Esempio n. 1
def setup(bot=None):
    global url_finder, exclusion_char

    if not bot:

    if bot.config.has_option('url', 'exclude'):
        regexes = [re.compile(s) for s in
        regexes = []

    # We're keeping these in their own list, rather than putting then in the
    # callbacks list because 1, it's easier to deal with modules that are still
    # using this list, and not the newer callbacks list and 2, having a lambda
    # just to pass is kinda ugly.
    if not bot.memory.contains('url_exclude'):
        bot.memory['url_exclude'] = regexes
        exclude = bot.memory['url_exclude']
        if regexes:
        bot.memory['url_exclude'] = exclude

    # Ensure that url_callbacks and last_seen_url are in memory
    if not bot.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
        bot.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.WillieMemory()
    if not bot.memory.contains('last_seen_url'):
        bot.memory['last_seen_url'] = tools.WillieMemory()

    if bot.config.has_option('url', 'exclusion_char'):
        exclusion_char = bot.config.url.exclusion_char

    url_finder = re.compile(r'(?u)(%s?(?:http|https|ftp)(?:://\S+))' %
Esempio n. 2
def setup(bot):
    post_regex = re.compile(post_url)
    user_regex = re.compile(user_url)
    if not bot.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
        bot.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.WillieMemory()
    bot.memory['url_callbacks'][post_regex] = rpost_info
    bot.memory['url_callbacks'][user_regex] = redditor_info
Esempio n. 3
def setup(willie):
    user_regex = re.compile(r'player\.me\/(\w+)')
    feed_regex = re.compile(r'player\.me/feed/(\d+)')
    if not willie.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
        willie.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.WillieMemory()
    willie.memory['url_callbacks'][user_regex] = player_me_regex
    willie.memory['url_callbacks'][feed_regex] = player_me_feed
Esempio n. 4
def setup(bot):
    bot.config.define_section('wikipedia', WikipediaSection)

    regex = re.compile('([a-z]+).([^ ]+)')
    if not bot.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
        bot.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.WillieMemory()
    bot.memory['url_callbacks'][regex] = mw_info
Esempio n. 5
def setup(bot):
    # To early to use the good logger
        "YouTube is deprecating the v2 API soon. This will break the YouTube "
        "module. See")
    if not bot.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
        bot.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.WillieMemory()
    bot.memory['url_callbacks'][regex] = ytinfo
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, config):
        irc.Bot.__init__(self, config.core)
        self.config = config
        """The ``Config`` for the current Willie instance."""
        self.doc = {}
        *Removed in 3.1.2*

        A dictionary of module functions to their docstring and example, if
        declared. As of 3.1.2, this dict will be empty, and not updated.
        self.stats = {}
        A dictionary which maps a tuple of a function name and where it was
        used to the nuber of times it was used there.
        self.times = {}
        A dictionary mapping lower-case'd nicks to dictionaries which map
        funtion names to the time which they were last used by that nick.
        self.acivity = {}

        self.db = WillieDB(config)
        if self.db.check_table('locales', ['name'], 'name'):
            self.settings = self.db.locales
            self.db.preferences = self.db.locales
        elif self.db.check_table('preferences', ['name'], 'name'):
            self.settings = self.db.preferences
        elif self.db.type is not None:
            self.db.add_table('preferences', ['name'], 'name')
            self.settings = self.db.preferences

        self.memory = tools.WillieMemory()
        A thread-safe dict for storage of runtime data to be shared between
        modules. See `WillieMemory <#tools.Willie.WillieMemory>`_

        self.scheduler = Willie.JobScheduler(self)

        #Set up block lists
        #Default to empty
        if not self.config.core.nick_blocks:
            self.config.core.nick_blocks = []
        if not self.config.core.nick_blocks:
            self.config.core.host_blocks = []
        #Add nicks blocked under old scheme, if present
        if self.config.core.other_bots:
            nicks = self.config.core.get_list('nick_blocks')
            bots = self.config.core.get_list('other_bots')
            self.config.core.nick_blocks = nicks
            self.config.core.other_bots = False

Esempio n. 7
def setup(bot):
    global pattern_url
    pattern_url = bot.config.redmine.base_url
    if not pattern_url.endswith('/'):
        pattern_url = pattern_url + '/'
    redmine = re.compile(pattern_url + '(\S+)\/(\w+)')
    if not bot.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
        bot.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.WillieMemory()
    bot.memory['url_callbacks'][redmine] = redmine_url
Esempio n. 8
def setup(willie):
    if not willie.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
        willie.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.WillieMemory()
    willie.memory['url_callbacks'][regex] = issue_info
    willie.memory['url_callbacks'][repoRegex] = data_url
    willie.memory['url_callbacks'][commitRegex] = commit_info

    if willie.config.has_section('github') and willie.config.github.webhook:
Esempio n. 9
def setup(willie):
    if not willie.config.osu.api_key:
        raise ConfigurationError(
            'Could not configure the osu! module. Is the API key configured properly?'
    user_regex = re.compile('osu\.ppy\.sh/(u)/(\w+)')
    map_regex = re.compile('osu\.ppy\.sh/(s|b)/(\d+)')
    if not willie.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
        willie.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.WillieMemory()
    willie.memory['url_callbacks'][user_regex] = osu_user
    willie.memory['url_callbacks'][map_regex] = osu_beatmap
Esempio n. 10
def setup(willie):
        auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(willie.config.twitter.consumer_key, willie.config.twitter.consumer_secret)
        auth.set_access_token(willie.config.twitter.access_token, willie.config.twitter.access_token_secret)
        api = tweepy.API(auth)
        raise ConfigurationError('Could not authenticate with Twitter. Are the'
                                 ' API keys configured properly?')
    regex = re.compile('\/(\S*)\/status\/([\d]+)')
    if not willie.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
        willie.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.WillieMemory()
    willie.memory['url_callbacks'][regex] = gettweet
Esempio n. 11
def setup(bot):
    regexes = []
    if not (bot.config.has_option('bugzilla', 'domains')
            and bot.config.bugzilla.get_list('domains')):
    if not bot.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
        bot.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.WillieMemory()

    domains = '|'.join(bot.config.bugzilla.get_list('domains'))
    regex = re.compile((r'https?://(%s)'
                        '(id=\d+)') % domains)
    bot.memory['url_callbacks'][regex] = show_bug
Esempio n. 12
def setup(bot):
    global regex
    bot.config.define_section('bugzilla', BugzillaSection)

    if not
    if not bot.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
        bot.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.WillieMemory()

    domains = '|'.join(
    regex = re.compile((r'https?://(%s)'
                        '(id=\d+)') % domains)
    bot.memory['url_callbacks'][regex] = show_bug
Esempio n. 13
def setup(bot):
    Tests the validity of the client ID given in the configuration.
    If it is not, initializes willie's memory callbacks for imgur URLs,
    and uses them as the trigger for the link parsing function.
        client = ImgurClient(bot.config.imgur.client_id)
    except HTTPError:
        raise ConfigurationError(
            'Could not validate the client ID with Imgur. \
                                 Are you sure you set it up correctly?')
    imgur_regex = re.compile('(?:https?://)?(?:i\.)?imgur\.com/(.*)$')
    if not bot.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
        bot.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.WillieMemory()
    bot.memory['url_callbacks'][imgur_regex] = imgur
Esempio n. 14
def setup(bot):
    global url_finder, exclusion_char, api_url, api_key, api_user, api_private

    if bot.config.bookie.api_url:
            # say we have ""
            p = urlparse(bot.config.bookie.api_url)
            # ""
            api_url = p.scheme + '://' + p.netloc
            # "/prefix"
            prefix = p.path.split(api_suffix)[0]
            if prefix:
                api_url += prefix
            # "/api/v1/"
            api_url += api_suffix
            # the path element after api_suffix
            # that is, "admin"
            api_user = p.path.split(api_suffix)[1].split('/')[0]
            # "XXXXXX"
            api_key = p.query.split('=')[1]
        except Exception as e:
            raise ConfigurationError('Bookie api_url badly formatted: %s' %
        raise ConfigurationError('Bookie module not configured')

    api_private = validate_private(bot.config.bookie.private)
    if bot.config.has_option('url', 'exclusion_char'):
        exclusion_char = bot.config.url.exclusion_char

    url_finder = re.compile(
        r'(?u)(.*?)\s*(%s?(?:http|https|ftp)(?:://\S+)\s*(.*?))' %
        if not bot.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
            bot.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.WillieMemory()
        bot.memory['url_callbacks'][re.compile('.*')] = bmark
Esempio n. 15
    def __init__(self, config):
        irc.Bot.__init__(self, config.core)
        self.config = config
        """The ``Config`` for the current Willie instance."""
        self.doc = {}
        A dictionary of command names to their docstring and example, if
        declared. The first item in a callable's commands list is used as the
        key in version *3.2* onward. Prior to *3.2*, the name of the function
        as declared in the source code was used.
        self.stats = {}
        A dictionary which maps a tuple of a function name and where it was
        used to the nuber of times it was used there.
        self.times = {}
        A dictionary mapping lower-case'd nicks to dictionaries which map
        funtion names to the time which they were last used by that nick.
        self.acivity = {}

        self.server_capabilities = set()
        """A set containing the IRCv3 capabilities that the server supports.

        For servers that do not support IRCv3, this will be an empty set."""
        self.enabled_capabilities = set()
        """A set containing the IRCv3 capabilities that the bot has enabled."""
        self._cap_reqs = dict()
        """A dictionary of capability requests

        Maps the capability name to a list of tuples of the prefix ('-', '=',
        or ''), the name of the requesting module, and the function to call if
        the request is rejected."""

        self.privileges = dict()
        """A dictionary of channels to their users and privilege levels

        The value associated with each channel is a dictionary of Identifiers to a
        bitwise integer value, determined by combining the appropriate constants
        from `module`."""

        self.db = WillieDB(config)
        """The bot's database."""

        self.memory = tools.WillieMemory()
        A thread-safe dict for storage of runtime data to be shared between
        modules. See `WillieMemory <#tools.Willie.WillieMemory>`_

        self.scheduler = Willie.JobScheduler(self)

        #Set up block lists
        #Default to empty
        if not self.config.core.nick_blocks:
            self.config.core.nick_blocks = []
        if not self.config.core.nick_blocks:
            self.config.core.host_blocks = []
        #Add nicks blocked under old scheme, if present
        if self.config.core.other_bots:
            nicks = self.config.core.get_list('nick_blocks')
            bots = self.config.core.get_list('other_bots')
            self.config.core.nick_blocks = nicks
            self.config.core.other_bots = False

Esempio n. 16
    def __init__(self, config, daemon=False):
        irc.Bot.__init__(self, config)
        self._daemon = daemon  # Used for iPython. TODO something saner here
        # `re.compile('.*') is re.compile('.*')` because of caching, so we need
        # to associate a list with each regex, since they are unexpectedly
        # indistinct.
        self._callables = {
            'high': collections.defaultdict(list),
            'medium': collections.defaultdict(list),
            'low': collections.defaultdict(list)
        self.config = config
        """The ``Config`` for the current Willie instance."""
        self.doc = {}
        A dictionary of command names to their docstring and example, if
        declared. The first item in a callable's commands list is used as the
        key in version *3.2* onward. Prior to *3.2*, the name of the function
        as declared in the source code was used.
        self.stats = {}
        A dictionary which maps a tuple of a function name and where it was
        used to the nuber of times it was used there.
        self.times = {}
        A dictionary mapping lower-case'd nicks to dictionaries which map
        funtion names to the time which they were last used by that nick.
        self.acivity = {}

        self.server_capabilities = set()
        """A set containing the IRCv3 capabilities that the server supports.

        For servers that do not support IRCv3, this will be an empty set."""
        self.enabled_capabilities = set()
        """A set containing the IRCv3 capabilities that the bot has enabled."""
        self._cap_reqs = dict()
        """A dictionary of capability requests

        Maps the capability name to a list of tuples of the prefix ('-', '=',
        or ''), the name of the requesting module, and the function to call if
        the request is rejected."""

        self.privileges = dict()
        """A dictionary of channels to their users and privilege levels

        The value associated with each channel is a dictionary of Identifiers to a
        bitwise integer value, determined by combining the appropriate constants
        from `module`."""

        self.db = WillieDB(config)
        """The bot's database."""

        self.memory = tools.WillieMemory()
        A thread-safe dict for storage of runtime data to be shared between
        modules. See `WillieMemory <#tools.Willie.WillieMemory>`_

        self.scheduler =

        # Set up block lists
        # Default to empty
        if not self.config.core.nick_blocks:
            self.config.core.nick_blocks = []
        if not self.config.core.nick_blocks:
            self.config.core.host_blocks = []
Esempio n. 17
def setup(willie):
    regex = re.compile('*(?:\?|&)id\=([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)')
    if not willie.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
        willie.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.WillieMemory()
    willie.memory['url_callbacks'][regex] = safebooru_url
Esempio n. 18
def setup(bot):
    regex = re.compile('(\S*v=|[\w-]+)')
    if not bot.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
        bot.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.WillieMemory()
    bot.memory['url_callbacks'][regex] = ytinfo
Esempio n. 19
def setup(bot):
    if not bot.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
        bot.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.WillieMemory()
    bot.memory['url_callbacks'][regex] = ytinfo
Esempio n. 20
def setup(willie):
    regex = re.compile('((?:.+\.)?deviantart\.com/.*)')
    if not willie.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
        willie.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.WillieMemory()
    willie.memory['url_callbacks'][regex] = get_page_info
Esempio n. 21
def setup(bot):
    regex = re.compile(issueURL)
    if not bot.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
        bot.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.WillieMemory()
    bot.memory['url_callbacks'][regex] = issue_info
Esempio n. 22
def setup(willie):
    regex = re.compile('((www\.)?amazon\.com/[^ ]+)')
    if not willie.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
        willie.memory['url_callbacks'] = tools.WillieMemory()
    willie.memory['url_callbacks'][regex] = amazon_url