def show_create_post_select_page(self): questions = [ { 'type': 'list', 'name': 'action', 'message': 'select a topic to post to:', 'choices': [] } ] for group in self.provider.show_groups(): questions[0]['choices'].append({'name': '-' + group.groupname, 'value': group.gid}) questions[0]['choices'].append('exit') questions[0]['choices'].append('back') answers = prompt(questions) action = answers['action'] if action == 'exit': self.state = ExitState() elif action == 'back': self.state = GroupsState() else: gid = action questions = [{'type': 'input','name': 'msg','message': 'message:'}] answers = prompt(questions) msg = answers['msg'] self.state = self.state.on_event(self.provider, gid, msg)
def run(): if len(sys.argv) <= 1: show_help() else: command = sys.argv[1].lower() if command == "courses": print_courses() elif command == "setup": setup() elif command == "download": course_ids = get_course_choices("Select courses to download") if 3 <= len(sys.argv): output_dir = os.path.expanduser(sys.argv[2]) else: output_dir = os.getcwd() for course_id in course_ids: download_files(course_id, output_dir) elif command == "sync": config = get_config() sync(config) elif command == "config": verify = [{ "type": "rawlist", "message": "Select which variables you want to change", "name": "verification", "choices": ["Download directory", "Selected courses", "Both", "Exit"] }] answer = prompt(verify)["verification"] if answer == "Exit": exit() if answer == "Download directory" or answer == "Both": directory_question = [({ "type": "input", "message": "Enter your preferred download directory. Leave empty to reset.", "name": "directory" })] directory_answer = prompt(directory_question) output_directory = directory_answer["directory"] if output_directory == "": output_directory = "~/UforaFileFetcher" write_to_config("output_directory", output_directory) if answer == "Selected courses" or answer == "Both": course_ids = get_course_choices( "Select courses to add to config") write_to_config("courses", course_ids) print(answer) else: show_help()
def resolve(*, hgclient, bzapi, patch: Patch, validator: Validator): repo = hgclient.paths(name=b'default').decode(encoding='UTF-8').split('@')[1] bugdata = bzapi.getbug(patch.bug) bug_status_check(bugdata=bugdata, patch=patch, validator=validator) if patch.type == "backout": comment = f"Backed out for {patch.reason}\n" else: comment = f"https://{repo}rev/{patch.hash.decode(encoding='UTF-8')}\n" if hgclient.outgoing(revrange=patch.hash): validator.fatal(f"Patch {patch} doesn't appear to have landed.") version = get_version(hgclient, rev=patch.hash, validator=validator) info(f"Patch {patch} is against {version.component} {version.number}") info(f"Adding comment to bug {patch.bug}:") if patch.type == 'patch': log(comment) update = None if "leave-open" in bugdata.keywords: answers = prompt([{'type': 'confirm', 'message': 'Submit this comment and leave the bug open?', 'name': 'leaveopen'}]) if answers['leaveopen']: update = bzapi.build_update(comment=comment, target_milestone=version.number, keywords_remove="checkin-needed") else: answers = prompt([{'type': 'confirm', 'message': 'Submit this comment and resolve the bug?', 'name': 'resolve'}]) if answers['resolve']: update = bzapi.build_update(comment=comment, status="RESOLVED", resolution="FIXED", target_milestone=version.number, keywords_remove="checkin-needed") #breakpoint() if update is not None: bzapi.update_bugs([patch.bug], update) info(f"Updated {bugdata.weburl}") elif patch.type == 'backout': log(comment) answers = prompt([{'type': 'confirm', 'message': 'Submit this comment and reopen the bug?', 'name': 'resolve'}]) if answers['resolve']: update = bzapi.build_update(comment=comment, status="REOPENED", resolution="---", target_milestone="---") #breakpoint() bzapi.update_bugs([patch.bug], update) info(f"Reopened {bugdata.weburl}") else: validator.fatal(f"Unknown patch type: {patch.type}")
def chapterSelection(): """ :returns array os strings pointing to chapters to be composed """ manga_dir = mangas = list(manga_dir.iterdir()) if len(mangas) <= 0: return Path, [] # manga selection manga_options = { 'type': 'list', 'name': 'manga', 'message': 'Pick manga', 'choices': alphabetic_prompt_list(map(lambda path:[-1], mangas)), 'filter': lambda val: mangas[mangas.index( / Path(val))] } manga: Path = Path() try: manga = prompt(manga_options)['manga'] manga = Path(manga) except KeyError as e: print(e) return Path, [] # select chapters chapter_option = { 'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'chapters', 'message': 'Select chapters to compose', 'choices': sorted([{ 'name':[-1] } for i in manga.iterdir() if not is_folder_static([-1])], key=lambda val: numerical_sort(val['name'])), } # if no chapters if len(chapter_option['choices']) <= 0: return manga, [] try: chapters = prompt(chapter_option)['chapters'] chapters = map(lambda path: manga / Path(path), chapters) except KeyError as e: print(e) return manga, [] return manga, list(chapters)
def groups_page(self): groups = self.provider.show_groups() print("Welcome {} \n \nTopics you are currently part of :".format(self.provider.username)) for group in groups: print( '-' + group.groupname) print() questions = [ { 'type': 'list', 'name': 'action', 'message': 'What do you want to do?', 'choices': [ 'create a post', 'view posts from topics you follow', 'view posts from users you follow\n', 'follow a new topic', 'create a topic\n', 'view users you are following', 'follow a new user', 'stop following a user\n', 'exit' ] } ] answers = prompt(questions) action = answers['action'] self.state = self.state.on_event(self.provider, action)
def run_action_release_manager(): all_releases = { raiden.release: raiden for raiden in RAIDEN_CLIENT_DEFAULT_CLASS.get_available_releases() } release_selection = prompt({ "name": "releases", "type": "checkbox", "message": Messages.input_release_manager, "choices": [{ "name": raiden.version, "value": raiden, "checked": raiden.is_installed } for raiden in all_releases.values()], }) to_install = [release for release in release_selection["releases"]] for raiden in all_releases.values(): if raiden.is_installed and raiden.version not in to_install: print(f"Uninstalling {raiden.version}") raiden.uninstall() continue if not raiden.is_installed and raiden.version in to_install: print(f"Installing {raiden.version}. This might take some time...") raiden.install() continue return main_prompt()
def encounter2b(): prompt( { 'type': 'list', 'name': 'weapon', 'message': 'Pick one', 'choices': [ 'Use the stick', 'Grab a large rock', 'Try and make a run for it', 'Attack the wolf unarmed' ] }, style=style) print('The wolf mauls you. You die. The end.')
def show_friends_posts_page(self): print("Here all the posts from users you follow\n") posts = self.provider.show_friends_posts() questions = [ { 'type': 'list', 'name': 'action', 'message': 'select a post to see likes/comments:', 'choices': [] } ] questions[0]['choices'].append('exit\n') questions[0]['choices'].append('back\n') for post in posts: message ='topic: ' + post.groupname + '\n time: ' + post.timestamp.strftime('%H:%M %b %d %Y') + '\n user: '******'\n ' + self.provider.replace_special_characters(post.msg) + '\n likes: ' + str(post.likes) + '\n' questions[0]['choices'].append({'name': message, 'value': + ' ' + str(post.gid)}) if(len(posts) < 1): print("there are no posts here. try following more people.") answers = prompt(questions) self.state = self.state.on_event(answers['action'])
def prompt(self): # choose a manga manga_title = self._menu.prompt() if manga_title == 'Exit': return # construct new checbox menu for this checkbox_choices = [{ 'name': chapter.title } for chapter in self.informative[manga_title]] selected_names = prompt( dict(type='checkbox', name='updates', message=manga_title, choices=checkbox_choices))['updates'] # nothing selected if not selected_names: return selected = list( filter(lambda chapter: chapter.title in selected_names, self.informative[manga_title])) manga = list( filter( lambda key: self.updates[key] == self.informative[manga_title], self.updates.keys()))[0] with Loader("Parse Info"): manga, all_chapters = manga.parse() from import selective_download selective_download(manga, all_chapters, selected, update=True)
def __verify_if_session_file_exists(data_filenames, username, question_overwrite): if username in data_filenames: answer_overwrite = prompt(question_overwrite, style=menu_style) if answer_overwrite['overwrite_data']: __delete_session_data(str(user_data_folder_path + '/' + username)) else: session_manager()
def run_action_release_manager(): release_selection = prompt({ "name": "releases", "type": "checkbox", "message": Messages.input_release_manager, "choices": [{ "name": raiden.version, "value": raiden, "checked": raiden.is_installed } for raiden in RELEASE_MAP.values()], }) to_install = [release for release in release_selection["releases"]] for raiden in RELEASE_MAP.values(): if raiden.is_installed and raiden.version not in to_install: print(f"Uninstalling {raiden.version}") raiden.uninstall() continue if not raiden.is_installed and raiden.version in to_install: print(f"Installing {raiden.version}. This might take some time...") raiden.install() continue return main_prompt()
def websocketSettingsMenu(logger): menu = [ { 'type': 'input', 'name': 'websocketPort', 'message': 'Enter a Websocket-Port [5050]: ', 'default': str(logger.config['websocket']['port']) }, { 'type': 'password', 'name': 'websocketpassword', 'message': 'Enter a Websocket-Password (leave blank for unsecured Websocket): ', 'default': str(logger.config['websocket']['password']) }, { 'type': 'confirm', 'name': 'websocketserver', 'message': 'Enable the Websocket-Server? ', 'default': str(logger.config['websocket']['active']) }, ] main = prompt(menu, style=style) logger.config['websocket']['active'] = bool(main['websocketserver']) logger.config['websocket']['port'] = int(main['websocketPort']) logger.config['websocket']['password'] = str(main['websocketpassword']) logger.save_config()
def prompt_for_project(ctx, entity): """Ask the user for a project, creating one if necessary.""" result = ctx.invoke(projects, entity=entity, display=False) try: if len(result) == 0: project = click.prompt("Enter a name for your first project") #description = editor() project = api.upsert_project(project, entity=entity)["name"] else: project_names = [project["name"] for project in result] question = { 'type': 'list', 'name': 'project_name', 'message': "Which project should we use?", 'choices': project_names + ["Create New"] } project = whaaaaat.prompt([question])['project_name'] # TODO: check with the server if the project exists if project == "Create New": project = click.prompt("Enter a name for your new project", value_proc=api.format_project) #description = editor() project = api.upsert_project(project, entity=entity)["name"] except wandb.api.CommError as e: raise ClickException(str(e)) return project
def select(choices): cache = {} c = [] for i in choices: x = Choice( authors=i['authors'], journal=i['journal'], title=i['title'], filename=i['filename'], dbname=i['dbname'], ) choice = {"name": "{}".format(x)} cache['{}!{}!1!0'.format(i['filename'], i['dbname'])] = x c.append(choice) questions = [{ 'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'documents', 'choices': c, 'message': 'Please select documents you want to export', }] answers = prompt(questions) result = [] for i in answers["documents"]: result.append(cache[i.split("[")[1].split("]")[0]]) return result
def setup(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("setup") parser.add_argument("--username") parser.add_argument("--password") args = parser.parse_args() username = args.username password = args.password questions = [] if not username: questions.append({ "type": "input", "message": "Enter your Ufora username", "name": "username" }) if not password: questions.append({ "type": "password", "message": "Enter your Ufora password", "name": "password" }) answers = prompt(questions) username = answers["username"] password = answers["password"] session = get_session(username, password) if session is None: print("Invalid login credentials") return with open("credentials.json", "w+") as f: f.write(json.dumps({"username": username, "password": password})) print("Setup complete!")
def main(): ports = [] actions = [{ 'type': 'list', 'name': MAIN_ACTION, 'message': '¿Qué deseas hacer?', 'choices': [ ADD_NODE, MINE, 'Cerrar' ], }] keep_open = True while keep_open: answer = None while not answer: os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') answer = prompt(actions).get(MAIN_ACTION) if answer == ADD_NODE: port, prob = add_node() ports.append((port, prob)) elif answer == MINE: mine(ports) else: keep_open = False
def inspectDevicesMenu(logger): main = "" while not main == 'Back': devices = logger.devicenames.keys() states = [] for dev in devices: states.append(logger.pluginStatus[dev]) devicetexts = [] for idx, dev in enumerate(devices): stat = states[idx] if stat: stat = ": Running" else: stat = ": Stopped" devicetexts.append(dev + stat) devicetexts.append('Back') menu = [{ 'type': 'list', 'name': 'menu', 'message': 'Select a device', 'choices': devicetexts }] main = prompt(menu, style=style) main = main['menu'] if not main == 'Back': inspectDeviceMenu(main, logger) return main
def choose_rigging(rigging=None): choices = [] for c_rigging in rigging: rigging_name = c_rigging.get("rigging_name") platform = c_rigging.get("platform") choices.append("[R] %-15s [P] %-s" % (rigging_name, platform)) questions = [ { 'type': 'list', 'name': 'rigging_choice', 'message': 'Which rigging would you like to choose?', 'choices': choices } ] style = style_from_dict({ Token.Selected: '#00FFFF bold', }) answers = prompt(questions, style=style) choice = answers.get('rigging_choice') for c_rigging in rigging: rigging_name = c_rigging.get("rigging_name") platform = c_rigging.get("platform") if choice == "[R] %-15s [P] %-s" % (rigging_name, platform): return c_rigging return None
def execute(self, *args, **kwargs): questions = [{ 'type': 'input', 'name': 'image_with_tag', 'message': 'What\'s your image repo ', }] answers = prompt(questions) return answers
def prompt(question): input_type = (not ('input_type' in question)) or question.pop('input_type') answers = whaaaaat.prompt(question) if input_type == 'integer' and not answers['value'].isdigit(): question['input_type'] = input_type return prompt(question) return answers['value']
def login_page(self): questions = [{'type': 'input','name': 'username','message': 'username:'******'type': 'password', 'name': 'password', 'message': 'password:'******'username'] password = answers['password'] self.state = self.state.on_event(self.provider, username, password)
def __prompt_continue(self): to_continue = [{ 'type': 'confirm', 'name': 'continue', 'message': "Continue categorizing?", 'default': False }] return prompt(to_continue)["continue"]
def __verify_if_session_file_exists(self): if self.username in self.data_filenames: answer_overwrite = prompt(self.question_overwrite, style=menu_style) if answer_overwrite['overwrite_data']: self.__delete_session_data(user_data_folder_path / self.username) return answer_overwrite['overwrite_data'] return True
def ask_direction(): directions_prompt = { 'type': 'list', 'name': 'direction', 'message': 'Which direction would you like to go?', 'choices': ['Forward', 'Right', 'Left', 'Back'] } answers = prompt(directions_prompt) return answers['direction']
def confirm(message, default=False): question = [{ 'type': 'confirm', 'name': 'answer', 'message': message, 'default': default }] answer = prompt(question)["answer"] return answer
def main(): questions = [{ 'type': 'input', 'name': 'first_name', 'message': 'What\'s your first name' }] answers = prompt(questions) print_json(answers)
def process_patches(*, hgclient, bzapi, revrange: str, patches: list, validator: Validator): bug = None version = get_version(hgclient, rev=revrange, validator=validator) info(f"Patchset {revrange} is against {version.component} {version.number}") if len(patches) != 1: raise Exception("One at a time right now") for patch in patches: if patch.type is 'tag': continue if bug is None: bug = patch.bug elif bug != patch.bug: validator.fatal(f"Multiple bugs in one revrange: {bug}, {patch.bug}") bugdata = bzapi.getbug(patch.bug) info(bugdata.__str__()) log(f"Component: {bugdata.component}") log(bugdata.weburl) log(bugdata.status) log(bugdata.type) log(f"Version: {bugdata.version}") log(f"Target: {bugdata.target_milestone}") if bugdata.component != version.component and bugdata.product != version.component: validator.fatal(f"Bug component mismatch. Bug is for {bugdata.product}::{bugdata.component}, but we're in {version.component}") if bugdata.target_milestone != version.number: validator.warn(f"Bug target milestone ({bugdata.target_milestone}) is not set to {version.number}") bug_status_check(bugdata=bugdata, patch=patch, validator=validator) answers = prompt([{'type': 'confirm', 'message': 'Push and resolve bug?', 'name': 'push'}]) if answers['push']: log("Now run:") info(f" hg push -r {revrange}") if prompt([{'type': 'confirm', 'message': 'Was your push successful?', 'name': 'push'}])['push']: resolve(hgclient=hgclient, bzapi=bzapi, patch=patch, validator=validator)
def validate_prompt(questions, error_message=None): is_validated = False while not is_validated: try: answers = prompt(questions) is_validated = True except (ValidationError, TypeError): msg = error_message or "Error validating provided information, try again." print(msg) return answers
def session_manager(): __create_user_data_folder() data_filenames = __get_user_data_filenames() questions_menu, question_overwrite = __prepare_questions(data_filenames) answers_menu = prompt(questions_menu, style=menu_style) try: username, save_session = __verify_answers(answers_menu, data_filenames, question_overwrite) except KeyError: exit() return username, save_session
def warn(self, message): self.warnings.append(message) print(Fore.YELLOW + "[WARN] " + message) if self.ask: answers = prompt([{ "type": "confirm", "message": "Proceed anyway?", "name": "okay" }]) if not answers["okay"]: exit()
def execute(self, *args, **kwargs): try: questions = [ { 'type': 'input', 'name': 'image_with_tag', 'message': 'What\'s your image repo ', } ] answers = prompt(questions) except Exception as e: Logger.warn("Failed to detect image repo. Windows console don't support prompt action.") Logger.warn("Jenkinsfile and docker-compose.yml may not be generated completely.") answers = {"image_with_tag": "[IMAGE_WITH_TAG]"} return answers
def create_config(config_path, new_config=None): logger.debug("default_config: {}".format(new_config)) if not new_config: new_config = default_config for section, questions in config_questions.items(): if not new_config.get(section): new_config[section] = prompt(questions) logger.debug("Creating Config => {}".format(new_config)) config = cfgcaddy.config.LinkerConfig( config_file_path=config_path, default_config=new_config) config.write_config() return config
def user_confirm(question, default=True): """Ask the user to confirm a choice Args: question (string): a string that is presented to the user. default (string): the answer if the user just hits <Enter>. It must be True, False or None (meaning an answer is required of the user). Returns "answer" return value is True for "yes" or False for "no". """ return prompt([{ "type": "confirm", "name": "ok", "message": question, "default": default }]).get("ok")