Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, config):
        irc.Bot.__init__(self, config.core)
        self.config = config
        """The ``Config`` for the current Willie instance."""
        self.doc = {}
        A dictionary of command names to their docstring and example, if
        declared. The first item in a callable's commands list is used as the
        key in version *3.2* onward. Prior to *3.2*, the name of the function
        as declared in the source code was used.
        self.stats = {}
        A dictionary which maps a tuple of a function name and where it was
        used to the nuber of times it was used there.
        self.times = {}
        A dictionary mapping lower-case'd nicks to dictionaries which map
        funtion names to the time which they were last used by that nick.
        self.acivity = {}

        self.server_capabilities = set()
        """A set containing the IRCv3 capabilities that the server supports.

        For servers that do not support IRCv3, this will be an empty set."""
        self.enabled_capabilities = set()
        """A set containing the IRCv3 capabilities that the bot has enabled."""
        self._cap_reqs = dict()
        """A dictionary of capability requests

        Maps the capability name to a list of tuples of the prefix ('-', '=',
        or ''), the name of the requesting module, and the function to call if
        the request is rejected."""

        self.privileges = dict()
        """A dictionary of channels to their users and privilege levels

        The value associated with each channel is a dictionary of Identifiers to a
        bitwise integer value, determined by combining the appropriate constants
        from `module`."""

        self.db = WillieDB(config)
        """The bot's database."""

        self.memory = tools.WillieMemory()
        A thread-safe dict for storage of runtime data to be shared between
        modules. See `WillieMemory <#tools.Willie.WillieMemory>`_

        self.scheduler = Willie.JobScheduler(self)

        #Set up block lists
        #Default to empty
        if not self.config.core.nick_blocks:
            self.config.core.nick_blocks = []
        if not self.config.core.nick_blocks:
            self.config.core.host_blocks = []
        #Add nicks blocked under old scheme, if present
        if self.config.core.other_bots:
            nicks = self.config.core.get_list('nick_blocks')
            bots = self.config.core.get_list('other_bots')
            self.config.core.nick_blocks = nicks
            self.config.core.other_bots = False

Esempio n. 2
def db():
    config = Config('', False)
    config.core.db_filename = db_filename
    db = WillieDB(config)
    # TODO add tests to ensure db creation works properly, too.
    return db
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, config, daemon=False):
        irc.Bot.__init__(self, config)
        self._daemon = daemon  # Used for iPython. TODO something saner here
        # `re.compile('.*') is re.compile('.*')` because of caching, so we need
        # to associate a list with each regex, since they are unexpectedly
        # indistinct.
        self._callables = {
            'high': collections.defaultdict(list),
            'medium': collections.defaultdict(list),
            'low': collections.defaultdict(list)
        self.config = config
        """The ``Config`` for the current Willie instance."""
        self.doc = {}
        A dictionary of command names to their docstring and example, if
        declared. The first item in a callable's commands list is used as the
        key in version *3.2* onward. Prior to *3.2*, the name of the function
        as declared in the source code was used.
        self.stats = {}
        A dictionary which maps a tuple of a function name and where it was
        used to the nuber of times it was used there.
        self.times = {}
        A dictionary mapping lower-case'd nicks to dictionaries which map
        funtion names to the time which they were last used by that nick.
        self.acivity = {}

        self.server_capabilities = set()
        """A set containing the IRCv3 capabilities that the server supports.

        For servers that do not support IRCv3, this will be an empty set."""
        self.enabled_capabilities = set()
        """A set containing the IRCv3 capabilities that the bot has enabled."""
        self._cap_reqs = dict()
        """A dictionary of capability requests

        Maps the capability name to a list of tuples of the prefix ('-', '=',
        or ''), the name of the requesting module, and the function to call if
        the request is rejected."""

        self.privileges = dict()
        """A dictionary of channels to their users and privilege levels

        The value associated with each channel is a dictionary of Identifiers to a
        bitwise integer value, determined by combining the appropriate constants
        from `module`."""

        self.db = WillieDB(config)
        """The bot's database."""

        self.memory = tools.WillieMemory()
        A thread-safe dict for storage of runtime data to be shared between
        modules. See `WillieMemory <#tools.Willie.WillieMemory>`_

        self.scheduler =

        # Set up block lists
        # Default to empty
        if not self.config.core.nick_blocks:
            self.config.core.nick_blocks = []
        if not self.config.core.nick_blocks:
            self.config.core.host_blocks = []