, w in enumerate(wfms): if w.dt() > maxdt: maxdt = w.dt() maxi = i maxdt = maxdt + DL.wait_at_top / 2. for w in wfms: w.extend(maxdt) if 'lcr' in yvals = w.y #Get the reverse of the alpha desired array alpha_mirror = numpy.copy(alpha_desired[::-1]) #Add the wait at top part so that it has same length as yvals if alpha_mirror.size > yvals.size: print "Error making mirror ramp for LCR." print "Program will exit." exit(1) alpha_mirror = numpy.append( (yvals.size - alpha_mirror.size) * [alpha_mirror[0]], alpha_mirror) #This is how much the mirror ramp will be advanced N_adv = int(math.floor(DL.lcr_mirror_advance / if N_adv < alpha_mirror.size: alpha_mirror = alpha_mirror[N_adv:] alpha_mirror = numpy.append( alpha_mirror, (yvals.size - alpha_mirror.size) * [alpha_mirror[-1]]) else: alpha_mirror = numpy.array(yvals.size * [alpha_mirror[-1]]) w.y = numpy.concatenate( (yvals, physics.cnv(, alpha_mirror))) else: w.mirror() w.appendhold(DL.wait_at_end) N_adv = int(math.floor(alpha_advance / alpha_desired = numpy.copy(alpha) for wavefm in wfms: print "%s dt = %f" % (, wavefm.dt()) #Wait the buffer for the lattice loading ramps before adding them bufferdt = 20. s.wait(bufferdt) #Add lattice wfms duration = s.analogwfm_add(, wfms) if DL.image < 2500.: s.wait(duration) else: print "...DL.image = %f >= 2500. Digital seq extension will be used." % DL.image s.wait(DL.image) #Here give some buffer time to do lock, RF etc. #It has to be minimum 5.0 ms ### Figure out when to turn interlock back on, using alpha information #~ if duration > DL.t0 + DL.dt: #~ s.wait(-DL.lattice_interlock_time) #~ if DL.use_lattice_interlock == 1: #~ s.digichg('latticeinterlockbypass',0) #~ else: #~ s.digichg('latticeinterlockbypass',1) #~ s.wait( DL.lattice_interlock_time) return s, y_ir[-1]
def cncRamps(): # Initialize channels to MOT SS values and with cncstepsize ss=f('CNC','cncstepsize') motpow = wfm.wave('motpow', f('MOT','motpow') ,ss) repdet = wfm.wave('repdet', f('MOT','repdetSS') ,ss) trapdet = wfm.wave('trapdet',f('MOT','trapdetSS'),ss) reppow = wfm.wave('reppow', f('MOT','reppowSS') ,ss) trappow = wfm.wave('trappow',f('MOT','trappowSS'),ss) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', f('MOT','bfield') ,ss) CNC = gen.bstr('CNC',report) #If CNC is selected in the report then insert necessary linear ramps #First ramp bfield SINH = gen.bstr('sinh',report) if SINH == True: bfield.sinhRise(f('CNC','bfieldf') if CNC == True else f('MOT','bfield'), f('CNC','dtbfield'), f('CNC','dtbfield')*f('CNC','taubfield')) else: bfield.linear( f('CNC','bfieldf') if CNC == True else f('MOT','bfield'), f('CNC','dtbfield')) #Hold off start of laser ramps delay = f('CNC','delay') motpow.appendhold( delay ) repdet.appendhold( delay ) trapdet.appendhold( delay ) reppow.appendhold( delay ) trappow.appendhold( delay ) #Do laser ramps motpow.linear( f('CNC','motpowf') if CNC == True else f('MOT','motpow') , f('CNC','dtmotpow')) repdet.linear( f('CNC','repdetf') if CNC == True else f('MOT','repdetSS') , f('CNC','dtrepdet')) trapdet.linear( f('CNC','trapdetf') if CNC == True else f('MOT','trapdetSS'), f('CNC','dttrapdet')) reppow.linear( f('CNC','reppowf') if CNC == True else f('MOT','reppowSS') , f('CNC','dtreppow')) trappow.linear( f('CNC','trappowf') if CNC == True else f('MOT','trappowSS'), f('CNC','dttrappow')) #print motpow.dt() #Extend all ramps to match current total duration print '...CNC = ' + str(CNC) ht = (f('CNC','holdtime') if CNC == True else 0.0) #print "holdtime = " + str(ht) ENDCNC = max( motpow.dt(), repdet.dt(), trapdet.dt(), reppow.dt(), trappow.dt(), bfield.dt() ) + ht motpow.extend( ENDCNC) #print motpow.dt() repdet.extend( ENDCNC) trapdet.extend(ENDCNC) bfield.extend( ENDCNC) reppow.extend( ENDCNC) trappow.extend( ENDCNC) maxN=int(math.floor( (ENDCNC)/ss))+1 #print motpow.dt() #print reppow.dt() #print trappow.dt() #print repdet.dt() #print trapdet.dt() #print bfield.dt() #print uvdet.dt() #Up to here you have a Cooled and Compressed MOT # return motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, bfield, ENDCNC
s, toENDBFIELD = highfield_uvmot.go_to_highfield(s) # Evaporate in cross beam trap s, endcrap = odt.crossbeam_evap(s, toENDBFIELD) # Go to scattering length zero-crossing evap_ss = float(report['EVAP']['evapss']) buffer=20.0 #Time needed to re-latch the trigger for the AOUTS s.wait(buffer) bias = float(report['FESHBACH']['bias']) zcrampdt = float(report['ZEROCROSS']['zcrampdt']) zcdt = float(report['ZEROCROSS']['zcdt']) zcbias = float(report['ZEROCROSS']['zcbias']) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield',bias,evap_ss) bfield.linear(zcbias,zcrampdt) bfield.appendhold(zcdt) s.analogwfm_add(evap_ss,[bfield]) s.wait(zcdt+zcrampdt) buffer=25.0 #Time needed to re-latch the trigger for the AOUTS s.wait(buffer) # Ramp up IR and green beams irramp1 = float(report['LATTICE']['irrampdt1']) irramp2 = float(report['LATTICE']['irrampdt2']) irramp3 = float(report['LATTICE']['irrampdt3']) odtoverlap = float(report['LATTICE']['mantaodtoverlap']) irdelay1 = float(report['LATTICE']['irdelay1'])
def rampupcnv( ch, delay, pow, ramp, cnvflag): w = wfm.wave( ch, 0., ir_ss) w.appendhold( delay) w.linear( pow, ramp, cnvflag) return w
def constructUVSpecRamps(cam): global report # Initialize channels to MOT SS values and with cncstepsize ss = f('CNC', 'cncstepsize') motpow = wfm.wave(cnv('motpow', f('MOT', 'motpow')), ss) repdet = wfm.wave(cnv('repdet', f('MOT', 'repdetSS')), ss) trapdet = wfm.wave(cnv('trapdet', f('MOT', 'trapdetSS')), ss) reppow = wfm.wave(cnv('reppow', f('MOT', 'reppowSS')), ss) trappow = wfm.wave(cnv('trappow', f('MOT', 'trappowSS')), ss) bfield = wfm.wave(cnv('bfield', f('MOT', 'bfield')), ss) #Ramp down bfield bfield.linear(cnv('bfield', f('UVSPEC', 'uvbfield')), 10 * ss) bfield.appendhold(f('UVSPEC', 'lowfieldDT')) maxCNCdt = max(motpow.dt(), repdet.dt(), trapdet.dt(), bfield.dt()) DURATION = maxCNCdt motpow.extend(DURATION) repdet.extend(DURATION) trapdet.extend(DURATION) bfield.extend(DURATION) maxN = int(math.floor((DURATION) / ss)) + 1 #Initialize AO power channels reppow = wfm.wave(cnv('reppow', f('MOT', 'reppowSS')), ss, maxN) trappow = wfm.wave(cnv('trappow', f('MOT', 'trappowSS')), ss, maxN) #Insert bfield imaging value at release bfield.linear(cnv('bfield', f(cam, 'imgbfield')), 0.0) #Insert AOM imaging values 50us after release imgdt = 0.2 motpow.appendhold(imgdt) repdet.appendhold(imgdt) trapdet.appendhold(imgdt) reppow.appendhold(imgdt) trappow.appendhold(imgdt) motpow.linear(cnv('motpow', f(cam, 'imgpow')), 0.0) repdet.linear(cnv('repdet', f(cam, 'imgdetrep')), 0.0) trapdet.linear(cnv('trapdet', f(cam, 'imgdettrap')), 0.0) reppow.linear(cnv('reppow', f(cam, 'imgpowrep')), 0.0) trappow.linear(cnv('trappow', f(cam, 'imgpowtrap')), 0.0) maxDT = max( motpow.dt(), repdet.dt(), trapdet.dt(), bfield.dt(),\ reppow.dt(), trappow.dt()) motpow.extend(maxDT) repdet.extend(maxDT) trapdet.extend(maxDT) bfield.extend(maxDT) reppow.extend(maxDT) trappow.extend(maxDT) motpow.fileoutput('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/motpow.txt') repdet.fileoutput('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/repdet.txt') trapdet.fileoutput('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/trapdet.txt') bfield.fileoutput('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/bfield.txt') reppow.fileoutput('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/reppow.txt') trappow.fileoutput('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/trappow.txt') return DURATION
#Allow time for free evaporation (also helps provide buffer to reload the analog chs) buffer=10.0 #Time needed to re-latch the trigger for the AOUTS if < buffer + toENDBFIELD : print 'Need at list ' + str(buffer) + 'ms of evap before evaporation can be triggered' print 'Currently ramps end at %f , and is %f' % (toENDBFIELD, exit(1) s.wait( #Do Evap if int(EVAP.use_field_ramp) == 1: bfield, odtpow, ENDEVAP, cpowend, ipganalog= odt.odt_evap_field(EVAP.scale) else: odtpow, ENDEVAP, cpowend, ipganalog = odt.odt_evap(EVAP.scale) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield',FESHBACH.bias,EVAP.evapss) bfield.extend(odtpow.dt()) #Use the EVAP.image time equal to EVAP.image times EVAP.scale for the sequence after the part. EVAP.image = EVAP.image *EVAP.scale #Ramp the field to the zerocrossing bfield.linear(ZEROCROSS.zcbias,ZEROCROSS.zcrampdt) bfield.appendhold(ZEROCROSS.zcdt) odtpow.extend(bfield.dt()) ipganalog.extend(bfield.dt()) #Recompress with the ODT if int(EVAP.use_odt_lock) == 1:
def crossbeam_evap_into_lattice(s, toENDBFIELD): # Add evaporation ramp to ODT, returns sequence right at the end of evaporation free = float(report['EVAP']['free']) image= float(report['EVAP']['image']) buffer=10.0 #Time needed to re-latch the trigger for the AOUTS if free < buffer + toENDBFIELD : print 'Need at list ' + str(buffer) + 'ms of free evap before evaporation can be triggered' print 'Currently ramps end at %f , and free is %f' % (toENDBFIELD,free) exit(1) s.wait(free) odtpow, ENDEVAP, cpowend, ipganalog = odt_evap(image) # ENDEVAP should be equal to image evap_ss = float(report['EVAP']['evapss']) # Set LCR preset value in the begining of evap 1 is lattice 0 is dimple lcr_preset = float(report['EVAP']['lcr_preset']) lcr1 = lattice.lattice_wave('lcr1',lcr_preset, evap_ss) lcr2 = lattice.lattice_wave('lcr2', lcr_preset, evap_ss) lcr3 = lattice.lattice_wave('lcr3', lcr_preset, evap_ss) lcr1.extend(ENDEVAP) lcr2.extend(ENDEVAP) lcr3.extend(ENDEVAP) # Ramp up IR and green beams irramp1 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['irrampdt1']) irramp2 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['irrampdt2']) irramp3 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['irrampdt3']) irdelay1 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['irdelay1']) irdelay2 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['irdelay2']) irdelay3 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['irdelay3']) ir1 = wfm.wave('ir1pow', 0., evap_ss) ir2 = wfm.wave('ir2pow', 0., evap_ss) ir3 = wfm.wave('ir3pow', 0., evap_ss) loadtime = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['loadtime']) ir1.appendhold( ENDEVAP - loadtime) ir2.appendhold( ENDEVAP - loadtime) ir3.appendhold( ENDEVAP - loadtime) ir1.appendhold(irdelay1) ir2.appendhold(irdelay2) ir3.appendhold(irdelay3) ir1.linear(float(report['INTOLATTICE']['irpow1']),irramp1) ir2.linear(float(report['INTOLATTICE']['irpow2']),irramp2) ir3.linear(float(report['INTOLATTICE']['irpow3']),irramp3) gr1 = wfm.wave('greenpow1', 0., evap_ss) gr2 = wfm.wave('greenpow2', 0., evap_ss) gr3 = wfm.wave('greenpow3', 0., evap_ss) gr1.appendhold( ENDEVAP - loadtime) gr2.appendhold( ENDEVAP - loadtime) gr3.appendhold( ENDEVAP - loadtime) grdelay1 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['grdelay1']) grdelay2 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['grdelay2']) grdelay3 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['grdelay3']) gr1.appendhold(grdelay1) gr2.appendhold(grdelay2) gr3.appendhold(grdelay3) grramp1 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['grrampdt1']) grramp2 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['grrampdt2']) grramp3 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['grrampdt3']) gr1.linear(float(report['INTOLATTICE']['grpow1']),grramp1) gr2.linear(float(report['INTOLATTICE']['grpow2']),grramp2) gr3.linear(float(report['INTOLATTICE']['grpow3']),grramp3) #end = s.analogwfm_add(evap_ss,[odtpow,ipganalog,ir1,ir2,ir3,gr1,gr2,gr3]) end = s.analogwfm_add(evap_ss,[odtpow,ir1,ir2,ir3,gr1,gr2,gr3,lcr1,lcr2,lcr3]) s.wait(image-loadtime) # Turn on IR lattice beams s.wait(irdelay1) s.digichg('irttl1', float(report['INTOLATTICE']['ir1']) ) s.wait(-irdelay1+irdelay2) s.digichg('irttl2', float(report['INTOLATTICE']['ir2']) ) s.wait(-irdelay2+irdelay3) s.digichg('irttl3', float(report['INTOLATTICE']['ir3']) ) s.wait(-irdelay3) s.wait(grdelay1) s.digichg('greenttl1', float(report['INTOLATTICE']['gr1']) ) s.wait(-grdelay1+grdelay2) s.digichg('greenttl2', float(report['INTOLATTICE']['gr2']) ) s.wait(-grdelay2+grdelay3) s.digichg('greenttl3', float(report['INTOLATTICE']['gr3']) ) s.wait(-grdelay3) s.wait(loadtime + end - image) return s
def odt_evap_field(image,scale =1.0): evap_ss = f('EVAP','evapss') p0 = f('ODT','odtpow') p1 = f('EVAP','p1') t1 = f('EVAP','t1') tau = f('EVAP','tau') beta = f('EVAP','beta') offset = f('EVAP','offset') t2 = f('EVAP','t2') tau2 = f('EVAP','tau2') smoothdt = f('EVAP','smoothdt') field_ramp_time = f('EVAP','fieldrampt0')*scale field_ramp_dt = f('EVAP','fieldrampdt')*scale field_ramp_start = f('FESHBACH','bias') field_ramp_final = f('EVAP','fieldrampfinal') ramp=[] hashbase = '' hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % image hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % evap_ss hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % field_ramp_time hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % field_ramp_dt hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % field_ramp_start hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % field_ramp_final hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % scale ramphash = seqconf.ramps_dir() +'Evap_field_withscale'+ hashlib.md5( hashbase).hexdigest() #Here, go ahead and save the trajectory path to the report gen.save_to_report('EVAP','ramp_field', ramphash) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield',field_ramp_start,evap_ss) if not os.path.exists(ramphash) or True: bfield.extend(field_ramp_time) bfield.linear(field_ramp_final,field_ramp_dt) if((field_ramp_time+field_ramp_dt)<image*scale): bfield.extend(image*scale) else: bfield.chop(image*scale) ramp = bfield.y ramp.tofile(ramphash,sep=',',format="%.4f") else: print '\t...Recycling previously calculated Evap_field' ramp = numpy.fromfile(ramphash,sep=',') bfield.y=numpy.append(bfield.y,ramp) odtpow = odt_wave('odtpow', p0, evap_ss) #~ odtpow_test = odt_wave('NC0', p0, evap_ss) #~ odtpow_test2 = odt_wave('NC1', p0, evap_ss) #odtpow.Evap(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, image) #odtpow.Evap2(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, offset, t2, tau2, image) #odtpow.Evap3(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, offset, t2, tau2, image) ### SELECT EVAP TRAJECTORY HERE### finalcpow = odtpow.Evap8(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, offset, t2, tau2,smoothdt,image,scale) #~ finalcpow2 = odtpow_test.Evap7(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, offset, t2, tau2,smoothdt,image) #~ finalcpow3 = odtpow_test2.Evap7(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, offset, t2, tau2,smoothdt,image) #Here, go ahead and save the finalcpow to the report gen.save_to_report('EVAP','finalcpow', finalcpow) #ipganalog starts out at full power ipganalog = ipg_wave('ipganalog', 10., evap_ss) if f('ODT','use_servo') == 0: ipganalog.extend( odtpow.dt() ) elif f('ODT','use_servo') == 1: ipganalog.follow( odtpow ) #~ ipganalog.follow( odtpow ) #~ odtpow.Exponential(pow0,powf,evap_dt,tau) #~ odtpow.linear( powf, evap_ss) #~ odtpow.appendhold( evap_dt) maxDT = odtpow.dt() return bfield, odtpow, maxDT, finalcpow, ipganalog#,odtpow_test,odtpow_test2
def odt_evap_field(scale =1.0): field_ramp_time = EVAP.fieldrampt0*scale field_ramp_dt = EVAP.fieldrampdt*scale ramp=[] hashbase = '' hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % EVAP.image hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % EVAP.evapss hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % field_ramp_time hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % field_ramp_dt hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % FB.bias hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % EVAP.fieldrampfinal hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % scale hashbase = hashbase + wfm.rawcalibdat( 'bfield' ) #---Here, go ahead and save the trajectory path to the report ramphash = seqconf.ramps_dir() +'Evap_field_withscale'+ hashlib.md5( hashbase).hexdigest() gen.save_to_report('EVAP','ramp_field', ramphash) #---Setup field ramp bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', FB.bias, EVAP.evapss) if not os.path.exists(ramphash) or True: print '\t...Making new Evap_field' bfield.extend(field_ramp_time) bfield.linear(EVAP.fieldrampfinal,field_ramp_dt) if((field_ramp_time+field_ramp_dt)<EVAP.image*scale): bfield.extend(EVAP.image*scale) else: bfield.chop(EVAP.image*scale) ramp = bfield.y #ramp.tofile(ramphash,sep=',',format="%.4f") else: print '\t...Recycling previously calculated Evap_field' ramp = numpy.fromfile(ramphash,sep=',') bfield.y=ramp #---Setup ODT ramp odtpow = odt_wave('odtpow', ODT.odtpow, EVAP.evapss) ### SELECT EVAP TRAJECTORY HERE### finalcpow = odtpow.Evap8(\ ODT.odtpow, \ EVAP.p1, \ EVAP.t1, EVAP.tau, \ EVAP.beta, \ EVAP.offset, \ EVAP.t2, \ EVAP.tau2, \ EVAP.smoothdt, \ EVAP.image, \ EVAP.scale \ ) #Here, go ahead and save the finalcpow to the report gen.save_to_report('EVAP','finalcpow', finalcpow) #---Setup ipganalog ramp ipganalog = ipg_wave('ipganalog', 10., EVAP.evapss) if ODT.use_servo == 0: ipganalog.extend( odtpow.dt() ) elif ODT.use_servo == 1: ipganalog.follow( odtpow ) maxDT = odtpow.dt() return bfield, odtpow, maxDT, finalcpow, ipganalog
#Get hfimg ready s.digichg('hfimg', 1) #If using analoghfimg get it ready if ANDOR.analoghfimg == 1: s.digichg('analogimgttl', 1) # Do CNC, UVMOT, and field ramps s, toENDBFIELD = highfield_uvmot.go_to_highfield(s) analoghfimg = [] # THis section used to resolve the issue we have probe or bragg kill in dimple section if DL.probekill == 1: if (-DL.probekilltime) > DL.image: analoghfimg = [wfm.wave('analogimg', DL.probekill_hfimg, EVAP.evapss)] elif DL.braggkill == 1: if (-DL.braggkilltime) > DL.image: print "...braggkill will be inserted in DIMPLE part of sequence" hfimgwfm = wfm.wave('analogimg', DL.braggkill_hfimg, EVAP.evapss) analoghfimg = [hfimgwfm] # Evaporate into the dimple s, cpowend = odt.crossbeam_dimple_evap(s, toENDBFIELD, analoghfimg) # Ramp up the lattice s = lattice.dimple_to_lattice(s, cpowend) ######################################### ## OTHER TTL EVENTS: probekill, braggkill, rf, quick2
s.wait(free) evap_ss = float(report['EVAP']['evapss']) bias = float(report['FESHBACH']['bias']) zcrampdt = float(report['ZEROCROSS']['zcrampdt']) zcdt = float(report['ZEROCROSS']['zcdt']) zcbias = float(report['ZEROCROSS']['zcbias']) #add bfield ramp up during evap# if (int(report['EVAP']['use_field_ramp'])): bfield, odtpow, ENDEVAP, cpowend, ipganalog= odt.odt_evap_field(image)#,odtpow_test,odtpow_test2 else: odtpow, ENDEVAP, cpowend, ipganalog = odt.odt_evap(image) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield',bias,evap_ss) bfield.extend(odtpow.dt()) bfield.linear(zcbias,zcrampdt) bfield.appendhold(zcdt) odtpow.extend(bfield.dt()) ipganalog.extend(bfield.dt()) #add odt ramp up# if int(report['EVAP']['use_odt_lock']) == 1: odtlockpow = float(report['EVAP']['odtlockpow']) odtlockpowdt = float(report['EVAP']['odtlockpowdt']) if odtlockpow == -1:
def dimple_to_lattice(s,cpowend): print "----- LATTICE LOADING RAMPS -----" # Find out which is the longest of the ramps we are dealing with: maxX =max( [xdomain(DL.latticeV0)[1] ,\ xdomain(DL.irpow)[1],\ xdomain(DL.grpow1)[1],\ xdomain(DL.grpow2)[1],\ xdomain(DL.grpow3)[1],\ xdomain(DL.a_s)[1]] ) print "Largest x value = %.3f ms\n" % maxX # We define the times for which all functions will be evaluated # MIN TIME TO DO DIGITAL EXTENSION DIGEXTENSION = 2050. if DL.image >= DIGEXTENSION: Xendtime = DIGEXTENSION else: Xendtime = DL.image Nnew = int(math.floor( Xendtime / ) Xnew = numpy.arange( Xendtime/Nnew, DL.image, Xendtime/Nnew ) print "X array defined from dt:" print " =", print "x0 = ",Xnew[0] print "xf = ",Xnew[-1] print "xdt = ",Xnew[1]-Xnew[0] print "%d samples" % Nnew print 'x shape = ', Xnew.shape # Define how we want to ramp up the lattice depth v0_ramp, xy_v0, v0set = interpolate_ramp( DL.latticeV0) v0 = v0_ramp(Xnew) ########################################### #### AXIS DEFINITIONS FOR PLOTS ### ########################################### fig = plt.figure( figsize=(4.5*1.05,8.*1.1)) ax0 = fig.add_axes( [0.18,0.76,0.76,0.20]) ax2 = fig.add_axes( [0.18,0.645,0.76,0.11]) ax3 = fig.add_axes( [0.18,0.53,0.76,0.11]) ax1 = fig.add_axes( [0.18,0.415,0.76,0.11]) ax5 = fig.add_axes( [0.18,0.30,0.76,0.11]) ax4 = fig.add_axes( [0.18,0.185,0.76,0.11]) ax6 = fig.add_axes( [0.18,0.07,0.76,0.11]) allax = [ax0, ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, ax5, ax6] for ax in allax: ax.axvline( DL.image, linewidth = 1., color='black', alpha=0.6) lw=1.5 labelx=-0.12 legsz =8. xymew=0.5 xyms=9 ax0.plot( Xnew, v0, 'b', lw=2.5, label='Lattice depth') ax0.plot(xy_v0[:,0],xy_v0[:,1], 'x', color='blue', ms=5.) ax0.plot(v0set[:,0],v0set[:,1], '.', mew=xymew, ms=xyms, color='blue') ########################################### #### USER DEFINED RAMPS: IR, GR, and U ### ########################################### # Define how we want to ramp up the IR power if DIMPLE.allirpow > 0.: ir_offset = DIMPLE.allirpow else: ir_offset = DIMPLE.ir1pow2 ir_ramp, xy_ir, ir = interpolate_ramp( DL.irpow, yoffset=ir_offset) dt_ir = numpy.amax( ir[:,0]) - numpy.amin( ir[:,0]) N_ir = int(math.floor( dt_ir / )) x_ir = numpy.arange( dt_ir/N_ir, dt_ir, dt_ir/N_ir) y_ir = ir_ramp(Xnew) if v0.size > y_ir.size: y_ir = numpy.append(y_ir, (v0.size-y_ir.size)*[y_ir[-1]]) elif v0.size < y_ir.size: y_ir = y_ir[0:v0.size] if v0.size != y_ir.size: msg = "IRPOW ERROR: number of samples in IR ramp and V0 ramp does not match!"'LATTICE LOADING ERROR',msg) exit(1) alpha_clip_range = 0.1 if (v0 > y_ir+ alpha_clip_range).any(): msg = "IRPOW ERROR: not enough power to get desired lattice depth" print msg bad = numpy.where( v0 > y_ir + alpha_clip_range) timefail = int(bad[0][0])*float( msg = msg + "\nFirst bad sample = %d out of %d" % (bad[0][0], v0.size) msg = msg + "\n t = %f " % timefail msg = msg + "\n v0 = %f " % v0[ bad[0][0] ] msg = msg + "\n ir = %f " % y_ir[ bad[0][0] ] print v0[bad[0][0]] print y_ir[bad[0][0]]'LATTICE LOADING ERROR',msg) exit(1) ax0.plot(xy_ir[:,0],xy_ir[:,1], 'x', color='darkorange', ms=5.) ax0.plot(ir[:,0],ir[:,1], '.', mew=xymew, ms=xyms, color='darkorange') ax0.plot(Xnew, y_ir, lw=lw, color='darkorange',label='irpow') # Define how we want to ramp up the GR power grwfms = {} splmrkr = ['x','+','d'] ptsmrkr = ['^','s','p'] for i,grramp in enumerate([(DL.grpow1,DIMPLE.gr1pow2), (DL.grpow2,DIMPLE.gr2pow2), (DL.grpow3,DIMPLE.gr3pow2)]): ramppts = grramp[0] ramp0 = grramp[1] print 'gr'+'%d'%i +' offset = %f' % ramp0 gr_ramp, xy_gr, gr = interpolate_ramp( ramppts, yoffset=ramp0) dt_gr = numpy.amax( gr[:,0]) - numpy.amin( gr[:,0]) N_gr = int(math.floor( dt_gr / )) x_gr = numpy.arange( dt_gr/N_gr, dt_gr, dt_gr/N_gr) y_gr = gr_ramp(Xnew) if DL.signal == 0: y_gr = y_gr / 2.0 if v0.size > y_gr.size: y_gr = numpy.append(y_gr, (v0.size-y_gr.size)*[y_gr[-1]]) elif v0.size < y_gr.size: y_gr = y_gr[0:v0.size] if v0.size != y_gr.size: msg = "GRPOW ERROR: number of samples in GR ramp and V0 ramp does not match!"'LATTICE LOADING ERROR',msg) exit(1) grwfms[ 'greenpow' + '%1d' % (i+1) ] = y_gr ax0.plot(xy_gr[:,0],xy_gr[:,1], marker= splmrkr[i] ,mec='green', mfc='None', ms=3.) ax0.plot(gr[:,0],gr[:,1], marker=ptsmrkr[i], mew=xymew, ms=xyms/2., mfc='None', mec='green')#, label='grpow dat') ax0.plot(Xnew, y_gr, lw=lw, color='green', label='grpow') for grch in grwfms.keys(): print grch, " = ", grwfms[grch].shape ax0.set_xlim(left=-10., right= ax0.get_xlim()[1]*1.1) plt.setp( ax0.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ylim = ax0.get_ylim() extra = (ylim[1]-ylim[0])*0.1 ax0.set_ylim( ylim[0]-extra, ylim[1]+extra ) ax0.grid(True) ax0.set_ylabel('$E_{r}$',size=16, labelpad=0) ax0.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelx, 0.5) ax0.set_title('Lattice Loading') ax0.legend(loc='best',numpoints=1,prop={'size':legsz*0.8}) # Define how we want to ramp up the scattering length (control our losses) a_s_ramp, xy_a_s, a_s = interpolate_ramp( DL.a_s) dt_a_s = numpy.amax( a_s[:,0]) - numpy.amin( a_s[:,0]) N_a_s = int(math.floor( dt_a_s / )) x_a_s = numpy.arange( dt_a_s/N_a_s, dt_a_s, dt_a_s/N_a_s) y_a_s = a_s_ramp(Xnew) if v0.size > y_a_s.size: y_a_s = numpy.append(y_a_s, (v0.size-y_a_s.size)*[y_a_s[-1]]) elif v0.size < y_a_s.size: y_a_s = y_a_s[0:v0.size] if v0.size != y_a_s.size: msg = "a_s ERROR: number of samples in a_s ramp and V0 ramp does not match!"'LATTICE LOADING ERROR',msg) exit(1) ax1.plot(xy_a_s[:,0],xy_a_s[:,1]/100., 'x', color='#C10087', ms=5.) ax1.plot(a_s[:,0],a_s[:,1]/100., '.', mew=xymew, ms=xyms, color='#C10087') ax1.plot(Xnew, y_a_s/100., lw=lw, color='#C10087', label=r'$a_s\mathrm{(100 a_{0})}$') ax1.set_ylabel(r'$a_s\mathrm{(100 a_{0})}$',size=16, labelpad=0) ax1.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelx, 0.5) ax1.set_xlim( ax0.get_xlim()) ylim = ax1.get_ylim() extra = (ylim[1]-ylim[0])*0.1 ax1.set_ylim( ylim[0]-extra, ylim[1]+extra ) plt.setp( ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax1.grid(True) ax1.legend(loc='best',numpoints=1,prop={'size':legsz}) ####################################################################### #### CALCULATED RAMPS: ALPHA, TUNNELING, SCATTERING LENGTH, BFIELD ### ####################################################################### alpha = (v0/y_ir)**2. alpha_advance = 100. N_adv = int(math.floor( alpha_advance / alpha = alpha.clip(0.,1.) alpha_desired = numpy.copy(alpha) if N_adv < v0.size: alpha = alpha[N_adv:] alpha = numpy.append(alpha, (v0.size-alpha.size)*[alpha[-1]]) else: alpha = numpy.array( v0.size*[alpha[-1]] ) #alpha = alpha.clip(0., 1.) ax2.plot( Xnew, alpha, lw=lw, color='saddlebrown', label='alpha adv') ax2.plot( Xnew, alpha_desired,':', lw=lw, color='saddlebrown', label='alpha') ax2.set_xlim( ax0.get_xlim()) ax2.set_ylim(-0.05,1.05) plt.setp( ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax2.grid() ax2.set_ylabel('$\\alpha$',size=16, labelpad=0) ax2.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelx, 0.5) ax2.legend(loc='best',numpoints=1,prop={'size':legsz}) tunneling_Er = physics.inv('t_to_V0', v0) tunneling_kHz = tunneling_Er * 29.2 ax3.plot( Xnew, tunneling_kHz, lw=lw, color='red', label='$t$ (kHz)') ax3.set_xlim( ax0.get_xlim()) ylim = ax3.get_ylim() extra = (ylim[1]-ylim[0])*0.1 ax3.set_ylim( ylim[0]-extra, ylim[1]+extra ) plt.setp( ax3.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax3.grid(True) ax3.set_ylabel(r'$t\,\mathrm{(kHz)}$',size=16, labelpad=0) ax3.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelx, 0.5) ax3.legend(loc='best',numpoints=1,prop={'size':legsz}) wannierF = physics.inv('wF_to_V0', v0) bohrRadius = 5.29e-11 #meters lattice_spacing = 1.064e-6 / 2. #meters bfieldG = physics.cnv('as_to_B', y_a_s) print print "The last value of the scattering length ramp is:" print 'a_s =', y_a_s[-1] print 'B =', bfieldG[-1] print U_over_t = y_a_s * bohrRadius / lattice_spacing * wannierF / tunneling_Er ax4.plot( Xnew, U_over_t, lw=lw, color='k', label=r'$U/t$') ax4.set_xlim( ax0.get_xlim()) ylim = ax4.get_ylim() extra = (ylim[1]-ylim[0])*0.1 ax4.set_ylim( ylim[0]-extra, ylim[1]+extra ) plt.setp( ax4.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax4.grid(True) ax4.set_ylabel(r'$U/t$',size=16, labelpad=0) ax4.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelx, 0.5) ax4.legend(loc='best',numpoints=1,prop={'size':legsz}) ax5.plot( Xnew, bfieldG, lw=lw, color='purple', label='$B$ (G)') ax5.set_xlim( ax0.get_xlim()) ylim = ax5.get_ylim() extra = (ylim[1]-ylim[0])*0.1 ax5.set_ylim( ylim[0]-extra, ylim[1]+extra ) ax5.grid(True) plt.setp( ax5.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax5.set_ylabel(r'$B\,\mathrm{(G)}$',size=16, labelpad=0) ax5.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelx, 0.5) ax5.legend(loc='best',numpoints=1,prop={'size':legsz}) ax6.plot( Xnew, (tunneling_Er / U_over_t), lw=lw, color='#25D500', label=r'$t^{2}/U\,(E_{r)}$') #ax6.set_yscale('log') ax6.set_xlim( ax0.get_xlim()) ylim = ax6.get_ylim() extra = (ylim[1]-ylim[0])*0.1 ax6.set_ylim( ylim[0]*0.5, ylim[1] ) ax6.grid(True) ax6.set_ylabel(r'$t^{2}/U\,(E_{r)}$',size=16, labelpad=0) ax6.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelx, 0.5) ax6.legend(loc='best',numpoints=1,prop={'size':legsz}) ax6.set_xlabel('time (ms)') figfile = seqconf.seqtxtout().split('.')[0]+'_latticeRamp.png' plt.savefig(figfile , dpi=120 ) #Save all ramps to a txt file for later plotting. datfile = seqconf.seqtxtout().split('.')[0]+'_latticeRamp.dat' allRamps = numpy.transpose(numpy.vstack((Xnew, v0, y_ir, grwfms['greenpow1'], y_a_s, alpha, alpha_desired, \ tunneling_kHz, U_over_t, bfieldG))) header = '# Column index' header = header + '\n#\t0\t' + 'time(ms)' header = header + '\n#\t1\t' + 'Lattice Depth (Er)' header = header + '\n#\t2\t' + 'Ir power (Er)' header = header + '\n#\t3\t' + 'GR power (Er)' header = header + '\n#\t4\t' + 'a_s (a0)' header = header + '\n#\t5\t' + 'alpha - advance' header = header + '\n#\t6\t' + 'alpha - desired' header = header + '\n#\t7\t' + 'tunneling (kHz)' header = header + '\n#\t8\t' + 'U/t' header = header + '\n#\t9\t' + 'bfield (Gauss)' header = header + '\n' numpy.savetxt( datfile, allRamps) with open(datfile, 'w') as f: X = numpy.asarray( allRamps ) f.write(bytes(header)) format = '%.6e' ncol = X.shape[1] format = [format ,] *ncol format = ' '.join(format) newline = '\n' for row in X: f.write(numpy.compat.asbytes(format % tuple(row) + newline)) shutil.copyfile( figfile, seqconf.savedir() + 'expseq' + seqconf.runnumber() + '_latticeRamp.png') shutil.copyfile( datfile, seqconf.savedir() + 'expseq' + seqconf.runnumber() + '_latticeRamp.dat') #plt.savefig( seqconf.savedir() + 'expseq' + seqconf.runnumber() + '_latticeRamp.png', dpi=120) ################################# #### APPEND RAMPS TO SEQUENCE ### ################################# wfms=[] if DL.signal == 0: print " LOCK VALUE FOR SIGNAL / NOSIGNAL " print " before = ", DL.lock_Er DL.lock_Er = DL.lock_Er / 1.8 print " after = \n", DL.lock_Er for ch in ['ir1pow','ir2pow','ir3pow']: n = filter( str.isdigit, ch)[0] w = wfm.wave(ch, 0.0, #Start value will be overrriden w.y = physics.cnv( ch, y_ir ) if DL.lock: endval = w.y[-1] w.insertlin_cnv(DL.lock_Er, DL.lock_dtUP, DL.lock_t0 ) elif DL.lightassist_lock: endval = w.y[-1] w.linear(DL.lightassist_lockpowIR, DL.lightassist_lockdtUP) w.appendhold( DL.lightassist_t0 + DL.lightassistdt ) if DL.endvalIR >= 0.: w.linear( DL.endvalIR, DL.lightassist_lockdtDOWN) else: w.linear( None, DL.lightassist_lockdtDOWN, volt=endval) wfms.append(w) for ch in ['greenpow1','greenpow2','greenpow3']: n = filter( str.isdigit, ch)[0] w = wfm.wave(ch, 0.0, #Start value will be overrriden correction = DIMPLE.__dict__['gr'+n+'correct'] w.y = physics.cnv( ch, correction * grwfms[ch] ) if DL.lightassist_lock: endval = w.y[-1] w.linear(DL.lightassist_lockpowGR, DL.lightassist_lockdtUP) w.appendhold( DL.lightassist_t0 + DL.lightassistdt ) if DL.endvalGR >= 0.: w.linear( DL.endvalGR, DL.lightassist_lockdtDOWN) else: w.linear( None, DL.lightassist_lockdtDOWN, volt=endval) wfms.append(w) for ch in ['lcr1','lcr2','lcr3']: n = filter( str.isdigit, ch)[0] w = wfm.wave(ch, 0.0, #Start value will be overrriden force = DL.__dict__['force_'+ch] if force >= 0 and force <=1: print "...Forcing LCR%s = %f during lattice ramp" % (n,force) w.y = physics.cnv( ch, numpy.array( alpha.size*[force] ) ) elif DL.signal == 0: print "...Forcing LCR%s = 0. so that it does NOT rotate to LATTICE" % n w.y = physics.cnv( ch, numpy.array( alpha.size*[0.0] ) ) else: w.y = physics.cnv( ch, alpha ) wfms.append(w) bfieldA = bfieldG/6.8 ##ADD field bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', 0.0, bfield.y = physics.cnv( 'bfield', bfieldA) print "The last value of the bfield voltage is =", bfield.y[-1] print wfms.append(bfield) ##ADD gradient field gradient = gradient_wave('gradientfield', 0.0,,volt = 0.0) gradient.follow(bfield) wfms.append(gradient) buffer = 40. s.wait(buffer) #~ odtpow = odt.odt_wave('odtpow', cpowend, #~ if DIMPLE.odt_t0 > buffer : #~ odtpow.appendhold( DIMPLE.odt_t0 - buffer) #~ if DIMPLE.odt_pow < 0.: #~ odtpow.appendhold( DIMPLE.odt_dt) #~ else: #~ odtpow.tanhRise( DIMPLE.odt_pow, DIMPLE.odt_dt, DIMPLE.odt_tau, DIMPLE.odt_shift) #~ if numpy.absolute(DIMPLE.odt_pow) < 0.0001: #~ s.wait( odtpow.dt() ) #~ s.digichg('odtttl',0) #~ s.wait(-odtpow.dt() ) #~ wfms.append(odtpow) # RF sweep if DL.rf == 1: rfmod = wfm.wave('rfmod', 0., rfmod.appendhold( bfield.dt() + DL.rftime ) rfmod.linear( DL.rfvoltf, DL.rfpulsedt) wfms.append(rfmod) if DL.round_trip == 1: bindex = 0 # Calculate detunings using starting field else: bindex = -1 # Calculate detunings using field at the end of ramps bfieldG = physics.inv( 'bfield', bfield.y[bindex]) * 6.8 hfimg0 = -1.*(100.0 + 163.7 - 1.414*bfieldG) # Find bindex for braggkill time bindex_BK = math.floor(-DL.braggkilltime / bfieldG_BK = physics.inv( 'bfield', bfield.y[-1-bindex_BK]) * 6.8 hfimg0_BK = -1.*(100.0 + 163.7 - 1.414*bfieldG_BK) DL.braggkill_hfimg = hfimg0_BK - DL.braggkill_hfimg print "\n...Braggkill hfimg modification:\n" print "\tNEW braggkill_hfimg = %.2f MHz" % DL.braggkill_hfimg # Find bindex for bragg2kill time bindex_B2K = math.floor(-DL.bragg2killtime / bfieldG_B2K = physics.inv( 'bfield', bfield.y[-1-bindex_B2K]) * 6.8 hfimg0_B2K = -1.*(100.0 + 163.7 - 1.414*bfieldG_B2K) DL.bragg2kill_hfimg1 = hfimg0_B2K - DL.bragg2kill_hfimg1 DL.bragg2kill_hfimg2 = hfimg0_B2K - DL.bragg2kill_hfimg2 print "\n...Bragg2kill hfimg modification:\n" print "\tNEW brag2gkill_hfimg1 = %.2f MHz" % DL.bragg2kill_hfimg1 print "\tNEW brag2gkill_hfimg2 = %.2f MHz" % DL.bragg2kill_hfimg2 print "\n...ANDOR:hfimg and hfimg0 will be modified in report\n" print "\tNEW ANDOR:hfimg = %.2f MHz" % ( hfimg0 - DL.imgdet) print "\tNEW ANDOR:hfimg0 = %.2f MHz\n" % hfimg0 gen.save_to_report('ANDOR','hfimg', hfimg0 - DL.imgdet) gen.save_to_report('ANDOR','hfimg0', hfimg0) newANDORhfimg = hfimg0 - DL.imgdet # THIS DEFINES THE TIME IT TAKES THE OFFSET LOCK TO SWITCH TO # A NEW SETPOINT hfimgdelay = 50. #ms # Kill hfimg if DL.probekill ==1 or DL.braggkill ==1 or DL.bragg2kill==1 or DL.lightassist or DL.lightassist_lock: analogimg = wfm.wave('analogimg', newANDORhfimg, if DL.probekill == 1: if (-DL.probekilltime+hfimgdelay) < DL.image: analogimg.appendhold( bfield.dt() + DL.probekilltime - hfimgdelay) analogimg.linear( DL.probekill_hfimg , 0.0) analogimg.appendhold( hfimgdelay + DL.probekilldt + 3* elif DL.braggkill == 1: print "Setting up analogimg for braggkill" if (-DL.braggkilltime+hfimgdelay) < DL.image: analogimg.appendhold( bfield.dt() + DL.braggkilltime - hfimgdelay) analogimg.linear( DL.braggkill_hfimg , 0.0) analogimg.appendhold( hfimgdelay + DL.braggkilldt + 3* elif DL.bragg2kill == 1: print "Setting up analogimg for bragg2kill" if (-DL.bragg2killtime+hfimgdelay) < DL.image: # This sets up the detuning for the first pulse analogimg.appendhold( bfield.dt() + DL.bragg2killtime - hfimgdelay) analogimg.linear( DL.bragg2kill_hfimg1 , 0.0) analogimg.appendhold( hfimgdelay + DL.bragg2killdt + 3* # Then set up the detuning for the second pulse analogimg.linear( DL.bragg2kill_hfimg2 , 0.0) analogimg.appendhold( hfimgdelay + DL.bragg2killdt + 3* elif DL.lightassist == 1 or DL.lightassist_lock: analogimg.appendhold( bfield.dt() - hfimgdelay) analogimg.linear( DL.lightassist_hfimg , 0.0) duration = DL.lightassist_lockdtUP + DL.lightassist_t0 + DL.lightassistdt + DL.lightassist_lockdtDOWN analogimg.appendhold( hfimgdelay + duration + 3* analogimg.linear( newANDORhfimg, 0.) analogimg.extend(10) wfms.append(analogimg) #analogimg = bfieldwfm.hfimg_wave('analogimg', ANDOR.hfimg, #andorhfimg0 = analogimg.follow(bfield, DL.imgdet) #wfms.append(analogimg) # If we are doing round trip END, then mirror all the ramps # before adding them to the sequence if DL.round_trip == 1: if DL.round_trip_type == 1: maxdt = 0. maxi = -1 for i,w in enumerate(wfms): if w.dt() > maxdt: maxdt = w.dt() maxi = i maxdt = maxdt + DL.wait_at_top / 2. for w in wfms: w.extend(maxdt) if 'lcr' in yvals = w.y #Get the reverse of the alpha desired array alpha_mirror = numpy.copy(alpha_desired[::-1]) #Add the wait at top part so that it has same length as yvals if alpha_mirror.size > yvals.size: print "Error making mirror ramp for LCR." print "Program will exit." exit(1) alpha_mirror = numpy.append( (yvals.size - alpha_mirror.size)*[ alpha_mirror[0] ], alpha_mirror ) #This is how much the mirror ramp will be advanced N_adv = int(math.floor( DL.lcr_mirror_advance / if N_adv < alpha_mirror.size: alpha_mirror = alpha_mirror[N_adv:] alpha_mirror = numpy.append(alpha_mirror, (yvals.size-alpha_mirror.size)*[alpha_mirror[-1]]) else: alpha_mirror = numpy.array( yvals.size*[alpha_mirror[-1]] ) w.y = numpy.concatenate((yvals,physics.cnv(, alpha_mirror ))) else: w.mirror() w.appendhold( DL.wait_at_end) N_adv = int(math.floor( alpha_advance / alpha_desired = numpy.copy(alpha) for wavefm in wfms: print "%s dt = %f" % (, wavefm.dt()) duration = s.analogwfm_add(,wfms) if DL.image < DIGEXTENSION: s.wait(duration) else: print "...DL.image = %f >= %.2f Digital seq extension will be used." % (DL.image, DIGEXTENSION) s.wait( DL.image ) ### Prepare the parts of the ramps that are going to be used to mock ### the conditions for the noatoms shot ### 1. get dt = [noatoms] ms from the end of the lattice ramps. if 'manta' in noatomsdt = MANTA.noatoms else: noatomsdt = ANDOR.noatoms noatomswfms = [] for wavefm in wfms: cp = copy.deepcopy( wavefm ) cp.idnum = time.time()*100 cp.retain_last( DL.bgRetainDT ) noatomswfms.append( cp ) ### Figure out when to turn interlock back on, using alpha information #~ if duration > DL.t0 + DL.dt: #~ s.wait(-DL.lattice_interlock_time) #~ if DL.use_lattice_interlock == 1: #~ s.digichg('latticeinterlockbypass',0) #~ else: #~ s.digichg('latticeinterlockbypass',1) #~ s.wait( DL.lattice_interlock_time) ######################################### ## OTHER TTL EVENTS: probekill, braggkill, rf, quick2 ######################################### # Braggkill if DL.braggkill == 1: print "Using Bragg Kill" s.wait( DL.braggkilltime) s = manta.OpenShutterBragg(s,DL.shutterdelay) s.digichg('bragg',1) s.wait( DL.braggkilldt) s.digichg('brshutter',1) # to close shutter s.digichg('bragg',0) s.wait( -DL.braggkilldt) s.wait( -DL.braggkilltime ) if DL.bragg2kill == 1: print "Using Bragg 2 Kill" tcur = s.tcur s.wait( DL.bragg2killtime ) s = manta.OpenShutterBragg(s,DL.shutterdelay) s.digichg('bragg',1) s.wait( DL.bragg2killdt) s.digichg('brshutter',1) # to close shutter s.digichg('bragg',0) s.wait( hfimgdelay + 3* ) s = manta.OpenShutterBragg(s,DL.shutterdelay) s.digichg('bragg',1) s.wait( DL.bragg2killdt) s.digichg('brshutter',1) # to close shutter s.digichg('bragg',0) # Revert to current time after pulses have been added in the past s.tcur = tcur # Probe Kill if DL.probekill == 1: s.wait(DL.probekilltime) s.wait(-10) s.digichg('prshutter',0) s.wait(10) s.digichg('probe',1) s.wait(DL.probekilldt) s.digichg('probe',0) s.digichg('prshutter',1) s.wait(-DL.probekilltime) # Pulse RF if DL.rf == 1: s.wait(DL.rftime) s.digichg('rfttl',1) s.wait(DL.rfpulsedt) s.digichg('rfttl',0) s.wait(-DL.rfpulsedt) s.wait(-DL.rftime) # QUICK2 if DL.quick2 == 1: s.wait( DL.quick2time) s.digichg('quick2',1) s.wait(-DL.quick2time) # Light-assisted collisions if DL.lightassist == 1 or DL.lightassist_lock: s.wait( -DL.lightassist_lockdtUP -DL.lightassist_t0 -DL.lightassistdt -DL.lightassist_lockdtDOWN - 3* s.wait(DL.lightassist_lockdtUP + DL.lightassist_t0) s.wait(-10) s.digichg('prshutter',0) s.wait(10) s.digichg('probe', DL.lightassist) s.wait(DL.lightassistdt) s.digichg('probe',0) s.digichg('prshutter',1) s.wait(DL.lightassist_lockdtDOWN) s.wait(3* # After the collisions happen we still need to wait some time # for the probe frequency to come back to the desired value s.wait(hfimgdelay) ######################################### ## GO BACK IN TIME IF DOING ROUND-TRIP START ######################################### if DL.round_trip == 1: if DL.round_trip_type == 0: s.wait( -DL.image ) s.stop_analog() ######################################### ## TURN GREEN OFF BEFORE PICTURES ######################################### if DL.greenoff == 1: s.wait( DL.greenoff_t0 ) s.digichg('greenttl1', 0) s.digichg('greenttl2', 0) s.digichg('greenttl3', 0) s.wait(-DL.greenoff_t0 ) ######################################### ## LATTICE LOCK WITH POSSIBILITY OF RF ######################################### bufferdt = 5.0 lastIR = y_ir[-1] lockwfms=[] if DL.locksmooth == 1 and DL.lock == 0: s.wait(bufferdt) for ch in ['ir1pow','ir2pow','ir3pow']: n = filter( str.isdigit, ch)[0] w = wfm.wave(ch, lastIR, DL.lockss) #Start value will be overrriden w.tanhRise( DL.lock_Er, DL.lock_dtUP, 0.4,0.2) lockwfms.append(w) print "...LOCKING LATTICE TO %f Er" % DL.lock_Er print "...lastIR = %.4f" % lastIR duration = s.analogwfm_add(DL.lockss,lockwfms) print "...duration = %.2f" % duration s.wait(duration) #~ if DL.lockrf: #~ s.digichg('rfttl',1) #~ s.wait(DL.rfpulsedt) #~ s.digichg('rfttl',0) #~ s.wait(0.036) #else: # s.wait(bufferdt) lockwfmscopy = [] for wavefm in lockwfms: cp = copy.deepcopy( wavefm ) cp.idnum = time.time()*100 + 1e3*numpy.random.randint(0,1e8) lockwfmscopy.append( cp ) ######################################### ## IMAGING AT LOW FIELD ######################################### if DL.lowfieldimg == 1: s.wait(DL.lowfieldimg_t0) s.digichg('field',0) s.wait(-DL.lowfieldimg_t0) ######################################### ## TTL RELEASE FROM ODT and LATTICE ######################################### #INDICATE WHICH CHANNELS ARE TO BE CONSIDERED FOR THE BACKGROUND bg = ['odtttl','irttl1','irttl2','irttl3','greenttl1','greenttl2','greenttl3'] bgdictPRETOF={} for ch in bg: bgdictPRETOF[ch] = s.digistatus(ch) bgdictPRETOF['tof'] = DL.tof print "\nChannel status for pictures: PRE-TOF" print bgdictPRETOF print #RELEASE FROM LATTICE if DL.tof <= 0.: s.wait(1.0+ANDOR.exp) s.digichg('greenttl1',0) s.digichg('greenttl2',0) s.digichg('greenttl3',0) s.digichg('irttl1',0) s.digichg('irttl2',0) s.digichg('irttl3',0) #RELEASE FROM IR TRAP s.digichg('odtttl',0) if DL.tof <= 0.: s.wait(-1.0+ANDOR.exp) print "TIME WHEN RELEASED FROM LATTICE = ",s.tcur s.wait(DL.tof) return s, noatomswfms, lockwfmscopy, bgdictPRETOF
#Switch bfield to FESHBACH switchdt = float(report['FESHBACH']['switchdt']) fstatedt = float(report['ODT']['fstatedt']) #bfield.appendhold(fstatedt) bfield.linear(0.0,0.0) bfield.appendhold(4*switchdt) bias = float(report['FESHBACH']['bias']) bfield.linear(cnv('bfield',bias),1.0) #bfield.ExponentialTurnOn( bias, 20.0, 3.0, 'bfield') uvfppiezo.extend(maxDT) uvpow.extend(maxDT) # Add adiabatic ramp down to ODT odtpow = wfm.wave('odtpow', 10.0,ss) odtpow.extend(ENDUVMOT + float(report['ODT']['intrap'])) odtpow.linear(2.5,1500.) #odtpow = odt.odt_adiabaticDown(ss,ENDUVMOT) #Add waveforms to sequence s.analogwfm_add(ss,[ motpow, repdet, trapdet, bfield, reppow, trappow, uvfppiezo, uvpow, odtpow]) #s.analogwfm_add(ss,[ motpow, repdet, trapdet, bfield, reppow, trappow, uvfppiezo, uvpow]) #wait normally rounds down using floor, here the duration is changed before so that #the wait is rounded up ENDUVMOT = ss*math.ceil(ENDUVMOT/ss) #insert QUICK pulse for fast ramping of the field gradient s.wait(-10.0) quickval = 1 if gen.bstr('CNC',report) == True else 0
# Add evaporation ramp to ODT free = float(report['EVAP']['free']) image = float(report['EVAP']['image']) buffer = 10.0 #Time needed to re-latch the trigger for the AOUTS if free < buffer + toENDBFIELD: print 'Need at list ' + str( buffer) + 'ms of free evap before evaporation can be triggered' print 'Currently ramps end at %f , and free is %f' % (toENDBFIELD, free) exit(1) s.wait(free) odtpow, ENDEVAP, cpowend, ipganalog = odt.odt_evap(image) evap_ss = float(report['EVAP']['evapss']) lfdt = float(report['ODT']['lfdt']) bias = float(report['FESHBACH']['bias']) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', bias, evap_ss) bfield.extend(odtpow.dt() - lfdt) bfield.linear(0.0, evap_ss) bfield.extend(odtpow.dt()) s.analogwfm_add(evap_ss, [odtpow, bfield]) # ENDEVAP should be equal to image s.wait(image) #Turn off field s.wait(-lfdt) s.digichg('field', 0) s.wait(lfdt) #RELEASE FROM IR TRAP s.digichg('odtttl', 0) odttof = float(report['ODT']['odttof'])
sys.path.append('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/utilspy') sys.path.append('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/seqspy') sys.path.append('L:/software/apparatus3/convert') import wfm, numpy import time mod_ss = 0.02 cpow = 8.0 moddt = 200.0 moddepth = 40.0 freq_0 = 10 step = 40 freq_f = 7000 odtpow = wfm.wave('odtpow', None, mod_ss, volt=cpow) set = numpy.arange(freq_0, freq_0 + step * (numpy.fix( (freq_f - freq_0) / step) + 1), step) print set print for modfreq in set: t0 = time.time() print "...Creating SineMod (cpow=%.2f, moddt=%.2f, modfreq=%.2f, moddepth=%.2f" % ( cpow, moddt, modfreq, moddepth) odtpow.SineMod(cpow, moddt, modfreq, moddepth) print '...Time used = %.2f seconds\n' % (time.time() - t0) print ""
def constructLoadRamps(cam): global report # Initialize channels to MOT SS values and with cncstepsize ss = f('CNC', 'cncstepsize') motpow = wfm.wave(cnv('motpow', f('MOT', 'motpow')), ss) repdet = wfm.wave(cnv('repdet', f('MOT', 'repdetSS')), ss) trapdet = wfm.wave(cnv('trapdet', f('MOT', 'trapdetSS')), ss) reppow = wfm.wave(cnv('reppow', f('MOT', 'reppowSS')), ss) trappow = wfm.wave(cnv('trappow', f('MOT', 'trappowSS')), ss) bfield = wfm.wave(cnv('bfield', f('MOT', 'bfield')), ss) CNC = False #Not doing CNC for photoionization rate measurement DURATION = 1.0 #DURATION = DURATION + ht motpow.extend(DURATION) repdet.extend(DURATION) trapdet.extend(DURATION) bfield.extend(DURATION) reppow.extend(DURATION) trappow.extend(DURATION) maxN = int(math.floor((DURATION) / ss)) + 1 #Up to here you have a Cooled and Compressed MOT # #Insert bfield imaging value at release bfield.linear(cnv('bfield', f(cam, 'imgbfield')), ss) #Insert AOM imaging values 30us after release imgdt = 0.03 motpow.appendhold(imgdt) repdet.appendhold(imgdt) trapdet.appendhold(imgdt) reppow.appendhold(imgdt) trappow.appendhold(imgdt) motpow.linear(cnv('motpow', f(cam, 'imgpow')), 0.0) repdet.linear(cnv('repdet', f(cam, 'imgdetrep')), 0.0) trapdet.linear(cnv('trapdet', f(cam, 'imgdettrap')), 0.0) reppow.linear(cnv('reppow', f(cam, 'imgpowrep')), 0.0) trappow.linear(cnv('trappow', f(cam, 'imgpowtrap')), 0.0) maxDT = max(motpow.dt(), repdet.dt(), trapdet.dt(), bfield.dt(), reppow.dt(), trappow.dt()) motpow.extend(maxDT) repdet.extend(maxDT) trapdet.extend(maxDT) bfield.extend(maxDT) reppow.extend(maxDT) trappow.extend(maxDT) motpow.fileoutput('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/motpow.txt') repdet.fileoutput('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/repdet.txt') trapdet.fileoutput('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/trapdet.txt') bfield.fileoutput('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/bfield.txt') reppow.fileoutput('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/reppow.txt') trappow.fileoutput('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/trappow.txt') return DURATION
def odt_evap_field(image, scale=1.0): evap_ss = f('EVAP', 'evapss') p0 = f('ODT', 'odtpow') p1 = f('EVAP', 'p1') t1 = f('EVAP', 't1') tau = f('EVAP', 'tau') beta = f('EVAP', 'beta') offset = f('EVAP', 'offset') t2 = f('EVAP', 't2') tau2 = f('EVAP', 'tau2') smoothdt = f('EVAP', 'smoothdt') field_ramp_time = f('EVAP', 'fieldrampt0') * scale field_ramp_dt = f('EVAP', 'fieldrampdt') * scale field_ramp_start = f('FESHBACH', 'bias') field_ramp_final = f('EVAP', 'fieldrampfinal') ramp = [] hashbase = '' hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % image hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % evap_ss hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % field_ramp_time hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % field_ramp_dt hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % field_ramp_start hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % field_ramp_final hashbase = hashbase + '%.8f' % scale ramphash = seqconf.ramps_dir() + 'Evap_field_withscale' + hashlib.md5( hashbase).hexdigest() #Here, go ahead and save the trajectory path to the report gen.save_to_report('EVAP', 'ramp_field', ramphash) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', field_ramp_start, evap_ss) if not os.path.exists(ramphash) or True: bfield.extend(field_ramp_time) bfield.linear(field_ramp_final, field_ramp_dt) if ((field_ramp_time + field_ramp_dt) < image * scale): bfield.extend(image * scale) else: bfield.chop(image * scale) ramp = bfield.y ramp.tofile(ramphash, sep=',', format="%.4f") else: print '\t...Recycling previously calculated Evap_field' ramp = numpy.fromfile(ramphash, sep=',') bfield.y = numpy.append(bfield.y, ramp) odtpow = odt_wave('odtpow', p0, evap_ss) #~ odtpow_test = odt_wave('NC0', p0, evap_ss) #~ odtpow_test2 = odt_wave('NC1', p0, evap_ss) #odtpow.Evap(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, image) #odtpow.Evap2(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, offset, t2, tau2, image) #odtpow.Evap3(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, offset, t2, tau2, image) ### SELECT EVAP TRAJECTORY HERE### finalcpow = odtpow.Evap8(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, offset, t2, tau2, smoothdt, image, scale) #~ finalcpow2 = odtpow_test.Evap7(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, offset, t2, tau2,smoothdt,image) #~ finalcpow3 = odtpow_test2.Evap7(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, offset, t2, tau2,smoothdt,image) #Here, go ahead and save the finalcpow to the report gen.save_to_report('EVAP', 'finalcpow', finalcpow) #ipganalog starts out at full power ipganalog = ipg_wave('ipganalog', 10., evap_ss) if f('ODT', 'use_servo') == 0: ipganalog.extend(odtpow.dt()) elif f('ODT', 'use_servo') == 1: ipganalog.follow(odtpow) #~ ipganalog.follow( odtpow ) #~ odtpow.Exponential(pow0,powf,evap_dt,tau) #~ odtpow.linear( powf, evap_ss) #~ odtpow.appendhold( evap_dt) maxDT = odtpow.dt() return bfield, odtpow, maxDT, finalcpow, ipganalog #,odtpow_test,odtpow_test2
s.wait(ramptime) # Wait after lattice is ramped up s.wait(LI.inlattice) #---Go to scattering length zero-crossing if LI.inlattice < 20: buffer = 20.0 else: buffer = 0. s.wait(buffer) fieldF = EVAP.fieldrampfinal if EVAP.image > EVAP.fieldrampt0 else FB.bias bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', fieldF, EVAP.evapss) bfield.linear(ZC.zcbias, ZC.zcrampdt) bfield.appendhold(ZC.zcdt) s.analogwfm_add(EVAP.evapss,[bfield]) s.wait(ZC.zcdt + ZC.zcrampdt) #Testing if field gradient is holding the atoms tightly in the Top/Bottom beam #~ zcwait = 50.0 #~ zerorampdt = 50.0 #~ zerodt = 50.0 #~ bfield = wfm.wave('bfield',zcbias,evap_ss) #~ bfield.linear(zcbias,zerorampdt) #~ bfield.appendhold(zerodt) #~ bfield.linear(zcbias,zerorampdt) #~ s.wait(zcwait)
ss=float(report['CNC']['cncstepsize']) # Cool and Compress MOT # ENDCNC is defined as the time up to release from the MOT motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, bfield, ENDCNC = cnc.cncRamps() #motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, bfield, ENDCNC = cnc.statetransfer_F32(motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, bfield) motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, bfield, ENDCNC = cnc.statetransfer_F12(motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, bfield) #camera='ANDOR' camera='BASLER' # Set imaging values motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, bfield, maxDT = cnc.imagingRamps(motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, bfield, camera) # Set uv1freq for lightshift probing freq=float(report['UVLIGHTSHIFT']['freq']) uv1freq = wfm.wave('uv1freq',cnv('uv1freq',freq),ss) uv1freq.extend(maxDT) #Add waveforms to sequence s.analogwfm_add(ss,[motpow,repdet,trapdet,bfield,reppow,trappow,uv1freq]) #wait normally rounds down using floor, here the duration is changed before so that #the wait is rounded up ENDCNC = ss*math.ceil(ENDCNC/ss) #insert QUICK pulse for fast ramping of the field gradient s.wait(-10.0) quickval = 1 if gen.bstr('CNC',report) == True else 0 s.digichg('quick',quickval) s.wait(10.0)
def rampup( ch, delay, pow, ramp): w = wfm.wave( ch, 0., ir_ss) w.appendhold( delay) w.linear( pow, ramp) return w
# Do CNC, UVMOT, and field ramps s, toENDBFIELD = highfield_uvmot.go_to_highfield(s) # Evaporate in cross beam trap s, cpowend = odt.crossbeam_evap(s, toENDBFIELD) # Go to scattering length zero-crossing evap_ss = float(report['EVAP']['evapss']) buffer = 20.0 #Time needed to re-latch the trigger for the AOUTS s.wait(buffer) bias = float(report['FESHBACH']['bias']) zcrampdt = float(report['ZEROCROSS']['zcrampdt']) zcdt = float(report['ZEROCROSS']['zcdt']) zcbias = float(report['ZEROCROSS']['zcbias']) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', bias, evap_ss) bfield.linear(zcbias, zcrampdt) bfield.appendhold(zcdt) s.analogwfm_add(evap_ss, [bfield]) s.wait(zcdt + zcrampdt) buffer = 25.0 #Time needed to re-latch the trigger for the AOUTS s.wait(buffer) # Ramp up IR and green beams irramp1 = float(report['LATTICE']['irrampdt1']) irramp2 = float(report['LATTICE']['irrampdt2']) irramp3 = float(report['LATTICE']['irrampdt3']) odtoverlap = float(report['LATTICE']['mantaodtoverlap']) irdelay1 = float(report['LATTICE']['irdelay1']) irdelay2 = float(report['LATTICE']['irdelay2'])
def cncRamps(): # Initialize channels to MOT SS values and with cncstepsize ss = f('CNC', 'cncstepsize') motpow = wfm.wave('motpow', f('MOT', 'motpow'), ss) repdet = wfm.wave('repdet', f('MOT', 'repdetSS'), ss) trapdet = wfm.wave('trapdet', f('MOT', 'trapdetSS'), ss) reppow = wfm.wave('reppow', f('MOT', 'reppowSS'), ss) trappow = wfm.wave('trappow', f('MOT', 'trappowSS'), ss) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', f('MOT', 'bfield'), ss) CNC = gen.bstr('CNC', report) #If CNC is selected in the report then insert necessary linear ramps #First ramp bfield SINH = gen.bstr('sinh', report) if SINH == True: bfield.sinhRise( f('CNC', 'bfieldf') if CNC == True else f('MOT', 'bfield'), f('CNC', 'dtbfield'), f('CNC', 'dtbfield') * f('CNC', 'taubfield')) else: bfield.linear( f('CNC', 'bfieldf') if CNC == True else f('MOT', 'bfield'), f('CNC', 'dtbfield')) #Hold off start of laser ramps delay = f('CNC', 'delay') motpow.appendhold(delay) repdet.appendhold(delay) trapdet.appendhold(delay) reppow.appendhold(delay) trappow.appendhold(delay) #Do laser ramps motpow.linear( f('CNC', 'motpowf') if CNC == True else f('MOT', 'motpow'), f('CNC', 'dtmotpow')) repdet.linear( f('CNC', 'repdetf') if CNC == True else f('MOT', 'repdetSS'), f('CNC', 'dtrepdet')) trapdet.linear( f('CNC', 'trapdetf') if CNC == True else f('MOT', 'trapdetSS'), f('CNC', 'dttrapdet')) reppow.linear( f('CNC', 'reppowf') if CNC == True else f('MOT', 'reppowSS'), f('CNC', 'dtreppow')) trappow.linear( f('CNC', 'trappowf') if CNC == True else f('MOT', 'trappowSS'), f('CNC', 'dttrappow')) #print motpow.dt() #Extend all ramps to match current total duration print '...CNC = ' + str(CNC) ht = (f('CNC', 'holdtime') if CNC == True else 0.0) #print "holdtime = " + str(ht) ENDCNC = max(motpow.dt(), repdet.dt(), trapdet.dt(), reppow.dt(), trappow.dt(), bfield.dt()) + ht motpow.extend(ENDCNC) #print motpow.dt() repdet.extend(ENDCNC) trapdet.extend(ENDCNC) bfield.extend(ENDCNC) reppow.extend(ENDCNC) trappow.extend(ENDCNC) maxN = int(math.floor((ENDCNC) / ss)) + 1 #print motpow.dt() #print reppow.dt() #print trappow.dt() #print repdet.dt() #print trapdet.dt() #print bfield.dt() #print uvdet.dt() #Up to here you have a Cooled and Compressed MOT # return motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, bfield, ENDCNC
def crossbeam_evap_into_lattice(s, toENDBFIELD): # Add evaporation ramp to ODT, returns sequence right at the end of evaporation free = float(report['EVAP']['free']) image = float(report['EVAP']['image']) buffer = 10.0 #Time needed to re-latch the trigger for the AOUTS if free < buffer + toENDBFIELD: print 'Need at list ' + str( buffer) + 'ms of free evap before evaporation can be triggered' print 'Currently ramps end at %f , and free is %f' % (toENDBFIELD, free) exit(1) s.wait(free) odtpow, ENDEVAP, cpowend, ipganalog = odt_evap(image) # ENDEVAP should be equal to image evap_ss = float(report['EVAP']['evapss']) # Set LCR preset value in the begining of evap 1 is lattice 0 is dimple lcr_preset = float(report['EVAP']['lcr_preset']) lcr1 = lattice.lattice_wave('lcr1', lcr_preset, evap_ss) lcr2 = lattice.lattice_wave('lcr2', lcr_preset, evap_ss) lcr3 = lattice.lattice_wave('lcr3', lcr_preset, evap_ss) lcr1.extend(ENDEVAP) lcr2.extend(ENDEVAP) lcr3.extend(ENDEVAP) # Ramp up IR and green beams irramp1 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['irrampdt1']) irramp2 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['irrampdt2']) irramp3 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['irrampdt3']) irdelay1 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['irdelay1']) irdelay2 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['irdelay2']) irdelay3 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['irdelay3']) ir1 = wfm.wave('ir1pow', 0., evap_ss) ir2 = wfm.wave('ir2pow', 0., evap_ss) ir3 = wfm.wave('ir3pow', 0., evap_ss) loadtime = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['loadtime']) ir1.appendhold(ENDEVAP - loadtime) ir2.appendhold(ENDEVAP - loadtime) ir3.appendhold(ENDEVAP - loadtime) ir1.appendhold(irdelay1) ir2.appendhold(irdelay2) ir3.appendhold(irdelay3) ir1.linear(float(report['INTOLATTICE']['irpow1']), irramp1) ir2.linear(float(report['INTOLATTICE']['irpow2']), irramp2) ir3.linear(float(report['INTOLATTICE']['irpow3']), irramp3) gr1 = wfm.wave('greenpow1', 0., evap_ss) gr2 = wfm.wave('greenpow2', 0., evap_ss) gr3 = wfm.wave('greenpow3', 0., evap_ss) gr1.appendhold(ENDEVAP - loadtime) gr2.appendhold(ENDEVAP - loadtime) gr3.appendhold(ENDEVAP - loadtime) grdelay1 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['grdelay1']) grdelay2 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['grdelay2']) grdelay3 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['grdelay3']) gr1.appendhold(grdelay1) gr2.appendhold(grdelay2) gr3.appendhold(grdelay3) grramp1 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['grrampdt1']) grramp2 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['grrampdt2']) grramp3 = float(report['INTOLATTICE']['grrampdt3']) gr1.linear(float(report['INTOLATTICE']['grpow1']), grramp1) gr2.linear(float(report['INTOLATTICE']['grpow2']), grramp2) gr3.linear(float(report['INTOLATTICE']['grpow3']), grramp3) #end = s.analogwfm_add(evap_ss,[odtpow,ipganalog,ir1,ir2,ir3,gr1,gr2,gr3]) end = s.analogwfm_add( evap_ss, [odtpow, ir1, ir2, ir3, gr1, gr2, gr3, lcr1, lcr2, lcr3]) s.wait(image - loadtime) # Turn on IR lattice beams s.wait(irdelay1) s.digichg('irttl1', float(report['INTOLATTICE']['ir1'])) s.wait(-irdelay1 + irdelay2) s.digichg('irttl2', float(report['INTOLATTICE']['ir2'])) s.wait(-irdelay2 + irdelay3) s.digichg('irttl3', float(report['INTOLATTICE']['ir3'])) s.wait(-irdelay3) s.wait(grdelay1) s.digichg('greenttl1', float(report['INTOLATTICE']['gr1'])) s.wait(-grdelay1 + grdelay2) s.digichg('greenttl2', float(report['INTOLATTICE']['gr2'])) s.wait(-grdelay2 + grdelay3) s.digichg('greenttl3', float(report['INTOLATTICE']['gr3'])) s.wait(-grdelay3) s.wait(loadtime + end - image) return s
# Evaporate into the dimple s, cpowend = odt.crossbeam_dimple_evap(s, toENDBFIELD) buffer = 20. s.wait(buffer) # Go to scattering length zero-crossing fieldF = EVAP.fieldrampfinal if DIMPLE.image > EVAP.fieldrampt0 else FB.bias bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', fieldF, DIMPLE.analogss) if DIMPLE.zct0 > buffer: bfield.appendhold( DIMPLE.zct0 - buffer) bfield.linear(ZC.zcbias, ZC.zcrampdt) bfield.appendhold(ZC.zcdt) #~ shunt = wfm.wave('gradientfield', DIMPLE.finalV, DIMPLE.analogss) #~ shunt.extend( odtpow.dt() ) #~ shunt.appendhold( DIMPLE.zct0 ) #~ shunt.linear( DIMPLE.zcV, ZC.zcrampdt) #~ shunt.appendhold(ZC.zcdt) # Add waveforms gradient = gradient_wave('gradientfield', 0.0,,volt=0) gradient.follow( bfield) s.analogwfm_add(DIMPLE.analogss,[bfield,gradient])
def go_to_highfield(s): #---Keep ODT on odton = gen.bstr('ODT',report) if odton == True: s.digichg('odtttl',1) s.wait(20.0) ss = SEQ.analogstepsize #---Cool and Compress MOT #---ENDCNC is defined as the time up to release from the MOT motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, bfield, ENDCNC = cnc.cncRamps() #---Load UVMOT from CNCMOT uvpow2, uvpow, motpow, bfield, ENDUVMOT = uvmot.uvRamps(motpow, bfield, ENDCNC) repdet.extend(ENDUVMOT) trapdet.extend(ENDUVMOT) reppow.extend(ENDUVMOT) trappow.extend(ENDUVMOT) #---Make sure everything has the same length before setting imaging values #--- Set imaging values camera = 'ANDOR' motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, maxDT = cnc.imagingRamps_nobfield(motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, camera) #---Switch bfield to FESHBACH bfield.appendhold(FB.rampdelay) bfield.linear(, FB.rampbf) bfield.appendhold( FB.feshbachdt) bfield.linear(0.0, 0.0) bfield.appendhold( FB.switchondt + FB.switchdelay + UV.extradt) bfield.linear(FB.bias,FB.rampdt) #---Set the starting voltage for the ODT odtpow0 = odt.odt_wave('odtpow', ODT.odtpow0, ss) odtpow0.extend(ENDUVMOT) #---Change shunt value from motV to hfV before going to highfield shunt = wfm.wave('gradientfield', SHUNT.motV, ss, volt = SHUNT.motV) shunt.extend(ENDUVMOT + FB.rampdelay + FB.rampbf + FB.feshbachdt + UV.extradt) #shunt.linear(SHUNT.hfV, 0.0,volt =SHUNT.hfV) shunt.linear(SHUNT.hfV, 0.0,volt =0.0) wfms = [ motpow, repdet, trapdet, bfield, reppow, trappow, uvpow, uvpow2,odtpow0, shunt] #---Add waveforms to sequence s.analogwfm_add(ss,wfms) #wait normally rounds down using floor, here the duration is changed before so that #the wait is rounded up ENDUVMOT = ss*math.ceil(ENDUVMOT/ss) #---Insert QUICK pulse for fast ramping of the field gradient during CNC s.wait(-10.0) quickval = 1 if gen.bstr('CNC',report) == True else 0 s.digichg('quick',quickval) s.wait(10.0) s.wait(ENDCNC) s.digichg('quick',0) #---Go back in time, shut down the UVAOM's #---UVAOM's were on to keep them warm s.wait(UV.clearaoms) s.digichg('uvaom1',0) s.digichg('uvaom2',0) s.wait(-UV.clearaoms) #---Insert ODT overlap s.wait(-ODT.overlapdt-ODT.servodt) s.digichg('odt7595',1) s.wait(ODT.servodt) s.digichg('odtttl',1) s.wait(ODT.overlapdt) #---Turn OFF red light s.wait(UV.delay_red) s.digichg('motswitch',0) s.digichg('motshutter',1) s.wait(-UV.delay_red) #---Turn ON UVAOM's s.wait(UV.delay_uv) #---make sure to open the shutter: s.wait(UV.openshutter) s.digichg('uvshutter',1) s.wait(-UV.openshutter) s.digichg('uvaom1',1) s.digichg('uvaom2',1) s.wait(-UV.delay_uv) #---Go to MOT release time s.wait(-ENDCNC) s.wait(ENDUVMOT) #---Go to end of field rampdown and set QUICK back to low s.wait(FB.rampdelay+FB.rampbf) s.digichg('quick',0) #---Wait in the UVMOT and then do optical pumping s.wait(UV.extradt) s.wait(-UV.pumptime) s.digichg('uvaom2',0) s.wait(UV.pumptime) #---Turn OFF UVAOM s.digichg('uvaom1',0) #---Close UV shutter waitshutter=UV.closeshutter s.wait(waitshutter) s.digichg('uvshutter',0) s.wait(-waitshutter) #---Turn OFF MOT magnetic field and switch it to FESHBACH s.digichg('field',0) s.wait( FB.feshbachdt ) s.digichg('feshbach',1) s.wait(FB.switchondt) do_quick=1 s.digichg('field',1) s.digichg('hfquick',do_quick) s.digichg('quick',do_quick) #Can't leave quick ON for more than quickmax quickmax=100. s.wait(quickmax) s.digichg('hfquick',0) s.digichg('quick',0) s.wait(-quickmax) # s.wait(FB.switchdelay+FB.rampdt) s.digichg('quick',0) s.wait(-FB.rampdt) s.wait(-FB.switchdelay - FB.switchondt - FB.feshbachdt - ss) #---At this point the time sequence is at ENDUVMOT #---Leave the sequence at the end of the UVMOT, but provide the amount #---of time that it needs to wait to go to ENDBFIELD toENDBFIELD = FB.rampdt + FB.switchdelay + FB.switchondt + FB.feshbachdt return s, toENDBFIELD
sys.path.append('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/utilspy') sys.path.append('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/seqspy') sys.path.append('L:/software/apparatus3/convert') import wfm, numpy import time mod_ss = 0.02 cpow = 6.0 moddt = 200.0 moddepth = 40.0 freq_0 = 10 step = 10 freq_f = 15000 odtpow = wfm.wave('odtpow', None, mod_ss, volt=cpow) set = numpy.arange(freq_0 , freq_0 + step*(numpy.fix((freq_f-freq_0)/step)+1), step) print set print for modfreq in set: t0=time.time() print "...Creating SineMod (cpow=%.2f, moddt=%.2f, modfreq=%.2f, moddepth=%.2f" % (cpow, moddt, modfreq, moddepth) odtpow.SineMod( cpow, moddt, modfreq, moddepth) print '...Time used = %.2f seconds\n' % (time.time()-t0) print ""
def go_to_highfield(s): #Keep ODT on ODT = gen.bstr('ODT', report) if ODT == True: s.digichg('odtttl', 1) s.wait(20.0) ss = float(report['SEQ']['analogstepsize']) # Cool and Compress MOT # ENDCNC is defined as the time up to release from the MOT motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, bfield, ENDCNC = cnc.cncRamps() # Load UVMOT from CNCMOT uvfppiezo, uvpow2, uvpow, motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, bfield, ENDUVMOT = uvcooling_repump.uvcoolRamps_repump( motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, bfield, ENDCNC) # Set imaging values camera = 'ANDOR' motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, maxDT = cnc.imagingRamps_nobfield( motpow, repdet, trapdet, reppow, trappow, camera) # Switch bfield to FESHBACH overlapdt = float(report['ODT']['overlapdt']) rampdelay = float(report['ODT']['rampdelay']) rampbf = float(report['ODT']['rampbf']) bf = float(report['ODT']['bf']) feshbachdt = float(report['ODT']['feshbachdt']) switchondt = float(report['FESHBACH']['switchondt']) switchdelay = float(report['FESHBACH']['switchdelay']) bias = float(report['FESHBACH']['bias']) biasrampdt = float(report['FESHBACH']['rampdt']) bfield.chop(ENDUVMOT - overlapdt, 1) bfield.appendhold(rampdelay) bfield.linear(bf, rampbf) bfield.extend(ENDUVMOT + feshbachdt) bfield.linear(0.0, 0.0) ENDBFIELD = feshbachdt bfield.appendhold(switchondt + switchdelay) bfield.linear(bias, biasrampdt) rampupdt = float(report['ODT']['rampupdt']) updt = float(report['ODT']['updt']) overshootdt = float(report['ODT']['overshootdt']) #~ odtpow0 = wfm.wave('odtpow', 0.0, ss) #~ odtpow0.extend(ENDUVMOT-overlapdt-updt-rampupdt) #~ odtpow0.odt_linear( 0.0 , f('ODT','odtpow0'), rampupdt) #~ odtpow0.appendhold( updt) #~ odtpow0.odt_linear(f('ODT','odtpow0'), f('ODT','odtpow'), overshootdt) odtpow0 = wfm.wave('odtpow', f('ODT', 'odtpow0'), ss) odtpow0.extend(ENDUVMOT - overlapdt) odtpow0.odt_linear(f('ODT', 'odtpow0'), f('ODT', 'odtpow'), overshootdt) EXTRA = max( overshootdt - (bfield.dt() - (ENDUVMOT - overlapdt - updt - rampupdt)), 0.0) print "...EXTRA time to allow for ODT overshoot = %f" % EXTRA #Add waveforms to sequence s.analogwfm_add(ss, [ motpow, repdet, trapdet, bfield, reppow, trappow, uvfppiezo, uvpow, uvpow2, odtpow0 ]) #wait normally rounds down using floor, here the duration is changed before so that #the wait is rounded up ENDUVMOT = ss * math.ceil(ENDUVMOT / ss) #insert QUICK pulse for fast ramping of the field gradient s.wait(-10.0) quickval = 1 if gen.bstr('CNC', report) == True else 0 s.digichg('quick', quickval) s.wait(10.0) #insert UV pulse uvtime = float(report['UV']['uvtime']) s.wait(ENDCNC) s.digichg('quick', 0) s.wait(uvtime) #Shut down the UVAOM's and open the shutter s.wait(-50.0) s.digichg('uvaom1', 0) s.digichg('uvaom2', 0) s.digichg('uvshutter', 1) s.wait(50.0) #Turn on UVAOM s.digichg('uvaom1', 1) s.wait(-uvtime) #Turn on UVAOM2 uvreptime = float(report['UV']['uvreptime']) s.wait(uvreptime) s.digichg('uvaom2', 1) #Tur off RED light s.digichg('motswitch', 0) s.digichg('motshutter', 1) s.wait(-uvreptime) s.wait(-ENDCNC) #Go to MOT release time and set QUICK back to low s.wait(ENDUVMOT) s.digichg('quick', 0) #Turn OFF UVAOM2 for optical pumping pumptime = float(report['UV']['pumptime']) uvhold = float(report['UV']['uvhold']) s.wait(-pumptime) s.digichg('uvaom2', 0) s.wait(pumptime) #Leave UVMOT on for state transfer fstatedt = float(report['ODT']['fstatedt']) s.wait(fstatedt) s.digichg('uvaom1', 0) s.wait(-fstatedt) #Close UV shutter waitshutter = 5.0 s.wait(waitshutter) s.digichg('uvshutter', 0) s.wait(-waitshutter) #Turn OFF MOT magnetic field s.digichg('field', 0) #Insert ODT overlap with UVMOT and switch field to FESHBACH overlapdt = float(report['ODT']['overlapdt']) servodt = float(report['ODT']['servodt']) s.wait(-overlapdt - servodt) s.digichg('odt7595', 1) s.wait(servodt) s.digichg('odtttl', 1) #feshbachdt = rampdelay + rampbf + holdbf s.wait(overlapdt) s.wait(feshbachdt) s.digichg('feshbach', 1) #s.wait(overlapdt - feshbachdt) #s.wait( -feshbachdt) #s.wait(offdelay) #s.wait(2*switchdt) #s.wait(quickdelay) s.wait(switchondt) do_quick = 1 s.digichg('field', 1) s.digichg('hfquick', do_quick) s.digichg('quick', do_quick) #Can't leave quick ON for more than quickmax quickmax = 100. s.wait(quickmax) s.digichg('hfquick', 0) s.digichg('quick', 0) s.wait(-quickmax) s.wait(switchdelay + biasrampdt) s.digichg('quick', 0) s.wait(-biasrampdt) #s.wait(-switchdelay-quickdelay-2*switchdt-offdelay) s.wait(-switchdelay - switchondt - feshbachdt - ss) #At this point the time sequence is at ENDUVMOT #This is the time until the end of the bfield ramp #toENDBFIELD = biasrampdt + switchdelay + quickdelay + 2*switchdt + offdelay toENDBFIELD = biasrampdt + switchdelay + switchondt + feshbachdt return s, toENDBFIELD + EXTRA
#Get hfimg ready s.digichg('hfimg',1) #If using analoghfimg get it ready if ANDOR.analoghfimg == 1: s.digichg('analogimgttl',1) # Do CNC, UVMOT, and field ramps s, toENDBFIELD = highfield_uvmot.go_to_highfield(s) analoghfimg = [] # THis section used to resolve the issue we have probe or bragg kill in dimple section if DL.probekill ==1: if (-DL.probekilltime) > DL.image: analoghfimg = [wfm.wave('analogimg', DL.probekill_hfimg, EVAP.evapss)] elif DL.braggkill == 1: if (-DL.braggkilltime) > DL.image: print "...braggkill will be inserted in DIMPLE part of sequence" hfimgwfm = wfm.wave('analogimg', DL.braggkill_hfimg, EVAP.evapss) analoghfimg = [hfimgwfm] # Evaporate into the dimple s, cpowend = odt.crossbeam_dimple_evap(s, toENDBFIELD,analoghfimg)
if lbf.bindbfield == 1: lbf.bstage2 = lbf.bstage1 #This step size is used in all ramps from here on ir_ss = 0.01 buffer=25.0 #Time needed to re-latch the trigger for the AOUTS s.wait(buffer) ######################################### ## RAMPS TO INTERMEDIATE VALUES ######################################### # Ramp B Field to intermediate value bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', evap.fieldrampfinal ,ir_ss) bfield.appendhold( lbf.brampdelay1 ) bfield.linear( lbf.bstage1, lbf.brampdt1 ) # With respect to the start of the sequence, set QUICK2 pulse s.wait(-lbf.quick2time + lbf.brampdelay1 ) s.digichg('quick2',1) s.wait( lbf.quick2time - lbf.brampdelay1 ) # Ramp up IR and green beams to intermediate value ir1 = lattice.lattice_wave('ir1pow', ir_p0, ir_ss,volt=-11) ir2 = lattice.lattice_wave('ir2pow', ir_p0, ir_ss,volt=-11) ir3 = lattice.lattice_wave('ir3pow', ir_p0, ir_ss,volt=-11) ir1.appendhold( lbf.ir1delay1 ) ir2.appendhold( lbf.ir2delay1 )
if lbf.bindbfield == 1: lbf.bstage2 = lbf.bstage1 #This step size is used in all ramps from here on ir_ss = 0.01 buffer=25.0 #Time needed to re-latch the trigger for the AOUTS s.wait(buffer) ######################################### ## RAMPS TO INTERMEDIATE VALUES ######################################### # Ramp B Field to intermediate value bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', evap.fieldrampfinal ,ir_ss) bfield.appendhold( lbf.brampdelay1 ) bfield.linear( lbf.bstage1, lbf.brampdt1 ) # With respect to the start of the sequence, set QUICK2 pulse s.wait(-lbf.quick2time + lbf.brampdelay1 ) if lbf.usequick2 == 1: s.digichg('quick2',1) else: s.digichg('quick2',0) s.wait( lbf.quick2time - lbf.brampdelay1 ) # Ramp up IR and green beams to intermediate value ir1 = lattice.lattice_wave('ir1pow', ir_p0, ir_ss,volt=-11) ir2 = lattice.lattice_wave('ir2pow', ir_p0, ir_ss,volt=-11)
def constructUVCoolRamps(cam): global report # Initialize channels to MOT SS values and with cncstepsize ss=f('CNC','cncstepsize') motpow = wfm.wave(cnv('motpow',f('MOT','motpow')), ss) repdet = wfm.wave(cnv('repdet',f('MOT','repdetSS')),ss) trapdet = wfm.wave(cnv('trapdet',f('MOT','trapdetSS')),ss) reppow = wfm.wave(cnv('reppow',f('MOT','reppowSS')),ss) trappow = wfm.wave(cnv('trappow',f('MOT','trappowSS')),ss) bfield = wfm.wave(cnv('bfield',f('MOT','bfield')),ss) #Ramp down bfield and trapping beam and motpow bfield.linear( cnv('bfield',f('UVCOOL','uvbfield')), ss) trappow.linear( cnv('trappow',f('UVCOOL','trapP')),ss) motpow.linear( cnv('motpow',f('UVCOOL','motP')),ss) bfield.appendhold(f('UVCOOL','cooldt')-ss) maxCNCdt = max( motpow.dt(), repdet.dt(), trapdet.dt(), bfield.dt() ) DURATION = maxCNCdt motpow.extend( DURATION) repdet.extend( DURATION) trapdet.extend(DURATION) reppow.extend(DURATION) trappow.extend(DURATION) bfield.extend( DURATION) maxN=int(math.floor( (DURATION)/ss))+1 #Insert bfield imaging value at release bfield.linear(cnv('bfield',f(cam,'imgbfield')),0.0) #Insert AOM imaging values 50us after release imgdt=0.2 motpow.appendhold(imgdt) repdet.appendhold(imgdt) trapdet.appendhold(imgdt) reppow.appendhold(imgdt) trappow.appendhold(imgdt) motpow.linear(cnv('motpow',f(cam,'imgpow')),0.0) repdet.linear(cnv('repdet',f(cam,'imgdetrep')),0.0) trapdet.linear(cnv('trapdet',f(cam,'imgdettrap')),0.0) reppow.linear(cnv('reppow',f(cam,'imgpowrep')),0.0) trappow.linear(cnv('trappow',f(cam,'imgpowtrap')),0.0) maxDT = max( motpow.dt(), repdet.dt(), trapdet.dt(), bfield.dt(),\ reppow.dt(), trappow.dt()) motpow.extend(maxDT) repdet.extend(maxDT) trapdet.extend(maxDT) bfield.extend(maxDT) reppow.extend(maxDT) trappow.extend(maxDT) motpow.fileoutput( 'L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/motpow.txt') repdet.fileoutput( 'L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/repdet.txt') trapdet.fileoutput('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/trapdet.txt') bfield.fileoutput( 'L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/bfield.txt') reppow.fileoutput( 'L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/reppow.txt') trappow.fileoutput('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/trappow.txt') return DURATION
import sys, math sys.path.append('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/utilspy') sys.path.append('L:/software/apparatus3/seq/seqspy') sys.path.append('L:/software/apparatus3/convert') import seq, wfm, gen stepsize=0.01 s=seq.sequence(stepsize) s.digichg('field',1) s.wait(50.0) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield',0,stepsize) bfield.appendhold(10.0) bfield.linear(2.0,stepsize) bfield.appendhold(50.0) bfield.linear(0.0,stepsize) bfield.appendhold(stepsize) bfield.fileoutput( 'L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/testcoils.txt') #Add the load trap waveforms duration = s.analogwfm(stepsize,[ \ {'name':'bfield', 'path':'L:/software/apparatus3/seq/ramps/testcoils.txt'} ]) dt=30.0 s.wait(-dt) s.digichg('quick',1) s.wait(dt+10.+5.)
#Get hfimg ready s.digichg('hfimg', 1) #If using analoghfimg get it ready if ANDOR.analoghfimg == 1: s.digichg('analogimgttl', 1) # Do CNC, UVMOT, and field ramps s, toENDBFIELD = highfield_uvmot.go_to_highfield(s) analoghfimg = [] # THis section used to resolve the issue we have probe or bragg kill in dimple section if DL.probekill == 1: if (-DL.probekilltime) > DL.image: analoghfimg = [wfm.wave('analogimg', DL.probekill_hfimg, EVAP.evapss)] elif DL.braggkill == 1: if (-DL.braggkilltime) > DL.image: print "...braggkill will be inserted in DIMPLE part of sequence" hfimgwfm = wfm.wave('analogimg', DL.braggkill_hfimg, EVAP.evapss) analoghfimg = [hfimgwfm] # Evaporate into the dimple s, cpowend = odt.crossbeam_dimple_evap(s, toENDBFIELD, analoghfimg) # Ramp up the lattice s, lastIR = lattice.dimple_to_lattice(s, cpowend) ######################################### ## OTHER TTL EVENTS: probekill, braggkill, rf, quick2
def odt_lightshift(image): evap_ss = f("EVAP", "evapss") p0 = f("ODT", "odtpow") p1 = f("EVAP", "p1") t1 = f("EVAP", "t1") tau = f("EVAP", "tau") beta = f("EVAP", "beta") waitdt = f("UVLS", "waitdt") waitdt2 = f("UVLS", "waitdt2") cdt = f("UVLS", "cdt") cpow = f("UVLS", "cpow") b0 = f("FESHBACH", "bias") bf = 0.0 bdt = f("UVLS", "bdt") bpulse = cnv("bfield", f("UVLS", "bpulse")) dtpulse = f("UVLS", "pulse") bimg = 0.0 uvfreq = f("UVLS", "uvfreq") det = cnv("uvdet", f("UVLS", "uvdet")) power = f("UVLS", "uvpow2") odtpow = wfm.wave("odtpow", cnv("odtpow", p0), evap_ss) bfield = wfm.wave("bfield", cnv("bfield", b0), evap_ss) uv1freq = wfm.wave("uv1freq", 5.905, evap_ss) uvdet = wfm.wave("uvdet", 2.9, evap_ss) uvpow = wfm.wave("uvpow", cnv("uvpow", f("UV", "uvpow")), evap_ss) # uvpow2= wfm.wave('uvpow2', power, evap_ss) uv1freq.linear(uvfreq, 10.0) uvdet.linear(det, 100) uvpow.linear(cnv("uvpow", f("UVLS", "lspow")), 10.0) odtpow.Evap(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, image) bfield.extend(odtpow.dt()) bfield.linear(bpulse, bdt) bfield.appendhold(waitdt) odtpow.extend(bfield.dt()) odtpow.linear(cnv("odtpow", cpow), cdt) odtpow.appendhold(waitdt2) bfield.extend(odtpow.dt()) ENDC = max(odtpow.dt(), bfield.dt()) hframpdt = f("UVLS", "hframpdt") bfield.appendhold(dtpulse) bfield.linear(cnv("bfield", b0), hframpdt) # bfield.linear( 0.0, evap_ss) totalDT = bfield.dt() odtpow.extend(totalDT) uv1freq.extend(totalDT) uvdet.extend(totalDT) return odtpow, bfield, uv1freq, uvdet, uvpow, ENDC
def odt_lightshift(image): evap_ss = f('EVAP', 'evapss') p0 = f('ODT', 'odtpow') p1 = f('EVAP', 'p1') t1 = f('EVAP', 't1') tau = f('EVAP', 'tau') beta = f('EVAP', 'beta') waitdt = f('UVLS', 'waitdt') waitdt2 = f('UVLS', 'waitdt2') cdt = f('UVLS', 'cdt') cpow = f('UVLS', 'cpow') b0 = f('FESHBACH', 'bias') bf = 0.0 bdt = f('UVLS', 'bdt') bpulse = cnv('bfield', f('UVLS', 'bpulse')) dtpulse = f('UVLS', 'pulse') bimg = 0.0 uvfreq = f('UVLS', 'uvfreq') det = cnv('uvdet', f('UVLS', 'uvdet')) power = f('UVLS', 'uvpow2') odtpow = wfm.wave('odtpow', cnv('odtpow', p0), evap_ss) bfield = wfm.wave('bfield', cnv('bfield', b0), evap_ss) uv1freq = wfm.wave('uv1freq', 5.905, evap_ss) uvdet = wfm.wave('uvdet', 2.9, evap_ss) uvpow = wfm.wave('uvpow', cnv('uvpow', f('UV', 'uvpow')), evap_ss) #uvpow2= wfm.wave('uvpow2', power, evap_ss) uv1freq.linear(uvfreq, 10.0) uvdet.linear(det, 100) uvpow.linear(cnv('uvpow', f('UVLS', 'lspow')), 10.0) odtpow.Evap(p0, p1, t1, tau, beta, image) bfield.extend(odtpow.dt()) bfield.linear(bpulse, bdt) bfield.appendhold(waitdt) odtpow.extend(bfield.dt()) odtpow.linear(cnv('odtpow', cpow), cdt) odtpow.appendhold(waitdt2) bfield.extend(odtpow.dt()) ENDC = max(odtpow.dt(), bfield.dt()) hframpdt = f('UVLS', 'hframpdt') bfield.appendhold(dtpulse) bfield.linear(cnv('bfield', b0), hframpdt) #bfield.linear( 0.0, evap_ss) totalDT = bfield.dt() odtpow.extend(totalDT) uv1freq.extend(totalDT) uvdet.extend(totalDT) return odtpow, bfield, uv1freq, uvdet, uvpow, ENDC