Esempio n. 1
	def makeurl(self, base_url, name, query, fragment):
		This is the same as what urlparse.urlunsplit does, except
		that it knows 'base_url' should be used as-is, and to 
		add .html to name.
		url = base_url + name + '.html'
		url += ifelse(query and len(query), '?' + query, '')
		url += ifelse(fragment and len(fragment), '#' + fragment, '')

		return url
Esempio n. 2
    def makeurl(self, base_url, name, query, fragment):
		This is the same as what urlparse.urlunsplit does, except
		that it knows 'base_url' should be used as-is, and to 
		add .html to name.
        url = base_url + name + '.html'
        url += ifelse(query and len(query), '?' + query, '')
        url += ifelse(fragment and len(fragment), '#' + fragment, '')

        return url
Esempio n. 3
def span(context, classname=None, style=None, id=None, text=None):
	|!Usage|{{{<<span class style id text>>}}}|
	|!Description|Create an inline element (like <span>).|
	|!Example|{{{<<span "foo" "color:red; font-weight: bold;" "id456" "I am //italic// here">>}}}|
	|!Result|<<span "foo" "color:red; font-weight: bold;" "id456" "I am //italic// here">>|
	|!Notes|Generally speaking, this is meant to be used to create empty elements that are subsequently populated via Javascript. However, the {{{text}}} argument will be evaluated as wikitext so you can insert content directly, if desired.<br><br>Use an empty string to leave an attribute undefined.|
    classname = ifelse(classname is not None, classname.text, None)
    style = ifelse(style is not None, style.text, None)
    id = ifelse(id is not None, id.text, None)

    span = SPAN(classname, style, id)
    if text is not None:
        span.append(eval_wiki_text(context, text.text))

    return span
Esempio n. 4
def div(context, classname=None, style=None, id=None, text=None):
	|!Usage|{{{<<div class style id text>>}}}|
	|!Description|Create a block element (like <div>).|
	|!Example|{{{<<div "foo" "color:green; border: 1px solid red;" "id123" "I am //italic// here">>}}}|
	|!Result|<<div "foo" "color:green; border: 1px solid red;" "id123" "I am //italic// here">>|
	|!Notes|Generally speaking, this is meant to be used to create empty elements that are subsequently populated via Javascript. However, the {{{text}}} argument will be evaluated as wikitext so you can insert content directly, if desired.<br><br>Use an empty string to leave an attribute undefined.|
    classname = ifelse(classname is not None, classname.text, None)
    style = ifelse(style is not None, style.text, None)
    id = ifelse(id is not None, id.text, None)

    div = DIV(classname, style, id)
    if text is not None:
        div.append(eval_wiki_text(context, text.text))

    return div
Esempio n. 5
def HEAD(encoding='utf-8',
    head = u''
    #head += u"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n"""
    head += u"""<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<!-- Generated by WikklyText, -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="%s; charset=%s"/>
""" % (pre_head, content_type_for_xhtml(reqheaders), encoding)

    # add stylesheet
    head += u'<link href="%s" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>' % \
      ifelse(len(baseurl), '%s/%s' % (baseurl,stylesheet), stylesheet)

    # add extra styling
    head += u'<style type="text/css">%s</style>' % styletext

    # add favicon
    head += u'<link rel="shortcut icon" href="%sfavicon.png" type="image/png"/>' % \
      ifelse(len(baseurl), '%s/' % baseurl, '')
    head += u'<link rel="icon" href="%sfavicon.png" type="image/png"/>' % \
      ifelse(len(baseurl), '%s/' % baseurl, '')

    # add RSS feed pointer
    head += '<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="%s RSS" href="%srss.xml" />' % \
      (sitename, ifelse(len(baseurl), '%s/' % baseurl, ''))

    # <title> required, even if empty, for XHTML
    head += u'<title>%s</title>' % (title or '')

    head += post_head
    head += u'</head>'
    return head.encode(encoding)
Esempio n. 6
	def get_cell_alignment(self, node):
		"Calculate text alignment for TableCell node. Returns 'left', 'center', or 'right'"
		head = self.cell_leading_text(node)
		tail = self.cell_trailing_text(node)
		headsp = ifelse(re.match('^\s+', head), True, False)
		tailsp = ifelse(re.match('.*\s+$', tail), True, False)
		if self.is_header_cell(node):
			# per tiddlywiki, nospace == center justify (for headers)
			if (not headsp and not tailsp) or (headsp and tailsp):
				return 'center'
			elif not headsp and tailsp:
				return 'left'
				return 'right'
			# per tiddlywiki, nospace == left justify (for data cells)
			if headsp and tailsp:
				return 'center'
			elif (not headsp and tailsp) or (not headsp and not tailsp):
				return 'left'
				return 'right'
Esempio n. 7
 def get_cell_alignment(self, node):
     "Calculate text alignment for TableCell node. Returns 'left', 'center', or 'right'"
     head = self.cell_leading_text(node)
     tail = self.cell_trailing_text(node)
     headsp = ifelse(re.match('^\s+', head), True, False)
     tailsp = ifelse(re.match('.*\s+$', tail), True, False)
     if self.is_header_cell(node):
         # per tiddlywiki, nospace == center justify (for headers)
         if (not headsp and not tailsp) or (headsp and tailsp):
             return 'center'
         elif not headsp and tailsp:
             return 'left'
             return 'right'
         # per tiddlywiki, nospace == left justify (for data cells)
         if headsp and tailsp:
             return 'center'
         elif (not headsp and tailsp) or (not headsp and not tailsp):
             return 'left'
             return 'right'
Esempio n. 8
def HEAD(encoding='utf-8', title=None, stylesheet='css/wikklytext.css',
			styletext=u'', pre_head=u'', post_head=u'', baseurl=u'', sitename=u'',
	head = u''
	#head += u"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n"""
	head += u"""<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<!-- Generated by WikklyText, -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="%s; charset=%s"/>
""" % (pre_head, content_type_for_xhtml(reqheaders), encoding)

	# add stylesheet
	head += u'<link href="%s" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>' % \
			ifelse(len(baseurl), '%s/%s' % (baseurl,stylesheet), stylesheet)
	# add extra styling
	head += u'<style type="text/css">%s</style>' % styletext
	# add favicon
	head += u'<link rel="shortcut icon" href="%sfavicon.png" type="image/png"/>' % \
			ifelse(len(baseurl), '%s/' % baseurl, '')
	head += u'<link rel="icon" href="%sfavicon.png" type="image/png"/>' % \
			ifelse(len(baseurl), '%s/' % baseurl, '')

	# add RSS feed pointer
	head += '<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="%s RSS" href="%srss.xml" />' % \
			(sitename, ifelse(len(baseurl), '%s/' % baseurl, ''))
	# <title> required, even if empty, for XHTML
	head += u'<title>%s</title>' % (title or '')
	head += post_head
	head += u'</head>'
	return head.encode(encoding)
Esempio n. 9
def layoutEditUser(wiki, loginUID, editUID=None):
	Layout a page to edit a user.
	loginUID = UID of logged-in user
	editUID = UID to create/edit (if None, create new user)
	Page must provide a form with actions as shown below.
    h = pageHeader(wiki, None, 'Edit User', loginUID=loginUID)

    h += '<div class="wikkly-item-header"><span class="wikkly-item-title">Editing User</span></div>'
    h += '<div class="wikkly-item-content">'

    # note: All unicode strings will be converted to UTF-8 in the process of wikifying,
    # so no explicit encoding is needed here. the server has to remember to decode them.
    f = u''
    if '0' not in wiki.user_all_UIDs():
        f += u'@@You are the first user, and will therefore be the root user.<br><br>You must set a username and password before continuing.<br><br>@@\n'

    f += u'<html>'
    f += u'<form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
    f += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
    if editUID is None or not wiki.user_valid_UID(editUID):
        name = u''
        email = u''
        name = wiki.user_get_username(editUID)
        email = wiki.user_get_email(editUID)

    f += u'<table>'
    f += u'<tr><td>Username:</td><td colspan="2"><input class="wikkly-edit-input" type="text" name="username" value="%s"/></td></tr>' % \
    f += u'<tr><td>Email address:</td><td colspan="2"><input class="wikkly-edit-input" type="text" name="email" value="%s"/></td></tr>' % \
    f += u'<tr><td>Password:</td><td colspan="2"><input class="wikkly-edit-input" type="password" name="password1" value=""/></td></tr>'
    f += u'<tr><td>Confirm Password:</td><td colspan="2"><input class="wikkly-edit-input" type="password" name="password2" value=""/></td></tr>'
    # only root user can change safe_mode settings
    if loginUID == '0':
        f += u'<tr><td>Layout mode:</td><td>'
        f += u'<select name="safe_mode">'
        f += u'  <option %s value="Safe">Safe Mode</option>' % \
           ifelse(wiki.user_get_safemode(editUID), u'selected="selected"', u'')
        f += u'  <option %s value="Full">Full Mode</option>' % \
           ifelse(not wiki.user_get_safemode(editUID), u'selected="selected"', u'')
        f += u'</select></td></tr>'

    f += u'</table>'
    f += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="saveUser"/>'
    # this is checked vs. logged-in UID, but this is needed here so the root user can
    # edit other users profiles
    if editUID is not None:
        f += u'<input type="hidden" name="uid" value="%s"/>' % editUID
        f += u'<input type="hidden" name="uid" value=""/>'

    if editUID is None or not wiki.user_valid_UID(editUID):
        f += u'<input type="submit" value="Create User"/>'
        f += u'<input type="submit" value="Save Settings"/>'

    f += u'</fieldset>'
    f += u'</form>'
    f += u'</html>'

    # need to run w/safe_mode=False so use 'AutoContent' user
    # (I escaped text above to make sure it was safe)
    h += render(wiki, f, UID=wiki.user_getUIDs('AutoContent')[0])

    h += '</div>'

    h += pageFooter(wiki, None)
    return h
Esempio n. 10
def layoutEditItem(wiki, itemname, defaultItem, loginUID):
	Layout a page for editing the named item.
	Page must provide a form with action as shown below.
    from import tags_join

    item = wiki.getitem(itemname)
    if item is None:
        item = defaultItem
        oldname = ''
        oldname =

    if item is defaultItem:
        h = pageHeader(wiki, 'newitem', 'New Item', loginUID=loginUID)
        h = pageHeader(wiki, None, 'Editing Item', loginUID=loginUID)

    if wiki.user_valid_UID(itemname):
        name = wiki.user_get_username(itemname)
        h += '<div class="wikkly-item-header"><span class="wikkly-item-title">Editing: %s</span></div>' % \
        h += '<div class="wikkly-item-header"><span class="wikkly-item-title">Editing: %s</span></div>' % \

    h += '<div class="wikkly-item-content">'

    # note: All unicode strings will be converted to UTF-8 in the process of wikifying,
    # so no explicit encoding is needed here. the server has to remember to decode them.
    f = u'<html>'
    f += u'<form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
    f += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
    # if name is a UID, show author name instead (and make it non-editable)
    if wiki.user_valid_UID(itemname):
        name = wiki.user_get_username(itemname)
        f += u'Name: <b>%s</b><br/>' % safehtml(name)
        # put name in hidden item instead
        f += u'<input type="hidden" name="itemName" value="%s"/>' % safehtml(
        f += u'Name: <input class="wikkly-edit-input" type="text" name="itemName" value="%s"/><br/>' % \
    f += u'<textarea class="wikkly-edit-textarea" name="content" cols="80" rows="25">'
    txt = item.content
    # escape any </html> tags so won't end early
    txt = txt.replace('</html>', '&lt;/html&gt;')
    f += txt
    f += u'</textarea><br/>'
    f += u'Tags: <input class="wikkly-edit-input" type="text" name="tags" value="%s"/><br/>' % \
    f += u'&nbsp;' * 10 + '<sup>Enter space-separate tags, using [[braces if needed]].</sup><br/>'
    f += u'Markup style: <select name="content_type">'
    f += u'   <option %s value="WikklyText">WikklyText</option>' % \
       ifelse(item.content_type=='WikklyText', u'selected="selected"', u'')
    f += u'   <option %s value="TiddlyWiki">TiddlyWiki</option>' % \
       ifelse(item.content_type=='TiddlyWiki', u'selected="selected"', u'')
    f += u'</select><br/><br/>'
    f += u'<input type="hidden" name="oldItemName" value="%s"/>' % oldname
    f += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="completeEdit"/>'
    f += u'<input type="hidden" name="ctime" value="%s"/>' % item.ctime.to_store(
    f += u'<input type="submit" name="btn_save" value="Save"/> '
    if len(oldname):  # don't show delete button on new items
        f += u'<input type="submit" name="btn_delete" value="Delete Item"/><br/>'

    f += u'</fieldset>'
    f += u'</form>'
    f += u'</html>'

    h += render(wiki, f, UID='0')

    h += '</div>'

    h += pageFooter(wiki, None)
    return h
Esempio n. 11
def layoutAdminPage(wiki, loginUID, need_restart=False):
	Layout main admin page.
	Page must provide a form with actions as shown below.
    import wikklytext.version as VER
    import boodebr.version as BVER
    import wsgifront.version as WSVER
    import sys

    h = pageHeader(wiki, 'admin', 'Administration', loginUID=loginUID)

    h += '<div class="wikkly-item-header"><span class="wikkly-item-title">Wiki Administration</span></div>'
    h += '<div class="wikkly-item-content">'

    # note: All unicode strings will be converted to UTF-8 in the process of wikifying,
    # so no explicit encoding is needed here. the server has to remember to decode them.
    t = u''

    t += u'!!!Site Configuration\n'

    # provide links for commonly edited configuration items
    for name in [
            'DefaultTiddlers', 'MainMenu', 'SiteTitle', 'SiteSubtitle',
            'MarkupPreHead', 'MarkupPostHead', 'MarkupPreBody',
            'MarkupPostBody', 'StyleSheet'
        if wiki.getitem(name) is None:
            extra = '<br>^^@@No ~%s currently defined. Click above link to create it.@@^^' % name
            extra = ''
        t += u'* [[%s|DoServerCmd?%s]]%s\n' % \
         (name, urlencode({'cmd':'editItem', 'name': name}), extra)

    t += '!!!Logs\n'
    t += '* [[Recent hits|DoServerCmd?cmd=logRecentHits]] '
    t += '^^'
    p = {'cmd': 'logRecentHits', 'type': metadata.LOG_PAGEVIEW}
    t += '([[Content|DoServerCmd?%s]]) ' % urlencode(p)
    p = {'cmd': 'logRecentHits', 'type': metadata.LOG_ERRORMSG}
    t += '([[Errors|DoServerCmd?%s]]) ' % urlencode(p)
    p = {'cmd': 'logRecentHits', 'type': metadata.LOG_SETUID}
    t += '([[Set UID|DoServerCmd?%s]]) ' % urlencode(p)
    p = {'cmd': 'logRecentHits', 'type': metadata.LOG_FEED}
    t += '([[RSS|DoServerCmd?%s]]) ' % urlencode(p)
    t += '^^\n'

    t += '* [[Hits by page|DoServerCmd?cmd=logHitsByPage]]\n'
    t += '* [[Hits by days|DoServerCmd?cmd=logHitsByDates]]\n'
    t += '\n'

    t += u'!!!!!User-defined filters\n\n'
    t += u'* [[Hits on user filters|DoServerCmd?cmd=logHitsByUserFilters]]\n'
    t += u'Enter filters, one per line, into the following box. Filters are SQL "{{tt{LIKE}}}" clauses to '
    t += u'be matched against server requests. For example, the filter {{{%.png%}}} would match '
    t += u'the requests: {{{\n'
    t += u'GET /favicon.png HTTP/1.1\n'
    t += u'GET /files/image.png HTTP/1.1\n'
    t += u'}}}\n'
    t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
    t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
    t += u'<textarea name="filters" rows="10" cols="40">%s</textarea><br/>' % \
    t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="setUserLogFilters"/>'
    t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Save Filters"/>'
    t += u'</fieldset>'
    t += u'</form></html>\n'

    t += '!!!Users\n'

    p = {'cmd': 'editUser', 'uid': ''}
    t += '* [[Create new user|DoServerCmd?%s]]\n\n' % urlencode(p)

    users = [(uid, wiki.user_get_username(uid))
             for uid in wiki.user_all_UIDs()]
    users.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[1], b[1]))

    t += "|Existing Users|c\n"
    t += '|!Username|!Can login?|!Safe mode?|!Email|!Edit|\n'
    for uid, name in users:
        p = {'cmd': 'editUser', 'uid': uid}
        if wiki.user_get_safemode(uid):
            safe = 'True'
            safe = '@@False@@'  # highlight users who run in full mode

        if uid == '0':
            fname = '!{{{%s}}}<br>{{grayout{^^(Root User)^^}}}' % safe_code(
            fname = '!{{{%s}}}' % safe_code(name)

        if wiki.user_can_login(uid):
            canlog = '@@Yes@@'
            canlog = 'No'

        t += '|%s | %s | %s | {{{%s}}} | [[edit|DoServerCmd?%s]] |\n' % \
           (fname, canlog, safe, safe_code(wiki.user_get_email(uid)), urlencode(p))

    t += u"<<set storage_form <quote>"
    t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
    t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
    t += u'<select name="storage_type">'
    t += u'<option %s value="ram">ram</option>' % \
      ifelse(wiki.get_session_storage() == 'ram', 'selected="selected"', '')

    t += u'<option %s value="file">file</option>' % \
      ifelse(wiki.get_session_storage() == 'file', 'selected="selected"', '')

    t += u'</select>' + '&nbsp;' * 2
    t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="setSessionStorage"/>'
    t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Set Storage Type"/>'
    t += u'</fieldset>'
    t += u'</form></html>\n'
    t += u'</quote>>>\n'

    t += u"<<set timeout_form <quote>"
    t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
    t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
    t += u'<input type="text" name="timeout" value="%s"/>' % str(
    t += '&nbsp;' * 2
    t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="setSessionTimeout"/>'
    t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Set Timeout"/>'
    t += u'</fieldset>'
    t += u'</form></html>\n'
    t += u'</quote>>>\n'

    t += u"<<set timelimit_form <quote>"
    t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
    t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
    t += u'<input type="text" name="timelimit" value="%s"/>' % str(
    t += '&nbsp;' * 2
    t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="setSafemodeTimelimit"/>'
    t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Set Time Limit"/>'
    t += u'</fieldset>'
    t += u'</form></html>\n'
    t += u'</quote>>>\n'

    t += u'<<set debug_form <quote>'
    t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
    t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
    t += u'<select name="debug_flag">'
    t += u'<option %s value="off">Off</option>' % \
      ifelse(wiki.get_debug_flag(), '', 'selected="selected"')
    t += u'<option %s value="on">On</option>' % \
      ifelse(wiki.get_debug_flag(), 'selected="selected"', '')
    t += '</select>' + '&nbsp;' * 2
    t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Set debug flag"/>'
    t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="setDebugFlag"/>'
    t += u'</fieldset>'
    t += u'</form></html>'
    t += u'</quote>>>\n'

    t += u'<<set cache_form <quote>'
    t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
    t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
    t += u'Enable? <select name="cache_flag">'
    t += u'<option %s value="off">Off</option>' % \
      ifelse(wiki.get_cache_flag(), '', 'selected="selected"')
    t += u'<option %s value="on">On</option>' % \
      ifelse(wiki.get_cache_flag(), 'selected="selected"', '')
    t += '</select>' + '&nbsp;' * 2
    t += u'<br/>Expiration (seconds): <input type="text" name="expire_time" value="%s" size="6"/>' % str(
    t += u'<br/>Clean interval (accesses): <input type="text" name="clean_interval" value="%s" size="6"/><br/>' % str(
    t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Save cache settings"/>'
    t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="setCacheConfig"/>'
    t += u'</fieldset>'
    t += u'</form></html>'
    t += u'</quote>>>\n'

    t += u'<<set cache_help <quote>'
    t += u'<<div "" "font-size: .8em" "" """\n'
    t += u'* //Enable//: Turn cache on/off\n'
    t += u'* //Expiration//: Expiration time (seconds) for items added to the cache\n'
    t += u'* //Clean interval//: Clear out expired items (approximately) once per this many cache accesses\n'
    t += u'You may want to turn caching off when running on a USB drive, to minimize writes.\n'
    t += u'""">>'
    t += u'</quote> >>'

    t += u'<<set metadb_form <quote>'
    t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
    t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
    t += u'<select name="metadb_flag">'
    t += u'<option %s value="off">Off</option>' % \
      ifelse(wiki.get_metadb_flag(), '', 'selected="selected"')
    t += u'<option %s value="on">On</option>' % \
      ifelse(wiki.get_metadb_flag(), 'selected="selected"', '')
    t += '</select>' + '&nbsp;' * 2
    t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Set metadb flag"/>'
    t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="setMetadbFlag"/>'
    t += u'</fieldset>'
    t += u'</form></html>'
    t += u'</quote>>>\n'

    t += u'<<set unknown_camelword_form <quote>'
    t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
    t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
    t += u'<select name="unknown_camelword_flag">'
    t += u'<option %s value="off">Off</option>' % \
      ifelse(wiki.get_link_unknown_camelwords(), '', 'selected="selected"')
    t += u'<option %s value="on">On</option>' % \
      ifelse(wiki.get_link_unknown_camelwords(), 'selected="selected"', '')
    t += '</select>' + '&nbsp;' * 2
    t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Set camelwords flag"/>'
    t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="setUnknownCamelwordsFlag"/>'
    t += u'</fieldset>'
    t += u'</form></html>'
    t += u'</quote>>>\n'

    t += u'!!!Plugins\n'

    t += '[[Plugins|%s/api/plugins]]\n' % wiki.getRT_baseurl()

    t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
    t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
    t += u'Enter additional directories to search for plugins, in addition to '
    t += u'the default location (<tt>%s</tt>). Enter one directory per line.<br/>' % wiki.get_plugin_path(
    t += u'<textarea name="plugindirs" rows="10" cols="40">%s</textarea><br/>' % \
    t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="setUserPluginDirs"/>'
    t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Save Plugin Directories"/>'
    t += u'</fieldset>'
    t += u'</form></html>\n'

    t += u'!!!Server Configuration\n'
    if need_restart:
        t += '<<warnbox "Need Restart" "You must restart the server for changes to take effect.">>\n'

    t += '|!Parameter|!Current Value|!Adjust|\n'
    t += '|!Session storage<br>~~@@CAUTION@@: I do not recommend using "file" sessions if your wiki is stored on a network drive.<br>For USB drives, you may want to set this to {{{ram}}} to minimize writes.~~| %s |<<get storage_form>>|\n' % wiki.get_session_storage(
    t += '|!Session timeout<br>~~(minutes)~~| %s |<<get timeout_form>>|\n' % wiki.get_session_timeout(
    t += '|!Rendering time limit<br>~~(seconds)<br>This affects restricted users only; full users have no limit. Use -1 for no limit.~~| %d |<<get timelimit_form>>|\n' % wiki.get_safemode_timelimit(
    t += '|!Rendering Cache<br><<get cache_help>>| %s |<<get cache_form>>|\n' % \
       ifelse(wiki.get_cache_flag(), 'On', 'Off')
    t += '|!~MetaDb flag<br>~~You may want to turn this off when running on a USB drive, to minimize writes. Currently, this disables logging, but more features will be turned on/off in the future.~~| %s |<<get metadb_form>>|\n' % \
       ifelse(wiki.get_metadb_flag(), 'On', 'Off')
    t += '|!Make links to unknown ~CamelWords| %s |<<get unknown_camelword_form>>|\n ' % \
       ifelse(wiki.get_link_unknown_camelwords(), 'On', 'Off')
    t += '|!Debugging flag<br>~~@@I recommend leaving this OFF since it exposes server information.@@<br>To use, pass {{{cmd=debug}}}.~~| %s |<<get debug_form>>|\n' % \
       ifelse(wiki.get_debug_flag(), 'On', 'Off')

    t += "!!!Statistics\n"
    st = wiki.rendercache().stats()
    t += '|>|>|>|!Caching|\n'
    t += '|!type|>|>| %s |\n' % st['type']
    t += '|!puts|>|>| %d |\n' % st['puts']
    t += '|!gets|>|>| %d |\n' % st['gets']
    t += '|!hits|>|>| %d (%.1f%%) |\n' % (st['hits'],
                                          (st['hits'] * 100.0 / st['gets']))
    t += '|!objects|>|>| %d |\n' % st['objects']
    t += '|!bytes|>|>| %d |\n' % st['bytes']
    t += '|!expiration_time|>|>| %d |\n' % st['expiration_time']
    t += '|!clean_interval|>|>| %d |\n' % st['clean_interval']

    t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
    t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
    t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Clear cache (no prompting!)"/>'
    t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="clearRenderCache"/>'
    t += u'</fieldset>'
    t += u'</form></html>\n'

    t += u'!!!Server Information\n'
    t += u";~WikklyText version\n:{{{%s}}}\n" % VER.VSTR
    t += u";boodebr version\n:{{{%s}}}\n" % BVER.VSTR
    t += u";wsgifront version\n:{{{%s}}}\n" % WSVER.VSTR
    t += u";Python version\n:{{{%s}}}\n" % sys.version
    # this module is (in general) not allowed to touch cherrypy.*, but this
    # is just to get the version string.
    import cherrypy
    t += u';~CherryPy version\n:{{{%s}}}\n' % cherrypy.__version__
    t += u';Server command\n:{{{'
    t += u' '.join(sys.argv)
    t += '}}}\n'
    t += u';sys.path\n:{{{'
    for p in sys.path:
        t += p + '\n'

    t += '}}}\n'

    h += render(wiki, t, UID='0')

    h += '</div>'

    h += pageFooter(wiki, None)
    return h
Esempio n. 12
def sanitize_classname(name):
	# allow spaces so caller can attach multiple classes
	return ifelse(re.match(r"^[a-z_-][a-z0-9_\- ]+$", name, re.I), name, '')
Esempio n. 13
def layoutAdminPage(wiki, loginUID, need_restart=False):
	Layout main admin page.
	Page must provide a form with actions as shown below.
	import wikklytext.version as VER
	import boodebr.version as BVER
	import wsgifront.version as WSVER
	import sys

	h = pageHeader(wiki, 'admin', 'Administration', loginUID=loginUID)
	h += '<div class="wikkly-item-header"><span class="wikkly-item-title">Wiki Administration</span></div>'
	h += '<div class="wikkly-item-content">'
	# note: All unicode strings will be converted to UTF-8 in the process of wikifying,
	# so no explicit encoding is needed here. the server has to remember to decode them.
	t = u''

	t += u'!!!Site Configuration\n'
	# provide links for commonly edited configuration items
	for name in ['DefaultTiddlers', 'MainMenu', 'SiteTitle', 'SiteSubtitle',
			'MarkupPreHead', 'MarkupPostHead', 'MarkupPreBody', 'MarkupPostBody',
		if wiki.getitem(name) is None:
			extra = '<br>^^@@No ~%s currently defined. Click above link to create it.@@^^' % name
			extra = ''
		t += u'* [[%s|DoServerCmd?%s]]%s\n' % \
			(name, urlencode({'cmd':'editItem', 'name': name}), extra)			
	t += '!!!Logs\n'
	t += '* [[Recent hits|DoServerCmd?cmd=logRecentHits]] '
	t += '^^'
	p = {'cmd': 'logRecentHits', 'type': metadata.LOG_PAGEVIEW} 
	t += '([[Content|DoServerCmd?%s]]) ' % urlencode(p)
	p = {'cmd': 'logRecentHits', 'type': metadata.LOG_ERRORMSG} 
	t += '([[Errors|DoServerCmd?%s]]) ' % urlencode(p)
	p = {'cmd': 'logRecentHits', 'type': metadata.LOG_SETUID} 
	t += '([[Set UID|DoServerCmd?%s]]) ' % urlencode(p)
	p = {'cmd': 'logRecentHits', 'type': metadata.LOG_FEED} 
	t += '([[RSS|DoServerCmd?%s]]) ' % urlencode(p)
	t += '^^\n'
	t += '* [[Hits by page|DoServerCmd?cmd=logHitsByPage]]\n'
	t += '* [[Hits by days|DoServerCmd?cmd=logHitsByDates]]\n'
	t += '\n'
	t += u'!!!!!User-defined filters\n\n'
	t += u'* [[Hits on user filters|DoServerCmd?cmd=logHitsByUserFilters]]\n'
	t += u'Enter filters, one per line, into the following box. Filters are SQL "{{tt{LIKE}}}" clauses to '
	t += u'be matched against server requests. For example, the filter {{{%.png%}}} would match '
	t += u'the requests: {{{\n'
	t += u'GET /favicon.png HTTP/1.1\n'
	t += u'GET /files/image.png HTTP/1.1\n'
	t += u'}}}\n'
	t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
	t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
	t += u'<textarea name="filters" rows="10" cols="40">%s</textarea><br/>' % \
	t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="setUserLogFilters"/>'
	t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Save Filters"/>'
	t += u'</fieldset>'
	t += u'</form></html>\n'
	t += '!!!Users\n'
	p = {'cmd': 'editUser', 'uid': ''}
	t += '* [[Create new user|DoServerCmd?%s]]\n\n' % urlencode(p)
	users = [(uid,wiki.user_get_username(uid)) for uid in wiki.user_all_UIDs()]
	users.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a[1],b[1]))
	t += "|Existing Users|c\n"
	t += '|!Username|!Can login?|!Safe mode?|!Email|!Edit|\n'		
	for uid,name in users:
		p = {'cmd': 'editUser', 'uid': uid}
		if wiki.user_get_safemode(uid):
			safe = 'True'
			safe = '@@False@@' # highlight users who run in full mode
		if uid == '0':
			fname = '!{{{%s}}}<br>{{grayout{^^(Root User)^^}}}' % safe_code(name)
			fname = '!{{{%s}}}' % safe_code(name)
		if wiki.user_can_login(uid):
			canlog = '@@Yes@@'
			canlog = 'No'
		t += '|%s | %s | %s | {{{%s}}} | [[edit|DoServerCmd?%s]] |\n' % \
					(fname, canlog, safe, safe_code(wiki.user_get_email(uid)), urlencode(p))

	t += u"<<set storage_form <quote>"
	t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
	t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
	t += u'<select name="storage_type">'
	t += u'<option %s value="ram">ram</option>' % \
			ifelse(wiki.get_session_storage() == 'ram', 'selected="selected"', '')
	t += u'<option %s value="file">file</option>' % \
			ifelse(wiki.get_session_storage() == 'file', 'selected="selected"', '')
	t += u'</select>' + '&nbsp;'*2
	t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="setSessionStorage"/>'
	t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Set Storage Type"/>'
	t += u'</fieldset>'
	t += u'</form></html>\n'
	t += u'</quote>>>\n'
	t += u"<<set timeout_form <quote>"
	t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
	t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
	t += u'<input type="text" name="timeout" value="%s"/>' % str(wiki.get_session_timeout())
	t += '&nbsp;'*2
	t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="setSessionTimeout"/>'
	t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Set Timeout"/>'
	t += u'</fieldset>'
	t += u'</form></html>\n'
	t += u'</quote>>>\n'
	t += u"<<set timelimit_form <quote>"
	t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
	t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
	t += u'<input type="text" name="timelimit" value="%s"/>' % str(wiki.get_safemode_timelimit())
	t += '&nbsp;'*2
	t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="setSafemodeTimelimit"/>'
	t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Set Time Limit"/>'
	t += u'</fieldset>'
	t += u'</form></html>\n'
	t += u'</quote>>>\n'
	t += u'<<set debug_form <quote>'
	t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
	t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
	t += u'<select name="debug_flag">'
	t += u'<option %s value="off">Off</option>' % \
			ifelse(wiki.get_debug_flag(), '', 'selected="selected"')
	t += u'<option %s value="on">On</option>' % \
			ifelse(wiki.get_debug_flag(), 'selected="selected"', '')
	t += '</select>' + '&nbsp;'*2
	t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Set debug flag"/>'
	t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="setDebugFlag"/>'
	t += u'</fieldset>'
	t += u'</form></html>'
	t += u'</quote>>>\n'
	t += u'<<set cache_form <quote>'
	t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
	t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
	t += u'Enable? <select name="cache_flag">'
	t += u'<option %s value="off">Off</option>' % \
			ifelse(wiki.get_cache_flag(), '', 'selected="selected"')
	t += u'<option %s value="on">On</option>' % \
			ifelse(wiki.get_cache_flag(), 'selected="selected"', '')
	t += '</select>' + '&nbsp;'*2
	t += u'<br/>Expiration (seconds): <input type="text" name="expire_time" value="%s" size="6"/>' % str(wiki.get_cache_expire_time())
	t += u'<br/>Clean interval (accesses): <input type="text" name="clean_interval" value="%s" size="6"/><br/>' % str(wiki.get_cache_clean_interval())
	t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Save cache settings"/>'
	t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="setCacheConfig"/>'
	t += u'</fieldset>'
	t += u'</form></html>'
	t += u'</quote>>>\n'
	t += u'<<set cache_help <quote>'
	t += u'<<div "" "font-size: .8em" "" """\n'
	t += u'* //Enable//: Turn cache on/off\n'
	t += u'* //Expiration//: Expiration time (seconds) for items added to the cache\n'
	t += u'* //Clean interval//: Clear out expired items (approximately) once per this many cache accesses\n'
	t += u'You may want to turn caching off when running on a USB drive, to minimize writes.\n'
	t += u'""">>'
	t += u'</quote> >>'
	t += u'<<set metadb_form <quote>'
	t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
	t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
	t += u'<select name="metadb_flag">'
	t += u'<option %s value="off">Off</option>' % \
			ifelse(wiki.get_metadb_flag(), '', 'selected="selected"')
	t += u'<option %s value="on">On</option>' % \
			ifelse(wiki.get_metadb_flag(), 'selected="selected"', '')
	t += '</select>' + '&nbsp;'*2
	t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Set metadb flag"/>'
	t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="setMetadbFlag"/>'
	t += u'</fieldset>'
	t += u'</form></html>'
	t += u'</quote>>>\n'
	t += u'<<set unknown_camelword_form <quote>'
	t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
	t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
	t += u'<select name="unknown_camelword_flag">'
	t += u'<option %s value="off">Off</option>' % \
			ifelse(wiki.get_link_unknown_camelwords(), '', 'selected="selected"')
	t += u'<option %s value="on">On</option>' % \
			ifelse(wiki.get_link_unknown_camelwords(), 'selected="selected"', '')
	t += '</select>' + '&nbsp;'*2
	t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Set camelwords flag"/>'
	t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="setUnknownCamelwordsFlag"/>'
	t += u'</fieldset>'
	t += u'</form></html>'
	t += u'</quote>>>\n'
	t += u'!!!Plugins\n'
	t += '[[Plugins|%s/api/plugins]]\n' % wiki.getRT_baseurl()
	t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
	t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
	t += u'Enter additional directories to search for plugins, in addition to '
	t += u'the default location (<tt>%s</tt>). Enter one directory per line.<br/>' % wiki.get_plugin_path()
	t += u'<textarea name="plugindirs" rows="10" cols="40">%s</textarea><br/>' % \
	t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="setUserPluginDirs"/>'
	t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Save Plugin Directories"/>'
	t += u'</fieldset>'
	t += u'</form></html>\n'
	t += u'!!!Server Configuration\n'
	if need_restart:
		t += '<<warnbox "Need Restart" "You must restart the server for changes to take effect.">>\n'
	t += '|!Parameter|!Current Value|!Adjust|\n'
	t += '|!Session storage<br>~~@@CAUTION@@: I do not recommend using "file" sessions if your wiki is stored on a network drive.<br>For USB drives, you may want to set this to {{{ram}}} to minimize writes.~~| %s |<<get storage_form>>|\n' % wiki.get_session_storage()
	t += '|!Session timeout<br>~~(minutes)~~| %s |<<get timeout_form>>|\n' % wiki.get_session_timeout()
	t += '|!Rendering time limit<br>~~(seconds)<br>This affects restricted users only; full users have no limit. Use -1 for no limit.~~| %d |<<get timelimit_form>>|\n' % wiki.get_safemode_timelimit()
	t += '|!Rendering Cache<br><<get cache_help>>| %s |<<get cache_form>>|\n' % \
				ifelse(wiki.get_cache_flag(), 'On', 'Off')
	t += '|!~MetaDb flag<br>~~You may want to turn this off when running on a USB drive, to minimize writes. Currently, this disables logging, but more features will be turned on/off in the future.~~| %s |<<get metadb_form>>|\n' % \
				ifelse(wiki.get_metadb_flag(), 'On', 'Off')
	t += '|!Make links to unknown ~CamelWords| %s |<<get unknown_camelword_form>>|\n ' % \
				ifelse(wiki.get_link_unknown_camelwords(), 'On', 'Off')
	t += '|!Debugging flag<br>~~@@I recommend leaving this OFF since it exposes server information.@@<br>To use, pass {{{cmd=debug}}}.~~| %s |<<get debug_form>>|\n' % \
				ifelse(wiki.get_debug_flag(), 'On', 'Off')
	t += "!!!Statistics\n"
	st = wiki.rendercache().stats()
	t += '|>|>|>|!Caching|\n'
	t += '|!type|>|>| %s |\n' % st['type']
	t += '|!puts|>|>| %d |\n' % st['puts']
	t += '|!gets|>|>| %d |\n' % st['gets']
	t += '|!hits|>|>| %d (%.1f%%) |\n' % (st['hits'], (st['hits']*100.0/st['gets']))
	t += '|!objects|>|>| %d |\n' % st['objects']
	t += '|!bytes|>|>| %d |\n' % st['bytes']
	t += '|!expiration_time|>|>| %d |\n' % st['expiration_time']
	t += '|!clean_interval|>|>| %d |\n' % st['clean_interval']
	t += u'<html><form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
	t += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
	t += u'<input type="submit" name="Set" value="Clear cache (no prompting!)"/>'
	t += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="clearRenderCache"/>'
	t += u'</fieldset>'
	t += u'</form></html>\n'
	t += u'!!!Server Information\n'
	t += u";~WikklyText version\n:{{{%s}}}\n" % VER.VSTR
	t += u";boodebr version\n:{{{%s}}}\n" % BVER.VSTR
	t += u";wsgifront version\n:{{{%s}}}\n" % WSVER.VSTR
	t += u";Python version\n:{{{%s}}}\n" % sys.version
	# this module is (in general) not allowed to touch cherrypy.*, but this 
	# is just to get the version string.
	import cherrypy
	t += u';~CherryPy version\n:{{{%s}}}\n' % cherrypy.__version__
	t += u';Server command\n:{{{'
	t += u' '.join(sys.argv)
	t += '}}}\n'
	t += u';sys.path\n:{{{'
	for p in sys.path:
		t += p + '\n'
	t += '}}}\n'
	h += render(wiki, t, UID='0')
	h += '</div>'
	h += pageFooter(wiki, None)
	return h
Esempio n. 14
def do_main():
    global OPTS

    # parse command line
    from wikklytext.cmdline import BasicOptParser
    op = BasicOptParser('', 'Converts WikklyText to HTML')
    op.add_stropt('o', 'output', 'outname', 'Set output filename', '*stdout*')
    op.add_stropt('m', 'mode', 'mode', 'Set mode (full|safe)', 'full')
    op.add_intopt('t', 'maxtime', 'maxtime',
                  'Set maximum run time (-1 for unlimited)', -1)
    op.add_boolopt('h', 'help', 'help', 'Display this help')
        'c', 'css', 'copy_css',
        'Copy .CSS file to destination directory (unless it already exists)')
    OPTS, args = op.process(sys.argv[1:])

    # check args
    if or len(args) != 1 or OPTS.mode not in ['safe', 'full']:

    if OPTS.copy_css and OPTS.outname == '*stdout*':
        print "** ERROR: When using '-c' you must also use '-o'"

    # make outname absolute in case of chdir later
    if OPTS.outname != '*stdout*':
        OPTS.outname = os.path.abspath(OPTS.outname)

    # change if desired ...
    ENCODING = 'utf-8'

    t_begin = time()

    # enable logging (in case an exception happens)

    # set full/safe mode
    safe_mode = ifelse(OPTS.mode == 'full', False, True)

    # make infilename absolute path in case of chdir later
    infilename = os.path.abspath(args[0])

    # vars to set in WikContext
    setvars = {
        '$FS_CWD': os.path.split(infilename)[0],

    # add document path to sys.path -- ONLY if not in safe mode to prevent
    # untrusted users from overriding standard modules
    if not safe_mode:
        sys.path.insert(0, os.path.split(infilename)[0])

    buf = load_wikitext(infilename)
    in_bytes = len(buf)

    inner, context = WikklyText_to_InnerHTML(buf,

    # see if wikitext set a $TITLE
    doc_title = context.var_get_text('$TITLE')
    if not len(doc_title):
        doc_title = None  # don't set a title if empty

    # log in case an error occurred (so test case can be reproduced)
    wikklytext.base.log_content(buf, inner)

    out_bytes = len(inner)

    t_end = time()

    # add "Processed by ..." tag. I find it annoying to have the banner on short content, so only
    # add if content is of significant length. It's the OUTPUT length that matters here, since
    # even a short input like <<help>> can generate a lot of output.
    if out_bytes > 1000:
        ptag = u"WikklyText %s on %s" % (wikklytext.base.get_version(),
        ptag += " [%s, %.1fs] " % (bytes_to_str(out_bytes), t_end - t_begin)

        tag = u''
        tag += u"<div class='wikkly-generated-by'>"
        tag += u"Written in <a class='wikkly-a-www' title='%s' href=''>WikklyText</a>." % ptag
        tag += "</div>"

        tag = tag.encode(ENCODING)
        tag = ''.encode(ENCODING)

    output = HTML_PRE(
        ENCODING, doc_title,
        include_navmenu=False) + inner + tag + HTML_POST(ENCODING)

    if OPTS.outname == '*stdout*':
        print output
        outname = OPTS.outname

        open(outname, 'wb').write(output)

        # does user want the .css file copied as well?
        if OPTS.copy_css:
            path = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(outname))[0]
            path = os.path.join(path, 'css')
            if not os.path.isdir(path):

Esempio n. 15
def only_spaces(txt):
    "Does text contain ONLY spaces (or is empty)?"
    return ifelse(len(txt) and'[^ \t]', txt), False, True)
Esempio n. 16
def layoutEditItem(wiki, itemname, defaultItem, loginUID):
	Layout a page for editing the named item.
	Page must provide a form with action as shown below.
	from import tags_join
	item = wiki.getitem(itemname)
	if item is None:
		item = defaultItem
		oldname = ''
		oldname =
	if item is defaultItem:
		h = pageHeader(wiki, 'newitem', 'New Item', loginUID=loginUID)
		h = pageHeader(wiki, None, 'Editing Item', loginUID=loginUID)
	if wiki.user_valid_UID(itemname):
		name = wiki.user_get_username(itemname)
		h += '<div class="wikkly-item-header"><span class="wikkly-item-title">Editing: %s</span></div>' % \
		h += '<div class="wikkly-item-header"><span class="wikkly-item-title">Editing: %s</span></div>' % \
	h += '<div class="wikkly-item-content">'
	# note: All unicode strings will be converted to UTF-8 in the process of wikifying,
	# so no explicit encoding is needed here. the server has to remember to decode them.
	f = u'<html>'
	f += u'<form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
	f += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
	# if name is a UID, show author name instead (and make it non-editable)
	if wiki.user_valid_UID(itemname):
		name = wiki.user_get_username(itemname)
		f += u'Name: <b>%s</b><br/>' % safehtml(name)
		# put name in hidden item instead
		f += u'<input type="hidden" name="itemName" value="%s"/>' % safehtml(itemname)
		f += u'Name: <input class="wikkly-edit-input" type="text" name="itemName" value="%s"/><br/>' % \
	f += u'<textarea class="wikkly-edit-textarea" name="content" cols="80" rows="25">'
	txt = item.content
	# escape any </html> tags so won't end early
	txt = txt.replace('</html>', '&lt;/html&gt;')
	f += txt
	f += u'</textarea><br/>'
	f += u'Tags: <input class="wikkly-edit-input" type="text" name="tags" value="%s"/><br/>' % \
	f += u'&nbsp;'*10 + '<sup>Enter space-separate tags, using [[braces if needed]].</sup><br/>'
	f += u'Markup style: <select name="content_type">'
	f += u'   <option %s value="WikklyText">WikklyText</option>' % \
				ifelse(item.content_type=='WikklyText', u'selected="selected"', u'')
	f += u'   <option %s value="TiddlyWiki">TiddlyWiki</option>' % \
				ifelse(item.content_type=='TiddlyWiki', u'selected="selected"', u'')
	f += u'</select><br/><br/>'
	f += u'<input type="hidden" name="oldItemName" value="%s"/>' % oldname
	f += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="completeEdit"/>'
	f += u'<input type="hidden" name="ctime" value="%s"/>' % item.ctime.to_store()
	f += u'<input type="submit" name="btn_save" value="Save"/> '
	if len(oldname): # don't show delete button on new items
		f += u'<input type="submit" name="btn_delete" value="Delete Item"/><br/>'
	f += u'</fieldset>'
	f += u'</form>'
	f += u'</html>'
	h += render(wiki, f, UID='0')
	h += '</div>'
	h += pageFooter(wiki, None)
	return h
Esempio n. 17
def sanitize_text_align(align):
	return ifelse(align in ['left', 'center', 'right'], align, '')
Esempio n. 18
def layoutEditUser(wiki, loginUID, editUID=None):
	Layout a page to edit a user.
	loginUID = UID of logged-in user
	editUID = UID to create/edit (if None, create new user)
	Page must provide a form with actions as shown below.
	h = pageHeader(wiki, None, 'Edit User', loginUID=loginUID)
	h += '<div class="wikkly-item-header"><span class="wikkly-item-title">Editing User</span></div>'
	h += '<div class="wikkly-item-content">'
	# note: All unicode strings will be converted to UTF-8 in the process of wikifying,
	# so no explicit encoding is needed here. the server has to remember to decode them.
	f = u''
	if '0' not in wiki.user_all_UIDs():
		f += u'@@You are the first user, and will therefore be the root user.<br><br>You must set a username and password before continuing.<br><br>@@\n'
	f += u'<html>'
	f += u'<form action="DoServerCmd.html" method="post">'
	f += u'<fieldset class="wikkly-form">'
	if editUID is None or not wiki.user_valid_UID(editUID):
		name = u''
		email = u''
		name = wiki.user_get_username(editUID)
		email = wiki.user_get_email(editUID)

	f += u'<table>'		
	f += u'<tr><td>Username:</td><td colspan="2"><input class="wikkly-edit-input" type="text" name="username" value="%s"/></td></tr>' % \
	f += u'<tr><td>Email address:</td><td colspan="2"><input class="wikkly-edit-input" type="text" name="email" value="%s"/></td></tr>' % \
	f += u'<tr><td>Password:</td><td colspan="2"><input class="wikkly-edit-input" type="password" name="password1" value=""/></td></tr>'
	f += u'<tr><td>Confirm Password:</td><td colspan="2"><input class="wikkly-edit-input" type="password" name="password2" value=""/></td></tr>'
	# only root user can change safe_mode settings
	if loginUID == '0':
		f += u'<tr><td>Layout mode:</td><td>'
		f += u'<select name="safe_mode">'
		f += u'  <option %s value="Safe">Safe Mode</option>' % \
					ifelse(wiki.user_get_safemode(editUID), u'selected="selected"', u'')
		f += u'  <option %s value="Full">Full Mode</option>' % \
					ifelse(not wiki.user_get_safemode(editUID), u'selected="selected"', u'')
		f += u'</select></td></tr>'
	f += u'</table>'
	f += u'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="saveUser"/>'
	# this is checked vs. logged-in UID, but this is needed here so the root user can
	# edit other users profiles
	if editUID is not None:
		f += u'<input type="hidden" name="uid" value="%s"/>' % editUID
		f += u'<input type="hidden" name="uid" value=""/>'
	if editUID is None or not wiki.user_valid_UID(editUID):
		f += u'<input type="submit" value="Create User"/>'
		f += u'<input type="submit" value="Save Settings"/>'
	f += u'</fieldset>'
	f += u'</form>'
	f += u'</html>'
	# need to run w/safe_mode=False so use 'AutoContent' user
	# (I escaped text above to make sure it was safe)
	h += render(wiki, f, UID=wiki.user_getUIDs('AutoContent')[0])
	h += '</div>'
	h += pageFooter(wiki, None)
	return h
Esempio n. 19
def sanitize_id(id_):
	# per HTML spec, element ids must conform to this ...
	return ifelse(re.match(r'[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\-_:\.]*', id_), id_, '')
Esempio n. 20
def only_spaces(txt):
	"Does text contain ONLY spaces (or is empty)?"
	return ifelse(len(txt) and'[^ \t]', txt), False, True)