Esempio n. 1
def generate_slug(name, language="en", max_length=100,
    """ generate a slug based on a title / sentence """
    from wheelcms_axle.stopwords import stopwords
    import re

    name = name.lower()
    name_no_stopwords = " ".join(x for x in name.split()
                                 if x not in set(stopwords.get(language, [])))
    slug = re.sub("[^%s]+" % allowed, "-",
    slug = re.sub("-+", "-", slug)
    return slug or default
Esempio n. 2
    def clean_slug(self):
        if self.attach:

        slug ="slug", "").strip().lower()

        language ="language", settings.FALLBACK)

        ## XXX move the whole slug generation / stopwords stuff to separate method
        title = self.cleaned_data.get("title", "").lower()
        title_no_sw = " ".join(x for x in title.split() if x not in set(stopwords.get(language, [])))

        parent_path = self.parent.get_path(language=language)

        if not slug:
            slug = re.sub("[^%s]+" % Node.ALLOWED_CHARS, "-", title_no_sw)[: Node.MAX_PATHLEN].strip("-")
            slug = re.sub("-+", "-", slug)

            ## slug may be empty now by all space/stopwords/dash removal
            if not slug:
                slug = "node"
            existing = Node.get(path=parent_path + "/" + slug, language=language)

            base_slug = slug[: Node.MAX_PATHLEN - 6]  ## some space for counter
            count = 1
            while (existing and existing != self.node) or (slug in self.reserved):
                slug = base_slug + str(count)
                existing = Node.get(path=self.parent.path + "/" + slug, language=language)

                count += 1

        if slug in self.reserved:
            raise forms.ValidationError("This is a reserved name")

        if not Node.validpathre.match(slug):
            raise forms.ValidationError("Only numbers, letters, _-")
        existing = Node.get(path=parent_path + "/" + slug, language=language)
        if existing and existing != self.node:
            raise forms.ValidationError("Name in use")

        return slug