def _reconfigurePort(self): """Set communication parameters on opened port.""" if not self.hComPort: raise SerialException("Can only operate on a valid port handle") # Set Windows timeout values # timeouts is a tuple with the following items: # (ReadIntervalTimeout,ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier, # ReadTotalTimeoutConstant,WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier, # WriteTotalTimeoutConstant) if self._timeout is None: timeouts = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0) elif self._timeout == 0: timeouts = (win32.MAXDWORD, 0, 0, 0, 0) else: timeouts = (0, 0, int(self._timeout*1000), 0, 0) if self._timeout != 0 and self._interCharTimeout is not None: timeouts = (int(self._interCharTimeout * 1000),) + timeouts[1:] if self._writeTimeout is None: pass elif self._writeTimeout == 0: timeouts = timeouts[:-2] + (0, win32.MAXDWORD) else: timeouts = timeouts[:-2] + (0, int(self._writeTimeout*1000)) win32.SetCommTimeouts(self.hComPort, ctypes.byref(win32.COMMTIMEOUTS(*timeouts))) win32.SetCommMask(self.hComPort, win32.EV_ERR) # Setup the connection info. # Get state and modify it: comDCB = win32.DCB() win32.GetCommState(self.hComPort, ctypes.byref(comDCB)) comDCB.BaudRate = self._baudrate if self._bytesize == FIVEBITS: comDCB.ByteSize = 5 elif self._bytesize == SIXBITS: comDCB.ByteSize = 6 elif self._bytesize == SEVENBITS: comDCB.ByteSize = 7 elif self._bytesize == EIGHTBITS: comDCB.ByteSize = 8 else: raise ValueError("Unsupported number of data bits: %r" % self._bytesize) if self._parity == PARITY_NONE: comDCB.Parity = win32.NOPARITY comDCB.fParity = 0 # Disable Parity Check elif self._parity == PARITY_EVEN: comDCB.Parity = win32.EVENPARITY comDCB.fParity = 1 # Enable Parity Check elif self._parity == PARITY_ODD: comDCB.Parity = win32.ODDPARITY comDCB.fParity = 1 # Enable Parity Check elif self._parity == PARITY_MARK: comDCB.Parity = win32.MARKPARITY comDCB.fParity = 1 # Enable Parity Check elif self._parity == PARITY_SPACE: comDCB.Parity = win32.SPACEPARITY comDCB.fParity = 1 # Enable Parity Check else: raise ValueError("Unsupported parity mode: %r" % self._parity) if self._stopbits == STOPBITS_ONE: comDCB.StopBits = win32.ONESTOPBIT elif self._stopbits == STOPBITS_ONE_POINT_FIVE: comDCB.StopBits = win32.ONE5STOPBITS elif self._stopbits == STOPBITS_TWO: comDCB.StopBits = win32.TWOSTOPBITS else: raise ValueError("Unsupported number of stop bits: %r" % self._stopbits) comDCB.fBinary = 1 # Enable Binary Transmission # Char. w/ Parity-Err are replaced with 0xff (if fErrorChar is set to TRUE) if self._rtscts: comDCB.fRtsControl = win32.RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE elif self._rtsToggle: comDCB.fRtsControl = win32.RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE else: comDCB.fRtsControl = self._rtsState if self._dsrdtr: comDCB.fDtrControl = win32.DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE else: comDCB.fDtrControl = self._dtrState if self._rtsToggle: comDCB.fOutxCtsFlow = 0 else: comDCB.fOutxCtsFlow = self._rtscts comDCB.fOutxDsrFlow = self._dsrdtr comDCB.fOutX = self._xonxoff comDCB.fInX = self._xonxoff comDCB.fNull = 0 comDCB.fErrorChar = 0 comDCB.fAbortOnError = 0 comDCB.XonChar = XON comDCB.XoffChar = XOFF if not win32.SetCommState(self.hComPort, ctypes.byref(comDCB)): raise ValueError("Cannot configure port, some setting was wrong. Original message: %r" % ctypes.WinError())
def _reconfigure_port(self): """Set communication parameters on opened port.""" if not self._port_handle: raise SerialException("Can only operate on a valid port handle") # Set Windows timeout values # timeouts is a tuple with the following items: # (ReadIntervalTimeout,ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier, # ReadTotalTimeoutConstant,WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier, # WriteTotalTimeoutConstant) timeouts = win32.COMMTIMEOUTS() if self._timeout is None: pass # default of all zeros is OK elif self._timeout == 0: timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = win32.MAXDWORD else: timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = max(int(self._timeout * 1000), 1) if self._timeout != 0 and self._inter_byte_timeout is not None: timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = max( int(self._inter_byte_timeout * 1000), 1) if self._write_timeout is None: pass elif self._write_timeout == 0: timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = win32.MAXDWORD else: timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = max( int(self._write_timeout * 1000), 1) win32.SetCommTimeouts(self._port_handle, ctypes.byref(timeouts)) win32.SetCommMask(self._port_handle, win32.EV_ERR) # Setup the connection info. # Get state and modify it: comDCB = win32.DCB() win32.GetCommState(self._port_handle, ctypes.byref(comDCB)) comDCB.BaudRate = self._baudrate if self._bytesize == serial.FIVEBITS: comDCB.ByteSize = 5 elif self._bytesize == serial.SIXBITS: comDCB.ByteSize = 6 elif self._bytesize == serial.SEVENBITS: comDCB.ByteSize = 7 elif self._bytesize == serial.EIGHTBITS: comDCB.ByteSize = 8 else: raise ValueError("Unsupported number of data bits: {!r}".format( self._bytesize)) if self._parity == serial.PARITY_NONE: comDCB.Parity = win32.NOPARITY comDCB.fParity = 0 # Disable Parity Check elif self._parity == serial.PARITY_EVEN: comDCB.Parity = win32.EVENPARITY comDCB.fParity = 1 # Enable Parity Check elif self._parity == serial.PARITY_ODD: comDCB.Parity = win32.ODDPARITY comDCB.fParity = 1 # Enable Parity Check elif self._parity == serial.PARITY_MARK: comDCB.Parity = win32.MARKPARITY comDCB.fParity = 1 # Enable Parity Check elif self._parity == serial.PARITY_SPACE: comDCB.Parity = win32.SPACEPARITY comDCB.fParity = 1 # Enable Parity Check else: raise ValueError("Unsupported parity mode: {!r}".format( self._parity)) if self._stopbits == serial.STOPBITS_ONE: comDCB.StopBits = win32.ONESTOPBIT elif self._stopbits == serial.STOPBITS_ONE_POINT_FIVE: comDCB.StopBits = win32.ONE5STOPBITS elif self._stopbits == serial.STOPBITS_TWO: comDCB.StopBits = win32.TWOSTOPBITS else: raise ValueError("Unsupported number of stop bits: {!r}".format( self._stopbits)) comDCB.fBinary = 1 # Enable Binary Transmission # Char. w/ Parity-Err are replaced with 0xff (if fErrorChar is set to TRUE) if self._rs485_mode is None: if self._rtscts: comDCB.fRtsControl = win32.RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE else: comDCB.fRtsControl = win32.RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE if self._rts_state else win32.RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE comDCB.fOutxCtsFlow = self._rtscts else: # checks for unsupported settings # XXX verify if platform really does not have a setting for those if not self._rs485_mode.rts_level_for_tx: raise ValueError( 'Unsupported value for RS485Settings.rts_level_for_tx: {!r}' .format(self._rs485_mode.rts_level_for_tx, )) if self._rs485_mode.rts_level_for_rx: raise ValueError( 'Unsupported value for RS485Settings.rts_level_for_rx: {!r}' .format(self._rs485_mode.rts_level_for_rx, )) if self._rs485_mode.delay_before_tx is not None: raise ValueError( 'Unsupported value for RS485Settings.delay_before_tx: {!r}' .format(self._rs485_mode.delay_before_tx, )) if self._rs485_mode.delay_before_rx is not None: raise ValueError( 'Unsupported value for RS485Settings.delay_before_rx: {!r}' .format(self._rs485_mode.delay_before_rx, )) if self._rs485_mode.loopback: raise ValueError( 'Unsupported value for RS485Settings.loopback: {!r}'. format(self._rs485_mode.loopback, )) comDCB.fRtsControl = win32.RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE comDCB.fOutxCtsFlow = 0 if self._dsrdtr: comDCB.fDtrControl = win32.DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE else: comDCB.fDtrControl = win32.DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE if self._dtr_state else win32.DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE comDCB.fOutxDsrFlow = self._dsrdtr comDCB.fOutX = self._xonxoff comDCB.fInX = self._xonxoff comDCB.fNull = 0 comDCB.fErrorChar = 0 comDCB.fAbortOnError = 0 comDCB.XonChar = serial.XON comDCB.XoffChar = serial.XOFF if not win32.SetCommState(self._port_handle, ctypes.byref(comDCB)): raise SerialException( 'Cannot configure port, something went wrong. ' 'Original message: {!r}'.format(ctypes.WinError()))