class TwitterUser(WhamModel): id = WhamIntegerField(primary_key=True) text = WhamTextField() screen_name = WhamTextField(unique=True, wham_can_lookup=True) #this is dodgy, because this should really be a oneToMany field which you have # to specify as a FK on the other model (which can be annoying!) tweets = WhamManyToManyField( # # user_id=23234 'Tweet', related_name='users', wham_endpoint='statuses/user_timeline', wham_pk_param='user_id', wham_params={ 'count': 200, 'exclude_replies': 'true', 'include_rts': 'false', }) class Meta: db_table = 'twitter_user' class WhamMeta(TwitterMeta): endpoint = 'users/show' url_pk_type = 'querystring' url_pk_param = 'user_id' # def __unicode__(self): return self.screen_name
class SpotifyTrack(WhamModel): id = WhamCharField(max_length=255, primary_key=True) name = WhamTextField() href = WhamTextField(null=True) popularity = WhamIntegerField(null=True) track_number = WhamIntegerField(null=True) uri = WhamTextField(null=True) type = WhamTextField(null=True) preview_url = WhamTextField(null=True) artists = WhamManyToManyField('SpotifyArtist', related_name='tracks') class WhamMeta(SpotifyMeta): endpoint = 'tracks' class Search: endpoint = 'search' params = {'type': 'track'} results_path = ('tracks', 'items') class Meta: db_table = 'spotify_track' def __unicode__(self): return
class Person(WhamModel): id = models.CharField(max_length=255, primary_key=True) name = WhamTextField() class WhamMeta(FreebaseMeta): endpoint = 'topic'
class FacebookUser(WhamModel): id = WhamCharField(max_length=255, primary_key=True) username = WhamTextField(unique=True) name = WhamTextField() gender = WhamTextField() first_name = WhamTextField() last_name = WhamTextField() class Meta: db_table = 'facebook_user' class WhamMeta(FacebookMeta): endpoint = '' def __unicode__(self): return
class FreebaseMusicbrainzArtist(WhamModel): id = WhamCharField(max_length=255, primary_key=True) name = WhamTextField(wham_result_path=('property', '/type/object/name', 'values', 0, 'value')) origin_text = WhamTextField(wham_result_path=('property', '/music/artist/origin', 'values', 0, 'text')) place_of_birth = WhamTextField( wham_result_path=('property', '/people/person/place_of_birth', 'values', 0, 'text')) class WhamMeta(FreebaseMeta): endpoint = 'topic/authority/musicbrainz/artist' # country/place for band is in: # /music/artist/origin # country/place for solo performer is #/people/person/place_of_birth # also of use (solo artist) # /music/artist/active_end: {}, # /music/artist/active_start: {}, # /music/artist/album: {}, # /music/artist/contribution: {}, # /music/artist/genre: {}, # /music/artist/track: {}, # /music/artist/track_contributions: {}, #(band stuff) # /music/artist/active_end: {}, # /music/artist/active_start: {}, # /music/artist/album: {}, # /music/artist/concert_tours: {}, # /music/artist/genre: {}, # /music/artist/home_page: {}, # /music/artist/label: {}, # /music/artist/origin: {}, # /music/artist/track: {}, # /music/musical_group/member: {},
class SpotifyArtist(WhamModel): id = WhamCharField(max_length=255, primary_key=True) name = WhamTextField() href = WhamTextField(null=True) popularity = WhamIntegerField(null=True) uri = WhamTextField(null=True) albums = WhamManyToManyField( 'SpotifyAlbum', related_name='artists', wham_endpoint='artists/{{id}}/albums', wham_results_path=('items',) ) # TODO: # tracks = WhamManyToManyField( # 'SpotifyTrack', # # related_name='artists', # wham_endpoint='artists/{{id}}/albums', # wham_results_path=('items',) # ) class Meta: db_table = 'spotify_artist' class WhamMeta(SpotifyMeta): endpoint = 'artists' # i reckon this stuff should really be in Manager, as it has more to do with filter() # which is a Manager method class Search: endpoint = 'search' params = {'type': 'artist'} results_path = ('artists', 'items') def __unicode__(self): return
class ProgrammingLanguage(WhamModel): id = WhamCharField(max_length=255, primary_key=True) name = WhamTextField(wham_result_path=('property', '/type/object/name', 'values', 0, 'value')) # language_designers = models.ManyToManyField('Person') class WhamMeta(FreebaseMeta): endpoint = 'topic' def __unicode__(self): return
class SpotifyAlbum(WhamModel): # objects = WhamManager() id = WhamCharField(max_length=255, primary_key=True) name = WhamTextField() release_date = WhamTextField(null=True) popularity = WhamIntegerField(null=True, wham_detailed=True) class Meta: db_table = 'spotify_album' class WhamMeta(SpotifyMeta): endpoint = 'albums' # search_endpoint = 'search' # search_extra_params = {'type': 'album'} # search_results_path = ('albums', 'items') def __unicode__(self): return
class SoundcloudTrack(WhamModel): id = models.CharField(max_length=255, primary_key=True) title = WhamTextField() track_type = WhamTextField(null=True) stream_url = WhamTextField(null=True) playback_count = WhamIntegerField(null=True) class Meta: db_table = 'soundcloud_track' class WhamMeta(SoundcloudMeta): url_postfix = '.json' endpoint = 'tracks/' class Search: endpoint = 'tracks' fields = ('title',) def __unicode__(self): return self.title
class EventbriteEvent(WhamModel): id = WhamCharField(max_length=255, primary_key=True) name = WhamTextField(wham_result_path=('name', 'text')) resource_uri = WhamTextField() url = WhamTextField() capacity = WhamIntegerField() venue = WhamForeignKey( EventbriteVenue, null=True ) #this should be a foreign key! But we only support m2m so far. class WhamMeta(EventbriteMeta): endpoint = 'events' class Search: endpoint = 'events/search' results_path = ('events', ) class Meta: db_table = 'eventbrite_event' def __unicode__(self): return
class MusicbrainzArtist(WhamModel): id = WhamCharField(max_length=255, primary_key=True) name = WhamTextField() country = WhamCharField(max_length=255, null=True) class WhamMeta(MusicbrainzMeta): endpoint = 'artist/' class Meta: db_table = 'musicbrainz_artist' def __unicode__(self): return
class DeezerTrack(WhamModel): id = WhamCharField(max_length=255, primary_key=True) title = WhamTextField( ) #TODO: this shouldn't be required if json property is same as django fieldname rank = WhamIntegerField(null=True) bpm = WhamFloatField(null=True) track_position = WhamIntegerField(null=True) # examples: # id: 3135556, # readable: true, # title: "Harder Better Faster Stronger", # isrc: "GBDUW0000059", # link: "", # duration: 225, # track_position: 4, # disk_number: 1, # rank: 757802, # explicit_lyrics: false, # preview: "", # bpm: 123.5, # gain: -6.48, # available_countries: [], # artist: {}, # album: {}, # type: "track" class Meta: db_table = 'deezer_track' class WhamMeta(DeezerMeta): endpoint = 'track' # does not currently work as Wham search is currently limited to name__icontains #TODO # class Search: # endpoint = 'search/track' # results_path = ('data',) # fields = ('title',) #actually only uses one for now def __unicode__(self): return self.title
class LastFmArtist(WhamModel): name = WhamTextField(primary_key=True) mbid = WhamCharField( max_length=255, null=True, wham_can_lookup=True ) #this *would* be unique & not nullable, but lasfm doesn't always know it class Meta: db_table = 'lastfm_artist' class WhamMeta(LastFmMeta): endpoint = '' params = {'method': 'artist.getInfo'} detail_base_result_path = ('artist', ) url_pk_type = 'querystring' url_pk_param = 'artist' def __unicode__(self): return
class Tweet(WhamModel): id = WhamIntegerField(primary_key=True) text = WhamTextField() created_at = WhamDateTimeField(wham_format=CREATED_AT_FORMAT) retweet_count = WhamIntegerField(null=True) favourites_count = WhamIntegerField(null=True) class Meta(): ordering = ('-created_at', ) class WhamMeta(TwitterMeta): endpoint = 'statuses/show' def __unicode__(self): return self.text def _repr_html_(self): return render_to_string('wham/twitter/ipython_notebook/tweet.html', {'tweet': self})
class EventbriteVenue(WhamModel): id = WhamCharField(max_length=255, primary_key=True) name = WhamTextField() latitude = WhamFloatField() longitude = WhamFloatField() city = WhamTextField(wham_result_path=('address', 'city'), null=True) country = WhamTextField(wham_result_path=('address', 'country'), null=True) region = WhamTextField(wham_result_path=('address', 'region'), null=True) address_1 = WhamTextField(wham_result_path=('address', 'address_1'), null=True) address_2 = WhamTextField(wham_result_path=('address', 'address_2'), null=True) country_name = WhamTextField(wham_result_path=('address', 'country_name'), null=True) class Meta: db_table = 'eventbrite_venue' def __unicode__(self): return